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Should the other loved ones in Oliver's life be worried? Probably. Though it is interesting that Adrian chose to go after Susan first, rather than someone like Felicity or Thea. We asked Mericle why Adrian kidnapped Susan over a more likely suspect. She told us:

We really wanted to build him up as someone who is extremely good at being ten steps ahead of Oliver, really being psychological in the way that he manipulates him and one of the ways he does that is by going after the people that Oliver cares about. We’ve seen villains do that in the past, but this year Adrian does it in a way that’s a little bit more specific.

Specific. That sounds like Susan has a very particular part to play in Adrian's master plan. (Can we please get a crazy wall from him at some point?) Did he kidnap Susan in order to use her journalistic skills? Perhaps it isn't a straight-up kidnapping so much as a blackmail situation meant to exploit Susan's coverage of both the Green Arrow and Oliver Queen. (Note: The promo for next week's episode seems to lean more towards the straight kidnapping than the exhortion.)


What does Prometheus himself have to say about this? Segarra teased the Susan/Adrian interaction, saying: "Susan may feel betrayed by Oliver so it's interesting to see how Chase will try to let's say navigate those waters, how he can get to his next move." Whatever Adrian is up to, it's not good news for Oliver Queen or Team Arrow.


1 minute ago, LadyChaos said:


its implied heavily that Susan was chosen to be kidnapped instead of Thea or Felicity bc she is a reporter.

Thanks for recap :) 

Maybe Susan gets Stockholm syndrome and thinks Prometheus is the wronged party after hearing his sob story or something. I don't know *shrug*

It also just clicked with me that they are totally making Prometheus a low rent version of Nolans Joker. Was that his whole thing too- he didn't want to kill Batman but mess with him and watch Gotham destroy itself. 

Ledger and Bale did it better sorry Arrow. 

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It is possible that they are setting it up for Prometheus to come out on top and be revealed as the Grand Chess Master but I still don't think I'll care that much. Oliver has had adversaries who've tried twisted games and all the writers came up with was WTF? with charismatic actors so I'm not holding out hope of a coherent explanation for why this season his "even more extra idiot Oliver" without many of the bits that make it worth watching live. Which is why a lot of people aren't.

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I think Newslady Whatsherface at Channel 52 is the only other newsperson around, and her journalistic standards are too high. Unless maybe Star City has a Perd Hapley hiding somewhere?

I think I saw the guy that once upon a time announced "Oliver Queen is alive" around the last episode. I'd give him a call, LOL

Edited by Midnight Lullaby
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4 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Ledger and Bale did it better sorry Arrow. 

The Lego Batman and Lego Joker did it better too, and more recently.

"I'm so looking forward to watching Oliver running around screaming WHERE IS SHE?!?! and trying to rescue his Lois Lane wanna be girlfriend! I'm SO INVESTED in their relationship!"-said no one ever.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Belinea said:

The way he delivered that line and his face in the promo was great. 

Also, maybe because I am confused or I just didn't pay too much attention: Will Thalia be in the present now?

Looks that way to me since she mentions Chase.

2 hours ago, finnaire said:

It looks like the ACU is raiding a woman's apartment, I assume on the hunt for GA. It can't be Suzy's* place because Promadreus has her possibly tied up in an elevator? With a bomb? I know, I know, I'm getting my hopes up. So who is the dark haired woman in the apartment? It looks like wherever Oliver finds Talia it's filled with LOA scented candles. Is it possible Adrian sics the ACU on Dinah? In her brand new garden flat?

*It amuses me to imagine the Seinfeld episode where Elaine is confused about Suzy. As are we all.

Maybe Chase's wife. She's dark haired and supposed to be in this episode.

5 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

OMG that's their plan? Susan doesn't betray Oliver, he betrays her?

I took it to mean that bc Oliver probably won't save her right away, that Prometheus will spin a fine tale that makes Susan think Oliver left her for dead.

im thinking that Helix will force FS to do something to get herself in trouble that will make Oliver choose between Saving Felicity and saving Susan .... and chooses to save Felicity and leaves Susan to be tortured for 2 more eps

3 minutes ago, LadyChaos said:

 that Prometheus will spin a fine tale that makes Susan think Oliver left her for dead.

Maybe this could work. He makes her believe that Oliver left her for dead and then let's her go. So she will feel as though Oliver is a bad guy and he cannot fight against that. Meanwhile Felicity will struggle with her issues and nobody will notice because everyone's too busy with this plot.

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Someone on another site said it was confirmed that she will be held hostage for at least two eps...... it makes sense.....she gets kidnapped in 516 but Oliver cant find her, CP wasn't filming in 517 so Prometheus has her chained up somewhere doing God knows what to her, then the team finds her in 518, and the fallout is in 519....

