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In the promo, Ray is saying "Mom?" in a confused voice. I wonder if Mama Smoak showed up at QC and Ray offered to give her a ride to Felicity's house.



It looks like he's standing in front of a residential kitchen when he says that though, so if that's Felicity's house, he's already there. Or maybe he's talking to his own mother? This is me being hopeful he's not just randomly at Felicity's house at this point in their working relationship.


And I hope Felicity and Mama Smoak save themselves too, especially since there was that whole punch incident between EBR and the guy who's playing Cooper whose name I cannot remember.

Edited by apinknightmare

Can I express a counter view and say that assuming Ray does show up at Felicity's apartment, that this seems perfectly in character for him so far? I mean, it won't make me like Ray more, but so far we've had him sorta following her to her workplace, following her to a hospital, admitting that he's tracking/stalking her, buying up the store chain that she works for so he can become her boss, and not exactly telling her what his main interest in Applied Sciences was. I think showing up at her apartment fits in with this perfectly, and I'd actually welcome this as a sign that the writing is back to focusing on what a character would do, rather than what the plot needs the character to do.


The show already gave Felicity the guy that she has everything in common with, Barry. No need to repeat this storyline: instead, just keep Ray as he is - a rich but mildly scummy and overly pushy guy who can put the "Oh, sure, I love you, but that's no reason to go out with you or anything" guy in a better light.

  • Love 4

I'll wait to pass judgment on the in-the-apartment thing until I see the events surrounding it. I'm not angry that he's there or anything, and it does seem in character for smarmy Ray, it's just that after all the interviews this summer I thought we were to view him as a legit love interest for her, and I don't want a love interest (however short or long-term he may be) to behave like that with her. I thought he'd be charming in an opposite-of-emotionally-constipated-Oliver kind of way, not in a snake oil salesman kind of way, which is kind of what I'm getting from him at this point.

  • Love 9

not in a snake oil salesman kind of way, which is kind of what I'm getting from him at this point.

I kind of like that he's like that. I don't see it as "snake", he has a good business sense, he sees what he wants and goes after it. that's admirable in my opinion. also i get the sense that he's not used to hearing no very often, so like many business people similar the "no" only makes him more determined to try and get it. especially when he knows it's the right move for his company. he's sharp that way.

I kind of like that he's like that. I don't see it as "snake", he has a good business sense, he sees what he wants and goes after it. that's admirable in my opinion. also i get the sense that he's not used to hearing no very often, so like many business people similar the "no" only makes him more determined to try and get it. especially when he knows it's the right move for his company. he's sharp that way.


I didn't write that he was a snake though, just that his brand of charm so far is the slick/borderline smarmy kind, which is just not what I expected when I listened to interviews from the EPs during the break.

I think it's a matter of language, snake oil salesman is an American idiom it means:

Basically, Ray's not trustworthy.


Yes, thank you. I expected him to be this way on the business front, just not on the personal front, too.


ETA: I know it's still early days, I just really hope he tones down the slickness when he pursues her romantically. I want Felicity to be happy, but I also want her boyfriend to not be a smarmy a-hole.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 3

I think it's a matter of language, snake oil salesman is an American idiom it means:


a snake oil salesman is someone who knowingly sells fraudulent goods or who is himself or herself a fraud, quack, charlatan, or the like.

Basically, Ray's not trustworthy.


Thanks! I'm actually familiar with that idiom and it's meaning.

What I meant was that I don't think he's like that. Yes I think he may be hiding something, but again I don't think it's something bad, more like: I think he is intrigued, I think he suspects that Felicity is up to something and now he found some strange stuff that were possibly developed by QC.. his stomach gut is going all "zero in on that!-  something is happening here and you need to investigate it." 

It's still too early, so i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. So far i'm enjoying him more than I thought I would. I was actually afraid he'll be this boring cross between Oliver and Barry.. but BR is giving it his all and I like what he is bringing. I like that he doesn't come off as squeaky clean. there's an edge to him, he has them Slytherin qualities to him (but in the good guy way).

