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I think David responds to that vibe while the others, like PB, don't so the scenes between Dig and Dinah seem different but she acts them all like she is trying to appear hot, confident and intense but a woman can have different vibes for different relationships so that attitude 24/7 ends up being weird to me, out of place for the type of relationship she has with that person. It's no different from BS's smirk. A bit of variety would be good.

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2 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

I think it's just JH's acting in general, there were some instances where I thought that Lance would actually be her new love interest on the show.

I thought exactly the same thing during the scene at the bar. I started thinking how awkward it would be that Quentin’s ex-wife, daughter and potential new girlfriend would all have the same first name.  

Edited by kes0704
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7 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

I think it's just JH's acting in general, there were some instances where I thought that Lance would actually be her new love interest on the show.

Seeing the amounts of people who are getting flirty vibes off of Dinah when that's not really the intended goal, I'm actually kind of curious what she's going to look like when she's really going for it. That could be an interesting or somewhat scary experience. LOL

Edited by strikera0
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13 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Haha, I can't believe we're talking about this but I actually don't think O/F have slept together yet? I think they're in an undefined place right now because of William. IDK, they just seemed a bit too hesitant for two people who are sleeping together, IMO? There was a bit of a physical distance. Lots of heart eyes and chemistry and you could tell they want to be together and have clearly spent a lot of time talking/opening up to each other but I don't think they've quite figured out that next step.

I'm actually cool with that though. I'm all for seeing these steps on screen rather than coming back after 5 months and missing it all. 


My thought is that they aren't sleeping together regularly or even officially, but given their history once there was no longer a strong emotional reason to stay away, they probably have given in a handful of times or at the very least come close.  I mean, it's been FIVE months and I wasn't sure they'd be able to wait two weeks before the island mess.

 But because they've decided because of William not to rush the dating part, they probably keep telling themselves they shouldn't be sleeping together yet. So anytime it has happened, they reset to being tentative and hesitant because everything is still ill-defined and it's uncertain when they can have a full on relationship again.  Not if it's going to happen, that part they both are confident of, but how it's going to work along with when is the right time is making them act like courting preteens. 

Or I'm totally wrong and I'm fine with that as well.  One thing is for certain, they haven't been dating other people. :D  


8 hours ago, tv echo said:

BS's associate, Alex Faust, who debuted in 601, was played by Dominic Bogart. According to his IMDb page, he'll return in 603 (Next of Kin)...

Dominic Bogart


I liked the henchman.  He has the charisma that BS lacks.  He does most of the talking so far.  

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

My thought is that they aren't sleeping together regularly or even officially, but given their history once there was no longer a strong emotional reason to stay away, they probably have given in a handful of times or at the very least come close.  I mean, it's been FIVE months and I wasn't sure they'd be able to wait two weeks before the island mess.

Taking to relationships thread. 

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Why doesn't Iris have Barry's jacket? My theory:

Felicity: *shivers*
Oliver: "omg sweetheart are you cold? here take my jacket" 
Iris: Barry, I'm cold
Barry: Damn, Iris I can't control the weather

*Points for who gets this reference*

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I just had a thought. The second Deathstroke episode is called "Promises Kept" and I know it's a reference to his "I always keep my promises kid" but could it also refer to Felicity's promise to come over as well?

I'm wondering if the "Promise?" "Promise" thing will come until play in this ep.

Also Antonio Negret is directing. Wondering if we'll get some good Olicity moments.......

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8 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I just had a thought. The second Deathstroke episode is called "Promises Kept" and I know it's a reference to his "I always keep my promises kid" but could it also refer to Felicity's promise to come over as well?

I'm wondering if the "Promise?" "Promise" thing will come until play in this ep.

Yeah, since it was established in 601 that the three of them haven't really even had a real dinner together and by 607 the three of them are going to public "family" events together, something has to move forward on that plot between then, and 606's title is just on the nose enough to do it. Plus, 606 will still need a subplot in it between the flashbacks and the main plot of Oliver and Slade saving Salde's son and since EBR was filming Flash around 605, 606 could be the episode to address it right before we get to the drama of Oliver being presumably arrested and possibly a Diggle subplot or something (Lyla's in 607) in the following episode.

Or at least end 606 with Oliver, Felicity, and William having dinner or something.

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59 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I just had a thought. The second Deathstroke episode is called "Promises Kept" and I know it's a reference to his "I always keep my promises kid" but could it also refer to Felicity's promise to come over as well?

I'm wondering if the "Promise?" "Promise" thing will come until play in this ep.

