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My impression is that JH's working hard to be the best BC she can be and to do everything she can to keep Dinah/BC on Arrow. From her social media, she's training and reading up on comics BC. She's got to be aware of the speculation about a possible BS redemption arc next season and how some fans want BS to become BC. Maybe going blonde is part of her efforts to be seen as the definitive BC on Arrow.

Edited by tv echo
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18 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

It's going to be weird that on the show two brunettes who became BC started going blonde gradually as they put on the suit lol

They've been possessed by the spirit of the original Black Canary, who died in the '40s but has been haunting long-haired women who put on black leather and scream a lot ever since.

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28 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

From what I've heard, she chose to go blonde on her own. To "embrace" the Blacl Canary character. I won't blame the Producers for that, neither the network nor the producers have ever forced an actor wear their hair a specific way in the past. 

For me me rests solely on JH having only a superficial knowledge of the character and (in typical actor fashion) making superficial decisions.

Really? Didn't Stephen once say that he has a clause in his contract that he has to keep his hair and facial hair at a certain length? I seem to remember hearing that once in one of his Facebook Q&A's and if they have a clause like that for their leading actor,  they should also have it for their supporting cast. It just seems like they don't really exercise it as they should when their actors make really stupid decisions like JH going full blonde for Black Canary. Not only is it absolutely ridiculous that Dinah would actively try to turn herself into a physical copy of her predecessor, but I also can't imagine that the blonde hair will look good/natural on JH. Her complexion and her natural hair color are simply too dark, IMO

Edited by shadow2008
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I'm surprised she went blonde, especially after shooting promotional material as a brunette. Usually they don't want you to make any major changes between those kinds of things but I guess they don't care from either side. I was also expecting a wig.

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IMO, Sara's Canary was an excellent translation of one of the kind of sillier comic book characters to a more realistic television interpretation. I think her martial arts background made sense and the sonic disc things were a great way to incorporate a pretty silly superpower. 

So it's so weird how they can't leave things alone and just keep reinventing the wheel and telling the same story over and over (and over and over) but worse and increasingly more boring. It's like the only thing they know is reset and reboot.

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15 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

How comics of them lol. They should do an episode "Crisis of Infinite Canaries" 

I just don't think it really works on a non-anthology TV series or at least it doesn't for me.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  

Especially if they are only constantly rebooting one character? Though I guess Oliver has gone from the Hood to Green Arrow but that's like more a progression than a reboot and it's the same character/actor. That's what they should have done with BC instead of multiple origin stories and insta canaries. But that's what happens when you treat BC like an accessory to GA like his bow or goatee...

He might as well just carry around a Black Canary keychain at this point. 

Edited by leopardprint
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4 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

I just don't think it really works on a non-anthology TV series. 

Especially if they are only constantly rebooting one character? Though I guess Oliver has gone from the Hood to Green Arrow but that's like more a progression than a reboot and it's the same character/actor. That's what they should have done with BC instead of multiple origin stories and insta canaries. But that's what happens when you treat BC like an accessory to GA like his bow or goatee...

I totally agree. It is something that will taint Arrows legacy in the long run. 

But it makes me laugh in the end since like the Spice Girls, now everyone can have a Canary they can relate to (Canary/Black Canary/White Canary/Kid Canary/Black Canary 2.0/Black Siren (to an extent))

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58 minutes ago, shadow2008 said:

Really? Didn't Stephen once say that he has a clause in his contract that he has to keep his hair and facial hair at a certain length? I seem to remember hearing that once in one of his Facebook Q&A's and if they have a clause like that for their leading actor,  

And yet he shaves his head every year and starts the season with a crew cut. Willa and EBR chopped their hair, PB shaved his head bald and KC has pretty much done whatever she wanted with her hair.

There might be a clause in his contract but, it's obviously not enforced. Same as they never forced EBR/Felicity to give up the Ponytail even though they were clearly trying to move away from it in S2. 

So no, I don't think it's fair to shift blame from JH to the producers. She made the decision to go blonde to "embrace" the character, no one forced her to do it.

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Ok, I caved and looked at the Instagram and it looks like a high contrast ombré thing she's doing because she still has inches of dark roots showing. But it does look very different from last season.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Edited by leopardprint
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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

I'm surprised she went blonde, especially after shooting promotional material as a brunette. Usually they don't want you to make any major changes between those kinds of things but I guess they don't care from either side. I was also expecting a wig.

