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38 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I assumed CP would be exposed in ep12 but that doesn't leave time for "all in" - unless that is all offscreen. I guess they could hold off on the reveal until 14/15 and put it into Sweeps. 

I honestly do think Oliver is going to find out and not break up with her. Bright side would be he decides to use that knowledge and play her, realistic side says he will probably be a moron.

If we're going with the Ray comparisons, remember how Felicity apologized to *him* after he yelled at her for keeping GA's identity a secret? 

Season 5, probably repeating all the worst beats of season 3.

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Just now, lemotomato said:

If we're going with the Ray comparisons, remember how Felicity apologized to *him* after he yelled at her for keeping GA's identity a secret? 

Season 5, probably repeating all the worst beats of season 3.

That's the scene I'm expecting after he finds out.

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38 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Hey, maybe 515 ends with whatever happens with the limo, Susan gets hurt, and 516 will see Oliver staying by her side at the hospital. (Blame the conversation over in Heartaches from earlier for this post.) 

It's how we know he doesn't love her.

22 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Honestly, I'm thinking that Russia doesn't have anything to do with Prometheus and might just be Bratva/Star City related.

Aren't they pushing that Prometheus was trained by Talia in Russia?

Think good thoughts ... think good thoughts ....  Oliver finds out about Susan in 512 and breaks up with her.  But she comes back in 515/516 to redeem herself because the EPs want to use her again and gives Oliver a big clue.

It's that or Oliver is a complete idiot because he either doesn't see Susan for what she is or sees it and stays in a relationship with her anyways.

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You guys do realize Susan has a bigger plot point than just temp LI, right? I mean they all but, beat us over the head with it in 509. Then in an interview WM acts coys about that lingering shot of the Russian Vodka bottle. Plus there's that tattoo on her wrist that was shown in 502 or 503. 

We know Prometheus is tied to Talia. We know Talia is tied to Russia. We know Susan is tied to Russia. 1+1+1 = Susan is tied to Talia (and Prometheus?). Talia probably shows up in present day Star City in 515 (good Sweeps Cliffhanger).

I don't think Oliver is still dating Susan after he finds out and, he's probably going to find out by 15 (if not earlier). I wouldn't be surprised to find out they go all in in 12 and it ends in 15, basically Feb Sweeps.  Any Susan episodes post revelation are probably tied to Talia, maybe Oliver turns her into a Double Agent?

Hell I honestly believe the whole Susan isn't like Isabel thing only means the ending. Susan is working for Talia but, ends up falling for Oliver and betrays Talia unlike Isabel who was 'evil' all along.

I'm still betting Talia ends up as the Big Bad for the season. These guys love TDK Trilogy way too much to pass up a chance to do Talia/Bane, with a twist...Susan is Miranda Tate(ish).

Edited by Morrigan2575
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7 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

You guys do realize Susan has a bigger plot point than just temp LI, right? I mean they all but, beat us over the head with it in 509 and, the WM acts coys about that lingering shot of the Russian Vodka bottle. Plus there's that tattoo on her wrist that was shown in 502 or 503. 

Oh definitely. But insinuating herself into Oliver's love life appears to be part of her bigger plot at this point, so that - gathered with the fact that he has an extended case of the stupids for plot = wondering if maybe those two plots (her being his love interest, and her being shady) don't continue to play out simultaneously. 

I certainly hope they don't! But part of me is afraid that they will. 

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10 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Aren't they pushing that Prometheus was trained by Talia in Russia?

It might just my kind of weird dissociative logic. Like, I took it as Prometheus was trained by Talia who Oliver knows from Russia, but it might be/probably will be all be tied to Russia. Still, idk, I think there might be something else in their Russia trip, like searching for a Prometheus lead and something Bratva related.

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Doesn't Oliver say in the 5x10 trailer that Felicity and Lyla are looking for Prometheus' mother? They could follow a lead to Russia that involves the Bratva for whatever reason (like maybe his mom is Russian and he needs help finding her, or she was somehow otherwise engaged with the Bratva) to keep the storyline going.

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15 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Oh definitely. But insinuating herself into Oliver's love life appears to be part of her bigger plot at this point, so that - gathered with the fact that he has an extended case of the stupids for plot = wondering if maybe those two plots (her being his love interest, and her being shady) don't continue to play out simultaneously. 

