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Ugh. I know we haven't really seen Ra's yet. But I would be more afriad of Nyssa than Ra's based off of those photos alone.


Ra's is a complete letdown for me based on these pics. Nyssa looks more intimidating. I hope I'm wrong. 


Didn't MG also say we'd need a Xanax after the Olicity scene? That doesn't bode well for me. I really need someone - anyone - to call Oliver on his shit when he makes these pronouncements about how he and apparently all heroes, have to be alone and miserable for the rest of their lives. I would have loved if Barry had responded with, "Yeah, no, that's dumb. Heroes always get the girl." Come on, Dig! You're the truth telling relationship counselor.


I have no idea why Laurel would be anywhere near a costume right now unless it's to fool someone - Quentin, Ra's, etc. - into believing Sara is still alive. And if she does that to her father, she will be dead to me. (That was a melodramatic statement. Jeez, self.)

Edited by calliope1975
  • Love 6

So something is going to happen that will force Laurel to get a costume in ep.9. But one she won't actually wear unitl ep.10. Any thoughts?

I wonder if Dinah and Quentin start to get suspicious about where Sara is, so she suits up for a Canary sighting. Doesn't exactly solve the problem of them maybe wondering why she hasn't been in contact, but if she goes to those lengths to keep that secret, it'll be terrible. Hope this isn't how it pans out.

I wonder if Dinah and Quentin start to get suspicious about where Sara is, so she suits up for a Canary sighting. Doesn't exactly solve the problem of them maybe wondering why she hasn't been in contact, but if she goes to those lengths to keep that secret, it'll be terrible. Hope this isn't how it pans out.

That was my thought, since we know Dinah is in the ep.


Honestly I just...I keep trying to examine the *plot reason* for Laurel keeping this thing secret, since it is such a bizarre choice for the character. So far there is nothing they've done that wouldn't have gone down exactly the same if she'd told Quentin and Dinah. What is the point of this audience-alienating choice for a character who cannot afford to alienate the audience further?


So what is coming *up* that requires it? And the only thing I can think is, well, they need Laurel to have to pretend to be Sara, because that's the only way they can justify a costume for her.

  • Love 7

mm I think it's just Oliver disappearing makes her feel compelled to step into his shoes. I think Quentin and Dinah will find out in episode 9

I would kind of hate if she works with the team when Oliver leaves. I mean, she doesn't want to work with his team, she even said so herself. I even think that with the way she said it she still feels as though they're his subordinates which isn't really cool. I don't want her going all "I'm the captain now" or whatever on team Arrow. Please please please don't let this happen! I also hope that Dinah/Quentin find out and not have Laurel dress up as canary to pose as her sister because that would just make her the shittiest person in the world. 

  • Love 4

I'm not sure that having Laurel pretend to be Sara while still keeping the murder a secret from her parents will exactly make the audience feel any warm fuzzy feelings towards her.  So yeah, this could totally be it. 


Didn't SA say he would have a good reason for being shirtless in episode 9?  Not sure what that would be, but I'm not complaining. 

I would kind of hate if she works with the team when Oliver leaves. I mean, she doesn't want to work with his team, she even said so herself. I even think that with the way she said it she still feels as though they're his subordinates which isn't really cool. I don't want her going all "I'm the captain now" or whatever on team Arrow. Please please please don't let this happen! I also hope that Dinah/Quentin find out and not have Laurel dress up as canary to pose as her sister because that would just make her the shittiest person in the world. 

I'm not sure if she will work with Team Arrow she might work solo at first. I guess we'll wait and see on that. There were a few pictures of her and Roy but that don't really mean anything.  But I really doubt Laurel is going to dress up as Canary to trick them. That sounds ridiculous even for Arrow and will probably make people really dislike Laurel.

Edited by ban1o

So are we thinking that Oliver actually joins the LoA?!

He probably goes with Ra's in exchange for Ra's not following through on his threat to kill people in Starling City. Or in exchange for not killing/hurting Thea if she's the killer.

If he "joins," he must do it because he thinks he doesn't have a choice.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

So are we thinking that Oliver actually joins the LoA?!


That might be awesome if we actually get to see any of it.  Like I've said a bunch of times before, they could technically do it by flashing back to "one month earlier" or whatever in episode 10 to show Oliver fighting and training with the League. But, I think we might be going the "everyone thinks he's dead" route.  I just really don't know anymore, is what I'm trying to say.  If he joins the League, I'm worried about him coming back even damaged than he was from his five years of hell from Lian Yu/Hong Kong/Russia :( 

  • Love 1

So are we thinking that Oliver actually joins the LoA?!


If it's in exchange for Ra's sparing Thea's life [whether she killed Sara or not is irrelevant imo]? Yeah, he'd totally do that.