Honestly? The fact that everyone involved would simply rubber-stamp a major change like that only serves to underline how little this production has cared for Black Canary since episode 3x01 when Sara was thrown off a rooftop. Everything has been so half-arsed: The origin stories, the costumes and now we'll have 2 blonde women with the same superpower and dressed in black leather going up against each other. That will make it very hard for most viewers to keep track of those 2 characters when they share the screen next season. 



So no, I don't think it's fair to shift blame from JH to the producers. She made the decision to go blonde to "embrace" the character, no one forced her to do it.

Er, I never said that anyone forced her to do anything, but IMO, it's pretty stupid to have a clause like that in a contract when you are not going to enforce it when one of your actors has a stupid idea like that. Other - and frankly more competent - productions are more hands-on than that, like for example the BSG reboot where Katee Sackhoff had to cut her hair into a bob for the Kara Thrace role. 

Edited by shadow2008
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I thought the clauses in contracts was that actors can't change their appearance without permission from the studio, as when WH wanted to cut her hair.  I guess JH got permission.  In Paul Blackthorne's case, I remember reading that he shaved his head after a season and the studio liked the new look enough to let him keep it.

I think the dark roots and blonde hair is a current fashion thing.  I've seen a number of female TV character with it.  I don't get it, why tell the world you're not a real blonde?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

15 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I think JH will look awful as a blonde. Her hair was pretty great this past season. KC looks good as a blonde, but I thought her S1 hair was the prettiest on her. 

It's weird about hair colouring. For many people, they look prettiest as a brunette (e.g. Jennifer Morrison or KC) but being blonde gets you noticed more.

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Watching the Instagram vid all I'll say is if Juliana wanted to go blonde fine- but how hard is it to find a colourist in LA or Vancouver who can actually dye your hair so your roots aren't so obviously showing up as dark brown.


I agree she looks like Felicity from behind by the way she styled her hair. If I was Felicity I would start to wonder if I was being singled white femaled haha All these women deciding to go blonde after knowing her.

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21 minutes ago, shadow2008 said:

Er, I never said that anyone forced her to do anything, but IMO, it's pretty stupid to have a clause like that in a contract when you are not going to enforce it when one of your actors has a stupid idea like that. Other - and frankly more competent - productions are more hands-on than that, like for example the BSG reboot where Katee Sackhoff had to cut her hair into a bob for the Kara Thrace role. 

Sorry I just really don't get this need to blame or slam the producers for what is clearly an actor's decision.

But we've gotten way off track and I don't feel like getting a wrist slap so I'll stop here and just agree to disagree.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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At least Thea will stand out more lol. Now I'm hoping to see a scene with all the females in one scene together (well I guess we'll get that at SDCC). KC is a natural blonde and I think she went 100% blonde recently but who knows if she'll do the roots again by the time they start filming.

1 minute ago, LeighAn said:

Watching the Instagram vid all I'll say is if Juliana wanted to go blonde fine- but how hard is it to find a colourist in LA or Vancouver who can actually dye your hair so your roots aren't so obviously showing up as dark brown.


I agree she looks like Felicity from behind by the way she styled her hair. If I was Felicity I would start to wonder if I was being singled white femaled haha All these women deciding to go blonde after knowing her.

She could be taking it one step at a time. Isn't going from brunette to Blonde kind of harsh? It would probably take her a couple of sessions to fully transition. 

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You know, if not for the Olicity wedding talk, I'd worry they'd pull an "Oliver wakes up with a blonde but who is it?" in the premiere just for the hell of it. (Even though it wouldn't make sense to do so given how S5 ended for Oliver and Felicity in terms of their relationship.)

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Also I laugh how Juliana uses a Meghan Trainor song that essentially about not having to look like some carbon copy hot skinny model/actress to be beautiful in what is a essentially an Insta-brag video from a carbon copy hot skinny actress wanting to show how hot skinny and strong she is. Kinda like how Taylor Swift tries to show how feminist and girl power she is by being BFFs with the entire Victoria Secrets catalogue. 

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Didn't EBR once say in an interview she wasn't allowed to change the color of her hair? I know she said she got permission to cut it after season 3. I  remember MG saying it was KC's choice to go blonde, I know that's her natural color but the season 1 hair looked better imo. I do wonder how JH's hair looks down, I think the darker hair is attractive on her. Going dark brown to blonde is hard, hopefully her hair doesn't look fried.

