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15 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Why is that shocking? I thought it was obvious it'd always be in 6b tbh. Unless I'm missing something.

There was speculation that it was coming before 6b and thus JH getting judged for how she responded to some questions over the summer.

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8 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

There was speculation that it was coming before 6b and thus JH getting judged for how she responded to some questions over the summer.

Was there? I only remember the fact that she didn't know she was even getting a LI which I thought made it obvious it wasn't in any of the early scripts.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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24 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

I think they push what needs to be pushed. Just like they did with Westallen, they're gonna push the aspects they want to see succeed but aren't really getting the buzz they hoped for. 

Last year it was Wild Dog, this year it's Dinah. 

At this point in the run, I think its less about making them succeed and more about making them visual for DC Comics.

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4 minutes ago, Chaser said:

At this point in the run, I think its less about making them succeed and more about making them visual for DC Comics.

You know, given the finale, I really think they just want to make live action comic panels, the most literal translation of comic books possible. Like the Tableux Vivant  from Gilmore Girls...omg MG is Taylor. 

Edited by leopardprint
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I wonder if the writers/EP's will ever realize that their comic book characters they push so hard will be better received...if they're not pushed too hard? I mean, the promo for Dinah/BC has been overkill this hiatus to the point where I'm sick of her and the season has only just started. I felt the same way about Wild Dog last season, too, and only started to like him once they eased off a bit (and put him with Lance). Just chill out, FFS. Let it happen naturally.

Also they should maybe give established friendships/relationships important scenes too instead of giving them all to the newbie they're trying to make work. Dinah and her relationships with the team shouldn't come at the expense of others long established. Just IMO. It's not rocket science.

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

I wonder if the writers/EP's will ever realize that their comic book characters they push so hard will be better received...if they're not pushed too hard?

Did the guy who played Rory ever have an interview? I definitely don't remember any push for him. Plus, he was integrated well into Oliver and Felicity's lives. Interesting that he was the one people responded to the most. And by interesting, I mean no duh people!

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48 minutes ago, Chaser said:

It really sucks to see Diggle getting the arc he should have gotten in S3 and not being able to look forward to it because it means more Dinah/Diggle.

Same goes for Felicity's CEO/company storyline :/

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Dinah and Curtis really do spoil things.

8 hours ago, tv echo said:

Since this season's theme is family (bio family vs. found family), I think they're going to spend all season with Quentin trying to save his "bio daughter" Black Siren, but ultimately realizing that his "real" daughter is now someone with no blood ties to him - Dinah.

Yeah, I think you've nailed it.  I can see the writers patting themselves on the back for being so clever.

I wonder if this means Felicity and Raisa are going to be better parents to William than Oliver is.  (I'll scream if it's Rene who saves him.)

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So from 601-602 set-up, I'm guessing they're still going on the A plot, B plot, C plot, D plot/E plot, which they can hopefully balance as well as 602 with a slightly different degree of execution. Then again that also means still a lot to of unaccounted plots for the next episodes. Like, so in 603, we've got Diggle's plot, Oliver's plot and then 2-3 unaccounted plots (one which has to have ME, since he filmed his first episode in 603, IIRC and one for the Onyx VOTW stuff but for now just assuming that's part of Diggle's stuff and one possibly involving BS), any ideas? Or maybe they'll go on this Oliver A and/or B plot, Diggle A or B plot, and Felicity C or D plot for the next episode as well.

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1 minute ago, bijoux said:

Speaking of, which is Kirk Acevedo's first episode?

Should be 604.

Although I'm hoping with ME and Alena both being in that trailer we'll finally get that confirmation. Then again with all of the secrecy I wouldn't be surprised if his character is introduced with a different name at first.

Edited by way2interested
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Cool. I have to say, it seems to me they have a nice handle on introducing or re-introducing the villains this year. Anatoly in 602, ME in 603, KA in 604. And then Vigilante in, what, 606?

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So how long is Oliver not the GA? In that EW interview he talks about going on 4 episodes without being in the team, but I could have sworn a fan took a pic with him in the suit when they were shooting 605. And we know he's suited up in the crossover (though that could be a temporary situation, I suppose). 

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I think he's back in uniform in 607 which also wraps up the FBI story (IMO). 

At this point I think everything goes back to normal, GA secret is back in place..at least I HOPE that's what happens, I hate the idea of all their identifies being outed.

