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Oh that kid. I hope they smarten him up in the episodes because come on people!!!!! I deal with preschoolers on a regular basis and THEY DO NOT SOUND SIMPLE LIKE THAT!!!!

Why is he so simple? WHY???????? Don't answer that I already know! Combo of Samantha and Oliver's genes. 

I just cannot deal with how simple that kid is! 

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I wonder if we'll get a long producer's preview tomorrow like they put up for The Flash today. 

6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Where do you think the bad man is?

I already never want to hear that question/see William pointing again and the premiere hasn't even aired yet. It will probably be the official sneak peek the CW releases premiere week too. 

I wonder if anyone in SCPD is going to be wondering why someone who looks like Laurel - since she was there at least a few times - is blowing up the place. Or maybe all the cops who knew E1 LL will just so happen to not be around when BS shows up. Or they just won't address that. 

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1 minute ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I wonder if anyone in SCPD is going to be wondering why someone who looks like Laurel - since she was there at least a few times - is blowing up the place. Or maybe all the cops who knew E1 LL will just so happen to not be around when BS shows up. Or they just won't address that. 

SCPD will probably be empty when Laurel shows up to blow up the place. Very convenient, wouldn't you say?

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13 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I wonder if we'll get a long producer's preview tomorrow like they put up for The Flash today. 

I wonder if anyone in SCPD is going to be wondering why someone who looks like Laurel - since she was there at least a few times - is blowing up the place. Or maybe all the cops who knew E1 LL will just so happen to not be around when BS shows up. Or they just won't address that. 

What all could they preview though? lol. "We don't know who lives or who dies, rinse and repeat" 

I am sure they won't address it. 

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

What all could they preview though? lol. "We don't know who lives or who dies, rinse and repeat" 

They could promote:

  • Michael Emerson who's actually a really huge draw to the show and one of the most talked about actors from SDCC 
  • Richard Dragon
  • The "who's alive?!" aspect of the premiere
  • Oliver (since he's barely in them anymore)

Just a few suggestions

Edited by wonderwall
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Just now, wonderwall said:
  • The "who's alive?!" aspect of the premiere

This - the cliffhanger is dumb, but the "everything has changed" indicates that everyone DID die - they aren't even teasing that they could possibly be alive, which is usually the buzz-getting point of a cliffhanger. They can't even do the easy stuff right. Goodness.

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

This - the cliffhanger is dumb, but the "everything has changed" indicates that everyone DID die - they aren't even teasing that they could possibly be alive, which is usually the buzz-getting point of a cliffhanger. They can't even do the easy stuff right. Goodness.

Seriously - what they're promoting seems like a completely different show. A cold, lifeless, dull show that I wouldn't tune into.

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Yeah, it's weird they're not doing a 'Who lived, who died?" kind of promo with flashes of each character before the island blew up. It's like they totally bypassed the whole point of the cliffhanger, which I assume was to build interest in finding out who survived. Didn't work though. 

Epic fail!

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They're already giving interviews about what's coming up for Felicity. We know she's on The Flash this season*. They've talked about Diggle and conflict with Oliver. So why not give us glimpses of them in the present - even something quick? 

These promos could easily be better. But instead, they look like they were all put together around SDCC when they were only discussing Oliver and William, BC, BS and Slade, and are just releasing them slowly - which doesn't make sense with everything we've learned since.

Or the promos make it look like the premiere will be centered around those characters because they're going to drag out everyone else's fates. 

You know what? I'd even take a glimpse of Raisa at this point. Just give me something different from what we've been seeing since SDCC. 

*I really do think we'll get a Flash promo with Felicity in it before we get an Arrow one with her in the present, simply because Flash could put out a "this season on" promo after its premiere and Arrow could still be pretending she's dead in those two days between the two shows' premieres.

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25 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I really want to know how she she got promoted with how poor she is at her job...? Actually, how does she even have a job?!?

Well if you believe the CW they don't care about live audiences so I guess they take the "meh that'll do" approach to traditional advertising.

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2 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

This - the cliffhanger is dumb, but the "everything has changed" indicates that everyone DID die - they aren't even teasing that they could possibly be alive, which is usually the buzz-getting point of a cliffhanger. They can't even do the easy stuff right. Goodness.

