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If Carly Pope's reporter character ends up dating or sleeping with Oliver Queen, it would just be too cliché...

-- Leslie Bibb's news reporter had a one-night stand with Tony Stark.
-- News reporter Lois Lane was love interest for Clark Kent/Superman.
-- News reporter Vicki Vale was love interest for Bruce Wayne/Batman.
-- News reporter Iris West is love interest for Barry Allen/The Flash.

Also, new Gotham spoiler -


news reporter, Valerie Vale, will be 'dating' Jim Gordon on that show next season.

So it would be a nice, refreshing change if a female reporter didn't end up dating her news subject.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 8

I wonder if Chad Coleman's character is going to be more of the public/first priority big bad for 5a for them while Prometheus just kind of lurks in the background killing people until a reveal in 509. Like Church would be the one who's outwardly trying to kill GA and Oliver Queen (hence hiring Human Target for 505) while Prometheus just stays in the background to get more intel on GA/Oliver to get his revenge on him later in 5b. Then again, WM kind of talks about the big bad as if we and Oliver will find out who he is kind of early on for the "creating the villain" drama.

I'm just wondering how they will balance two main-ish villains when you've got Prometheus hypothetically being introduced in 501 (or at least I'm guessing that scene of him killing that guy will be the closer for 501) and then Church being introduced a bit later but in a more predominant way. They could be related in some way to each other but they would have to try and make it different from s2, if they intend it to be.  

  • Love 1

Yeah, I'm wondering how they're gonna connect the drug lord stuff with the Bratva stuff with the Prometheus stuff. This show tends to do relatively well in the first half of the season with set up, and then everything derails mid-season, I'm cautiously optimistic that the decision to go more procedural will help them with that. Hopefully, less serialization = less trying too hard to connect the favored plot driven crap of past seasons.

I'm also wondering -- and this is pure spec, btw -- whether any of the newbies will end up having connections to any of the bad guys. This is something that worked very well with Artemis on Young Justice. Her father was a big bad, her sister was a mid-level bad, but she wanted out of her life, so she went to Oliver and Bruce for help. And then the dumbasses, instead of telling it straight to the team, made up a cover story for her, so obviously when the YJ team learned of her family background, they felt betrayed. Which made up a *really good story arc* for Artemis, and Wally and Dick too.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, pivot said:

I can't believe they are going to drag out the reconciliation of Olicity until Feb sweeps or the end of the season. It's by far the most popular part of the show and it's going to turn off viewers to keep them apart. 

Not really. Yeah to online fans (shippers) it is but don't mistake shippers for the majority of Arrow viewers. There's about 2 million of them who don't care all that much, if at all, about Olicity.

  • Love 2

MG just tweeted the title page for 505: Human Target - directed by Laura Belsey and written by Oscar Balderrama & Sarah Tarkoff (posted on page 42 of Spoilers thread). Remember, Belsey previously directed 419-Canary Cry.

FYI - IMDB is listing the 506 director as John Behring (IMDB were correct in their director listings for 504 & 505)...

Behring previously directed 12 Arrow episodes: 
114-The Odyssey
122-Darkness on the Edge of Town
201-City of Heroes
209-Three Ghosts
217-Birds of Prey
304-The Magician
323-My Name Is Oliver Queen
402-The Candidate
409-Dark Waters

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Not really. Yeah to online fans (shippers) it is but don't mistake shippers for the majority of Arrow viewers. There's about 2 million of them who don't care all that much, if at all, about Olicity.

I am not sure about this. All the people that I know (in person) that watch the show, are not hardcore fans and do not comment online, like Felicity, OTA and Olicity very much, and think that these are the best parts of the show. But I know that this may not be representative sample (as most of them are women and TV viewers, but not comicbook fans).

Edited by emarasmoak
  • Love 8

There is historical evidence that a measurable chunk of the audience doesn't like discord between O&F, since there's a trend of ratings dropping in episodes following bad news for them. But I don't think it matters much throughout the course of the season if they're either on friendly terms and not antagonistic, or building back up to being a couple. 

  • Love 14

I think it matters in terms of whether the rest of the show is good or not.