Also, I don't see why being blonde is such a big deal tbh. BC at one point was a brunette who wore a wig, keeping the darker hair would have differentiated her from her predecessors.

Edited by JJ928
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All the Arrow BCs have had blonde wigs so it's a bit odd but not a big deal that she dyed it when she'll probably get a wig.

Also, lack of good spoilers...

Edited by leopardprint
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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

My impression is that JH's working hard to be the best BC she can be and to do everything she can to keep Dinah/BC on Arrow. From her social media, she's training and reading up on comics BC. She's got to be aware of the speculation about a possible BS redemption arc next season and how some fans want BS to become BC. Maybe going blonde is part of her efforts to be seen as the definitive BC on Arrow.

As much as I like JH as a person, I sadly have to say she's starting to make some of the same mistakes KC did when she was playing BC on Arrow. The hair color change may endear her to some of the comicbook fans, but it doesn't make any sense in the context of the show. It's purely a "BC is blonde in the BOP comics, so I better dye my hair now" move and while she's training very hard in the gym, I have yet to read that she has taken up some stick-fighting or MMA classes. Her training seems to be purely focused on building muscle, which is fine until you have reached a certain threshold. At this point, she should be more focused on training self-defense techniques, IMO. KC never put any emphasis on self-defense techniques either and it ultimaltely proved to be one of her downfalls. 


38 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Ok, I caved and looked at the Instagram and it looks like a high contrast ombré thing she's doing because she still has inches of dark roots showing. But it does like very different from last season.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

I found this picture on her hubby's Instagram and it seems like it was taken yesterday:

Her hair doesn't look too bad here, but I think it's probably just an intermediate step until she goes full-on blonde at some point next season - unless the studio talks some sense into her and intervenes. 

Edited by strikera0
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If it's her choice then she made a really poor decision because not only will it look bad on her skin tone but it'll destroy her hair.

KC looked horrible as a blonde and her hair was the best it ever was a brunette, fuller and didn't wash  her out. 

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30 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

She could be taking it one step at a time. Isn't going from brunette to Blonde kind of harsh? It would probably take her a couple of sessions to fully transition. 

It is and it really doesn't matter much if you do it all in one go or over the course of several sessions because ultimately, you will have to dye it over and over and over again to keep the roots from showing up. Tricia Helfer had to go from brunette to blonde on BSG and by season 2, her hair was falling out in chunks. Luckily, it looks like her hair was able to recover ever since she went back to her natural hair color. 

9 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Yeah I highly doubt they'd let EBR go anything but blonde, same with Willa. But just like with dying their hair, they should allow David to keep his beard.

See, this is what gets to me. David looks so ridiculously hot with the beard but they won't let him keep it on the show and yet, they seemingly approve such nonsense like JH dying her hair blonde. 

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4 minutes ago, bijoux said:

There's still time for her to dye it back before filming. Maybe it's just a summer thing. It doesn't look bad, but it ages her in the above pic.

Seems kind of useless when they go back to work in what? 2 weeks? 

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1 hour ago, LeighAn said:

Also I laugh how Juliana uses a Meghan Trainor song that essentially about not having to look like some carbon copy hot skinny model/actress to be beautiful in what is a essentially an Insta-brag video from a carbon copy hot skinny actress wanting to show how hot skinny and strong she is. Kinda like how Taylor Swift tries to show how feminist and girl power she is by being BFFs with the entire Victoria Secrets catalogue. 

She seems to do this a lot, like how you don't have to conform to beauty standards and strength is better than being skinny while posting a pic of her in her workout clothes contorted so she could get a pic of the reflection of her ass in the mirror. She has a great body and she should be proud of it - she should just maybe take a sec to think about whether she's contradicting herself in her post (provided she even cares if she is, which maybe she doesn't!). 

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Somehow I don't think she's really thinking of the meaning behind a song while she's working out. That's taking things to a whole nother level. She probably liked the song, could've been on her playlist and happen to come on.

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While I do like that she shows her workout videos, I save some of them to try at the gym, I never understand the captions or the video ending with her throwing the towel at the camera while completely naked. All that is really unnecessary.

I would like to see videos of her and emily training next season, they're both getting really strong at the gym and it would be cool to see them training together.