We don't know that she is filming in 520 yet or not.

You know what also bugs me about Oliver this season? His actions and his attitude towards those who have stood by him for years should have long-last consequences. That should affect those relationships well into next season. But instead, we probably won't see any effects whatsoever next year and even if there is any tension at season's end, they'll say that was taken care of over the summer or they'll address it within the first few episodes, like they did with Diggle in S4, depending on where everyone is at the end of the finale. And this is true even if this is going to end up being some big plan that they "explain" to us in the final episodes of the season, if Oliver's been acting this way because of some big twist coming up. 

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8 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

If they can find a doctor to keep their secret, they sure as hell could find a therapist that can too, damnit.

They have one! Remember that lady in that one ep who offered her services to the GA? Was it the first Cupid ep maybe? 

Also, remember when Slade summoned Thea and I didn't know what he would do to her and I was really worried for her? That is the opposite of how I feel about Snoozen. (Whomever came up with that name, you get a cookie!)

I also don't know how I feel about this damseling and torturing of a woman to produce manpain for Oliver regardless of how I feel about the character. Especially in conjunction with how they've written and viewed Felicity and Thea this season. It gives me a really icky feeling.

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6 minutes ago, Chaser said:

If Oliver betrays her then what? Are we going to get another episode of him trying to win her back?

I don't think he's actually going to betray her - she's just going to think that he did. And I'm guessing if she gets turned against him then that relationship is dead in the water, and either he won't want to have anything to do with her because she's too far gone, or because he realizes that if she really cared about him she wouldn't have turned against him in the first place. 

I'm guessing that since WM indicated that she was taken specifically because she's a reporter, that the threat of her exposing Oliver's past deeds looms pretty large till the end of the season.

Edited by apinknightmare

I do have to wonder what it'll take for Oliver to see she's not this "good person" he keeps insisting she is. I guess siding with Prometheus would do the trick? Because if he dares to try to defend her after that, saying, "well, it's not her fault, she was driven to this," I don't think there would be any coming back for him. Unless that's what leads to the team disbanding in 518? (I'm so sorry for even putting that possibility out there.) 

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20 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I do have to wonder what it'll take for Oliver to see she's not this "good person" he keeps insisting she is. I guess siding with Prometheus would do the trick? Because if he dares to try to defend her after that, saying, "well, it's not her fault, she was driven to this," I don't think there would be any coming back for him. Unless that's what leads to the team disbanding in 518? (I'm so sorry for even putting that possibility out there.) 

I think it would take Oliver dropping this weird attitude he has this season that everyone is good deep down no matter what they do and that it's up to him to redeem them or forgive them or take the fault for everything they do. Idk if that's what they think is character growth but all this optimism is making him look like a moron because there's a limit and he's way past it. 

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Hello everyone. I am new to posting BUT I have been a lurker for awhile.

Anywhoo, I have just been reading the posts after the episodes because I haven't watched any episode since the end of S4. That was BAD. I think Prometheus (if he is as good of a chess master as he/they state he is) goal should be to ultimately isolate Oliver so he is without a team AND as a gut punch, influence Felicity in some way where she is possibly taken out of the lair (away from the team/him) for a long time. Like make her feel all ALONE. Truthfully yeah Oliver has Diggle, Quintin,Thea new masks etc.. but they do not provide the constant"coddling", support, "love" or even the "light" that Oliver constantly seems to need/want. For Oliver it takes a "special lady, loved one" for him to feel strongly for(in strong lust, in love whatever, not family) based on his history the writers have been stating/showing since the beginning for him to go bat shit crazy about permanently losing her. Felicity is it. But these writers seem to change stuff to suit their plot so who knews.

I would really applaud Prometheus if his truly ULTIMATE goal is to take away Oliver the constant "rock and support" he has had in Felicity and Oliver was too clueless to figure it out. Promethius is still upset Oliver took his "girl" away from him back in the day and if he has been paying attention (and a chess master) Suzy is not anywhere near to being Oliver "rock, support or true love".

What do you think?

  • Love 10

So there's this theory going around that I liked... I'm not sure that it was posted here, if so I apologize.

But what if as Felicity gets into trouble with Helix, Adrian tells Oliver to choose between saving her or saving Susan (which parallels to 510)? And when Oliver chooses to save Felicity first, Adrian then shows Susan how Oliver basically shoved her aside to save Felicity which is how he gets her to turn on him? And then maybe in episode 18-19 Susan does something to Oliver (or Felicity maybe) and Oliver figures out that she's working against and they essentially split up.

Just a thought.