If the newbies are good, Diggle's storyline interesting and Oliver's mayor/vigilante story compelling, it probably won't matter to most people if Oliver and Felicity are together or not.  But if the rest of the show is on s3 storytelling level, having O/F in a good storyline would sure help.

  • Love 9

So far, for S5 i am

  • Very excited for Chad Coleman as a Villian 
  • Excited for the end of "island" Flashbacks (yeah i still have to suffer for a year but there's a light!)
  • Excited for return to basics fighting/ stunts...don't let me down show!
  • Mildly excited for more Curtis/Felicity scenes.  I'm not a huge fan of Gary Stu but, i do enjoy his scenes with Felicity, they're fun together 
  • Interested in Felicity dealing with Havenrock guilt.
  • Interested in Diggle dealing with Andy guilt and possibly going darker
  • Very Curious as to how Flashpoint effects Diggle and Felicity (mostly Felicity since i think I've figured Diggle's change out)
  • Mildly curious about the Russia flashbacks, only because of Dolph Lundgren.  Crap actor but, it's Drago so I'm looking out for an "I Will Break You" line.

Things I'm not particularly interested in

  • DA/Chase guy, nothing of interest so far
  • Cop guy, again no info so not interested 
  • Party of noobs, I was OK until they seemed to be in every episode 502-504. I'm hoping their main arc is over and they disappear into the background except for specific episodes here and there.
  • Love 5

I remember the person who's directing 505 directed another episode... I don't remember which one, but did she do a good job in that episode? I'm very interested in 505 and it's only boosted by the fact that Beth isn't writing it, but Oscar Balderrama and Sarah Tarkhoff who wrote 416 (which was written well it's just that you can't do a lot with fake weddings)

  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Very Curious as to how Flashpoint effects Diggle and Felicity (mostly Felicity since i think I've figured Diggle's change out)

What's your theory?  I think Diggle will either not be married or there will be something with his kid.  With Felicity I wonder if they will make it so she was only the CEO rather than the owner.

10 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I remember the person who's directing 505 directed another episode... I don't remember which one, but did she do a good job in that episode? I'm very interested in 505 and it's only boosted by the fact that Beth isn't writing it, but Oscar Balderrama and Sarah Tarkhoff who wrote 416 (which was written well it's just that you can't do a lot with fake weddings)

She directed Canary Cry. 

I was getting Canary Cry mixed up with season 3's Canaries, lol.  (oh the meta!)

With Canary Cry, I thought they could have done a lot better with the writing (oh lord the flashbacks were terrible) and baby canary was pretty awful, but most of the conversations between everyone else I thought was good, subdued, but it worked for me.  I imagine it was a tough episode for the cast to film though.  Just from a mental place.  I'm willing to give the director another chance and didnt' MG say that he liked to do most of the editing?  Sigh, explains so much.  Put the guy that doesn't care about continuity in charge of it. 

10 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

And the POVs couldn't decide if they were being shot from Oliver's pov or dead Laurel's pov.

The flashbacks are frequently omnipotent.

43 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I remember the person who's directing 505 directed another episode... I don't remember which one, but did she do a good job in that episode? I'm very interested in 505 and it's only boosted by the fact that Beth isn't writing it, but Oscar Balderrama and Sarah Tarkhoff who wrote 416 (which was written well it's just that you can't do a lot with fake weddings)

Sarah didn't write 416. Both Oscar and Sarah wrote 410 though, which I also liked, even if many people didn't.

Edited by way2interested
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

What's your theory?  I think Diggle will either not be married or there will be something with his kid.  With Felicity I wonder if they will make it so she was only the CEO rather than the owner.

I think it's kid related.  Sarah has a twin brother or she's older or they change her name from Baby Sarah or (worse case) she is now a he.  I don't think it will impact Lyla because DR has mentioned Diggle dealing with Lyla repercussions after running away to the Army.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 2

The directing on that episode (Canary Cry) was weird.  I remember because even beyond the bizarre retcon and the storyline, there were just scenes that didn't feel like they worked and they should have.  Several of Quentin's scenes in particular I thought were directed very oddly.  The one with Nyssa, and there was a later one with Oliver.

