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Actually, on second thought, kidnapping Diggle to Lian Yu doesn't really make sense because he has the survival/combat skills to protect Felicity. I think Oliver would be less concerned if they were there together. 

Lance goes to Lian Yu for BS or Thea?

I think BS is in Star City.

I'm assuming 522 is the kidnapping and 523 is the rescue? Oliver calls in the cavalry?

Kidnapped: Felicity/Thea/William?

Cavalry: Diggle, Lance, Lyla, B Team?

Edited by leopardprint

BS was sent to Argus lockup in Central City so Oliver could keep her close.

Elsewhere the theory is that Prometheus kidnaps BS and takes her to the island. Oliver is so worried about her that he sends his whole team to help find her.  :-) Just thought I'd throw that out there. Possible yes. Probable no.

Edited by Sunshine
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15 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

BS was put in an ARGUS facility in Central City I think. Boomerang and Slade are the only two that we know of on Lian Yu. 

It's so nice of Chase to go to the bother of traveling to CC just to break out BS...again! 

Seriously, it would make more sense for BS to have been transferred to the Lian Yu ARGUS prison without Oliver knowing. But maybe that's just me. IDK.

7 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Elsewhere the theory is that Prometheus kidnaps BS and takes her to the island. Oliver is so worried about her that he sends his whole team to help find her.  :-) Just thought I'd throw that out there. Possible yes. Probable no.

Aw, and then she helps the team save the day and they get married on the beach because their love transcends earths!!!

Edited by Guest

AMA tweeted about Lyla being needed on Flash.  Maybe multiple villains escape Argus lockup. Barry & Co round most of them up but BS is missing.  Maybe others too because Prometheus might need henchmen if he's kidnapping several people Oliver cares about.  We know JR Bourne is in Vancouver. Who knows if it's Arrow related or not.  If there are multiple good guys missing maybe they aren't held together. Prometheus was convinced just one more loss would break Oliver.  

How many times can I type maybe??

9 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Is KC putting her headcanons out into the world again?

No, just pictures of herself winking at the camera... Without the nose ring.

I hope the put out a teaser of some sort before the final episodes begin airing because I actually want to see some footage. 

Also, I choose to believe that the writers just forgot where they brought BS in favour of having her show up. Maybe I just cannot remember but why was she so scared of Prometheus even though she has the cry?

Edited by Belinea

Isn't Flashpoint supposed to reverberate through the end of the season? How's that going to come into play?

I could see Barry having timey wimey shenanigans on his show, letting out a bunch of criminals and BS heads to Starling City. Why she doesn't figure out how to get back to her own Earth, I don't know. Or she's still Prometheus' flunkie and he breaks her out somehow.

1 minute ago, calliope1975 said:

Isn't Flashpoint supposed to reverberate through the end of the season? How's that going to come into play?

It could just be that Lyla finds out about baby Sara? They could say that Diggle didn't have a chance to tell her before being arrested again and then everything else happened and it was never a good time, a.k.a. they wanted it to happen on-screen, so that had to wait until Lyla appeared again months after he found out. 

26 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

Isn't Flashpoint supposed to reverberate through the end of the season? How's that going to come into play?

I could see Barry having timey wimey shenanigans on his show, letting out a bunch of criminals and BS heads to Starling City. Why she doesn't figure out how to get back to her own Earth, I don't know. Or she's still Prometheus' flunkie and he breaks her out somehow.

 Artemis probably broke BS out of jail when they filmed together last Tuesday.  Just the two of them filmed and it was in studio.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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18 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Well, IIRC, WM said that, if so I think @lemotomato has a list that could answer that question.