I certainly hope they don't! But part of me is afraid that they will. 

I just don't see the point after reveal. Unless the reveal happens later or just to the audience by 15? 

The problem (for me) is Oliver/Susan is beyond dumb, especially how they set it up. I know it, I think everyone knows it. It makes no sense character wise so it's got to be totally plot driven. I don't like it, I hate that MG sacrifices character for plot but, at least I 'get it'. 

However, there's no real plot reason (other than Oliver using Susan to play Talia...which is possible given 515's Title) for O/Su to continue once the main purpose (Talia?) Is revealed.

I just can't for the life of me, see why O/Su would continue to after Oliver finds out.

I'm not saying it's impossible but, there's no real plot reason or character reason for it. So I can't rationalize it, which means I'd start to hate the show/character even more. Because while I loathe the whole plot over character thing, I've accepted it (for the most part) but, this wouldn't be plot or character, just dumb IMO.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

So I just can't for the life of me, see why O/Su would continue to after Oliver finds out. I'm not saying it's impossible but, there's no real plot reason or character reason for it. So I can't rationalize it, which means I'd start to hate the show/character even more. Because while I loathe the whole plot over character thing, I've accepted it (for the most part) but, this wouldn't be plot or character, just dumb IMO.

ship stall is the only thing I can think of...

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8 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

So I just can't for the life of me, see why O/Su would continue to after Oliver finds out. I'm not saying it's impossible but, there's no real plot reason or character reason for it. So I can't rationalize it, which means I'd start to hate the show/character even more. Because while I loathe the whole plot over character thing, I've accepted it (for the most part) but, this wouldn't be plot or character, just dumb IMO.

I think the concern comes from that Seat42 interview where SA said that this isn't going to be like the Isabel situation, and that Susan's just chasing an interesting story because the mayor of her city says he was one place for 5 years when he wasn't. It comes off like a pre-excuse for whatever is going to happen. Now...whether he was actually giving spoilers in that interview or somehow misdirecting people, IDK. So going off of what was said which is all that we can base our spec off of - it seems possible that Oliver might brush off her shadiness because she was doing as a reporter does. And if he does that, then there's no reason why they wouldn't stay together. 

It doesn't make sense to go that route if they want to convince any viewers who don't already think Oliver is a level 10 moron that he's not so stupid that he eats rocks for breakfast every morning, but...who knows with this show. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Just now, wonderwall said:

ship stall is the only thing I can think of...

But would they even need it at that point? I mean you already have a built in ship stall with Felicity going down a dark path and keeping a secret from Oliver.  I would think that's enough of a reason for Olicity to be apart for at least a few more episodes. 

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3 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

ship stall is the only thing I can think of...

And maybe to have Oliver distracted until they want him to find out what Felicity is up to? They might not want that to happen until a certain point (15-ish, as SA teased). They might just want another reason for Oliver to not be around a lot - and being mayor isn't enough - so they figure relationship? 

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Oliver/Susan could easily continue because they're gonna have feelings for each other and Oliver is a moron and these writers are idiots, mostly. I had a feeling CP would be around most of the season. Ugh.

I get why they're a thing for plot reasons, reluctantly, but I still don't see the in character connection. Why is he with her? It's like he just decided to give it a try with the first woman who showed any interest. 

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I think the concern comes from that Seat42 interview where SA said that this isn't going to be like the Isabel situation, and that Susan's just chasing an interesting story because the mayor of her city says he was one place for 5 years when he wasn't. It comes off like a pre-excuse for whatever is going to happen. Now...whether he was actually giving spoilers in that interview or somehow misdirecting people, IDK. So going off of what was said which is all that we know - it seems possible that Oliver might brush off her shadiness because she was doing as a reporter does. And if he does that, then there's no reason why they wouldn't stay together. 

If Susan was JUST a reporter doing a story I could buy it. However, if (as I suspect) she's tied to Prometheus/Talia I just can't buy Oliver continuing a relationship post finding out she's working for Talia.

Now, if it's a case of the audience finds out she's tied to Talia but, Oliver just thinks she's a reporter doing a story? Yeah, I guess they can have O/Su continue but, ultimately I'd still be asking why? I mean it makes no sense character wise and at that point, it wouldn't seem to have a plot reason either.

