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Episode 8: KC is not in any of the cast pictures for the crossover episode. Frankly I find this bewildering: why on earth wouldn't the Black Canary be part of the Brave and the Bold?  



uhhh... Cause she's not Black Canary?!!

If Sara was still alive i would have wondered that too, but she's.. still vacationing in Bali with Nyssa.

My main point: episode 6 aside, I don't think there will be that much Laurel/Oliver bonding. More than I want, but not that much. If anything, that will get saved until closer to the end of the season - the more likely time for Oliver/Felicity to agree to try things out again, just to keep us all ranting and in suspense. 

I don't think it's so much about Laurel/Oliver bonding as a chance to try out Laurel as truly the leading lady, as opposed to the nominal leading lady, now that she's no longer hampered by not knowing Oliver's secrets and is on her way to becoming the Black Canary. Spreading her wings, so to speak.  I think they may be trying out how the audience reacts to a set-up for the Green Arrow/Black Canary show.  That's the problem with having a Black Canary on the Green Arrow show -- she can't be a sidekick because the character is too strong so she has to be equal (as Sara was) or .....?

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Laurel, in spite of knowing Oliver's secret and being allowed in the foundry, is still polarised by her story. She isn't getting trained by Oliver, she's doing her own thing. She's not all that involved with team Arrow stuff so the problem, for me, still remains that it doesn't seem like Laurel will be where I most enjoy Arrow: Team Arrow. I really can't believe she's getting this much screen time.

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I think they may be trying out how the audience reacts to a set-up for the Green Arrow/Black Canary show.



Well, they already did that in "Blind Spot."  Ratings went down to 2.49 -- they popped up again for "Tremors" the following week - although IMDB.com users were happy enough, giving an 8.8 rating. Other sites were less happy.


Predicting how much Laurel will be in any given episode is often tricky - we were told State vs. Queen was a major episode for her, and, really, not so much, and then she ended up with a lot more screentime in "The Man Under the Hood," than anyone expected, so, you never know. But we've also gotten fairly solid info that Laurel is not going to have much screentime in episodes 5 or 8, and apparently not much in episode 7.  I do expect her to have significant screentime in episode four - but I also think that episode four is going to focus on Oliver and Malcolm, and to a lesser extent Thea and Nyssa, so it won't be all Laurel. And for the rest of the season until the hiatus, the episodes of concern seem to be just six and nine - and we know episode nine has shirtless Oliver on a snowy cliff, so that's all good. And she's not training with or fighting with Oliver. Yet.

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If Oliver does a 180 and starts training her, it would only be because she blackmails him into it.


I was thinking about how early we got Oliver's realization that he didn't want to end up like Sara and the way DR was talking about Oliver and Felicity in his interviews combined with MG tweet about SA and EBR acting their butts off in E9(or was is E10?) and EBR/BR seeming to imply that while their scenes have been flirty nothing has happened yet. Does anyone think that maybe the reason they are putting so much tension between Oliver and Felicity post-date is so that when Oliver comes to his senses, Felicity will be unsure about trying again? Maybe he has this epiphany sometime after the winter break and we see him having to fight for Felicity? They made such a big deal about tying Felicity to his humanity and him trying to find some of that humanity thru her, I could see them going down that route. If they are doing this, then I am even more against Ray and Felicity becoming serious. I appreciate Ray appreciating her, but I don't want to watch two man compete over her. I'd rather they keep it subtle.

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Hmmm. it's hard to say.  They do love Oliver, no one else is as good, but they also want to make sure he gets beaten down regularly.  If they do have Felicity hesitant because of Ray just when Oliver finally gets his head out of his ass, I'm afraid I'm going to be channelling Danny Franks on that.



Well, they already did that in "Blind Spot."  Ratings went down to 2.49 -- they popped up again for "Tremors" the following week

Ah, but in Blind Spot Laurel didn't know his secrets (say the producers).  She wasn't becoming the Black Canary.  It's a whole different game now that the fishnets are within sight.

I guess we'll see how the numbers come out next week. I would watch just for Nyssa but I don't think the general public necessarily feels the same way, especially after we just had a big mourning episode for Sara last week.  Which wasn't about Sara but neither will next week be except for Nyssa and Quentin if she tells him.


Will Quentin be mad that Laurel didn't tell him in time for the burial?  Are we supposed to feel sorry for Laurel, sad and trying her best but always doing the wrong thing?

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Well, they already did that in "Blind Spot."  Ratings went down to 2.49 -- they popped up again for "Tremors" the following week - although IMDB.com users were happy enough, giving an 8.8 rating. Other sites were less happy.


Apparently all KC fans live on IMDB forums, hence the 8.8 rating to a rather weak episode.

I once checked out an Arrow forum on IMDB and ran away five minutes later because EBR was getting hate for personal reasons and not acting choices.

