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Yeah, we do know about the pregnancy, just not the kid since it was never confirmed the baby mama kept him/her (on the show, at least). I guess the drama potential was too juicy to pass up. Then again, maybe we're wrong and it's something else, but I doubt it.


Yeah, I can't think of anything else we could find out that would be that huge and would have to take place in Central City.

There are enough plot points to explore this season. There is no need for an extra one. Really.

The Arrow writers just can't resist those plot points. Especially the kind of unpopular ones.


I actually believed these people when they said that they learned from what worked in S1&2 and what didn't and were combining the things that worked in the third season. LOL @ me, so gullible.

  • Love 3

The Arrow writers just can't resist those plot points. Especially the kind of unpopular ones.


I actually believed these people when they said that they learned from what worked in S1&2 and what didn't and were combining the things that worked in the third season. LOL @ me, so gullible.

IDK what's sadder. That the writers didn't AT ALL learn from what worked in S1 and 2 or me for believing that they actually would... Hmm

  • Love 5

I can't agree more with this.  I just watched the first few episodes with Felicity in the lair and I have to say...the scenes with Diggle and Felicity are the best thing about the show to me in the first season.  They are so cute together and just come off as natural, immediate family.  


The writers are failing these two in that regard. 


Could you imagine Diggle's face when Mama Smoak screamed and hugged Felicity in that promo? Diggle should have been there IMO. I still think it’s going to be a fantastic episode, and I’m sure the moment(s?) between the team and Felicity’s mom are going to be great but I think they're just trying too hard with Ray. Waited two years for an episode about Felicity and it wasn't for a guest to take up airtime and space for other, already established characters and relationships. I guess we'll just have to wait and watch the episode. 

  • Love 5

IDK what's sadder. That the writers didn't AT ALL learn from what worked in S1 and 2 or me for believing that they actually would... Hmm


I mean, it's still early days, so who knows what will happen, but I'm somehow relieved to know that this is how it's probably going to be. I can stop being upset about it and just try to enjoy the things that I still find enjoyable about this show until they poo all over those too. IT'S THE THIRD SEASON CURSE, HAPPENS TO EVERYTHING I LOVE.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 3

I mean, it's still early days, so who knows what will happen, but I'm somehow relieved to know that this is how it's probably going to be. I can stop being upset about it and just try to enjoy the things that I still find enjoyable about this show until they poo all over those too. IT'S THE THIRD SEASON CURSE, HAPPENS TO EVERYTHING I LOVE.

THIS IS WHY IT'S BEST NOT TO LOVE THINGS. :p Nah, while I'm disappointed in this season, I hope season 3b is better :)


Am I just being naive to think that it's not the kid? Like what about all The Flash viewers who don't normally watch Arrow? They won't care about some silly baby mama drama with Oliver.  If it's a BIG secret like they said I think it's something we haven't heard of before. 

I don't think you're being naive... I too don't think it's the kid, but there's a high possibility it might be... Regardless, I'm at a loss at what the huge secret would be if it isn't about the kid... Because the way it was phrased, it seems as though this secret will be affecting only Oliver... Although I know this probably won't be the case. Maybe he learns Tommy is alive in Central City? I'm at a loss :p

Edited by wonderwall

Am I just being naive to think that it's not the kid? Like what about all The Flash viewers who don't normally watch Arrow? They won't care about some silly baby mama drama with Oliver.  If it's a BIG secret like they said I think it's something we haven't heard of before. 


I think you'd be naive to rule out the possibility of the kid, but otherwise, nah.


And I don't really think they care about the Flash viewers who don't watch Arrow - they're revealing a big secret either way, and if it's that huge we should learn about it on Oliver's show, so...who knows.

Edited by apinknightmare

I hate this kid story line so much already. This entire situation doesn't need to be addressed this season so I'm really hoping it's a one and done acknowledgement that the kid exists and then he/she is forgotten about. The way this show is going season 4 will have Oliver as a guest star on his own show. It's going to be Justice League hero origin story time all the time. 


I also find it very weird that this huge plot point isn't even going to be on Arrow. But since there was more Felicity characterization on one episode of The Flash than in two years of Arrow, I can't begin to understand TPTB's thought process.

  • Love 4

Maybe they're trying to get Arrow viewers watching The Flash, which is why the secret gets revealed there.  Also the baby mama said she was moving to Central City.  But if they are doing the baby reveal, do the reveal and then drop it for the season. There are far too many plots already circulating on Arrow.  


Considering it was Natalie Abrams, super Lauriver shipper, doing the EBR interview, it wasn't too bad.


They were in love in college and it ended because of a tragic technical mistake they both made.

Relationships that end because of a technical mistake are the saddest.



They are so much more than friends, but they’re not a couple. They’re not in a relationship, but they’re in a relationship all the time. They care really deeply for each other on more than just a platonic level. There’s a deep love there. There’s a very deep emotional connection you don’t really get with everyone. It’s special. It should be treasured, but it’s also scary and a little inconvenient.

She's so funny when talking about relationships.

