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5 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Oh yeah, they'll definitely reconcile. It's Arrow. LOL. But I just really miss that original team dynamic. Always have tbh. 

I hear ya! I'm still fantasizing about a big kill off where they wipe out the other half of the team (the non OTA half).

Sounds vicious but it would really work for me!

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

I hear ya! I'm still fantasizing about a big kill off where they wipe out the other half of the team (the non OTA half).

Sounds vicious but it would really work for me!

I actually don't mind Rene now tbh. Dinah is here to stay, unfortunately, so it's pointless even wasting time wishing she was gone. But I need Curtis to meet Death soon. Like, NEED it. ? ? ?  I mean, what does he even do apart from be annoying, steal Felicity's skills and throw his T-spheres around? His scenes in the field are just ridiculously pointless, IMO.

Seriously though, they really do need a team cull. It won't happen but we can dream! ?

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Just now, Mellowyellow said:

If Reddit can dream about Felicity's death I too can fantasize about the death of non OTA members! I'm going to emulate their hope and persistence!

Make sure to come up with lame hashtags and use Error a lot.

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I'd be more worried if the title was "Happy Honeymoon" or something, or if AMA wasn't currently shooting Ice elsewhere. Not a big fan of Civil War plots though, even the MCUs so possibly not looking forward to that either, but then I've never really enjoyed cliff-hangers or their resolutions. 

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Civil War is more than one two opposing ideologies, it's also one party pursuing another. I wonder if that aspect will be brought in. Maybe one part of the Team (lead by Dinah?) goes rogue and the others try and stop them. I just really hope Dinah, Lance and BS get the D plot.

12 minutes ago, Soulfire said:

If that's from 6x09, I wonder if Olicity move into her place to free up the PT set for Felicitys storyline. Or Felicity still has the loft and William and Raisa are hiding out there for some reason? 

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58 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Civil War is more than one two opposing ideologies, it's also one party pursuing another. I wonder if that aspect will be brought in. Maybe one part of the Team (lead by Dinah?) goes rogue and the others try and stop them. I just really hope Dinah, Lance and BS get the D plot

This is Arrow, more specifically Arrowverse where they make things extremely simple.

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1 hour ago, WindofChange said:

I now want Felicity/Oliver/William to be a tight knit family :')

Yeah, I'm actually interested in how we get to that 607 scene. Hurrah for emotional investment in the mains and semi-passable acting/writing for that kid!

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I do think the writing is better for William this year - then again, we are getting more of him in each episode than all his previous episodes combined - and my main problem is the timeline of things. They basically seemed to freeze Oliver and William’s relationship for the five months we didn’t see so we’d get the moments we did in 601 and 602. I do think things will speed up a bit more now that Oliver’s not GA (for now).

That being said, I also think William and the audience’s opinion of that storyline would benefit from him interacting with other characters, so hopefully that happens starting with 603 to get us to 607.

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33 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Yeah, I'm actually interested in how we get to that 607 scene. Hurrah for emotional investment in the mains and semi-passable acting/writing for that kid!

When we saw the result of William being bullied - I totally imagine Felicity hacking into the bullies' social media accounts and messing with them while Oliver instructs William to go for the nose. They seem like those kind of parents to me lol 

I also can't wait for Felicity to meet William and grow closer to him. I imagine Oliver focusing on Felicity/William and staying away from the bunker until the end of 607...

Edited by WindofChange
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15 hours ago, tv echo said:

From what I can tell, Oliver stays completely away from being a part of Team Arrow until 607, except for a brief, temporary involvement in 604, where he comes back to the team in a "different" and "surprising" way. Except for that one time, he's completely out of the team. I think Oliver won't put on the GA suit again until 607 (conveniently in time for him to be the GA in the crossover).

Ouch... Hate that! S5 had so many episodes with no GA in them.. 4 episodes in a row with no proper Oliver GA sounds brutally long... It also means we won't see GA and DeathStroke kick ass...

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I hate Oliver not being the GA as well (also because it's the same old problem "can I be the Arrow and Oliver Queen?" and we already know how it's going to end so the idea alone sounds boring to me) but this time there's Dig as the GA so at least that it's interesting.

