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I wouldn't be surprised if it's Laurel's decision, completely on her own, to bring Sara back.  Nyssa's the only one I could really see her going to for help, but I don't think Nyssa would go along with it, mostly because, if she'd believed bringing Sara back was the right thing to do, she would have said something back when she first found out Sara died.

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What if it's Thea who helps to bring Sara back?  It's not as likely as it being Laurel, but if Thea is haunted by Sara's ghost and a bit crazy from being in the Lazarus Pit herself, and she goes to Laurel and the two of them take Sara back to Nanda Parbat and Thea pressures her bio-dad into putting Sara in to the LP. Or maybe she just distracts him while Laurel convinces Nyssa to do it.

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My first thought was that maybe Quentin was going to be involved in bringing Sara back and he made a deal with the devil (Damien Dahrk) to make it happen. But now I'm not so sure. It definitely seems like it's Laurel who is the driving force, which makes sense, but I wonder what's going to happen to even make that a possibility. Like who will actually say 'Oh, let's bring Sara back from the dead today!' Something has to happen to get them to that point. 

I think we are going to find out that Thea suffers a lot of guilt for what she did to Sara and I think in part the reason given for why Laurel will bring back Sara is to unselfishly help Thea.  It will IMO just be an excuse for Laurel but I'm expecting it to be used. 


At the end of the season, did Laurel even know that Thea had been in the LP?  What if she only finds out about it this season?


From a meta standpoint I'm laughing about how they are making sure Laurel get credit for Sara's return since from a Meta standpoint most blame Laurel for her death anyway.  I don't think they will understand that Laurel can still be blamed for being a fool even to attempt to bring her back, even if I am very happy to have Sara come back.  I really wish they would stop making Laurel do stupid things.  It makes finding her "problematic" all too easy.  


Yeah, based on the TV Show, no way in hell Constantine would bring Sara (or anyone) back from the dead. He's very anti-ressurection magic because it comes at a cost, usually taking a life for a life.

And suddenly I'm concerned for Quentin. Or Sin.  I just have a feeling that they will be happy to heap more pain on Sara before they send her over to LoT. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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CL could be in town for a million reasons. I think the theory of her haunting people's thoughts might be an option. I can't see her in FB, unless they are not OQ's which doesn't seem likely this early in the season. And I don't see her involved in OQ's FBs at this point.


Most likely LL will bring her back for selfish reasons. Which I think will only hurt LL's character more. I am not a huge fan of her as BC, but they do seem to be doing their best to make it hard to like her for a few seasons now.  So its on trend that she would go against everyone's advice or explicit/implicit directions and LP SL. Maybe that's why they never told her about TQ & LP because they know she would use the information for all the wrong reasons. I feel like LL is starting to be the character you don't immediately tell things to, because she always jumps the gun & fails to really think through her decisions/choices.


I think Constantine will be used to help return SL to being Sara & not just some back from the dead crazy person. He'll "resurrect" her soul. Whereas LL will only "resurrect" her body, likely 1 or 2 eps earlier. It will be interesting to see how they address not using the pit to bring back Moira & Tommy that MG alluded to in his tumblr chat. I don't want it used as a simple way to fix characters that perhaps should not have been killed for plot only.

Edited by kismet
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First, I hate myself for being sucked back in and slowly coming back to the idea of casually watching this show again, only to come and read guggies idiotic comments.

I am so meh on revisiting the whole "can oliver be a vigilante and be with Felicity" thing. We have seen this coming since the moment Amell hinted at NYCC he would hang up the hood at the end of s3.

I will say, the really REALLY evil side of me hopes Sara (resurrected sara) keeps appearing around Laurel and trying to talk to her, but Laurel thinks it's hallucinations a la vertigo or something. Just because that sounds like something Laurel would do. Imagine it, she brings in Constantine only to have him be all like, "um, actually, that's a real person."

Really not looking forward to much outside og TA. And my dread of the stupidity still has a damper on any excitement.

