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19 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I'd love to see Thea and Roy be in costume as GA's sidekick for the first time, and maybe last. Although, Thea's suit is supposed to be Roy's, isn't it? LOL! That photo was the first thing I saw on Twitter and it just made me smile. That's the Arrow that makes sense to me. 

It is but when we returned in S4 he magically had his suit back or was able to re-string Theas to fit him again.

Here's to hoping I get at least one good Siren/Roy scene so I can see KC/CH together again.

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1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I'd love to see Thea and Roy be in costume as GA's sidekick for the first time, and maybe last. Although, Thea's suit is supposed to be Roy's, isn't it? LOL! That photo was the first thing I saw on Twitter and it just made me smile. That's the Arrow that makes sense to me. 

Since Roy and Thea suits are allegedly the same i can think of a way to easily fix it and have both in the field with GA and Spartan. Give Thea the red/yellow suit from the comics, Willa always wanted a cape anyway :D 

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10 hours ago, bijoux said:

CH's Instagram pics posted in Social Media make me 1. happy, 2. hopefull that the B team is still split off from OTA so far down the line or at least relegated to the corner even if they do reunite in the meantime.

I would be much more invested and interested in OTA versus Teen Arrow if both CH and BTK had stuck around and WH hadn't been sidelined. 


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4 hours ago, tv echo said:


SEASON 6: ARROW Friday Night in Studio With Roy (Colton Haynes) & His Arrow Family
By Susan Gittins January 13, 2018 


That wrestling Gif is gross.  Click at your own risk.  

As for Mavi directing an episode...would we even be able to tell her shakey cam work apart from Bamford's?  

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Two thoughts.

1) SmoakTech lasts until her and Curtis are pals again and then it's like Smoak n Holt or something.


2) It lasts until Cayden James comes after her for something in 6x04 (gets her arrested or discredited).

Edited by Chaser
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'Arrow' Showrunner Teases Controversial Reveal for Cayden James
By JOSEPH SCHMIDT - January 13, 2018


"He's a much more cerebral bad guy than we've had. We've got some plans for his character that I think are very unconventional," Guggenheim said. "One of the things I was saying to the network and the studio… was because Arrow is in its sixth season and is the longest in the tooth of all the [Greg] Berlanti shows, we kind of feel an obligation to do things that the other shows haven't done before. Also in part because by the time we're in season 6, there's a lot of stuff that we've already done. So we're constantly trying to surprise ourselves."
*  *  *
"We've got some very, I think, unexpected things coming up with Michael's character," Guggenheim said. "But I think the key to any villain is their motivation. I think you'll start to see, in the early episodes once we come back from the break, a little bit more about what Cayden James is motivated by. You learned a bit about his son. There's more to that story. There's actually a lot more to that story."
*  *  *
"I think it's going to unfold in a way that will really surprise people," Guggenheim said. "I actually expect it to be controversial because we're doing something that's so different than what we've done in years past. There's one particular hard right turn that we've got up our sleeves that we've never done before. So I'll be curious to see what people think of it."

Edited by tv echo
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Given that Emerson has sounded like he's done already with his filming for the character, it seems likely James gets killed and replaced by a different big bad.  The only alternative would be Cayden finds out his kid is not dead and just goes away saying, my bad.  I would love that, lol.  

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Just now, BkWurm1 said:

Given that Emerson has sounded like he's done already with his filming for the character, it seems likely James gets killed and replaced by a different big bad.  The only alternative would be Cayden finds out his kid is not dead and just goes away saying, my bad.  I would love that, lol.  

That would actually surprise me, so let's figure it won't happen ?

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6 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Given that Emerson has sounded like he's done already with his filming for the character, it seems likely James gets killed and replaced by a different big bad.  The only alternative would be Cayden finds out his kid is not dead and just goes away saying, my bad.  I would love that, lol.  

Yeah, I've been wondering about that. They never said his son is dead, just that he disappeared. Say OTA finds his son. Cue father/son reunion somehow. Could Cayden then make his son and himself disappear and could his move from 604 simply be that his digital fingerprints aren't anywhere, therefore making it seem like he doesn't exist/impossible to find? (And hence the 613 title?)

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49 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:


6x11 photos posted. And SO MANY MASKS.

