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Oh thank goodness.  I had it in my head that the quote was from 3.22 which would mean Felicity was still dating Ray.  



If it is Donna, then Felicity will just launch into the "Oliver doesn't believe he can have a relationship" for the eleventy billionth time.  I really don't need to hear that again.


Well, I was already predicting that in each episode they needed to work in why Felicity and Oliver weren't together.  Maybe it's Mama Smoak's turn to bring it up?  I worry that Laurel will be next, lol.  :(


I would love if it's Ray letting Felicity off the hook but it seems too good to be true. 

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Title of 322 is "This is Your Sword", continuing the tradition of having the title of the second-to-last episode of each season come from a Springsteen song.

Here are the lyrics. I'm not sure if they're relevant?

Now brothers and sisters listen to me

These are the few things that I leave to thee

The sword of our fathers with lessons hard taught

The shield strong and sturdy from battles well fought

Well this is your sword, this is your shield

This is the power of love revealed

Carry them with you wherever you go

And give all the love that you have in your soul

The times they are dark, darkness covers the earth

This world's filled with the beauty of God's work

Hold tight to your promise, stay righteous, stay strong

For the days of miracles will come along

Now this is your sword, this is your shield

This is the power of love revealed

Carry it with you wherever you go

And give all the love that you have in your soul

In the days of despair you can grow hard

Till you close your mind and empty your heart

If you find yourself staring in the abyss

Hold tight to your loved ones and remember this

This shield will protect your sacred heart

The sword will defend from what comes in the dark

Should you grow weary on the battle field

Well do not despair, our love is real

This is your sword, this is your shield

This is the power of love revealed

Carry it with you wherever you go

And give all the love that you have in your soul

And give all the love that you have in your soul

Hey! Hey!

Edited by Starfish35
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Fully aware it's a crack theory BUT If they're really going to semi-Alias it I'm going to laugh and cry a lot. Probably both at the same time.



"Ask me on the beach."


I would not be able to handle it.

Oh the Alias feels are too much right now... I can't tell you how many times I've seen that scene I still jump in shock at that car crash scene. Sydney & Vaughn were just so good together, always wonder what might have happened if real life hadnt impacted storylines.


Anway, as much as that scene is perfect for Alias, I hope they do not replicate something like that in Arrow. Not after 317, Oliver & Felicity are just not there to even consider an engagement/marriage. Unless something dramatically changes in the next episode, I think their relationship is on hold until further notice. I think if they are gonna replicate an Alias scene its gonna be more like the Asian prision scene when they kiss before possible execution or it could be like their mission in Liberty Village when Vaughn finally opens up about what it was like to live through losing her (I believe it was in the shower, altho I doubt Arrow could pull off a shower scene just yet). If its the kiss scene that helped

end Lauren & Vaughn

so fingers crossed. :)

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From MG's tumblr:

But I can confirm that there will be another wedding before the season is finished.

I guess maybe I'm going to have to take back my conviction that MG was trolling and/or that it wasn't going to be something that happens in present day. I can't wrap my brain around the idea though.

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MG doesn't do subtle at all and apparently the audience can't connect the dots. I have not clue what he is trying to accomplish. He kept talking about the flowers and then he dropped the wedding tease and then the episode aired (Felicity! Flowers! Felicity! Flowers). Now he is talking up the wedding tease again. 


I can't figure out if this is one big misdirect, if he is trolling or if Felicity is really going to get married. I'm confused by this. I don't want Oliver and Felicity to get married (now) but I would take that over anyone else. Except Roy and Thea. I would expect that, but really what is going on??

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Title of 322 is "This is Your Sword", continuing the tradition of having the title of the second-to-last episode of each season come from a Springsteen song.

Here are the lyrics. I'm not sure if they're relevant?


Theycertainly gives the impression that the love of people close to Oliver is what helps him defeat the evil of the season.


But I don't dare to hope any more.

