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33 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Maybe?  I was looking on Wikipedia, and Evelyn Crawford (who went by Starling there) was apparently a member of the Birds of Prey for awhile.  

Ha!  Maybe she can go from Teen Canary to Artemis to Starling, lol.  

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Is Evelyn going to be Prometheus's way to try to influence Tina into turning against the team or going rogue?  DR had mentioned in an interview that since Tina is "unsettled" and the newest, she could be the weak link that Prometheus attempts to influence.

Edited by ComicFan777
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I don't get the feeling that that is an actual spoiler from DR about Tinah. I think he could be tying it into Dig being Tinah's welcoming committee in 5x13. Dig is making sure she feels settled because she's had it tough and Prometheus could take advantage of that.

I love DR and enjoy his interviews but I think he fluffs them to make up for what isn't explained on screen i.e. Diggle calling Felicity out in 5x12.

That and I think they are going to make Tinah the bestest badass female fighter ever. She's not going to be the weak link, she is probably going to the one who doesn't take any crap and can take down anyone with a sarcastic comment and a Cry.

She really wasn't as bad as I thought she would be in 5x12, but I do think I'm going to get tried of her fast if I think she belongs in The Fast and The Furious.

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11 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I love DR and enjoy his interviews but I think he fluffs them to make up for what isn't explained on screen i.e. Diggle calling Felicity out in 5x12.

Or they filmed a scene where Dig calls Felicity out and it got cut. Unlike SA is a cut of the episode before it airs, the other actors go by what's filmed/written.

Additionally, SA has been wrong about some stuff too. He's talked about scenes in the cut he viewed which either didn't make the broadcast version or was edited in some way.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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8 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I love DR and enjoy his interviews but I think he fluffs them to make up for what isn't explained on screen i.e. Diggle calling Felicity out in 5x12.

Did he specifically say that that happened in 5x12? Or could he have meant a future episode? Because if he meant 5x12, when exactly would that have happened? When he asked her what she did? That was pretty much their only interaction beyond the initial "welcome back" without a "thank you for getting me out of prison."

6 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Or they filmed a scene where Dig calls Felicity out and it got cut. 

If it got cut, I hope it's on the DVD set and not just gone completely like that Felicity/Curtis conversation last year. Was it ever revealed what that conversation was about? 

I think the problem with Tinah right now is that they want her to be part of the team immediately (look, she goes to Russia with them even though she just met them!), but they also want her to be new so she needs a welcoming committee (Diggle) and whatever bonding we'll see from those two, I guess starting with 5x13 going off the photos.

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It's pretty clear, I think, that the EPs want to add Rene/Wild Dog and Tinah/BC to the team next season. So far, they've done a much better job of introducing Tinah than Rene. Rene came across as abrasive, insulting and dismissive. Tinah was introduced with a sympathetic flashback scene, a superpower and kickass fighting ability, and as someone who verbally kicked Oliver for brooding (thus acting as the audience's surrogate).

Craig Wack (Oohlo, Agents of Geek) described Tinah as Oliver's "dream sidekick" and praised her as follows: "She's tactically sound. And she's got superpowers. And, um, she's smart and she's tough and gritty and drinks vodka and impresses Russian mobsters. It's like everything, uh, that Oliver could ever dream of her being." Allison Keene (Collider) praised Tinah as "someone who can and will call Oliver out." Lavinia Kent (USA Today) praised Tinah as "a completely different character than Laurel’s Black Canary and all the more powerful for that" and said that Tinah is a "grown-up." 

So, in terms of popularity, Tinah is leading Rene. (She's also in the lead for the Mary Sue Award, but that's just my opinion.)

Edited by tv echo
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Oh but Felicity doesn't count because they have history and feelings. Her opinion is tainted. And Diggle is a man, that's just a separate category. He doesn't call Oliver out, they have conversations like equals.

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15 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It's almost like Diggle and Felicity haven't been calling him out for going on 5 years now. 

There are some people who only ever notice Oliver being called out when it's a Canary doing it aka every iteration of BC being touted as a much needed member of the team who'll finally call Oliver out, as though Dig and Felicity have been his enablers for the past few years. 

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18 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It's almost like Diggle and Felicity haven't been calling him out for going on 5 years now. 

