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Regarding Oliver having now to defer to others on the team - maybe it'll be like TWD where RIck gave up his Ricktocracy to defer to committee rule at the prison, but later when things went to sh*t, RIck became the sole leader of the group again?


I don't understand how the EPs can't come up with good storylines for the original Team Arrow trio past one year and have to introduce all these new characters to fill up their episodes, when other shows like Supernatural have managed to last 10 years with stories revolving around just two main characters.


They have stories that still have to be told about Oliver, Diggle and Felicity. Heck, they haven't even followed through on HIVE (I wonder if that's going to be handled in the Suicide Squad ep). And they keep putting off Felicity's dad (I'm going to lose it if he turns out to be a one-ep story!). Guggenheim has told the story many times about how they try to "save" storylines for later but Greg Berlanti says "Why not do it now?" or something like that. So I'm wondering why they haven't pursued those two storylines that fans seem to ask about the most. I'd be thrilled if the reason is because they want to do these huge, season-long arcs with them. I wouldn't mind at all if they wanted to create series-long arcs with them.

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As someone who is still enjoying Flash, please no. :(


I have like zero investment in The Flash, so it wouldn't bother me if he showed up there.  I think that it's very possible it is happening since I'm not really sure what the point of having him cross over is if not to introduce the audience to their new future recurring character, Ray Palmer.  If they're not moving Ray over, then I think that in the very least, he'll continue to cross over from show to show next season. 


I do feel a little bad wishing this on people who like The Flash, but I just don't want Ray hanging around next season.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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Ray Palmer is such a misfire. I think they want an ATOM show so bad that we are going to have Ray overload in the latter half of the Arrow season and get him on the Flash too.


I think the TPTB are surprised he hasn't caught on as much. Though it really shouldn't surprise them, they put him in a rough spot right off the bat and then the problematic writing. Which is unfortunate because I actually like BR and in the right character I think he really works.

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I have like zero investment in The Flash, so it wouldn't bother me if he showed up there. I think that it's very possible it is happening since I'm not really sure what the point of having him cross over is if not to introduce the audience to their new future recurring character, Ray Palmer. If they're not moving Ray over, then I think that in the very least, he'll continue to cross over from show to show next season.

I do feel a little bad wishing this on people who like The Flash, but I just don't want Ray hanging around next season.

I'm not super invested in The Flash, but I wouldn't mind Ray over there, either. It's the way he's been written as a love interest that bothers me. I actually wouldn't mind him on Arrow so much if they weren't trying to make him one side of a triangle. If he was just a lighthearted, smug douchebag with more helicopter-esque banter, I could deal. It would remove the main issue I have with him, which is his problematic behavior toward Felicity. Then there's just that pesky issue of me not caring about him in the slightest. Alas... Edited by apinknightmare
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They've drunk the costumed kool-aid.  They set up a show that worked because of the characters and their development and have been seduced by the comic praise.


Having Ray go to the Flash for an episode would be a good way to see if people are interested enough in the Atom to do a pilot.  He hasn't worked so well on Arrow because 1. it's a show about characters (or at least it was) rather than gimmicks and they've failed to develop Ray as a character; and 2. the audience for The Flash is more open to things like superpowers and weird science.  It would give Ray a chance to interact with other characters and see if there is enough chemistry and interest to try for a pilot.


It's risky though to put on another superhero show.  Constantine got cancelled and I hear people giving up on Gotham.


 I do wonder if Felicity inadvertently helps Oliver in the flashbacks, although they both don't realize it in the present day.

That's what I'm thinking too.  It would keep them separate for the meet cute in season 1 but it would make me smile.  I think.




splitsunshine asked: Tell us something about 3x18

MG I’m writing it right now and can’t believe how insane it is.  Seriously, I know I’m prone to hyperbole, but I can’t imagine another TV show doing what we’re doing.

Self-awareness is a start at least.


.But why bring her back and only have her interact with Felicity when her other interactions were so popular. I'm more interested in Donna Smoak than I am Malcolm and Ra's at point.

Me too.  Can we get her a costume and a mask?  Maybe then the EPs would be interested in her too.