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I just read MG's response about people disliking Ray because he's with Felicity and not Oliver. I just...they don't get it. They do not get that Felicity is the reason we do not like Ray. How he affects her and her reactions to things is alarming. The problem starts with the fact that they do not think Ray has done anything remotely difficult to digest. I had to send MG a message about this clear misconception about why Ray is disliked. It wasn't even a question just a (hopefully) necessary correction. Most people on tumblr hated on Ray because of his douchiness to Felicity and arrogance in vigilante-hood. Nothing to do with Oliver, even though he nearly killed Roy. MG has actually admitted to messing up with Roy. Oversight.

I can't possibly understand who would be getting married. I got nothing.

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I'm in complete agreement with the Superman bit, but otherwise, no: the past two episodes went out of their way to emphasize that Felicity does have romantic feelings for Oliver - one of the reasons her final scene with Ray didn't quite work for me. 



This observation surprises me, given how much of the episode either focused on Oliver and Felicity or indirectly commented on Oliver/Felicity (the Deadshot stuff).  Oliver's only real interaction with Laurel was the "nice dress" and the comment about her wrist brace, but otherwise his focus was on Felicity, and Laurel was very much back to a minor supporting role here.


Sure, the show could go back to Oliver/Laurel: I just see no signs of this. 

The only thing that felt like a little and I mean microscopic point in that direction was the shoulder touch. But that was it for evidence other than the writers implicit love of messing with organic relationships and logical storytelling, plus their reidiculous desire to jump the shark. Its always a possibility like MG said no relationship is off the table, but I think that might be a very large table.

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I just read MG's response about people disliking Ray because he's with Felicity and not Oliver. I just...they don't get it. They do not get that Felicity is the reason we do not like Ray. How he affects her and her reactions to things is alarming. The problem starts with the fact that they do not think Ray has done anything remotely difficult to digest. I had to send MG a message about this clear misconception about why Ray is disliked. It wasn't even a question just a (hopefully) necessary correction. Most people on tumblr hated on Ray because of his douchiness to Felicity and arrogance in vigilante-hood. Nothing to do with Oliver, even though he nearly killed Roy. MG has actually admitted to messing up with Roy. Oversight.

I can't possibly understand who would be getting married. I got nothing.

And when confronted with the negative response to Felicity this season because of the love triangle, he gave the same response. Ugh. 



The only thing that felt like a little and I mean microscopic point in that direction was the shoulder touch. But that was it for evidence other than the writers implicit love of messing with organic relationships and logical storytelling, plus their reidiculous desire to jump the shark. Its always a possibility like MG said no relationship is off the table, but I think that might be a very large table.

I thought that touch was random. Honestly, that whole interaction felt weird to me especially since last episode they still didn't seem to be getting along at all. I have chalked it up to the writers wanting to show them as friends again. 

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I liked the moment between Oliver and Laurel. They've been at loggerheads for episodes on end so to see them call a truce for the wedding was nice. Anyway Laurel escaped before it could escalate if she told him about Nyssa and escalate it would.

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Literally, what would be the point of this season if they go back to the start? Sure, Oliver would have some semblance of growth because he would remember and it would wipe out the plot lines I hated. Sara is saved so Laurel never took up the mask. Oliver can be with Felicity and keep his company so Ray is never an issue. But they can't WIPE MY MEMORY TOO!

That was exactly my first thought too.... Oliver will remember and be wiser for it.... But I will not be able to forget what they did to the characters for plot reasons. I mean I am forgiving, so I could get behind it to an extent. But I just don't honestly know if I want time travel on Arrow. I mean going back in the past doesn't change a lot of things, things still play out the way they will. Every decision you make have consequences and just because you make different choices does not mean the future will be the same as when you left it in the present. Plus there are a lot of shows already doing the time travel thing (Outlander, Hindsight, amongst others), I just don't know if it will make Arrow better or worse. Removing an entire season just seems lazy. If they did that I would prefer dream/coma/drugs.

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Maybe it is Roy and Thea and thats why the interaction between Thea and Felicity is kept under warps. They don't talk until the wedding.


Oh let me add Oliver/Nyssa to the list of who could get married lmao IDK It goes against what I said in my first post, but it's likely. 

I actually think this is a strong possibility. Its so Batman. Plus, it could happen in 3x21. I'm sure Olicity shippers would 'probably not' be happy with that.

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I actually think this is a strong possibility. Its so Batman. Plus, it could happen in 3x21. I'm sure Olicity shippers would 'probably not' be happy with that.


