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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

Her tweet certainly implies that - I'm not sure why she would've mentioned a tale of two Laurels and Black Canary if they weren't going to drag this out until next season with Laurel trying to figure out who she wants to be. What seems a little strange to me is that the writer doesn't seem to realize that the Laurel she's talking about in the tweet doesn't actually exist anymore? The Laurel she'll be writing for isn't a lawyer, LOL. 

Wow.  That's maybe one of the few things I actually did not think they would do, right under putting Oliver and Laurel back together.  Why not just bring E1!Laurel back from the dead if they were going to do that? Weird.  And the bizarre saga continues.....Lol.  

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I thought the writer was just hashtaging all of KCs roles (current and previous). Lawyer, BC, BS. If this is an example of her writing ability, I’m concerned.

Olivers shirt changes but Felicity’s doesn’t. Im curious. 

Edited by Chaser
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2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

oh @Starfish35 just admit you're relieved that we're stuck with her for another year (likely forever!) and LoT is free of her  =P

Well yes, of course! But this just continues to get weirder and weirder.  It's like a train wreck - can't look away. :) Everytime I think this thing with her can't get any stranger, it does.

ETA: I should say - I'm relieved that Legends is free of her, not that you're stuck with her.  I'd be quite happy if she vanished from the Arrowverse forever.

Edited by Starfish35
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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Not miffed about KC being back, miffed about the content of the tweet considering Katie isn't actually Black Canary - another actress currently has that role. 

Katie was Black Canary at one point in time and it isn't something that got erased once she left the show a first time. Juliana knows Black Canary title has gotten thrown around. 

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Why? I would assume she already knows that she'll be back for S7 so no reason to be miffed about KC being back. 


I highly doubt it. I think if anything the writer liked E1 Laurel and E2 Laurel. She also used the Black Siren tag so not as if she didnt acknowledge both Laurels.

It's nothing against Katie, but if Juliana is trying to establish herself as the Black Canary every time Laurel is called Black Canary it creates some confusion. Again, that's how I'd feel if I were Juliana, but she may be a better person.

I really like this new writer personally--she seems charming and engaged--but I'm suspecting she hasn't watched the last two seasons.

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11 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

About the shirt change.....dessert before dinner? Des that mean they get to have dessert????

Maybe he's in a t-shirt while he's cooking and he puts on a sweater before they sit down?

ETA: People on Tumblr think Felicity cooked, which is why William and Oliver look so . . .  amused.

Edited by KenyaJ
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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Katie was Black Canary at one point in time and it isn't something that got erased once she left the show a first time. Juliana knows Black Canary title has gotten thrown around. 

Yes, and that writer is singling Katie out by saying that she's excited to write specifically for her while using a hashtag for a role that is currently Juliana's. It'd be one thing if she'd included being excited to write for other members of the cast, but she didn't. I'm glad you don't think it's crappy - I do. 

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And she also stated #taleoftwolaurels and #blacksiren #blackcanary. If she had just said "excited to write for KC! #LaurelLance #BlackCanary!" that'd come across as somewhat shady. But she clearly recognized both roles.

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Just now, Primal Slayer said:

And she also stated #taleoftwolaurels and #blacksiren #blackcanary. If she had just said "excited to write for KC! #LaurelLance #BlackCanary!" that'd come across as somewhat shady. But she clearly recognized both roles.

I never wrote that she was being shady. I wrote that I thought it was a crappy thing to tweet. 

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Yes, and that writer is singling Katie out by saying that she's excited to write specifically for her while using a hashtag for a role that is currently Juliana's. It'd be one thing if she'd included being excited to write for other members of the cast, but she didn't. I'm glad you don't think it's crappy - I do. 

I hated her tweet for so many reasons but I feel I should point out that it looks like the writers are meeting individually with the cast. 

A couple of days ago she tweeted about meeting with DR. She mentioned how awesome he was and about Diggle. 

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

I never wrote that she was being shady. I wrote that I thought it was a crappy thing to tweet. 