Literally one thing will change, William will live with Oliver. That's it, they could have done that at any point without blowing up the island so they could blow up the mama. Another potentially dead or comatose woman/mother to force Oliver to get it together. 

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1 minute ago, leopardprint said:

Literally one thing will change, William will live with Oliver. That's it, they could have done that at any point without blowing up the island so they could blow up the mama. Another potentially dead or comatose woman/mother to force Oliver to get it together. 

OMG!!!!!! You made me choke on hot tea!!!!!! That is the funniest thing I have read possibly this year!

Is it bad that I take delight in Samantha going KABOOM!!!!!!!!

If I can't have her and Simple William just go away, her going KABOOM is good enough, sanctimonious bitch! 

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6 hours ago, way2interested said:

Which is a shame since JH was all about promoting how loyal Dinah is to the team and how she saw Oliver as the leader. From this news and some of the shots from the comic con trailer, I wonder if that means that maybe BS comes back to town, Dinah wants to take her down, Oliver says stay down for back-up or until they figure out why she's here or something, Dinah goes after her anyway to prove herself and gets beaten, semi-setting up Dinah's story/rivalry with BS for this portion of the season.

I don't even care about what Dinah does, I just hate the very realistic idea that Oliver will ask her to back off on BS.  I'll be rooting for Dinah to take her down.  I hope Felicity will be as well.   

4 hours ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

Unfortunately, most of this season doesn't sound like something I want to watch (even though I kind of get why they're talking about certain characters and not others). I don't care about Myson, assorted noobs, Canaries, Oliver as a mayor (he abuses his power and is terrible at it, but the show completely ignores that).

If they really had to do an Oliver as a dad storyline, I could have cared about potential Oliver/Felicity kid(s), a few seasons down the line, if they hadn't diminished Felicity's role to do it. However, I'll never like/care about Myson because the way they introduced him really messed up a lot of the show/relationships imo. 

Plus, even a potential Oliver/Felicity wedding is kind of being stepped on by Barry/Iris and Myson (the woooorst) imo. 


I really think the actual show will be pretty good once everyone is alive again and we'll get to hear what's going on with the characters I actually care about.  I think Dig's story will be pretty intense and I know I'm going to enjoy anything Felicity related and I'm willing to see how the Willaim thing turns out.  

2 hours ago, wonderwall said:

Seriously - what they're promoting seems like a completely different show. A cold, lifeless, dull show that I wouldn't tune into.

Is it possible Chico actually doesn't know no one too important dies?  It's surreal.  

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Question somewhat inspired by the new promo: Do you think the team has just given up on having a bunker that's secure? BS knows where it is. Anyone can get in. The promo shows an explosion there.

Season 4: "Darhk probably knows where the lair is. We need a new one." 

Season 6: "Everyone knows where the bunker is. One of the villains terrorizing the city has even been inside (even though we had just changed the codes after finding out Evelyn betrayed us and that was never addressed). Oh well. Whose turn is it to clean up the latest mess when someone inevitably breaks in? Newbies! You're up!"

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I guess it's only the police knowing where their bunker is that was considered a real problem.  They've put down roots at this point.  As long as the public doesn't know, they don't seem to really care, lol.  

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

I don't even care about what Dinah does, I just hate the very realistic idea that Oliver will ask her to back off on BS.  I'll be rooting for Dinah to take her down.  I hope Felicity will be as well.   

For me it depends on the circumstances. If it's Oliver petitioning for BS's redemption after she's conspired to kidnap and kill everyone Oliver holds dear, I'll be pissed. If it's Oliver arguing for Dinah to wait because she doesn't have back up/her taking action could endanger civilians/Curtis got stuck in a chain fence and petty criminals are heckling him which is bad PR for Team Arrow and could she please deal with that/...., I'd understand his point of view.

Having slept on it, if it turns out that we've interpreted Wendy's words corectly, it seems Dinah and Dig will have some of the same story beats, no? Again presuming that his rash actions wearing the GA suit bring Richard Dragon upon them.

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4 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

You know what? I'd even take a glimpse of Raisa at this point. Just give me something different from what we've been seeing since SDCC. 

Ask and you shall receive. ?