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1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I wonder if the show is gonna get pushback from the CB crowd about Oliver giving up the hood to be a dad. Or is it different because it's about Myson and father-son domesticity is so much more important than one with a girlfriend? 

I guess cooking doesn't emasculate Oliver anymore? ?

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2 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I wonder if the show is gonna get pushback from the CB crowd about Oliver giving up the hood to be a dad. Or is it different because it's about Myson and father-son domesticity is so much more important than one with a girlfriend? 

No, because Myson is male. The maleness overrides the non-canonness. 

ETA:  I wish there was a Bitter About Spoilers thread because I have Things. To. Say. about that MG article posted in  the Mind... thread. 

Edited by leopardprint
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3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

 And he gave it up last season didn't he? I don't think that got any pushback.

It seems to only get pushback when he gives it up for Felicity.  Or even doesn't give it up for Felicity but she's in the story.

He gave it up at the end of s3 and first episode in s4 Felicity talking him into going back but the redditters were all about how emasculated he was that whole season.  Giving it up for Myson is okay because 1. he's a male child and 2. he may grow up to join the Team.

I wonder how they would have reacted if Oliver had given it up for Laurel.

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8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I wonder how they would have reacted if Oliver had given it up for Laurel

That would have been fine because Oliver could see that Laurel is capable and would have known the city to be in capable hands. Therefore he could focus on saving the city by day and she'd do the night part because she is BC. 

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I actually meant that if Oliver and Laurel had retired together to Ivy Town.  But now I'm laughing at the thought of Laurel going out at night to save the city and Oliver at home cooking and minding the children.

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21 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I actually meant that if Oliver and Laurel had retired together to Ivy Town.  

Oh, sorry my bad. Obviously that would have been even better because Oliver would have finally learned to appreciate Laurel and he would have shown that by being the person she always knew he could be... the domesticated hubby who cooks.

Edited by Belinea
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5 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I wonder if the show is gonna get pushback from the CB crowd about Oliver giving up the hood to be a dad. Or is it different because it's about Myson and father-son domesticity is so much more important than one with a girlfriend? 

It’ll probably depend on how long it lasts and how many Olicity scenes there are during it. Because even though he gave up being the GA for his son, Olicity/Felicity will still somehow be blamed by some fans. It’s just how it is. 

I’ve already seen comments blaming Olicity for the lack of interaction between Oliver and Black Siren even though that’s clearly not the story they’re telling with Black Siren. Her story is obviously all about Dinah and Lance. 

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Yet another piece of 609 news that made me laugh. I can't imagine what Donna's reaction would be to not being let in on the wedding. Even though I'll agree that she was a bit much in s4, I'll be glad for her to come back for an appearance or so for at least closure.

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Yay for more Donna! And if she is in fact in Vancouver for Arrow, I’m going to be surprised if we don’t get a reception/celebration of some kind for O/F since no one except for Diggle is going to be there to see them get married. 

I have a feeling if we see Noah this season, it won’t be until later and will be connected to the Helix storyline. 

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

Hee!  Now, I do love Donna just for herself and her love for her daughter, but knowing how much the reddit crowd HATES Donna, I'm loving it even more.  

I've been waiting for the Felicity and friends show for over a year I'm so happy?❤

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It makes sense for her to be there so she can react to the surprise wedding plot. I did think she could be a bit much and is better used sparingly, but I didn't mind her most of the time. Her heart was always in the right place and she gave Quentin something more to do than grieve for one of his daughters, be angry at Oliver and struggle with his alcoholism. It's not like there hasn't been a boatload of other parental shenanigans on the show and even Dig got his brother storyline in S4. And Felicity gets some agency in her parental storylines, unlike poor Thea who rarely gets a POV re Malcolm and is so often in a coma/in danger because of him. 

10 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

It’ll probably depend on how long it lasts and how many Olicity scenes there are during it. Because even though he gave up being the GA for his son, Olicity/Felicity will still somehow be blamed by some fans. It’s just how it is. 