I think the timing of when Oliver makes a decision for life with Felicity will be key. If it's after Ray and she get together then I can understand her telling him she's in a relationship. If it's before, and they're both making plays for her affection it could become tedious and her reasoning would be under immense scrutiny. I think it should be more about which guy she wants and I hope it plays out that way. I don't think it would be unfair for her to question his decision because last time it blew up. It's difficult to tell right now tbh.

Laurel, in spite of knowing Oliver's secret and being allowed in the foundry, is still polarised by her story. She isn't getting trained by Oliver, she's doing her own thing. She's not all that involved with team Arrow stuff so the problem, for me, still remains that it doesn't seem like Laurel will be where I most enjoy Arrow: Team Arrow. I really can't believe she's getting this much screen time.

So are you saying you wish to see her involved with the team or that the fact that she has her own story takes time away from the team-as in: more screen time for her= less time for Team Arrow?


As far as filming goes from what I know, KC filmed 2 or possibly 3 days of 305, she filmed a Monday with an extra playing a cop, she filmed Fraturday night with Ted (JRR flew in Friday morning and tweeted about it), she then went to D*C on Saturday-Monday and flew back on Tuesday with 1 day left in the filming schedule if she ended up filming.

Conversely, EBR, Nolan Funk and Charlotte Ross filmed the entire week, pretty sure EBR filmed 7/8 days and SA had 4 days off, so he filming 3-4 days.

For 307-308, she was in Dallas for 2 full weeks straight, she did 2 cons and it raised concerns among KC/Laurel fans who bombarded KC, MG, AK and (I think) Chico6 with questions about Laurel being in the crossover. IIRC she filmed possibly 3 days for 307 but I don't remember who she filmed with. For 308 she flew back to Van in time for her last 3 days of filming however non of her tweets were from set so it's hard to tell if she filmed at all but I have to assume she did.

309 is really tricky, we only know of PB and JB filming on Thursday/Friday, we assume that her cast fitting was done that Friday when she posted the tweet. After that she flew to LA on Monday to do press for 302 and flew back Tuesday afternoon and filming Tuesday night with PB and on Friday they did press, so no Foundry Friday and EBR/DR/CH were out of town. Everything else is kind of blank, we only know that SA filmed a shirtless sword fight in the mountains with Ra's? And on Tuesday SA/EBR were acting their butts off. There's a lot of blanks but I have to assume 309 is the big Oliver episode.

As or 306, JRR tweeted out (and later deleted his tweet) saying that's a wrap 4now. So I'm thinking something happens to Ted in 306, gets really hurt and leaves like McKenna, killed by villain, wrongly imprisoned, or runs from Starling with cops on his heel. Something that gives him a soft exit is more probable but I wouldn't be surprised if they killed him off to further Laurel's journey.

Oh filming for 306, we know Nyssa is in 306 from a BTS pic of DR/KL/CH on the foundry stairs in costume. We know that KC/JRR/SA filmed a scene together outside a strip joint and we know KC/JRR filmed a fight sequence beyond that who knows?

It's also possible that Roy is splitting his centric episode with Laurel, or that it's another Laurel episode, heck it's even possible that the Ted stuff isn't the A storyline. By this I mean if Roy's secret is that the Mirakuru fix is wearing off or he skipped his monthly shot then the episode could focus on Roy thinking he's the bad guy until the cliffy reveal that it was Cupid.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Ooooh, I like that version of the black dress. Very sexy! The original one included a sheer bottom, almost gown length.


It looks like they will really take advantage of Felicity's presence on The Flash, that she's not just a token guest with a couple of scenes. So far, I've seen clips or images from 4 separate scenes (seeing Barry for first time after incident, meeting Team Flash, working with Team Flash and double date with Iris and Eddie). I've seen 4 wardrobe changes. I'm very much looking forward to this episode. It's weird but I'm more excited about this than I am with Arrow (and that ep has Nyssa!). Wentworth Miller might also have something to do with my excitement ;)

  • Love 8

I'm confused about the dress comment.  Did she wear the dress in another episode or show?  Did they shoot the scene with different dresses?


The designer made the dress with a longer skirt - they must've altered it for the show. This is what it looks like: http://www.bcbg.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-BCBG-Site/default/Product-Show?pid=XVR6W823-001&dwvar_XVR6W823-001_color=001&cgid=dresses

Edited by apinknightmare

I like that dress better than the dress she wore on her date with Oliver. I liked the color (I'm partial to red) but for some reason that dress never really impressed me.


I guess I'm in the minority, because I don't like this dress at all. I think it almost looks borderline tacky (I do like the longer version on the website - maybe it needs a longer body to look better for me though). And I find it kind of funny that she's wearing that on a date to a coffee shop, haha.