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^^I think you're right about the non-OQ FB, I remember it being somewhere in that number range. I think they will be someone LoT related which will either be SL or RP. Fingers crossed for SL, cuz I would love to see her rescue from Lian Yu or LOA origins. But its way too soon for CL to be filming/rehearsing that right now in VC

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am so meh on revisiting the whole "can oliver be a vigilante and be with Felicity" thing. We have seen this coming since the moment Amell hinted at NYCC he would hang up the hood at the end of s3.


I guess the way I look at it is that Oliver has decided, yes, he can, and now we just get to watch the HOW he can be a vigilante and be with Felicity as he is figuring it out.  Same goes for Felicity too. She has a lot of different responsibilities.  Finding a balance is going to take some trial and error.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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Yeah, Guggie mentioned in one of the video interviews from SDCC that the first non-Oliver flashback is 408.


Here's more recent info:


1. The same pap that took Caity's photo arriving in Vancouver said she filmed one day of 403, and then left:



2. Katrina Law also left town yesterday:



So Caity is in 403 very briefly. 404 doesn't start shooting until Tuesday.

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Is it me or have they added 1-2 days to the filming schedule for the last 2 episodes?  Unless there are Canadian Holidays going on?  


ETA: Looks like the first 3 episodes filmed 9-10 days (unless there were holidays involved which is always possible).  Which is up from the 8 days they normally filmed last year.


I also noticed that they seem to overlap shoot days this season.  Last day of filming previous episode and first day of filming next episode are the same day, at least according to the script cover pages.  So I guess that means they'll start filming 404 on Monday?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I'm thinking Laurel brings Sara back or wants to and Oliver knowing Sara better than her own sister knows that Sara would not want that. If she's finally at peace they should let her have that. 

I immediately thought of BTVS when Buffy dies saving the world and then Willow brings her back using magic. Then in the musical episode (where truths are revealed through song), while the Scooby gang is patting themselves on the back, Buffy reveals that she was pulled out of Heaven where she was finally at peace and now hates being back on earth.


So I also wonder if the Arrow EPs will do something similar - where Sara hates being back but gradually comes to terms with it (by the time LoT debuts).

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They have talked a lot about increasing the action. Maybe the extra days are for the stunts.

They need to make the stunts better, not just more.  And personally I want awesomely-executed simple stunts (Oliver parkouring while running, the scene where he goes in after Walter), rather than big florid ridiculous stunts (batcrap crazy/stupid motorcycle jousting).


 Do we know anything about Nyssa? What if she winds up being the life traded... Would explain her not being on LOT with Sara, plus really cause Sara to be pissed at whoever brought her back.

Genius speculation.

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I vote for Malcolm being the life traded!


I think Sara would be pissed if anyone died to bring her back. 

Sara's awesomeness should probably require multiple lives in trade.  I'm thinking Malcolm AND Quentin (they permanently ruined him for me when he crowed to Oliver about Roy dying and decked a handcuffed prisoner...abusive cops are the WORST).

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I don't think Nyssa is in any danger just yet. MG said last year that they couldn't bare killing Nyssa because they love Katrina (that's kinda their thing) and while Nyssa isn't as popular as Sara I think that there would still be a decent amount of backlash for fridging a gay female person of colour and Nyssara shippers would get wicked angry.

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I don't think we will be getting the same Sara back as the one who died. There has been enough hints in the LOT interviews that Sara will be a mixture of villain and a hero as well as the most dangerous member of LOT and that the heroes on the team would be averse to her being on the team (more specific Ray according to Brandon's interview)


Most probably she will be resurrected towards end of episode 3 (titled restoration and caity filmed for a day or two) and episode 4 will be her going full on crazy  and killing a bunch of people (Nyssa being on top of the list). Oliver realizes that his arrows and bows are not enough and calls his "old friend" Constantine by episode 5 who does his thing and restores Sara's soul partially. Sara would still be half deranged and dangerous and a caution tale against fiddling with further resurrections ( answering Tommy and Moira questions).

