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So. I'm still gonna go with Oliver being outed and SA just didn't own up to it. I'm not sure he'd ever say "Yes! That's exactly what's happening, you guessed it!" when outright asked. Haha.

Then he'll spend the hiatus in jail growing that ugly ass van dyke. But something will happen in 701 and someone will say "The city needs the Green Arrow" and he'll get out.  

Did I just write fanfic??! ?

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12 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

So. I'm still gonna go with Oliver being outed and SA just didn't own up to it. I'm not sure he'd ever say "Yes! That's exactly what's happening, you guessed it!" when outright asked. Haha.

Then he'll spend the hiatus in jail growing that ugly ass van dyke. But something will happen in 701 and someone will say "The city needs the Green Arrow" and he'll get out.  

Did I just write fanfic??! ?

Watch out.  This is how the fic bug gets you.  ?

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I think I've said this before, but the only way Oliver can have a Van Dyke for longer than an episode is if everyone knows he's the Green Arrow. Because pretty sure he can't go, "Nope, just a coincidence that we're the only two people in all of Star City (and probably everywhere) with this facial hair." 

So, that's good enough reason to hope that his secret is still a "secret" (meaning that everyone in Star City with a brain should know he's the Green Arrow, but he doesn't out himself/isn't found guilty/etc.) by the end of the season. 

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alright, since this doesn't live that long and since no one will parce it and prove that I said it,

It amuses me that SA still doesn't understand how the internet works.

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Ok so this is really a bad idea and I'm pretty sure it was dealt in some way in season 3 but maybe the outcome of the trial is that Oliver Queen must leave the city, to never return or he will be convicted and the only way for him to stay or come back to Star City is through his GA persona. Being only GA would explain the hair and beard disguise. I don't know how it would play out with his relationship with Felicity and his son and loosing Oliver Queen as a public persona would mean he would go around the city in daylight dressed as GA always. It wouldn't mean OQ revealed as GA but GA fully accepted in his city. Does it make sense? Is this SL part of the comics? Would they go there?

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Another CinemaBlend article with more from their interview with DR...

What Oliver And Diggle’s Big Fight Means For Arrow, According To David Ramsey
BY LAURA HURLEY  April 13, 2018


... Now, in seasons past, rifts in Team Arrow didn't always last for more than a handful of episodes, but David Ramsey (who plays Diggle) already revealed to CinemaBlend that won't be the case this time around. He also explained how Digg's decision to leave the team will continue to impact Oliver and the show moving forward, saying this:

"John Diggle will join A.R.G.U.S. But you know, the breakup that he had with Oliver and the subsequent joining with A.R.G.U.S. doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't work with Oliver anymore. He does. And he will in the capacity in which they can agree, and the same thing with the new Team Arrow. So we all kind of have different philosophies as to how to skin this cat, how to catch Diaz. But where we agree, we're willing to work together."
*  *  *
Of course, Diggle won't be the only one in a new position moving forward in Season 6. In "Fundamentals," Oliver came to the conclusion (after spending the episode overwhelmed by Vertigo) that he needs to get back to the basics of vigilantism, and for him, that means all the way back to the basics. He intends to fight the good fight alone now, and he may end up needing Diggle sooner rather than later. After all, Oliver didn't really make all that much headway in his mission to save Star(ling) City back in Season 1 until he brought Diggle and then Felicity on board, and he may discover sooner rather than later that he needs to accept help. Perhaps learning to work with Diggle rather than expecting Diggle to follow his directions will set him on the right path. David Ramsey also told me this about what the separation will mean for Diggle in particular:

"Both these men have some growing to do. And there's some deeper things going on with Diggle that we'll see kind of fleshed out in his experience with Oliver. This isn't about him wanting to be Green Arrow as much as it is him wanting to feel like his decisions make a difference. And I think the losses that he's suffered, he hasn't fully dealt with. The loss of his brother, how his brother's death led directly to the death of the Canary. We kind of saw him deal with some of that and going to prison, but Diggle has always been someone who's bounced back very easily and I think, like Oliver, these things have taken deeper toll on Diggle than even he wants to admit. So we'll see some of that."

Edited by tv echo
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4 hours ago, Buzzyspirit said:

Ok so this is really a bad idea and I'm pretty sure it was dealt in some way in season 3 but maybe the outcome of the trial is that Oliver Queen must leave the city, to never return or he will be convicted and the only way for him to stay or come back to Star City is through his GA persona. Being only GA would explain the hair and beard disguise. I don't know how it would play out with his relationship with Felicity and his son and loosing Oliver Queen as a public persona would mean he would go around the city in daylight dressed as GA always. It wouldn't mean OQ revealed as GA but GA fully accepted in his city. Does it make sense? Is this SL part of the comics? Would they go there?

