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I love this especially from that interview:

"It’s interesting they chose now to introduce this character when he and Felicity are going through their turmoil. There is something innately pure and beautiful about the fact that for Cupid, love wins no matter what it takes and she’ll fight all odds to get it. I hope that’s something he’ll take away, that he can be loved and that he can love in return."

I can't help but think the reason KC isn't quite in touch with Oliver's love life is because she still holds firm that Lauriver are OTP. Whereas here, the actress has accepted Oliver's love for Felicity and therefore can speak from the point where he actually lies in the show.

  • Love 9

Fix it, Jesus.


Does Ray have a neurological disease? All that blinking and twitching doesn't make him seem charming or quirky to me, just annoying. I wish they'd let BR play him as just a really smart guy, no ticks necessary.


And until now, I was unbothered by Raylicity since I knew it would be a temporary thing. But I can't abide them writing Felicity as an OOC, shallow nitwit who wouldn't be at all bothered by her shirtless boss asking her out to dinner, so long as she got to wear a couture dress. Not to even mention that the dress looks totally cheap. I just ... nothing about that scene was okay. I'm fine with Felicity exploring other romantic possibilities since she can't be with Oliver; I wouldn't even mind her with Ray if the show was developing that relationship organically, but I should've known better than to hope for that.


The only thing that makes me feel better is how great the comments are on the Spoiler TV article with the promo clip. I hope the writers read them and realize they're going about this the wrong way.

Edited by KenyaJ
  • Love 10

hmmm if there Lazarus Pit'd Tommy after 2 seasons and not Sara. SIGH!


But I can get behind the following:

Team Arrow plus Roy (conflicted with Thea)

Team Badass (Merlin, Thea and resurrected Tommy)


Team Badass trying to control the city, Team Arrow getting in the way


Would assume Tommy would be pretty messed up and Oliver trying to get Tommy to himself could be another way Oliver gets back to being Oliver Queen.


Also it would fit with the stealing the vibe from Marvel feeling I tend to get from he show


Season 1 = Spiderman

Season 2 = Ironman

Season 3 = Winter Soldier


Also bummed that today episode looks, not great. 

I do like AG interviews and hope Cupid could be a potential reoccurring, since I enjoy the actress. 

My problem is this: I was spoiled to the teeth over the hiatus, and after reading all the interviews and watching the Comic Con panels, I had a different scenario in my mind as far as this romance was concerned, and the further the show takes it away from my imagined ideal, the harder it gets for me to take. I know, ultimately, that Ray was brought in as a roadblock and that the relationship was doomed. But I did, honestly, expect to be sold on their romance in-show and to believe in it to a certain extent, because I love Felicity and I want her to have good things and to be appreciated and wanted and loved.


I thought Ray was going to be charming and affable and someone that I would enjoy watching Felicity with. I wanted that; I looked forward to it.


All the things that we've seen from Ray so far (his aggressive pursuit in getting her to work for him, his handing her the top-floor corner office and a great job, the lack of respect for her personal time and space, his using gifts to manipulate her, etc.) would be okay (for me) if one or two of those things were part of his personality. But all of this behavior on top of the fact that he's her boss and she's yet again going into a relationship where she doesn't have equal footing is making me very uneasy. I know he's meant to be a scatterbrained, do-good kind of nerd, and I know we're meant to think that it's sweet (on their own, some of these things would be sweet). I know the writers probably aren't intentionally writing the beginning of an unhealthy relationship, but that is exactly what they're doing, so regardless of why Ray's there or what his real purpose is or whether he's ultimately harmless or not, I can't enjoy any of this because it gives me the squicks.


I don't begrudge Felicity liking a pretty dress (it's gorgeous, it looks great on her!), and I don't begrudge her wanting a great job and a corner office, or falling for her rich and powerful boss. It's the fact that all of these things are happening with the same person in a manipulative way that I don't like. And I'm just having difficulty with it because it's not at all what I was wanting or expecting. Felicity's never let anyone manipulate her - not even Oliver in the early days of S1; and I don't want to see her go out of character so that she can be one half of a doomed relationship anyway. Maybe it'll come off better in the episode, maybe she'll call him out and they can level the playing field a bit. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 11

I love this especially from that interview:

"It’s interesting they chose now to introduce this character when he and Felicity are going through their turmoil. There is something innately pure and beautiful about the fact that for Cupid, love wins no matter what it takes and she’ll fight all odds to get it. I hope that’s something he’ll take away, that he can be loved and that he can love in return."