@tv echo does all the hard work. I just Ctrl-F  :)

The "Flashpoint comes back at the end of the season" bit actually comes from SA and DR. From @tv echo's archive:


DR: "You're going to see some conflict between Diggle and Lyla... Lyla is the leader of ARGUS. She has her finger on the Suicide Squad. How does that impact a man like John Diggle, when they cohabitate? I'm looking forward to them exploring that; what Flashpoint did to the couple. We're talking about that at the end of the season and more next season." (Mar. 19, 2017 TVInsider article, page 55 of Spoilers thread)



SA: "Flashpoint, uh, does affect Season 5 of Arrow. In, um, a subtle way at the beginning and maybe more at the end." HVFF SJ, August 2016

This is what WM said about Flashpoint, which, as it turns out, hasn't come true so far:


What's cool is that it'll be subtle but you'll feel it immediately, but then, in terms of how big or how small we - how big we take it, I think that will be something you'll feel throughout the season."

Edited by lemotomato
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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

 Artemis probably broke BS out of jail when they filmed together last Tuesday.  Just the two of them filmed and it was in studio.

Oh that's going to be a train wreck of bad acting. KC is hit or miss when she has someone of quality to bounce off, but whoa this could get messy. I think that KC will camp it up with a sassy bitchy OTT 'bad guy' performance (think JB minus the acting chops and charisma). 

36 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

The Baby Sara swap may be the dumbest thing I have ever seen on a TV show. It would be wonderful if the writers' selective memory worked in our favor for once.

Maybe Flashpoint has something to do with Vigilante?

This is when I realised that they were in their 'we write so goodly' bubble, and hadn't even realised the censure they were getting for poor treatment of female characters. Because erasing a female character to replace her with a male was just the cherry on top of the 'it's-not-mysoginy-we-just-don't-think-female-chraraters-are-as-important' cake.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, calliope1975 said:

Isn't Flashpoint supposed to reverberate through the end of the season? How's that going to come into play?

I could see Barry having timey wimey shenanigans on his show, letting out a bunch of criminals and BS heads to Starling City. Why she doesn't figure out how to get back to her own Earth, I don't know. Or she's still Prometheus' flunkie and he breaks her out somehow.

Because she is a creeper like deathbed E1 LL and will stick around to stalk Oliver for an eternity.

  • Love 15

To be fair, I don't think BS has any ability or know how to get her back to her earth.  Zoom sent her the first time and without a speedster, the technological knowledge or whatever Cisco is, she wouldn't be able to go home.  Of course, at home she was one of Zoom's generals so she still with her terrorizing Central City and attacking Team Arrow has less of a rap sheet to face here than there.  

But I'd love for Oliver to contact Barry and Barry contact Wells on E2 and make the prisoner exchange.  Not sure why Argus wouldn't WANT to get rid of a prisoner like her anyway.  

Yikes, I just had a horrible thought.  What if BS is being used by Argus as part of a new Suicide Squad and she and Double down are sent to HELP Oliver?

2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:


Yikes, I just had a horrible thought.  What if BS is being used by Argus as part of a new Suicide Squad and she and Double down are sent to HELP Oliver?

I have a very zen approach to this. Think of BS as the penance you must endure for having the amazing awesomeness that is Felicity. As they like to say, we can't always have what we want right?

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I have a very zen approach to this. Think of BS as the penance you must endure for having the amazing awesomeness that is Felicity. As they like to say, we can't always have what we want right?

 And yet I had such high hopes in eventually getting there after they killed off Laurel.  I REALLY thought that finally in season six we'd stop getting hit over the head with Laurel.  Now I'm back to missing when she was on the show and just kept in check in the background.  She'd say her line, we'd have new fodder for why Laurel was the worst (in any capacity, lol) and we'd move along.  It still is a head scratcher how Laurel managed to be more in my face in a season she's not even alive in. 

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

  It still is a head scratcher how Laurel managed to be more in my face in a season she's not even alive in. 

It's probably gonna get worse next season because they'll likely have moments where everyone will talk about Saint Laurel and how she must be somewhere inside of BS. Think of how dumb Oliver was in 510 and multiply it by how many episodes she's in next season. Haha.

On that note, I wonder if they're saving Dinah suiting up until s6?

