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What I find interesting [funny] is that IF Laurel's full on transformation into BC is 309-310-311... that's 3 episodes outside of Sweeps. 2 of which are smack dab in the middle of January when ratings fall down like whoa post-Holiday break, and only [hopefully] pick up back again for February Sweeps.


That's not where you showcase a storyline, folks. That's where you hide it.


I rather they neither showcase it nor hide it. I wish they won't do it at all.

But alas...

  • Love 4

I can't wait to see/hear what John Campea asks Stephen Amell about Laurel's "journey" (barf in my mouth).


We will know that if he doesn't ask any questions about that, that means he was told before hand that he couldn't.


John Campea shouldn't have said anything because now Stephen Amell is prepared if he looked at that one arrow after show.

Edited by olicityfan25
  • Love 2

That's not where you showcase a storyline, folks. That's where you hide it.



But if you feel the need to hird it, something as big as the Black Canary's origin story, why do it at all?  Or at least wait until you're written it well enough that you want to present it in sweeps?


It all comes down to what's really in Katie Cassidy's contract?


But if you feel the need to hird it, something as big as the Black Canary's origin story, why do it at all? Or at least wait until you're written it well enough that you want to present it in sweeps?

It all comes down to what's really in Katie Cassidy's contract?

No way does her contract have any stipulations about becoming BC in it; I think it's silly to even consider that. Even being a relatively popular CW actress, she doesn't have the kind of clout to make a demand like that and even if she did, I'd be surprised if any sane person on the business side would ever agree to it.

The EPs were just not going to let a Laurel Lance as BC origin story go. AK himself said he thought people didn't like her because she wasn't BC yet. Whether he actually believes that or not IDK, but it looks like we're all on this bus until we jump off of it (or until Laurel gets off at the next stop, please).

  • Love 7

So if I'm following this correctly, they are determined to do a Laurel Lance/BC origin story. They don't think people are going to like it much so they'll bury it in the doldrums between sweeps periods, and then after it's done, people will like her more because she's the Black Canary?  I guess stranger things have happened.

So if I'm following this correctly, they are determined to do a Laurel Lance/BC origin story. They don't think people are going to like it much so they'll bury it in the doldrums between sweeps periods, and then after it's done, people will like her more because she's the Black Canary?  I guess stranger things have happened.


They know people don't like her - I think they're hedging their bets hoping they can make people like her. I can see there being some level of artistic arrogance regarding the fact that the audience isn't warming up to a character that they want it to warm up to and a certain level of pigheadedness as far as wanting it to (and trying to make it) like her is concerned. It's not like the show's ratings are suffering from it, and there is a fanboy contingent that they're trying to please. Plus, we already know the EPs have that "we're not giving them the story they want, we're giving them the story they NEED" mentality, so I doubt they care if it's a popular storyline as long as they want to tell it, because it's what we NEEEEED (ugh).


I just personally think that the assertion that she's got something in her contract that dictates the storyline is ludicrous.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 3

I'm a little out of the loop today but the gist of this thread is that Laurel will be BC by 311?! Are they kidding me? Hahahahahahaha. 


Saying that, I do think the EP's believe people only dislike Laurel because she's not BC yet. I've already seen some better responses to her but in the general sense of 'finally she's got something to do!' rather than actively wanting her to become BC. I know some people are looking forward to it. So they'll be happy I guess.


Meanwhile I'm sitting here wondering how Laurel can suddenly become BC after a handful of episodes and a few boxing lessons when it took Sara years of training with the LoA. Doesn't add up but not much does on this show right now. Oh well. What can you do?

Edited by Guest

It appears that the camera guy who originally posted the photo tweeted some accounts to ask them to take it down. (Those tweets have also since been deleted). And he may end up deleting his account. One if his tweets was along the lines of "please delete it I'm in serious trouble". But I'm wondering if he got in trouble for that why didn't KC or BR get in trouble for posting photos about them getting fitted for masks? 

  • Love 2

TPTB could have also approved the mask fitting pics to be released. The other photo seemed to be a must bigger spoiler as it actually gave a time-frame. 


Poor guy. I hope he doesn't lose his job.