I’ve already seen comments blaming Olicity for the lack of interaction between Oliver and Black Siren even though that’s clearly not the story they’re telling with Black Siren. Her story is obviously all about Dinah and Lance. 

I know logic doesn't always come in to fandom and I'm guilty of this as well, but WTF? Olicity have had like 1.5 scenes together in two episodes and didn't interact at all as a couple last ep, the scenes they did have were just checking in and confirming that William is Oliver's main storyline right now. Oliver spent more time talking about BS in ep1 than with Felicity, albeit they didn't interact yet. I do think Oliver and BS will probably interact more in 6b, although in what capacity I've no idea. 

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These are the same people who flatly claim that Felicity decided to nuke a town for fun because she is a Supervillain. I get that you can claim this in fanfic and write a story where Felicity is a villain. Happens to my beloved Ray ALL the time. But the fact that they argue this is true and happened in canon baffles me.

Based on what SA has said (something about how he will talk about BS when he has scenes with her---don't take my word for this!) I do wonder if Oliver and BS will interact at all. Logically they probably will but I wouldn't put it past TPTB to never have her interact with Oliver other than the obligatory fight scene somewhere in 6B.

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22 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I wonder if the show is gonna get pushback from the CB crowd about Oliver giving up the hood to be a dad. Or is it different because it's about Myson and father-son domesticity is so much more important than one with a girlfriend? 

Don't you know? Drama involving father-son relationships or bromance relationships isn't soap opera melodrama. (sarcasm)

Edited by tv echo
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I'm fully expecting for Digg to get the team in trouble because he's hiding his injuries and for Tinah to take over. But I hope this show remembers that every time they try to put the focus on BC, the audience balks. We saw this in 2B with Sara when ratings plunged, and the 180 on the originally promoted BC trilogy in 3B that the EPs later disavowed (AJK said it was going to be all about BC, MG contradicted him later). 

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Can someone explain to me where all this spec of Dinah becoming Team Leader comes from?

I didn't see that in 601/602 nor do I recall any spoilers about it.  In fact most spoilers seem to point to this Oliver out of suit and back as GA by 607 and Diggle being GA for 603-606, which supports everything said at Cons and in interviews.

All I've heard of Dinah is that she's used to being independent and doesn't know how to play as a teammate and trying to do things her way, which leads to her making a mistake/causing issues with the team.

While that actually makes sense on a character level (being an undercover operator for 20+ - exaggerating I know but, undercover is their handwave for every once of skill/knowledge they toss hr direction) it would make sense that she's used to making her own decisions and not being a team player. Story wise it seems dumb since they introduced her as someone who did work in a support role/take orders and, now they're retreading the Wild Dog story from season 5

Edited by Morrigan2575
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13 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Can someone explain to me where all this spec of Dinah becoming Team Leader comes from?

From a place of annoyance, fear and needing to brace for the worst? :P No, for me it's a combination of this show having a history of trying to push BC to the forefront, of JH mentioning in the past about BC stepping up as leader (in fairness, that was about Oliver disbanding the team last season and nothing really came out of that), recent interviews where even if she herself didn't talk about leadership, the media outfits do (And that's why she's been able to take on more of a leadership role on the team. "It goes hand-in-hand with Dinah's personality. She is a fighter, she is a natural leader," Harkavy adds. — from Hollywood Reporter),  this show attaching Diggle to Dinah in the last 2 episodes and where that could go. 

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15 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

From a place of annoyance, fear and needing to brace for the worst? :P No, for me it's a combination of this show having a history of trying to push BC to the forefront, of JH mentioning in the past about BC stepping up as leader (in fairness, that was about Oliver disbanding the team last season and nothing really came out of that), recent interviews where even if she herself didn't talk about leadership, the media outfits do (And that's why she's been able to take on more of a leadership role on the team. "It goes hand-in-hand with Dinah's personality. She is a fighter, she is a natural leader," Harkavy adds. — from Hollywood Reporter),  this show attaching Diggle to Dinah in the last 2 episodes and where that could go. 