Also Antonio Negret is directing. Wondering if we'll get some good Olicity moments.......

Good thought. There's the date in 604, the Thanksgiving outing in 607, and the wedding in the crossover. A pitstop with William before the last two makes sense. Also, why is everyone still calling him William? Come on, Raisa, bit the bullet and call him Will. I'll buy you a Big Belly for your trouble.

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6.03 Oliver gets Felicity to help William with his math homework (WM mentioned math homework.  SA says Felicity being good at math is important.)

6.04 Felicity asks Oliver out on a date (Episode name is Reversal)

6.06 Promises Kept: At the very least Felicity agrees to have dinner or spend time with father & son.

6.07 Thanksgiving 

3.08 Legends Crossover Wedding 

Also, somewhere in here, one gives the other a key.

6.03 - 6.06 are sweeps episodes.

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OK, so in the "Fallout" thread @quarks mentioned that Felicity appears to be hiding something. I didn't get that sense but that could be because of the bad writing and bad direction. What if she was, could it be her starting Smoak Enterprises or whatever it's supposed to be? Because I found it really weird that nothing seemed to have been hinted about Felicity in the premiere. And the EPs had already talked about her starting her own company, which I'm guessing/hoping is an S6A plot because they hinted at another storyline for her later in S6B (I'm gonna be disappointed — OK, even more disappointed — if it turns out those SLs are one and the same). 

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I'm absolutely counting on Felicity starting her company ever since seeing that Big Belly "commercial". I don't know if it would be a secret though. I also didn't get the impression she was keeping one in the premiere.

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18 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I'm absolutely counting on Felicity starting her company ever since seeing that Big Belly "commercial". I don't know if it would be a secret though. I also didn't get the impression she was keeping one in the premiere.

Maybe not a secret-secret but I can see her working on getting it set up on her own for a little while before feeling ready to show it to, say, Oliver.

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7 hours ago, tv echo said:

Aargh... Bamford is directing 4 episodes this season (per MG).

Even worse, "He'll be directing four different episodes for us... and he'll also have a hand in all the episodes that he's not directing."

Another explanation if the ratings tank.

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Someone in the episode discussion thread mentioned Dinah in 6.01 being given the Laurel treatment. Daughter to Quentin by being there when he needs a drink. She has also been set up as friend & confidant of Diggle.  They appear to be literally replacing Laurel with Dinah. She’s not coming off confident so much as arrogant too.

Oliver is arrested in 6.07. Maybe he gets out on bail but come midseason he is under a microscope or on trial. They can’t “kill” him again so how do you remove him?  (Just speculating based on nothing other than WM saying something about DD and mid season). Dinah becomes team leader in 6.10-6.13 (similar to LL always being featured in episodes 10-13).  

I originally was wondering if she would be leaving the team for awhile if Vigilante turns out to be the boyfriend.  It also crossed my mind that maybe there would be an all girl team - BC, Thea, Nyssa & Huntress if they could get JD for a couple of episodes. 

Is Dinah inheriting whatever BC storyline they were trying to do with KC to make her GA’s equal?  Felicity, unfortunately, inherited the baby mama drama.

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20 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Oliver is arrested in 6.07. Maybe he gets out on bail but come midseason he is under a microscope or on trial. They can’t “kill” him again so how do you remove him?  (Just speculating based on nothing other than WM saying something about DD and mid season). Dinah becomes team leader in 6.10-6.13 (similar to LL always being featured in episodes 10-13).  

It's funny, for the last three years, my group who watches Arrow always make big mid-season predictions after we watch the premiere episodes based on what happened in the episode and what vague spoilers we knew at the time. One of the guys got them semi-close (basically said 309 was going to show that Thea killed Sara and that Oliver would have to team up with Thea and Malcolm and fight Ra's, Felicity isn't in the grave but something was going to happen to her in 409, 509 we'd find out that Felicity's bf was either evil or going to die), so we asked him what he thought and he guessed something along the lines of removing him from the team in some way to throw a wrench in the whole balance question that was thrown out in 601 (actually the guess was "Oliver and William make a big step forward but then Oliver is ultimately arrested/jailed/stopped while something bad happens to Diggle and Felicity putting him in a position unable to be either 'the man others need him to be' or 'the father his son needs him to be'"), which then we were figuring could make sense if they really wanted Dinah to pull off a kind of a more aggressive/forward role without looking like a random character acting up. Then the opening to 6b would be about Oliver trying to restructure whatever stability he got from 6a while trying to support Diggle and Felicity while the B team/Dinah then go through their things/villains as the subplots.