I can't help but think the reason KC isn't quite in touch with Oliver's love life is because she still holds firm that Lauriver are OTP. Whereas here, the actress has accepted Oliver's love for Felicity and therefore can speak from the point where he actually lies in the show.


But... Cupid is meant to be crazy, no? So her behaviour and outlook on the world is not something that should be seen as desirable. Would it not follow that the view that 'love wins, no matter what', is to be portrayed as something that is not desirable, so Oliver lets Felicity date the creepy stalker who buys her affections with clothing. Because his love isn't important. And Felicity dates the creepy stalker because her love isn't important. 


Just throwing that out there....

But... Cupid is meant to be crazy, no? So her behaviour and outlook on the world is not something that should be seen as desirable. Would it not follow that the view that 'love wins, no matter what', is to be portrayed as something that is not desirable, so Oliver lets Felicity date the creepy stalker who buys her affections with clothing. Because his love isn't important. And Felicity dates the creepy stalker because her love isn't important. 


Just throwing that out there....


Yeah, as much as I like Amy Gumenick, I'm not sure that Cupid really "loves" anyone. (Note: I know almost nothing about this character.) She seems crazyballs obsessed, and that's not love. I get what she's saying here, but...


I can't even bring myself to watch the Felicity clip, and I'm so disheartened from everyone's reactions. This is NOT what I wanted for Felicity.

Ugh, I forgot there's still a necklace coming. I wonder what he's trying to get her to do that warrants a gift like that (that she hopefully gives back)?


He wants to shag her. But he's so 'adorably quirky' that he can't just ask her out honestly, so he coerces her into going on a date and plies her with gifts that would be incredibly extravagant to her, but inconsequential to him. The stuff dreams are made of.

Edited by Danny Franks

You know, I was a kid when I watched Pretty Woman and I thought it was a sweet movie.  Maybe that's worrisome, I don't know.  But in the world that we live in now, Ray's pushy behavior sets off all sorts of alarm bells.  If my boss bought me expensive gifts in an attempt to get me to go to dinner with him, I'd be worried that I'd be getting a side of Rohypnol with my fancy dinner.  


Maybe that's a parallel we're supposed to see between Oliver and Ray.  Felicity takes three benzos for her dinner with Oliver...Ray puts three benzos in her dinner drink on her date with him.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
  • Love 1

The more I read about this season, the more of a train wreck it is.  Who is this bubble-head who flips for a dress that looks almost identical to most of her wardrobe but has a couture label?



If my boss bought me expensive gifts in an attempt to get me to go to dinner with him, I'd be worried that I'd be getting a side of Rohypnol with my fancy dinner.

Congratulations, you just exceeded this Felicity in the brain cell quotient.


It's still possible that Laurel is just posing as BC for some plot to do with Sara's killer? Right? Right? Please!

I wish!  But they're spending so much time on her "journey", it's bound to be the real thing. There's no getting out of it.


It's funny how a guest star can give a better and more in depth interview than the show's leading lady

I can't believe they went with Katie Casside as LL over her.  Even if the writing was still as bad, she would have brought an intelligence to the character.


Could Cupid and her crazy self just adopt the Laurel Lance identity and become Black Canary?  That would be entertaining, and believable since she has the background required.

And it might save the show for me.  At the worst, it would be a more interesting spin than they're doing right now.

Edited by statsgirl

"Hi remember when I had a crush on you and tried to jump you... My bad, turns out we are sibbies!!

Soo PJ party at my new place! Oliver's bringing popcorn! You bring the crack .. Or vertigo! ... I'm good with either.. Whateves!"

Edited to say: the above is in response to Genki's post on last page.

Edited by GirlWednesday
  • Love 1

You know, the worst thing about having Felicity agree to go to dinner with Ray because of a dress (a dress!) is that the writers easily could have had Ray tell Felicity he needed her specifically to come to the dinner because she was the one with knowledge of some technical thing that no one else could properly explain to boring guy. They could have had Ray ask her and Felicity agree for reasons having to do with her brain and her intelligence. Instead, they reduced her to being a superficial fashionista who agreed to this inappropriate "date" because couture!