It wasn't geared towards quoting you for fact, what I think it'd come across as.

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5 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

And she also stated #taleoftwolaurels and #blacksiren #blackcanary. If she had just said "excited to write for KC! #LaurelLance #BlackCanary!" that'd come across as somewhat shady. But she clearly recognized both roles.

Well I think it's the S7 added onto the end that makes it sound like KC will be playing both roles in S7.


Excited to write for you, Katie! #taleoftwolaurels #blacksiren #blackcanary 1f3f9.svg S7

Edited by Starfish35
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Just now, lemotomato said:

This, in a nutshell, is why I hate that KC came back this season, and why I hate that she won't leave. The show is called Arrow, for crying out loud. Not "The Canaries of Our Lives".

lol. It isn't as if the show gives that much time to the Canaries though. Just the most controversial topic when it comes to the fandom.

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Just now, Starfish35 said:

Well I think it's the S7 added onto the end that makes it sound like Katie will be playing both roles in S7.

And it comes off like she is writing a tale of two Laurels - not that the show is telling the tale of two Laurels. Fully willing to concede that might not be what she meant - but that's how it comes off. 

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JH was to excited about S7 for me to believe she was getting the role taken from her. 

That said its KC. There is no logic there. Clearly. 

Edited by Chaser
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7 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

lol. It isn't as if the show gives that much time to the Canaries though. Just the most controversial topic when it comes to the fandom.

Out of all the characters besides Oliver, the show featured Dinah the most this season. She got her own nemesis, a love interest, her own set (the police station), flashbacks, a costume, a solo poster. So no, I don't buy that the show "doesn't give that much time to the Canaries". The show picked its BC. And now this newbie writer shows up and starts crap with her careless hashtagging because she apparently didn't watch this season. Gee, I wonder where the controversy is coming from.

Edited by lemotomato
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8 minutes ago, Chaser said:

A couple of days ago she tweeted about meeting with DR. She mentioned how awesome he was and about Diggle. 

That makes it seem like KC will be back for s7.  Otherwise why meet with her if she's not going to be on?

With CH coming back, I figure that at least one person will be leaving. Team Arrow doesn't need Oliver, Diggle Rene, Curtis, Dinah and Roy in the field. or maybe I mean that they can't write and do stunts for six people in the field.  Given that Rene has been redeemed, or at least as much as the show does redemption, it could be either him or "I'm not important enough to be subpoened" Curtis.  Dinah staying is a pretty sage bet.

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9 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Out of all the characters besides Oliver, the show featured Dinah the most this season. She got her own nemesis, a love interest, her own set (the police station), flashbacks, a costume, a solo poster. So no, I don't buy that the show "doesn't give that much time to the Canaries". The show picked its BC. And now this newbie writer shows up and starts crap with her careless hashtagging because she apparently didn't watch this season. Gee, I wonder where the controversy is coming from.

She definitely got a lot this season but she still didnt end up getting 1st 2nd or even 3rd most screentime if im not wrong and she isn't the only one with a love interest. Olicity got plenty, we've seen Lyla probably just as much if not that much less then we got with Vince when he/Dinah really connected.  Her love interest came and went along with a poster for a costume debut that plenty of others have gotten throughout the years. She certainly topped Wild Dog and Terrific though. But 1 season out of 6, even S4 Black Canary didnt get much.

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For me, all this season has proven is that you can't make a GA show with a BC because Dinah basically took over and sometimes had more than Oliver did. If that's what having a BC on the show means, keep it.

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1 hour ago, KenyaJ said:

Technically a judgment notwithstanding the verdict (JNOV) only takes place in a civil trial. In a criminal trial, it's a judgment of acquittal. So yeah, Oliver can't be tried on these charges again and the prosecution can't appeal the judge's ruling. So I'm also really curious to know what happens next week. Since Diaz knows the judge wasn't in the courtroom for the verdict, perhaps they'll charge Oliver with perpetrating a fraud on the court. And that's an exception to the acquittal rules that would allow Oliver to be tried again. In that circumstance, it would make sense why he might accept a plea deal.