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I think it's kid related.  Sarah has a twin brother or she's older or they change her name from Baby Sarah or (worse case) she is now a he.  I don't think it will impact Lyla because DR has mentioned Diggle dealing with Lyla repercussions after running away to the Army.

Aw, I hope they don't change baby Sara! I'm pleased Diggle will be dealing with Lyla repercussions though. I always felt like she was maybe too understanding at him running away to the Army and leaving her alone with a baby.

No, now that I think about it, not really? I think my brain just combined it with the scene where she's very understanding about Diggle killing his brother. I don't really remember it clearly because I've only watched it once. I still think Lyla wouldn't like him reenlisting though and I want to see the consequences of that.

And I agree, that whole scene where Diggle attacks Damien's wife made me seriously uncomfortable and was shot weirdly. Also the scene where Quentin breaks down with Oliver, like the camera didn't even follow him when he bent over. It was just awkward as hell.

Edited by Guest

No, I don't think she would like him re-enlisting, but we just saw the goodbye, which was very restrained.  We don't know how much discussion went on beforehand, but even if she was upset about his decision, she would probably not want to send him off like that.  I'll be interested to see what happens there.

There, one thing I'm interested in I guess. :)

Is it just me or is this forum/thread really quiet compared to this time last year? (Somewhere @MuuMuuChainsmoker is rejoicing that the maniacs have finally calmed down - lol)

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Is it just me or is this forum/thread really quiet compared to this time last year? 

Not just you. I think it's because we haven't gotten a ton of spoilers, and the ones we have gotten don't seem to be worth getting excited about (aka garbage). There seems to be a lot of apathy this off-season.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 16
19 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Yeah, a lot of it does feel like beating the dead horse - lol.  Do we really have less spoilers than last year though?  I'm trying to remember what we knew last year at this time. 

I was thinking about that too. I'm not sure that there were more spoilers as much as more opportunities for theories. I mean, all really that could be said going around this time (semi-counting the footage that they had in Sept for up to 403-404 I think, since they didn't have Comic Con footage) I think was new suit/lair, new characters, domestic Olicity plus that they would have a "fight" in 401, Sara and Constantine, Laurel would ride a motorbike in 401/team is functioning w/o Oliver, and that Diggle's and Felicity's families would probably be explored. Beyond that, most of what was talked about was more circumstantial stuff that just had a highly likely chance of happening, but not confirmed, and that had larger plot opportunities. Things like Diggle's brother being alive and working for HIVE, Lance working with Darhk, flashbacks going back to the island, Thea dealing with her bloodlust, the how of bringing Sara/Ray back to life, etc., were out there but not really confirmed until later.

However, I think there were more snippets of spoilers that led to bigger concepts last year than this year so far, like pics of PB with NM, titles like "The Candidate" and "Restoration" that kind of pushed smaller spoilers/theories into the light (Oliver running for mayor and Oliver and Diggle coming back together), etc. 

Then again, looking at this point last year, people were still wondering about Jeri Ryan's character, Anarky, and if Darhk was possibly Felicity's father, so *shrugs* who knows what really matters in what we know.   

I just think that this time around has the characters in a kind of rut where there isn't as clear/interesting place to go that leads to less imaginative theories for the season.

Edited by way2interested
  • Love 7

Flashpoint affects Arrow = No thanks.

Felicity has a boyfriend she takes a shine to = Be gone, Demon.

LL gets a gold statue because apparently she's a saint = WTF is wrong with you people?

LL or BS or whoever is possibly coming back = It's like they want me to cry.

No OTA = Nothing new but yawn.

Oliver is a crap mayor = I'm overwhelmed with excitement, somebody hold me down.

Is Thea a Merlyn or a Queen = Wow, groundbreaking.

A billion new characters in the lair = I don't care. NEXT?

Has there been anything else? I mean, what can we really discuss from that? It's not much at all tbh. Haha.