We wimmins will do anything for a fancy, expensive dress, huh? It's so insulting.

  • Love 12

I just posted a new clip over in the SPOILERS ONLY thread. I have to admit that I do love my good, old fashioned batshit villains, so I'm down with Cupid.


Cupid looks awesome! AG is perfect. That's what is so sad/annoying. I was looking forward to Cupid but the Ray stuff has really put me off watching at all. 


And it's not going to be good for Olicity. If anything, this will just push Felicity further into Ray's arms. It is only episode 7 after all. Ugh. 

Edited by Guest

Hmm the promos made me miss Felicity and Diggle and Oliver enough to watch this nutty show. I Didn't watch last week .. Just cuz.

Felicity reacting to the dress, I like that better than her reacting to the date invite. She totally handwaved it away.

I also like that she turned around quick after she saw his nakedness. At least that's somewhat consistent.

Edited by GirlWednesday

I was surprised too at first seeing Felicity's reaction..but maybe it's the whole dress-dinner-billionaire thing that magnifies the situation. Had Ray asked her to go to, I don't know, a reading of a famous author,and so he goes like "I really want you to come with me, look I bought you his book"; had Felicity be shown reading 3 different books a day and so she freaks out about being being gifted a new book, maybe the reactions would be different. My point is he is over the top because the life they live is, IMO. :)

  • Love 1

I was surprised too at first seeing Felicity's reaction..but maybe it's the whole dress-dinner-billionaire thing that magnifies the situation. Had Ray asked her to go to, I don't know, a reading of a famous author,and so he goes like "I really want you to come with me, look I bought you his book"; had Felicity be shown reading 3 different books a day and so she freaks out about being being gifted a new book, maybe the reactions would be different. My point is he is over the top because the life they live is, IMO. :)


I wouldn't have a problem with Ray buying her a dress to go to dinner if she had already agreed to go to the dinner. He invites her, she says no, he waves a shiny new dress in front of her face, and then she agrees. Maybe that wouldn't be a red flag for me if it weren't for all of the other things he's done since he met her.

  • Love 3

Yes, it's a big problem that he bought her the dress before she agreed to go to the dinner with him, and an even bigger problem that it worked, she's going to dinner because of the dress.


They could have done it so much better -- it's a business dinner, he needs her input so it's job-related, but as a thank you for going, he gets his assistant to pick up a dress for her.  Not only does this way make Ray look way creepier, it makes Felicity look like an airhead.

I'm just sitting here waiting for the great folks at the Arrow Fashion Blog to tell me who made that dress anyway, because let's be honest, nobody ever says "couture" at high fashion, you say the fucking designer's name.

Seriously. You'd think they could have come up with a designer's name in exchange the loan of a dress because not all the audience is that naive.  I remember when C.J wore the Vera Wang on the West Wing.

  • Love 4

We know Oliver goes to QC in tonight's episode. Cupid's going to make him realize things and he's totally going to walk in on Felicity and Ray kissing, isn't he?


And it wouldn't be surprised me if this tweet from Guggenheim became relevant.


Amazing. That's exactly what's going to happen. That's the thing I've seen in a dozen other shows, so of course it'll happen here. If he's carrying a bunch of flowers, which he then dumps in the trash on the way out? Even better. Yeesh.


I will forever be amused at comic book Oliver Queen's dumbass face when he's upset. Somehow, artists just go completely over the top with him, every time.


Seriously. You'd think they could have come up with a designer's name in exchange the loan of a dress because not all the audience is that naive.  I remember when C.J wore the Vera Wang on the West Wing.



I reckon it's more likely to have been something like this:


Numpty #1: "... and then Ray shows Felicity this dress he's bought for her, and she goes completely nuts for it. Because she loves dresses, of course, she's a girl."

Numpty #2: "Awesome. Is it, like, a designer dress?"

Numpty #1: "Yeah, sure. Why not?"

Numpty #2: "Okay, well what designer? Do we need to come up with a name?"

Numpty #1: "Nah, just call it 'couture' or something. Everyone knows that means it cost loads. And I can't be arsed googling anything new right now. Besides, only women will care about the name of some fruity designer."

