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I wouldn't be surprised at all if the EPs put Laurel in charge of the Arrowcave in Oliver's absence.  It should be Diggle - he may be a soldier but he's not a lemming.  He is perfectly capable.  For all we know, he led missions while a soldier.  However, if the EPs don't put Laurel in charge, then what else is she going to do in the Arrowcave?  As history shows, she does what she wants and isn't going to go along with someone else's plan.  So her 'my way or the highway' personality only lends itself to being the leader.  It's also another obvious way for the EPs to establish that she's the 'equal' of Oliver.


Incidentally, I (and some others here) have wondered what Laurel's motivation was for becoming a vigilante when she has a day job prosecuting criminals - putting aside the previously-mentioned hypocrisy.  I've come to the conclusion that she doesn't need a motivation.  Sara's murder is just an excuse for Laurel to give full rein to her natural personality.  Being a vigilante will fit her character perfectly.  She can be judge, jury and executioner.  She will have the power of life and death over another person.  And she doesn't have to abide by any pesky legal or ethical rules.  Come to think of it, she's been a covert vigilante all along.

"But (s)he's not Judge Judy and executioner!"      I'm sorry.  I just can't ever hear that phrase and not think of that.


Anyhoo,  it occurred to me that perhaps the character arc we are currently seeing is the redemption and learning curve of bitchy Laurel.  A lot of us have mentioned that she is being called out on her mistakes the last episode(s) so we know we are correct in our feelings for her.  


I think especially with what Captain Lance said to her about starting the riot and forcing her to admit that she was rash, it's an arc that may be bringing her to realize that she does need guidance.  That she can't railroad people and be a bitch and expect to have her way all the time.


In summary, maybe we will be pleasantly surprised and she will not be the so-called leader of Team Arrow in Oliver's absence since there is no way in hell she is remotely qualified for that position.  eta: The arc showing her that she doesn't know everything will hopefully allow her to accept the leadership/guidance of those who have been doing this for longer, i.e., Digg, Felicity, and even Roy. 

Edited by JenMcSnark
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Bolded because I really hope Diggle gets put in charge, if Oliver's absence is what we're leading to. I guess it's more of a selfish thing for me because I'm desperate to see some more Diggle action beyond strapping a baby to his chest and throwing in a snarky line or two. I feel like he's fading into the background and I hate it because he's one of my favorites. But it also makes sense for him to be in charge because he's the one who has been with Oliver the longest and he knows exactly how Oliver works and likes to handle things. I'd love to see him shoulder more responsibility.

During the filming of 310, David tweeted he had a night shoot consisting of just him and the stunt guys, so I'm hopeful that episode is a big one for Diggle:


  • Love 3

Have never really cared about Laurel and still don't so I don't care one way or another about Insta-Canary. What I don't like is that it's hinting that she's going to be carrying the torch while the Arrow is gone in episodes 10 and 11 (based on Stephen's light shooting schedule). The show is about the Arrow. I didn't sign up for the adventures of everyone not the Arrow and I doubt most of the audience will be okay with it either. Still, I'm trying to be fair and wait to see if that actually happens.

I can't imagine any scenario in which Diggle, Felicity and Roy are willing to take orders from Laurel who has proven to be incompetent at every job she's had, has treated all of them like hired hands to be ignored or bark orders at and has zero experience at fighting crime when compared to the rest of Team Arrow. I'd hope the writers aren't that stupid.

What I find interesting [funny] is that IF Laurel's full on transformation into BC is 309-310-311... that's 3 episodes outside of Sweeps. 2 of which are smack dab in the middle of January when ratings fall down like whoa post-Holiday break, and only [hopefully] pick up back again for February Sweeps.


That's not where you showcase a storyline, folks. That's where you hide it.

That would make more sense if they were contractually obligated to do the BC storyline with KC and I just don't think that is true. I am sure the EPs think this story is going to be awesome and make viewers fall in love with Laurel. It just isn't going to happen.

  • Love 3

That would make more sense if they were contractually obligated to do the BC storyline with KC and I just don't think that is true. I am sure the EPs think this story is going to be awesome and make viewers fall in love with Laurel. It just isn't going to happen.

I don't buy the contract thing either, but it's common TV practice to keep the ~very special story beats~ for Sweeps, and to burn through necessary and/or unpleasant story to get there in January. My educated guess here would be that Laurel *becoming* BC is less important to them, and perhaps her already being BC for February Sweeps is the entire point. So they're burying the journey in January.