Edited by foreverevolving
  • Love 2

He can only think Felicity is up to so much though, since she did exactly as he asked and handed over all of the data from that drive to him (I kind of wonder if he knew what was on that drive and wanted to see if she'd turn it all over). But I'm not worried about what he thinks she's up to professionally or how he acts towards her in the office at all. I just get the impression that for the most part we the audience are supposed to be charmed by him and root for Felicity to be charmed by him as well, and at the moment, I find him to be too slick to root for a personal relationship of any kind. All I'm saying is that I personally hope they tone down on that a bit and that this is a conscious writing choice instead of the writers thinking they're selling one thing when they're selling another. I think the slickness is probably intentional, but my hackles are up so far this season, so I'm not entirely sure.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 5

Of course you can't root for him on the personal relationship level, we really don't know anything personal about him! i think we will by winter break.


That's why I wrote at the moment - I know it's too soon for a personal romantic relationship. I mean I'm hesitant to root for anything outside the office, even a tentative friendship, with the way he's written now. I think we're meant to find him charming at times (like when he gave Felicity that little speech about her being upset with something that didn't involve him, which I think was supposed to be heartfelt), and I personally am not finding him charming. That's why I wrote that when they eventually do go down that friendship/relationship/whatevership path, I hope they tone down on the slickness, because while I do think some of the way he's coming off is on purpose, I think some things come off as slick when they're not supposed to.

Edited by apinknightmare

I thought they toned the smarmy way down in episode 3. I hope it doesn't make a return.


Yeah, he was better in the 3rd ep.


I don't think I'm expressing myself well in this debate. I didn't have a problem with the way he pursued her for her job or anything, and maybe smarmy isn't the right word to use for my interpretation of his personality. I just feel like he's always feeding her a line, and I get the sense that he's not supposed to come off that way all the time. I realize that we're supposed to be wary of him, but I think he's also supposed to be dropping some promising crumbs for us to make us want to follow him along the trail to goodness. I find those crumbs to be...not smarmy necessarily, but not genuine, and I get the impression that maybe I'm supposed to be finding the crumbs genuine. I hope I start finding future crumbs genuine, if that makes any sense at all.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 2

Yes, thank you. I expected him to be this way on the business front, just not on the personal front, too.

But it would make sense for him to be the same on both fronts, business and personal, because it would be a character trait.


As long as it's not in a Kevin O'Leary kind of way, I'm good with it.

I thought they toned the smarmy way down in episode 3. I hope it doesn't make a return.

I don't mind the slightly smarmy, what I didn't like is the super supportive, mansplainin' of 'you're not really mad at me, you're bothered about something else.


I've thought the worse of Oliver because he never tried to see things Felicity's way emotionally but I don't like it when a new guy goes from Oliver's 2 to 11 with it.

I understand what you're saying. For me it's about learning to separate what he does in his business life, from his personal life. He pursues her, unwilling to stop at any cost (literally) for work purposes but it's just business (I don't agree but anyway). If he does the same personally, it takes a different tone because he's no longer pursuing business, he's pursuing a person in a controlling, smarmy get-what-i-want way. It's a very fine line for the writers to balance if they do want us to at least be conflicted over Felicity's choice because, why would I want her to interact with someone who uses emotional conflict to his advantage. And it's reasonable to say IMO that Felicity's decision to work with him, after rebuffing him for quite a while, was part emotional.

That's why the elevator scene was so bothersome to me. It was a wonderful scene, that would've been better had they left out that he bought her company, and that she's not mad at him but at something else. The chasm between go getter business Ray and sweet understanding Ray is almost too wide. Not to say it cannot be that way, but mostly it seems the script dictates that he's that way rather than it being a genuine character trait.

  • Love 4

But it would make sense for him to be the same on both fronts, business and personal, because it would be a character trait.


As long as it's not in a Kevin O'Leary kind of way, I'm good with it.

I don't mind the slightly smarmy, what I didn't like is the super supportive, mansplainin' of 'you're not really mad at me, you're bothered about something else.


Yeah, I made a mess of expressing myself properly. What I meant was I think on the personal side of things we were supposed to find him genuine (like with the super supportive mansplainin'), and I just don't.