ETA: I wonder if thinking Oliver is dead is Laurel's motivation for suiting up. Figuring out the killer doesn't give her motivation, especially if it's Thea. But I can see these EPs thinking that if Team Arrow and Laurel think Oliver is dead, then they'll work together against Brick. I don't like it, but yeah, I can't think of any other option beside impersonating Sara, and that is just too cruel and too awful a thing to do to Quentin and Dinah.

Edited by dancingnancy

Being 'taken' by the LoA is one thing but going willingly implies that he's going to be at their bidding which suggests he joins. Obviously he doesn't want to and he's sacrificing himself for the safety of his family and the city but my guess is this was Ra's plan all along. He wanted Oliver as an asset.

Oh yeah. Ra's is definitely manipulating him. If Thea's DNA is on the arrow that killed Sara, I wonder if he somehow planted it to get to this point in some way, knowing that Oliver would do what he wanted to save her and/or the city. Yes, that would require a LOT of things to go his way, but I wouldn't put it past this show to go that route.

  • Love 2

Oh, definitely. At this point, I think the least stupid solution for the mess that is Sara's murder mystery is if Ra's behind it all along because he wanted Oliver under his thumb. Bonus for showing Nyssa who's the boss, and if he's framing Thea for it, also messing with Malcolm.


[And if Ra's used Zombie Tommy to do it, it affects everyone, including Laurel. And now I've jinxed it.]

  • Love 3

In the new sneak peek Oliver is all like "woe is me" "my life sucks" lol. he's so grumpy all the time.

He's been looking Roy G. Biv in the eyes for years. At least he admitted he's not emotionally healthy (just looking for a plus here).

He's such a grumpy asshole all the time, but I'm still rooting for him for some reason.

  • Love 4

Those promo pics.  LOL  If I were to write an episode summary based solely on those 25 pictures it would go something like this.


Oliver and Ra's stand around.  Oliver stares at Ra's.  Ra's stares at Oliver.  Nyssa watches Oliver and Ra's stare at each other.  Oliver stares at Nyssa.  Oliver returns to stare at Ra's.  Sometimes they are shirtless.  Staring.

  • Love 6

If Tatsu is still alive (AND SHE BETTER BE, I SWEAR), I wonder if she's in the League? If so, could she be Sara's killer? Sara would know her, and she's shorter so the arrow trajectory would make some sense. I don't know.


Or maybe Ra's saw a valuable target in Maseo like he sees in Oliver (wasn't that a spoiler? Ra's seeing potential in Oliver? I can't remember) and convinced him to cut ties with his family, or maybe he gave himself over to save his wife or son (HK parallel). Did Waller make him do it? She has to play into it somehow.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 3

So Maseo is alive and uses black arrows and works for the LOA so Sara would have known him. Add another suspect to the list. Wack-o-mole killer continues.


I'm just catching up on everything but two random Flash things from last night.


Baby mama is not wearing any type of ring. I was really hoping she was going to show up with her fiancé and adoption papers but I guess not. She'll show back up at the end of the season just in time for Oliver to get his nonsense together from this season.


I think the important part of Oliver's speech to Barry last night was that "You have to let her go for both your sakes".  Like a bunch of you guys have theorized up thread I think the 3X09 speech is going to be Oliver letting go of Felicity and his humanity so he can go be the Arrow with LOA. He'll tell her how he feels and then tell her he has to let her go so he can survive.


At the rate they are going through tropes maybe by the end of the year we'll get back to original stories because there won't be any left.

  • Love 4

I still think Waller plays into it. She is the most evil of all evil things I swear. I feel it! 


I always thought Maseo and the kid end up dead and Tatsu becomes Katana to avenge them. At least that's my guessing from the stuff I've read about the comics. I don't have any prior knowledge about that so I could be wrong. But it's definitely a twist on things if Maseo has been alive with the LoA all along. Maybe something similar happened to him. He had to sacrifice himself for his family and they think he's dead. 

EDIT: Yeah, ok, I just saw all the spoiler pics and that is definitely Maseo so what the hell happened?! 


They are really giving nothing else away with those pictures apart from Ra's and the bare chested fight. I'm actually glad most of it will be a surprise for once.

Edited by Guest

The pictures look somewhat...ridiculous. I mean Nyssa always looks fabulous and yay for Maseo (although dude what are you doing with Ra's) but, the standing around half naked is...erm.

But anyway I'm sure the action will be good. Looks like he's actually there as in there, so I wonder if he has the meeting and stays or has it, then returns for the fern. I mean it thrives in low light, and Oliver could reason there's plenty of light therefore he needs it.

ETA: Oh wait, just checked, there's a meeting and then he leaves for sword fun in the Alps.

Edited by Limbo

I always thought Maseo and the kid end up dead and Tatsu becomes Katana to avenge them. At least that's my guessing from the stuff I've read about the comics. I don't have any prior knowledge about that so I could be wrong. But it's definitely a twist on things if Maseo has been alive with the LoA all along. Maybe something similar happened to him. He had to sacrifice himself for his family and they think he's dead.

