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53 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I think there was something in the Reddit spoilers about Quentin giving him a gift, something that was traditional in his family. I’m not sure what it was. The shot of Dig handing him a gift reminds me of Oliver’s necklace for baby Sara. The moment would be even sweeter if she was still there and co-oped as a flower girl by Donna.

This episode will likely end really badly seeing how happy everyone is at the start but I can’t even bring myself to fret, this is all so wonderful.

Quentin's probably more comfortable giving Oliver a gift because he *isn't* marrying one of his daughters, although he probably would prefer that to LL being dead. 

Pretty much every MSF episode since S1 has ended in more or less a giant clusterfuck hasn't it? Do we know what prompts the B Team rebellion, I seem to have missed that. William seems like he's having fun with everyone and has bonded with Auntie Thea though. Guess she's "babysitting" William every time they aren't on screen this season instead of all those "conferences. 

At least the episode description and no one thinking Nazi Doppelgangers were themselves should scupper a BS redemption arc theory, at least for now.

Edited by Featherhat
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7 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

BS when Oliver returns to the bunker after visiting Susan.

OMG so he shot mayo, went to see Pantry Moth and we got stuck with BS? All in one ep???

Lol I've forgotten how badly it sucked!!!!!!!

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I'm a little tipsy right now so my first reaction is bdjksbfhkfbasdhbf to Felicity's dress. Haha. And just Olicity. Why do they look so good together, I hate them.

I kinda want to know how they explain Noah being there tbh. I'm pretty surprised they bought back the actor for something which probably won't amount to much screentime tbh. 

It's sweet that Lance is giving Oliver a watch. I might think Quentin doesn't really have much of a place on the show anymore but it's nice when they can show how much that relationship has evolved since s1.

Anyway, I'm gonna enjoy the Olicity goodness. I've been waiting for goddamn years. GIMME IT.

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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

William was always open with EVERYONE which was part of the problem when a stranger showed up and said they were a friend of his mother's, lol. 


I always get a weird kick out of the idea of a one handed MM scaling the house and hoisting himself through William's window in the middle of the night claiming it's ok because he's a friend of his mother's, Samantha you brought that on yourself somewhat. 

5 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

I thought it was a new ceremony until the promo showed people mingling and talking while Felicity is walking it. I wonder if it's just a party, but Donna is making Felicity humor her by being escorted like she was walking down the aisle and doing the bouquet toss and all the other elements of a wedding. I could see her doing that. 

I suspect Donna and Oliver were all about the big celebrations considering what he said during the crossover. He was probably Skyping that Ivy Town lady about food and everything. I'm pretty sure its just a receptions that's as big as possible so we get the contrast when it all goes to crap - see original S4 proposal. 

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5 hours ago, Featherhat said:

Pretty much every MSF episode since S1 has ended in more or less a giant clusterfuck hasn't it? 

I don't rewatch Arrow (only shows i re-watch are L&O, Dateline and SPN - weird I know ?) so I'm going by memory.

S1 - Oliver in hospital?

S2 - Montage with Slade V.O. (really liked this one)

S3 - Oliver dying on mountain/Olicity kiss

S4 - Felicity "dying"

S5 - BS non shocker.

S6 - IIRC, the Reddit spoilers indicate the show ends with Team Baddie reveal. Of course, it could end with Team Baddie reveal intercut with Team Arrow split montage (similar to how 423 ended).

I'm really looking forward to this episode. Unlike the majority of this board I enjoyed S5 and 509 (I loved Arrow killing Billy thought it was actually shocking) and, have enjoyed most of S6 (I skipped the Slade episodes). Right now, I'm on an Arrow high.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

1 - Oliver in hospital?

It also ended with the reveal that Malcolm was Tommy's father, so another "shocker" (even though BS wasn't a surprise, from the setup in the story I'm guessing she was supposed to be as well for 509)

1 hour ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I'm really looking forward to this episode. Unlike the majority of this board I enjoyed S5 and 509 (I loved Arrow killing Billy thought it was actually shocking) and, have enjoyed most of S6 (I skipped the Slade episodes).

Same, the MSF always were the better episodes of the season (even 509, the only thing I didn't like in that episode was Susan, but besides her that episode was really paced well and held tension for a long time), so I'm hoping that this will keep it up, especially since we're actually kicking off more plot in 609.