Edited by dancingnancy
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During the filming of 310, David tweeted he had a night shoot consisting of just him and the stunt guys, so I'm hopeful that episode is a big one for Diggle:



Awesome! Finally. I do hope we see some more from him in the meantime. That episode feels like it's a lifetime away.

Oh good grief. If they put Laurel in charge of the arrow cave over Diggle that will be my last nerve I'm afraid. That would be a total slap in the face of all that Diggle has done and would send a really horrible message about a Person of Color not being management material in favor of a completely untrained unqualified person. Sally and Fern are more qualified than Laurel. JFC show. Don't you dare put Bossy Canary in charge of then Arrow cave. And don't you dare injure John to make it happen.

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Diggle better be in charge of the Arrow cave when Oliver's gone. He's the only one who has any actual experience fighting.



And don't you dare injure John to make it happen.

And now you've just given me a nightmare that they would do that. It's the only way they could because Diggle wouldn't take orders from her but Felicity and Roy might.


306 is the first Cupid one, right?  And the one where MG said that they would hark back to Laurel and Oliver's relationship, presumably when she tells Ted Grant she and Oliver used to date.


I think I'm ruling out it being Sara in flashbacks because Colton's stunt double is in the picture as well, wearing the Arsenal pants.


But they're not necessarily in the same scene though, although it's likely they are. I'm still hoping that they were filming a Sara flashback and a Roy action scene on the same day.

I am going to wait and see but I'd prefer it (still) if Laurel's evolution were to be a slow progress. My problem with her is not that she isn't Black Canary yet but that she never comes off as likable person to me. In my opinion, they should first work on Laurel's personality and then slowly bring in the BC alter ego. Why should I like her now if she is still the same character just now in costume? And I am not trying to bash her, I am just really trying to understand why the EPs would speed up that transformation.

Because they think that the reason people don't like Laurel is because she's not in costume, so they're speeding that up.  And it's true, when Sara first died there were a number of comments that at last Laurel has a purpose/is going on her journey to being Black Canary.  I think those who watch for the action and the comic book characters won't mind InstaCanary.  We'll have to see how others react.


In summary, maybe we will be pleasantly surprised and she will not be the so-called leader of Team Arrow in Oliver's absence since there is no way in hell she is remotely qualified for that position.  eta: The arc showing her that she doesn't know everything will hopefully allow her to accept the leadership/guidance of those who have been doing this for longer, i.e., Digg, Felicity, and even Roy. 

I could easier buy Laurel suddenly becoming a fighter than I could buy the personality change that would make her accept Felicity or Roy's guidance or leadership.  People can learn fighting skills but their personalities don't change that much, not even after five  years on an island.  She probably still thinks of Diggle as Oliver's black driver and manservant but she might accept his leadership because he's bigger than she is and wouldn't take any shade from her.

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I could easier buy Laurel suddenly becoming a fighter than I could buy the personality change that would make her accept Felicity or Roy's guidance or leadership.  People can learn fighting skills but their personalities don't change that much, not even after five  years on an island.  She probably still thinks of Diggle as Oliver's black driver and manservant but she might accept his leadership because he's bigger than she is and wouldn't take any shade from her.


I agree with you, but I'm trying to think like the writers' might if they are trying to find a way out of this mess.  I think it's more likely that she will be the leader and that Diggle won't throw any shade because Laurel is suddenly amazeballs levels of competent. 

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I can't remember if the 'we used to date' was a tweet or not but it was quite a while ago.

I agree with you, but I'm trying to think like the writers' might if they are trying to find a way out of this mess.  I think it's more likely that she will be the leader and that Diggle won't throw any shade because Laurel is suddenly amazeballs levels of competent. 

Oliver was pretty amazeballs level of competent when Diggle met him, but he didn't hesitate to tell Oliver when he was crossing lines or not doing his job. In fact, that's why he signed on with Oliver, to make sure Oliver didn't lose parts of himself in the war.


I'll be knocking my head against the wall if Diggle just decides that Laurel can be the leader of the group.  I think it might actually gain Laurel points with the parts of the audience like me who aren't eager to see her as co-leader with Oliver if she calmed down a bit and let those who know what they are doing lead.

Edited by statsgirl
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AJK tweeted it when asked for a Laurel quote ironically enough it was a Lauiver shipper who asked for a dialogue tease

AH! Of all the lines he could quote.. 