Edited by Danny Franks
  • Love 3



ETOnline: This episode sheds light on the vulnerable state of the Oliver-Felicity relationship, where it could go or not go. What's your take on how Cupid's presence affects Olicity?

Gumenick: She is a mirror to Arrow. He's living in purgatory; he doesn’t know what to do or how to act upon his feelings, and is stopping himself from letting their relationship go to where it obviously wants to go and where we want it to go as fans. Cupid finds a moment of weakness in him and forces him to see that as well, to feel feelings he’s never felt before and think thoughts he's never thought he had to perhaps act on them or continue to [keep] to himself.

After ER, Grey's Anatomy and all the other TV shows using anvils endlessly, I think I'm okay with it.  But with this show, I'm putting my money on it going nowhere and that's the most frustrating of all.


On the plus side, she does say "stopping himself from letting their relationship go to where it obviously wants to go and where we want it to go as fans"

  • Love 1

Yeah, Oliver's definitely going to see something. To maximize the heartbreak he'll probably see them go in for the kiss and then he'll walk away before Felicity gently turns her head or pushes Ray away. I wonder if Oliver will address it immediately or if he'll let it fester? All the big dramatic stuff has always been addressed immediately between the two of them - they've never had a miscommunication, so it'll be interesting to see how it's handled. Conventional wisdom says they'll drag it out for angst, but we'll see.


As far as the couture thing is concerned, not naming the designer doesn't bother me. Because not only would they have to name the designer, they'd specifically have to state that it was couture. They'd probably have to do god knows what to get permission to use a designer's name on the show, so it's easier and faster for Felicity to just tell us it's couture rather than give a designer's name and THEN say it's couture.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

I'm curious about the "finds a moment of weakness in him and forces him to see that as well." That quote till the end, makes me think he has a moment of clarity. He probably goes to see Felicity and witnesses the kiss. He runs back to the lair...not seeing the moment Felicity pulls away from Ray. And then we watch Oliver and Felicity swirl around and around in a washing machine of miscommunication.


ETA: Great minds lol

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 2

I'm cracking up over the big price tag hanging off the back of the "couture" dress. They usually don't have price tags (if you have to ask, you can't afford it). I'm not as bothered with this scene as most of you are. The dress is a bribe, pure and simple. He knows it's a bribe, she knows it's a bribe. It's a work dinner. Yes, although he says "purely platonic," he could have some other not quite platonic intentions, but that's on him, not on her. I actually laughed at her response. I don't see the dress and her acceptance of it as tied to her self-worth at all. It's just a fun chance to play dress up with "couture." As for Ray, I'm giving him points. He could have easily bribed her with tech, considering that's something they both enjoy. But he also sees that she's into fashion and decides to surprise her that way. Pretty observant and clever of him, me thinks.

  • Love 5

I would have been so impressed with Ray if he had given her some wearable tech instead.  This dress feels like the writers are patting themselves on the back for paying homage to (ripping off) Pretty Woman, not realizing how limited their insight is.


Hopefully the episode doesn't turn out to be as bad soap opera as it looks like but wow, this season is a disappointment compared to 2A. Or even 2B at this point.

I'm curious about the "finds a moment of weakness in him and forces him to see that as well." That quote till the end, makes me think he has a moment of clarity. He probably goes to see Felicity and witnesses the kiss. He runs back to the lair...not seeing the moment Felicity pulls away from Ray. And then we watch Oliver and Felicity swirl around and around in a washing machine of miscommunication.


ETA: Great minds lol


What I would LOVE is if Cupid somehow knew about Felicity and managed to arrange it so that Arrow sees Felicity and Ray kiss (or alerts him to their date or something, I know this involves handwaving, but just go with it) with the hopes of devastating him or luring him to her or whatever, and that's what sparks the moment of clarity - that he sees he's losing her and decides he wants to do something about it. There are of course many reasons why it probably wouldn't work (it's too early in the season for him to fight for her, how's she going to get close to Ray while he's gone if he makes a play for her, etc.), but it would turn my expectations on their ear and I'm just desperately wanting this show to do something that surprises me in a good way, okay?

I would have been so impressed with Ray if he had given her some wearable tech instead.  This dress feels like the writers are patting themselves on the back for paying homage to (ripping off) Pretty Woman, not realizing how limited their insight is.