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509 was when the season started for me because before that it seemed like I was watching a very long filler. The disappointing part of that episode was that the big shocker was the BS reveal everyone guessed anyway. Since we know more or less the plot of the next episode it won’t be shocking either but it seems like an entertaining episode. And even if the reception isn’t long (I have no idea) I’m sure it will be great.

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47 minutes ago, way2interested said:

It also ended with the reveal that Malcolm was Tommy's father, so another "shocker" (even though BS wasn't a surprise, from the setup in the story I'm guessing she was supposed to be as well for 509)

Same, the MSF always were the better episodes of the season (even 509, the only thing I didn't like in that episode was Susan, but besides her that episode was really paced well and held tension for a long time), so I'm hoping that this will keep it up, especially since we're actually kicking off more plot in 609.

Wasn’t the 109 reveal that Malcolm was the Dark Archer?

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16 minutes ago, bijoux said:

No, I meant I thought we knew he was Tommy’s father before that and learned his evil identity in 109. Season 1was really long ago.

Ahhh, yes, we knew fairly early on he was Tommy's father ... I think our first meeting with him was him berating Tommy.

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Yep, just meant that Tommy's father was the Dark Archer and then was randomly remembering that reveal that the mystery guy was Malcolm Merlyn and then the two twists got mixed (whoops), but yeah my initial point was that 109 did also end in a *twist*

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13 hours ago, BunsenBurner said:

Felicity reminds me of Moira in this picture.

It’s the hair. It’s styled very similarly to the way Moira usually wore her hair down in that shot, and it’s a similar length. 

I so wish we could have seen Moira’s reaction to Felicity as Oliver’s wife.

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Most of the MSFs have been fairly good to good episodes, just they obviously always have Big Shocking Twists, so the happier the Olicity reception the greater the shock of "betrayal" later on.

5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:


S15 - BS non shocker.

S6 - IIRC, the Reddit spoilers indicate the show ends with Team Baddie reveal. Of course, it could end with Team Baddie reveal intercut with Team Arrow split montage (similar to how 423 ended).

I'm really looking forward to this episode. Unlike the majority of this board I enjoyed S5 and 509 (I loved Arrow killing Billy thought it was actually shocking) and, have enjoyed most of S6 (I skipped the Slade episodes). Right now, I'm on an Arrow high.

I think BS was supposed to be a shocker for some people who got really angry that they were "tricked" it wasn't E1 LL.

Not sure how I feel about Team Baddies. It worked really well on LOT but I'm not sure about here. At least it seems Dragon is neither baddie no1 or the most connected with Oliver. And as I've previously said can they please remember not to call BS just "Laurel" now, it's nonsensical after the Xover, she can be "evil!Laurel" if they like. 

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23 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

The top picture makes Willa look like a little kid. SA and DR are huge next to those 2 

The background of that bottom picture has two women wearing the same dress and shoes. Felicity has never before mentioned friends to act as bridesmaids? 

ETA: Spotted a third in another photo. ??

Edited by leopardprint
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I really hope they’re doing more with Noah than just having him be at the reception. Or are at least planning to bring him back. 

We’ll probably hear that Felicity and Noah talked off-screen and settled any issues unfortunately. Ugh. 

4 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

can they please remember not to call BS just "Laurel" now, it's nonsensical after the Xover, she can be "evil!Laurel" if they like. 

Yep. Or just call her Siren if they want to keep it short and think evil Laurel would be too much to say every time. 

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5 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

I think BS was supposed to be a shocker for some people who got really angry that they were "tricked" it wasn't E1 LL.


Oh it absolutely was supposed to be a shocker and I guess it worked. I'm still not sure if people really believed it was E1 LL magically alive or her stans and the antis just lived in willful denial. I mean there were people who seemed to legit believe Oliver died in 309 and the show was going to go on without SA.

I just didn't find it shocking at all. Oliver killing Billy surprised me surprised me even though I felt confident that Billy would die in 509.

Laurel showing up at the end of 509 didn't seen like much if a cliffy but, I am massively spoiled.

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7 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

The background of that bottom picture has two women wearing the same dress and shoes. Felicity has never before mentioned friends to act as bridesmaids? 

ETA: Spotted a third in another photo. ??

I see the blonde between Thea and William, and a brunette behind the guy in the maroon suit. Where's the third? I doubt they're bridesmaids, though.