Well, he's already going to trial so vanishing wouldn't keep him from being convicted if they decide he is guilty.  Going on the run to evade prison would I think really only make sense for him if he felt there was an imminent threat that only him not being in prison would fix (which is possible with Diaz I guess).  But the police are already looking to arrest the GA and of course think Oliver is the Green Arrow so going around in daylight dressed as the GA probably wouldn't help hide him as Oliver Queen.  The stupid van dyke could be his disguise if he wasn't seen as the GA but once any reports of the GA with a funky beard trickled out, they'd just draw a pointy one on Oliver Queen's pictures and send that description out.  

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I had a really random thought about the never been done, game changer, it's super dark and I hope they wouldn't go there but what if they kill William? It would devastate Oliver (and Felicity) enough that I could see it serving as a reset since it would probably put him very close to the dark place he was in early on. And Oliver spent a lot of time this week talking about not losing William. 

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1 hour ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

what if they kill William?

I don't know if they'd ever go there. I'd assume coming back from that storytelling would be really difficult. Also, even though I wasn't the biggest fan of the 'I have a son' storyline, I got used to him and I wouldn't want them to kill him just to destroy Oliver's life even more. He could move to his grandparents, I'd be ok with that. 

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5 minutes ago, Belinea said:

I don't know if they'd ever go there. I'd assume coming back from that storytelling would be really difficult. Also, even though I wasn't the biggest fan of the 'I have a son' storyline, I got used to him and I wouldn't want them to kill him just to destroy Oliver's life even more. He could move to his grandparents, I'd be ok with that. 

Oh, I agree, I'd hate it and I don't think I really believe they'd go there but they've been so over the top in hyping the finale that I wondered. 

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Idk since SA seems at least alright with the ending or how 701 is going to start, and with him seeming to have no interest in Diaz it doesn't really match up (then again no theory matches up with all of these descriptions).

Edited by way2interested
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16 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I saw some spec about Oliver not defeating Diaz in the finale and the storyline moving past this season into Season 7. THAT would certainly be something Arrow has never done before. BUT I WOULD HATE IT!

Diaz is an idiot and a terrible villain who should be relatively easy to outsmart so he probably will stick around. 

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I think Diaz could have worked as a Big Bad in the earliest seasons. When vigilantes were still public enemies and before we knew Oliver and Team had The President’s gratitude.

A Villian who had corrupted the City’s police and elected officials and Green Arrow had no one to turn too? I think that could work. 

But now it makes no sense why Green Arrow doesn't just go to The President and ask for assistance. 

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Argus is only going to be used as a location for Diggle to pout apparently. 

All they need is Felicity. Why not release all the evidence to the public? It would expose the corrupt and completely taint their evidence against Oliver. 

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The villain and the civil war plotline with Oliver deciding to go it alone would've worked better in an earlier season but after 6 years where OTA are family and Diaz seems pathetic following on from Promethetus? Nah. It just falls flat.

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

I think Diaz could have worked as a Big Bad in the earliest seasons. When vigilantes were still public enemies and before we knew Oliver and Team had The President’s gratitude.

A Villian who had corrupted the City’s police and elected officials and Green Arrow had no one to turn too? I think that could work. 

But now it makes no sense why Green Arrow doesn't just go to The President and ask for assistance. 

The President of the US has no control over States let alone Cities. The President also has no control over any legal branch and can only offer Pardons for Federal crimes, not state crimes. Calling the President for help wouldn't do much even if 1) it is the same President from S4 or S5, 2) they were inclined to help.

Besides the why doesn't he just call X? makes for (IMO) crappy TV...every time something happens, why doesn't Oliver just call Flash, Supergirl, Constantine, Legends, Martian Manhunter, Nyssa, Lyla, Slade, ARGUS, the President, etc etc, etc.

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1 minute ago, Morrigan2575 said:

The President of the US has no control over States let alone Cities. The President also has no control over any legal branch and can only offer Pardons for Federal crimes, not state crimes. Calling the President for help wouldn't do much even if 1) it is the same President from S4 or S5, 2) they were inclined to help.

Besides the why doesn't he just call X? makes for (IMO) crappy TV...every time something happens, why doesn't Oliver just call Flash, Supergirl, Constantine, Legends, Martian Manhunter, Nyssa, Lyla, Slade, ARGUS, the President, etc etc, etc.

But this isn't some baddie who has a vendetta against Oliver and wants to ruin his life and has nefarious plans to do that through destroying his city - it's the systematic takeover of a municipality through blatant organized crime. It's in the government's best interest to intervene when stuff like this happens. Any storyline of this nature is going to have people asking why Oliver as the mayor didn't ask for outside help - like any other mayor would do - at the very least through the governor. 

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19 hours ago, Chaser said:

All they need is Felicity. Why not release all the evidence to the public? It would expose the corrupt and completely taint their evidence against Oliver. 

