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Hey there, site admin here. Just wanted to ask if we can keep things moving generally in a forward direction and not simply repeat things over and over. All opinions are valid and you are welcome to love or hate X as much as I love roasted brussel sprouts and hate boiled brussel sprouts but there's also times when the drum beat drowns out the rest of the conversation. Something to keep in mind, anyways. Thanks and back to the spoiler discussion!

Also you are all wrong about that photo.


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Not to be controversial, but I'm going to go ahead and hazard that maybe Ray isn't officiating, and the shot is actually from the reception, where he just presented Dyla with some meaningful gift that inspired heart eyes. I'm not sure that's better, necessarily, but until I hear otherwise that's what I'm going with. Or maybe Ray crashed, later, because Suicide Squad Issue, and that's why he's not sitting by Felicity and isn't in the bouquet pic.

The pic that started it all cracks me up because I didn't even notice him. People started commenting and my first thought was, "wait, there was a third person in that shot?" The Dyla love is pretty overwhelming. :-)

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Or maybe Ray crashed, later, because Suicide Squad Issue, and that's why he's not sitting by Felicity and isn't in the bouquet pic.


At this point if he doesn't officiate, I have to admit I'll be disappointed. I'm looking forward to Reverend Ray. Rayverened, if you will.

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Honestly I'm to the point that I don't even care about the Ray thing because if true, it's exactly the kind of ridiculousness I would expect out of this show.  Whatever.  Like others have mentioned, the whole point of me even bothering to tune into this episode was for some major Suicide Squad action.  I couldn't possibly care less to see who catches the bouquet when there are Diggle/Deadshot scenes to be had.  Give me those photos.

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Honestly, in that photo with Oliver, Laurel and Felicity that doesn't even look like Oliver's arm. I don't know if it's the light, but for a moment I thought there was someone behind SA, and the arm belongs to that someone. It looks really weird (or I am not completely awake yet). 

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Not to be controversial, but I'm going to go ahead and hazard that maybe Ray isn't officiating, and the shot is actually from the reception, where he just presented Dyla with some meaningful gift that inspired heart eyes. I'm not sure that's better, necessarily, but until I hear otherwise that's what I'm going with. Or maybe Ray crashed, later, because Suicide Squad Issue, and that's why he's not sitting by Felicity and isn't in the bouquet pic.

The pic that started it all cracks me up because I didn't even notice him. People started commenting and my first thought was, "wait, there was a third person in that shot?" The Dyla love is pretty overwhelming. :-)

Me too. I had to go back and see what people were talking about.  I would have sworn there was only Diggle and Lyla. 

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I thought Oliver was touching Laurel's elbow myself.  But I'm trying to block that out.

Yeah, me too. But at this point I'm rejecting reality and substituting with my own LOL. Anyway it doesn't look like it's on the table to me. IDK

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Re-reading the description for 317, I had completely missed the fact that the Squad crashes Dig and Lyla's honeymoon, not the wedding. So, I'm guessing the episode opens with the wedding, and that goes okay, since Felicity catches the bouquet and all.

Also, this is gonna be Amanda Waller's first appearance in present time this season, right? This makes even less sense to me than Palmer being ordained. WHERE HAS SHE BEEN ALL THIS TIME? What about the guy from Corto Maltese warning Diggle about her? Did they forget they wrote that storyline? Are they picking it up in this episode? Why do I keep wishing The Wall was actually awesome in this show? So many questions.

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That pic of Oliver and Laurel and Felicity is so hilarious to me. Oliver looks like he's feeling Laurel up and Laurel looks like she's about to snatch that bouquet. Felicity's like, "oooh, flowers!"

And if Ray is there as Felcity's date (not sure why else he'd be there since he doesn't know Diggle,) why isn't he sitting next to her? ETA: Never mind. Seems he's...officiating? LOL

Also, my God that pic of Digg, Lyla and baby Sara is precious.

Bolded - Absolutely agree! Just adorable & beautiful at same time


Italic - Seriously, the budget is that tight they couldn't get another extra to play the Justice of Peace/Officiant? Nevermind Ray makes no sense as the JP. At least LL is a officer of the court. RH & FS have known him longer. Even QL & Thea would make more sense. It just seems like the writers trying too hard to make him part of the main plot line now. Hopefully, it just one of those released pics that seem like one thing but are completely not that when it airs.

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I thought Oliver was touching Laurel's elbow myself. But I'm trying to block that out.

I really do think his hand is on the table. Seems the forearm area near his wrist definitely is.