  • Love 2

Sometimes this show does subtle, and sometimes not at all.  (Which makes sense when you think about that the Realcast podcast of 'Sara', the guys were surprised to hear that Felicity was Jewish and then concluded that it was just made up for that episode.)

wait which guys? the writers or ep's or the guys doing the podcast? 

cause if it's the guys doing the podcast... umm It was kind of said flat out way back in season 1- by Felicity, so obviously they have the memory of bird. (no offense to them).

Edited by foreverevolving

wait which guys? the writers or ep's or the guys doing the podcast? 

cause if it's the guys doing the podcast... umm It was kind of said flat out way back in season 1- by Felicity, so obviously they have the memory of bird. (no offense to them).


Yeah, that's just not paying attention, which I have been guilty of more and more this season.


I think the reason why Ray is at Felicity's apartment in this next ep will go a long way in what I think of him. I'm not very impressed at the moment. The more spoilers I read for this season, the less I want to watch. I might have to go with my rapidly developing head canon that Oliver wakes up after a horrible nightmare, rolls over to see Felicity in bed with him, where he then tells her about the crazy dream he had that their date ended in an explosion and all the stupid events that followed.

Edited by calliope1975
  • Love 7

In the promo, Ray is saying "Mom?" in a confused voice. I wonder if Mama Smoak showed up at QC and Ray offered to give her a ride to Felicity's house.



It looks like he's standing in front of a residential kitchen when he says that though, so if that's Felicity's house, he's already there. Or maybe he's talking to his own mother? This is me being hopeful he's not just randomly at Felicity's house at this point in their working relationship.


I think what statsgirl was saying was that Mama Smoak shows up at Felicity's office and runs into Ray where she tells him she was supposed to meet Felicity (not explaining the relationship?  I don't know...). Maybe she was dropped off by a cab or Uber or something, so he offers to drive her to Felicity's apartment. And then he is surprised that she is Felicity's mom in that scene. 

Was there a mention in season 2 of her being Jewish? I remember It was mentioned a couple times in season 1 but I don't remember in season 2? I can see why they would forget if it hasn't been mentioned in a while. I binge watched the first 2 seasons recently which is why I remember lol. 


It was mentioned in season 2 as well.

In episode 2x09, Barry asked her about her plans for Christmas and she said that she will be lighting her menorah which, though was factually incorrect because Hanukkah and Christmas were weeks apart, did point out that Felicity was indeed Jewish.

If the tweets are to be believed, there is a menorah in Felicity's office when the journalists visited the Arrow set in Vancouver and apparently it was during the time they were shooting episode 3x09 so her faith will be mentioned at least once more this season.

Thanks JenMcSnark.  That is what I meant.  


The way he said 'Mom' sounded a bit like "You mean this hot blonde chick is your mother???"


Well there you go. A use for Ray in Felicity's life. Prospective stepdad. It wouldn't make creeping around after her any more palatable, but at least it would be more original than them apparently asking Routh to do almost the exact same thing he did on Chuck.


But it just seems like the writers are going all out to prove how 'special' 50 Shades is by having him invade Felicity's private life in a way that no one else on the show has, and just that by just inserting him into scenes with her to be supportive or condescending will make fans like him. Hey again, it's just like Chuck! So when Felicity tells 50 Shades some super secret personal thing that she's never told Oliver, don't say I didn't warn you.


The simple thought of a billionaire businessman taking time out of his day to drive some new employee's mother to said employee's home address (where he's never been before), is really weird to me. He will have a whole cadre of drivers and errand boys who work for the firm, and he chooses to do it himself? Smacks so, so heavily of Nice Guy attempts to impress.

  • Love 4

Do we really think this needs or will have any more detailed explanation than "Ray was dropping off some papers"?

The only question will be whether or not she's surprised. She is wearing what appear to be yoga type clothes. IIRC, in the pics we had of her apartment she had a yoga mat out. I don't think those are necessarily her pajamas. The only thing that indicates to me it's morning is the mug of coffee.

The thing that has ME curious isn't this, which is an obvious romantic comedy trope (the only thing tropier will be if she gets him to pretend to be her fiance to fool her mom for Reasons), but that Ray was reviewing plans for Brother Eye in 303, Ray sees mom here in 305, another person with interests in Brother Eye shows up immediately, and mom, who would make great leverage, is abducted along with Felicity.