I don't think they'd mind it because they know Nyssa loves Sara and pretty much can't stand Oliver. And Oliver loves Felicity and tolerates Nyssa :p It's not like it would be a real marriage anyways 

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Olicity shipper here, and I'd be OK with a marriage between Oliver and Nyssa — depending, of course, on what they do with and how they handle the story. Just don't make it so obvious that it's a ship stall. Tell a solid, intriguing story and let Oliver and Felicity be Oliver and Felicity in their interactions and I'm good. Because first and foremost, I want to be entertained.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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I don't think they'd mind it because they know Nyssa loves Sara and pretty much can't stand Oliver. And Oliver loves Felicity and tolerates Nyssa :p It's not like it would be a real marriage anyways 


But these writers love their tropes and who can resist the ole fake marriage turning to true love? I kid. Sorta.


I don't know that there's anyone ready for marriage on this show right now. Thea and Roy are the only ones even remotely possible and even that would be a stretch. Can it be Lance and Mama Smoak?

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Bet that marriage is Mama Smoak to Papa Smoak in a flashback. Then, we get our S4 baddie hint/reveal, too!


I have no hope for MG. He seems very tone-deaf about a lot of the things people are responding or NOT responding to this season. They desperately need Palmer to come off smelling like a rose and lead that spinoff they've been craving to help build their tv empire with. So any criticisms about him will be rationalized away and brushed aside as whining by the fans due to shipper stuff or whatever. Incidentally, I visited the (unofficial?) CW twitter account of the ATOM, which producers and other behind-the-scenes people have retweeted before, and I don't think the number of followers has budged much since it was created. It's still in the low 400s.


I have no reason whatsoever to be optimistic about this, actually, but I really think that Palmer and Felicity are going to break up in "Public Enemy." The picture of Felicity holding Palmer's hand in the hospital looks so much like a break-up scene to me. Plus, the tweet by Suzanne Gomez about the Olicity scene, which seems to occur near the end of the episode (the break-up with Palmer, I'm guessing), and how she couldn't talk about it, plus the way the 3x19 and The Flash 1x18 episode description, as interpreted by wonderwall (which I agree with), reads. Also, it's the presence of Mama Smoak that's really making my gut feel that she's the catalyst that really gets Felicity to think about her two love interests. The spoiled line sounds very much like it's Mama Smoak about to impart some wisdom on her daughter. Perhaps, about settling for someone who she thinks can give her what she wants and being blind to that person's faults because she desperately wants it to be true (@Palmer:bye Felicia!)? I mean, don't we learn something about Felicity's dad in this episode, too? Perhaps, Felicity's dad was the Palmer to Mama Smoak's Felicity and she let go of her own Oliver, once upon a time. I just really think Mama Smoak will urge Felicity to go for what she really wants/needs, her heart over her mind, and not just settle for having what she might think she wants.


Also, while I'm on a happy, optimistic kick (because I'm visiting my nephew in MD and he's been keeping my endorphins high), I hope that the "love is in the air" hints will be all about Thea and Felicity's first real interaction in 3x21, if they still don't even talk while on their way to Nanda Parbat in 3x20. I also hope it's that love fest between the two smart, strong women Oliver loves the most that leads to some way for him to get out of his deal with the league in 3x22 (as the above-posted lyrics go "the power of love revealed"). Heh.

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Injured in a fight with the Arrow, Captain Lance meets Donna Smoak in the hospital hallways. Charmed by the fun loving heart of gold blonde stunner and tired of dealing the betrayal of his daughter and pressures of his job, Lance makes the impulsive decision to follow Donna to Vegas for a weekend of debauchery. Three days, two gold bands and one marriage certificate later the newly weds return to Starling City to begin their new lives….as SmoakinLance



Edited by 10Eleven12
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Travelling to the future to witness the glorious double wedding of Ray Palmer to Felicity Smoak, and Oliver Queen to Laurel Lance.


Then the rest of the show's run is Roy and Thea desperately trying to stop that hideous future unfolding, with the help of a frazzled, crazy scientist and his time-travelling car. I won't lie, I might watch.