Poor guy. It's rough being all noble and love stupid and watching your girl catch the bouquet and then run off with her internet ordained minister billionaire boyfrand. :( :( :(

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During the reception, is he going to save Diggle's boisterous Uncle from choking on an olive, play jazz piano during the dinner when the original musician gets a hang-nail and quickly whip up a cake when a dog gets into the venue and knocks the frazzled father of the bride into the original cake?

...Given the way this show is going, that probably happens because Ray saves Baby Sara by performing emergency heart surgery on her and Diggle insists he come. Ray teaches all the guests how to make origami cranes to pass the time while they wait for the original officiant to show up, happily steps in when the original officiant is declared a now show, and then gives a heart-warming speech at the reception teaching everybody a very special lesson. He is the hit of the party and all the guests vow to invite him to their weddings too.

I need. For this. To happen.

with her internet ordained minister billionaire BOYFRAND

This killed me. Boyfraaaaaand.

Edited by Limbo
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MG has more or less confirmed that Ray is Felicity's 'plus one' - but that doesn't mean Ray doesn't also end up officiating for some contrived plot reason.


I think the table is further in the background - you can see the somewhat blurred light and objects on the table and blurred figures of other people on the other side of that table.  And I think Oliver is touching Laurel's arm.  That also seems like an Oliver-like gesture.

Edited by tv echo
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I think the table is further in the background - you can see the somewhat blurred light and objects on the table and blurred figures of other people on the other side of that table.  And I think Oliver is touching Laurel's arm.  That also seems like an Oliver-like gesture.



Oliver's wrist is resting on the table, you can see it quite clearly in the picture right at the top of the page.

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Will Oliver get to have a plus one to the wedding? I presume not, because it seems he's not allowed to be happy or look at all competent and successful, when compared to Ray. But this is the guy who was supposed to be so desirable that he's on the "freebie fives" of beautiful women, who was able to sleep with pretty much any woman he met (except Felicity, of course). Now he can't even find a date to save face at his best friend's wedding while the woman he loves is bringing the guy who appears to be intent on taking everything from Oliver?


Sounds like Castle-level humiliation.

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Oliver losing his company and Felicity are his own damn fault, I can't sympathize with him with that. Felicity shouldn't live her life for how Oliver feels, when he didn't care how she feels since he was making all the decisions regarding them on his own. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I am curios as to whether the spinoff or the season and it's up and downs will be discussed at the panel tomorrow. I am not expecting much but maybe they'll say something that will make me reconsider my stance towards the show.

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Oliver losing his company and Felicity are his own damn fault, I can't sympathize him with that. Felicity shouldn't live her life for how Oliver feels, when he didn't care how she feels since he was making all the decisions regarding them on his own. 


I'm not saying Felicity should care (and it seems clear she doesn't), but I'm saying Oliver should care. And if Felicity is dating someone else, he should try moving on himself. It would be the human reaction for a guy like Oliver to find a date for the wedding, so he doesn't have to stand on the sidelines making moon eyes at Felicity dancing with her boyfriend. But, as with Castle, the writers just want scenes like that to beat him down, rather than giving him anything to actually feel good about.

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I'm not saying Felicity should care (and it seems clear she doesn't), but I'm saying Oliver should care. And if Felicity is dating someone else, he should try moving on himself. 



The whole point of him not being with Felicity is that he loves her but doesn't think he can be Oliver Queen. If he can't be Oliver Queen and be with the woman he actually loves, then why would he move on with someone else when he theoretically, according to his identity crisis, couldn't be with her either? 

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The whole point of him not being with Felicity is that he loves her but doesn't think he can be Oliver Queen. If he can't be Oliver Queen and be with the woman he actually loves, then why would he move on with someone else when he theoretically, according to his identity crisis, couldn't be with her either? 


"I think it's better to not be with someone I could really care about". His identity crisis never translated into celibacy before, so why is it now? He doesn't have the excuse of hurting Felicity's feelings any more, because she's with another guy. All he's doing is hurting himself, and it's frankly beyond tiresome.

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Does anyone think there is a chance with the spin off that it had cut BRs time on Arrow down? It looks like the gang is in Nanda for 3.20, no point for him to be in the episode.

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"I think it's better to not be with someone I could really care about". His identity crisis never translated into celibacy before, so why is it now? He doesn't have the excuse of hurting Felicity's feelings any more, because she's with another guy. All he's doing is hurting himself, and it's frankly beyond tiresome.


