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I'm so fed up of this. Nothing has changed and now the focus is on the comic book heroes. They had two great original characters in Diggle and Felicity and they're sidelining them for this? What a joke.

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What’s one nugget you can tease for future episodes?

Blackthorne: Lance spends a lot of time with Laurel and the Arrow. We also shot a scene recently that was very interesting [and featured] a very odd couple: Mr. Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable), and all his lovely jewelry, and Lance, who was bemused by all his adornment and costume. That was an unlikely pairing.


The hell?

Edited by apinknightmare
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It all boils down to Lance believing the Arrow is the root of the problem, and the reason for all the loss he’s had to suffer. Is that a fair assessment?

Blackthorne: His sentiments toward the Arrow have shifted enormously, and there are repercussions. The Arrow has an ally in the police department and Lance has lost an ally in fighting crime. With some of the things that are heading toward Starling City, they really could have done with each other’s help but it’s all turned into a bit of a tricky situation.


Ugh. Ugh x infinity. Yeah, the Arrow's the problem. Not your own fucking daughter who lied to you for months. It's the Arrow. Okay, sure. I guess Lance is going back to hating Oliver for taking Sara on the Gambit and everything that came after, not Laurel for lying and burying Sara without him there. Makes tons of sense.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Ugh. Ugh x infinity.

My reaction as well. They are seriously going to make Quentin hate the Arrow? How would he blame the Arrow for Sara's death? I don't get it. And does this mean he really doesn't know that Oliver is the Arrow?

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Well tbf Felicity wouldn't be in the field anyway. It's Diggle that stupid.

The point is they're both being sidelined because they're not from the comics and they don't wear masks. And Diggle is a trained special ops soldier ffs and he's waiting in the van while Laurel is out there? It makes no sense!

That season 3 poster is starting to make a lot more sense now. Smh.

Oh and now it's the Arrow's fault that Sara died I guess? This just gets worse and worse. Laurel can basically do anything and never suffers the consequences herself. Everyone else does.

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Ugh. Ugh x infinity. Yeah, the Arrow's the problem. Not your own fucking daughter who lied to you for months. It's the Arrow. Okay, sure. I guess Lance is going back to hating Oliver for taking Sara on the Gambit and everything that came after, not Laurel for lying and burying Sara without him there. Makes tons of sense.

Eh I don't see why he would "blame" Laurel.  i mean she lied about her being dead, but it doesn't change anything. i could see him being mad at her but it's not like telling him earlier would make Sara any more alive or would take away the pain of him losing her. 


But blaming the Arrow doesn't make sense. "The Arrow" doesn't have much to do with her death. I could see blaming Oliver sorta since if Oliver never brought her on the bought this whole thing wouldn't have happened. 

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My reaction as well. They are seriously going to make Quentin hate the Arrow? How would he blame the Arrow for Sara's death? I don't get it. And does this mean he really doesn't know that Oliver is the Arrow?


In that interview PB said that Lance thinks that letting Sara run with the Arrow is what led to her death. Not, you know, the fact that she was an assassin, naw. That had jack all to do with it. 

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Eh I don't see why he would "blame" Laurel.  i mean she lied about her being dead, but it doesn't change anything. i could see him being mad at her but it's not like telling him earlier would make Sara any more alive or would take away the pain of him losing her. 


No, but he's going to be channeling his anger at Oliver instead of at Laurel. It isn't Laurel's fault that Sara died, and her telling him sooner wouldn't have kept her alive, but she stole part of his grieving process from him by making him a fool and burying his daughter without allowing him to be there. Oliver's getting pulled into this how? She was killed because of Ra's beef with Merlyn, not because she hung around with Oliver. Oliver wanted to keep her away from that life. It's all stupid.

Edited by apinknightmare
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In the BTS photos you can see red and blue lights, so I'm guess that this is where they are being intercepted by the police and thrown in jail.  None of these spoilers are making me want to watch.  I can't handle the increased presence of Laurel, I just can't.

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In the BTS photos you can see red and blue lights, so I'm guess that this is where they are being intercepted by the police and thrown in jail.  None of these spoilers are making me want to watch.  I can't handle the increased presence of Laurel, I just can't.


I wonder if this another side of the scene where Lance is pointing a gun at Roy dressed as Arrow? Maybe the Hannibal Bates theory is true, and they're seeing Roy get arrested? Or maybe they're getting arrested. Actually at this point I'm so angry that I don't really care, haha.