If it doesn't fit the story they want to tell/see at any given moment in S5, it didn't happen. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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1 hour ago, apinknightmare said:

It's almost like Diggle and Felicity haven't been calling him out for going on 5 years now. 

Interestingly, it's either Felicity doesn't call him out, OR, she calls him out so much that she ends up being a bitch and the overall relationship ends up being abusive... hmmm which is it?

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1 hour ago, lexicon said:

There are some people who only ever notice Oliver being called out when it's a Canary doing it aka every iteration of BC being touted as a much needed member of the team who'll finally call Oliver out, as though Dig and Felicity have been his enablers for the past few years. 

Boy, isn't this the truth! Diggle was the first person that got in Oliver's face about his shenanigans and he never stopped. He was joined in that endeavor by Felicity when she joined Team Arrow. I think that Diggle was separated from Oliver to a large extent so that Laurel was put into the that role for a hot minute.

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Just now, calliope1975 said:

Have they ever done something like this before? Even the gun buyback story line didn't get too PSA-y from what I can recall.

It didn't, which is why I'm unnerved by the idea of calling 513 a "very special episode," meaning that this one might be more PSA-y. They even used "gun control" in the extended promo.

Edited by way2interested
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1 minute ago, calliope1975 said:

Have they ever done something like this before? Even the gun buyback story line didn't get too PSA-y from what I can recall.

I don't think so. I mean, this show had an episode this season that started with a throwaway cold open about a teen girl getting sold into human trafficking and then they never really mentioned it again, so it's not like they're champions of social justice. (I still can't believe they didn't get called out for that in reviews.) 

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18 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Not gonna lie; this fills me with dread:

Me too. I have to admit I'm wary about this week's episode - even more so after seeing it described as "really interesting," even with the follow-up reply. 

And I have to wonder - if they didn't have Rene and I'm assuming what they wanted to be his backstory, would we get this episode? 

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So, are Diggle and Rene just gonna stop using guns in the field after? If not, then it's pretty much a waste of time. And I'm wary of how they'll tie Rene's backstory into a Very Special Episode of Arrow about guns given he's pretty much Quick Draw McGraw at this point. If he or someone he loves was the victim of gun violence, wtf is he doing shooting at people at every turn? 

Maybe I'm wrong, but this doesn't give me good feels. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I might be interested if the point of it wasn't to get us to love Rene.

But yeah, will Rene see the light and drop his Quick Draw McGraw habits after this? Because unlike everyone else, including Curtis who is an engineer, Rene doesn't really have any other skills the shooting or beating someone up.

32 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

And I have to wonder - if they didn't have Rene and I'm assuming what they wanted to be his backstory, would we get this episode? 

Possibly not this one but given the tweets from MG and his writers, there's a sense of frustration with society these days and it may have broken out in another way.

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I know Rene has said something along the lines of the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, but IDK...he's never shown any hesitance to shoot/shoot at someone (in fact he's pretty reckless about it) and hasn't ever shown any indication that he thinks he should be more discerning about where he's aiming. I know this is Arrow so lol @ reasoning but COME ON. 

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I know how rude it is but every time I read 'Rene-centric episode', I just want to sigh very, very loudly every single time. Why? Why? (No offense though to Rene fans, maybe that is highly anticipated but I just want to roll my eyes)

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38 minutes ago, Belinea said:

I know how rude it is but every time I read 'Rene-centric episode', I just want to sigh very, very loudly every single time. Why? Why? (No offense though to Rene fans, maybe that is highly anticipated but I just want to roll my eyes)

I think it's because of how long it took for Diggle and Felicity to get flashbacks. 

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Don't they usually have the in-person press showings when it is a big deal episode?  Is Rene's backstory that much a big deal?

Have there been any behind the scenes pics of Willa filming recently?  I wonder if the very special episode ends with her seriously injured or leaving town. This depressed me for in-show as well as real life reasons.

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5 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Don't they usually have the in-person press showings when it is a big deal episode?  Is Rene's backstory that much a big deal?

Have there been any behind the scenes pics of Willa filming recently?  I wonder if the very special episode ends with her seriously injured or leaving town. This depressed me for in-show as well as real life reasons.

If it helps at all I believe they said she's in episodes past this one.