EDIT: Yeah, ok, I just saw all the spoiler pics and that is definitely Maseo so what the hell happened?! 


Yeah based on the comics I definitely thought Maseo and the kid would die. I'm genuinely surprised he's still alive and working with the LoA. I agree that he might have had to sacrifice himself.

  • Love 1

Now I have no idea what Maseo is doing with the LoA. Chalk that up to yet another thing that the show is doing very differently from the comics.


I don't know if this next comment belongs here or in the Bitterness Thread?


The show has veered from 'canon' plenty of times and continues to do so. Why can't it have that attitude when it comes to Laurel as BC?



Back to the other spoilers:

- I would love to see Thea and Felicity interact.

- I would love to see Felicity and Malcolm interact

- but if this is also just for during the Trilogy, then I'll wait for the Tumblr and YouTube clips

- There are many options for how Oliver could be with the LoA... I'm interested in how that plays out


If Diggle and Lyla get married while Oliver is gone, then I will be extremely ticked off.

  • Love 3

Laurel Brown said on twitter that Barry gives Oliver some advice at the end of 3x08 possibly about Oliver/Felicity. Maybe Barry tells Oliver that he can get the girl or something. Which could possibly set this up: 


In my best case scenario, Oliver and Felicity make declarations to each other and both realize that they CAN be together and want to be and will fight for it, you know, after Oliver gets back from wherever. And then they are tragically torn apart.


I keep going back and forth on which way it'll go though...

  • Love 1

If Maseo killed Sara it's total bull shit. Sorry but it's the lamest mystery storytelling, because you imply a connection between the characters, which means the audience should know about the connection prior to the murder.

Saying 9 episodes after the murder oh hey, we never told you this but hah this character we just introduced in S3, that you never once saw interact with Sara actually did know her and was the one that killed her....aren't we clever?!

  • Love 3

If Maseo killed Sara it's total bull shit. Sorry but it's the lamest mystery storytelling, because you imply a connection between the characters, which means the audience should know about the connection prior to the murder.

Saying 9 episodes after the murder oh hey, we never told you this but hah this character we just introduced in S3, that you never once saw interact with Sara actually did know her and was the one that killed her....aren't we clever?!


Has anything about the way this mystery has been handled implied that it won't be lame though? The whole thing is terrible.

  • Love 2

Yeah based on the comics I definitely thought Maseo and the kid would die. I'm genuinely surprised he's still alive and working with the LoA. I agree that he might have had to sacrifice himself.

A while back it was speculated that maybe this was part of a larger ARGUS plot to take down the LoA. The idea then was that Waller wanted to cause discord between Ra's and Nyssa, and if Nyssa thought Ra's had her lover killed, that would turn her against him.


Hadn't thought about that in a while but a known ARGUS agent working for the LoA makes me think infiltration. 

  • Love 8


Suspect that Sara's appearance will be a hallucination but that Tommy's will only seem like one and it'll really be him because I REFUSE TO GIVE UP ON HIM AS THE KILLER.


SOLIDARITY. I still live in a happy place where Spike's sojourn to the cave resulted in Blondie Blade. SIGH.



[And if Ra's used Zombie Tommy to do it, it affects everyone, including Laurel. And now I've jinxed it.]


This is what I'm saying. I need Zombie Tommy!



In my best case scenario, Oliver and Felicity make declarations to each other and both realize that they CAN be together and want to be and will fight for it, you know, after Oliver gets back from wherever. And then they are tragically torn apart.


This is pretty much the only way the scene could go and not make me wish Felicity doesn't end up being the one to push him off that damn snowy cliff.

Edited by blixie

A while back it was speculated that maybe this was part of a larger ARGUS plot to take down the LoA. The idea then was that Waller wanted to cause discord between Ra's and Nyssa, and if Nyssa thought Ra's had her lover killed, that would turn her against him.


Hadn't thought about that in a while but a known ARGUS agent working for the LoA makes me think infiltration. 

mm I actually really like this theory.

Yeah based on the comics I definitely thought Maseo and the kid would die. I'm genuinely surprised he's still alive and working with the LoA.

Same here. I didn't see that coming - I really thought they would follow the comics storyline. But I remember now that there was something when he was cast about him showing up in present day as well as the Hong Kong flashbacks. But if he is alive, where is Tatsu?

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 1

They are really giving nothing else away with those pictures apart from Ra's and the bare chested fight. I'm actually glad most of it will be a surprise for once.


My first reaction to seeing the shirtless Oliver surrounded by snow and training with Ra was to think of the Batman Begins frozen pond scene (mind your surroundings).  People keep saying the producers are obsessed with that movie.  I'm seeing it.

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