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Hate to throw this out there but even if Ray and Felicity break up we still might get a proposal out him toward the end of the season.

What I would rather have is some weird LoA rule that would only allow Felicity to visit if she's married to the most handsome demons head. If Oliver had any assets I could imagine a wedding so she could be in control of his stuff but the dude doesn't have anything worth marrying for, lol.

Edited by BkWurm1
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Maybe the utter randomness of establishing Ray "I'm a minister" Palmer was "organically" inserted into the last episode to set-up his officiating an impromptu wedding later on.  I like this idea because even Ray can't marry himself.  I think Tatsu and Maseo are the likeliest choices.  It could even parallel their separation in the flashbacks and add pathos should one of them die.

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I don't even want to think this but didn't Ray say something about making an offer to Felicity in 3x17 and I think someone on here speculated about Ray possibly proposing...

the offer was for felicity to be his partner. Felicity reaffirms it at the end of the episode asking if the offer still stands.

I don't think they'd mind it because they know Nyssa loves Sara and pretty much can't stand Oliver. And Oliver loves Felicity and tolerates Nyssa :p It's not like it would be a real marriage anyways

I'd mind it. I sure a shit hope the GBLT community would mind it to. the misogyny certainly runs strong with these idiots. And hell MG didn't do himself any favor when he implied that Ra's issue with Nyssa as heir might have been because of her relationship with Sara. However, to out right force a gay woman to marry a straight man because it's better? Correct? More acceptable? Appropriate? That's just all kinds of fucked up. I don't give a shit if it is another Batman ripoff the implications go far beyond a stupid comic book.

The Flash goes out of its way to promote gay marriage/equality and Arrow implies it's wrong.

There's no hope for this show if they go there.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I have no reason whatsoever to be optimistic about this, actually, but I really think that Palmer and Felicity are going to break up in "Public Enemy." The picture of Felicity holding Palmer's hand in the hospital looks so much like a break-up scene to me. Plus, the tweet by Suzanne Gomez about the Olicity scene, which seems to occur near the end of the episode (the break-up with Palmer, I'm guessing), and how she couldn't talk about it, plus the way the 3x19 and The Flash 1x18 episode description, as interpreted by wonderwall (which I agree with), reads. 


Unless this is part of the timeline that's going to be wonky because of the air date change, I don't think so. The Flash episode description specifically refers to Ray as Felicity's boyfriend:



Barry (Grant Gustin) is surprised when Felicity Smoak (guest star Emily Bett Rickards) arrives from Starling City along with her boyfriend, Ray Palmer (guest star Brandon Routh), who flies in as the Atom.


Maybe the producers decided to leave the relationship intact in The Flash episode for reasons, even though they break up in Arrow 3x18 because they wanted a hospital breakup and all those scenes were too much to rewrite due to a network scheduling issue, I don't know. 

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The Flash goes out of its way to promote gay marriage/equality and Arrow implies it's wrong.


I don't think Arrow as a show implies gay marriage is wrong.


I think Ra's thinks that and I think it's not portrayed as a right state of mind.


Therefore if Nyssa and Oliver are forced to marry it's not to show that heterosexual marriage will right the "unnatural tendencies" in Nyssa. Although Ra's may think so and the series can show him think that. If such a storyline occurs, it's there to show:

- that the producers and writers love their Batman fanfiction entitled "Arrow",

- both Nyssa and Oliver are indeed forced into the deal and are not happy about it (and will fight to get out of that deal),

- it is wrong to force such a marriage upon these people,

- more Drama. Epic drama. Gamechanging drama.


I'd be more worried if a positive character (like Quentin) opposed Sara's sexuality. But he didn't, he was happy for his daughter. The text does not criticise gay marriage, the villains do.

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I disagree but i'm not going to continue to argue it any further here, this is for Speculation not bitterness.


IF they go there, I'm done with this show completely.  So maybe they should and I'll finally be  totally free.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I like the idea of this wedding being a flashback to MS and Felicity's father's wedding day. 


I also like the idea of it being Maseo and Tatsu - but wouldn't that mean he got free from the League? I suppose they could always get remarried just to be remarried even if he stayed with the League, but given the way Tatsu talked about him in the shack I'm not sure that would happen while he was still a member. So if he's not a member, what would've changed? 