That sounds like it requires far more thought then likely goes through the writers heads. 

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Just now, Mary0360 said:

That sounds like it requires far more thought then likely goes through the writers heads. 

LOL. True. In reality, I expect Oliver to go to prison because "reasons."

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8 hours ago, Angel12d said:

This is me trying to figure out the Olicity in 622:


Oliver's wearing the long sleeve shirt when they get attacked at dinner so the kiss must happen before that?

Sorry had to quote you to steal your gif!

Someone on Twitter says that at dinner Oliver doesn't have a bruise on his face, make out scene he does and when they are dodging bullets he does.

So when is the make out scene????? I need this sorted peeps!!!

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13 hours ago, Angel12d said:

For me, all this season has proven is that you can't make a GA show with a BC because Dinah basically took over and sometimes had more than Oliver did. If that's what having a BC on the show means, keep it.

I'd say you can't make THIS particular GA show with a BC — because the character had long lost relevance. Sara made sense but only in the context of Oliver's past, not as a partner in the present. After her, Laurel's BC was extra muscle as is Dinah. That's it. Now if the idea is to make more people aware of comic book characters, how is making them this idiotic and hateful gonna help? If the only BC, BS, WD or MT that I know are the ones on this show, I WOULD NEVER follow them to the comics.

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So the 621 promo pics came out the day after 620 aired. And the week before that, the 620 promo pics came out the day after 619 aired. And the week before that, the 619 promo pics came out the day before 618 aired.

Which means that the 622 promo pics should come out today, right? Right?

ETA: The 618 promo pics came out late - only two days before that same episode aired.

Edited by tv echo
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I've previously commented on how Arrow could learn from the mistakes made by The Walking Dead, but now I fear that Arrow will instead copy TWD's latest mistake. If you haven't watched the just finished latest season of TWD, spoiler warning...


TWD's Big Bad has been Negan (who's much more vicious than Diaz). Negan started off the season by bashing in the heads of Glenn and Abraham. Rick then spent the entire season vowing to kill Negan. In a mid-season shocker, the show killed off Rick's young son, Carl. When faced with fan backlash, the showrunner made some lame explanation that some fans translated to mean the show just wanted to keep Negan alive at the end of the season (a puerile bully beloved by TWD comics creator) and had to come up with some reason why Rick wouldn't kill Negan. So they had the dying Carl tell his father about his pacifist vision of a future world where everyone lived peacefully together and he wanted his father not to kill any more. In the season finale, after beating Negan, Rick spares Negan's life! So Negan survives to live another season. 

Why am I bringing this up? Because I fear that Quentin will be killed in the season finale of Arrow and that they'll use his death as a way of forcing Black Siren onto Team Arrow next season. Despite her recent OOC behavior as a domestic abuse victim, I still remember the vicious, cruel, and often unnecessary murders committed by Black Siren. So to me, she's still an evil and self-serving villain. Even her testifying to help Oliver could be construed as her way of manipulating Quentin and the team into helping her get out from under Diaz's thumb. If Diaz is killed, she's again free to do whatever she wants.

But imagine the dying Quentin asking Oliver to promise to give Black Siren another chance and to help her find her way into becoming a good person like his dead daughter Laurel. We know that Oliver would agree to any such deathbed promise requested by a man who's been like his surrogate father.

Edited by tv echo
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Looking at the photo of Diaz choking Curtis, my first reaction is, "So?" 

Seeing Felicity just touching her throat after Diaz presumably chokes her: "NO! Do not touch her!" 

Confused by (mainly because of Dinah's pose):


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If Diaz doesn't choke Curtis to death, what's even the point of it all? ?

I wonder if a building explodes with Quentin in it or something and they all think he's dead and that's why they're all standing there staring at it.

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3 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Seeing Felicity just touching her throat after Diaz presumably chokes her: "NO! Do not touch her!" 

I'm already imagining all the ways hubby is going to kiss it better.

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