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9 minutes ago, Trisha said:

If they're shooting 519 now that means they presumably have finished writing 520-521 (though could possibly still make changes) and still have to write 522 & 523. I could totally see them reworking the last few eps to include more OTA, downplay all the noobs, start an Oliver turnaround (which hopefully involves lots of grovelling and apologizing) and reunite Olicity. Renewed or not, they're going to bleed even more viewers over the summer if they don't end on a positive or hopeful note the reconciles relationships and rehabilitates his character. (Of course, if that happens we'll get a hiatus of the fandom fighting over whether that was a last-minute change in response to ratings, or the writers' plan all along.)

Does anyone know what the episode before the spring break is? Let's hope it ends well, because if they're only managing a 0.5 during sweeps, it might return from the break to a 0.4 unless we get a big twist before the break.

Also, Susan looks like she's already back to reporting in the next episode: http://tvline.com/gallery/arrow-season-5-photos/

Looks like we're seeing that elusive Dig and Felicity talk about Helix finally in 515.....at least that's what I get from the first photo

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So Susan already got a job (whether it's her old one back or whatever) but Felicity and Curtis are still unemployed? Seriously, show? 

And wait, could we be getting another Felicity and Thea scene? And do I see Diggle talking to Felicity? Did Arrow remember Felicity and Diggle are friends? 

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I think thats the most Felicity promo pics weve ever gotten. I like it! Hopefully its a good sign that the episode will give her something more weighty to do then last episode. 

I laugh while rolling my eyes that Dinah is at the press conference. And Im curious by the Susan Oliver photos whether she does decide to "forgive" him. 

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1 minute ago, weathered1 said:

I'd think that if Susan "forgives" him, she'll do it as a ruse while redoubling her efforts to take him - and probably Thea, maybe Felicity - down. 

And he would be a fool to believe her....... oh wait...nevermind


my guess though is that she maybe going solo....and shows up at the hearing for a story to post on her 'blog' and he tried to talk to her, but her line in the sand is drawn.

Edited by LadyChaos
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Yeah as much as the photos intrigue me...but not really...as to whether she does forgive him Im still for now sitting on the Susan and Oliver romantically are done fence and now its just about her exposing him and him trying to mitigate or manage any potential fallout she could cause. I think their romantic storyline has served its purpose.

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Just now, insomniadreams88 said:

I actually don't mind that because I feel like right now, Oliver needs as many people as possible around him at all times to keep from doing something else stupid. 

Yep. Like walking into walls. 

I do think Dinah is part of his security team now or something, especially with the media mob that was surrounding him in that one pic. 

As for Susan, I agree that she's probably publishing her own news blog, and will be on the hunt for a big story in order to get her job and "reputation" (ha!) back. 

It makes me throw up a little in my mouth to think about it, but I can see Oliver trying to apologize and get her back, because that's the kind of thing he'd do this season. 

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1 minute ago, weathered1 said:

It makes me throw up a little in my mouth to think about it, but I can see Oliver trying to apologize and get her back, because that's the kind of thing he'd do this season. 

If he apologizes to her when he still hasn't apologized to Felicity ... Oh, I will rage. Maybe I should start preparing myself for that to happen now. 

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I bet Oliver does apologize to Susan because he feels guilty.  I"m trying to figure out if I hope she takes it and goes undercover to out him more, or if she turns him down.  I like hating her so I hope it's the former.

I expect no action on the Olicity front til 5x20 because WM said Felicity will mourn Billy till then, just as soon as the writers remember she knew him.  But I still don't like seeing Tinah standing beside Oliver at the press conference and no Felicity.  Such fanservicin.

5 hours ago, LadyChaos said:

I could see this, TBH,  its really only a tiny leap to realize that the only person Oliver knows who is capable of hacking her computer is Felicity.  If Susan goes out to destroy Felicity and ends up getting her arrested or hurt, then Thea might feel responsible and that might be why she chooses to leave for awile to reevaluate her life again, or decide to put the suit back on.