I do think Thea may leave, but probably not die, sometime this season.

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8 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Don't they usually have the in-person press showings when it is a big deal episode?  Is Rene's backstory that much a big deal?

Have there been any behind the scenes pics of Willa filming recently?  I wonder if the very special episode ends with her seriously injured or leaving town. This depressed me for in-show as well as real life reasons.

Check out the news and media thread. Willa has a 14 episode contract this year (probably going forward)

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5 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

So, are Diggle and Rene just gonna stop using guns in the field after? If not, then it's pretty much a waste of time. And I'm wary of how they'll tie Rene's backstory into a Very Special Episode of Arrow about guns given he's pretty much Quick Draw McGraw at this point. If he or someone he loves was the victim of gun violence, wtf is he doing shooting at people at every turn? 

Also, the characters basically *shrug* at detonating nukes these days, but in a city as weird and violent as Star City, gun violence suddenly merits a Very Special Ep? Okay then. 

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12 hours ago, Chaser said:


I love DR and enjoy his interviews but I think he fluffs them to make up for what isn't explained on screen i.e. Diggle calling Felicity out in 5x12.


Dig calls Felicity out in 513...not 512

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From screenertv.com

Now that she's back though, things for Thea are about to get very dicey.

"She's headed in a direction that's very similar to where her mother was before she was killed in Season 2," executive producer Wendy Mericle teases. "We're taking her to a place where she's been dealing with all of these issues, the same way Oliver has, with the bloodlust and the other elements of her past. This season's going to find her in a similar place, but for very different reasons."


What does this word salad even mean?   

Edited by Sunshine
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9 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

Now that she's back though, things for Thea are about to get very dicey.

"She's headed in a direction that's very similar to where her mother was before she was killed in Season 2," executive producer Wendy Mericle teases. "We're taking her to a place where she's been dealing with all of these issues, the same way Oliver has, with the bloodlust and the other elements of her past. This season's going to find her in a similar place, but for very different reasons."

This is from screenertv.com.  I couldn't get the link to post.

Moira in season 2 right before she was killed was big into politics but estranged from her children over secrets she kept.  So is Thea going to end up estranged from Oliver?  Maybe she'll remind him how much she hates Susan Williams.  

7 hours ago, calliope1975 said:

Have they ever done something like this before? Even the gun buyback story line didn't get too PSA-y from what I can recall.

Supergirl did an episode this fall that was pretty heavy handed about Global Warming. It was not well received.  

6 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

They never claimed KC was a regular. 

I always thought Willa is a regular the same way as PB is a regular.  Not necessary in all episodes. 

PB I wouldn't be surprised if he's always had a 14 episode contract but Willa felt more like she was in at least 18 of the 23 in previous years.  

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Willa is in 14 episodes.  She was in 1-9.  She is in 13 & based on EBR's tweets 14.  She doesn't appear to have shot anything since then so she will have 3 to go - my guess would be they happen once JB is back.  Dicey is the word that jumped out at me.  Then my thoughts went to the shot up limo but I think that's in 15.

According to GATV Thea makes her feelings known regarding Reportiver and they are similar to twitter's in 5.13.  This could estrange her from Oliver.   How does that make the situation dicey though?  Does she leave the mayor's office for the unknown or does something bad happen to her?  I have questions.  I need answers. :-)    

Edited by Sunshine
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If Oliver and Thea are estranged because of Susan ... how stupid are they making Oliver? Are they really that determined for whatever plot they have planned for this reporter? No wonder Prometheus is MIA right now. As I've said, Oliver's doing his job for him. 

This is at least new information about Thea in 5B. I just wish it was a bit clearer. 

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I guess they need a reason to write Thea out for a couple of episodes and this is it.  I think they are going to tell us Oliver isn't stupid because she's not going to use her info against him because genuine feelings. <eyeroll>  

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10 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

If Oliver and Thea are estranged because of Susan ... how stupid are they making Oliver?

Especially since if Shady Susie winds up not screwing him over it's by sheer dumb luck and not any insight Oliver has into her as a person. 


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3 hours ago, Sunshine said:

Vigilante could attack Mayor Queen in 5.15 if he decides he's part of the problem depending on the stance taken in 5.13.

There has to be something cause right now they seem pretty buddy, buddy.  

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