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7 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Ohh...I like that theory. Maybe he gives up being the GA to focus on William (which is why Diggle is in the suit for the first few eps) but he has to return to it when he realizes that Dig can't handle it because of his post-island injuries?

Isn't Oliver in the promo as Arrow in present day? 

I'm not really sure what he could change that would be a big spoiler - I don't think it'll mention a wife since I don't think he and Felicity got married offscreen (and even if they were married, I still don't think they'd mention a wife). I don't think single father indicates that Samantha died - to me a single parent is someone parenting a child outside of a relationship with the kid's other parent, but who knows what Stephen considers spoilery.

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Rest assured, they sure know how to promote the show this year... 

I have a hard time with 'You Oughta Know' as Oliver's theme song. Does he mean the title and chorus only? Because the rest of it doesn't really fit Oliver that well to be honest.

Additionally, Oliver is smiling more in the first 3 episodes? Because William's mum is dead and he has the traumatised teen all to himself?

Also, if Oliver had a whole day, he'd spend it with it William. That sounds like a CBS sitcom waiting to happen. Maybe the show is yet again trying to get a spinoff off the ground. ;)

Edited by Belinea
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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Isn't Oliver in the promo as Arrow in present day? 

It could be a flashback to earlier in the summer? Maybe he realizes that Myson needs him around full time? (Duh, Oliver) 

I actually fast forward through the intros ?so I'm not sure what they usually say or if they change from episode to episode. 

"My name is..." *aggressively mash ff button*

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58 minutes ago, leopardprint said:


I think he'll say he was "formerly the Green Arrow" or "with the help of my wife/family (cut to Felicity)". Perhaps the scenes with him in the suit are flashbacks? Or he's retired for one episode like in S4? 

The first one is sort of where my mind went to. Instead of the flashbacks as a device to tell the story, they could use an intro from the future as a framing device. So the thing that would spoil is that Oliver will stop being GA one day and live to tell the tale about it. Sort of like HIMYM, only without grown up William sitting on the sofa at the start of each episode.

As for the new suit, I thought it might just be a new suit for Dig's stint, maybe to accomodate his fighting style some.

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There's some kind of irony in the fact that SA hates on s4 and yet they're bringing back one of the worst parts of that season which is his kid. ? ? ?

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Well, 4A I enjoyed. The rest not so much. But I have a feeling people always assume that everything is Olicity related. So, if he says he didn't care for S4, some people assume 'because Olicity sucks' and that he supposedly agrees with them. I didn't enjoy S4 for many reasons and the relationship at the beginning wasn't the probleme. I didn't like the stupid kid storyline. The irony is that, like @Angel12d said, that they are bringing back the kid which was a storyline that clearly divided many people and essentially a storyline mainly created for drama and to break Olicity up in the end. Now it needs to become a story with actual substance. However the Arrow folks don't really care that much for these kinds of storytelling therefore I am dreading it.

I also didn't care for Donna in the later episodes and I found Darkh to be an awful villain. I never understood what he could/couldn't do. The underground thing where they kept Thea was dumb. I didn't enjoy the flashback and I absolutely didn't care for the filler episodes at the end of the seasons. After Laurel's death, which didn't affect me all that much, there wasn't really a strong storyline leading the show to become exciting again. 

That being said, I feel as though S5 is hyped too much. Yes, the villain was better even though he was also a physic being able to know everything without explanation. But I blame that on MG. In his Collider interview he basically said he doesn't understand why people just care about the details so much. I didn't care for the lack of warmth in the relationships and I certainly didn't care for Susan. But the show ended stronger for me than S4. 

However, I am still not sure how they are going to excite me this time round. As of right now, none of the promotion sounds appealing. And I wish SA would just drop the 'all my friends are dead' bit. I know he is trying to be coy but it annoys me. 

Edited by Belinea
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Yeah, it's just a shame because I'm sure some fans will take that as some kind of twisted confirmation that SA thinks Olicity ruined the season/show when there were many things wrong with s4 tbh. I could write a list. But then again, I feel like every season has bad episodes. I honestly don't think one season stands out as amazing.

Anyway, to keep this on thread, SA said he has much more time off this season because that's how the story has worked out. I wonder where some of his screen time is going...Hmm...

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22 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Anyway, to keep this on thread, SA said he has much more time off this season because that's how the story has worked out. I wonder where some of his screen time is going...Hmm...

It could simply be because Oliver's 5 years away FBs are over. 

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36 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Yeah, it's just a shame because I'm sure some fans will take that as some kind of twisted confirmation that SA thinks Olicity ruined the season/show when there were many things wrong with s4 tbh. I could write a list. But then again, I feel like every season has bad episodes. I honestly don't think one season stands out as amazing.