I can't remember if the 'we used to date' was a tweet or not but it was quite a while ago


Thank you for confirming this, I think it was around the time of the premiere. It seems weird to me because since then the quotes they posted were for the very next episode to air,(but I could be wrong). They are the #1 trolls of this fandom, though. :D

I've been thinking a lot about that photograph of the stunt lady BC, and I'm thinking it almost has to be Laurel.  Making Laurel into BC as soon as episode eleven just seems to accomplish many of the things that the EPs are trying to achieve this season.


So, as others have stated, I believe that Oliver will be missing at the end of episode ten.  It's even possible that he is left dangling off of a cliff, and Team Arrow thinks he is dead.  This is the cliffhanger that we are left with until the show returns again in mid-January. 


With Oliver temporarily out of the picture, this allows Laurel to strap on the fishnets.  'Cause you know that if he was around, he'd do everything in his power to prevent this.  He might be more open to Laurel as BC if he returns and sees that she's been doing a fine job without his assistance.  This benefits Laurel because now the writers have something to do with her character in the second half of the season.


Oliver's disappearance also allows Felicity to grow closer to Ray, while further reinforcing the idea that maybe Felicity should avoid a romantic relationship with Oliver.  This is the third man in her life that she has loved but been abandoned by.  If Oliver is gone because he left voluntarily, or if he let those left behind think he was dead when he had the opportunity to contact them and let them know otherwise, I imagine that Felicity will feel completely betrayed.


It gives Diggle a larger storyline as he will probably be out fighting crime while continuing to train Roy (and maybe even Laurel).


Finally, this would also benefit Oliver as he sees that the city continues to stand even if he isn't there to fight crime.  He sees that there are other heroes out there who can shoulder the burden of watching over Starling City.  Maybe this would allow him to see that he can be both The Arrow and Oliver Queen, so he sets out to get Felicity back. 


Just one thing.  Please, for the love of God, do NOT have Oliver staring at a picture of Felicity while he is missing.  That's one parallel that I don't want to see!


Full disclosure.  I don't want the story to play out this way, but it seems a likely scenario to me.  Who knows, though, maybe I'm way off base here.

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This is why I come here, so I can prepare myself for the worst,. Then when it happens, it doesn't hurt so much.


After the EPs acknowledged that Team Arrow is the core of the show, they seem to be determined to give us less than ever before.


I seem to recall a spoiler that Ra's wants to recruit Oliver, although that doesn't seem like now that Oliver has declared war on him by defending Malcolm. Still, I wonder if Oliver is gone involuntarily, or if he decides to go uncover to the LoA. Both seem to have room for dramatic stories, although the way this show has been going, Oliver being forced into it and Team Arrow worried and looking for him seems more likely. I wonder if that may have affected whether they killed Sara or just kidnapped her. Probably not though, given that Laurel couldn't remain a believable BC if Sara returned.



Oliver's disappearance also allows Felicity to grow closer to Ray, while further reinforcing the idea that maybe Felicity should avoid a romantic relationship with Oliver.  This is the third man in her life that she has loved but been abandoned by.  If Oliver is gone because he left voluntarily, or if he let those left behind think he was dead when he had the opportunity to contact them and let them know otherwise, I imagine that Felicity will feel completely betrayed.

I think she'd be more likely to grow closer to Ray if it was voluntary because then it would be deliberate, like her father left, and Cooper faked his suicide, and worse because Oliver promised her she would never lose him.  If she thought it was involuntary, she'd be too busy worrying about Oliver to grow closer to Ray romantically.



Just one thing.  Please, for the love of God, do NOT have Oliver staring at a picture of Felicity while he is missing.  That's one parallel that I don't want to see!

Yikes, no!  Instead, have him desperately trying to contact her, as he tried to e-mail from Hong Kong.

Edited by statsgirl
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I think Oliver might choose to go with Ra’s in the winter finale partly because of something Andrew Kreisberg said months ago:


" Ra's "really speaks to the emotional theme of the season, which is, 'Can I be both the Arrow and Oliver Queen at the same time?' The villain says to Oliver, 'The reason you're not able to fully be the Arrow and do the things you should be doing is because you're still holding on to Oliver Queen. I've left my identity behind to fully commit to my cause. If you did that, you could rise as high as I am.'   “


Oliver’s strongest connections to Oliver Queen (and his humanity) are Thea and his love for Felicity. If he finds out Thea’s aligned herself with Malcolm Merlyn and Felicity with Ray Palmer, how much purpose is there for him to be Oliver Queen any longer?