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50 minutes ago, Trisha said:

So how long is Oliver not the GA? In that EW interview he talks about going on 4 episodes without being in the team, but I could have sworn a fan took a pic with him in the suit when they were shooting 605

Yeah, SA mentioned wearing the suit again for 604 (which I'm guessing is actually when that picture was taking) for just a quick thing.

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Source for above SA quotes on Olicity (also some spoilers):

Arrow's Stephen Amell on that Green Arrow twist
The actor reveals his feeling about this turn of events, and what’s next for Oliver and Felicity



2 hours ago, bijoux said:

It's obvious Cayden James/Helix is responsible for leaking the photo, right?

I'm not so sure anymore. In 602, Felicity/Curtis discovered that the leaked photo was digitally doctored to put Oliver's head on the GA body. Cayden James/Helix knows that Oliver is the GA, so why not use a a real surveillance photo? I now think it's someone who doesn't know that Oliver is the GA, but was trying to frame him. The suspects for me are either the Vigilante or Ricardo Diaz.

Edited by tv echo
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15 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I'm not so sure anymore. In 602, Felicity/Curtis discovered that the leaked photo was digitally doctored to put Oliver's head on the GA body. Cayden James/Helix knows that Oliver is the GA, so why not use a a real surveillance photo? I now think it's someone who doesn't know that Oliver is the GA, but was trying to frame him. The suspects for me are either the Vigilante or Ricardo Diaz.

Maybe Oliver is actually careful and therefore there isn't a real photo?

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Yeah the fact that it was doctored kind of hinted to me that there is no photo and that someone would have had to have already known that Oliver is the Green Arrow to know that it would have caused the most disruption for Oliver/the team and then doctored one themselves.

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Good points. However, I do find it hard to believe that Helix couldn't have found an unmasked shot of Oliver/GA. IIRC, he has 'unhooded' while in the field a few times over the past five years. But I guess anything is possible. So I guess Cayden is back in the pool of suspects.

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Is Arrow's Pivotal Twist for Real? 'The Team Is Going to Have to Adjust'
By Matt Webb Mitovich / October 19 2017, 6:58 PM PDT


The answer, we would learn, is to ask Diggle to take over as the Green Arrow. And take over he will.
*  *  *
“It’s definitely something that we’re going to have to entertain at least for a little while, until we can figure something else out for Oliver,” Juliana Harkavy, who plays Dinah/Black Canary, tells TVLine. “The team is going to have to try to adjust. They’re going to have to try to realign their positions on the team and refocus their strengths and just try to make it work.”
*  *  *
But while Diggle will in fact assume the Green Arrow identity, no one should fret that Oliver’s days of thwip!-ing are completely over. Explaining his lighter workload at a recent fan event, Amell said, “In the early part of the season we undertake a storyline and we stick to it. [But] that’s all about to change” as he headed into production on Episode 7.

Another burning question arising from Oliver’s decision relates to Diggle’s reveal to Dinah that shrapnel from one of the Lian Yu blasts has left him with a degenerative neurological condition. Will switching from guns to arrows solve Diggle’s problem in the short-term, or compound it? “I think it could do both,” Harkavy ventures.

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What's that you say? Can't get enough of JH interviews?...

DC TV Watch: 'Arrow' Star Promises a "Stronger" Black Canary
OCTOBER 20, 2017 8:00am PT by Sydney Bucksbaum


Spreading her wings | While Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy) has been on Team Arrow for an entire year, it's really this season that she's come into her own. Acting less like a recruit and more like a partner, she could tell that Diggle (David Ramsey) was hiding something, and confronted him until he finally confessed that he has degenerative nerve damage in his hand after getting hit with shrapnel from the Lian Yu explosion. "This season I have more time to interact with everyone on the team. She has reinvested herself as a fully committed member of the team," Harkavy tells THR. "She embraced her mantle so we're really getting to see her relationships with everybody expanding and getting deeper." And that's why she's been able to take on more of a leadership role on the team. "It goes hand-in-hand with Dinah's personality. She is a fighter, she is a natural leader," Harkavy adds. "She also has a lot of respect for the hierarchy of the team, so she's not trying to take over but she has a stronger voice and it's been a lot of fun to get to know that voice more and use and flex it and see how it fits into the rest of the team. She's become a stronger version of herself."