I'm still hoping that Oliver teams up with Ra's to get rid of Malcolm. It's weird because Ra's is a killer in his own right and clearly held no love for Sara, but Malcolm seems far worse to me. And in 309 I got the feeling that Ra's didn't really want to kill Oliver but felt he had to because he challenged him to a duel and so he adhered to the LoA code.


Plus everything that's happened this season is Malcolm's fault. Ra's didn't suddenly decide to go after Oliver because he felt like it. Malcolm orchestrated all these little things that put Oliver is Ra's' path. IMO Malcolm needs to be destroyed, not redeemed. That's why even thinking of teaming up with him or protecting him is baffling to me and so frustrating to watch.

As the EPs said, killing for Ra's is a tool.  We may not like the LoA's rules (I certainly don't) but there are rules. Whereas with Malcolm, you can't trust him at all.  He's got their weird idea of who he is so he'll seem really sincere when he's talking to you, like telling Moira how much he regretted having to kill his best friend Robert, but he's crazy.all over the place.


Long term, I think the best thing to do would be to join up with Malcolm now, then have him go completely over the top and Oliver has to have Ra's help to deal with Malcolm.  Barrowman has a ton of scenery to chew, Thea gets a good arc, and Malcolm dies at the end of the season leaving Ra's for a long term foe.

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If 3.18 is so insane and it makes sense why Mama Smoak only interacts with Felicity, maybe Felicity is really hurt and the interactions take place in her head. That's totally spaghetti on the wall crazy

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Are we getting happy pre-island Oliver and Laurel flashbacks tonight? UGH.


Does that mean Laurel is tied to the 'a woman you love' line? Wow. Tonight sounds like my worst case.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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I'm a bit worried that Felicity is going to quit the team longer term in tonight's episode.  On the one hand, yay! because these people are idiots if they are agreeing to work with Malcolm.  On the other hand, boo! because this means even more Felicity/Ray interaction and maybe more Laurel/Oliver interaction (please no).  I'd be all for it if it meant more scenes of Felicity with Diggle and Oliver outside of the Arrow cave, but haha, we're not getting any "Team Arrow troika" scenes any time soon.

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I'm a bit worried that Felicity is going to quit the team longer term in tonight's episode.  On the one hand, yay! because these people are idiots if they are agreeing to work with Malcolm.  On the other hand, boo! because this means even more Felicity/Ray interaction and maybe more Laurel/Oliver interaction (please no).  I'd be all for it if it meant more scenes of Felicity with Diggle and Oliver outside of the Arrow cave, but haha, we're not getting any "Team Arrow troika" scenes any time soon.

MG said on his tumblr account that Felicity isn't going to quit the team so don't worry about that :)

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Does that mean Laurel is tied to the 'a woman you love' line? Wow. Tonight sounds like my worst case.

I can totally see that happening...


Oliver:  Please don't go out as Sara anymore.  I don't want to see another woman I love killed.

Laurel: Then I don't want to be a woman you love.

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Laurel can have the line. It sounds like a stupid line.


When MG said there were pre-island Tommy and Oliver flashbacks tonight, we know the Tommy ones are of kid Tommy. The ones of Oliver may be too.  I can't see Laurel knowing them in that timeline though.


He said "You'll like tomorrow night's episode - for the most part."  (Fingers crossed the part they don't like are the Oliver/Felicity stuff.)

Edited by statsgirl
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Eh I don't see that happening because I think someone asked MG whether there were some good Lauriver scenes coming up and he didn't mention 312, I think he does mention 314 or 315 though which doesn't make sense because apparently that line is a part of a scene which is one of his all time favorite scenes. 

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I can totally see that happening...

Oliver: Please don't go out as Sara anymore. I don't want to see another woman I love killed.

Laurel: Then I don't want to be a woman you love.

That would be funny, because that was the initial spec (it was mine, at least) when that line was spoiled before we thought Felicity might say it.

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Give the line to Laurel - to anyone but Felicity, please.


