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I think the only person on Oliver's side (meaning those he works with in the finale, not Team Arrow) dying is likely Malcolm, going off JB's tweet and Malcolm's LoT storyline. 

I think they used S5 to establish what Team Arrow is going to look like in S6 (OTA, Curtis, Rene, Dinah). MG said twice on Tumblr that Lance and Thea aren't going anywhere, right? He could've easily just not answered those Qs if something was going to happen to them, so they're safe. And we'll probably have a good idea by the end of 523 if Thea is going to suit up for S6. 

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Oh no! @SmallScreenDiva, I enjoyed Speedy and thought she was fairly good at the fight scenes, but I'm guessing it's still hard on the actor even if the stunts person does most of it. I bet the costumes are horrendous to wear as well. I hope she gets an actual S6 storyline that's about her and not doing Oliver's job for him. Maybe they should bring Verdant back, they can have more rando DJ gueststars. 

Edited by leopardprint
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5 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Thea is probably not going to suit up again, if WH is not interested in doing stunts, apparently something she's publicly stated, although I don't think I've come across that interview. 

Willa is someone who I think enjoys the hell outta stunts and suiting up. Not having her suit up again would be lame. 

I think if they wanted to get rid of Curtis, they would have him quit to try to save his marriage with Paul rather than kill him.  Not just becuase he's gay but also because it would prove Paul right and only Oliver gets that kind of "everything I touch is destroyed".

I hope the Emmy-worthy scene is with Susanna Thompson because other than JS, she's the only one I can see putting in that level of acting. Not that MG saying "Emmy-worthy" mean that it really is, but I can hope.

There is an Emmy for Outstanding Stunt Coordination.

58 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

And now, Deathwatch 2017:

Definitely dead: Chase, Billy

Probably dead: Malcolm, Talia

Maybe dead: Samantha, Artemis, Slade, Lyla, Curtis, Lance

Possibly dead (trust no one)*: Diggle?, Felicity, William, Digger

Bullet Proof Plot Armor: Tinah, Shriek, Rene, Nyssa

Swerve: Oliver, Thea

Alive only in our hearts: Baby Sara, Roy 

Dead inside: Susan, Oliver w/ Susan

I don't think they would kill Talia off, she's too iconic and there is the possibility for future Talia/Nyssa scenes.  Poor JB, I think Malcolm's time may well have finally come.  Artemis may well be killed too because she's irredeemable and not good enough to be a villain next season.

I hope both Samantha and Lyla survive because being a single father would really hamper Diggle, and I don't know if there are enough crayons in Star City to keep William occupied.  Maybe Raisa could come back to raise him too.

It doesn't make sense to kill Rene just after they announced he is going to be a series regular next year.  If he was going to be killed off, they would have waited till the episode aired to announce JH as a regular next season.

I think it's going to be like the pre-finale interviews for LoT where Everyone Dies! only to have the dopplegangers die and everyone survived.

Edited by statsgirl
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S6 Diggle storyline: Raising not Baby Sara, the Crayola Kid and Zoe. I feel like that was the plot of a Vin Diesel movie? 

I didn't watch the gun PSA, does Rene's daughter actually have a name? ETA: It's Zoe. Thanks, @apinknightmare.

Talia and Nyssa basically fulfill the same role of an LOA connection, so keeping them both seems redundant. Plus Talia is the higher profile character who would be more likely to appear in the movies.

Edited by leopardprint

Question: did we ever get confirmation that the actor who plays William was filming? Maybe Chase just takes Samantha? Could be he actually has lines he won't cross. He'll kill his wife but not touch a child? Maybe make Oliver think he took William only to reveal he didn't and William's actually home safe with a friend of Samantha's or something and Oliver was distracted looking for/worried about him when he should've been worried about someone else? 

1 hour ago, leopardprint said:

I agree that an emotional OTA scene would fit but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't show them because there are other oneoffs to show. Hopefully, we get one in 522 at the party.

They've always stuck at least one OTA moment/scene in every single finale (whether in the beginning, middle, or end) despite everything else going on. This finale will likely not be that different.


1 hour ago, leopardprint said:

Possibly dead*: Diggle?, Felicity, William, Boomerang 

Bullet Proof Plot Armor: Tinah, Shriek, Rene, Nyssa

*EPs have made many statements about things they would never do only to turn around and do them. 

Not to be nitpicky, but I don't get the argument of "EPs made statements that ended up being lies/wrongs, but let's take WM's people might die statement seriously and believe they would kill off Diggle/Felicity." If anything, to be consistent, one would either have to believe that EP statements should never be taken seriously (and Lance/Thea/Diggle/Felicity are always in danger despite constant statements that they are not leaving) and that no one important is really going to die in the finale, or that EP statements should be taken seriously (we might lose someone important in the finale) and that Lance/Thea/Diggle/Felicity are safe because Marc has said they aren't leaving/have stories in s6.

If it was a joke, disregard, but the pretend argument was making my head dizzy.

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20 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I don't think Manu would come back just to get killed off.