That’s why I think he’ll decide to drop the identity of Oliver Queen (for now) and go with Ra’s to Nanda Parbat.


Something will bring him back to Starling City, of course. And I wouldn’t be surprised if by the time he returns Felicity and Ray are together and this whole thing drags out til the end of the season or right before last three episodes, because God forbid we’d ever get to experience them catching a break.


I’m bitterly looking at you, 5 months between Season 2 and Season 3 where Oliver and Felicity went from the beach scene in 2x23 to the flirting in 3x01.


However, I have a problem theorizing what will actually bring Felicity and Oliver back together again in a romantic sense, if that happens this season at all.

  • Love 8

Oliver’s strongest connections to Oliver Queen (and his humanity) are Thea and his love for Felicity. If he finds out Thea’s aligned herself with Malcolm Merlyn and Felicity with Ray Palmer, how much purpose is there for him to be Oliver Queen any longer?

True, but I hope that throwing things at Fernlicity is about Thea rather than Felicity.


I think if Felicity does get together with Ray while Oliver is struggling to make his way back, or if there is any sense that she is betraying him, there may be a nasty blowback among the fandom, both pro and anti-Felicity. They need to tread carefully with that.



However, I have a problem theorizing what will actually bring Felicity and Oliver back together again in a romantic sense, if that happens this season at all.

If I were writing, it would be that being the Arrow failed him in some way.  Dunno what they will do though.

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And I wouldn’t be surprised if by the time he returns Felicity and Ray are together and this whole thing drags out til the end of the season or right before last three episodes, because God forbid we’d ever get to experience them catching a break.

I have a feeling that Felicity will grow closer to Ray. But at some point the reason he went after her in the first place should come into a play. At least I hope it will and at least I hope there is one. (With the writing you never know) I do believe that toward the end of the season Oliver will fight for "Oliver Queen", his sister, the company and hopefully Felicity. Wasn't there a quote by SA where he said that by the end of the season there'd be a lot of heros around and that would help Oliver with his identity crisis. I cannot find the proper quote now but I am sure I heard something like that.


The better episodes of the show (where progress is made and stories are told properly) are often the ones before the break (winter and summer).  For example S2B felt often like filler episode after filler episode to me. But the last 3 episodes really delivered then. I know you cannot do that every week but if they were to even it out a bit sometimes that'd be great. So enough ranting :)

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EBR has said in a couple of interviews lately that for Felicity, Ray is really transparent in a good way and she likes that about him. It suggested to me that the unspoken was "...as opposed to Oliver." So that makes me think that something goes down - could be Oliver leaving but refusing to tell her where he's going or why - that makes her think Ray is the option who doesn't hide things from her. Which yes, is setting her up for the reveal about his agenda.

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Reading EBR's last interview with Collider, this caught my attention:

With so many fans rooting for Felicity and Oliver, does it feel like it’s an uphill battle for anyone else that comes into her life?
RICKARDS:  I think she’s rooting for it, too, but at the same time, she’s not going to pine.  That’s where the confusion comes in.  As much as she loves him and adores him, he’s got things that maybe she doesn’t want to have to deal with, on a romantic level.  As a friend, she might be benefitting him more.  When you get involved romantically with someone, sometimes you end up overlooking things that you could help people with better, as a friend.  It’s almost sacrificing that, or being a little bit selfish.  In the end, it’s about following your own heart.  Sometimes that’s hard to listen to.

About the part in italic, that's not a dynamic we've really seen at play, yet. (Or at least it didn't seem like it to me). So I think maybe in ep, 6 or 7 we might see Felicity for some reason being unavailable to Oliver when he seeks her as a friend  (be it about Thea, Roy, Laurel being a pain, or even the rebranding of QC), and how that affects them. Perhaps this plays in the Foundry Fit, as someone suggested - him being upset and wanting to talk to her, her being occupied with Ray. Or the other way around :)

I can't imagine any scenario in which Diggle, Felicity and Roy are willing to take orders from Laurel who has proven to be incompetent at every job she's had, has treated all of them like hired hands to be ignored or bark orders at and has zero experience at fighting crime when compared to the rest of Team Arrow. I'd hope the writers aren't that stupid.

Alas, as history has shown, the Arrow writers are that stupid.


I seem to recall a spoiler that Ra's wants to recruit Oliver, although that doesn't seem like now that Oliver has declared war on him by defending Malcolm.

