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That quote seems a bit odd...or I'm just out of it. Translation, please?


I am hoping it's interpreted as Wells lets on to something that makes Felicity question him or his knowledge of her (or future her?), but some emergency catches her attention before she can examine it too closely.  I'm hoping it comes into play later in the season, or next season.  Supposedly Oliver also has an interesting scene with him, but there were no details.

Deathstroke was ARGUS' name for Slade. Who came up with Huntress? Not Oliver, right?


I was just rewatching season one (okay watching is.. more like FF some scenes while watching a few others). And I believe it is Lance who gave Huntress her name,


Also... as we learned this season: it is Oliver who nicknames China White so..

Edited by foreverevolving
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Regardless of the fact that Team Arrow did not name either Deathstroke or Huntress, they have no compunction in using either of those names, so Barry's sarcasm was totally spot on.

PS: Tumblr and twitter is full of enraged fans out for Barry's blood after the latest clip. Some of them were rather graphic in their hatred. Lolz.

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Also... as we learned this season: it is Oliver who nicknames China White so..

But wasn't that because he couldn't pronounce her real name?  


Many immigrants ended up with bastardized names because their real ones couldn't be pronounced.  That's a different matter than deliberately giving someone a nickname like Cisco does.

I'm with Oliver on that one: Barry needs to learn. If last Flash episode tought us something, it was that Barry relies too much on his speed (who'd blame him?) and less on outhinking his enemies. That's a skill you need regardless of whether you're a meta-human or not.


It's also pretty obvious in the clip that Barry in "under the influence". He went after the meta/villain alone, got infected (probably nobody knows about that yet) and is now acting out. The final act of the episode will probably feature an apology from Barry and some sort of "You were sort of correct, Barry" from Oliver.


Also, the wording that Felicity/Wells scene will be 'tense' - is it a past tense or a future tense tense? ;)

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Caitlyn asks what is the salmon ladder for & Felicity answers: Distracting me from work.

I love Felicity little sigh right before she answers. Also.. I wish Oliver wasn't so out of focus cause i can't pin point his facial expression to her answer. it almost looks like he's pursing his lips... ugh can Wednesday be here already?


ETA: because proper spelling is important!

Edited by foreverevolving
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Hmm.  From that interview just posted:


With a lot going on in the Arrow-The Flash crossover, it doesn't leave much room for romance. (Sorry SnowBarry, Barricity, Olicity fans!) But Amell has this to say about the future of Olicity after Oliver's ill-timed entrance at Palmer Industries, only to witness Felicity and Ray Palmer's kiss. "There is a little bit of clarity this week during the crossover in terms of how he's dealing with it," Amell hints. "And then, in a couple of weeks, some definite clarity about how he feels."



Next week is the mid-season finale, so I'm confused.  I thought that he'd be confessing his feelings in episode 9.  Maybe he's just mixed up about when the episodes air or something?  Or maybe we're not getting "clarity" until January or February??

Hmm.  From that interview just posted:



Next week is the mid-season finale, so I'm confused.  I thought that he'd be confessing his feelings in episode 9.  Maybe he's just mixed up about when the episodes air or something?  Or maybe we're not getting "clarity" until January or February??


I think he just misspoke. He's probably talking about that LEVEL NINE moment in next week's ep.

So LEVEL NINE. Thoughts anyone? Is MG trolling or will it be epic?


I'm going in with the assumption that Guggenheim, who oversells everything, has majorly oversold this.  That way, I won't be so disappointed.  However, SA has phrased it as "definite clarity," so I'm really hoping for something good (like there'd better at least be another kiss).

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Foreverevolving, I feel sure I speak for many of us when I say that thoughts of the salmon ladder can make proper spelling seem unimportant.

I was just gonna blame it on the late hour and the shitty ass things that happened in my life yesterday prior to writing that post. but I can do it your way too :-P


Pretty sure math isn't his strong suit anyway


Ouch much? also... not nice, as we know nothing about his actual math skills (nor his Meth skills which i originally wrote and managed to change before posting.. reviewing post people now that's important! cause... you know.) the man is probably exhausted more than he is not which can get in the way of any skills so...

Edited by foreverevolving

Pretty sure math isn't his strong suit anyway


Haha, I remember when he launched his F*ck Cancer campaign and he mentioned that the sponsors suggested that he sell the shirts for $21, but he was going to lower it to $18 because he likes multiples of three. I was like...oh, you beautiful, generous, beautiful numerically challenged man, haha. 


Normally I wouldn't trust MG about the levels thing, but AK tweeted about this scene, MG is selling it AND SA is selling it - so, something's happening. I used to think that Oliver admitted his feelings for her once he found out the League was after him. But wouldn't it be so like this show to have him tell her he wanted to make a go of it and that he loves her, so he's fully committed, and THEN have the League thing come into play? Not sure how it's going to play out, but I'm super curious about it.

I hope by "clarity", SA doesn't mean that Oliver is just going to tell Felicity to go be happy with Ray because "if you love someone set them free". That would NOT be the "greatest Olicity scene ever" for me. 


I would say it's next to impossible for SA of all people to say it's the best Olicity scene so far in the series if he's encouraging her to date Ray. I think there's a very low chance of that happening. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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But wouldn't it be so like this show to tell her he wanted to make a go of it and that he loves her, so he's fully committed, and THEN have the League thing come into play? Not sure how it's going to play out, but I'm super curious about it.


I'm not sure if I would love this or hate it.  I think I'd be OK as long as they immediately pick things up when Oliver returns (please, for the love of God, no amnesia plots or one step forward/five steps back crap).