I know Ray's a hero in comics, but if I didn't know that, I'd say he is working with the ex and tipped him off to mom's presence.

I know Ray's a hero in comics, but if I didn't know that, I'd say he is working with the ex and tipped him off to mom's presence.


He might have. He just didn't know the things would escalate to such extremes. Frankly I don't think him being a hero in the comics is that defining. We had Shado, who was kind of a villain in the comics, transformed into a dead love interest...


I posted a little thingy in the speculation/hopes threat, but I'll just drop it here for good measure: what if we'll find out in the final minutes of the episode that Felicity is in fact the daughter of someone we already know? (MamaSmoak will take a look at an old photo in her wallet and it will show: Detective Lance / Ra'S al Gul / Dr. Wells from Flash)

I want Felicity to be Ra's daughter! Ooh imagine how much could be mined from that :) Also, no to Detective Lance, please. We can't take anymore sister swapping on this show ;)

 WRT Ray, it would be interesting if they did a redemption story of sort for him: he starts "evil" and then turns in a good guy. A bit clichè, but I would watch that :)

Edited by looptab

I hope they don't really go the 50 Shades of Ray route 'cos they think women will think it's sexy. I just thank the lord that they haven't made Felicity a virgin. I was thinking she was there for a while (not that there's anything wrong with that), but it seems she's had at least one ex.


Yes I've read 50 Shades and so far I can see some similarities:


*He orchestrated bumping into her while she looked all goofy at her menial job

*He's a billionaire

*He's strikingly good-looking

*He wears expensive suits

*He stalks

*He bought a company to become her boss

*He can't stay away from her (presumably that's why he turned up at her house)


I'm hoping that's where the parallels end and that they're all just coincidences/cliche. I'm willing to see where they take this character and I'm not averse to Felicity having a relationship. Everyone else on the show has had one.  I just hope they do it right, but he's already her boss which worries me.

Edited by insubordination

He might have. He just didn't know the things would escalate to such extremes. Frankly I don't think him being a hero in the comics is that defining. We had Shado, who was kind of a villain in the comics, transformed into a dead love interest...

It would be interesting if the reason DC wouldn't let them use Ted Kord is that they planned a face-heel turn and DC didn't want that for Kord, but was less protective of Palmer. It's a good idea, and I rather hope they go with it.

Hell, maybe Ray killed Sara.

And it isn't normal in life, but it is normal in fiction. However, in fiction it indicates interest. It would be so cool if all this concern for her life and such really was as shady as many think it is, and he really doesn't like her at all, just knows that is how to get to her.

Edited by ostentatious

Perhaps I'm being finicky, but is it normal for your boss of a week to show up at your house with papers? Not a call? Though we don't know the circumstances, I'm preparing myself.


Boundaries people. Boun-da-ries.


I don't think it's normal for your boss to turn up at your house under any circumstances. Hell, when my employers implemented home visits for long term sickness, I was shocked that they would invade employee privacy like that. For a boss to turn up at an employee's house to drop off papers, or an errant relative, or just because he wants to get in said employee's personal space? Way, way off limits, in my view. But then, I don't write to romcom tropes that insist that such invasions are cute and appealing. And 50 Shades has already demonstrated another 'cute' romcom guy trope: telling Felicity what she feels even though he's barely met her.


The idea of Ray turning out to be a villain, despite canon expectations, would be interesting. But it would have a couple of drawbacks. One, they just killed Sara so they could fall in line with DC canon. And two, this would sound like the same thing Routh did on Chuck, almost beat for beat. Especially if he finds out Oliver's secret and becomes a distant member of Team Arrow Diluted.


Even if he just turned out to be a creepy, controlling but ultimately altruistic weirdo, it would be more interesting. That he's doing the right thing, but he's actually a worse representation of what Oliver could be, because he blatantly uses and controls people for his own ends. He'd be the Bruce Wayne figure they're not allowed to use, with the recognition that Bruce Wayne's psychology is so messed up, that women can truly only be attracted to his money and his looks. It would also give Felicity more depth because they could show that the only way 50 Shades knows how to get women is by borderline stalking them or flashing his cash, and other women have found that 'charming' because he's rich and handsome. Felicity not falling for that would do far more good for her character than any of these tactics actually working.

