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3 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

What was he like in S5? 

I recall him being defensive. 

Usually when he's daggily into something it's better. I remember him being pretty happ about 520 in a daggy way and that was ZE BEST ep!!!!!!

He went on and on about "You're gonna love S5!" and even put it in his twitter bio for a while. I remember in the video he did with EBR he mentioned feeling like the show had been revived or something along those lines. Dude went overboard. 

It's just funny because when SA really hypes something it usually turns out that I dislike it so "My heart is full" is somewhat better, for me at least. Haha.

6 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I remember in the video he did with EBR he mentioned feeling like the show had been revived or something along those lines. Dude went overboard. 

Oh man I remember that, and then later he went and even threw all of s4 under the bus with agreeing with "that LoT episode was the only episode of Arrow that whole year" (yeah...so much for "415 is my favorite episode," SA).

Sorry for the sidestep but that comment bothered me so much because even Marc is able to recognize that there were structurally good and bad things that were in s4 (wrong interpretations on those good and bad things imo, but still and acknowledgement that s4 wasn't a complete mess to s2's apparently unattainable perfect pedestal), while Arrow's #1 defender and advocate is willing to throw an entire season to the dogs (but not s3 or slower adjustment parts of s1 of course even though he literally never mentions them again).  

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46 minutes ago, tv echo said:

I just wanted to clarify what MG said in his recent Collider video interview. He talked about planning out the 23 episodes of each season and how they talk in terms of "tentpoles" or "chapters" for the season (not "log lines" for episodes). He then went on to say that they also plan for the mini breaks and that they know episode 8 is the crossover and episode 9 is the midseason finale. However, he also said that this wasn't "written in stone." So it wouldn't be contradictory for this season's crossover ep to be 607.

If 608 is the crossover then the crossover is pushed back a week from previous years (12/5 instead of 11/28).

This then brings up the question, will the Crossover also be the Winter Finale? Or will CW extend their schedule so that 609 airs on 12/14 (normally the shows end the first week of December).

3 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Oh man I remember that, and then later he went and even threw all of s4 under the bus with agreeing with "that LoT episode was the only episode of Arrow that whole year" (yeah...so much for "415 is my favorite episode," SA).

Sorry for the sidestep but that comment bothered me so much because even Marc is able to recognize that there were structurally good and bad things that were in s4 (wrong interpretations on those good and bad things imo, but still and acknowledgement that s4 wasn't a complete mess to s2's apparently unattainable perfect pedestal), while Arrow's #1 defender and advocate is willing to throw an entire season to the dogs (but not s3 or slower adjustment parts of s1 of course even though he literally never mentions them again).  

He only said that because the fanboys got all mad at him on his FB and called s4 "Felicity and Friends." As much as he'd profess otherwise, his ego couldn't take it. Poor thing. 

And I'm sorry but I don't know of any other season where he's had to make a FB video in the middle of the season saying that there's a plan for the way Oliver is acting and to stick with it because so many people were angry and hated what was happening in s5. 

The thing is, there isn't one season of this show that is amazing from start to finish. And while I agree that s4 had some huge missteps (magic being the main one), every season has had its good episodes and bad ones. Sure, some are stronger than others but it's a pretty mixed bag, IMO. So him only throwing s4 under the bus just has me rolling my eyes tbh.

(Anyway, I'll leave it there because this is pretty much the wrong thread so, sorry guys!)

Let me try this again... MG said that, every year when they plan out their 23 episodes, they know that episode 8 is their crossover episode and episode 9 is their midseason finale, but that that's not "written in stone." Therefore, this year, they could very well have made episode 7 their crossover episode.

Edited by tv echo
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In real life, any mayor revealed to have a secret child would cause a PR scandal. On Arrow, what will be Star City’s reaction to William? —Yessenia
While acknowledging that the idea of a scandal “is a great idea,” co-showrunner Wendy Mericle said, “We are definitely exploring this notion of what is it like for Oliver to have a kid and be in the spotlight in the city. We are going to be using that as a platform to tell some stories, because it’s just a natural place to go. It gives us an opportunity to tell political stories from a different perspective.”

Will Arrow’s Dinah’s finally, fully embrace the Black Canary identity, or will she struggle with that? —Marcela
Rest assured, with her new costume comes a new confidence. “One of the things that Julianna [Harkavy] has been bringing this season is exactly that,” EP Wendy Mericle told me. “She’s no longer the newbie on the team, she has a definite point of view — and I can tell you that that point of view and her new swagger is going to have some real consequences for the team down the road. Look out for that in the middle of the season.”


30 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

So it's going from Slade two parter into crossover then mid season finale?

So far, not feeling 6A. 

we dont know much about all the 6A episodes because they refuse to talk about it. But a lot is happening, Felicity starting her business, Diggle and Oliver at odds and an Olicity date in 6x04.