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I don't think we will be getting the same Sara back as the one who died. There has been enough hints in the LOT interviews that Sara will be a mixture of villain and a hero as well as the most dangerous member of LOT and that the heroes on the team would be averse to her being on the team (more specific Ray according to Brandon's interview)


Most probably she will be resurrected towards end of episode 3 (titled restoration and caity filmed for a day or two) and episode 4 will be her going full on crazy  and killing a bunch of people (Nyssa being on top of the list). Oliver realizes that his arrows and bows are not enough and calls his "old friend" Constantine by episode 5 who does his thing and restores Sara's soul partially. Sara would still be half deranged and dangerous and a caution tale against fiddling with further resurrections ( answering Tommy and Moira questions).



So who gets resurrected in 405?  Because they specifically said 405 has a resurrection

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I'm back to thinking Restoration is about Thea and her post LP issues.  KL/MM and even CL being in the episode could support that scenario.  Sara could be flashbacks to her death (from Thea's memories/nightmares/POV) or Sara could be a "ghost" haunting Thea.

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I really hope Sara's resurrection storyline doesn't take up a whole lot of time. I know 4A is devoted to getting LoT off the ground, but I'm sick of show time being devoted to people who aren't even going to be on it after December.



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I'm much more okay with them spending time on Sara's story than on Ray's.  Admittedly that's largely because I hate Ray the Cane Toad's guts, but also, he means nothing to Arrow.  His entire existence was barely a blip.  He changed nothing, meant nothing, did nothing.  Sara, on the other hand, has been a huge presence in major storylines even when she wasn't there. 

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Sara's resurrection story is the only reason I'm even watching this year. Not sure if I will continue afer LOT starts up. Depends on if they can fix last years mess, which I only half watched.


Same for me. Whatever episode Sara shows up in, is the episode I start watching. 

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I'm only watching specific episodes of Arrow from now on.  So anything that is Felicity, Diggle or Sara centric will get watched.  Anything that has a guest star I love (Matt Ryan/Constantine) I'll watch but probably on DVR since it has the potential to be Laurel heavy.  I'll also watch the Flarrow crossover to see what these new characters are all about and see if I really want to invest in LoT.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Has Brandon been spotted in Vancouver?


If Sara is resurrected in 4X05, then the episode will also be covering the fallout of the resurrection, whatever that is. And after that  Constantine will be there to deal with the fallout. If this sequence is maintained (considering that Constantine doesn't want to do anything with resurrecting the dead) then he wouldn't appear in the episode before halfway which I don't think the EPs would want. Hence, the consequences would be covered in 4X04 and the 5th episode will have Constantine from the start trying to contain the situation. At least that's my hypothesis. 

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Well, I watch all the eps, and I just can't with more Lance drama. Sara's resurrection won't be about Sara, it'll be about Laurel and Quentin, both of whom I would rather not watch more of if I don't have to. I mean, there's nothing to be done about it at this point - just expressing frustration over it. 

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I imagine that they meant more that all the set up for Legends that's going to happen on Arrow will happen in the first seven episodes, not that the first seven episodes will be dedicated, completely, to setting up for Legends.

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Sara's resurrection story is the only reason I'm even watching this year. Not sure if I will continue afer LOT starts up. Depends on if they can fix last years mess, which I only half watched.


Also same here. If Sara's resurrection story was being done on LoT I wouldn't even be bothering to watch Arrow this season.

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Yeah, I didn't think it was going to be all LoT all the time, but I definitely wouldn't be looking forward to a 3-ep resurrection arc, if that is indeed what happens like some have speculated. It's not that I don't want Sara coming back, it's just that the sooner she comes back, the more time we have for maximum Lance family dramatics, and....ugh. No. 

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I think in past seasons Sara's resurrection would be all about Laurel, Quentin, and Oliver.  But Sara/CL are in a different position now.  The EPs were pretty much forced to bring her back bc people loved her and were so pissed that they killed her.  (And I do not care what Guggie says, they were NOT planning to bring her back before the outcry.)  She's a major part of a spinoff.  Sara's no longer a character they can crap all over and have get whupped by her sister after her sister takes a few boxing lessons.  They have to set her up, just her, not all the Lances, in a pretty big way for the spinoff.  So while I am sure Laurel and Quentin will be in the mix, it might actually end up being her story this time.