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The biggest BS related shocker was them not even pretending it was Laurel for longer than 5 secs. They spoiled their own cliffhanger in the promos. 

In regards to Moira and Felicity, I'm always sad about the lack of fanfic featuring this dynamic out there.

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1 minute ago, bijoux said:

I see the blonde between Thea and William, and a brunette behind the guy in the maroon suit. Where's the third? I doubt they're bridesmaids, though.

The picture where Oliver is holding a box that Diggle handed to him. Haha, I doubt it will be mentioned but I think three women dressed the same at a marriage reception being bridesmaids is probably a safe assumption. I suppose the costume department could just be super lazy. Maybe Donna hired them? 

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I wish 509 ended with Oliver walking into the bunker right after killing Billy and he and Felicity just looking at each other, with the audience not knowing if she was going to be angry with him or how it was going to affect their relationship (yeah, they were broken up at the time but would it have created further divide?). I didn't care about BS at all — even if I weren't spoiled about it I just wouldn't have cared (and I guess the audience didn't either because there was no bump that I remember when 510 aired). And I so didn't care about Susan. 

309 and 409 put Oliver & Felicity in mortal danger. I loved the Slade montage in 209, specifically the line "corrupt those he loves" and then showing Felicity. I remember that generated a ton of discussion. Still pissed that Slade didn't really follow through with that. If this is ending with just the introduction of Team Baddie or the noobs leaving, that's going to be lame. 

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13 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Did Quentin give Oliver a watch? Man, how far these two have come. 

I seem to recall the reddit spoiler saying it was given to him when he got married.  Giving one to Oliver now is like saying that Oliver is like a son to him which, yeah, is huge considering their relationship for the first two seasons.

10 hours ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

BS when Oliver returns to the bunker after visiting Susan.

I forgot how much I loathe that MSF.  It was bad enough that Oliver visited Susan (remember the debate about whether he slept with her  just after having killed Felicity's boyfriend? just gross) and that it ended on the Black Siren like I was supposed to care beyond a mild curiosity, but the absolute worst was everyone comforting Oliver because poor baby felt so bad after killing Mayo and no one cared about Felicity and how she was feeling after having her boyfriend killed. And then Oliver went off to Susan and Felicity was left crying alone.  HATED IT. (Now I'm wondering why I ordered the season.)

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1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I wish 509 ended with Oliver walking into the bunker right after killing Billy and he and Felicity just looking at each other, with the audience not knowing if she was going to be angry with him or how it was going to affect their relationship (yeah, they were broken up at the time but would it have created further divide?). 

Eh. That would have just resulted in another lame glossing over of the resolution when they came back from hiatus. Like a little appetizer for the season finale when the island blew up and then basically everyone was fine. 

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25 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

Eh. That would have just resulted in another lame glossing over of the resolution when they came back from hiatus. Like a little appetizer for the season finale when the island blew up and then basically everyone was fine. 

Or not ... we'll never really know. My point was really more about the setup for the MSF, rather than the resolution. 

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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2 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

I so wish we could have seen Moira’s reaction to Felicity as Oliver’s wife.

I'm still mad we never got to see Felicity and Moira together tbh. I think their relationship could've been really interesting to watch. During s3 I could always imagine them teaming up to take down Malcolm and save both Thea and Oliver, and they would slowly gain this mutual respect for each other that eventually grew to like. IDK, I could see it so clearly. WE'VE BEEN DEPRIVED.

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28 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I'm still mad we never got to see Felicity and Moira together tbh. I think their relationship could've been really interesting to watch. During s3 I could always imagine them teaming up to take down Malcolm and save both Thea and Oliver, and they would slowly gain this mutual respect for each other that eventually grew to like. IDK, I could see it so clearly. WE'VE BEEN DEPRIVED.

Has Oliver ever even acknowledged that Moira didn't like Felicity and vice versa? Or maybe he didn't know? 

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11 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Has Oliver ever even acknowledged that Moira didn't like Felicity and vice versa? Or maybe he didn't know? 