I think Ra's trying to recruit Oliver would at least be more credible than any scenario where Oliver would defeat Ra's.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 7

From the Starling News thread, calliope1975 posted:


Pajiba reviewed "The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak." They weren't big fans and thought Felicity deserved a better episode. (Note: the review jumps back and forth with Constantine and Gotham reviews.) The comments on Sara are interesting as in most hate that they killed her off.




The article brings up an excellent point regarding if Roy is the killer: did Team Arrow ever check the arrows for prints?

The BTS photo of what looks like KC's stunt double in Black Canary gear is now on io9's morning spoilers



which got the picture from SpoilerTV



I'm hoping the person who took the photo didn't lose his job after all. 

The article brings up an excellent point regarding if Roy is the killer: did Team Arrow ever check the arrows for prints?


Based on the fact that Felicity worked for a week on predictive algorithms to get a match off a partial print they found on a piece of glass on the rooftop (the guy Oliver questioned at the beginning of Corto Maltese), I'd say that we should assume they checked everything for prints.

Doesn't Roy generally wear gloves when he's fighting?  Not to mention, he has red arrows, not black ones.  Maybe the LoA has picked up hypnosis as a tool and are sending him a hypnotic suggestion.


Since a new suspect shows up in ep 5x9 (?), I expect Roy to be exonerated within the next couple of episodes.


I can't believe that the show would put Laurel in Black Canary gear in January already when she's was flailing around the boxing ring in November. Oh, wait, I can.  I think I'll make this into a drinking game, which is the only way I'm going to be able to take it.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 4

Isn't it kind of obvious that Roy didn't do it? I mean, in his 'dream' he was not only wearing his red hoodie (with the hood up in the same way it was when he killed the cop) but he was also throwing the arrows. There's no way anyone could throw arrows at the velocity with which they hit Sara in the chest/stomach.


I remember one of the EP's said that everyone's secrets or lies would be catching up to them in this season and I just think it's time Roy learns he killed the cop. It's interesting because it brings up conflict with everyone - Oliver/Felicity/Diggle for keeping the cop's murder a secret and presumably Laurel will be mad when Oliver probably refuses to believe Roy killed Sara. 

"But (s)he's not Judge Judy and executioner!"      I'm sorry.  I just can't ever hear that phrase and not think of that.


Anyhoo,  it occurred to me that perhaps the character arc we are currently seeing is the redemption and learning curve of bitchy Laurel.  A lot of us have mentioned that she is being called out on her mistakes the last episode(s) so we know we are correct in our feelings for her.  


I think especially with what Captain Lance said to her about starting the riot and forcing her to admit that she was rash, it's an arc that may be bringing her to realize that she does need guidance.  That she can't railroad people and be a bitch and expect to have her way all the time.


In summary, maybe we will be pleasantly surprised and she will not be the so-called leader of Team Arrow in Oliver's absence since there is no way in hell she is remotely qualified for that position.  eta: The arc showing her that she doesn't know everything will hopefully allow her to accept the leadership/guidance of those who have been doing this for longer, i.e., Digg, Felicity, and even Roy. 

I think that is SUPPOSED to be how we see this. Remember how Laurel said in whatever ep (TOD, I THINK? ) when she said that she went on the boat with Sara and Sara came back so alive and beautiful and she realized she wasn't, blah blah blah blah blah.  I think we're supposed to see this WHOLE ENTIRE SHOW so far as her "island"--she only banged Tommy, other than Oliver, in SEVEN years now. Oliver died, her sister died, Oliver came back, Tommy died, Sara came back and then she died again.  I think we're supposed to care about her and want her to come back past her rage, see her as finding her way and FINALLY finding purpose.  Except for me at least it falls flat. Really, really flat. 


Exactly.  So now I need to watch that UGH scene in the promo to see if Roy was wearing gloves.  I detest that Sara's murder is shown repeatedly.

Same. Once was enough. Every freaking ep is too much. 


I want, so badly at this point, to be done. 

  • Love 6

Isn't it kind of obvious that Roy didn't do it? I mean, in his 'dream' he was not only wearing his red hoodie (with the hood up in the same way it was when he killed the cop) but he was also throwing the arrows. There's no way anyone could throw arrows at the velocity with which they hit Sara in the chest/stomach.


Full disclosure: While I'm appalled and annoyed that the Show seems to find some sort of twisted glee in showing Sara's death over and over, I did chuckle a bit at dream-Roy throwing those arrows so ferociously like it was some sort of high stakes darts competition. But, yeah, I'm over this murder mystery arc. I find it hard to care about who actually did it since I'm pretty sure about why the Show killed Sara off.