As far as I'm concerned the remaining members of the Lance family except Sara, including Mama Lance who knew Sara was dead and didn't bother to tell her father (what the hell was that, anyway), can all die.  I hate Quentin, don't care about Laurel, and dislike/don't care about Dinah.  I often think Sara had to have been adopted, because the rest of her family just stinks. 

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I have a Lance viewing policy. Anything that is heavily promoted as a Laurel episode I skip. I didn't watch Sara, Guilty or the BC-arc. I love the DVR too. By the end of the last season, I was waiting for reaction before watching so I could FF what I didn't care about.


I'm thinking I'm going to be using the FF a lot during Sara's resurrection. I don't care about Laurel or Quentin, but I want to watch all of Sara's other interactions.

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I don't know, I'm just cynical since MG said that ep 5 will have significant Oliver/Laurel interaction and significant Laurel/Constantine interaction. Maybe that's before Sara's actually brought back? I don't think they have to set her up majorly for the spinoff at all. We already know her - better than any of the other characters that are going to be on LoT. All they really have to do is establish that she's not the same Sara that she used to be, and show her struggling with that (they can explore the resolution on the new show). Who's going to have issues with her not being herself? Her family - and they're the ones who are actually staying on Arrow. That's my concern about it. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Yeah, I didn't think it was going to be all LoT all the time, but I definitely wouldn't be looking forward to a 3-ep resurrection arc, if that is indeed what happens like some have speculated. It's not that I don't want Sara coming back, it's just that the sooner she comes back, the more time we have for maximum Lance family dramatics, and....ugh. No. 


 I like Sara and wish we could swap Laurel out for her when she comes back. That said, I have no interest in LoT, so I wish the first half of S4 wasn't being used to set it up. I understand why it's necessary, but I can't say I'm excited about it. Also, like you, apinknightmare, my excitement for having Sara back is tempered by the fact that it puts Laurel and Lance family drama front and center for a bit. Fix it, Jesus.

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Well, I watch all the eps, and I just can't with more Lance drama. Sara's resurrection won't be about Sara, it'll be about Laurel and Quentin, both of whom I would rather not watch more of if I don't have to. I mean, there's nothing to be done about it at this point - just expressing frustration over it. 


This is basically me. I like Sara though but I agree that her resurrection will be less about her and more about Laurel and Quentin and everyone else and I'm so over that. 

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I'm wondering what they are going to do about Ray. As far as I know, BR hasn't been spotted in Vancouver. I orginally thought the storys would ran at the same time. So-and-so working with Sara and Felicity/Mr. Terrific on Ray, but now I'm thinking Ray will be brought back after. Probably right before the crossover.

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Well, the latest post in the SPOILERS ONLY thread doesn't make me feel any better about my concerns regarding the Sara storyline, haha. 



So-and-so working with Sara and Felicity/Mr. Terrific on Ray, but now I'm thinking Ray will be brought back after. Probably right before the crossover.


I thought WM said at Comic Con (during her interview with SA and EBR with IGN) that the Ray issue gets resolved pretty early on? Like in the first two or three eps? Or, maybe Felicity figures out that he's shrunken and not dead, or what she needs to do to bring him back, but hasn't done it yet for whatever reason? But yeah, she said it was addressed early. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I missed the early on part. I just figured it would be resolved when we see BR again and since he hasn't been on set...But maybe he is filming small. They could green screen him then I would think. I would need a scene of Oliver contemplating stepping on him tho.

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I know the life for a life thing is just speculation, but I think it could happen that someone else has to die for Sara to live. Someone on this thread said that MG said they would be addressing why, if Sara's being brought back, why they couldn't use it for Moira and Tommy as well. Sara's resurrection having a deep cost, such as another life, would pretty effectively put a lid on further resurrections.

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