Just now, BkWurm1 said:

 And yet I had such high hopes in eventually getting there after they killed off Laurel.  I REALLY thought that finally in season six we'd stop getting hit over the head with Laurel.  Now I'm back to missing when she was on the show and just kept in check in the background.  She'd say her line, we'd have new fodder for why Laurel was the worst (in any capacity, lol) and we'd move along.  It still is a head scratcher how Laurel managed to be more in my face in a season she's not even alive in. 

I know what you mean. I actually didn't mind prickly angry Laurel when she was alive but hated all the raving about Saint Laurel when she was dead. 

It's not all bad. BS can have whatever plot she has and we can fast forward or trim our toenails while she's onscreen. It'll be like the good old days. 

I always wanted Laurel to share scenes with Felicity. The scowling and dourness always went very well with the sunshine and rainbows I thought. Remember the angry look in the elevator about the engagement ring? That was a hoot!

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Aw, and then she helps the team save the day and they get married on the beach because their love transcends earths!!!

If history is any indication, Oliver will hitch a ride out of town via any transportation available before that happens, LOL.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 17
1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Aw! But I thought you weren't a Lauriver shipper???? 

They aren't the only one who can be sarcastic lol. I am a "take em or leave em" Lauriver shipper. If they happen, it happens, if it doesnt, I dont care since all I want is more Katie/BC/BS. 

Just give me a decent storyline for my girl and I will be golden.

  • Love 2

I'm still holding out hope that MB was trying to throw us off with his petty tweets the other week and he will be playing Slade in the finale. Or maybe even 522. I just think it'd be dumb to set the finale on Lian Yu and not see Slade. And they couldn't just have someone in his Deathstroke suit because MB has a very distinctive voice. What's he gonna do, just be mute?

Edited by Guest
1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

Yikes, I just had a horrible thought.  What if BS is being used by Argus as part of a new Suicide Squad and she and Double down are sent to HELP Oliver?

Since she was filming with Artemis the other other day according to the pap, I doubt it. I think Prometheus will have a hand in freeing her and she and Artemis will continue to act as his minions lol.

I'm interested in finding out who goes missing/gets kidnapped. For a while my thoughts were Thea & William, then William/Felicity... but after all the posts today it looks like either most of the original team plus Lance get taken or everyone and they're makeshift dad go for a rescue. Right now I'm thinking Prometheus frees a bunch of villains, kidnaps some or most of the team, and lets the bad guys hunt them. 

As for Siren, she doesn't bother me. These writers couldn't be bothered to write for LL, I don't expect much more for Siren tbh. I wonder if they will do a team up of villains, like someone here suggested, a la Legends. It would explain her being an antagonist for season 6, like MG said, but not committing her to being the big bad.

Edited by JJ928
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As long as the kid playing William doesn't show up, I'm good.

5 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

 Yikes, I just had a horrible thought.  What if BS is being used by Argus as part of a new Suicide Squad and she and Double down are sent to HELP Oliver?

You take that back!

But isn't Double Down free?  Felicity shot him up in the lair underneath PT and he headed out of Dodge.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, statsgirl said:

But isn't Double Down free?  Felicity shot him up in the lair underneath PT and he headed out of Dodge.

Per EW recap, since I don't trust my memory, Double Down tried to head out of town, but Oliver and Diggle intercepted him. That's when Oliver took a bullet card to the chest for Diggle, and Diggle forgave him for kidnapping Lyla the previous season. They then sent Double Down to Central City to be locked up. Of course, that was early last season, 4x03, so maybe Flashbpoint changed his prison to the ARGUS lockup on Lian Yu.

Edited by tv echo
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Here's this 'classic' quote from WM...

WM: "Flashpoint provides an interesting jumping off point for all the shows this year, in that we have this reset button available to us if we want it... We've landed on a few things, but the door is open. That's the fun part. You can play with it in whatever way, shape, or form you want to. I think it will be small in some ways, and big in others." (Aug. 23, 2016 IGN article, page 42 of Spoilers thread)

So, if they want, they can switch around the prisons for all the locked-up villains and just blame it on Flashpoint.

Edited by tv echo
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