Edited by statsgirl

"We discover something about Oliver (Stephen Amell) which is probably one of the biggest secrets we've ever revealed on the show — and it happens on The Flash," Kreisberg teases.

I increasingly find these showrunners completely baffling. Anything that is "the biggest secret ever" should not be revealed on another damn show. Especially something about the lead character. Man, they annoy me so very much.
  • Love 6

Because the way it was phrased, it seems as though this secret will be affecting only Oliver... Although I know this probably won't be the case. Maybe he learns Tommy is alive in Central City? I'm at a loss :p


I mean they have done almost all soap opera tropes but not amnesia so why not go there.

What if Tommy is living in Central City and has forgotten all about his life of privilege in Starling!

What if he is one of the baristas at the same café where Iris is working as a waitress (Felicity missed him the day she went to Jitters because it was his day off) and Oliver goes all romance novel's hysterical heroine when he sees Tommy when he goes there to grab a cup of coffee!

  • Love 6

I've decided I'm just going to enjoy Ray and Felicity's interaction. Giving myself ulcers over it isn't working. He's going to be part of her life and there is nothing else to it.

You know if The Flash reveals Oliver's child, they should just tell us to abandon Arrow because important details and character development happens in Central City. They are seemingly forcing viewers to watch Barry Allen to get a fuller picture of Arrow. Next thing we'll have an irreplaceable Diggle scene.

  • Love 2

The biggest secret about Oliver unraveled on The Flash? Let's see... Pehaps Caitlin Snow's fiancee was his brother?...


Ok, joking aside, I think it's important to differenciate between Oliver's secret (the thing he keeps from people) and a secret about Oliver (the one he doesn't know about). The way it's worded in the interview can be interpreted both ways:


"We discover something about Oliver" -> so we, the audience shouldn't know that yet

"which is probably one of the biggest secrets we've ever revealed on the show" -> ambiguous as Lian Yiu.


Maybe Oliver is metahuman? And his reflexes are, actually, not only a product of the training, but also something else?


...Or his middle name is Theodore.

  • Love 1

I like the Metahuman theory, our boy can't keep taking the punishment he has been lately, forever, he'll need to retire before he reaches 35.


Surely he, at least, needs a knee reconstruction by now. The meta human (or potential for meta-humaness), would tie in with Fash and does really violate the no powers rules for arrow, and well I can live the kid being put off for another season.

  • Love 1

It totally violates the no-powers rule, not to mention it violates the shared universe which has set up the fact that the only meta-humans were created as a result of the explosion at STAR Labs.

Oliver wasn't in CC when the accident happened to make him a meta human means that it was something he was born with, which totally violates the rules of both shows.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 2

I still think it's the kid because Amell said back in SDCC that the way they would bring up the kid again was his idea , and in that set interview from a few weeks ago, he said the Oliver thing that happens in the Flash crossover was his idea... I'm thinking it's the same idea.


But the way Kreisberg worded his answer gives me hope that the secret is Oliver already knows about the kid. And that I can live with way better than surprise instant parent, which is the kind of crap that makes me quit television.

  • Love 1

The biggest secret about Oliver unraveled on The Flash? Let's see... Pehaps Caitlin Snow's fiancee was his brother?...


Ok, joking aside, I think it's important to differenciate between Oliver's secret (the thing he keeps from people) and a secret about Oliver (the one he doesn't know about). The way it's worded in the interview can be interpreted both ways:


"We discover something about Oliver" -> so we, the audience shouldn't know that yet

"which is probably one of the biggest secrets we've ever revealed on the show" -> ambiguous as Lian Yiu.


Maybe Oliver is metahuman? And his reflexes are, actually, not only a product of the training, but also something else?


...Or his middle name is Theodore.


I think this is an important distinction. 


I think it will be about his kid - and that Oliver doesn't know about him.  I also think the kid that Captain Cold talked with, briefly, in the museum is Oliver's son. 


If the showrunners can make crap up and expect us to believe it, I have no problem speculating on so little.


The Natalie Abrams interviews falls in the category of 'It could have been worse.'  I still don't understand how she works for magazines with adult audiences. She seems like a teen mag writer.


Looking forward to more Felicity bits to come out today.


Not sure how I feel if Mama Smoak spends more time with Ray than Oliver & Diggle, though. I understand quality over quantity but the way the show's pacing & editing have been this season, I'm far more cynical than I expected to be.

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I think it will be about his kid - and that Oliver doesn't know about him.  I also think the kid that Captain Cold talked with, briefly, in the museum is Oliver's son. 


Yeah, I think that too. And if it is someone needs to teach that kid not to take gum from strangers, goodness.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 1

That kid looked nothing like my head canon of Oliver's kid. Dark hair, dark eyes. No steely baby blues...that's the one thing the kid I pictured in my head needed to have.

Spec wise, if Oliver knows ab kid and then goes to ras willingly, knowing he is likely to die....ugh that's not gonna mesh well w felicity's abandonment issues. Ugh.

  • Love 2

That kid looked nothing like my head canon of Oliver's kid. Dark hair, dark eyes. No steely baby blues...that's the one thing the kid I pictured in my head needed to have.