ETA: If he is in serious trouble, I'm taking it as confirmation that Laurel will be Black Canary by 3x11. 

Edited by 10Eleven12

He said 3x07, so unless he meant 3x06, that scene is probably a different one from the NZ promo.

Yeah, I think you're right that's what MG said. That's when I remember too. I still wonder why they would choose to have the fern in the shot if it's not about Felicity in some way.

It's hilarious that the analysis of this scene has taken on such a life of its own.

They know people don't like her - I think they're hedging their bets hoping they can make people like her. I can see there being some level of artistic arrogance regarding the fact that the audience isn't warming up to a character that they want it to warm up to and a certain level of pigheadedness as far as wanting it to (and trying to make it) like her is concerned. It's not like the show's ratings are suffering from it, and there is a fanboy contingent that they're trying to please. Plus, we already know the EPs have that "we're not giving them the story they want, we're giving them the story they NEED" mentality, so I doubt they care if it's a popular storyline as long as they want to tell it, because it's what we NEEEEED (ugh).


I just personally think that the assertion that she's got something in her contract that dictates the storyline is ludicrous.

This. I'm still convinced that there was a trade-off involved with the EPs. Laurel = Black Canary = Canon = Comic fans appeased. Oliver and Felicity = Non-canon = TV fans appeased. Everyone gets at least something they want. I think the EPs weren't willing to deviate on something as important as a major character identity whereas the love interest is a bit more subjective. The TV audience as a whole may not like Laurel as BC, but it "must" happen anyway in the EPs' minds.

On another note, have we gotten any big Diggle spoilers? I'm missing his storyline re: Andy and Deadshot. Did they just drop it for now?

  • Love 2

I do what another poster suggested. I keep my expectations really low for this show (and the show rarely even reaches my low bar).


The only way there could be a plausible BC by 311 is if they move forward in time several years and have Laurel trained by LoA or a similar body. Even then, it would seem just like a sick SWF-like obsession with her sister (whom Oliver cheated on her with).


She's going to become BC - I've accepted that. But if the show becomes Arrow/Canary side-by-side in the foundry, I'm gonna have a hard time tuning in for that. It almost seems unfair to make her BC. The audience has already seen one who did a good job and was killed off far too early. Since then we have had to watch her death scene over and over and over. They're almost rubbing it in.

Edited by insubordination
  • Love 6

They know people don't like her - I think they're hedging their bets hoping they can make people like her. I can see there being some level of artistic arrogance regarding the fact that the audience isn't warming up to a character that they want it to warm up to and a certain level of pigheadedness as far as wanting it to (and trying to make it) like her is concerned. It's not like the show's ratings are suffering from it, and there is a fanboy contingent that they're trying to please. Plus, we already know the EPs have that "we're not giving them the story they want, we're giving them the story they NEED" mentality, so I doubt they care if it's a popular storyline as long as they want to tell it, because it's what we NEEEEED (ugh).


I just personally think that the assertion that she's got something in her contract that dictates the storyline is ludicrous.


I am yet to see a single 'fanboy' comic book fan who preferred Laurel to Sara, in terms of who should be the Black Canary. The only people I have seen argue the point are Katie Cassidy/Laurel fans, who then use comic book canon as the reasoning for why she has to be Black Canary. Not sure why comic book fans are getting the blame for this.

  • Love 6

I am yet to see a single 'fanboy' comic book fan who preferred Laurel to Sara, in terms of who should be the Black Canary. The only people I have seen argue the point are Katie Cassidy/Laurel fans, who then use comic book canon as the reasoning for why she has to be Black Canary. Not sure why comic book fans are getting the blame for this.


Where exactly did I blame comics fans? I mentioned that there is a fanboy contingent that the EPs would want to please; I never wrote that the EPs were following down the Laurel as BC path because of them, merely that it would be a consideration because of who Laurel is in the comics. Just because you don't know of any comics fans who prefer Laurel to Sara doesn't mean they don't exist.