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@Mellowyellow  Yeah they are painting Suzy as this shining beacon of womanhood but I doubt if she will last into S6. If Oliver does not call it quits or if she doesn't then I don't know what the writers are doing or thinking.

You know I don't think Oliver has ever broken up with a female he has "dated seriously or loved". They are the one who does it or they just dies. Did laurel finally did the breaking up or did he? I can't remember, but Sara, Felicity broke up with him, Shado died etc.. Oliver seems passive in relationships. He either disappears or just let the relationship go on and on when he knows full well it is not right or working.

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6 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

So there's this theory going around that I liked... I'm not sure that it was posted here, if so I apologize.

But what if as Felicity gets into trouble with Helix, Adrian tells Oliver to choose between saving her or saving Susan (which parallels to 510)? And when Oliver chooses to save Felicity first, Adrian then shows Susan how Oliver basically shoved her aside to save Felicity which is how he gets her to turn on him? And then maybe in episode 18-19 Susan does something to Oliver (or Felicity maybe) and Oliver figures out that she's working against and they essentially split up.

Just a thought.

It's a couple pages back in the thread. 

I don't think Adrian even needs to consciously make Oliver choose - just to set up one scenario that puts Felicity in an urgent precarious position with Helix (since I'm assuming he had a part in getting Pandora in her hands), and another that does the same for Susie. Prometheus already knows Oliver's likely to choose Felicity (he "Felicity or me"-ed him back in 10, and Oliver gave up the chance to fight him to go to her) - all he has to do is make sure that Susie knows that when faced with a choice, he didn't choose her. 

I don't love the triangle-ness of it all, but I think Chase seems like the sick type who'd want her to *see* something like that with her own eyes - it'd make her easier to turn. Other options include something to do with Russia or...IDK. She's dating a dude who's in the Russian mob and murders people - it's difficult to figure out what would be a turn off, haha.

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16 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I don't understand why they didn't just Mary Sue her and make her into this intelligent, warm, wonderful woman that he goes nuts over in his attempt to move on from Felicity.

We'd still complain but it would make some sense as to why he's hung up on her and make him look like less of a moron. Instead they wrote this snivelling, witchy, vile cockroach of a woman and keep on selling it to us as the most epic romance ever!!!!!! I do not understand!!!!!!!

My guess is it's because they didn't want it to be a serious relationship that could threaten Olicity.

11 hours ago, MaisyDaisy said:

I actually am thinking it might be even worse. I think the thing that Felicity has to do in return for getting help for Susan/Chase will have Oliver chastising her like he did with Thea. She will get blasted for being human and not pure and perfect and always full of light.      

I haven't completely caught up yet so sorry if you've talked about it but it occurred to me earlier today that Oliver asking Felicity to fix his relationship with Susan was the stepping stone to Oliver desperate to save Susan, asking Felicity to find her.

The problem is, this is so low of Oliver that how can they rebuild him the next 4 episodes? Not even as Slade re-dux of "Choose which to save" is going to be enough.

Edited by statsgirl
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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

it occurred to me earlier today that Oliver asking Felicity to fix his relationship with Susan was the stepping stone to Oliver desperate to save Susan, asking Felicity to find her.

Do you think Felicity would need to be asked to help find Susan? Wouldn't she do it because it's the right thing to do?

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:


I haven't completely caught up yet so sorry if you've talked about it but it occurred to me earlier today that Oliver asking Felicity to fix his relationship with Susan was the stepping stone to Oliver desperate to save Susan, asking Felicity to find her.

The problem is, this is so low of Oliver that how can they rebuild him the next 4 episodes?

They won't! Whatever crazy-ass idea they had for this season, they genuinely believed it was top notch! Now that they are being told by EVERYONE (is there a good review for 515 anywhere? I'd love to see it out of pure fascination) that Oliver the dumbest of dumb assholes I reckon they will just plod along and best case scenario will retcon everything about S5 during S6. He will recover miraculously from his lobotomy and be normal again.

4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I haven't completely caught up yet so sorry if you've talked about it but it occurred to me earlier today that Oliver asking Felicity to fix his relationship with Susan was the stepping stone to Oliver desperate to save Susan, asking Felicity to find her.

The problem is, this is so low of Oliver that how can they rebuild him the next 4 episodes? Not even as Slade re-dux of "Choose which to save" is going to be enough.

Yeah, I'm at the point where I don't even know if this Oliver would choose to save Felicity over Susan or would send the others to Felicity while he goes to Susan. That is what Arrow has done to me after that nonsense of Oliver asking Felicity for help with his relationship. 

Maybe Oliver gets hurt - hence the FB 517 episode - and Chase uses the time he's out of commission healing to make Susan think he's not coming for her? 

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