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Full disclosure: While I'm appalled and annoyed that the Show seems to find some sort of twisted glee in showing Sara's death over and over, I did chuckle a bit at dream-Roy throwing those arrows so ferociously like it was some sort of high stakes darts competition. But, yeah, I'm over this murder mystery arc. I find it hard to care about who actually did it since I'm pretty sure about why the Show killed Sara off.


So, the "work date" that Ray and Felicity are going to in 3x07, might that have something to do with the possible rebranding of QC? Is this the episode that we'll see Palmer Technologies on the ticker, like AK said in, I think it was, a tweet? Perhaps, it is, like looptab said upthread, the combination of definitively losing his family's legacy and the woman he loves that leads Oliver to destroy important science-y things (that he can no longer afford) in the foundry.


I HATE that we have to see Sara's death so much. It was bad enough the first time and now they're just rubbing salt in the wound. 


But I agree. I don't care who killed Sara because it never mattered who killed her. The outcome was always the same. It could be anyone. It doesn't matter in the long run. All that mattered was making Laurel BC.


As for Ray and Felicity's work date, I do think it happens on the same episode as QC's rebranding to Palmer Technologies. I did wonder if that's the reason Oliver ends up at the office - maybe because Ray wants to tell him in person that he's changing the name of his family company? I still don't think Oliver is throwing a temper tantrum specifically for Felicity reasons but probably an accumulation of things. Felicity and Ray, losing his company probably feels more real now that it's named something else and also the Cupid stuff. It's feasible it all gets to him at once.


I'm starting to think they need to just rename the show Vigilante City....sigh.


Nah. They should just hand out masks to everyone before they enter the city. "Do you plan on living here? Well, you'll need a mask." Because apparently everyone who's anyone gets one of those these days.

Edited by Guest

But -- I'm guessing Ted is innocent of the killing spree, so, who's guilty? Cupid?

Probably.  Or it's whatever villain goes from Starling City to Central City in The Flash part of the cross-over.


At least Felicity is back in the cave for more than to feel guilty about lying to Roy about the cop killing.  Hopefully we get some Diggle time too.

Why am I supposed to care about Ted (besides the fact that he was important in the comics)? I don't know why they're (seemingly) making Roy killing a cop last year a subplot to Ted/Laurel/Oliver. Poor Roy, always getting sidelined for Lance family drama...


That should be reason enough for Roy to kill both the Lance sisters, always hogging screen time away from him. I would not blame him if he did kill Sara (though we know for sure that he did not do it because they would not give this much importance to Roy. Poor boy.

Sadly I don't care enough about Ted Grant to care whether he's guilty of anything or not.


Jeez, even Supernatural took almost 4 seasons to finally make me apathetic. Arrow's managed to do it in 3 episodes and 2 minutes. (I'm still okay with the majority of Eps 1 and 5.)


If I cared about Laurel, I might be interested in Ted Grant, but I'm don't and I'm not. I don't understand what I'm supposed to be excited for - anything related to Laurel? No. Ray Palmer romancing Felicity and turning into the Atom? No. Dragging out Oliver's manpain and then having him possibly MIA for an episode or so? No. Hong Kong? No. (Which is actually upsetting because I'm always down for more Asian representation on TV.) Continued lying to Lance. Hell no. No more OG Team Arrow. No. Eighteen more episodes where we watch Sara get murdered? No.


I'm cautiously looking forward to Thea. That's it. THAT'S IT?? This sucks. I want more Diggle and Felicity bonding. Team Arrow kicking ass. Felicity showing her brilliance to her new boss without mucking it up with romance. And Oliver growing up. 

  • Love 9

I'm curious which will be the A story -- Roy and the recurrance of the effects of the mirakuru, or Ted Grant being accused of murder.  Roy is a character we're watched grow and develop over the seasons of the show, and Ted is tied ito Laurel's story.

haha that's kinda why I think the New Zealand and American promos pretty much ignored it tbh even though it seems like the A story. 

Edited by ban1o

If they were smart [which right now is pretty debatable], they'd tie both plots together -- Roy becoming a suspect for the murder Ted is being accused of because, I dunno, maybe Ted has an alibi, and Roy's been blacking out and losing time. It would still be super boring to watch, but at least it would show me these writers can actually plot one cohesive episode, instead of keeping storylines isolated because reasons.