We know that there's a mystery female guest in 621. Some speculate that it might be Susan Williams. If so, what if the flash drive evidence is leaked to her and she shows up to present it at Oliver's trial, saying that it's from an anonymous source? Or maybe she publishes the evidence in a story on city corruption? MG seems to love to double down on characters that are unpopular, but who he thinks are good people.

Edited by tv echo
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2 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

No, it's a quote from Dylan Thomas. 

Ah, ok. That's even worse. Clearly he's not satisfied with merely giving himself a hashtag, talking about himself in the 3rd person, and releasing his own photoshoots, now he's using grandiose quotes to describe himself. 

Edited by lemotomato
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3 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Makes me now wonder if Oliver going to jail at the end of the season would be too obvious.

Yeah, it almost feels too obvious tbh. But then these writers probably think we haven't guessed what's happening so IDK. Haha. 

And if Oliver doesn't go to jail, who does? Or does "life sentence" mean something else?

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Super obvious title, which is probably why SA blacked it out. Still, I'm sure they can swerve it somehow but my money is still on being outed by conviction. 

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If Stephen was telling the truth and Oliver 100% does not get outed, I wonder if Diaz frames Oliver for murdering someone (Quentin would be my guess) as himself, so the Green Arrow stuff stops mattering? Or Oliver gets found guilty of being the Green Arrow and denies it still. Or he does get outed and he lied. 

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Just now, Angel12d said:

Yeah, it almost feels too obvious tbh. But then these writers probably think we haven't guessed what's happening so IDK. Haha.

Even regardless of guessing, there's a whole episode for the trial in 621, and the case has been a plot since the beginning of the season, so it's not like no one would know what's going on going into 623. I guess it would be like how 419 was called Canary Cry but even this seems even more blatant and they went to slightly greater lengths to hide that title.

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Yeah, I'm torn between it being too obvious and therefore someone else is going to prison as a plot twist/shocker OR it's referring to something else entirely. And prison doesn't really line up to what they've been saying about "whatever happens can't be undone" because clearly that can and will be undone as we have s7.

I can't remember where I read it but there was a MG interview about wanting to do a storyline where Oliver is in prison with all the people he's helped put away, it was from the comics? Maybe they want to do that for 701. Also explains giving him that gross van dyke. 

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I could see it being the 7a opening arc if they did do it, but then they still do have the problem of them not having a supermax prison established for Arrow anymore (not too much of a problem, but there's not much of a rogues gallery at this point along with not much of a plot to do with it), Flash already doing a plot exactly like this (although maybe MG meant more of the ending something not done before being ending the season with the hero going to prison), and then being totally undoing it by 708 just like they had to do with the Diggle as GA plot this year. 

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Makes sense if Colton is back next season...Thea would probably send him back since her brother is in Jail.

Also I think that would be different is perhaps having Diaz not defeated in the end...if Oliver is going to prison then I suspect he was unable to defeat Diaz. This will be the first show to have the villain win at the end of the season.

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9 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I CANNOT deal with a Van Dyke for 5 episodes. 

I'm hoping it's not a van dyke and just a gross beard instead lol. He didn't specify in that insta video.

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47 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Sending Oliver to prison for life at the ending of the season is a terrible idea, mostly because the viewers know that he will get out by the start of next season. I hope there's some kind of double meaning there.

Also, asking me to believe Felicity would let five months pass without hacking into the prison security system strains credulity.

Edited by KenyaJ
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12 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

Also I think that would be different is perhaps having Diaz not defeated in the end...if Oliver is going to prison then I suspect he was unable to defeat Diaz. This will be the first show to have the villain win at the end of the season.

It's just so weird if that ends up being what happens because it would then be the writers just agreeing pretty early on (from as early as the beginning of the season possibly and reportedly) to lean on things that they hadn't even proven to the audience (Diaz, Oliver and Diggle's fight, the newbies should we be expected to follow them while Oliver is in prison, etc.) or things that have already tested not well for audiences (Oliver being separated from Felicity, plots not relating to each other or being eventually dropped, downer plots or endings, etc.). From how 6b is wrapping up for them enough for them to be bringing CH back and having to actually go to press and do a form of damage control, I wonder if they might at least edge up on something by the time they wrap up.

Edited by way2interested
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4 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

Adrian would've been a better villain to win over Oliver.

If he offs Quentin I wonder who's going to be the new mayor? Is he going to have newly returned Laurel Lance run or just install her directly into City Hall with some economics books she can use to get her fully ready for the position. LOL

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17 minutes ago, KenyaJ said:

Also, asking me to believe Felicity would let five months pass without hacking into the prison security system strains credulity.

He'll have made her promise not to or something dumb like that.  Or maybe Barry regularly breaks him out every weekend so it's not so bad.  

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