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4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I don't know about anyone else but I'm desperately hoping she doesn't become Oliver's love interest.  It's bad enough that I have to watch Felicity having nooners with Mayo, to have "'They look at each other. Sexual tension palpable. Are we finally going to get an Oliver/Tina kiss?" is going to put me off not just the show but my dinner too.

What gets me is that they're doing exactly what really killed Moonlighting, which is not that the OTP got together but that after that the writers split them up and spent ages in ridiculous plotlines and other love interests to keep them apart.  If it's a crutch, can I beat them over the head with it?

Yep. And I think my main problem with that side is the "finally going to get an Oliver/Tina kiss." If that does end up being part of an actual script, no matter who this kiss is with (Oliver, WD, mask/cop/random character #10 we haven't even met yet), how many episodes/how much time into her arc is this "finally"

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1 hour ago, Proteus said:

Why does it matter who she follows? I don't think it means a thing.

I can't see Tina being paired with any of the noobs. 

It's an observation. If Joe was part of the main cast I wouldn't give it a second thought, but he isn't. I assume all the people she followed are people she's filmed with thus far. It's an observation that has basis esp since it's been how most of these actors roll

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The Tina character is in an alleyway most likely doing stunts (Bam is there). I didn't read the slides-- but wasn't that scene of Tina in an alleyway doing stunts? (The slides MG claimed were fake?). I'm just getting convinced that those slides were more actual scenes and less fake. 

Edited by HighHopes
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1 hour ago, HighHopes said:

The Tina character is in an alleyway most likely doing stunts (Bam is there). I didn't read the slides-- but wasn't that scene of Tina in an alleyway doing stunts? (The slides MG claimed were fake?). I'm just getting convinced that those slides were more actual scenes and less fake. 


Of course, she's in an Alleyway doing stunts. It's that or a warehouse. Maybe a rooftop. Her black Leather Jacket maybe the most spoilery about the picture.

Edited by tarotx
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From Spoilers thread:


 The other big bombshell within “Human Target” is that reporter Susan Williams (Carly Pope) has gotten tipped off that Oliver didn’t spend all five years on that island. What has it been like to play those scenes?

“It hasn’t really happened yet, but where they go is interesting,” Stephen teased. “Susan appears to be up to no good, but in reality, she’s just following a very interesting story. I mean, the Mayor of the town where she is a news reporter was clearly not on an island for five consecutive years, which, by the way, I feel like it’s about time we did that.



“Hopefully it’s building to something that we’ve talked about doing on the show for a while,” Stephen continued. “We’ve had, in separate instances, with the first person being Slade, who discover Oliver’s secret or a secret that he is keeping if not the secret, and they threaten him with it,” Stephen continued. “I think that it would be interesting, if we go back to that storyline of her having information, that maybe she threatens him with it, but maybe his counter is different than what we’ve seen before. I also think that it would be most interesting if Susan Williams wasn’t just necessarily a spy in the weeds, in the way that there was no redeeming quality in Isabel Rochev. She was there to play Oliver from the beginning. So, maybe Susan Williams is learning something, but concurrently, maybe her relationship with Oliver will become dynamic and she won’t want to do what she did to Thea in the earlier part of the season.

Man, this makes me rage and roll my eyes so hard. First of all, he's right that Susan seems up to no good because all we've seen from her so far is that she is underhanded, unprofessional, and manipulative. Oh, and flirty. So, in a season in which Oliver has again killed someone while uttering "No one can know my secret," we're supposed to believe that he reacts to the sexy reporter's threat to expose his secret with a little flirty flirt and a desire to prove himself to her, to prove that he's the good guy? Why?  He already knows she's underhanded--he should immediately suspect that she's exactly like Isabel.

And, Susan "won't want to do what she did to Thea"?? Why, because he's Mayor Handsome?

Why do these hack writers treat every unpleasant female as deserving to be won over? How about someone is unethical and untrustworthy regardless if she's attractive?  

Not to drag Olicity into it (eh, who am I kidding?), but Felicity was never the bitch that needed tamed or convinced of the hero's worth. Even with the power imbalance between them, given Oliver's last name, Felicity was real--she didn't snipe or simper. When she pushed back, she was trying to help him grow, not just push his buttons.  