I guess I'll just wait and see. I don't think it's likely but, I can't rule it out either.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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9 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

Why is he with her? It's like he just decided to give it a try with the first woman who showed any interest. 

Because it was time for Oliver to move on.  When Felicity was mourning Billy, not when Oliver found out she was dating someone.

Maybe Oliver stays with Susan so that he can feed Talia false information.  Other than that, I got nothing, unless he's really, truly  in love with the bad girl.  He's always had a thing for saving Girls Gone Wrong.. Helena, Isabel, Sara.....

Edited by statsgirl
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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

Because it was time for Oliver to move on.  When Feliicty was mourning billy, not when he found out she was dating someone.

Maybe Oliver stays with Susan so that he can feed Talia false information.  Other than that, I got nothing, unless he's really, truly  in love with the bad girl.  He's always had a thing for saving Girls Gone Wrong.. Helena, Isabel, Sara.....

I know it was time for him to move on. I don't know why he chose Susan to do it. Just because everyone told him to, I suppose? It's weird. Even with his previous love interests I could see why he ended up with them but I just can't with Susan. 

I can't picture him being in love with her tbh. LOL no. If he does I will laugh and laugh and then finally be free of this show. 

On another note, I dig the idea that Talia might be the big bad of the season. I've wanted a female big bad since forever!

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We had 8 episodes of Billy as a love interest which is a third of the season and he barely did anything and all up his screen time amounted to probably 5 minutes. As a love interest Susan has had two very short scenes in 5x07 and two very short scenes in 5x09. She is speculated to be in 5x12 5x15 and possibly 5x16 which will probably again be like two maybe three scenes per episode like the Billy Malone treatment. 

If Susan wants to hang around to 5x16 I'm cool with that if it means people will stop hyperventilating over Tina and Oliver. :p

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6 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

If Susan wants to hang around to 5x16 I'm cool with that if it means people will stop hyperventilating over Tina and Oliver. :p

Oh but we will! Could mean that they are using her to stall Oliver/Tina end game.

I am slightly freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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10 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Oh but we will! Could mean that they are using her to stall Oliver/Tina end game.

I am slightly freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Are you sure this is the word you wanted to use? :)

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51 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Oh but we will! Could mean that they are using her to stall Oliver/Tina end game.

I am slightly freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Technically a ship stall comes between a couple or potential couple [that has been established as such. See: Sara stalled Oliver/Felicity in S2]. In this case, if Oliver and Tina make eyes at each other, it's Tina who's the potential ship stall for Oliver/Susan, not the other way around.

Edited by dtissagirl
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1 minute ago, dtissagirl said:

Technically a ship stall comes between a couple or potential couple. In this case, if Oliver and Tina make eyes at each other, it's Tina who's the potential ship stall for Oliver/Susan, not the other way around.

I don't care!!!! I just want Olicity and the potential for future Olicity babies and for everyone to squee and write amazing Olicity fanfic!!!! Is it too much to ask????

Give me back the days when he made heart eyes at Felicity *runs off into corner and cries*

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

I don't care!!!! I just want Olicity and the potential for future Olicity babies and for everyone to squee and write amazing Olicity fanfic!!!! Is it too much to ask????

I haven't read Arrow fic in a really long time, but has the fic production diminished that much? That would give Arrow another point in the weird as fuck category, because it's been my experience that the more a show ship stalls, the more fic is written to counteract that.

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7 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I haven't read Arrow fic in a really long time, but has the fic production diminished that much? That would give Arrow another point in the weird as fuck category, because it's been my experience that the more a show ship stalls, the more fic is written to counteract that.

I wouldn't say that Olicity fic has diminished but I think there has been a lack of enthusiasm and that there's been longer waits on updates and less volume of works just IMO from what I've noticed. But that could also be because of the holidays as well. 

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I'm wondering if by "going all in" they might mean he could come clean about being the GA..that way when they expose her to the audience the threat she poses can be even bigger because she knows that secret too.

I read a lot and I can say many WIPs vanished and I started seeing less updates starting from last year after the BMD.