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I had a feeling JH would start to go blonde at some point even though I find it unnecessary and I also don't think she suits blonde hair at all. What a shame. I still find it kind of creepy that they think all BC's have to be blonde (clearly this isn't a prerequisite from the EP's or anything but an actress choice). It just gives me that  "women/Canaries are interchangeable" vibe again. Don't like it.

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22 hours ago, JJ928 said:

Didn't EBR once say in an interview she wasn't allowed to change the color of her hair? ....

Yes (it's interesting to read the rest of this old interview too)...

Arrow's Emily Bett Rickards on Taming Her Curly Hair and More


When you're on hiatus, do you get creative with your look, or is there an unspoken Felicity rule at the CW? "Well, I'm not really allowed to change much, like the color of my hair. I'd love to be a redhead one day. But I've learned a lot from our hair people, too, you know, whether curling it, blowing it out, or just taming it down, because I have really, really curly hair. So I play with that more."

Is there a go-to hair product that you use for your curly hair? "I just got started on Bumble and Bumble Shampoo and Conditioner, which they just gave me on set, and I love that. I haven't been able to put product in it lately, because of what they do on set. They blow it out and it gets too heavy. But when I'm going to keep my hair curly, there's this line call DevaCurl. It has a spray. It doesn't make it crunchy. It just sort of enhances the curl and makes it look natural."

It's funny, but when Arrow debuted in 2012, I had trouble telling Oliver's sister and Oliver's ex-gf apart because Thea and Laurel were both thin brunettes with big eyes and long wavy brown hair (not to mention, Oliver had more chemistry with his sister).  Now, next season, it looks like Thea will be the only brunette regular female cast member on the show.

Edited by tv echo
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Posted a link in the Spoiler Only Thread.

Apparently Manu confirmed at the MCM Dublin Con that he will play a role in S6. Without exact Q&A it's hard to tell the extent of his role. Just 601 or more?

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On ‎01‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 8:45 PM, Angel12d said:

I had a feeling JH would start to go blonde at some point even though I find it unnecessary and I also don't think she suits blonde hair at all. What a shame. I still find it kind of creepy that they think all BC's have to be blonde (clearly this isn't a prerequisite from the EP's or anything but an actress choice). It just gives me that  "women/Canaries are interchangeable" vibe again. Don't like it.

Yeah Identikit BC's all in a row. I guess I agree she probably is trying to be as BC as she can possibly be, as she knows KC is a regular and people *are* speculating about a redemption arc, and there's zero chance KC will go back to being brunette, especially if she's hoping for the same arc. She seems fine as a person, but understandably desperate to prove herself in this role, and it's probably going to be awkward for both actresses. Much as I still think Sara was the best BC (don't tell me she wasn't BC - no one else had the skills *demonstrably* equal to Oliver, Sin and the Clocktower thrown at them) I'm glad she's her own character on her own show and out of this interchangeable parade. I think both look much better as brunettes, KC's S1 look was the best on her.

Edited by Featherhat
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12 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Apparently Manu confirmed at the MCM Dublin Con that he will play a role in S6. Without exact Q&A it's hard to tell the extent of his role. Just 601 or more?

From his other comments before, I just assumed 601 along with KL if they can get her back for the flashbacks in 601 just to confirm their characters are alive (if they are, just a guess, even though it seems now that Slade is), since he seemed more of hoping to come back more than completely sure he's coming back previously.

If more, then I'd still go with a sporadic appearance or maybe being a catalyst/kick-off for the other attempted reconnection with kids plot that Oliver and Rene will probably have. 

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I'd guess Slade is in 601 for sure but I did wonder if mentioning his son in 523 would bring him into the story more, especially because of the comparisons/parallels with Oliver and William. IDK.

13 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Yeah Identikit BC's all in a row. I guess I agree she probably is trying to be as BC as she can possibly be, as she knows KC is a regular and people *are* speculating about a redemption arc, and there's zero chance KC will go back to being brunette, especially if she's hoping for the same arc. She seems fine as a person, but understandably desperate to prove herself in this role, and it's probably going to be awkward for both actresses. Much as I still think Sara was the best BC (don't tell me she wasn't BC - no one else had the skills *demonstrably* equal to Oliver, Sin and the Clocktower thrown at them) I'm glad she's her own character on her own show and out of this interchangeable parade. 