KC probably had some sort of permission.  I believe her picture was released the day (maybe it was 2) after 3.01 aired and we knew Sara was dead. They might not have cared about BR because he had slipped up earlier and mentioned having seen drawings of the Atom's costume.  Prior to that the show had been playing coy about whether he would actually become the Atom or not. 


I am not surprised there are no Diggle spoilers other than he's the funny one in the crossovers. He will have scenes but I don't think they'll focus on him. I am surprised we haven't heard anything more about Malcolm & Thea.  Perhaps their main story arc is happening after the holiday break.  Diggle could have a bigger role then too I guess. I just think they are focusing on Laurel's journey now. 


I am not surprised by the focus on LL as BC.  Before I started watching Arrow the synopsis I read (don't remember where) said it was the origin stories of Green Arrow and Black Canary.  I think the comic book boys that are insisting LL become BC are DC.  They may have liked Sara but in all comic incarnation BC's alter ego is either DDL or DLL.  It might be something they are adamant about.  The EPs themselves certainly seem to think KC is doing everything they are asking of her.  They also never backed off the idea that Sara's story was just the beginning of the BC arc.  Huge miscalculation on their part as to how popular Sara (CL) would become.  I haven't heard anyone demanding that Yao Fei or Billy Winter as Deathstroke should have been kept.   



I am yet to see a single 'fanboy' comic book fan who preferred Laurel to Sara, in terms of who should be the Black Canary. The only people I have seen argue the point are Katie Cassidy/Laurel fans, who then use comic book canon as the reasoning for why she has to be Black Canary. Not sure why comic book fans are getting the blame for this.


I've seen this, too, first hand in 2 different comic book stores recently when I casually brought up the show's 3rd season.  All of the people (all adult males, 6 in total) felt that Sara was a good fit for Black Canary because of casting Caity Lotz and "the pretty substantial" (a direct quote) backstory shown so far.  All but 1 felt that Sara shouldn't have been killed off. They seemed more resigned to what was happening without much enthusiasm at all.


The lone holdout felt that KC would step up because she's finally being given the chance to show what she can do - and to carry on in Sara's honor.  He specifically mentioned KC instead of 'Laurel' so I got the impression that he's a KC fan. 


Interestingly, none of the men asked me what I thought.


Also - they all thought Laurel's BC would end up with a real canary cry like the comics and would probably end up wearing fishnets.


If this is the audience that the EPs are catering to, then I'm not entirely convinced they will succeed.  "Resigned to" accept a character isn't a ringing endorsement.  Then again, they will probably keep watching, no matter what.  Maybe not happily but they will keep watching.


I'm not blaming these fans.  But I do think they represent the market that the EPs could be aiming to please.  And I am purely speculating here as well but I suspect the EPs fall into this very audience share.


ETA: The problem with DC being the possible ones remaining steadfast about KC/LL as BC is two fold:


1) they endorsed CL as Sara/BC early on and consistently, including approving merchandising for action figure(s) and being included in the Green Arrow stuff attached to the new Lego Batman 3 game (Laurel and Quentin are the only regular cast members NOT included in the game)


2) they were aware of CL's popularity and could have insisted that the 2nd season change gears with her, rather than let her character continue to be developed and to continue to have a lot of opportunities to kick ass.  DC had to have known that fans would be pleased with a lot of that.  If they didn't want her to get that popular after such a strong start, they could have nipped it in the bud.  But they didn't...

Edited by writersblock51
  • Love 3

In regards to a new shocking suspect revealed in the Foundry, was she talking about Roy in 3x06 or a new new suspect? Too many red herrings distract from the mystery and confuse the audience. They already put a red herring forward (Komodo), possibly another (Malcolm) and the Big Bad (Ra's). I would prefer they back off and start placing clues instead. Let the audience start coming to their own conclusions.

  • Love 1

If Laurel gets in full BC gear by ep 311 and like Athena springs from the show's brow fully formed, I think it will be because they've grown tired of writing her origin story.  They have short attention spans like that.



Interestingly, none of the men asked me what I thought.

Somehow this doesn't surprise me.


I don't think we'll have any real focus on Diggle till they pull out ARGUS for another run, or he's needed to contrast his family life with Oliver's.  Maybe if he had a costume, he would have more focus.