Spec wise, if Oliver knows ab kid and then goes to ras willingly, knowing he is likely to die....ugh that's not gonna mesh well w felicity's abandonment issues. Ugh.


Yeah, the kid really doesn't look anything like him, that's the only snag in the theory. Although there was a reason why they focused on him, and I think they'd have the kid have a lot of the mother's coloring so as to keep it a 'surprise.'


Not sure how Felicity would react to it. Yeah, she has issues with her own father leaving, but she knows Oliver is in no way, shape, or form ready to be/capable of being a father right now. That self-loathing runs deep, and I think she'd understand why he stayed away. I do think that she might encourage him to be involved as his mental state improves. I'd like it best if the kid had a good father in his life and Oliver stayed away but provided for him financially. He'd have to have set up a trust fund of sorts for him long ago though, because it wouldn't make sense if he provided for the kid on an ongoing basis and then just stopped when he had his "financial troubles." I'd think knowing he had a kid out there who depended on him in any way financially would've given him more drive to get QC back.

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Since it looks like Felicity and Mama get taken separately in the promo (from a couple of days ago), I wonder if Felicity being taken is a set-up on Team Arrow's part.  She volunteers to put herself in danger to save Mama. The team doesn't like it but agrees leading to Oliver saying to Diggle..."and you know how I feel about her." 

  • Love 1

Since it looks like Felicity and Mama get taken separately in the promo (from a couple of days ago), I wonder if Felicity being taken is a set-up on Team Arrow's part.  She volunteers to put herself in danger to save Mama. The team doesn't like it but agrees leading to Oliver saying to Diggle..."and you know how I feel about her."

Oh I like this, and it's very much in line with her character.

Harrison one way or another could remind the audience of the kid's existence or something happens in their neighbourhood and Oliver dressed as the Arrow lurks in the shadows to check up on them. 


I can see the shows hinting at a future Arrow storyline rather than it being a huge part of the crossover. 

Edited by patchwork
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I would like the Felicity as bait theory if it hadn't already been done twice before. Not to say they wouldn't repeat a storyline (since this would also be the third time she has been kidnapped), but if she gets taken again I would prefer it to be out of their control.


Why would Eddie be on Arrow for the crossover?


Still not a fan of Oliver's kid. 

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 1

I would like the Felicity as bait theory if it hadn't already been done twice before. Not to say they wouldn't repeat a storyline (since this would also be the third time she has been kidnapped), but if she gets taken again I would prefer it to be out of their control.


Why would Eddie be on Arrow for the crossover?


Still not a fan of Oliver's kid. 

I'm good with it if Felicity decided to let herself get grabbed, rather than having it be a Team Arrow operation. Like, when she finds out they're coming for her, she opts not to get out/hide, while Oliver (probably) yells (her name, lol) on comms.


It was one thing for Oliver to get behind the bait thing when he felt like he had some element of control (he would be there to at least *try*) and the situation was excessively dire (since it was Slade the Big Bad and not Cooper the Villain of the Week). Plus, it was nothing personal about Felicity. Someone targeting Felicity herself feels way more dangerous for her.


Perhaps the crying in the office is about her mom being kidnapped? Like they just called her with demands?

Rick cosnett was in the bts pic w arrow/flash cast in the lair. He may be in on the flash's secret (flash promos show the clock king holding a gun on west and iris in 7, and the ep description for one of the eps has Eddie being curious) or he has done his reverse flash thing and is an antagonist. Reverse flash shows up in flash 9 for sure. Or, he was just visiting set.

I know I saw a freeze frame of Felicity's apartment when the bad guys are breaking in that shows a sleeveless arm with an outfit that looks like the black shirt she is wearing in the foundry so I don't think she is used for bait. I think she is kidnapped with her mother. What I'm really hoping for is that she rescues herself and her mother.  But as much as I want that I'm preparing for DID and that's okay she hasn't been one since the Count I believe so its about her turn.


I'm not sure if Eddie is in the Arrow part of the cross over. Everyone else seems to be in costume while he's wearing a Flash shirt. Might just have been hanging out on the Arrow set. But I'm not up on Flash spoilers so I could be/probably am wrong.

  • Love 3

That kid at the museum was way too old to be Oliver's kid, he was 10-12, he's taller than one of the women and almost as tall as the woman that appears to be his mother.  Oliver's kid is 6 years old (at most).  They also show you the woman that is supposed to be that kid's mother in The Flash and it would be easy to compare the actress to the one that showed up on Arrow.


Even beyond the height because I do know a 5 year old that's 4' tall, he just looks too old, body, face, personality...a 6 year old wouldn't get a joke about a proximity alarm.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 2

That kid at the museum was way too old to be Oliver's kid, he was 10-12, he's taller than one of the women and almost as tall as the woman that appears to be his mother.  Oliver's kid is 6 years old (at most).  They also show you the woman that is supposed to be that kid's mother in The Flash and it would be easy to compare the actress to the one that showed up on Arrow.


Is it wrong that at this point I've lost so much faith in continuity/sense in this show that I don't find any of these to be an obstacle to the theory? HAHA.

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