Wow, this episode looks super exciting. The only thing that interests me at all is Oliver saving William and only because, under those circumstances, I'm assuming William won't have that much of an adverse reaction to finding out that Oliver is suiting up again.  It should help him understand why Oliver needs to help people in peril. And he has an awesome stepmother now, so who cares if something happens to Oliver? LOL.

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2 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

It's probably bad that the only thing in those pics that caught my interest is wondering why Lance and Thea's coffee cups seem so tiny. 


I swear Jack More has grown since the last episode we saw him. William looks so tall next to Oliver/GA.  How old is he supposed to be versus how old is he?  SA said he was 13 (William) at the con over the weekend, is that right?

Edited by BkWurm1
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7 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I swear Jack More has grown since the last episode we saw him. William looks so tall next to Oliver/GA.  How old is he supposed to be versus how old is he?  SA said he was 13 (William) at the con over the weekend, is that right?

Yes. SA referred to William as a 13-year-old at HVFF-Portland on Sunday.

Edited by tv echo
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Nah, Felicity doesn't wear a mask so she doesn't get shown in promos. 

The trailer is just gonna be William stuff, some shots of Cayden, birds screeching, and probably focus on the newbies. ??

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Two things:

1. Team NoTA can still fuck off.

2. LMAO at Felicity covering William's eyes saying "You probably shouldn't have been allowed to watch that." Hee! 

ETA: Oh! One more thing. WTH is happening to Dig when Oliver tries to hold Felicity back???

Edited by KenyaJ
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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm glad Felicity seems to be trying to fix Diggle's arm. Maybe she can do something about all the blows Lance took to the head that makes him keep thinking Evil Laurel is in any way his daughter. 

Pretty please? Because him thinking he saw a glimpse of Laurel in Not!Laurel's eyes is beyond stupid.

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No, Lance, you did not see your daughter in BS' eyes. Why does no one consider if they think there's a bit of E1 LL in BS then by that logic, they should think there was a bit of BS in E1 LL too?

Way too much newbies, way too much Dinah/Vigilante.

"Cayden didn't do this." Shut up, Curtis. You're just bitter because you're not on OTA's level. And never will be.

Also, totally on Oliver's side. Can't go in the field with people you can't rely on, especially when two of those people might turn off comms at any moment because they feel like it. 

Like Felicity and William in the bunker. That also makes me assume that Oliver rescues William early-ish on in 611. 

Oh joy, another BS/Dinah fight. Please let it be the last one. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Felicity's in it quite a few times.

Just watched it and color me surprised!

Too much Dinah for my liking. And I think Lance said he can see his daughter in Black Siren's eyes and my own eyes rolled so far back in my head. 

I'm happy Felicity seems to be working on Diggle's arm. I hope they let her have that without needing Curtis' help.

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4 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

No, Lance, you did not see your daughter in BS' eyes. Why does no one consider if they think there's a bit of E1 LL in BS then by that logic, they should think there was a bit of BS in E1 LL too?

But that's my favorite.

BS murders and tortures people and there's Lance "That's Laurel! That's so Laurel!"

I bet E1 Laurel murdered Sara's Canary.

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If you told me 1 year ago that I'd be loving the scenes between Felicity/William I'd have laughed in your face... But here we are and those scenes are actually making me giddy and smile like an idiot :') 

Also I love everything about this picture. Delicity and Diggle's arms <3


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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

But that's my favorite.

BS murders and tortures people and there's Lance "That's Laurel! That's so Laurel!"

I bet E1 Laurel murdered Sara's Canary.

I'm waiting for that super evil I killed my family reveal.

What's the last line between Dinah/Lance? 

Is Vigilante turning good? He seemed upset about the number of deaths James is causing.

I'm guessing this is 10/11 maybe 12 too?

Sadly it does look like Dragon will end up being the Big Bad, maybe he kills James?

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Since the only Arrow discussions I participate with are on this board, can someone tell me whether the newbies are gaining any traction, popularity wise?  I consider them a waste of time, and I know some of you do as well, but I’m not sure what the feelings about them are on Twitter, tumblr, etc. Considering we are going year two of the push, it seems like they should be  more popular.

I was pleasantly surprised by the non-mask moments in the trailer.

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm waiting for that super evil I killed my family reveal.

What's the last line between Dinah/Lance? 

Is Vigilante turning good? He seemed upset about the number of deaths James is causing.

I'm guessing this is 10/11 maybe 12 too?