  • Love 1

I think they're probably going with OMAC because it means robots instead of superpowers. So, you know, around 14% more grounded in reality, since they can go SCIENCE! to explain robotics anyway. And since Brandon Routh said he's seen some sort of superhero suit for Palmer, my guess would be HE will become an OMAC. He's already got the blueprints, the Brother MK satellite, and in theory, Felicity's brain to help him out. All he's missing is the suit.

  • Love 3

Actually, not much new is reported here...


'Arrow' Season 3 Spoilers: Series EP Talks About The Introduction of Ra's al Ghul [DETAILS]
Richard Conte, Design & Trend Contributor  Nov. 02, 2014, 11:00 PM

Edited by tv echo

Perhaps I'm being finicky, but is it normal for your boss of a week to show up at your house with papers? Not a call? Though we don't know the circumstances, I'm preparing myself.


Boundaries people. Boun-da-ries.


I never personally worked in corporate offices, but i know from friends it can happen- on occasion and really depends on the office. usually it's for dropping off some papers, and only done in extreme circumstances.


So, i'm gonna go with this explanation:


Do we really think this needs or will have any more detailed explanation than "Ray was dropping off some papers"?


The answer is probably No, but who knows.

“He’s definitely the main antagonist of the season,” Guggenheim noted. “He’s responsible for a lot of the events that kick off the year, and reverberate throughout the season. He’s our Big Bad, and he’s a very different kind of Big Bad than we’ve had, Malcolm Merlyn and Slade Wilson.”

Read more: http://www.designntrend.com/articles/23908/20141102/arrow-season-3-spoilers-series-ep-ras-al-ghul-details.htm#ixzz3I1ewkBck


So basically Ra's killed Sara or had Sara killed....wow shocker and what's the point of making it a mystery when you're just going to announce it?

  • Love 6

We found out a few weeks ago that the show cast Brick http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/10/20/vinnie-jones-arrow-casting-brick/ as a villain for a three episode arc (episodes 10, 11, 12). I think this is when Oliver is going to be out of Starling City (either missing or presumed dead) because they don't usually cast villains for three episode arcs. Also, this would coincide with Oliver coming back in 3x13 which is usually the episode before the midseason break.

  • Love 1

I've not really commented on it so far because it's purely speculation at this point but I really don't find the idea of Oliver going missing for so many episodes very appealing. It strikes me as odd that this season is supposed to be about identity - particularly Oliver's struggles with his dual identity given that he's the main character - only for him to disappear for a chunk of it. 


So basically Ra's killed Sara or had Sara killed....wow shocker and what's the point of making it a mystery when you're just going to announce it?


I agree. They should have kept Ra's al Ghul a secret. My brother just watched the latest episode and he knew nothing of Ra's al Ghul because he's a casual viewer who doesn't read spoilers and he was shocked and delighted by the development. I think the revelation would have been better if we had no idea. Now it just kind of falls flat.

Ray is a billionaire who runs multiple companies.  Why would he personally be dropping off papers at Felicity's home if he's not stalking her.  Come to think of it, why would there be any papers to be dropped off?  She works in tech so anything she needs can be e-mailed.  If it's to do with HR, that can wait till she's in the office the next time.


I worry that they are too inspired by 50 Shades.

Ray is a billionaire who runs multiple companies. Why would he personally be dropping off papers at Felicity's home if he's not stalking her. Come to think of it, why would there be any papers to be dropped off? She works in tech so anything she needs can be e-mailed. If it's to do with HR, that can wait till she's in the office the next time.

I worry that they are too inspired by 50 Shades.

They should pull a Devil Wears Prada and send the assistant.

No executive is bothered to do the mundane tasks themselves. I say this as an EA with ten years experience. They can't use a copier themselves let alone run their own errands. The reasoning will need to be damn good.

  • Love 2

I've not really commented on it so far because it's purely speculation at this point but I really don't find the idea of Oliver going missing for so many episodes very appealing. It strikes me as odd that this season is supposed to be about identity - particularly Oliver's struggles with his dual identity given that he's the main character - only for him to disappear for a chunk of it. 