I can totally understand JH wanting to be the best BC she can be. This is a steady role for her and I imagine she wants to hold onto it! But I don't think focusing on the blonde hair is necessary. If it were me, I'd want to distinguish myself and be a bit different to the other BC's. IDK. I guess it's not a big deal in the long run but it just brings up the ick level of women being interchangeable for me personally.

I agree though, I think Sara was the best BC. Shame. 

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IDK how Slade would work in a longer role. With his new leaf, maybe he could work for Argus and be Lyla's right hand man? If he is staying on past 6x01 that is. I think they will do flashbacks to the island with everyone alive and then we find out that one or two or three people died and so and so is still injured at the end of the episode.

20 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I'd guess Slade is in 601 for sure but I did wonder if mentioning his son in 523 would bring him into the story more, especially because of the comparisons/parallels with Oliver and William. IDK.

I can totally understand JH wanting to be the best BC she can be. This is a steady role for her and I imagine she wants to hold onto it! But I don't think focusing on the blonde hair is necessary. If it were me, I'd want to distinguish myself and be a bit different to the other BC's. IDK. I guess it's not a big deal in the long run but it just brings up the ick level of women being interchangeable for me personally.

I agree though, I think Sara was the best BC. Shame. 

I want Lance to make a comment about the mask turning woman blonde.

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37 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I'd guess Slade is in 601 for sure but I did wonder if mentioning his son in 523 would bring him into the story more, especially because of the comparisons/parallels with Oliver and William. IDK.

I can totally understand JH wanting to be the best BC she can be. This is a steady role for her and I imagine she wants to hold onto it! But I don't think focusing on the blonde hair is necessary. If it were me, I'd want to distinguish myself and be a bit different to the other BC's. IDK. I guess it's not a big deal in the long run but it just brings up the ick level of women being interchangeable for me personally.

I agree though, I think Sara was the best BC. Shame. 

Well they might do a Slade/Oliver and their son's storyline, though I hope it's Joe and not theoretically setting up the stage for that random one who appeared in LOT.

I agree there's no need for her to go blonde, especially if she's using a wig in costume, and yes it's actually making it easier for them to have interchangeable BCs whenever they want. They already had no one give a shit that she's also a Dinah. I just think she knows she's got a BC name and meta cry and now wants to complete the transformation into the "perfect" BecauseComics character, especially as KC is back this season and probably looking to do the same. Maybe even compete/position as a potential LI as well though I never saw any chemistry between them last season, not that that would stop some people on Reddit  etc from turning into the fangirls they so despise if they thought there was a chance.

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I can see why JH might have made her pitch to change her hair but I wish TPTB hadn't given permission so willy nilly.  Though I suppose it might be only ok'd after they'd seen it in person.  So I suppose if it really doesn't look good, it could be all dyed back to normal before the show starts filming.  

If JH leaves her hair at the stage it is with the hombre look keeping the dark roots, she might just be able to pull off being a blonde.  The dark hair close to her face will help make it look more natural with her skin tone I think so  I'll wait and see it in action before I make a final judgment but yeah, Laurel as a blonde was never her best look and I liked Dinah with her darker hair.  

2 hours ago, Featherhat said:

I'd guess Slade is in 601 for sure but I did wonder if mentioning his son in 523 would bring him into the story more, especially because of the comparisons/parallels with Oliver and William. IDK.

I can't say I'm opposed to the full time return of sane Slade.  (Full time being not crazy and trying to kill Oliver, not full time on the show)   So if they bring him back with a Joe story, I'm for it.  As long as he stays friendly with Oliver. They can disagree about methods or lines to cross, but it's all pointless if Slade starts hating Oliver again.  But otherwise, I like the idea of Slade filling the role that Deadshot had been filling.  Bad guy with rules and complicated relationship with the heroes. 

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3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I can see why JH might have made her pitch to change her hair but I wish TPTB hadn't given permission so willy nilly.  Though I suppose it might be only ok'd after they'd seen it in person.  So I suppose if it really doesn't look good, it could be all dyed back to normal before the show starts filming.  

If JH leaves her hair at the stage it is with the hombre look keeping the dark roots, she might just be able to pull off being a blonde.  The dark hair close to her face will help make it look more natural with her skin tone I think so  I'll wait and see it in action before I make a final judgment but yeah, Laurel as a blonde was never her best look and I liked Dinah with her darker hair.  