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If they were going to have Lance see Oliver/Arrow/Team Arrow as equally culpable with Laurel in hiding Sara's death, then they should've had Oliver or someone support Laurel in not telling him (I'm glad they didn't do this, but still). Because didn't Oliver say that Lance should be at the "funeral" and that he deserved to know? I honestly wasn't sure in-story that Oliver was even aware that Laurel hadn't told Lance. It seemed like everyone had assumed she did until that moment with Lance and Felicity when he  said something to her about Sara being back and she did that awful thing I don't like to think about.

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It just pisses me off to no end that this all started with Laurel deciding to keep Sara's death from her father, but now the whole team is being brought in on it.  They had Felicity helping to fool Lance with Sara's voice, and now everyone is probably going to end up in jail.  All. Because. Of. Laurel's. Lie!  I'm now assuming that Felicity isn't arrested, and MG's statement that  "we’ve got a scene coming up in a future episode where you won’t believe who she stands up to, and how she does it. It will really surprise people” involves Felicity doing something to Quentin that will further piss me off.

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Felicity is going to stand up to Quentin and tell him Sara had no light in her that's why she died. 


They really need to shove home that Laurel is the bestest most heroic Black Canary ever and Sara was just a soulless killer that got tossed in the trash. For being all about the comics they have really trashed the Black Canary legacy. She's now a selfish, entitled, attention seeker with no actual martial arts training. 


I agree with what was posted in another thread. Arrow got cancelled after season 2 with a short follow up comic. I don't know what show this is that replaced it. 

Edited by Sakura12
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honestly, I'm still raging over the marginalizing of Diggle to even really care about the ridiculous Lance drama (because honestly, at this point, I feel like this was all to keep Laurel relevant to the show... Even then the drama still isn't relevant. Just like her character). 


Apparently over the course of the last few episodes I've stopped being indifferent about Laurel and now I just plain hate her. And I've never hated a character this much before. 

Edited by wonderwall
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My reaction as well. They are seriously going to make Quentin hate the Arrow? How would he blame the Arrow for Sara's death? I don't get it. And does this mean he really doesn't know that Oliver is the Arrow?


Runs in the family. Remember Laurel hated the Arrow for Tommy's death? At this point, they'd probably be better off just killing Lance, if they're not going to do anything sensible with him. Let him be yet another corpse in Laurel's crucible cauldron, bubbling away.


It seems like they're writing Laurel as a sociopathic villain in the making (something that seemed to be teased at the start of season 2, and was the only interesting thing she's ever done), with some of this stuff. How can they be so tone deaf that they don't realise what an awful person they're making her out to be?

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If he's more made at Arrow than Laurel that's ridiculous.But I guess I shouldn't be shocked.


- Laurel was the one with her when she died.

- Laurel was the one who decided to lie

- Laurel was the one who told everyone but him.

- Laurel is the one faking her voice to be Sara.

- Laurel is the one pretending to be Sara.

- Laurel is the one who has been there carrying on the charade whole Arrow was "dead."


Yet it'll be all Arrow's fault?

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Ugh.  These spoilers.  I haven't even watched last week's episode and am not sure I'm interested in this week.  Now 3x18 looks like it might be skip worthy as well.  When exactly is anything good to going to happen???

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It just pisses me off to no end that this all started with Laurel deciding to keep Sara's death from her father, but now the whole team is being brought in on it. They had Felicity helping to fool Lance with Sara's voice, and now everyone is probably going to end up in jail. All. Because. Of. Laurel's. Lie! I'm now assuming that Felicity isn't arrested, and MG's statement that "we’ve got a scene coming up in a future episode where you won’t believe who she stands up to, and how she does it. It will really surprise people” involves Felicity doing something to Quentin that will further piss me off.

Felicity helps the Arrow too. I bet he arrests Felicity but she's also hurt. I can see her telling Quentin that's its not Olivers fault Sara died

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Ugh.  These spoilers.  I haven't even watched last week's episode and am not sure I'm interested in this week.  Now 3x18 looks like it might be skip worthy as well.  When exactly is anything good to going to happen???