Anyway, to keep this on thread, SA said he has much more time off this season because that's how the story has worked out. I wonder where some of his screen time is going...Hmm...

4A also had 4 episodes setting up Sara's return, Ray's return and more yet setting up LOT proper then the introduction of magic etc and the mayor stuff might have bored him compared to some of the Arrowy bits. Olicity was a part of 4A but it wasn't the only part by far or even the biggest part. This time next year he'll be admitting all the parts of S6 which didn't work and then S7 and so on. Even if he wasn't a fan of domestic Olicity (and there's no evidence he wasn't) I don't think he's ditched it for another ship or playboy Oliver etc.

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1 hour ago, Angel12d said:

Yeah, it's just a shame because I'm sure some fans will take that as some kind of twisted confirmation that SA thinks Olicity ruined the season/show when there were many things wrong with s4 tbh. I could write a list. But then again, I feel like every season has bad episodes. I honestly don't think one season stands out as amazing.

Anyway, to keep this on thread, SA said he has much more time off this season because that's how the story has worked out. I wonder where some of his screen time is going...Hmm...

2 whole episodes are being dedicated to Slade and he isn't doing flashbacks anymore so I see the show becoming much more ensemble then it was in the past.

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48 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

4A also had 4 episodes setting up Sara's return, Ray's return and more yet setting up LOT proper then the introduction of magic etc and the mayor stuff might have bored him compared to some of the Arrowy bits. Olicity was a part of 4A but it wasn't the only part by far or even the biggest part. This time next year he'll be admitting all the parts of S6 which didn't work and then S7 and so on. Even if he wasn't a fan of domestic Olicity (and there's no evidence he wasn't) I don't think he's ditched it for another ship or playboy Oliver etc.

That's a good point, S5 was the first since S1 not eating up show with spinoff setup, though I didn't mind Barry in S2. That might be one reason why some people prefer it. Also the flashbacks in S4 were terrible and amounted to nothing. He could have gone to find Anatoly on his own. 

Has he admitted that any part of S5 didn't work? I mean I refuse to believe that he actually thinks that reporter nonsense worked well but I don't think he's said anything. 

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If you look at season 4 sooooo many scenes had Oliver either being knocked down so someone else on the team could have a "hero" moment or had him literally standing on the sidelines watching the other "heroes" fight. I mean wasn't their one action scene where his whole purpose was to do the GA/BC zip line thing? I would say the watering down of Oliver to make team members who became Insta action fight experts without earning it so they could look like equals/a match to Oliver was what Stephen didn't like about season 4. I remember how excited he got about the scenes from 4x10 which was the first time the show brought some agression and drive back to Oliver in fight scenes that season.

And then I do think season 4 moved Oliver away from the centre of the show to and have other characters driving the story whether that be Diggle or Felicity or Laurel or Damien or Malcolm. Oliver was far more a reactionary character in season 4 then he was in any of the other seasons. And knowing that Stephen has a bit of an ego I can understand why he might not have enjoyed that as much.

In that regards I understand his affection for season 5 because it established Oliver back as the centre of the show and it made it more clear he's  top banana.  

That being said I personally didn't hate season 4. I think every season has its Good Bad and Ugly parts ?‍♀️As long as the good out weighs the bad I generally can enjoy a season. I will admit though that I think season 1-2 had more energy and thrill then later seasons though.

Edited by LeighAn
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The thing with season 4 for me was that it felt like they lost their way during the second half..after they solved the mystery of who was dying they didn't manage to make Darhk's final plan something exciting to watch. It was kinda messy and the resolution was so cheesy, I didn't like that at all. That said I think the first part (and other episodes like 411 for example) was very enjoyable but a season that has its issues but ends strong usually leaves a better impression than one that starts strong but can't keep the momentum..

I do think though that SA loves season 5 in particular because it was focused on him and the mission and there was no one that could say it was another character's show. Instead I really missed Dig having something significant to do and Felicity being CEO but also Oliver isn't my favorite character so obviously SA and I can't have the same POV, lol

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49 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Has he admitted that any part of S5 didn't work? I mean I refuse to believe that he actually thinks that reporter nonsense worked well but I don't think he's said anything. 

I think he commented to someone at a con that they'll like Oliver again? Or something like that?

That was one of my problems with S5. I didn't like Oliver for most of it. 

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15 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

That was one of my problems with S5. I didn't like Oliver for most of it. 

Yeah. Robot!Oliver was the worst. I mean, say what you want about s4's problems (and I agree, there are quite a few), at least I didn't actively root for the bad guy like I did in s5. I was one step away from making Team Prometheus t.shirts. ?