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11 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Could be. I have a feeling that 512 is going to see Oliver and Susan in bed together, her asking about his Bratva tattoo, leading into the flashback of him getting it. Maybe that's Susan's only scene in 512? Or maybe we'll get scenes with her bookending the episode, kind of like in 509 - the holiday party date/her apartment. It can serve as a reminder of her investigating him like the Russian vodka ... only he doesn't find out until 515? 516 is the fallout maybe?


Having just spent five minutes looking for a nausea gif that will fit in with the forum's strictures, I give up.

On a more serious note, I've been expecting the "wake up in bed" scene for a while now. How else are they going to show us that they're ALL IN? Maybe they don't get how much like a moron it makes Oliver look?

44 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I haven't read Arrow fic in a really long time, but has the fic production diminished that much? That would give Arrow another point in the weird as fuck category, because it's been my experience that the more a show ship stalls, the more fic is written to counteract that.

Most of what I've been seeing lately is updates to long-running fics which didn't interest me when they were more or less close to canon, let alone now, when canon has devolved into madness. A couple of fics are trying to counteract the ship stall, but not as many as you'd think. The most recent one I found involves Felicity blaming herself for everything, and I mean EVERYTHING (Billy's death included), and concludes with her telling Oliver that she doesn't deserve him. Thanks, but no thanks.

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1 hour ago, dtissagirl said:

I haven't read Arrow fic in a really long time, but has the fic production diminished that much? That would give Arrow another point in the weird as fuck category, because it's been my experience that the more a show ship stalls, the more fic is written to counteract that.

Yes. It's way, way, way down.

Personally I see two major problems: (1) it's not a normal ship stall after they were nearly married, outside of soaps, anyway; and (2) it's coming across to a fair number of viewers that Oliver never really loved Felicity, since he seems barely to remember her name now. I can't even daydream angsty scenarios anymore, bc I can't make Oliver care much what happens to her even in my head. I get that they're maybe just doing some weird no-romo thing, but it's ruining what came before.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Here's a wild idea... Prometheus is indeed Justin Claybourne's son - but his mother is Talia al Ghul! 

So - according to various papp tweets, 515 includes a rooftop fight scene... Yawn.

Btw, Canadagraphs was bashing Olicity again...

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Um show runner never called it a mistake, seems like CG is doing a bit of selective reading. Looking forward to his meltdown when Olicity is back together again.

I also fully expect CG to praise Tina and Oliver/Tina simply because his hate for Olicity is so strong.

As for Talia being Justin's mother, it's a possibility but, I actually thought she would be revealed as Susan's mother. Right after Oliver/Susan have sex and we get a flashback to Oliver/Talia sexy times. So we can complete the S2 cycle. 

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31 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Guys, you're making this more yucky than Oliver and those Lance girls. Which is really saying something.

I kinda find Isabel more yucky than the sister swapping, and I'll never get over the fact that only Oliver knows she banged both him and his father. I really needed at least Diggle to know about it, so SOMEONE could have it over Oliver's head whenever he's acting stupid about women. Like right now.

Edited by dtissagirl
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I love the admission that he doesn't have a source, just bad comprehension skills.

With SA filming a lot as Mayor, I wonder if some of the boobies work at the Mayors office to keep them in Olivers orbit. We know Rene has been filming in a suit with Lance. Tina was at the filming Friday with at least Oliver and Reporter. Maybe security? 

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Lol, bonus points if 'all in' with Susan refers to Oliver's Penis, and he also showcases his masculinity by bedding Talia in a flashback. I mean this season is a melange of the previous ones right? We had the infamous sister swapping and Isobel being able to compare Oliver and his Dad. A Susan Talia familial connection with them both knowing Oliver intimately would be honoring those plot lines.  

*i typed this then knocked on wood to negate any jinxing.

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My ADDENDUM #5 TO SUMMARY OF S5 SPOILERS BY TOPIC (posted yesterday) has been moved to the Season 5 Spoiler Archive thread. Thanks, mods!

ETA: Curious, though, that thread (under "SORT BY") indicates the last post added was Dec. 6, 2016, not Jan. 16, 2017.

Edited by tv echo
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15 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I kinda find Isabel more yucky than the sister swapping, and I'll never get over the fact that only Oliver knows she banged both him and his father. I really needed at least Diggle to know about it, so SOMEONE could have it over Oliver's head whenever he's acting stupid about woman. Like right now.