Depends how much they offered him, and whether it's a hero's death.  His return in s3 was galling because Thea could beat him.

I doubt any of the villains will die bound and helpless. That's not something heroes do.  Bad guys will go down fighting, or will be bound and jailed.

33 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Not to be nitpicky, but I don't get the argument of "EPs made statements that ended up being lies/wrongs, but let's take WM's people might die statement seriously and believe they would kill off Diggle/Felicity." If anything, to be consistent, one would either have to believe that EP statements should never be taken seriously...

If it was a joke, disregard, but the pretend argument was making my head dizzy.

It's a semi-serious list but please feel free to be as nit picky as you like, I frequently change my mind because of posts here. ??I don't want anyone to get tvshow post induced vertigo. However, I would split hairs over "lies/wrong" and go more with "changed mind." Someone here made a comparison to another show adding a ton of new characters as basically cannon fodder, so I think with all the people showing up in 523, someone is dying  in addition to the big bad. 

I'm 90% sure that Felicity and Diggle are not dying. The EPs could have said "No one is safe" but I think they've finally got it that OTA is the show's backbone. If I were a showrunner, I would totally lie though, it just depends on how suspicious you are I guess, and they have precedent for killing off leads, and how willing you are to indulge in thought experiments. (GOT has made me paranoid)

Edited by leopardprint
43 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

It's a semi-serious list but please feel free to be as nit picky as you like, I frequently change my mind because of posts here. ??I don't want anyone to get tvshow post induced vertigo. However, I would split hairs over "lies/wrong" and go more with "changed mind." Someone here made a comparison to another show adding a ton of new characters as basically cannon fodder, so I think with all the people showing up in 523, someone is dying  in addition to the big bad. 

I'm 90% sure that Felicity and Diggle are not dying. The EPs could have said "No one is safe" but I think they've finally got it that OTA is the show's backbone. If I were a showrunner, I would totally lie though, it just depends on how suspicious you are I guess, and they have precedent for killing off leads, and how willing you are to indulge in thought experiments. (GOT has made me paranoid)

*Feel free to skip: I think it was just, to me, to even indulge in that 10% is using some weird contradictory thinking. Don't get me wrong, if they hypothetically did kill off either Diggle or Felicity, then there are some strange thought experiments that would have to go on in perceiving statements. However, as of right this instant, the argument in question would be "Diggle/Felicity could die because WM hinted we would lose someone, and we shouldn't believe what MG said about having plans for them in s6 because they've changed their minds on plans (storylines/villains/etc.) and have misled (Sara's "storyline" in s3) before," which I ultimately think is contradictory because MG's comments about Diggle/Felicity's plots in s6 were made around them filming for 523, so we're not talking them changing their minds during 523, and who's to say that WM's own comment about losing people was in fact the misleading one? It leads to choosing which narrative/theories we want to align to (they would do something I don't want because they have misled before and did stuff that I didn't like before vs they would never kill off Diggle or Felicity because MG said they wouldn't from how I read it and he would never lie about something I already believe; both flawed thinking but have some logic that, if developed and applied in a consistent manner, can evolve to become a nuanced argument that includes both aspects) can rather than taking relevant counter points into account to make a logical conclusion (that could very well be different from mine, but that's what debate is for). 

Phew, sorry, on a philosophy kick on an ultimately irrelevant point. TL;DR: Skipping to another point, I think they already know OTA is the backbone, and MG's own idea of being like GoT was already executed in 322 (which, like LoT s2 finale, surprise surprise no one of actual relevance died even though they did all "die"), so I'm not as concerned on the idea of killing off the good guys (except I guess arguably Curtis, since he's the only one MG hasn't made any recent comment about him, but imo I kind of think that the Paul thing is a loose thread that they want to fix), but I do agree that someone is likely to die in 523, likely one of the villains/one of Oliver's new allies (like being discussed above). Although, honestly, I'm still up in the air when it comes to killing Chase, since it kind of looks like Chase would want Oliver to kill him, and am actually wondering how they're going to execute that. Maybe they'll end up killing Malcolm and Slade and Chase to officially have all of the big bads of the show dead?

Edited by way2interested
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3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Talia being a female puts her possibility of death even higher imo. She is right up there with Amanda "The Wall" Waller who they treated like a chump and had her executed. 

Waller was killed due to the upcoming movie.  And after using her for a number years.  Killing Talia now would be a waste of future storytelling possibilities for no reason.  I'd say she's in the safe category.  (As with IMO Diggle and Felicity)

3 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Question: did we ever get confirmation that the actor who plays William was filming? Maybe Chase just takes Samantha? Could be he actually has lines he won't cross. He'll kill his wife but not touch a child? Maybe make Oliver think he took William only to reveal he didn't and William's actually home safe with a friend of Samantha's or something and Oliver was distracted looking for/worried about him when he should've been worried about someone else? 