1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

2 whole episodes are being dedicated to Slade and he isn't doing flashbacks anymore so I see the show becoming much more ensemble then it was in the past.

Let's hope it works! (Also I'm still not convinced Slade needs 2 episodes back to back.)

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22 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I think he commented to someone at a con that they'll like Oliver again? Or something like that?

That was one of my problems with S5. I didn't like Oliver for most of it. 

Same! I was going to say that it is interesting he prefers stupid Oliver to weak Oliver. 

Edited by leopardprint
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18 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I think he commented to someone at a con that they'll like Oliver again? Or something like that?

Yeah, he's said that a few times, along with the whole idea that Oliver is a lot lighter this year, learned from last year, etc. That and the older quotes that he had about 520 with "Oliver's robotic personality regarding Felicity get explained" (even though back in 5a he was all about promoting them totally being on the same page and being a good partnership and whatnot) or around 515-516 with "Oliver's tired look gets explained" (in one throwaway line and just open-to-interpretation implications from parts in 5b) make me think he definitely knows that people were not a fan of Oliver through a good portion of s5.

Edited by way2interested
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I am thinking it has to do with both Manus availability (he is a series regular on another show afterall) and fear of the unknown. WB could pull availability for the character whenever they want so best to get it out of the way then have plans change last minute.

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7 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I do wonder if that's because of scheduling? Maybe they had to work around Manu's availability? And because of that, they figured, hey let's do a two-parter for Slade. 


5 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I am thinking it has to do with both Manus availability (he is a series regular on another show afterall) and fear of the unknown. WB could pull availability for the character whenever they want so best to get it out of the way then have plans change last minute.

I think it's simply because that seemed to be the most positively received portion of the overall well-received finale. I mean I had my fill of Slade prior to 523 but I hope he's not new Malcolm Merlyn. 

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25 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I am thinking it has to do with both Manus availability (he is a series regular on another show afterall) and fear of the unknown. WB could pull availability for the character whenever they want so best to get it out of the way then have plans change last minute.

Very true. I wonder if that fear of WB pulling availability for the character is also why they're introducing Joe in the two episodes. If he's well-received, they could bring him back even if WB says, "okay, no more Deathstroke."

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4 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Is...is CW actually airing a new Arrow ep on Thanksgiving?

They either forgot they moved Arrow to Thursday, or they're putting their money where their mouth is and proving that they really don't care about the ratings. 

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I'm so confused. I'm going to need a complete schedule of Arrow until its mid season break. 

Because I don't think "Thanksgiving" is the name of the crossover episode (I feel like that would be really weird?) and I can't see them airing an episode titled "Thanksgiving" two weeks after the holiday.

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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

But if that's the crossover it's not airing on Thanksgiving, they are moving Arrow that week.

That's what's confusing me about all this. In previous seasons, the crossovers happen in the week after Thanksgiving. But this year it's happening on Thanksgiving week? I don't get it.

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Just now, lemotomato said:

But this year it's happening on Thanksgiving week?

The crossover is happening the Monday/Tuesday after Thanksgiving, meaning hypothetically they could air a 607 for the Thursday of Thanksgiving and then have the Monday episode be 608, but I was sure that wasn't happening until now

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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

That's what's confusing me about all this. In previous seasons, the crossovers happen in the week after Thanksgiving. But this year it's happening on Thanksgiving week? I don't get it.

The crossover is still the week after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is 11/23, crossover 11/27 and 11/28. 

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4 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

OK, now I wonder if the CW moved Arrow to Thursday after the Arrow writers had already mapped out season 6A, so they planned a Thanksgiving episode not realizing they're not airing that week? I dunno

But they would have had plenty of time to re-plan?

Maybe they're moving Arrow the week before the crossover too? Hopefully someone addresses this soon. 

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15 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

OK, now I wonder if the CW moved Arrow to Thursday after the Arrow writers had already mapped out season 6A, so they planned a Thanksgiving episode not realizing they're not airing that week? I dunno

They never air on Thanksgiving week, Wednesday and Thursday are always reruns or another show is aired.

I'm honestly confused, going by straight Thursdays 607 will either air on Thanksgiving or the week after which should be the crossover week.

It's a head scratcher 

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8 hours ago, Angel12d said:

There's some kind of irony in the fact that SA hates on s4 and yet they're bringing back one of the worst parts of that season which is his kid. ? ? ?

I'm starting to wish people would actively remind him about what they did love about season four.  I'm tired of hearing the thing trashed as a whole.  

Edited by BkWurm1
Soooo many duplicated posts lately.
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