(Although since there's a lot less to go on this season around, we had not much to guess.) 

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Put me down for 'Oliver and Felicity banged harder than two gongs in a dynamite factory' after they got a second alone after the island. That was followed by a week of tender luving while William was with his grandparents.  Since he's been back it has been much more on the QT.

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I wonder if TPTB are looking to the future and thinking that Arrow might end in another season or two, so then what? Perhaps they're seeding a possible spinoff featuring Black Canary or the Birds of Prey? I know this has been discussed before, but given how they're writing Dinah now, it's maybe worth considering again.

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If they are thinking about doing a BOP with Dinah, then it would have been better to gradually ease her into being a co-leader - arcs that highlight an earned trust with each member of the team and a gradual work-up of showing her make good decisions rather than sudden jump to ordering people around. We've seen Felicity and Diggle gradually earn their spots as co-leaders and partners over the years onscreen.  Even with a potential for spinoff, Dinah jumping straight from being newest newbie to being bossy comes across as very arrogant.  

In the first episode of the season, we find out that she decidedly helps Lance hide his secret about BS - everyone thought BS was dead and then she comes back killing a lot of people.  Why should the team trust Dinah's decisions when it reminds me of when Laurel decided to raise Sara from the dead, chain her up in the basement, and not tell anyone and then the team starts hearing about a crazy lady who got loose and started killing people in the next town over.  This is so not the way to earn people's trust, writers!

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I feel like part of the problem is the 5-month time jump. They wanted to do the typical time jump so badly, but in this case, it might have helped with certain storylines to see how characters ended up where they are. 

Oliver and William have made apparently zero progress in 5 months but suddenly just in time for the end of the premiere, progress is made. 

Oliver and Felicity apparently had conversations about their relationship and William off-screen but the premiere is so vague (perhaps to win over non-Olicity fans too?) that some people are left confused. Will we see those conversations in 620? 

Dinah has a new attitude that just doesn’t sit well with me, but perhaps it would if we saw gradual changes leading up to what we got from her in 601?

Maybe there will be FBs in upcoming episodes that help with this, but for now, especially with Dinah and going off what they’ve teased about her this season, I don’t like what I’m seeing and what it could mean.

And I think part of that was also all the promotion for BC and BS over the summer. Just look at the photos for 602 - aren’t there like 3 of  BC and 1 of Oliver? (I’m on my phone and can’t check that to confirm exactly.)

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Thinking about the promotion and the spoilers about Dinah and what we know about some filming schedules, I’m wondering if Dinah’s plotline is going to primarily be in 6A. If Oliver steps back as GA and Diggle takes over (ep 3/4) then all that Diggle/Dinah in 6x01 makes sense if Dinah doesn’t trust him and tries to take the lead, causing the problems that were teased with Dinah. We know KC was filming more for ep4 which means we may get another BC heavy episode. So early seems odd too me, normally they rotate more with the cast but we know BS isn’t the Big Bad and they normally kick up the Big Bad in 6B so they might be doing the BS heavy ones early on so they they can get it out of the way. BS/BC would still be a thing but it would be Cplot until the finale. 

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40 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Thinking about the promotion and the spoilers about Dinah and what we know about some filming schedules, I’m wondering if Dinah’s plotline is going to primarily be in 6A. If Oliver steps back as GA and Diggle takes over (ep 3/4) then all that Diggle/Dinah in 6x01 makes sense if Dinah doesn’t trust him and tries to take the lead, causing the problems that were teased with Dinah. We know KC was filming more for ep4 which means we may get another BC heavy episode. So early seems odd too me, normally they rotate more with the cast but we know BS isn’t the Big Bad and they normally kick up the Big Bad in 6B so they might be doing the BS heavy ones early on so they they can get it out of the way. BS/BC would still be a thing but it would be Cplot until the finale. 

If they're kind of following s5, I can see it that way, although I'm still wondering where the other pieces fit in. Like, 602 has Anatoly and the FBI agent but it still needs some sort of Bplot/Cplot for another character to have (rotating plots-wise it should be Felicity but can't be too sure), 603 has Onyx and the Oliver/William subplot but still needs a Bplot/Cplot for another character (should probably be Rene or Diggle but at that point not sure who's going after Onyx), 604 has BS so it would have a plot for Dinah and likely a Cplot for Olicity with their date but also needs another Bplot for another character, 605 and 606 needs subplots for other characters, etc. So there's plenty of opportunity for subplots but then there's also stuff that will have to go there already that isn't Dinah. One episode has to have Felicity with her company, one episode has to have ME, one episode has to have Richard Dragon, one episode has to have Vigilante, and then back to the plots that still have to come back for repeat (Diggle's issues, Oliver's parental stuff, Lance's issues with BS, villain reminders, probably Felicity's company stuff, etc.).