Because now he actually loves Felicity and knows it and it's not so easy to find comfort in meaningless sex, I imagine. Why is it so wrong for this guy to show some emotional growth? I know you seem to think it's emasculating, but he's being true to himself and how he feels. He's told her he loves her and he can't be with her, and for him that means not being with anyone if it isn't her. I don't see why that's so bad or emasculating, quite frankly. Bringing a date (assuming he doesn't, because for all we know Laurel could be his de facto wedding hang buddy) just because Felicity has one or to make himself feel better is something a previous season's Oliver would do. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Does anyone think there is a chance with the spin off that it had cut BRs time on Arrow down? It looks like the gang is in Nanda for 3.20, no point for him to be in the episode.

How do we know they're in Nanda in 320?  I haven't seen any spoilers that suggest that.  Did I miss something?

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Because now he actually loves Felicity and knows it and it's not so easy to find comfort in meaningless sex, I imagine. Why is it so wrong for this guy to show some emotional growth? I know you seem to think it's emasculating, but he's being true to himself and how he feels. He's told her he loves her and he can't be with her, and for him that means not being with anyone if it isn't her. I don't see why that's so bad or emasculating, quite frankly. Bringing a date (assuming he doesn't, because for all we know Laurel could be is de facto wedding hang buddy) just because Felicity has one or to make himself feel better is something a previous season's Oliver would do. 


Replying in the relationships thread.

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The pics posted by EBR and JB seem to suggest it-(edit: even more in the video by JB) at least to me the background seemed similar to the one used in the Diggle/Oliver scene.

But  the fact that apparently it's just the 4 of them (Merlyn, Diggle, Felicity, Thea), makes me think that the costumed people might be in another group. 

Edited by looptab
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Why would Oliver need to save face? He and Felicity would be together if he didn't keep backing away. SHE would be his plus one if he wasn't being such a self-defeating idiot.

Preach it Apinknightmare.

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I wonder what's going to happen after Oliver (presumably) agrees to become Ra's heir. I have absolutely no idea what 21-23 will consist of...I'd think they'll want some big dramatic ending to the season, but will it be a frontal assault by TA without Oliver on Nanda Parbat, or what? I mean, if he agrees to be the heir, it would seem like cheating for him to break out, plus I don't see any way TA beats the whole LOA. And it can't be just negotiations to get Ra's to change his mind, because that wouldn't be much of a season finale. Even if they want to end the season with Oliver still the new heir, they have to have something happening. So what, does Oliver go full-Ra's and attack TA? And they'll want to integrate Ray in some way.

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Well sure, but he then did turn right around and leave twice. And personally I don't think he'll be tempted, so much as willing to make a deal to get to use the LP on someone. Regardless, though, what is the season finale going to be? Is the LOA going to attack Starling City for real? Three "terrorist attacks" in a row? Pretty repetitive, and I don't see how they can beat the whole LOA.

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Well sure, but he then did turn right around and leave twice. And personally I don't think he'll be tempted, so much as willing to make a deal to get to use the LP on someone. Regardless, though, what is the season finale going to be? Is the LOA going to attack Starling City for real? Three "terrorist attacks" in a row? Pretty repetitive, and I don't see how they can beat the whole LOA.


Wonder if he uses it on Ray to make Felicity happy, thus giving up every single thing he cares about. How noble. Or mind-numbingly stupid.

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Pretty repetitive, and I don't see how they can beat the whole LOA.


I wonder if Nyssa or Maseo will somehow stage a coup? Seems unlikely, but I think that's the only way they could go up against the LoA - if they had some LoA on their side. Since Ra's likes to kill his sparring partners, maybe some members would be open to suggestion? 


I can't really figure out how the whole LoA thing is going to play out. I thought for sure Oliver would take the offer, then I thought for sure he wouldn't. Then I thought he would, but now...I don't know. 

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Maybe someone stole the virus from ARGUS and will threaten to unleash it for some reason. That could work, because it would be a huge threat that the rest of the city knows nothing about, and would make the flashbacks more meaningful. Please don't let it be Ra's, though. I am so tired of them flat-out stealing Batman storylines.

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Yeah, surely they must be doing something with that virus? I would say that unleashing a virus doesn't really seem like Ra's style considering the LoA "code" or whatever, but he did threaten to kill 50 innocent civilians to get Oliver to turn over Sara's killer, so who even knows at this point.

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Random-and possibly very dumb thought: remember when SA said in that Q&A that there was something in the script too close to his actual life? What if it's the minister thing? Maybe they wanted Oliver to officiate the wedding, but he said no so they had Ray doing it instead. 

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Well unless their information is total BS, the S4 Big Bad will be revealed in 323.  So Unless it's actually Damian Wayne (highly unlikely) the LoA/Ra's All Ghul storyline will be wrapped up by 323 at the latest.