I can't seem to find a mention of this in the previous pages but has it been confirmed that Lyla is the one getting hurt in this ep? Or is that just speculation? I know she's the one targeted by Captain Boomerang. I just read another mention in the Spoilers only thread of an Arrow team member that gets hurt and Caitlin dives into action.

I can't seem to find a mention of this in the previous pages but has it been confirmed that Lyla is the one getting hurt in this ep? Or is that just speculation? I know she's the one targeted by Captain Boomerang. I just read another mention in the Spoilers only thread of an Arrow team member that gets hurt and Caitlin dives into action.

IDK why, but I honestly think it's Diggle who'll get hurt trying to save Lyla?

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ALSO can I just point out that I LOVE that Barry calls Oliver 'Ollie' like it's an insult? Because there are still people in Oliver's life that still call him that (mainly Thea and Laurel) which IMO kind of shows that they are still the only two people who still don't understand Oliver. Thea doesn't know the real Oliver because she's still in the dark about his identity, Laurel doesn't know Oliver because she never really tried to get to know him and everything he's been through after the island and after she found out about him being the Arrow. 

Edited by wonderwall
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ALSO can I just point out that I LOVE that Barry calls Oliver 'Ollie' like it's an insult? Because there are still people in Oliver's life that still call him that (mainly Thea and Laurel) which IMO kind of shows that they are still the only two people who still don't understand Oliver. Thea doesn't know the real Oliver because she's still in the dark about his identity, Laurel doesn't know Oliver because she never really tried to get to know him and everything he's been through after the island and after she found out about him being the Arrow. 


Yeah, but how would he even know it was an insult? He doesn't know Laurel or Thea, much less the fact that they call him Ollie. Seems to me like maybe he was using a nickname to be condescending, to put himself in a position of authority over Oliver. But since these writers don't seem to be too concerned with continuity or how Barry would even know Oliver's nickname since he's never met the only people who use it, maybe he does mean it as an insult, haha. 

Yeah, but how would he even know it was an insult? He doesn't know Laurel or Thea, much less the fact that they call him Ollie. Seems to me like maybe he was using a nickname to be condescending, to put himself in a position of authority over Oliver. But since these writers don't seem to be too concerned with continuity or how Barry would even know Oliver's nickname since he's never met the only people who use it, maybe he does mean it as an insult, haha. 


I mean, he was a public figure before the island. I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibilities for Barry to know of Oliver and his behavior before the island and that he went by 'Ollie' through tabloids/magazines/the internet... Oliver was probably the Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton of Starling/Central before the island :p 

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The way that Barry said "Ollie" did seem like an insult (but then again, "Ollie" always makes me think of the douche Oliver was before the island, so I hate that stupid name).  Maybe it's referenced earlier in the episode somehow?


I'm thinking that The Arrow almost has to win in a fight between the two if the EPs intend for meta-humans to show up in Starling City somewhere down the line.  Really, if Oliver can't be good guy Barry, how will he ever defeat super-powered bad guys?

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Because there are still people in Oliver's life that still call him that (mainly Thea and Laurel) which IMO kind of shows that they are still the only two people who still don't understand Oliver.


I won't get in to the Laurel of it but even though Thea doesn't know Oliver's secret I'd still say she knows him as much as others. She knows he's closed off, has scars etc. Knowing he's the hood/arrow doesn't mean you know Oliver. I'd say Thea knows him more than Roy for instance.

And even when Thea knows...I doubt she'll ever stop calling him Ollie.

But I'm not lacking on Olicity clarity, I'm lacking on Olicity MOVEMENT, forward fucking momentum. And I'm already aware that Olicity will be stalled for four more episodes. Sorry boo, not cutting it.


Yeah, I mean we already know that Oliver loves her, he's pretty much told her that twice, so I think the audience is pretty clear on how he feels.  So I'm hoping that the moment of "definite clarity" is something more physical.

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I won't get in to the Laurel of it but even though Thea doesn't know Oliver's secret I'd still say she knows him as much as others. She knows he's closed off, has scars etc. Knowing he's the hood/arrow doesn't mean you know Oliver. I'd say Thea knows him more than Roy for instance.

And even when Thea knows...I doubt she'll ever stop calling him Ollie.

Hmmm, I think it'll be interesting to see if Thea's view of Oliver changes once she actually learns what he's been through. I would love to see this. I would love to see Thea acknowledging that Oliver has been through hell and understand why he became what he is right now and I feel like it can be done by simply calling him Oliver. I mean I definitely don't expect Thea to not call him 'Ollie' anymore, but that nickname just doesn't suit the brooding man we know today because it personifies the boy he was before the island. 


I don't think that Thea actually really knows about Oliver all that much. I mean, consider the age gap, it's not that difficult to believe that Thea, who is quite a bit younger than Oliver doesn't really know Oliver. I mean I have a brother who's 8 years older than me and I don't think I could ever tell you that I know him that well. And considering Thea was only 12 when Oliver went away it's even more of a possibility that she doesn't. That being said, Thea probably knows Oliver's attributes (the ones he had before the island), but I don't think anyone truly knows/understands Oliver until they get to know his Arrow side (which IMO is a huge part of Oliver and who he is as a person). Just because they love each other unconditionally doesn't mean they know each other very well. As you said, Oliver is closed off and now Thea is keeping secrets from Oliver. But I suppose we can agree to disagree on this issue. 


I think the only people who truly understand Oliver are Digg and Felicity. They spend most of their time with him, they go through life and death situations with him, they've seen him at his worst, and they've seen him at his best. It's something that neither Thea nor Laurel have ever really been privy to because Oliver is so secretive and closed off. 


IDK if any of this makes sense, I'm pretty much running on a couple of hours of sleep. :p

Edited by wonderwall
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