So it's more like I could see Dinah being around a lot in 6a as a concept, but with the other puzzle pieces that still have to be fit in I'm not sure exactly how she would fit in other than continue to be support for the other plot lines like she was in 601.

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Plotline may be the wrong word, screentime might be better. There was a lot of Dinah because of BS, Quentin and Diggle. It sounds like we may get more of that in 6A. Diggle may be taking over as GA in ep3, BS is back for ep4. 

Im not expecting it to be as heavy as 6x01 and I do think there will be set ups for other characters, I just think 6A may feature more Dinah than 6B.

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Just now, Chaser said:

Plotline may be the wrong word, screentime might be better. There was a lot of Dinah because of BS, Quentin and Diggle. It sounds like we may get more of that in 6A. Diggle may be taking over as GA in ep3, BS is back for ep4. 

Oh yeah, that I could see since the newbies are probably taking supporting positions, Curtis with Felicity, Rene with Oliver and the team, Dinah with Diggle and Lance. Dinah just seems to have more connections (or has been set up with those connections) with other characters so she might have more time being support than tohers

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13 hours ago, tv echo said:

I wonder if TPTB are looking to the future and thinking that Arrow might end in another season or two, so then what? Perhaps they're seeding a possible spinoff featuring Black Canary or the Birds of Prey? I know this has been discussed before, but given how they're writing Dinah now, it's maybe worth considering again.

I don't think there's any evidence that they are thinking about it, but just in a vacuum, I considered the idea of if I'd watch a show led by JH/Dinah and honestly, I probably would be at least willing to give it a try.  I don't think I'd find her off-putting if she had her own team to be in charge of.  The bigger issue would be probably lack of originality. 

I don't think we have to worry about such a thing happening though.      

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I think someone leading a show has to be charismatic.  It's not enough to do a good acting job, you have to be the kind of person people want to tune in for.

SA does that to some extent, a number of people are still watching The Flash because of Grant Gustin, ditto with Meliss Benoist.  I'm not sure JH has that kind of appeal.

Every time I see Louse on The Inhumans I think how lucky Arrow got with EBR.

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Very diplomatic of you @statsgirl but I don't think JH has the charm or acting ability to carry a lead role.  She is a long way from the likes of Grant or Melissa. She hasn't made that much of an impact or gained any sort of following since starting  her role either.

Their best bet  if they wanted to do a BC series would be to recast a brand new BC away from Arrowverse and start again.

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20 minutes ago, tv echo said:

DCTV: Flash’s New Suit, Arrow’s Identity Exposed, Legends Joins the Circus
Published on Oct 16, 2017, by DC

-- Per DCTV's Hector Navarro, after CH 52 revealed the identity of the GA to be Oliver Queen, Mayor Queen holds a press conference and "there is a name drop to a famous DC hero that I don't even know how they were able to do it, so you gotta listen for it because it's awesome." The FBI sends one of its top agents to investigate this claim that the GA is Mayor Oliver Queen. How will it end up? Hector doesn't know, but he does know that "Agent Samanda Watson is damn good at her job, so watch out, Ollie and friends, because this might not end up so great." 

-- Hector: "Curtis has a secret job in tech that he didn't tell anybody about. Curtis is the best. He's been doing his own thing on the side.

-- Hector: "Dinah is concerned about Diggle's skills in the field. What's going on with Diggle? You gotta watch the episode the find out." 

Still looks like nothing about Felicity in 602.

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Hector: "Dinah is concerned about Diggle's skills in the field. What's going on with Diggle? You gotta watch the episode the find out." 

I feel like I should just expect at least one Diggle/Dinah conversation with questionable vibes per episode from now on. Including when Lyla returns. 

Meanwhile, Felicity and Diggle will have a conversation next in ... episode 616ish. If we're lucky. We may get a nod or a smile or two right before the crossover wedding. Maybe. 

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Is it rude to say that I still don't care for the newbies? I mean, Dinah fits best imo, she and Lance had some nice scenes. Wild Dog can take his daughter and live a happy life somewhere else. As for Curtis, he is only good in a small dosage. Like back in S4. I liked him better than now he just annoys me. 

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