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1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:


57 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Oh God, they’re going to be helping the shithead with legal representation. Which they would have done literal months ago if he wasn’t being a shithead.

Or it's a playdate in the Bunker?  

Yes, Jean makes that not work but let's pretend she's now their official team lawyer (makes sense to keep one on retainer if you ask me)

Edited by BkWurm1
Missed seeing William's name on the list at first.
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11 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:


Or it's a playdate in the Bunker?  

Yes, Jean makes that not work but let's pretend she's now their official team lawyer (makes sense to keep one on retainer if you ask me)

Both maybe? Sigh.

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This Zoe storyline bugs me because Rene supposedly is all about his daughter but then is shown to be so careless that one has to wonder if he even has a daughter. 

Also, I am in no way qualified to comment on how to write a show but by episode 21 of a season shouldn't the action pick up?  Dealing with Rene and his daughter once again (like last season around the same time) doesn't seem like that to me. But then again Oliver and Diggle also made up in Season 1 right around that time. But back then I actually cared, so I wanted to see it. Maybe that makes it slightly different.

Edited by Belinea
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7 minutes ago, way2interested said:

The fact that SA felt the need to tweet about it at least honestly makes me more interested in the scene than before,

True and i hope it's a good storyline. I do like Teryl Rothery and OTA together will be nice, but Rene, boo. And I don't want there to be any "we both love our kids, let's hug it out" bonding, when Rene should have known that from the first and certainly after a while when Oliver kept trying to be reasonable etc.

Plus being petty I don't want RG to have any more "Rene is exactly like Oliver" ammunition like he tried to go with last year, because he really isnt.

Edited by Featherhat
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48 minutes ago, way2interested said:

The fact that SA felt the need to tweet about it at least honestly makes me more interested in the scene than before,

Maybe he heard the complaints about the lack of OTA and wants to reassure us.

If I'm lucky,  Jean helps Rene get Zoe back and grateful,  he retires from both Team Arrow and the mayor's office until they need to call him back for the season seven finale. William supports Zoe and Oliver tells William that he will put him ahead of being a vigilante just as Rene is doing with Zoe. William asks to join the team and Oliver tells him that he has to put in five years of training with Diggle first.

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What exact happened with the whole “Rene snitched” SL? I’m seriously so over all things Rene that I tend to gloss over his stuff these days, but did he ever say he was refusing to testify? I know there was talk of him and Curtis trying to erase his statement, but did that ever happen? Because if not, maybe this ep has less to do with Rene’s custody and is more about Oliver’s trial, with Jean trying to prove that Watson threatened him and used Zoe as a pawn to coerce a “false” statement from him? 

Whatever happens in 521, I really hope it’s Rene trying to help Oliver with his legal issues, and not the other way around. 

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25 minutes ago, Trisha said:

What exact happened with the whole “Rene snitched” SL? I’m seriously so over all things Rene that I tend to gloss over his stuff these days, but did he ever say he was refusing to testify? I know there was talk of him and Curtis trying to erase his statement, but did that ever happen? Because if not, maybe this ep has less to do with Rene’s custody and is more about Oliver’s trial, with Jean trying to prove that Watson threatened him and used Zoe as a pawn to coerce a “false” statement from him? 

Whatever happens in 521, I really hope it’s Rene trying to help Oliver with his legal issues, and not the other way around. 

As best I can figure it faded away. They made mention of the DA not having much of a case in 615, which is why Dragon was torturing Roy to get him to testify. 

No Roy and no Rene (hospitalized) no case (Arrow Law). Which is why the corrupt DA seemed to move onto the financial aspect.

Sadly, this seems a retreat of S2 LL stuff. They wanted a LL/Oliver fight so they worked backwards and had Sara bring him to family dinner. They wanted LL back in DAs office by 218 so have her blackmail the DA and poof everything goes away.

They wanted a reason for a breakup so Rene will testify against Oliver. However. the testimony, criminal case, etc wasn't important jist a device for the breakup. So it goes away as an unimportant detail.