Hmm, that’s a really interesting question. I’m not sure he ever knew, because as far as we know, Felicity didn’t tell him she thought Moira was shady (beyond telling him the truth about Thea and Malcolm), and I don’t remember Moira ever saying anything disparaging about Felicity to him. I only remember the three of them being in each other’s presence three times — when Moira came to QC after she got out of prison, in which Felicity was cordial, but flustered; at the bust of a “homecoming” party Oliver threw for Moira, where Felicity was once again cordial; and at Moira’s campaign event, where things were tense between Felicity and Moira, but Oliver appeared not to notice. So yeah, I’m not sure whether he ever caught on that there was tension in that relationship. I always felt like he wouldn’t have given Felicity Moira’s ring had he known how Felicity really felt about Moira. 

In any case, in 213, I felt like Moira had grudging respect for Felicity’s backbone in confronting her and desire to protect Oliver, even if she viewed her and her knowledge of the truth as a threat. I think she’d accept her as Oliver’s wife and they’d get along for the most part, but would butt heads fairly often because they had such different approaches to advising Oliver and looking out for his best interests. I think that could have made for really compelling drama, which is one of many reasons why I still mourn Moira’s loss. And yes, I would have given anything to see Moira and Donna’s reactions to each other. 

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55 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Has Oliver ever even acknowledged that Moira didn't like Felicity and vice versa? Or maybe he didn't know? 

I don't think he really knew that much. I'm not sure Felicity ever told him she confronted Moira in her own house re her darkest secret and Moira never said so on screen. He knew Felicity knew she was shady but nothing much about potential personal animosity since he wasn't there to overhear her comments on the Funeral "despicable". He did give her Moira's right so even if he did know it was important enough for him to overlook it. 

Not many people have ever stood up to Moira so there might have been grudging respect there, especially as the last person she threatened like that on screen was Samantha who caved (she was a few years young than Felicity at that point). Oliver's never really said anything about his mother's involvement in that cover up either. 

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I remember that (hilarious) exchange when Moira was back at QC and Felicity told her she looked very well and asked if she did something to her hair and Moira replied sarcastically that she shampooed without other women and the guards watching and this was in front of Oliver. I think Oliver assumed his mom was going to like Felicity if she got to know her because he liked her..he was a bit naive about his mom at times. If he thought differently I don’t think he would have given her that ring and I think probably if Moira got to really know Felicity and see how happy she makes Oliver she’d be happy about that.

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Yeah he's always been so respectful of her, calling her blondie and responding aggressively to her in the S6 premiere when there was absolutely no need. Even if this about his "betrayal" it's nothing new for him.

Edited by Featherhat
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3 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Or not ... we'll never really know. My point was really more about the setup for the MSF, rather than the resolution. 

I mean... we do know that the payoff would have been lame because Oliver killing Billy was a complete non-issue between him and Felicity. They wouldn’t have changed that just because there was a hiatus before we got to see Felicity’s reaction. 

I know it wouldn’t have gotten me at all interested and wondering what would happen the way a good cliffhanger should. It’s not like Felicity would have completely blamed Oliver and sworn to destroy him in return.  It’s not like Billy was believably important enough to Felicity to cause her to leave the team or something. What other outcomes are there then? I’m not going to be waiting on tenterhooks to find out if things are a little more awkward between Oliver and Felicity. It just wouldn’t have made a very compelling cliffhanger to me. 

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7 hours ago, Hiveminder said:

I so wish we could have seen Moira’s reaction to Felicity as Oliver’s wife.

It's possible that you might get your wish but in the worst possible way.  Recall that Susanna Thompson provided the voice of the Earth-X Waverider and that Nazi Oliver was the Earth-X Fuhrer.  It's completely reasonable to believe that the Fuhrer wanted his mother's voice as that of the ship's computer.  Now that her son is dead at the hands of Earth-1 Oliver, we might well see Nazi Moira coming at some point to try to claim revenge again him and his planet.  I would suspect the idea of her son's doppelganger marrying Felicity, a "Jewess," would make her even angrier.

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5 minutes ago, johntfs said:

It's possible that you might get your wish but in the worst possible way.  Recall that Susanna Thompson provided the voice of the Earth-X Waverider and that Nazi Oliver was the Earth-X Fuhrer.  It's completely reasonable to believe that the Fuhrer wanted his mother's voice as that of the ship's computer.  Now that her son is dead at the hands of Earth-1 Oliver, we might well see Nazi Moira coming at some point to try to claim revenge again him and his planet.  I would suspect the idea of her son's doppelganger marrying Felicity, a "Jewess," would make her even angrier.