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8 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

“We are definitely exploring this notion of what is it like for Oliver to have a kid and be in the spotlight in the city. We are going to be using that as a platform to tell some stories, because it’s just a natural place to go. It gives us an opportunity to tell political stories from a different perspective.”

So, William's getting kidnapped again?

7 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Usually when he's daggily into something it's better. I remember him being pretty happ about 520 in a daggy way and that was ZE BEST ep!!!!!!

What do "daggily" and "daggy" mean? #isold

20 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

It gives us an opportunity to tell political stories from a different perspective.”

Do not what. 

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

honestly I am so confused about this crossover mess...if it's Arrow's 7th episode but it will be the 8th episode for the other shows then the other actors will film their cameos on Arrow while they're filming their 7th episodes....i feel sorry for production because that is one hell of a mess to coordinate. 

I don't think that's the case at all. FIlming wise, LOT is on 606, Arrow is on 607, right now. Airing wise, all shows start on the same week. Arrow will have the standard Thanksgiving break and I'm sure Supergirl, Flash and LoT will have their usual 1 week break in November.

13 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't think that's the case at all. FIlming wise, LOT is on 606, Arrow is on 607, right now. Airing wise, all shows start on the same week. Arrow will have the standard Thanksgiving break and I'm sure Supergirl, Flash and LoT will have their usual 1 week break in November.

So you're saying all shows 7th episode will be the crossover episode this year? 

33 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

LOT's 7th episode was the crossover last year while everyone else's was 8th because of it being broadcast on Thursday with Thanksgiving being the issue.  LOT's MSF was #8.  They could do the same with Arrow. None of the other shows took a one week break last fall.

Actually Flash had a week off between episode 5 and 6. And Arrow betweeen 7 and 8. 

42 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

LOT's 7th episode was the crossover last year while everyone else's was 8th because of it being broadcast on Thursday with Thanksgiving being the issue.  LOT's MSF was #8.  They could do the same with Arrow. None of the other shows took a one week break last fall.

Flash was off for Election Day. 

Supergirl ended a week earlier than Arrow/Flash the crossover was the last episode 

LoT started a week later than the other 3 shows and was off for Thanksgiving.

Edited by Morrigan2575
3 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

Will Arrow’s Dinah’s finally, fully embrace the Black Canary identity, or will she struggle with that? —Marcela
Rest assured, with her new costume comes a new confidence. “One of the things that Julianna [Harkavy] has been bringing this season is exactly that,” EP Wendy Mericle told me. “She’s no longer the newbie on the team, she has a definite point of view — and I can tell you that that point of view and her new swagger is going to have some real consequences for the team down the road. Look out for that in the middle of the season.”

This sounds like they're going to make Dinah annoying and a nuisance...

I love that she has a PoV but she's still a newbie to me no matter what Wendy says -_-

Edited by wonderwall
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20 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Sorry. I missed the jump when I skimmed the dates.  Thanks for correcting me. ?I guess I don't understand why the episode number matters so much.  As a generalization episode 8 is the crossover and 9 the MSF.  2017 might just be the exception to the rule.

I just want to know for sure what episode the midseason finale is.  


3 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

In real life, any mayor revealed to have a secret child would cause a PR scandal. On Arrow, what will be Star City’s reaction to William? —Yessenia
While acknowledging that the idea of a scandal “is a great idea,” co-showrunner Wendy Mericle said, “We are definitely exploring this notion of what is it like for Oliver to have a kid and be in the spotlight in the city. We are going to be using that as a platform to tell some stories, because it’s just a natural place to go. It gives us an opportunity to tell political stories from a different perspective.”

Ha!  Sounds like they skipped William being a scandal .

Maybe they should just have a reporter ask about William during a press conference and have Oliver very seriously answer, "What do you mean he hasn't been here this entire time? You just never noticed him. He definitely did not just suddenly appear in my life. I definitely did not take time off last spring, leave town at the same time that every person I know went missing and return with a pre-teen kid (and my comatose sister*). Oh, and remember, Star City was not attacked last May. That was all me. Next question." 

*assuming we're right to think Thea's in a coma

Edited by insomniadreams88
  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I was hoping for a competent BC but alas looks like that may not be the case. 

She's literally only been on the team for a year. She's still a newbie in the eyes of the audience no matter what you say, Wendy. God they're all so dumb. So her going against the team's wishes and causing them grief will not make people accept her. So this is a terrible move.

  • Love 8
Just now, wonderwall said:

So her going against the team's wishes and causing them grief will not make people accept her. So this is a terrible move.

Which is a shame since JH was all about promoting how loyal Dinah is to the team and how she saw Oliver as the leader. From this news and some of the shots from the comic con trailer, I wonder if that means that maybe BS comes back to town, Dinah wants to take her down, Oliver says stay down for back-up or until they figure out why she's here or something, Dinah goes after her anyway to prove herself and gets beaten, semi-setting up Dinah's story/rivalry with BS for this portion of the season.