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Oliver, did you forget that Rene not only betrayed you, but recently CAME AT YOU WITH AN AX?!?! He better have a big damn apology basket ready if they expaect us to be cool with them becoming pals again. 

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15 minutes ago, way2interested said:

What is going down from 618-621?

Oliver arrested? I find that more likely than Felicity being so. And that gives them the excuse for the villain heavy ep. I suppose they could be taking a break following events or possibility pretending to do so for reasons but I think Oliver in prison is more likely with all the emphasis on DDDragon corrupting everyone in SC. Maybe Jean's there for his case not René's in 621 but Rene feels guilty and is helping?

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It would be amazing if Oliver helped Rene with something involving his daughter, then he started trying to apologize, and Oliver was just like “This doesn’t change anything Hoss” and slammed the door in his stupid face. 

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2 minutes ago, way2interested said:

But would that be before or after Oliver gets very beat up?

If it happens I guess at the end of the ep for the cliffhanger. Him hallucinating in prison would be very this time S5 like.

Or maybe he's just too beat up to perform and has to recuperate for a few EPs. 

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3 minutes ago, way2interested said:

But would that be before or after Oliver gets very beat up?

I did wonder when the photo was posted if he got beaten up in prison.  Pretty typical TV thing but I don't expect much from the writers.  

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37 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Him hallucinating in prison would be very this time S5 like.

But he doesn't hallucinate in prison, or at least not all of it. He's dressed in the previous costumes in the bunker and then part of it takes place presumably in a dream where he's back in his old living room. 

Him getting beat up in prison does make sense, but I guess I'm confused as to when?

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This was KP’s response to a follow up question regarding his tweet about how there’s stuff happening right now that will prevent a “dessert” scene. This has me thinking even more that the 621 lawyer scene isn’t about Rene’s custody, it’s about Oliver’s trial (with Rene there because he’s trying to help). With Watson rumoured to be returning, it makes more sense for Oliver to go to jail instead of Felicity since that was Watson’s goal; she was never specifically targeting Felicity and Felicity’s illegal hack was related to Cayden anyhow, which they’ve dropped. And if Rene gets redeemed (and you know he’s gonna be - sigh), him helping Oliver by testifying that Watson coerced him by threatening his kid is a good way to do it.

Edited by Trisha
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We know that 19 is Oliver and Felicity lite and 20 seems to be Felicity lite.

Jail is an option, kidnapping is another, leaving town to go find information is also a possibility.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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21 minutes ago, way2interested said:

The thing with jail though is that wouldn't that mean that he, say, goes to jail at the end of 618, but then he's out and able to go to Rene's apartment with all of those other characters by 621?

I was thinking more Felicity than Oliver. Since Felicity is lite in both 619 and 620 while Oliver is lite in 619 but has more of a presence than Felicity in 620. 

I don't put jail very high on my list.

ETA: Nevermind I was totally wrong.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I guess you could say that Watson coerced Rene in a moral sense but she didn't do it in a legal sense because he was breaking the law and she offered him a deal  not to prosecute him for that, which would have caused him to lose Zoe.

All of which Oliver already knows. I don't see how Rene testifying that Watson gave him a perfectly legal offer changes anything, hoss.

I hate Rene.

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11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I guess you could say that Watson coerced Rene in a moral sense but she didn't do it in a legal sense because he was breaking the law and she offered him a deal  not to prosecute him for that, which would have caused him to lose Zoe.

All of which Oliver already knows. I don't see how Rene testifying that Watson gave him a perfectly legal offer changes anything, hoss.

I hate Rene.

Yeah testifying is probably the wrong word. But I think that Jean is somehow going to get Rene’s previous statement thrown out (and Rene is going to actively help with that) and that how he gets brought back into the fold. 

I’m still confused about the timeline. The pap said there’s some stuff going on “right now” that means dessert is impossible “at the moment.” So maybe the jail time he’s talking about is in 621 on? Oliver is already out on bail awaiting trial, and there doesn’t seem to be much indication that the trial happens between now and 620. Unless he gets arrested again before then, but he seems to be walking around freely if he’s having legal strategy sessions at Rene’s place at the start of 621. 