Can't imagine it being Felicity and Ray, not with him going to his own show. 


My crack theory is it being Oliver and Felicity on that airplane, haha. Only because of Diggle's mention of him and Lyla getting married in an ATV, and because Felicity caught that bouquet and put it in the foundry. There was one other reason, but I can't remember what it was. And if they did that I'd be more convinced than ever that we were in for some kind of reboot due to time travel, so it wouldn't matter anyway. 


Could always be a random wedding that they bust up in pursuit of someone. 


Could be Oliver marrying himself to the League. 


I hope it's not Oliver and Nyssa. Not for shipping reasons, but for myriad other reasons that would anger and disappoint me. 

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If the second wedding is between Mama Smoak and Papa Smoak, then that means they've already cast Papa Smoak.  (I doubt they'd use one actor this season and another actor next season.)  Then that would mean that Felicity's dad storyline next season might not be a major story arc because they would've announced the casting of a major recurring guest character, wouldn't they?  For that reason, I don't want the wedding to be a Smoak wedding.


I think the wedding could be between Oliver and Nyssa (reminds me of Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series when the hero Richard has to marry someone other than his true love Kahlan in order to fulfill a prophecy).  Also, MG said on tumblr that Ra's is a position that you have until you die.  This means that Oliver may not become Ra's right away, unless the current Ra's plans to commit suicide.  Oliver would have to live on Nanda Parbat as the Heir until Ra's dies before he can take over the LOA.  Most likely, Ra's will dictate (or another convenient prophecy will pop up) that Oliver has to marry Nyssa and have a child to continue his bloodline.  Oliver not becoming Ra's right away would also explain why he's wearing a LOA outfit and not the Ra's outfit in that spoiled pic with the Flash and Firestorm.

Edited by tv echo
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If the second wedding is between Mama Smoak and Papa Smoak, then that means they've already cast Papa Smoak.  (I doubt they'd use one actor this season and another actor next season.)  Then that would mean that Felicity's dad storyline next season might not be a major story arc because they would've announced the casting of a major recurring guest character, wouldn't they?  For that reason, I don't want the wedding to be a Smoak wedding.


They haven't announced the casting for "Damian Darhk" yet and he's showing up in the finale.  

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How about this for speculation about the second wedding?  It turns out that Ray lied about being an officiant and the first Diggle/Lyla wedding isn't valid.  So they have to get married again!

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I think the wedding could be between Oliver and Nyssa (reminds me of Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series when the hero Richard has to marry someone other than his true love Kahlan in order to fulfill a prophecy).  Also, MG said on tumblr that Ra's is a position that you have until you die.  This means that Oliver may not become Ra's right away, unless the current Ra's plans to commit suicide.  Oliver would have to live on Nanda Parbat as the Heir until Ra's dies before he can take over the LOA.  Most likely, Ra's will dictate (or another convenient prophecy will pop up) that Oliver has to marry Nyssa and have a child to continue his bloodline.  Oliver not becoming Ra's right away would also explain why he's wearing a LOA outfit and not the Ra's outfit in that spoiled pic with the Flash and Firestorm.


This would be so incredibly stupid, because they've already established that Ra's heir doesn't have to be blood-related. And it seems as if Nyssa was going to be the heir until Ra's objected to her emotional attachment to Sara and her drive for vengeance for her death. So, if that's the case, then why wasn't the issue of an heir brought up before? Wouldn't she have known it would be an issue? Ra's was aware of her sexuality previously, so it seems like she'd be aware that she'd have to have a child to carry on a line if that was necessary. 


I know, I know. I probably shouldn't try to make sense of any of this since logic doesn't seem to factor in, but...ugh. 

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All this speculation about Ra's forcing Nyssa/Oliver to get married and produce an heir (seriously sets off so many issues IMO) seems to overlook one very important fact, Nyssa quit the League and Ra's didn't give a fuck about it.  in 316 Nyssa said she wasn't going to stay there while Ra's gave away her birthright and Ra's told her to GTFO!  