I think maybe we didn't need spoilers last season as badly as we do now.  Oliver and Felicity were off on the Summer of Love (with tons of fanfiction) and Diggle, Thea and Laurel were holding the fort in Star City. Things were basically in a good place.  You could fill in the blanks at your leisure.

The end of last season though has not only left almost everyone in a bad place but the threat of Flashpoint is driving me nuts.  How is it going to affect Arrow?  (Not to mention WHY is it going to affect Arrow?)  What can we still hang on to in terms of the characters we like (e.g. Baby Sara, Felicity owning PT) and what will be lost?

Or what Angel12d wrote.

6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

  With Felicity I wonder if they will make it so she was only the CEO rather than the owner.

I'd be disappointed if they did that.  It's not only taking away her power (she would have none now), it's taking away a lot of potential storyline. I'd rather watch Felicity plot a takeover (takeback?) of Palmer Tech than have her doing nothing but propping Oliver in the lair and as mayor, feeling guilty and talking to Curtis as he trains.

7 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

If the season is bad, O/F having a good storyline is only a saving grace for those who care about them - and we have no idea what percentage of the audience that is. 

I think even for those who don't particularly care about them or shipping, a good Olicity storyline would be a reason to watch.  Some pairings, such as Thea/Chase, Diggle/Carly and Oliver/Laurel were squicky even when they were working out (e.g. Diggle/Carly because of the brother swapping).

When Oliver and Felicity are working well (i.e. no Baby Mama drama), it isn't really offensive except to those who think that Felicity should go back to being comic relief and Green Arrow/Black Canary forevah.

  • Love 9

I was excited about the season after SDCC but now I'm just so-so.

Diggle is shrouded in Flashpoint. Everything on Felicity is either Olicity-centric, depressing or contradictory. Quentin is grumpy and in mourning. Thea is perhaps the more frustrating because it's literally the same thing they have been doing since S3. I know that we haven't gotten a whole lot more since SDCC but the cast seemed engaged so it got me excited. Now we just have MG and WM doing a rather poor job of selling this season (IMO).

It doesn't help that all the BTS seem to becoming from a different show. One staring Artemis, Wild Dog and Mr. Terrific. I know you can't judge based off of Twitter and IG (if that was the case KC would have had the most screentime), but it doesn't feel like Arrow.

I guess I'm just wondering what show I'm supposed to get excited for. The dark gritty Arrow with its separated Team and were-they-really-engaged-or-was-I-dreaming Olicity or SuperHero High.

Edited by Chaser
  • Love 11

It's weird for me to even admit it but the spoiler that interests me the most at this point is how flashpoint could affect Arrow. Maybe because it's something truly different, I don't know. For the rest there are Diggle and Felicity's storylines that could be exciting but I can't help but think that they won't do them justice so the difference for me is that last summer I still have (sort of) faith in the writers, despite the disappointing for me season 3, now not really.

  • Love 5

Huh.  That didn't get me hyped, but it was 20 seconds so there was only so much they could do. My recollection from last year is that they released a brief promo the third week of August--souffles!--followed by a bigger one right before the holiday weekend that included the ring as well as Thea/Laurel/Diggle action.  Those fight scenes don't make me confident that they are returning to badass earlier seasons, although Oliver getting beaten up while tied to a chair is a direct callback to the first episode.  There was a lot of newbies in the promo, and I'm wondering if they are going to save him. Chad Coleman sounded sufficiently threatening. 

Shallow points: 1. Thea, where are you pants? My sister is senior staff in a mayor's office and she wears pants regularly. 2. Diggle looks GOOD.

The news stories in the sidebar of that video include one about a woman stealing rosary beads from a nun and the police issuing a warning because a large snakeskin was found along the river.  Geez, Boston.

  • Love 2

Thea must be so busy working at the mayor's office that she forgot to put on pants. Poor thing.

I knew there'd be a scene of Oliver looking up at that statue. So predictable. Haha. He really is a shit mayor if he's wasting tax payer money on that. Yikes. Why are her boobs all I can focus on?! Why is it by the water? WHY?

Apart from Diggle's scruff looking good and the brief glimpse of Chad Coleman, I felt nothing watching that teaser. Zilch.

Edited by Guest
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