Having Oliver sex up both mother and daughter (if that turns out to be the case) puts this in the same box with Isabel for me. Only with the added flavor of forced marriage to the gay aunt.

However yucky the Isabel deal was it resulted in one of my favorite SA's reaction shots, so I accept it. :)

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2 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I'm wondering if by "going all in" they might mean he could come clean about being the GA..that way when they expose her to the audience the threat she poses can be even bigger because she knows that secret too.

I am going to have so many issues if he even thinks about telling a reporter he's GA. As I've said before, that puts the entire team at risk. (That and the word "love" even being mentioned in relation to Oliver/Susan on the show are my big two NOs.) Just going to quote my own post from yesterday here:

13 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I will say this: If Oliver stupidly thinks about telling Susan he's GA, I hope everyone kicks him off the team. 

Just because she might have "genuine feelings" or whatever for him doesn't mean she wouldn't use information he gives her on anyone else. And if he stupidly thinks that he can trust her that much.... Hey, maybe he can tell her about William while he's at it. (I'm going to hope that the writers realize there's a limit to how stupid they can have their main character be, but...) 

1 hour ago, AyChihuahua said:

Personally I see two major problems: (1) it's not a normal ship stall after they were nearly married, outside of soaps, anyway; and (2) it's coming across to a fair number of viewers that Oliver never really loved Felicity, since he seems barely to remember her name now. I can't even daydream angsty scenarios anymore, bc I can't make Oliver care much what happens to her even in my head. I get that they're maybe just doing some weird no-romo thing, but it's ruining what came before.

That's the main problem this season. We got a few nice moments early on in the season, then Oliver found out about Billy, decided he needed to move on too, Susan basically threw herself at him and he went, "Hey, Susan. Perfect! Never mind what you did to my sister" - I will never understand that, and I'm happy that the writers haven't had Thea forget about that and switch to cheering her on or something like that - "and never mind that I have all these people on my side, including my sister and the people I've been closest to for years. I have no one but you to talk to." Susan told him he needed a friend, so he decided that was true.

The way that Oliver's acting towards Felicity right now, I'm not surprised that he's not going to realize something's up with her until around 515 and that other people are going to know before him (and my hope is they fully support her not telling Oliver because of his stupidity). Now, they can use the excuse that Oliver feels guilty for accidentally killing Billy to keep them apart - even if she doesn't blame him and has said that, he can think that she does/should and maybe feels he shouldn't be around her?

I have to admit, I'm finding it hard to even rewatch earlier seasons, because I start thinking about what their relationship is like in season 5. I liked how they were in S1/S2 in S1/S2. And right now, all we're getting is everyone saying in interviews "Oh, isn't it great they're friends?" but we're not seeing that onscreen. It looks like Rory cares more about Felicity right now and they just met. 

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3 hours ago, AyChihuahua said:

(2) it's coming across to a fair number of viewers that Oliver never really loved Felicity, since he seems barely to remember her name now. I can't even daydream angsty scenarios anymore, bc I can't make Oliver care much what happens to her even in my head. I get that they're maybe just doing some weird no-romo thing, but it's ruining what came before.

If Oliver never really loved Felicity then did Felicity ever really love Oliver, if your argument is that he can barely remember her name. It seems the same situation for Felicity as well..Felicity was the one pushing him towards Susan, asking for double dates and such and as awkward as it was for Oliver he might think she actually wanted him to move on with someone else. My point is that neither of them act like they were almost married last year, there were lingering feelings in the beginning of the season but once oliver found out about Malone, everything pretty much changed. And once he started scenes with Susan, they pretty much axed all olicity one on one scenes to not take the focus away from Oliver and Susan.

Edited by Cleanqueen
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17 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I am going to have so many issues if he even thinks about telling a reporter he's GA. As I've said before, that puts the entire team at risk. (That and the word "love" even being mentioned in relation to Oliver/Susan on the show are my big two NOs.)

Well, Oliver did not hesitate to tell Samantha he's GA, invited her into the Arrow cave and exposed the identities of the rest of the team, even though he hadn't seen Samantha in 10 years and she had deceived him about his son. So Oliver's stupidity knows no bounds.