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26 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I’m still confused about the timeline. The pap said there’s some stuff going on “right now” that means dessert is impossible “at the moment.” So maybe the jail time he’s talking about is in 621 on? Oliver is already out on bail awaiting trial, and there doesn’t seem to be much indication that the trial happens between now and 620. Unless he gets arrested again before then, but he seems to be walking around freely if he’s having legal strategy sessions at Rene’s place at the start of 621. 

You and me both. Plus, why is in jail in quotes? (that's nitpicky I know but just threw me off). And why is Oliver all beat up circa 619/620? Getting beat up in prison makes sense, but then why is he walking around in 621? And him in prison also makes sense as to why Diggle then has a bunch to do around then, but then there's only so much one can do in prison scenes which then puts to question why does Oliver have any scenes at all in 620?

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9 minutes ago, way2interested said:

You and me both. Plus, why is in jail in quotes? (that's nitpicky I know but just threw me off). And why is Oliver all beat up circa 619/620? Getting beat up in prison makes sense, but then why is he walking around in 621? And him in prison also makes sense as to why Diggle then has a bunch to do around then, but then there's only so much one can do in prison scenes which then puts to question why does Oliver have any scenes at all in 620?

May be he's not in jail jail (legal SCPD) but, he's captured/locked in a jail/cage by the Villains?

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14 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

May be he's not in jail jail (legal SCPD) but, he's captured/locked in a jail/cage by the Villains?

It would at least explain how to connect Oliver back to a largely villain episode in 619 and why he's still out enough to visit Rene, but then I guess they would have to change something about how to make it different from 517. Although, then again, I'm wondering if he's talking about this "in jail" stuff for right now 620/621ish (which still doesn't make sense since OTA are with Rene and Oliver's lawyer) vs 619 and 620.

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Also its interesting that for 620 it seems the majority of filming was done by JH and Echo. But Echo left Vancouver after finishing 620 on Tuesday. It almost feels like Rene will be the first member of NTA to make some kind of peace with OTA.

Edited by Velocity23
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2 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

Also its interesting that for 620 it seems the majority of filming was done by JH and Echo. But Echo left Vancouver after finishing 620 on Tuesday. It almost feels like Rene will be the first member of NTA to make some kind of peace with OTA.

I need to preface this by saying that I don't like Rene at all and he's been a hypocritical little shit. I'd much rather this was going to be Rene finding a way to leave with Zoe and go far, far away and never return. That being said, as much as I dislike Rene, he did initially show remorse for his actions in the first couple of episodes of this dumb Civil War arc. Albeit, it was in private just to Dinah and Curtis, but he at least expressed his remorse for his actions. That does NOT excuse the shitty way he handled things and how that reduced his character back into the idiotic selfish douche that he was in season 5. But Dinah and Curtis have never expressed how much OTA might be right in a sense, or that this team split might have a little to do with them, while Rene has (even if he acted like a prissy prick to OTA's faces and doesn't deserve OTA in any way, shape or form). 

But that doesn't mean that Rene should rejoin Team Arrow. Nah, he's already expressed his distrust of them and he doesn't work well with others, and never has. So I'm rooting for Rene to leave with Zoe. Take her someplace nice and hang up the vigilante suit so he can be a father. 

2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

May be he's not in jail jail (legal SCPD) but, he's captured/locked in a jail/cage by the Villains?

That's what I've been assuming. Now, we won't know for sure until at least the 6x19 press release or promotional photos come out...or maybe not even until 6x20, but with Oliver being beat up, him only being in one scene in 6x19 and very little Felicity in general for those two episodes and only a bit more Diggle in 6x20, I just assumed Oliver had been captured by the Villains, not arrested. They'd want to still connect whatever happens to Oliver at the end of 6x18 to the big Villains episode of 6x19. With Oliver being beat up in 6x20 at some point, I wouldn't think it was in a legal jail (unless Oliver was also outed as GA and that got the criminals in jail to attack him, but that's not likely to happen yet). 

I could be wrong. Again, this is all just taken from almost no information. But yeah, Jean being in 6x21 does lean more toward Oliver being arrested for real this time. Though why would they all be at Rene's place meeting, then? 