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The designer made the dress with a longer skirt - they must've altered it for the show. This is what it looks like: http://www.bcbg.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-BCBG-Site/default/Product-Show?pid=XVR6W823-001&dwvar_XVR6W823-001_color=001&cgid=dresses


It was the wardrobe department who altered it. designer brand and designers in general don't create special items for TV shows - at least most of the time.


@Velocity23 do you know if there are any NZ Arrow promos too?

Edited by foreverevolving

Is that Laurel with Oliver in the first picture?  I can't tell with the hair situation this season.

I think it's Felicity - another angle of this shot:




Also, how is Malcolm out and about in SC without getting arrested? Is he passing himself off as a long-lost Merlyn relative or some kind of weird doppelganger?

Edited by apinknightmare

Interesting.  I read the recap for "The Magician" from IMDB and it mentions Oliver and Roy working on repairing their relationships.  With Oliver this season, it's very hard to understand what they are talking about.  Especially since I assumed that Felicity had very little screentime with her crossing over to The Flash.  That could mean either Laurel or Felicity to me.



A furious Nyssa confronts Oliver about Sara. When Oliver learns Malcolm Merlyn is alive, he suspects Merlyn killed Sara. Oliver and Nyssa join forces and go after the Dark Archer, intent on bringing Sara's killer to justice. Laurel keeps her distance from Nyssa, as she blames her sister's death on her involvement with the League of Assassins. Meanwhile, Oliver and Roy work on repairing their respective relationships.

They mean with Thea for both of them. There's a more detailed description that says "with Thea"
Here! :)


NYSSA RETURNS TO STARLING CITY, RA’S AL GHUL MAKES HIS ENTRANCE — A furious Nyssa (guest star Katrina Law) confronts Oliver (Stephen Amell) about Sara. When Oliver learns Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) is alive, he suspects Merlyn killed Sara. Oliver and Nyssa join forces and go after the Dark Archer, intent on bringing Sara’s killer to justice. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) keeps her distance from Nyssa, as she blames her sister’s death on her involvement with the League of Assassins. Meanwhile, Oliver and Roy (Colton Haynes) work on repairing their respective relationships with Thea (Willa Holland), who has returned home. Nyssa discusses Oliver with her father, Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable). John Behring directed the episode written by Wendy Mericle & Marc Guggenheim (#304). Original airdate 10/29/2014.


Edited by ban1o
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How will The Flash play into Arrow plot and vice versa? —Lindsay
If you’re talking about the Episodes 8, two-night crossover, Stephen Amell shared that one of the biggest moments for the Arrow actually occurs during the Flash hour. The nature of that scene, however, remains a well-guarded secret. “I can’t tell you anything about it other than it relates to Central City — and when I saw it in the Flash script, it ended up being actually quite gratifying,” he shared. “[Director of photography] Glen Winter said it was his favorite thing I’ve been involved in so far on the show.”


Not only that, but he said whatever it is is something he pitched as a Flash idea. So, it isn't something specific to Oliver or Arrow, but something that could've worked equally well with Flash alone.


So I'm going to guess that it isn't some awesome reveal or anything, but just a really complex set piece, stunt, or fight. Frequently, they confuse what was really cool to conceptualize/film, what they impressed themselves with technically, with something the audience will think is amazing.


"The Promise," for example. To them? Biggest, best thing they ever did! To the audience? Didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. On set, they probably had an amazing feeling, and they should, they pulled off some great stuff technically. Still doesn't mean that the viewers will feel the same way, because we weren't there and didn't get the adrenaline rush and to go out for well-deserved beer later.

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Is it the kid? It's the kid thing, isn't it?


I want to say yes to prepare myself, but I think it'd be kind of weird to address something so huge like that on The Flash, since people who watch The Flash and don't watch Arrow would have absolutely no clue about what was going on, but I guess that's not the point. But the kid would be a huge moment for Oliver, not the Arrow, so then again, maybe not? What I'm saying is I have no idea, haha.

looptab, Iris has been blogging about the "red streak." She doesn't know about Barry being The Flash. From the looks of it, Felicity just put two and two together and realized Barry could be The Flash and she's going to Central City for confirmation and to say hi.

That seems like a HUGE stretch to make haha, even for Felicity. My head canon, for now, unless told differently by the show, is just Oliver told her. 

Edited by ban1o
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I'm obviously late to the party on this news, but I was excited to see that Amy Gumenick was cast as Cupid. I never cared for Cupid as a character in the comics, but I've loved Amy Gumenick in everything I've seen her in. So basically I might just end up spending the entire time wishing that Amy Gumenick had been cast as Laurel instead.

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Laurel keeps her distance from Nyssa, as she blames her sister's death on her involvement with the League of Assassins

LOL what? Then why in holy blue hell was she grinning like the Fucking Cheshire cat when Sara went back to them. What did she think was gonna happen? A pleasure cruise around the world? FFS /HEAD DESK HEAD DESK ><

Edited by catrox14
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