Btw, do we even know what Samantha does for a living?

Edited by tv echo
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16 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Having Oliver sex up both mother and daughter (if that turns out to be the case) puts this in the same box with Isabel for me. Only with the added flavor of forced marriage to the gay aunt.

However yucky the Isabel deal was it resulted in one of my favorite SA's reaction shots, so I accept it. :)

Yeah, it was yucky that she slept with father and son, but I pretty much loved everything about Isabel, including how easily she was able to dupe Oliver both in the bedroom and the boardroom.

The question I have is Susan raises the exact same flags as Isabel, which is probably why we have Steve preemptively telling press that this isn't like Isabel. So what, she's working for the big bad, but she falls for Oliver ~for realsies~ and changes sides? Holy magic penis, Batman.

5 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Well, Oliver did not hesitate to tell Samantha he's GA, invited her into the Arrow cave and exposed the identities of the rest of the team, even though he hadn't seen Samantha in 10 years and she had deceived him about his son. So Oliver's stupidity knows no bounds.

Oliver also told Nyssa that Malcolm was Thea's father so that four scenes later Nyssa could kidnap Thea. There is no line in the sand for how dumb Oliver will be made for plot.

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I feel like we're not done with Human Target and somehow he will make an appearance this season. To me, it sounded like Susan knew about Human Target 

One good thing about season 5 is the mystery surrounding who Prometheus is, and I feel like them not revealing it in 5x09 was a pretty good decision on their part as it allows them to extend the mystery. What if Billy isn't really dead and he was working with Prometheus all along in an effort to make Oliver seem like a killer...guess we'll find out next week. 

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9 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

The question I have is Susan raises the exact same flags as Isabel, which is probably why we have Steve preemptively telling press that this isn't like Isabel. So what, she's working for the big bad, but she falls for Oliver ~for realsies~ and changes sides? Holy magic penis, Batman.

That has been my prediction since Susan first showed up acting Shady. She's working with/for Talia but unlike Isabel she develops feelings for Oliver and doesn't betray him. 

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7 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

That has been my prediction since Susan first showed up acting Shady. She's working with/for Talia but unlike Isabel she develops feelings for Oliver and doesn't betray him. 

So are you ultimately thinking that Talia is going to be an interim villain until the end, working for/with Prometheus, or the real big bad (a la Dark Knight Rises)?

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Unfortunately, the show has not made me care at all about Susan so if she is working for Talia and started to have feelings for Oliver it would be boring for me.  If they were going to make this a real relationship, I wish the writers would have put in more of an effort to show the potential obstacle she will face to betray or not betray him.  Right now I have a hard time believing they are even dating.

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2 hours ago, dtissagirl said:

I shouldn't laugh, but LOL. When fic writers are getting out of dodge, that's when I know the show is completely off the rails.

I don't write fic, but given how bitter the fandom has been, I don't know why I would want to. Doesn't make for the most encouraging environment.

Edited by lemotomato
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I feel like that tattoo or whatever was on Susan's wrist can easily lead back to Talia. (Give me a really good female big bad please. I'd be all for that.) But the thing is, who's going to care? (And sometimes I wonder if the writers just want to forget 503 altogether when it comes to Susan considering it made everyone dislike her for manipulating Thea, so maybe they won't even return to that. Maybe that was the original plan but they're going to change it and try to pretend that doesn't exist?) Like has been said before, either Susan betrays Oliver and he looks like an idiot, or she switches sides or whatever and he turns out to be right to trust her? But the thing is, he never should have trusted her in the first place for it to get to the point it's going to. 

Hey, maybe Oliver learns that Susan's shady while he's in Russia in 512 (maybe someone says something like, "Oh, you're from Star City? I've been talking to a reporter from there...") but doesn't do anything about it until 515 because of CP's availability and they want the episode to end on his revelation that she's been investigating him? Or he finds out, returns home, goes to see her and says, "Oh, I understand. You were just doing your job. Here, let me tell you all about Russia." That's when they sleep together onscreen, she sees his tattoo, and that cues up the last flashback of the episode, of him getting the tattoo. They can even insert clips of Felicity doing her own thing and Diggle researching the bad guys who framed him on his own. 

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