Edited by bijoux
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I see Angelo Renai's IMDb credits include "Lillian's lawyer" on Supergirl. I assume it wasn't a big role seeing as the character didn't get a name?Going by that, I assume his role on Arrow won't be big either.

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5 hours ago, bijoux said:

Ask and you shall receive. ?

Yup, you can see a small glimpse of Raisa in the extended promo:


I am still clinging to the hope that the "bad man" scene is a nightmare of Oliver's and Myson isn't really that young-sounding for his age. Clinging to it!

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If I only watched the S6 trailers and didn't read any spoilers, I wouldn't bother to return as an Arrow viewer in October. I have no interest in watching a show that's only about Oliver, William, Dinah and Black Siren. (And Slade Wilson's prominence in the trailers is misleading because he'll probably only be in a few episodes.)

Myson's toddler-speak is even more jarring because Jack Moore is probably teen-height now.

Edited by tv echo
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34 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Yup, you can see a small glimpse of Raisa in the extended promo:


I am still clinging to the hope that the "bad man" scene is a nightmare of Oliver's and Myson isn't really that young-sounding for his age. Clinging to it!

That freeze frame is excellent!

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Well, I will say that I'm glad they're at least showing that BS is a villain in all these trailers. If we can't get the characters we want, let's at least shut down all talks about redemption for her. 

And at least she's not going around in her "look I'm totally E1 LL" outfit. 

1 hour ago, Trisha said:

I am still clinging to the hope that the "bad man" scene is a nightmare of Oliver's and Myson isn't really that young-sounding for his age. Clinging to it!

Yep. Although what does that say about Oliver (or his relationship with Myson I guess?) if that's what he thinks Myson is like - especially after months with him in his life?

And if it's not a nightmare... as little Myson on screen as possible please. I cannot deal with too much of that. 

6 hours ago, bijoux said:

Ask and you shall receive. ?

So maybe I should keep asking (begging) for glimpses of Felicity, Diggle, Thea and Lance and we might get something

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17 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Yep. Although what does that say about Oliver (or his relationship with Myson I guess?) if that's what he thinks Myson is like - especially after months with him in his life?

Yeah, that part's a little harder to reconcile. Even if it's only in Oliver's head, if that's what he thinks his son sounds like -- yikes. But I'm pretty sure at FanExpo SA said that Jack Moore was 14 playing 12, so I'm praying they actually write him like a 12-year-old in the non-dream scenes. It's already going to be hard enough for the audience to warm up to this kid since up until now he's basically been a plot device instead of an actual character. Dumbing him down isn't going to help. 

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Why is BS blowing up a building she is in? I honestly didn't recognize her at first cause she went blonder.

I think Slade and Shado island flashbacks are a good possibility. Slade being all about Shado was a big criticism MB had, they could be filling in some blanks. 

SA and EBR were both in LA yesterday. I heard something about ADR being done in LA but really? They don't have studios in Van? JH and RG were working out yesterday so don't know if they were on set. Episode sounds very Slade.

Still no news on WH filming. I'm wondering now if she's even going to be in the crossover.

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40 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

What is ADR?

It's when they go in and ro-do the dialogue/voice work, I always call it looping. Basically if the voice quality isn't picked up right during filming or if they want to change dialogue after filming.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I've been watching America's Got Talent (for the first time this seasonand there are 9 and 10 year olds on that show who sound more mature and much more articulate than 12-year-old Myson.


-- SA: "My first day on Season 6 was four consecutive scenes with Jack, who's William. And I was incredibly nervous. Way more nervous than he was. Because he was an unknown quantity... He and I had never really acted together. We had a scene where I was holding him close and he was looking scared. We had a scene where he was playing with action figures. But he's 12 in the story and 14 in real life. And I was like - I was like, I hope he's good. Because we're putting a lot of eggs in his basket for the beginning of Season 6. And he was equal to the task. He was fantastic." (SDCC, Jul. 22, 2017: KSiteTV video of press roundtable interview with SA, page 4 of New Spoilers thread)
-- On whether we'll see more of Oliver's struggle with fatherhood, SA: "Yeah... Well, I mean, William - he's not a baby. He's like, uh - we play him in the show like he's 12 years old. He's in 6th grade... It's very interesting to see Oliver as a dad because William is not totally diggin' it. Yet. And he's going through some stuff. So it's tough." (SDCC, Jul. 22, 2017: ET facebook live video interview with Arrow cast, page 4 of New Spoilers thread)

Edited by tv echo
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Oh, I'm so glad they thought to include such an important character like Raisa in the promo. This whole hiatus I've really been wondering where she disappeared to. Wow, I'm so relieved she's alive! 