I think part of the reason for Oliver to go missing or get left behind is so that he can really realize how much more he wants from life.  The other part is to show that extended Team Arrow and other various heroes can keep Starling City safe.  It'll probably take a couple of episodes after he gets back to realize the safety of the city doesn't all fall on his shoulders and it's okay to not want to die in the cave.   It allows Diggle, Felicity, Roy/Arsenal, Laurel, Ray and whomever else (Thea maybe?) to further develop their identities too. 


Do I care about a lot of this? No.  I loved this show because of Oliver/Diggle/Felicity interaction.  It doesn't mean I don't like other characters. Its just that I think what I loved is gone forever.  As such, I am growing more apathetic by the episode.

  • Love 13

I've not really commented on it so far because it's purely speculation at this point but I really don't find the idea of Oliver going missing for so many episodes very appealing. It strikes me as odd that this season is supposed to be about identity - particularly Oliver's struggles with his dual identity given that he's the main character - only for him to disappear for a chunk of it.

I can't remember who exactly said it recently--it was one of the actors or EPs--but there was a blurb about Oliver working towards being able to have a real life outside of the Arrow towards the end of the season because there are others who help take the burden off his shoulders. At the time I remember thinking they meant Ray turning into The Atom, Roy as Arsenal, Laurel transitioning into Black Canary, and (occasionally) Barry providing support from Central City, and it left me wondering if the showrunners' eventual plan is to turn Arrow into its own mini Justice League. If so, I can see why they would test the waters by having Oliver play a much smaller role for a few episodes. I don't like the idea much because I'm not loving Ray and am generally indifferent to both Roy and Laurel, but it would definitely fit into the idea of helping Oliver balance being a vigilante and a normal guy.

  • Love 5

At nycc Stephen amell said the following:

"Well, we have the crossover which opens up a plethora of possibilities. But the fact that there are so many superheros populating SC and CC is going to be an important theme and will be very important for the ultimate resolution for Oliver at the end of Season 3 … I’VE SAID TOO MUCH."

Many of us are specing that Oliver will go to the LOA at the midseason finale (shirtless sword fight, "the climb" potentially being the climb to get to nanda parbat/loa, the trial by combat quote making us think he will stay. Stephen said on a recent interview (paraphrasing) that he has had more time off in his winter run than he ever has before. All this added in with the title left behind makes us think he is missing from SC and everyone goes on w their lives.

I swear this show takes itself too seriously. Bring back villain of the week and team Arrow and leave finding identities on the back burner. Or rather incorporate it into villain of the week.

Far easier and more entertaining to watch.

Ita with this. Everything has been ALL about Sara's death so far,including getting Thea/going after Malcolm. It's already boring, they have not given us any real clues. I think the next set of eps will be a break from that, and it seems like the intro of felicity's back story is going to be a part of a larger arc (yessssss)
  • Love 3

I wonder if Oliver's absence means Thea will have to reveal her martial arts training for whatever reason plot dictates. I know Oliver finds out she's using Merlyn money either this week or next but I'm not sure if he also finds out she's been staying with Malcolm and now calls him dad. 

Edited by patchwork
ll this added in with the title left behind makes us think he is missing from SC and everyone goes on w their lives.


Why would the Left Behind be about Oliver if he's the one that left?  I would think the more likely scenario, assuming the speculation about Oliver going to the LOA is correct, that the "Left Behind" applies to the people in Starling City.  If SA is filming less scenes that means others are filming more and filling in the gaps, while Oliver is away/missing/dead...etc.  If SA is filming less it also means that whatever story going on with the LOA (assuming that spec is correct) is the B Plot while stuff in Starling (like Brick) would be the A Plot.  


If SA/Oliver were still the A Plot his filming wouldn't change, only thing that would change would be the location of filming..i.e. LoA vs Starling sets.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 1

I think part of the reason for Oliver to go missing or get left behind is so that he can really realize how much more he wants from life. 


The only way I will be even remotely interested in seeing Oliver go missing is if it leads to him being shirtless and feverish in a cell, having lots of hallucinations about Felicity. Otherwise, meh.

  • Love 13
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