If they were smart [which right now is pretty debatable], they'd tie both plots together -- Roy becoming a suspect for the murder Ted is being accused of because, I dunno, maybe Ted has an alibi, and Roy's been blacking out and losing time. It would still be super boring to watch, but at least it would show me these writers can actually plot one cohesive episode, instead of keeping storylines isolated because reasons.


The theme definitely ties them together - the idea that Roy and Ted are both 'guilty or not guilty' of murder but I don't see them tying the plots together because that's too easy. I have zero faith in these guys right now.

Edited by Guest

So Ted is the 'I used to be a vigilante' quote - I was hoping it was Captain Boomerang.  So add that to the list of why I'm not interested in this episode at all.


Laurel in a car accident, maybe hits someone and gets rescued by Oliver - and carried away in a scene that looks a lot like the finale when he carried Felicity.  That's 4 reasons right there to add to the list.


No Diggle or Thea.


2 more reasons...


Why do the showrunners think any of this is interesting to the majority of viewers? 


I like Roy OK but when there's an implied lack of Team Arrow going on, there's no way I'm wasting an hour watching.

  • Love 11

I really want someone to ask if we are getting any Quentin/Felicity or Thea/Felicity scenes. 


I would be more excited for this episode if I didn't feel like it was pointless. We know that Roy didn't kill Sara and we know that Grant is checking out after a very underwhelming arc. Really, the only thing I'm interested in is Roy dealing with the cop's death. 


Has anyone heard anything about Grant coming back after the mid season break? 


ETA: I want ep. 7 and the Flash Crossover

Edited by 10Eleven12

I really want someone to ask if we are getting any Quentin/Felicity or Thea/Felicity scenes.

I would be more excited for this episode if I didn't feel like it was pointless. We know that Roy didn't kill Sara and we know that Grant is checking out after a very underwhelming arc. Really, the only thing I'm interested in is Roy dealing with the cop's death.

Has anyone heard anything about Grant coming back after the mid season break?

ETA: I want ep. 7 and the Flash Crossover

They're filming 11 now and no word on Grant. Power is probably still filming at least through December. If Grant came back at all, I suspect it wouldn't be until 15 or later.
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Why do the showrunners think any of this is interesting to the majority of viewers? 


Honestly, don't they know that there are so many other characters that we are interested in and want to know more about? Why can't we have that? I am so not here for this Laurel and Ted Grant crap fest. This season is turning out to be as bad as 2B.

Can we please forget about any Lance not named Quinten, that would be really great.

  • Love 8

I'm not surprised that there will be an instant assumption for Grant to be a suspect - look at how many instant suspects that have cropped up for Sara's death. Interesting if Laurel will be quick to defend Grant when she had no qualms about killing suspects in Sara's death. 


Have there been official spoilers about Laurel trying to prove Grant's innocence?  Isn't that going against her job? (again)


How can this show have a single episode without Oliver on it? 


I'm so profoundly baffled as to why the show could possibly be shifting the focus off the lead character and show's namesake for anyone else, let alone the least liked/most controversial character.  Who makes these decisions - the EPs, the network, DC or a combo?  I'm genuinely curious as to the reasoning for all of this.

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They really should spinoff the entire Lance family drama to another show. The characters don't add anything to the show and because they are main characters we are forced to have so much screentime devoted to them. The Mumbly father doesn't do any more for me than Laurel does. Sara was the only interesting Lance and she's gone now.

So at the point, the only two characters who haven't gone hooded/masked are Felicity and Mumbles. This is the same problem that happened on The Vampire Diaries. They made all the characters supernatural in some way except sad Matt and made the supernatural boring and uninteresting. As they said in The Incredibles, "When everybody is special, no one is!".

Edited by pivot
  • Love 5

Felicity did have a ski mask on when they blew up the Applied Sciences building, along with Oliver, Diggle and Sara.  Good times.


What would be the point of bringing Ted Grant back in the winter?  Laurel will have been trained and dressed as BC and he's certainly no love interest for her unless they really start pushing it in this episode.  Another disappointment.


It seems like the best I can hope for is some Roy/Felicity friendship scenes, but I'm sure they'll limit those for Laurel and her defense of Grant.  At least Laurel and Oliver are still on opposite side.