And I guess this is want I'm missing. It sounds like neither JH nor the EPs have actually mentioned Dinah becoming TA Leaders or taking on a leadership role? This is something reviewers/media are coming up with?

I haven't read her interviews from last week, so I'm only going by what was said over the summer. So did something come up last week (by JH or EPs)?

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Since DLL in the comics was a co-leader with Oliver, I can see where the media writers want Dinah to take a leadership role too.  The problem is, the person she would displace is Diggle although Felicity to some extent too.

9 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Based on what SA has said (something about how he will talk about BS when he has scenes with her---don't take my word for this!) I do wonder if Oliver and BS will interact at all. Logically they probably will but I wouldn't put it past TPTB to never have her interact with Oliver other than the obligatory fight scene somewhere in 6B.

If they're smart and don't want her redeemed, this is what they should do.  Too many people are talking redemption arc and Oliver's  partner.

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7 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Since DLL in the comics was a co-leader with Oliver, I can see where the media writers want Dinah to take a leadership role too.  The problem is, the person she would displace is Diggle although Felicity to some extent too.

If they're smart and don't want her redeemed, this is what they should do.  Too many people are talking redemption arc and Oliver's  partner.

What comics? Dinah was leader on BoP but there was no Team Arrow in the GA comics? It's mostly GA and his sidekick (Speedy or Speedy2) and, Black Canary coming and going.  

When was Dinah "co-leader" and when did GA have a team (outside of the 52 run which didn't feature BC at all)?

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Here she talked about seeing her character possibly being the leader "I think she’s a natural leader. I feel she doesn’t consciously try to be the leader, and it’s not that she doesn’t respect that they have a clear captain, but she does have a sense of “I am the leader”, and I think she tries to take the reins somewhat." https://www.flickeringmyth.com/2017/09/exclusive-interview-juliana-harkavy-on-arrow-her-character-dinah-drake-and-more/

I don't know if it's her headcanon for her character though or she is talking keeping in mind what the writers told her they wanted to do with Dinah this season.

I think with Oliver out and with Dinah being the only one who knows something is wrong with Diggle she might feel compelled to "take the rains" like JH said. The others have no reason to not rely on Dig completely.

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
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14 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Here she talked about seeing her character possibly being the leader "I think she’s a natural leader. I feel she doesn’t consciously try to be the leader, and it’s not that she doesn’t respect that they have a clear captain, but she does have a sense of “I am the leader”, and I think she tries to take the reins somewhat." https://www.flickeringmyth.com/2017/09/exclusive-interview-juliana-harkavy-on-arrow-her-character-dinah-drake-and-more/


Thanks! I knew I’d read an “i’m The leader” quote somewhere but I couldn’t find it earlier. So yeah, head canon or something mentioned to her by EPs? Hence the team leader speculation.

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29 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

Here she talked about seeing her character possibly being the leader "I think she’s a natural leader. I feel she doesn’t consciously try to be the leader, and it’s not that she doesn’t respect that they have a clear captain, but she does have a sense of “I am the leader”, and I think she tries to take the reins somewhat." https://www.flickeringmyth.com/2017/09/exclusive-interview-juliana-harkavy-on-arrow-her-character-dinah-drake-and-more/

I don't know if it's her headcanon for her character though or she is talking keeping in mind what the writers told her they wanted to do with Dinah this season.

I think with Oliver out and with Dinah being the only one who knows something is wrong with Diggle she might feel compelled to "take the rains" like JH said. The others have no reason to not rely on Dig completely.

But and again, just playing Devil's Advocate, that doesn't mean the SHOW is making her Leader or "co-leader" with Oliver of Team Arrow. 

That comment actually kind of supports JHs other interviews where she talks about her conflicts with the Team. 

It sounds to me like Dinah's story is NOT to take over TA because Oliver and Diggle aren't around or that they're somehow going to make Dinah Oliver's equal/co-leader and shit all over Felicity and Diggle (because comics). Instead it's to think she knows better than everyone else. We know that starting around mid-season (which usually means 10-15) Dinah's actions lead to conflict with Team Arrow because she screws up.

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