In regards to a new shocking suspect revealed in the Foundry, was she talking about Roy in 3x06 or a new new suspect?

Natalie Abrams was on the Arrow set on October 21st (according to her twitter) which was during the filming of 3x09. This seems to rule out Roy as a suspect.



We've gone through Komodo, Merlyn, and now Roy.  Unless it's Thea, isn't all that's left Ra's or one of the LoA?  Sara didn't know Ray.

Stephen Amell is going to be on the After show with John Campea right? I wonder how that will go because I know John Campea isn't a fan of Laurel and he wants to ask him questions about what he thinks about Laurel's journey. Maybe they will prohibit those sort of questions because it might be awkward. 

Edited by ban1o

So this has been making the rounds on Twitter - word is that it's from 3.11 and that KC's stunt double is in the Black Canary set up.




I cannot explain how disappointed I am.  The show seems hell bent on shoving this down our throats, quickly.  I just hope that Quentin knows the truth about Sara before KC makes her BC debut because if he sees or hears of a BC sighting, he's going to be so happy... and then positively gutted when he later finds out.


I knew Laurel would be suiting up this season, but I didn't think it would happen in the first half already. Now I'm sure that we'll definitely get a real BOP team-up episode sometime during the second half of the season (if JDG is available, that is). Judging from this picture, it looks like Laurel's version of the BC outfit is a full-cover one. For some reason, I expected something a little bit more revealing (aka fishnets). I wonder if we will possibly see her shed some clothing as she grows more comfortable/confident in her superhero persona.


There's a new promo type thing out. I think it includes some stuff from a few episodes?


Thanks for this. I take it Wildcat was Starling City's first vigilante. This could have been a cool reveal if Ted Grant was played by a halfway decent actor. Unfortunately, every time I see him on-screen, all I see is JR Ramirez trying to act, so now I'm meh about it.

Edited by strikera0
  • Love 1

From the spoilers that we have so far, I think it's very possible that the photo of BC is Laurel, not Sara.  I googled photographs, and Sara's costume looks nothing like the one in the picture.  The costume in the photo has way too many buckles to be Sara's.  I wonder if the outfit looks anything like what Laurel wore when she beat that guy up with the baseball bat (I would check but I deleted that episode off the DVR).  Since we know that KC is probably getting a mask soon (based on the head mold photo), I assumed that she would be fighting crime this season.  Eleven episodes is sufficient time for that to happen, right?  At the pace that these EPs move, I'm assuming that yes, they do think that this is appropriate.


Episode # 11 is called Midnight City.  I don't know anything about comics, but from googling, it looks like there was a Doctor Midnight (or Dr. Mid-Nite) and he dated Black Canary.  Wonder if this has anything to do with the title name.  Complete speculation here. 


I think that it's possible that Oliver is the one "left behind" in episode ten.  Maybe he goes off with the LoA.  While he is away, Laurel, Roy, maybe Ray, and possibly some others watch over the city and fight crime (HA!).  Oliver comes back and sees that the city was just fine without him, so he decides that he wants to be a real boy.  He can be The Arrow AND Oliver Queen.  He will decide that he wants to fight for Felicity, but at that point she will probably be engaged to Ray or something rage-inducing like that.

  • Love 2

That picture looks like Sara's mask, except for some embellishments. If they decide to make Laurel's outfit and mask so similar to Sara's...agh. Even though Oliver wears Yao Fei's hoody, Slade wore Billy Wintergreen's mask, it just seems too "I wanna be my sister" to get fully behind it. With Oliver he wanted to honour Yao Fei and Shado, with Laurel it seems she wants to be Sara. Or maybe she does want to honour her. Who. Knows.

  He will decide that he wants to fight for Felicity, but at that point she will probably be engaged to Ray or something rage-inducing like that.

omg. You're kidding right? Sorry I have a bad sarcasm detector. You're making fun about how the writers rush storylines? lol But yeah I agree with your theory in general. 

But I really thought the costume was supposed to be Sara in flashbacks. It looks too similar to Sara's costume. 