Seems like Ra's doesn't Give a Fuck about Nyssa or anyone but himself really.  Nyssa even confirmed this when she stated her father wouldn't released Oliver or Malcolm in a hostage exchange for her.  More than likely he'd just kill everyone in his way but it's also possible that she thinks/knows Ra's attitude is if she got caught and couldn't escape on her own she's not worthy.


I know these writers will sacrifice character for plot that this seems a stretch since Nyssa is hanging out in SC bonding with Laurel and doesn't seem the type to give in and do what her father tells her, when she'd rather fight for it.

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Since these EPs love their parallels, it could be that Ra's is like who Oliver could potentially become in the future - a manipulative, super-controlling bastard.  Ra's could be testing Nyssa.  His apparent lack of concern and dismissal of her is his manipulating her to force her out and see what she does.  Maybe Maseo is keeping an eye on Nyssa in Starling City on Ra's behalf - oh wait, Ra's himself is in Starling City.  That would explain why Ra's himself impersonated Oliver - he's there anyway to monitor Nyssa and oversee the framing of Oliver.  Maybe Ra's anticipated that Nyssa would seek Laurel out.  Maybe Ra's will kill Laurel, knowing that Oliver and Nyssa would both seek to save her with the LP.  If Ra's is really hundreds of years old and has tons of experience and accumulated 'wisdom', he should have good insights into human nature.  So maybe he manipulated the prophecy by deliberately not stabbing Oliver through the heart and giving him a chance to survive because he saw Oliver as his younger self.  And maybe he's manipulating Nyssa and Oliver like chess pieces to drive them both back to Nanda Parbat.

Edited by tv echo
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I think the Smoaks maybe a potential even if they haven't officially cast the father yet. All you would have to shoot is somewhere behind them and only show the back of their head. It would likely be a Jewish ceremony, so that would cover most of his head, so it would be possible. Why Im sorta leaning against it after reconsideration is that he just revealed that he can guarantee a wedding will be seen this season, which means it is likely in the end of the season since those are the scripts he's working on presently. 318 has already been filmed & likely air worthy. So unless they are casting 2 completely new random actors just for the flashback wedding, it is unlikely that they would bring back CR for another filming sequence since 318 is the only one I think she is scheduled to do. It is a nice idea if they can do it though.


A redo of Dyla wedding, I only see happening if Ray turned out not be a officiant and then lets be honest they'll probably just go to the courthouse to fix that - not much to film or air there. If there is time travel I can't imagine they would reshow the wedding considering how little time they spent on it the first time.


In my estimation the wedding will be not from the core SC cast (so no OQ, FS, RP, RH, LL, QL, TQ or MM), I just can't see anyone in that group actually getting married in the next few episodes. Maseo & Tatsu either in fb or present would be nice, but have they confirmed Tatsu's actress is available to come back? "Shado" or whoever might be free to be involved in wedding plot. I hope they avoid Nyssa and either LL/OQ because they can't give it justice and for reasons mentioned or hinted above. 


Here's a new one (i think), maybe we see Ra's marriage and his life before becoming the demon. Maybe his dying images will be of the life he either brutally lost or chose to walk away from. It might be a nice parallel, although OQ probably can't see it, it might be a stark reminder of the impending changes in OQ if/when he takes over the LoA.

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I think it is very possible that Oliver and Nyssa are the second marriage.  I don't know if Ra's would demand it or if Oliver and Nyssa would come up with that plan so Nyssa could run the LoA in Oliver's place, but I think something in this vein seems likely.


Of course, they are hitting the anvils pretty hard with Felicity catching the bouquet and Palmer talking about wanting a partner in business, life, and his mission, but I can't imagine those two getting married at this point.  Of course, in the comics Felicity is the head of a technology business, correct?  Perhaps if they married, Palmer would ask her to run his company/companies while he runs the new team up show?  Unfortunately, we don't know what city they intend to set that show in - if we did, it would help with the speculation.


I have to raise my hand as someone who likes Ray (please don't hate me!).  I get the "stalkery" stuff early on, but since Felicity would and has done similar things - I don't think she minds. I don't even think he was being that much of a douche to her in the last episode - I understood a lot of his hurt and motivations.  I even understand his cockiness with Oliver - he puts a lot of stock in his technology and he has the arrogance of someone with three PhDs who doesn't know what it is like to fail. He was pretty humble at the end and I think he will be very supportive of Felicity (and Arrow by extension) going forward. 