So, the "work date" that Ray and Felicity are going to in 3x07, might that have something to do with the possible rebranding of QC? Is this the episode that we'll see Palmer Technologies on the ticker, like AK said in, I think it was, a tweet? Perhaps, it is, like looptab said upthread, the combination of definitively losing his family's legacy and the woman he loves that leads Oliver to destroy important science-y things (that he can no longer afford) in the foundry.


By the way, does anyone else think that the voice that said "I used to be a vigilante" in that FB promo does not sound like Ted Grant? It sounds deeper and I think it kinda sounds closer to the voice at the end that said their work "always comes back," which I'm certain was Captain Boomerang. Then again, Wildcat could've been using a voice synthesizer, too, when he used to be a vigilante, I guess.

Where can I get a voice synthesizer? It seems like all the cool kids are getting one.  Also, I took judo for three years so it's past time I got my vigilante costume.



 I did chuckle a bit at dream-Roy throwing those arrows so ferociously like it was some sort of high stakes darts competition. But, yeah, I'm over this murder mystery arc.

LOL. That's exactly it.


I won't care about who killed Sara until I'm over why she was killed.  There was a 'ping' of a bowstring with each of those arrows so it's not going to be Roy training for the Arrow-throwing competition.


I agree, this is going to be Roy's cop-killer arc.  Since CH talked about it at the upfronts in May, it will be in the first part of this season.


Is 3x06 the episode where Ted Grant is accused of murder and goes on the run?  I was hoping he would stick around longer to draw Laurel's attention away from the lair.

Oh, Ted goes on the run?  I missed that part from spoilers.  I knew that he was accused of murder and Laurel was supposed to be helping him.  Must not go that well.  I watched that Guilty video clip without audio.  This week's episode looks like another one I won't remember in a year.  You all can let us know if Ted's acting gets any better (not counting on it). 

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Agree he's cardboard but maybe if they had spent more time on him and Laurel's association with him, I might care.  This show has a bad bad tendency to zip through storylines and skip the emotional beats, which causes them to re-do story lines over and over since they run out of new ideas, and do them badly because it's all rushed through.


If the idea that Ted Grant used to be a vigilante is important, we should have found out about it earlier.  As Alfred Hitchcock said, if you suddenly blow up a bomb, you get 5 seconds of shock. If the audience knows there's a bomb in the box and it's sitting on a bus seat, you get 15 minutes of suspense.

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So wait, Laurel, the good-doer, current Assistant District Attorney is going to aid and abet an alleged murderer instead of actually working within the law to prove his innocence?

I guess I shouldn't be surprised when she didn't call her police Captain father to help with Sara's actual murder.

The law is bad now, remember? Not bad enough for her to find another job though, but still...super bad. Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 5

I guess I did not get that memo that the law was bad now. LOL. Which episode was that again?

I'm starting to think they need to just rename the show Vigilante City....sigh.

She never explicitly said it, she's just been going outside the law all season. Not going to the cops with Sara's murder, attacking that woman's abuser, etc.

I forgot about the flower shop spoiler that came out.  Wonder what that was all about?  Probably nothing important.


If the idea that Ted Grant used to be a vigilante is important, we should have found out about it earlier.  As Alfred Hitchcock said, if you suddenly blow up a bomb, you get 5 seconds of shock. If the audience knows there's a bomb in the box and it's sitting on a bus seat, you get 15 minutes of suspense.


Making Ted a former vigilante would make sense if he was going to continue training Laurel.  Then he could offer her more fighting tips besides boxing.  But he's going to disappear after this episode, so I don't see the point of the vigilante thing?  Maybe to show Laurel that you have to channel your anger in more productive ways, I guess.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit

She never explicitly said it, she's just been going outside the law all season. Not going to the cops with Sara's murder, attacking that woman's abuser, etc.


which just proves what a freaking hypocrite Laurel is...sigh.

I forgot about the flower shop spoiler that came out.  Wonder what that was all about?  Probably nothing important.



Making Ted a former vigilante would make sense if he was going to continue training Laurel.  Then he could offer her more fighting tips besides boxing.  But he's going to disappear after this episode, so I don't see the point of the vigilante thing?  Maybe to show Laurel that you have to channel your anger in more productive ways, I guess.


I'm calling it now. Laurel will have gone to the Rosetta Stone School of Vigilantism and will be all badass before Ted leaves. 

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