I'm not surprised that there will be an instant assumption for Grant to be a suspect - look at how many instant suspects that have cropped up for Sara's death. Interesting if Laurel will be quick to defend Grant when she had no qualms about killing suspects in Sara's death. 


That's Laurel, Insta everything from trying to kill the Sara suspects to defending Grant to donning the leathers.


This is a sweeps episode???  

I'll be interested in the ratings for the second half of it if it's about Ted Grant and Laurel.  Viewers will tune in after last week's Felicity episode but will they stay?

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 4

I think the crossover will scrape in during last day of sweeps, so if they drop viewers in the next 2 weeks I think they will be picked up again on 3.08.

Definitely think willa's photo is intriguing.

Arrow is skipping the last week of Sweeps because of Thanksgiving. Plus, Flash had a week off, so they need it to align the shows again. The crossover will happen the first week of December: Flash 108 on Dec 2 and Arrow 308 on Dec 3.

Arrow is skipping the last week of Sweeps because of Thanksgiving. Plus, Flash had a week off, so they need it to align the shows again. The crossover will happen the first week of December: Flash 108 on Dec 2 and Arrow 308 on Dec 3.


Lol don't live in The States so only have a vague awareness of Thanksgiving being sometime in November.

Given that the final week of November is an off-week for Arrow, does anyone have any insight into why the next 2 epsiodes are seemingly light on 2 of the 3 main reasons people tune in: Team Arrow and Oliver/Felicity?  I think the 3rd reason, stunts, is always (thank goodness) going to be a mainstay of any episode. 


It just seems that the timing of the focused stories are NOT fully in line with how to best showcase the series.  Having a Felicity centric episode to kick the month off seems wise.  The ratings bear that out.  So why Ted, Roy, Laurel and Cupid for the next 2?  Unless there's a lot more Team Arrow than the spoilers have so far indicated, I don't get it.


Cupid is an Andrew Kriesberg creation. I can see why the character is making an appearance - I'm not familiar with her or the comics that she was in. Was she a very popular character?  The clips I've seen are intriguing, but, for me, not enough to tune in live if the real story is going to involve Ted and Laurel.  If Oliver and Cupid are the B-story, it makes no sense to me.


The photo of Willa definitely peaks my interest - a mask is in play, I think. Is she going to Speedy so soon or will she be someone else BEFORE becoming Speedy?  This is an arc that I'm interested in.  I can even plod through the obvious stunt double work because I think Thea/Oliver and Thea/Malcolm have had engaging interactions.  I'm more invested in all of them than I was expecting (and I had been interested after SDCC).


I will say that the obviousness of WH's stunt double is a bit jarring - I've only been blatantly aware of the stunt double of Laurel in the past.  I was hoping to be less jaded by Thea/WH's...


ETA: So the Willa pic doesn't have anything to do with the show's story after all?

Edited by writersblock51

Episode 7 is the big Cupid episode, I'm guessing she just makes a quick appearance in 6. Also, from what I understand Katie didn't film much for 7. From some of the MG teases I hope we get some Team Arrow. He said Diggle & Felicity have a great scene, Oliver visits her at her job, & that there would be some O/F. Either way, I'm looking forward to episode 7... 6 is going to be a struggle for me. I'm not a Roy or Laurel fan, and they seem to be highlighting both, so I may have to DVR so I can FF.

  • Love 5

3.07 Draw Back Your Bow

Maybe this one is Oliver centric?

KC had a light filming schedule (Fashion Week I think this was)

Cupid (In one scene she is dressed similar to Felicity in the casino from S1)

Diggle/Felicity supposed to have a big scene/moment per AK tweet

Oliver throws a fit in front of the fern

Oliver goes to see Felicity at her job (MG tweet)

Oliver jealous? (MG tweet)

Ray/Felicity Date & Kiss

Palmer Technologies appears on the Arrow Ticker per AK tweet (QC rebranding?)

Salmon ladder is back (sort of per MG tweet)

Brandon Routh shirtless (MG tweet)

Olicity moment(s) (MG tweet)

Felicity was featured in 3.05

Laurel/(Roy?) in 3.06

Oliver? 3.07

Perhaps what they are trying to do is see if what they are showing matters in the ratings? We assume that because online is largely pro-Team Arrow & Oliver/Felicity (I am too) that is what people are watching for. Maybe it's not? If the demo for 3.06 drops to .9 (assuming it drops at all) that is still as good as Season 2. I don't think they would necessarily see that as a problem.