  • Love 1

He will decide that he wants to fight for Felicity, but at that point she will probably be engaged to Ray or something rage-inducing like that.


As much as I agree with the belief that the EPs run through story like Usain Bolt, I think given the strides we've seen so far from Oliver, that he will make a play or "fight" for Felicity this season...when she's not yet engaged to Ray. I don't see her rushing in like that but honestly I really cannot put anything past these writers. Rage-inducing indeed.

It doesn't look like Sara's costume to me. Sara's outfit had a corsetlike thing that she wore the jacket over. And there was cleavage. This thing looks like it goes clear up to the neck. And the pants don't have the fishnet lacing that Sara's did. If it weren't for the mask and wig, I'd think maybe it was an ARGUS outfit, because it looks more military-looking. Unless they do some sort of magical Sara resurrection (unlikely) I think this is going to be Laurel. Sorry guys.

Edited by Starfish35

 with Laurel it seems she wants to be Sara. Or maybe she does want to honour her. Who. Knows.

I know the EPs said that Laurel's theme this season will be 'do I want to be me or do I want to be my sister?' but have we had any of that yet?  It seems to me that she want to fight because she wants to beat up other people in her anger.

It doesn't look like Sara's costume to me. Sara's outfit had a corsetlike thing that she wore the jacket over. And there was cleavage. This thing looks like it goes clear up to the neck. And the pants don't have the fishnet lacing that Sara's did. If it weren't for the mask and wig, I'd think maybe it was an ARGUS outfit, because it looks more military-looking.

Oh I know it doesn't look like Sara's costume but she could be wearing something different in flashbacks? LOL I'm probably wrong but that's what I assumed. I really didn't think Laurel would wear the blonde wig like Sara did. 

Edited by ban1o

I know the EPs said that Laurel's theme this season will be 'do I want to be me or do I want to be my sister?' but have we had any of that yet?  It seems to me that she want to fight because she wants to beat up other people in her anger.


Yes I'm fairly confused about Laurel's motivation, particularly in conjunction with the law not working. I think I need to give her story time to fully make sense, because right now Laurel just wants to hurt people.

omg. You're kidding right? Sorry I have a bad sarcasm detector. You're making fun about how the writers rush storylines? lol But yeah I agree with your theory in general. 

But I really thought the costume was supposed to be Sara in flashbacks. It looks too similar to Sara's costume. 


Yeah, I'm just making fun of how fast they burn through stories and how they like to shock! the audience.  I don't really think that Ray and Felicity will be engaged or anything like that.  That would be horrible, seriously.

  • Love 1

Is there some rule I don't know about (I know nothing about comics) that states that a superhero absolutely cannot wear the superhero get-up until they're competent at whatever it is they're supposed to be competent at?  Because if not, what's to stop Laurel dressing up in the outfit and still being a crap fighter?  Seems like something she would totally do.

  • Love 3

Where exactly did I blame comics fans? I mentioned that there is a fanboy contingent that the EPs would want to please; I never wrote that the EPs were following down the Laurel as BC path because of them, merely that it would be a consideration because of who Laurel is in the comics. Just because you don't know of any comics fans who prefer Laurel to Sara doesn't mean they don't exist.


If that was not your intention, then my apologies. But to me, 'fanboys' is mostly used as a term for comic book fan types, and I genuinely don't think that's a factor here.


Yes, as a breed they tend to be very protective of canon and to be very outspoken on anything they think goes against established characterisation or backstory. But Laurel isn't Dinah Lance. There is nothing about her that is the same as the Dinah of the comic books, not even the name. So I just don't think many have any attachment to the character at all. And like me, most who are fans of Black Canary seem to be bitterly disappointed that the version we would have to settle for in the show is this one.


Anyway, that's not about any spoilers, so I'll leave it at that.


It's possible it's Sara flashbacks. But I think it's also very possible that it really is Laurel. Bright spot though - if it is Laurel, at least they aren't going the Stripper Canary route, with real fishnets.