Here's the whole quote on the O/L spoiler - make of it what you will:

ellenprinceblr asked:

Malcolm's flashback.. kid Tommy.. i want Lauriver kids too. please.. kids Tommy, Laurel and Oliver together. First date Oliver and Laurel.. do not delete the history Lauriver making retcon to raise Olicity. Green Arrow and Black Canary deserve respect. what do you think about flashbacks Oliver and Laurel kids? I'm Brazil. Sorry to my english


You’ll like tomorrow night’s episode — 3x12 — for the most part.

Edited by tv echo
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Which is inconsistent because Laurel didn't meet Tommy until after his mom died.


The question is: Do they care? :-)  Maybe we will get Malcolm coming back from his exile and reuniting with his son and then we will see Laurel and Oliver as kids? Truth is that I couldn't care less. 


What does MG mean when he goes (smiles) ? Does that mean Felicity action figure or no...

I thought it means yes. But who knows.


I don't think that MG likes some of these questions that he's been getting...he's quite pissy at times with his answers.

Some of these questions are quite accurate observations and you know what the say: Truth hurts. I especially like the  person saying how Arrow is so negative and that she/he is not amused that the answer to this is always: if you want positivity you should watch the Flash.

Edited by Belinea
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Eh I don't see that happening because I think someone asked MG whether there were some good Lauriver scenes coming up and he didn't mention 312, I think he does mention 314 or 315 though which doesn't make sense because apparently that line is a part of a scene which is one of his all time favorite scenes. 


Well, Laurel telling Oliver she doesn't want to be a woman he loves wouldn't be such a good Lauriver scene, haha.

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The question is: Do they care? :-)  Maybe we will get Malcolm coming back from his exile and reuniting with his son and then we will see Laurel and Oliver as kids? Truth is that I couldn't care less. 

they probably don't care but I just distinctively remember Laurel saying she never met his mom which implied she didn't become friends with Oliver and Tommy until after. I know the writers don't keep track of stuff like that and I'm probably thinking about it too hard though.

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Would Felicity make that remark about Ray in The Flash (Barry's mind/Oliver's body) if she were involved with him romantically? Just seems odd to me. Especially with the "Did I say that out loud" tacked on.

Did we get confirmation that felicity is the one that says it. Or is it just in the script? It sorta sounds like something cailtin or Cisco would say. And then its sorta a throwaway line cuz from outside that comparison has some merit. And it would be a food line for eps to drop to stir up buzz.

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Well, Laurel telling Oliver she doesn't want to be a woman he loves wouldn't be such a good Lauriver scene, haha.

lol I know. I still don't see it happening. Regardless, I don't think that line is all bad because I imagine EBR knocking that line out of the park

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Did we get confirmation that felicity is the one that says it. Or is it just in the script? It sorta sounds like something cailtin or Cisco would say. And then its sorta a throwaway line cuz from outside that comparison has some merit. And it would be a food line for eps to drop to stir up buzz.


I'm pretty sure in the interview where AK mentioned it he said that Felicity says the line.

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So Merlyn came home from his business meeting or whatever without checking his phone, despite knowing his wife called him many times? That seems weird.

Edited by ban1o
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So Merlyn came home from his business meeting or whatever without checking his phone, despite knowing his wife called him many times? That seems weird.


Wasnt he ignoring her calls? Why would he suddenly check his phone. If he wasnt picking up his phone whole night.

Malcolm is a shit husband.

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Give the line to Laurel - to anyone but Felicity, please.


Here's the whole quote on the O/L spoiler - make of it what you will:

Maybe the mostly means you'll get kid Oliver and kid Tommy in Flashbacks but not kid Laurel?  

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Wasnt he ignoring her calls? Why would he suddenly check his phone. If he wasnt picking up his phone whole night.

you would think he would at least check his messages to see what the commotion was about lol.