Definitely not until 320, if then (319 is going to involve some Ray vs Oliver bullshit that will make me rage). That would follow the 2B model, where 211-219 were a muddy mess of Lance Family Drama and Slade Making Threats, and then Moira died and things ramped up to the 3-part finale.


But yeah, the real answer is Season 4, if we're lucky. Because even if by some magic, the last 3-4 episodes are good, it won't make up for the rest of the season.

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Every week, info is released that makes me shake my head in disappointment. I'm beginning to feel like the only reason they are keeping DR around is because he's their only POC regular. They don't want to (and apparently can't) write for him, and they continue to dismiss his experience and fighting capabilities. If they want to do the Justice League Lame show, cut Felicity and Digg loose and I can finally quit this crap show. 


It's contrived and ridiculous that Lance is now gunning for the Arrow. I understand displacing anger, but take a look at your daughter. Direct your anger at her and her mother. They had the obligation to tell you. It seems like (because it is) a retread of S1 and Lance's anger at Oliver. So we get to regress all that growth. Wonderful. 


And why the hell is Ra's al Ghul, one of the baddest bads of the DCU hanging out with Lance and Laurel????? Fuck that.

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Ugh.  These spoilers.  I haven't even watched last week's episode and am not sure I'm interested in this week.  Now 3x18 looks like it might be skip worthy as well.  When exactly is anything good to going to happen???


Definitely not 3x19 since MG just tweeted out a spoiler that included the title of the ep: Broken Arrow

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Meta humans on Arrow? This must be so Ray can defeat them with his special suit and show that Arrow isn't needed on his own show. Haha I hate everything.

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In Arrow, Jake Simmons will be a metahuman with the ability to harness and weaponize plasma energy.



So we're definitely going full-on superpowers on Arrow, then?  Not at all happy about that.  I could hand-wave the Mirakuru and magical healing herbs, and other stuff, but how does The Arrow, a normal human being, compete with super-powered villains?  I suppose he doesn't, and that's why the episode is called Broken Arrow.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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Is this the ep when Cisco and Joe come to Starling City and deal with Lance? Maybe that's got something to do with the metahuman? I know there were CC cops on the scene in 3x18, but did anyone see Joe or Cisco on set?

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Meta humans on Arrow? This must be so Ray can defeat them with his special suit and show that Arrow isn't needed on his own show. Haha I hate everything.


I'm seriously thinking that the new Atom show will just be the Arrow show renamed .

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I'm actually thinking that I might watch tonight solely for Manu Bennett, Lian Yu, Oliver, and Thea.  

Those are the only reasons I am excited for this episode. And Tommy. I hadn't even considered that Flashback!Laurel drama = present!Laurel drama. Silly me.

These new spoilers for 318/319 are terrifying me a little, but I'm choosing to stay positive. We still don't know what will happen in the next 5 episodes, so hopefully it won't be as nonsense and terrible as it looks now..maybe. :/

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So we're definitely going full-on superpowers on Arrow, then?  Not at all happy about that.  I could hand-wave the Mirakuru and magical healing herbs, and other stuff, but how does The Arrow, a normal human being, compete with super-powered villains?  I suppose he doesn't, and that's why the episode is called Broken Arrow.


Yeah, and weaponizing plasma energy seems like it'd be something Ray would deal with. Maybe once he "defeats" this dude with his super suit he can plasma energize himself into the sun.

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I'm curious how episode 14 will do rating wise. I mean last year the flashback episode did pretty poorly and it's a very big shift from how the show has been going so far I'm surprised they didn't feature Slade in the promos. .

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I am guessing Ray is involved because of metahumans.  IIRC, they are exploring is Ray a hero "because of who he is or because he has a suit" in 3.19.  I think Lance goes to CC in 1.19 which I think airs after this episode.


I wonder if Ray is the injured party in 3.18 which prompts the visit to CC in 1.18 for help with the suit. (When they come back from the break Flash is airing an episode behind.  They are off next week.)  MamaSmoak shows up at hospital to be supportive of Felicity. It would explain why no one else is around.


I am wondering if Oliver is going to realize he can have a life with Felicity at  the end of the finale (3.23) and not before.  They establish the relationship and Oliver getting a company over hiatus so they never have to write it on screen.  They do a 3.5 comic which explains how they got there for those interested and in S4 we see 20 happy minutes and then whatever pulls them apart (baby mama drama, etc) again.

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