I've got to say, I'd be glad they're not going that route for more than one reason. Not just because it looks tacky and cheap when put on a real person, but also because I would just have no interest at all in seeing Katie Cassidy in any sort of skimpy or revealing outfit. I don't know if it's just the antipathy I've gained for her during the course of this show, but I find her unattractive and unappealing in every way.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if the EPs put Laurel in charge of the Arrowcave in Oliver's absence.  It should be Diggle - he may be a soldier but he's not a lemming.  He is perfectly capable.  For all we know, he led missions while a soldier.  However, if the EPs don't put Laurel in charge, then what else is she going to do in the Arrowcave?  As history shows, she does what she wants and isn't going to go along with someone else's plan.  So her 'my way or the highway' personality only lends itself to being the leader.  It's also another obvious way for the EPs to establish that she's the 'equal' of Oliver.


Incidentally, I (and some others here) have wondered what Laurel's motivation was for becoming a vigilante when she has a day job prosecuting criminals - putting aside the previously-mentioned hypocrisy.  I've come to the conclusion that she doesn't need a motivation.  Sara's murder is just an excuse for Laurel to give full rein to her natural personality.  Being a vigilante will fit her character perfectly.  She can be judge, jury and executioner.  She will have the power of life and death over another person.  And she doesn't have to abide by any pesky legal or ethical rules.  Come to think of it, she's been a covert vigilante all along.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 3

Well, to me Laurel is a horrible lawyer. So therefore she might be better of being a vigilante. But I don't understand why the EPs want to put a character that many (not all) viewers have a difficult time connecting with in a position that she hasn't earned. Doesn't that diminish their efforts to get people to connect with her? And yes while Oliver does have his "my way or the highway" tendencies too, he has gotten better at listening to others. Up until now Laurel is still being shown as demanding and unwilling to listen to reason least of all be a team player. Why would the team accept her in the leader position when she does not have the skill nor the necessary willingness to be a part of the team. (Hopefully Oliver won't put her in charge, that would be all sorts of weird)


I am going to wait and see but I'd prefer it (still) if Laurel's evolution were to be a slow progress. My problem with her is not that she isn't Black Canary yet but that she never comes off as likable person to me. In my opinion, they should first work on Laurel's personality and then slowly bring in the BC alter ego. Why should I like her now if she is still the same character just now in costume? And I am not trying to bash her, I am just really trying to understand why the EPs would speed up that transformation.


Well, at least the EPs now know early how many people feel about the instant Canary. Sometimes I wonder if they don't see the backlash coming. Just shows that they really don't care. That is the same reason why I am wondering if they are even willing to drop Oliver and Laurel in favor of other relationships. 

  • Love 5

I don't think it's been posted yet, here is the link to a set of screencaps from a preview clip for 306 yet to be released.




Looks like Oliver is gonna meet Ted Grant and if he finds out Oliver's other identity before Thea, I would be very angry.

  • Love 2


Looks like Oliver is gonna meet Ted Grant and if he finds out Oliver's other identity before Thea, I would be very angry.



Man, with the frequency that this show goes to the 'Bland, Handsome and Wooden Talent Agency' to cast its male parts, they're so damned lucky that they got Stephen Amell to play the lead in their show.


That's Ted Grant? That non-entity? Oh dear.

  • Love 4

Yeah, he's...not good.

You know? I'm gonna wait and see. cause so far we've only ever seen him interact with KC. maybe working along side better actors will show us he can act. that being said, i have never seen the actor act anywhere else- that i can remember- so maybe he really is a shitty actor.

Edited by foreverevolving
  • Love 1

I wouldn't be surprised at all if the EPs put Laurel in charge of the Arrowcave in Oliver's absence.  It should be Diggle - he may be a soldier but he's not a lemming.  He is perfectly capable.  For all we know, he led missions while a soldier. 


Bolded because I really hope Diggle gets put in charge, if Oliver's absence is what we're leading to. I guess it's more of a selfish thing for me because I'm desperate to see some more Diggle action beyond strapping a baby to his chest and throwing in a snarky line or two. I feel like he's fading into the background and I hate it because he's one of my favorites. But it also makes sense for him to be in charge because he's the one who has been with Oliver the longest and he knows exactly how Oliver works and likes to handle things. I'd love to see him shoulder more responsibility. 

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