Still really counting on that necklace to be wearable tech that comes in handy. Really, really hoping for it.

Yeah, the "couture" thing is...


To say something is "couture," without a designer attached...that just means it was made for the individual. So technically Ray could've just emailed her measurements to an Etsy shop.

Well, let's hope he didn't somehow have her measurements, haha.

I wonder if Oliver will address it immediately or if he'll let it fester? All the big dramatic stuff has always been addressed immediately between the two of them - they've never had a miscommunication, so it'll be interesting to see how it's handled. 


Stephen Amell in an interview done on 17 October (posted on GATV) said that, about Oliver's reaction to the connection between Felicity and Ray, all of that would come to a head in the back half of the fall episodes. He could be talking about tonight's episode, but with Andrew Kreisberg's tweet about SA and EBR 'acting their butts off' in mind I think there's a better chance of it being addressed in 3x09. But who knows with this show.

Stephen Amell in an interview done on 17 October (posted on GATV) said that, about Oliver's reaction to the connection between Felicity and Ray, all of that would come to a head in the back half of the fall episodes. He could be talking about tonight's episode, but with Andrew Kreisberg's tweet about SA and EBR 'acting their butts off' in mind I think there's a better chance of it being addressed in 3x09. But who knows with this show.


Pretty sure that if Oliver is leaving town to go and 'kill Oliver Queen' with Ra's, or whatever, he'll be doing it at least partly because the girl he loves is getting it on with Single White Male, and he's learned that Thea is a lying liar, so he thinks he has nothing left any more.


Woobie Face set all the way up to eleven.

Edited by Danny Franks
  • Love 2

You know, I was a kid when I watched Pretty Woman and I thought it was a sweet movie. Maybe that's worrisome, I don't know. But in the world that we live in now, Ray's pushy behavior sets off all sorts of alarm bells. If my boss bought me expensive gifts in an attempt to get me to go to dinner with him, I'd be worried that I'd be getting a side of Rohypnol with my fancy dinner.

Maybe that's a parallel we're supposed to see between Oliver and Ray. Felicity takes three benzos for her dinner with Oliver...Ray puts three benzos in her dinner drink on her date with him.

More recently lots of girls thought Twilight was an epic romance.

Pretty sure that if Oliver is leaving town to go and 'kill Oliver Queen' with Ra's, or whatever, he'll be doing it at least partly because the girl he loves is getting it on with Single White Male, and he's learned that Thea is a lying liar, so he thinks he has nothing left any more.


Woobie Face set all the way up to eleven.


I agree. I even said something to the same effect earlier this month; I'm only pointing that out to comment that viewers shouldn't be able to guess the overall storyline of a TV show months in advance. But I suppose further commentary on that matter is better left for the Bitterness thread.

Ok, asides from the general creepy grossness of that clip which everybody has pointed out, I would just like to say that that dress is definitely not couture.


When I first found out Gumenick was going to play Cupid, I thought about how she probably would have been great as Laurel. And now to hear that she had actually auditioned is...disappointing.

Edited by Tangerine
  • Love 6

The AH clip was titled Ray Parker not Palmer. Ray's equally good-looking but even more inappropriate body double?

Upon uninterrupted rewatch the clip is worse than I thought. He gives her a backhanded insult/compliment. He buys/bribes her participation. He pushes when she isn't interested. He even plays the male version of "girls can get frat boys to do anything."

Ugh. Ray isn't a viable alternative to Oliver. He is the billionaire who doesn't say no and has multiple restraining orders out against him.

Although maybe he would be a good match with Felicity's doppelgänger who prefers couture and starting up rumors amongst her co-workers than the Felicity we know who has a standing appointment with TA.

We needed pec dancing to make it complete. Or did I miss it.

Edited by AnalyzeAndCritique
  • Love 1

I can see not only Oliver viewing the kiss, but Felicity catching him.  She tries to explain, he shuts down.  She's in tears.  He's in man-pain.  This better not happen.


The couture thing drives me NUTS.  Couture is essentially hand made.  First of all, you don't just buy a couture dress off the rack.  But let's assume you do.  One does not hand make a dress like the one Felicity is wearing.  Hand sewing doesn't bring anything to it, so it wouldn't be worth doing.  Couture is art in clothing.  What she is wearing is a very pretty dress.

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