I've been thinking that maybe they'll have it so that William was supposed to get kidnapped but the crayon eater wandered off so only the mom gets caught and then yes, I'd expect them to then kill her off.  The only other reason I can see them bringing her around again (sans child) is if they have her realize she made a mistake and they would be safer if Oliver was in their life.  It's not super logical but just to bring her back and then return home to William so they can find another place to hide makes even less narrative sense.  

So IMO either William IS around and we just don't have confirmation (to which they  eventually send both home safely) or Samantha alone is kidnapped and she's a goner and Oliver has something much more domestic than a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond in store for next season.   Or like was suggested, a kidnapping threat to William and Samantha was just a distraction to get him out of the way so they could go after the team.

Edited by BkWurm1
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23 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The decision to kill off Waller and Deadshot didn't make any sense at allbut wasn't that DC's decision, not the Arrow EPs?

At the very least, they were told they could no longer use them so since it seemed that was it, they sent them out in a dramatic and permanent way.  I consider that a forced hand.  And Deadshot is still dead in the Arrowverse so perhaps that's how they get around the order not to use him. 

14 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

And I just can't help but think about how many other shows probably wish they had main couples with chemistry like these two. 

520 is going to be glorious. 

It's crazy huh! It's one tiny screenshot and the chemistry is off the charts insane. I can't tell you how many mushy scenes I've sat and yawned through for other couples this season.

These two ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *freaks out some more*

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37 minutes ago, theOAfc said:

Totally. Westallen is hella boring and lacks sexual tension. LoT had an interesting ship,Captain Cold and Sara but he's gone. I dont know about this karamel ship much though.

Karamel is so juvenile. They write Kara like some teenager who all she needs is Mon-el and her blog GAG. And he's a douche who the writers give oodles of screen time while Jimmy Winn Alex and Johns scenes with Kara have decreased. They changed who she is to suit Douche-el. The other newbies Maggie and Lena  don't even get half the time he does it seems 

Edited by jay741982
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Kara and Mon El?  I fast forward through their scenes.  Skip the episode if there is a lot of Mon El in it.

I know Alex/Maggie gets a lot of buzz but I think Diggle/Lyla is more dynamic.  And while Nate/Amaya is currently the only canon ship on LoT, I prefer Mick/Amaya.

So yeah, I think Olicity, Dyla and Thea/Roy are the best ships in the Arrowverse.

Edited by statsgirl
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The problem with Supergirl relationships is that they make them very teenageish. Kara/Mon-El havent been together that long and they've already broken up like 5 times while Alex/Maggie are in constant need to reassurance since Alex is still so new to being her true self and is insecure. 

Problem with Flash relationships is that Iris/Barry are a very one sided relationship. Iris always has to prop Barry up with very little time to have fun. Plus all of Caitlins relationships end up dead while Cisco is always the nerd falling for the bad girl.

When it isn't stupid drama, Arrow allows their relationships to be more mature and adult. Diggle/Lyla are great because they are a part time relationship so the writers arent able to ruin them as easily as others with cheap drama. 

  • Love 5
47 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Kara and Mon El?  I fast forward through their scenes.  Skip the episode if there is a lot of Mon El in it.

I know Alex/Maggie gets a lot of buzz but I think Diggle/Lyla is more dynamic.  And while Nate/Amaya is currently the only canon ship on LoT, I prefer Mick/Amaya.

So yeah, I think Olicity, Dyla and Thea/Roy are the best ships in the Arrowverse.

Those are my top 3 arrowverse ships as well. 

One of the papps also mentioned that they were shooting some in-studio scenes that they couldn't spy on. So it's impossible to tell which characters are in the final scene of 523.

Nevertheless, it does appear that SA shot some finale stuff apart from the rest of the cast. Does anyone think that they'll pull a Nikita and have the cliffhanger be Oliver leaving to go live (safely) with his son, presumably after Samantha is killed?

3 minutes ago, tv echo said:

One of the papps also mentioned that they were shooting some in-studio scenes that they couldn't spy on. So it's impossible to tell which characters are in the final scene of 523.

Nevertheless, it does appear that SA shot some finale stuff apart from the rest of the cast. Does anyone think that they'll pull a Nikita and have the cliffhanger be Oliver leaving to go live (safely) with his son, presumably after Samantha is killed?

NOOOOO NOOOOOO unless it's with Felicity!

That would be a TERRIBLE way to try and get us back next season! I don't doubt they can and might do sh@t like that but it's a TERRIBLE idea!!!!

9 minutes ago, tv echo said:

One of the papps also mentioned that they were shooting some in-studio scenes that they couldn't spy on. So it's impossible to tell which characters are in the final scene of 523.

Nevertheless, it does appear that SA shot some finale stuff apart from the rest of the cast. Does anyone think that they'll pull a Nikita and have the cliffhanger be Oliver leaving to go live (safely) with his son, presumably after Samantha is killed?

But wouldn't that just end up being somewhat of a repeat of 401 in 601 with someone going to Oliver and bringing him back to be GA? 

You know what? I wouldn't be surprised if they did do that. I hope they don't. 

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