Edited by Sunshine
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Perhaps what they are trying to do is see if what they are showing matters in the ratings? We assume that because online is largely pro-Team Arrow & Oliver/Felicity (I am too) that is what people are watching for. Maybe it's not? If the demo for 3.06 drops to .9 (assuming it drops at all) that is still as good as Season 2. I don't think they would necessarily see that as a problem.

The better the demo the more ad money the network can get for the show. So yeah, if you hit a season high and then have a huge drop (in theory) the network will take notice. The last thing the network wants to see is low ratings during Sweeps...this is why big guest stars and plotlines (weddings, romance, babies, deaths...etc) are staged around Sweeps weeks.

BTW I'm not predicting anything pertaining to ratings just saying Sweeps is the big time episodes. I'm actually surprised they didn't plan the crossover during Sweeps. Look at NBC, 3 way crossover with Chicago PD, Chicago Fire and L&O SVU.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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The better the demo the more ad money the network can get for the show. So yeah, if you hit a season high and then have a huge drop (in theory) the network will take notice. The last thing the network wants to see is low ratings during Sweeps...this is why big guest stars and plotlines (weddings, romance, babies, deaths...etc) are staged around Sweeps weeks.

BTW I'm not predicting anything pertaining to ratings just saying Sweeps is the big time episodes. I'm actually surprised they didn't plan the crossover during Sweeps. Look at NBC 3 way crossover with Chicago PD, Chicago Fire and L&O SVU.

I was surprised that the crossovers weren't during Sweeps but it might be a case of them wanting to see how well the shows do on their own. They had high hopes for the Flash but they didn't know how successful it would actually be.

I think my main point about the ratings - I am not making any assumptions either - and 3.06 in particular is that just because the main thing I liked about the show was Team Arrow + Quentin doesn't mean that people aren't going to tune in. If the ratings don't drop significantly then I think Laurel will remain front and center unfortunately and Felicity will be joining Diggle in the background again.

I think my main point about the ratings - I am not making any assumptions either - and 3.06 in particular is that just because the main thing I liked about the show was Team Arrow + Quentin doesn't mean that people aren't going to tune in. If the ratings don't drop significantly then I think Laurel will remain front and center unfortunately and Felicity will be joining Diggle in the background again.

Taking to media thread

Episode seven actually looks pretty good to me.  Ray's a little crazy, but I won't mind seeing him shirtless.  Cupid looks funny, and if this episode is Laurel-lite, that's a plus in my book.  And I'm not going to lie, I'm here for Olicity.  The Oliver/Felicity interactions don't have to be overly romantic every episode, but I do want to see some movement on that front as the season progresses.  'Cause if Olicity is not happening, there's just not enough to keep me tuning into this show. 

  • Love 6

Curious about 3x06 only because Roy decides to tell Felicity about his dreams and I want to see how Felicity (and Oliver and Diggle) handle it. I also really want to know what made Roy say, "Felicity, you're really starting to freak me out." I'm kinda laughing over this because I always thought Roy was slow, but damn, he's only STARTING to get freaked out over Felicity? Wasn't he paying attention last ep?!?! LOL!

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As much as I think the Roy as Sara's killer is pointless, I do want to see Team Arrow and Roy handle the Roy killed a cop storyline. I'm curious to see Colton Haynes handles the plot. He has been good looking cardboard so far this season and I would like to see some depth and a return to snarky Roy.

Edited by 10Eleven12

Actually, there's a couple of things I'd like to ask J.R. Ramirez, but I don't think they'd make for an interesting read in an interview.  I'd like to know if he had a screen test or whatever that's called against KC.  Because if this was the actor that had the most chemistry with her, we are all doomed.  I'd also like to know if he is going to be her love interest this season.  That's spoilery, though, so I can't imagine that he'd answer that.  I also want to know if he's coming back later this season.  Based on spoilers, I think that he finished filming this episode and hasn't been back yet, so who knows?   Obviously, if he's not coming back he won't be the love interest.


I've been thinking about the Laurel love interest spoiler, and I wonder if maybe Tommy is coming back from the dead.  I suppose resurrected Tommy could be her love interest, but Laurel would have to really embrace the dark side if she's going to be with him, because you just know he'll be evil if he returns.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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