53 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Which is a shame since JH was all about promoting how loyal Dinah is to the team and how she saw Oliver as the leader. From this news and some of the shots from the comic con trailer, I wonder if that means that maybe BS comes back to town, Dinah wants to take her down, Oliver says stay down for back-up or until they figure out why she's here or something, Dinah goes after her anyway to prove herself and gets beaten, semi-setting up Dinah's story/rivalry with BS for this portion of the season.

I mean this could be the case of Wendy wording things in the worst way possible - as per usual - so we'll wait and see. But if this is accurate then I'm not looking forward to Dinah at all. Because she sounds like 4A Laurel who did whatever the heck she wanted and didn't really think of the consequences of her actions.

Edited by wonderwall
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29 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I was hoping for a competent BC but alas looks like that may not be the case. 

IDK the wording came across to me like she's gonna be very sure of herself so I don't think she'll be incompetent in a fighting sense. But it does sound like she'll cause some problems. Maybe she's too confident/arrogant and takes on too much, thinks she can do more than she should? IDK. This all sounds somewhat repetitive.

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fast forward through all the canary stuff anyway. I'm so sorry, I'm just so done with the BC storyline. 

Edited by Guest
5 minutes ago, Chaser said:

It sounds like she's going to be reckless and cause problems. That sounds like Laurel.

I don't want that. 

It does sound like that may be how they're going to want it to come across, but I do wonder if that's just how they're going to want us to see it. Remember, we were supposed to hate Thea's mini-Moira-ness last season and she had to leave town to think about what she did.

Edited by insomniadreams88
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48 minutes ago, Chaser said:

It sounds like she's going to be reckless and cause problems. That sounds like Laurel.

I don't want that. 

That's exactly what I thought when I read that spoiler. I swear, I don't think I have ever seen a writing staff as short on ideas as the one of Arrow. I'm still trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but from where I'm sitting, Dinah's entire character really just seems to be a mishmash of Sara's best and now Laurel's worst qualities

Edited by strikera0
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Dear Show -

Just to be clear, I do not care about Screamer 1 or Screamer 2.  I also don't really care about Myson*.  In fact, I did not care about any of these characters before but now, with your relentless pre-season focus on them, I care even less.  This is actually might be considered impressive given just how much I already did not care, but I am guessing this was not your goal. 

If you could share some info on others, preferably Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, and/or Thea** it would be much appreciated.  I really want to look forward to watching again, but I fear the window for this is closing fast.

Best -



*this could change as I do care about Oliver -- but smart money doubts your ability to thread the needle on this one

**I would add Lance to this list, but his close proximity to the Screamers and your lack of focus worries me

  • Love 24
47 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Because haven't you heard? Everyone else is DEAD! Well except for Slade, his son and BS. 

This is why the cliffhanger is one of the dumbest things they've ever done.

20 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

Dear Show -

Just to be clear, I do not care about Screamer 1 or Screamer 2.  I also don't really care about Myson*.  In fact, I did not care about any of these characters before but now, with your relentless pre-season focus on them, I care even less.  This is actually might be considered impressive given just how much I already did not care, but I am guessing this was not your goal. 

If you could share some info on others, preferably Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, and/or Thea** it would be much appreciated.  I really want to look forward to watching again, but I fear the window for this is closing fast.

Best -


Can I co-sign? Honestly, the more they hype and focus on these characters, the more they annoy me. Sad, probably, but true. 

51 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Because haven't you heard? Everyone else is DEAD! Well except for Slade, his son and BS. 

Maybe Oliver and Slade will call each other with parenting tips from here on out... 

Well since Merlyn was apparently qualified to give parenting advice, I don't see why Slade wouldn't be. 

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Unfortunately, most of this season doesn't sound like something I want to watch (even though I kind of get why they're talking about certain characters and not others). I don't care about Myson, assorted noobs, Canaries, Oliver as a mayor (he abuses his power and is terrible at it, but the show completely ignores that).

If they really had to do an Oliver as a dad storyline, I could have cared about potential Oliver/Felicity kid(s), a few seasons down the line, if they hadn't diminished Felicity's role to do it. However, I'll never like/care about Myson because the way they introduced him really messed up a lot of the show/relationships imo. 

Plus, even a potential Oliver/Felicity wedding is kind of being stepped on by Barry/Iris and Myson (the woooorst) imo. 


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I'm still optimistic because I don't think the show can sink as low as 5A and if it does I'm kinda prepared for it.

I will however be petty and refuse to use the App to watch any Screamer eps or the season premiere. Haha not that it counts for anything but it makes *me* feel better!

@bethy I is old too!!! Lol I use daggy as in "not cool". No idea if that's correct!

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