Sadly it does look like Dragon will end up being the Big Bad, maybe he kills James?

I think both Vigilante and BS are going to get scenes showing they are headed for redemption only for one to be a fake out. I'm 90% sure BS is the fake out redemption and Vigilante will die saving Dinah or something.

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2 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Since the only Arrow discussions I participate with are on this board, can someone tell me whether the newbies are gaining any traction, popularity wise?

I haven't seen them gain traction anywhere other than a few stans on twitter... But honestly if the newbies were all white I doubt said stans would care about them which says a lot about their devotion.

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Why is there so much TInah? It's starting to seem like she's getting even more storylines than Oliver. I can't imagine it's the writers' choice to give so much focus to a character they've already done 3.5 times, imo it seems like a mandate that's coming from TPTB. Rene's a traitor with the maturity of a three year old and Curtis is just there to be annoying and take storylines/dialogue from Felicity because they have no idea what to do with him. 

Looking forward to OTA scenes and Delicity scenes (which will be much likelier without Tinah interrupting). 

It's getting harder and harder to get excited about the show because so much of it's revolving around the noobs at this point, and they're all so blah. 

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I know someone added up the screen time and Dinah had the second most screen time in several episodes.  I feel like this is a mandate.


Thanks for giving me the read of the fans on Twitter, @WindofChange.  I only look at some of the more official twitter sources and wasn’t sure whether any sort of fandom was rising.

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Still disappointed in Dragon. I'm just not excited about the character, even without taking into account KA's behavior on Twitter. I don't know if that's because of the writing or because they talked about the character over the summer when they could only say ME was playing a "mysterious character," but I expected more?

Also, can anyone tell who's in the background when Oliver holds Felicity back when she yells "John!"? 

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Just now, thegirlsleuth said:

I know someone added up the screen time and Dinah had the second most screen time in several episodes.  I feel like this is a mandate.

She's currently behind Diggle by over 10 minutes of screentime and Felicity by over 20 minutes... So yeah they're definitely giving her a push. But also I'm pretty sure she had more screentime than Felicity in a couple of episodes because Emily was going to spend a lot of her time filming the crossover so they gave her some lighter episodes. 

2 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Thanks for giving me the read of the fans on Twitter, @WindofChange.  I only look at some of the more official twitter sources and wasn’t sure whether any sort of fandom was rising.

They really don't create any buzz. 

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Thank goodness there was some Felicity and Thea in this trailer.  I am going to take these descriptions and sneak peaks with a grain of salt.  I don't want to get too excited.

I am curious about everything Felicity. Why is she yelling John? Who is that in the background? Why is Oliver holding her back? If Felicity fixes Diggle's arm it better work and it better be her only

Sorry Dragon you still suck.  If he is the big bad, he better bring his A game cause right now he is terrible.  

Curtis you suck too.

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6 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Still disappointed in Dragon. I'm just not excited about the character, even without taking into account KA's behavior on Twitter. I don't know if that's because of the writing or because they talked about the character over the summer when they could only say ME was playing a "mysterious character," but I expected more?

It's also because his big bad nefarious deed so far has been 3-D printing drugs. 

8 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Also, can anyone tell who's in the background when Oliver holds Felicity back when she yells "John!"? 

It looks like Thea smuggling 2 small children under her jacket.

Screen Shot 2018-01-17 at 4.02.23 PM.png

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TVLINE | What is Curtis doing with any downtime — tending to Helix Dynamics matters? Or has the bunker rift with Felicity gotten in the way of that?
He has definitely been delving into the Helix aspect of life, making sure that work is still a good thing. He’s still gotta make that money, he’ still gotta get that paper, so he’s still very much focused on that — which doesn’t mean that it’s an easy work situation, knowing that your partner kind of betrayed you, and in a major way.

TVLINE | Right, because when it all comes down to it, Felicity was the one actually telling the computers to snoop on everyone.
She was the one, so he feels very personal about the betrayal, but I don’t think he’s going to let that stand in the way of Helix trying to do some good work for humanity, pushing forward with creating power cells or helping John with his situation…. Curtis can be mad but still do the work that he needs to do, and still help a friend that he’s not too friendly with at the moment. He puts his own feelings on the backburner for the better good.

Are you kidding me? Maybe it's my hatred for Curtis (though I like Echo), but something really bugs me about these two questions and answers. 

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