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Random-and possibly very dumb thought: remember when SA said in that Q&A that there was something in the script too close to his actual life? What if it's the minister thing? Maybe they wanted Oliver to officiate the wedding, but he said no so they had Ray doing it instead. 


Could be, but it seemed like it was something that was really personal. Why would he care if he and Oliver both happened to be ordained by the Church of the Internet?  Then again, the dude seems a tad weird at times, so maybe that is it.

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" the LoA/Ra's All Ghul storyline will be wrapped up by 323 at the latest."

God I hope you're right.

I guess there's no way to figure it out without spoilers for post-20 episodes. It's just really strange that by ep 20 of 23 it's impossible to figure out, in a general way, what the finale will be about.

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It does make sense that it would be officiating because that is part of his real life.  The EPs would say "oh, it would be so cool" but I can see why it's important to keep his real life separate from his role as Oliver Queen.


A whole bunch of new spoilers but I can't get excited about any of them.  It's amazing how this show can take what people like (Donna Smoak and the possibility of SmoaknLance), and completely waste it.


Oliver swore that he wasn't going to abandon Starling City again.  So I'm not sure how he can be in charge of LoA and look after a city.  I think he's going to be tempted, but probably hand the "title" over to Nyssa.

Didn't one of the EPs say that we would get a story of Nyssa being in Starling City and learning what it's like to be loved, something she never got from her father?


Of course, knowing this show, that's going to last a whole two scenes.


Oliver would be sleeping with Felicity right now if he weren't such an idiot.  While I'd be thrilled if he suffers seeing her with Ray, I don't want to see it on my screen.

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Could be, but it seemed like it was something that was really personal. Why would he care if he and Oliver both happened to be ordained by the Church of the Internet?  Then again, the dude seems a tad weird at times, so maybe that is it.

I had basically the same thought process ahah. I don't see why it would be an issue, that's why I'm not that certain of this, but yeah, he's a little weird, so I wouldn't consider it unlikely. But it could really be anything, we don't even know if what bothered him has been replaced or totally scratched from the script, so who knows.

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Could be, but it seemed like it was something that was really personal. Why would he care if he and Oliver both happened to be ordained by the Church of the Internet? Then again, the dude seems a tad weird at times, so maybe that is it.

I agree that it was probably something more personal in nature. Sure he has his odd OTT macho "dude" overprotective dad moments (e.g., sexualized velociraptor avoiding, Danish archer punching) but for the most part he seems pretty chill and easygoing. He had no problem with Moira's death even though his own mom had had to deal with breast cancer so it's unlikely he'd get bent out of shape over an inconsequential internet minister storyline.

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I could totally see Waller unleashing a virus because it will be to protect the city from something worse. She was willing to launch a drone strike against the city to battle the Mirakuru Army so why not a virus released via drone.  I mean a girl needs to play with her toys!

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As to something being too close to Stephen's real life, I wonder if it's regarding children or a pregnancy.  I could see where he might balk at something like a child being killed.  Not saying that a child being killed happened in his RL but since he's got a toddler now maybe it bothers him too much.  Or possibly even a storyline about someone having cancer on the show.  I wouldn't think the minister thing would be an issue for him.

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Can someone please explain to me what the Alpha/Omega virus really does/what it actually is about? Has the show explained what it can do or just vaguely implied that it'll cause destruction/whatever else? I seem to have lost the gist of it other than Waller wanted it because of government reasons and China White was going to sell it off to the highest bidder because money. Does it kill people instantly/slowly? Does it just make you really, really sick? Does it transform people into something else/gives them abilities ala Mirakuru? Does it turn people into zombies? Does it make people susceptible to mind control/is a precursor toward O.M.A.C.-related purposes?


I'm trying to figure out how it can be relevant to the final run of episodes of the season. I had, initially, thought it seemed like a very important detail in the flashbacks that it would be dealt with again in the future/will appear in the finale. However, like most season 3 plot points, the whole super-virus/Waller/A.R.G.U.S. arc in the flashbacks were just written so half-assed, I can't make any sense of it other than they needed filler for HK flashbacks to show Oliver losing his humanity in the past.

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*complete hit and run, saw the TV line article although I try now to avoid all things Arrow *

*so, entirely out of context*

*didn't air so can't post it on the bitterness thread, but 100% residual bitterness*


So, now that he reportedly marries Diggle (sorry, "officiates the nuptials") what will Raydiculous -re:yes, I saw the costume, too and I wish I didn't- be up to next? Will he walk on water? Cure cancer?  #I didn't think they could do worse than Laurel


*back to your regular programming, sorry for the interruption*

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