I can't say I'm opposed to the full time return of sane Slade.  (Full time being not crazy and trying to kill Oliver, not full time on the show)   So if they bring him back with a Joe story, I'm for it.  As long as he stays friendly with Oliver. They can disagree about methods or lines to cross, but it's all pointless if Slade starts hating Oliver again.  But otherwise, I like the idea of Slade filling the role that Deadshot had been filling.  Bad guy with rules and complicated relationship with the heroes. 

Slade as a Deadshot type character might work, he and Oliver do have a very complicated history so seeing them work with it might be interesting, always providing the writing isn't totally nonsensical, which you know....

Re the two blonde "BC's" I really wonder how KC feels about this, this is the *second* time another actress has been given the part she was so desperate to play and she's had to play opposite them, not to mention the somewhat meta shade being thrown at her on Lian Yu by LL's own father. I do wonder what whoever brought her back has promised her to get her to sign or if she was desperate to come back herself. I'm not saying "redemption arc" promises but more than what BS has had so far. If she's just a Talia than why would she bother?

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I'm sure KC prefers working and getting paid to not working.  I also wonder if she might have moved on to being more interested in BS than the role she no longer plays.  She might ultimately want many of the same things for BS that she had for LL, but from what KC had said in the past about getting deep into the mind of her character (working out back stories and all that stuff) she wouldn't probably concern herself too much about what JH's character is doing.  If she even knows since I doubt KC reads any more of the script than she ever did, choosing instead to focus on learning only her section of the script.  So she might care, but only as far as her storyline crosses with JH's.  

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I don't like it but IMO, it's pretty much a given that BS will eventually be redeemed. The only question for me is what the writers are going to do with her once her redemption has been completed. I don't think they would kill her off again after what happened the last time but I also don't think they will keep 2 Canaries on the roster for more than one season...

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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm sure KC prefers working and getting paid to not working.  I also wonder if she might have moved on to being more interested in BS than the role she no longer plays.  She might ultimately want many of the same things for BS that she had for LL, but from what KC had said in the past about getting deep into the mind of her character (working out back stories and all that stuff) she wouldn't probably concern herself too much about what JH's character is doing.  If she even knows since I doubt KC reads any more of the script than she ever did, choosing instead to focus on learning only her section of the script.  So she might care, but only as far as her storyline crosses with JH's.  

I'm very sure she does. Well I hope she has moved on to BS being a better fit for her, and I think it is, but I felt she was still lacklustre in S5. I admire her wanting to working out backstory and reasons why her character is doing something but at the same time as off her death scene she wasn't able to adapt LL to anything past what she was promised when she originally signed on for the show. And in many other episodes her thinking was at odds with everyone else's. With the 100th "wedding" I'm not sure she's going to want to let that go just to be a Talia or Nyssa. I might very well be wrong. I think she'll know what JH is doing because they were pitted against each other in 5.23 in the most unsubtle way ever, including having her scream "you stole my life" and PB knocking her out before declaring his allegiance to Tinah on screen, even if she doesn't read the scripts she presumably goes to table readings and has to realise that "ficticional!Dad" made someone else BC?

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Im in wait and see mode with redemption BS. Im not convinced Regular means Regular. If she's in 19/20 with S4 KC screentime than yeah but if it's only 13 with S5 like appearances than no.

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7 hours ago, strikera0 said:

I don't like it but IMO, it's pretty much a given that BS will eventually be redeemed.

I think she'll be "redeemed" in the way that Malcolm was redeemed.  Malcolm was shown to be not completely horrible all the time and would team up with Oliver and company when his interests converged with theirs.  However, Malcolm never became a good guy in any real sense and even his sacrifice at the of S5 was for Thea, not everyone else.

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Malcolm could be redeemed as a character who was useful to the show because Malcolm had skills that were useful for storytelling as well as Barrowman's acting.  Malcolm was Thea's biological father, which brought the story first with Moira, then Thea, and finally Oliver refusing to kill him because he's Thea's only living parent.  Then he was The Dark Archer and had ties to the LoA, which drove not only the s3 storyline but afterwards with being the new Ra's and then Nyssa shutting them down.  He also had the connection to DD and was the one to tell  him about William and kidnap the kid.

Earth2 Laurel has a tenuous connection with Quentin and her meta screaming abilities.  How much story is there with that?

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