Diggle's dilemma | So now that Dinah knows that Diggle is compromised, what does that mean for their close working relationship? "Dinah is just a ball-buster so if she sees something like that, she's going to go for it and she's going to hone in and get to the bottom of it. Diggle is one of her closest friends and she's concerned, and this is her way of showing it," Harkavy says of Dinah's relentless pursuit of the truth. "She doesn't want the team to get hurt if he's compromised. She takes it upon herself to make sure nobody gets hurt." But she adds that Diggle telling her the truth about his injury "is a step in the right direction." Because she kept her own secret after Lian Yu that was exposed and she's been through the experience of losing someone, "she just has a lot of love in her heart and a lot of trauma, so she wants him to be okay. It's all coming from a place of love."

Change in leadership | Since Dinah is the only one who knows that Diggle isn't at 100 percent, the rest of the team will be looking to him to lead the group, as Oliver (Stephen Amell) has officially passed him the Green Arrow mantle. Since Oliver doesn't want to make his son an orphan, he's decided to focus just on being the major and a father. He offered Diggle his place as leader of the group, and Diggle accepted... despite knowing he can't fight like he used to. Talk about an awkward moment that is only going to get more awkward moving forward. "Any time that the hierarchy gets shaken up, it's going to put a fault into the foundation and everything is going to shift," Harkavy says. "If somebody else is now the head, then how does the chain of command fall? The team is going to have to figure out how to restructure themselves and relearning everyone's strengths. Because without the captain, that's all you have to rely on." And Diggle continuing to hide the secret of his injury from the rest of the team "definitely concerns" Dinah. "It gives her even more reason to want to make sure that Diggle's going to be okay and figure out what's going on," she adds. "That's a big loss, not having Oliver so to have the new Green Arrow compromised as well, she's concerned, for sure."

Canary vs. Canary | One of the best things about Arrow season six is the simmering feud between the new Black Canary and the former, now known as Black Siren aka evil Earth-2 Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy). After exchanging a few bullets back on Lian Yu, the Canary on (former) Canary crime is at an all time high, and watching these two formidable women kick some major ass is truly a delight. And according to Harkavy, that's not going away anytime soon. "They just so vehemently hate each other, and they've been chasing each other down after Lian Yu, and Dinah has this extra chip on her shoulder," she says. "And Black Siren has a major grudge against Dinah as well. So it's just going to get even more heated and more exciting." She laughs before adding, "I don't think they'll be becoming friends anytime soon."

Healing her broken heart | Something that Harkavy is most excited to explore this season, however, is Dinah's softer side. When asked if Dinah will be getting a love interest soon, as she hasn't had one on the show yet after her tragic backstory of losing her partner (both romantic and professional) was revealed, Harkavy had some good news. "Yeah, that might be in her cards this season," she says. "She's really focusing on the team and her work and her promotion at the SCPD but she needs balance and time for herself and getting her life up and going again. She sort of shut her personal life off and this is what I'm most excited about this season, to see all of the different layers of her. She's not just one note, she's more multidimensional this year. She's exploring more now."

Edited by tv echo
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2 minutes ago, Balaclava said:

We're about to get that GA/BC dynamic with Diggle and Dinah. Sort of Oliver/Sara minus the romance part. 

I'm waiting for the Dinah/Quentin reveal. Then they'll have a baby and call her Dinah Laurel Lance....

Then comics people will proclaim that baby DLL is the Real Black Canary and that Felicity will die so Ollie can be with his true comics love...nothing says sexy like an old man perving on a teenager he knew from infantcy. ???

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm waiting for the Dinah/Quentin reveal. Then they'll have a baby and call her Dinah Laurel Lance....

Then comics people will proclaim that baby DLL is the Real Black Canary and that Felicity will die so Ollie can be with his true comics love...nothing says sexy like an old man perving on a teenager he knew from infantcy. ???

I don't know if i should laugh or cry, i can see the reddit posts already ?

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Black Siren was never Black Canary, so to refer to her as the former BC, or for THR to use the phrase, "Canary vs. Canary", makes no sense. It's like describing the upcoming (likely) crossover fight between Supergirl and Overgirl as "Supergirl versus Supergirl."

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24 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I guess Star City and the FBI will just forget Spartan existed? Or just assume, "Well something must have happened to Spartan. It can't be that they changed up the Green Arrow, despite all the obvious evidence they did."

Well, the red-hooded one changed from a boy to a girl already before ?

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54 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Like I said yesterday, wish they would've given Diggle his own unique Green Arrow costume.

But then they would know it's someone different than Oliver.  They have to keep the costume the same, even if it is a couple of sizes larger and the guy inside is African-American.

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39 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

My first response to the photo was to laugh at Dinah's pose.

No way, it's totally a callback to her menacing waddle from that one BS/BC promo. ?

Edited by leopardprint
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