Lord, I hope that never happens.

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39 minutes ago, Hiveminder said:

Lord, I hope that never happens.

I did mention "getting what you wanted in the worst possible way."  Hell, in some ways it's not too much of a stretch.  Even if she came to work against it later, she was a big wheel in The Undertaking, AKA Project Kill the Poor in a Big-Ass Earthquake.

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From the description for the next episode


Quentin Lance is kidnapped by Black Siren and Cayden James, who are looking to trade Lance’s life for a weapon of mass destruction.

I guess why that's why Quentin gives Oliver a cherished present and is the one to tell him that there is a traitor in their midst -- to up the odds when he gets kidnapped.

I wonder if they will spend time on Rene feeling guilty since Quentin's been helping him to get Zoe back.

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22 hours ago, bijoux said:

I think there was something in the Reddit spoilers about Quentin giving him a gift, something that was traditional in his family. I’m not sure what it was. The shot of Dig handing him a gift reminds me of Oliver’s necklace for baby Sara. The moment would be even sweeter if she was still there and co-oped as a flower girl by Donna.

This episode will likely end really badly seeing how happy everyone is at the start but I can’t even bring myself to fret, this is all so wonderful.


Knowing that there won't be a rift between Oliver and Felicity makes if very easy to be unflappable over any cliffhanger they could come up with.  I imagine it will end with the team unraveled (oh well) and the big bads pleased at their success.  Maybe even something could happen to Oliver's position as the Mayor and Felicity's partnership with Curtis, but again, it's just a big, oh well, lol.  I'm doubting there will be anything to fret over really except for maybe some BS about BS.  

16 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I don't rewatch Arrow (only shows i re-watch are L&O, Dateline and SPN - weird I know ?) so I'm going by memory.

S1 - Oliver in hospital?

S2 - Montage with Slade V.O. (really liked this one)

S3 - Oliver dying on mountain/Olicity kiss

S4 - Felicity "dying"

S5 - BS non shocker.

S6 - IIRC, the Reddit spoilers indicate the show ends with Team Baddie reveal. Of course, it could end with Team Baddie reveal intercut with Team Arrow split montage (similar to how 423 ended).

I'm really looking forward to this episode. Unlike the majority of this board I enjoyed S5 and 509 (I loved Arrow killing Billy thought it was actually shocking) and, have enjoyed most of S6 (I skipped the Slade episodes). Right now, I'm on an Arrow high.


509 I thought was one of the best of the 5A episodes even with the maddening parts in it.  But 5A wasn't that great so that's not saying much.  409 might never be topped. 309 to me was more just a stunt than anything great even if it had good moments.  I wasn't paying that much attention to 109 at the time and 209 IMO was really only memorable for the montage.  So the winter finale's are usually just a bit better written, but I'll keep my expectations reasonable.   Some good character moments and hefty plot momentum but not really expecting to be wowed.  I am expecting to really enjoy the hiatus with all the fics that could come out.  :D

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

Knowing that there won't be a rift between Oliver and Felicity makes if very easy to be unflappable over any cliffhanger they could come up with.  I imagine it will end with the team unraveled (oh well) and the big bads pleased at their success.  Maybe even something could happen to Oliver's position as the Mayor and Felicity's partnership with Curtis, but again, it's just a big, oh well, lol.  I'm doubting there will be anything to fret over really except for maybe some BS about BS.  

It's this feeling, which I also share about the spoilers, that makes me think there's something else that's unspoiled about the MSF shocker. I mean, if it's just that they miscalculated about how much we care for the newbies or how threatening the baddies are, terrific. But going by previous seasons, there coul be something to pack a punch which hasn't been spoiled. 

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It wouldn't surprise me if there's something we don't yet know and it might even be a good twist but I can't imagine anything short of killing Quentin would phase me.  I'm pretty zen about whatever drama that comes since I feel sure it won't be drama between O/F.  

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3 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

It wouldn't surprise me if there's something we don't yet know and it might even be a good twist but I can't imagine anything short of killing Quentin would phase me.  I'm pretty zen about whatever drama that comes since I feel sure it won't be drama between O/F.  

Unless it ends with Felicity throwing up! There's some drama I can get behind!

hehe but that won't happen I'm pretty sure! Too soon! And he hasn't even had time for dessert! 

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