I also have to raise my hand as someone who doesn't have a problem with Felicity this season (for the most part).  There have been moments when she annoyed me - like when she yelled at Oliver right after he came back from the dead.  But since Oliver has proven to be such a dumbass this season and Felicity has been proven mostly right - I won't hold that against her.  So I don't have the burning hatred of Raylicity that seems to be popular here, and I can almost see why the EPs don't think the general audience has an issue with it.


However, as someone who likes them as a couple and thinks they actually work better than olicity (please don't hate me!) - I still think a marriage between them would be over-the-top and premature. So hopefully that means Felicity catching the bouquet means nothing - at least not for this season.



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Can't imagine it being Felicity and Ray, not with him going to his own show. 



I really think this wedding could be them. I definitely think MG would go there. I've always believed that Ray could propose, so why not marry them off as well? I know he has said Felicity is not leaving the show (not sure if I fully believe him), but then he's also spoken about long distance relationships.


I'm sure MG thinks it'll be great tv watching Felicity Skype Ray, it's just the shippers who'll have a problem with it.

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I can see Ray proposing. Absolutely. 


But if Ray and Felicity are the people who get married? Well, I actually hope that happens because I would rage quit this show, and I have never done that. We started out the season with Felicity wanting to be with Oliver. Hell, even though she tried to move on she was still hoping the two of them could be together in 3x12. She started dating Ray one episode ago, and in that episode she referred to her and Ray as a "something" and pretty much told Oliver that if he would just decide to have a life that she'd be with him. This past episode she admitted—TO RAY—that she had feelings for Oliver. Ray admitted—TO HER—that he didn't trust her. Yeah, they ended on a high note, but...good lord. An engagement, I could see. A wedding? In the next six-ish weeks with the storyline running in real time? Hell no. 


I admit that Oliver and Felicity would also be ridiculous, and that's why I listed it as cracky, but at least there's an established relationship there - one that's spanned longer than two episodes.


I could see it happening though. I mean, the EPs would certainly get a laugh out of riling up the shipper base with an ending like that, especially after the not so fake fake "I love you," in 2x23. I don't expect that the season 3x5 comics would be such a big seller though, so...whoops.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I would not be surprised if this season ends with the original Team Arrow completely split up, as others have speculated.  Oliver would be with the LOA, along with Thea, Laurel and Nyssa.  (Yes, I know Laurel was not in that plane pic, but I think it's still a possibility that she's the one who dies and gets resurrected - perhaps in exchange for Oliver and Nyssa's cooperation.)  Diggle would be with ARGUS.  Felicity could very well end up getting married to Ray because Oliver is gone and she wants a normal life.  (The spin-off doesn't debut until mid-season next year, I believe.)


I would hate this scenario with the heat of a thousand suns, but I would not be surprised.  I agree that MG would take a gleeful delight in upsetting a lot of fans that way.

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Why would the writers hamper their storytelling by having Ray/Felicity marry when they're not even on the same show?  Remove the whole oh they're going to marry Raylicity off to kill Olicity and make way for Lauriver fear fear/hope from the equation and tell me how it benefits Arrow and Spin-Off to have characters in a relationship with characters they only get to see in 1-3 episodes per season?


Can anyone even think of a situation where two main characters were married but on separate shows and only ever interacted in crossover episodes?

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It would be a short marriage - they would divorce either by the time the spin-off debuts or shortly thereafter.  As to why the EPs would do it in the first place, just because they can... like a lot of this season's plot lines haven't made much sense (why keep Sara's death/burial a secret, why Malcolm picks Oliver to fight Ra's, why Thea was Sara's killer, why Laurel SWFed her sister, why Ra's picks Oliver for his heir, etc.).

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I could see it happening though. I mean, the EPs would certainly get a laugh out of riling up the shipper base with an ending like that, especially after the not so fake fake "I love you," in 2x23. 


For that reason alone I believe they would do it, who cares if it's rushed and makes no sense?

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