Since Oliver is being impeached now, and Prometheus is attacking, I have a hard time reconciling the idea of Thea leaving town for any reason much less to reevaluate her life. That's more something for the summer hiatus.

It makes more sense for her to get  hurt in the car shoot-up and be stuck in the hospital for a while or in rehab away from Star city.

5 hours ago, finnaire said:

If Susan decides to believe Oliver when he says he didn't do it then she has to know that he told someone else who did. The most likely suspect is Thea. She's his sister, she works closely with him and she warned Susan not to screw him over again. What were her words? You won't even be able to have a blog?  I don't think Susan needs to look any further than Thea, not to some hacker who may be in cahoots with her.  So, if Susan is out for payback I 'm worried about Thea.

The problem is that WH is presumably out for a bunch of episodes. If Susan went after Thea, they would need WH on set.

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2 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I expect no action on the Olicity front til 5x20 because WM said Felicity will mourn Billy till then, just as soon as the writers remember she knew him.  

After last night's episode, I'm half-convinced she's "mourning" Billy until 520 because that's going to be the next time anyone remembers that she was dating him. 

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Tinah is there because she needs to be in scenes. Whether that is logical or not. Also I know how they shoot the promo pics but do we really need another Susan being pretty one? As if anyone would be more interested by promoting her. 

1 minute ago, insomniadreams88 said:

because that's going to be the next time anyone remembers that she was dating him. 


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6 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

After last night's episode, I'm half-convinced she's "mourning" Billy until 520 because that's going to be the next time anyone remembers that she was dating him. 

Did they say she was mourning him til 520 or that the effects would be felt til 520?  Because I thought they said the 'effects of Malones death will be felt thru 520'  see I just figure that's when we will all find out that Malone is alive and is Prometheus.

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Lance has found out something that he missed during his time in rehab every episode since he's been back, right? 

512 - Oliver dating Susan

513 - team recruited Tinah

514 - Oliver killed Billy

Wonder what's coming up in 515, 516, etc. Are they just going to tell him one thing that happened each episode until the end of the season? 

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1 hour ago, shadow2008 said:

No offense, but a quickie Olicity reunion isn't going to push this show to new ratings heights. Arrow's biggest issue is the terrible, outright stupid writing. A forced Olicity reunion will only deliver more of the same. What Arrow needs is a complete overhaul of it's writing staff coupled with a new showrunner team - and even that doesn't guarantee a big ratings increase because once viewers drop a show, they usually do not return. 

Exactly. People need to realise that a ship or a character isnt gonna bring in viewers that left. Hell,at this point the show should be trying to keep those who still watch it. The issues with the show are far more than whether or not a single character is dead or alive or whether a ship is still a thing. Do i think Olicity breaking up harmed ratings? Yes. But not because people got mad that their favorite ship was no longer together. Mainly because people are tired of contrived drama in a show that is supposed to be about action. Unlike with what MG and co think,viewers nowadays need couples to  remain together once they get together. People are tired of this back and forth and whether or not one likes or doesnt care about olicity,both types of viewers are irritated when the show forces drama on them, again and again. 

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5 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

The breakup was wB/CW mandated also. Its not just as simple that the EPs pushed this agenda. Just like the sudden push for a new BC.. 

I know all of Hollywood has to justify their jobs since 1/3 of the people in power are unnecessary (I made that number up,) but I'm wondering at the percentage of times that network/studio interference resulted in a better product. 

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2 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Network interference was partially why EBR's role was expanded, according to SA and the EPs, so it's not always bad.

I thought Routh (?) sent them a note saying he wanted to see more of that blonde IT girl but MG etc. had already decided they wanted Felicity back in more episodes.

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That's only one week without a new episode? I guess there might be another break after this episode or 517?

"Oliver gets closer to the truth about Prometheus" just annoys me because it seems like they just keep stretching that out. But at least it sounds like we're getting some Prometheus stuff.