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Rene expressed a little remorse but then he attacked Oliver with an axe. One of these cancels out the other.

If Oliver is kidnapped and held by Team Villain, wouldn't the FBI/SC judge want to give him a break for a while? To recover.

I'm tired of Oliver and Felicity being apart at this time of year so they can do a big get-together for the last episode. I don't want all this drama; just leave them happy in the background.

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

If Oliver is kidnapped and held by Team Villain, wouldn't the FBI/SC judge want to give him a break for a while? To recover.

They should, if they even know he was kidnapped by Team Villain. Though, since we know the scene takes place in Rene's apartment, I think Jean is there for Rene, rather than Oliver. 

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Rene expressed a little remorse but then he attacked Oliver with an axe. One of these cancels out the other.

I do not disagree with you in any way, shape or form. I guess I was trying to grasp at a possible explanation as to why Rene is in cahoots with Oliver again, instead of Oliver slamming the door in his face. Though it could be completely about Zoe and Oliver wanting to help because of her, rather than any feelings toward Rene, or Rene wanting Oliver's help. 

For the record, I don't truly buy that there's any peace made between Rene and OTA; rather, it has to do with Zoe. 

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I hope that Rene leaves the team and Star City. We've had teammates leave for their safety or because of death, it is totally believable that someone leaves because they just cant see eye to eye with everyone else and being a single parent......not the best decision to keep on with vigilanting when there is a whole team out there to keep the city safe.

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Rene took up being a vigilante to give his life some purpose. See what happens when there's there's no funding for retraining?

Getting Zoe back and stepping back from putting his life in danger and leaving her an orphan would make all the sense. So I'm  afraid they'll try to rehab him instead.

2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

They should, if they even know he was kidnapped by Team Villain. Though, since we know the scene takes place in Rene's apartment, I think Jean is there for Rene, rather than Oliver.

That makes sense. I'll hold on to that hope.

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9 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

May be he's not in jail jail (legal SCPD) but, he's captured/locked in a jail/cage by the Villains?

And DDDragon is making him fight the new recruits?  

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Maybe PR but actually sounds like they are hanging out based on date and time of tweets. Maybe that’s what he was disappointed in himself about.  He hadn’t done enough to get to know and/or promote the new kids.  

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They're just hanging out. It doesn't necessarily mean it's PR, though it wouldn't surprise me if it is. It does kinda seem like a checklist with the way he tweeted about them one after the other. Haha. But who's to say? *Shrugs* I doubt very much he's disappointed in himself for not promoting them though? They've promoted themselves just fine, IMO.

I do find it kinda funny how he has to confirm that JH is the BC though. Just in case there's some confusion about it. Man, they really messed up there. ?

28 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Makes me curious about Curtis. If MG is right about this split not going the way people think, I wonder if Curtis is off permanently. 

Look, I want them all gone but I'll take Curtis. PLEASE. ?

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9 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

They're just hanging out. It doesn't necessarily mean it's PR,

I think him calling her BC in a tweet is a sort of dead giveaway lol considering he didn't have to do that *shrugs*

Edited by WindofChange
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I don't understand. Why is calling her  the Black Canary a giveaway?  We already knew that.

Even if she's off the Team by the end of the season,  he's not going to give away a huge spoiler like that in a tweet.

He always supports whatever is on screen.

Edited by statsgirl
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52 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

I think him calling her BC in a tweet is a sort of dead giveaway lol considering he didn't have to do that *shrugs*


True. ?

As I said, it wouldn't surprise me at all but we just don't know.

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51 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I don't understand. Why is calling her  the Black Canary a giveaway?  We already knew that.

Pretty sure she meant calling her Black Canary was a dead giveaway their hangout or the tweet was PR. 


I don’t think it was. They’ve hung out before, and calling her Black Canary seems like the kind of thing he’d think was cute. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

All the positive tweeting and chumming around in the world wouldn’t be enough to undo what the show has done to them. 

Yep. Echo, Juliana, and (sometimes) Rick all seem like lovely people IRL. But their characters are trash and I don't ever want them in the bunker again.

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