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15 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Oh, I'm so glad they thought to include such an important character like Raisa in the promo. This whole hiatus I've really been wondering where she disappeared to. Wow, I'm so relieved she's alive! 

To be fair, to anyone who didn't know she's coming back she's just a blurry lady in the background of an Oliver shot, haha.

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18 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Oh, I'm so glad they thought to include such an important character like Raisa in the promo. This whole hiatus I've really been wondering where she disappeared to. Wow, I'm so relieved she's alive! 

Why would you be snarky about the best part of the promo? :p

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29 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Hmm, sounds like most of the main cast was off yesterday and only Manu filmed. 

There are no shooting dates on the script cover MG posted. I'm curious about how many days are left for 606/when crossover filming starts if SA is in LA, but supposedly back filming again by Friday/Saturday (assuming that his reasons for missing Saturday of HVFF NYC is due to filming)

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10 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

There are no shooting dates on the script cover MG posted. I'm curious about how many days are left for 606/when crossover filming starts if SA is in LA, but supposedly back filming again by Friday/Saturday (assuming that his reasons for missing Saturday of HVFF NYC is due to filming)

Dates are listed as 9/6-9/15. 

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3 hours ago, Chaser said:

Why is BS blowing up a building she is in? I honestly didn't recognize her at first cause she went blonder.

Because she is eeeevvvviiillllll. That will probably be the only reason given. Also she dyed her hair because once in a while a girl needs a change and maybe she felt more summery over the summer months. If we are really lucky we might get a flashback about her life since the islands. Something exciting and fun with a touch of an evil facial expression. 

In all seriousness while I liked KC in things like Gossip Girl as the mean girl, I never really liked her as the good girl. Maybe that is my personal perception but I seriously thought she'd work better as a bad guy but I have a feeling I will grow tired of the 2 evil faces she does. It is either angry or smug/scheming. I have no idea who directs her that way but I think that it might be more obvious when you see the character more regularly. At least Laurel could have had different emotions but I have think they tell her, "she does this and looks evil while doing it", then you as a viewer get the facial expression above. Maybe I am going to end up being wrong about, who knows.

Maybe someone at the CW should tell people that in order to promote a show, you need to make viewers excited about it. I don't know who wants to tune in after watching these promos. They more or less make me not want to tune in. I will because of other stuff but certainly not because the PR people do their job well.

Edited by Belinea
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Do you have any Black Siren scoop for Arrow?
She’s certainly going to be a thorn in Team Arrow’s side when the show returns, but Stephen Amell brings up a really fascinating idea that the show may explore down the line. “She looks exactly like Laurel Lance, she is Laurel Lance,” Amell says. “Laurel Lance is the most famous dead person in Star City, so eventually, at some point, if she is reintroduced into public life, how do we unpack that? I’m excited for that. That’s the dynamic I think could be interesting.”

Down the line? "Eventually"? So they're just going to ignore that she looks like Laurel and is out in public without a mask in the premiere until they decide, "hey, let's explore this"? 

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Is it just me or are most of the shots we've seen of BS of her walking towards the camera? Not just for s6 but it's the same from when she appeared in s5, too. And I'm pretty sure when she appeared on The Flash. Let's hope one of the directors gives her a new move or else it'll start growing old like the Vogue walk the masks did every time they went into the field in s4.

I lied. It's already old.


That’s the dynamic I think could be interesting.”

So what he's really saying is that it's not even interesting yet. I appreciate the confirmation, dude. Haha.

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3 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Is her walking into the police station unmasked to blow it up not public life?

Don't forget fighting BC on a street. Apparently no one is going to be around whenever BS is. At all. As in no one close enough to even see a glimpse of her. And don't even ask about any security cameras. All off. All pointing the other way. 

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