And I'm so excited for the Felicity stuff. But I do think she should have figured something like this would happen, that Helix would want something from her. 

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I like anything that involves Felicity's arc but I also have a little bit of dread for this favor she's gonna have to do to keep using Helix. I worry they're gonna have her look foolish or need saving or whatever. I do like that I have no idea what it could be though. Makes a nice change from being able to see "twists" coming a mile away, haha.

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10 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I know it's bad but I cringe when I see two women write an Arrow script. Previous episodes with them have been really bad, IMO. Like Beth and Wendy with 509, on and Time of Death. And last night's Sin Eater (Barbara Bloom & Jenny Lynn). 

I actually loved the way the person who wrote Sin Eater wrote Felicity/Thea... So I'm not opposed to it. Yet. It's Beth who worries me lol

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43 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Beth is pretty hit or miss and I'm not that impressed with Tarkof (Second Chances, Human Target, Blood Debts).

Sarah Tarkoff was the one who, when we complained about Felicity saying that she owes Billy sex because she cancelled on him the night before, said that we wouldn't have said anything if it were Oliver.  So, ew.

Beth is hit or miss but I'm not impressed with tarkoff and her Gossip Girl background.

Edited by statsgirl
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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Sarah Tarkoff was the one who, when we complained about Felicity saying that she owes Billy sex because she cancelled on him the night before, said that we wouldn't have said anything if it were Oliver.  So, ew.

Beth is hit or miss but I'm not impressed with Sarkoff and her Gossip Girl background.

bahahahaha OMG that just explains EVERYTHING for me! Thank you for that bit of info! 

Any other gossip girl writers I need to know about?

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I think Adrian Chase is either Prometheus or Vigilante AND Prometheus without multiple personalities.  I am beginning to think Vigilante is a distraction.  It would make Josh Segarra as a regular make more sense too.  Prometheus was trained by Talia.  In 5.07 before Vigilante shows up there's a scene with Chase as DA saying something about thinking masked vigilantes were bad.  Then he makes some remark about maybe it's the only way to get justice. Reluctant "hero"? Cue scene with Vigilante.  GA & Co show up and just as he is about to be unmasked flash bang and he's gone.  Have we seen or heard from Vigilante since?  We do in 5.15.  He's targeting Oliver Queen for his public sins.  If Diggle and Co do stop him once and for all I'll be surprised if it's Chase.  I am thinking a rando, possibly set up by Prometheus.  

Nothing in show has let us know whether Prometheus knew Oliver Queen was the Green Arrow before Tobias Church told him in 5.05.  There was no reaction because he was masked.  

Prometheus reveals to the recruits that GA was a serial killer.  This leads to Evelyn's betrayal.  Anyhow, in 5.09 Chase urged the Mayor to issue a shoot to kill order for the police.  GA is manipulated into killing Detective Malone.  (Malone would have died anyway for getting too close but he died as he did because of his connection to Felicity.)  Curtis is attacked which provides Oliver with a bread crumb (the drug) to figuring out who Prometheus is.  Diggle is tricked into leaving the bunker and gets arrested.  Chase defends him which seems strange but SA said in the EW interview that Prometheus wasn't trying to hurt the people in Oliver's life.  He's trying to show Oliver he ruins people's lives by association. They are collateral damage. I think Pandora was provided to Felicity to help find more clues.  It led to his mother in Opal City.  This led to Pike getting a copy of the medical examiner's report.  I don't know if it was meant to get Green Arrow arrested and exposed.  He wasn't so now the cover-up has been leaked to the press.  (I don't think Susan did it. We keep being told she's good.)    Who was originally responsible for the cover-up?  Chase was.  Oliver just went along with it.  Next up, an impeachment hearing.  MG has referred to this as a game of chess.  Once Oliver/GA has been defeated my guess is that's when Prometheus plans to reveal himself.  The reveal is only a great twist if the person is someone we know and never would have expected.  

I am really expecting a gotcha moment.                

Edited by Sunshine
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