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Yeah, it will probably be lil' Oliver and lil' Tommy, and they'll show Malcolm treating Oliver like a son & favoring him over Tommy since Barrowman said "I've always said that Malcolm loves Oliver more as a son than he did his own son Tommy."  Basically, I don't care about Malcolm flashbacks and I wish they would show us more Felicity/Diggle flashbacks, and I'm only watching tonight so I can see the Diggle/Felicity/Roy/Oliver reunion. Oh, and Sin.  I love Sin.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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I love JB, but I think it's time for Malcolm Merlyn to be killed this season.  He's not only responsible for all those deaths in the Glades including his son Tommy, but he also sabotaged the Queen's Gambit, which sunk and led to the suicide of Robert Queen, the five years suffered by Oliver and Sara's becoming a LOA assassin - not to mention Malcolm actively engineered Sara's murder via Thea's drugging and Oliver's 'death'.  Malcolm is also indirectly responsible for Moira's death, since Slade would never have met Oliver if not for the boat sinking, stranding Oliver on that island.  That's too much for redemption and more than enough for punishment.


Small wonder that Felicity would not want to work with Malcolm - and would believe that Oliver would never work with Malcolm.

Edited by tv echo
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Yeah, it will probably be lil' Oliver and lil' Tommy, and they'll show Malcolm treating Oliver like a son & favoring him over Tommy since Barrowman said "I've always said that Malcolm loves Oliver more as a son than he did his own son Tommy."  


I would love to see little Oliver!

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Regarding Oliver having now to defer to others on the team - maybe it'll be like TWD where RIck gave up his Ricktocracy to defer to committee rule at the prison, but later when things went to sh*t, RIck became the sole leader of the group again?


Once Rick gave up his Ricktatorship, that entire group fell apart. Don't give up your power, Oliver! Sometimes there's a reason there is a clear leader. 


They've drunk the costumed kool-aid.  They set up a show that worked because of the characters and their development and have been seduced by the comic praise.


Such a shame. They are so focused on playing with as many supes as they can, they're neglecting the show and it's showing. I wish they'd scale it back down. 


I guess MG isn't getting as many complimentary questions as he used to. I can't help but not feel bad for him. He opened himself up for criticism, and while some of it might be noise, a lot of it is valid. Making Oliver Queen a supporting player on his own show is a huge mistake and I'm glad he's getting called on it.

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I love JB, but I think it's time for Malcolm Merlyn to be killed this season.  He's not only responsible for all those deaths in the Glades including his son Tommy, but he also sabotaged the Queen's Gambit, which sunk and led to the suicide of Robert Queen, the five years suffered by Oliver and Sara's becoming a LOA assassin - not to mention Malcolm actively engineered Sara's murder via Thea's drugging and Oliver's 'death'.  Malcolm is also indirectly responsible for Moira's death, since Slade would never have met Oliver if not for the boat sinking, stranding Oliver on that island.  That's too much for redemption and more than enough for punishment.


Small wonder that Felicity would not want to work with Malcolm - and would believe that Oliver would never work with Malcolm.


I can kind of buy Oliver trying to find something salvageable about MM.  Ironically, given the amount of destruction he's caused, MM is still one of the last links (in a twisted way) to Tommy, his parents and his childhood. 


I appreciate people taking the time to post what MG says on social media - I couldn't do it.  I can't believe that he's married to someone who can EP a show like Agent Carter and not have any sensitivity to characterization rub off.  

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I'm sorry to the anon who asked about Lauriver but they kind of had plenty of chances to see first dates and whatever during s1 and they never showed us any of that. Why show us now? It has absolutely no bearing on the story being told, at least not presently. No one's asking them to retcon or ignore the fact that O/L used to date but seeing how they began is pointless now. They had their chance in s1 and they messed it up. It's done.


The more I think about Oliver's homecoming tonight, the more annoyed I become. He did an honourable (and slightly foolish) thing for the sake of his sister's life (and the lives of his city) and he comes home to his friends and partners telling him he has to accept the new status quo now? Naw, son. 

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Posted promotional  pictures for Canaries in spoilers. So Oliver is back and back to normal.

Epic Sara/Laurel Fight


And it actually looks like Roy and Oliver are telling Thea some truths.

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I'm confused. I thought Stephen Amell said in a recent interview he hasn't worked with Laurel as Canary when asked about his opinion about her... But clearly he's working with her as the Canary? Hmmm


BUT I AM SO HERE FOR OLIVER AND ROY TELLING THEA THE TRUTH. Maybe not about Oliver being the Arrow but about Malcolm and what he made Thea do. 

Edited by wonderwall
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