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5 minutes ago, EmeraldArcher said:

Man, this makes me rage and roll my eyes so hard. First of all, he's right that Susan seems up to no good because all we've seen from her so far is that she is underhanded, unprofessional, and manipulative. Oh, and flirty. So, in a season in which Oliver has again killed someone while uttering "No one can know my secret," we're supposed to believe that he reacts to the sexy reporter's threat to expose his secret with a little flirty flirt and a desire to prove himself to her, to prove that he's the good guy? Why?  He already knows she's underhanded--he should immediately suspect that she's exactly like Isabel.

And, Susan "won't want to do what she did to Thea"?? Why, because he's Mayor Handsome?

Why do these hack writers treat every unpleasant female as deserving to be won over? How about someone is unethical and untrustworthy regardless if she's attractive?  

Agreed. Also, I can't help but wonder how much time is going to have to be dedicated to this storyline, considering all we've seen from Susan is that she's, like you said, unprofessional and manipulative. Or is it just going to take a minute or two of flirting and she's suddenly going to be an ally? I almost wish that this would backfire on Oliver and he'd trust her and then she'd turn on him because more time has been spent on that side of her thus far. 

And like I've said before, I hope that they address what Susan did to Thea and have Thea point out to Oliver that getting involved with her is a bad idea. I really hope they don't just forget that ever happened the moment they possibly write Susan as Oliver's ally. I almost feel like they could have gotten more out of keeping Susan with Thea in a storyline - I loved Thea being a bit of a mini Moira in that last scene with her in episode 3 - for both Thea and Susan.

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14 minutes ago, EmeraldArcher said:

And, Susan "won't want to do what she did to Thea"?? Why, because he's Mayor Handsome?

I'll be really surprised if it isn't because he bangs her. But maybe she's just a really great person who thinks Oliver's a great mayor for...whatever reason, since he hasn't been so far. 


I do think it's funny that GATV is only writing an article about this now even though that interview has been out for nearly a week, haha. 

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Man, Bamford is really pushing this Tina actress. Yawn.


"I also think that it would be most interesting if Susan Williams wasn’t just necessarily a spy in the weeds, in the way that there was no redeeming quality in Isabel Rochev. She was there to play Oliver from the beginning. So, maybe Susan Williams is learning something, but concurrently, maybe her relationship with Oliver will become dynamic and she won’t want to do what she did to Thea in the earlier part of the season.”

I couldn't be less interested in Susan, even if she wasn't supposedly going to sleep with Oliver at some point. I don't care about all these new characters, especially not a reporter who hasn't amounted to much at all. Why are they pushing so many new characters now? I will never understand this in the fifth season of a show. They've completely lost me.

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We're back to season 1 again and Oliver's magic penis.

Thanks, MG for reminding me what I hated about the show the first two seasons.

I wonder if SA is pushing for this storyline so his ego can be fed by Playboy Oliver?  Or against it because no coupling will have the chemistry he has with EBR and he'll be in a worse position for leading man after the show is done.

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11 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

I doubt it - he's the one who asked the EPs to stop with the "playboy" stuff in the first place. 

I don't know, the way  he's been talking lately it seems he might have changed his mind. Someone here said that SA felt that Oliver was emasculated by his relationship with Felicity, and I tend to agree. He might have read enough comments on his FB page to be convinced of that, and both his comments about Oliver and Felicity's fight in the premiere - remember how he kept saying 'they argue as equals' ?- and now the reporter talk, makes me think he's not so against Oliver reverting to his playboy days. 

OTOH, it could very well be him toeing the company line as always.

What's weird is that from that interview it seems they haven't made  any progress wrt Susan having that pic of him in Russia yet. Since it's back to basics, what, are they banging in 506, and then she disappears until it's he right time to flaunt that  pic around in 517 so he loses his job as mayor?

Edited by looptab
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I currently have two speculative theories regarding a Oliver and Tina relationship...

One: The show is going to do a variation of the GA Rebirth romance where GA has a few run-ins with a mysterious female vigilante before they actually meet (she's BC) and have instant attraction, then slowly become allies and then lovers.

Two: Do you remember last year when the EPs were talking about Oliver having a flashback love interest, who turned out to be Taiana/Poppy, and then they apparently changed their minds?


-- MG: "Oliver is gonna have a love interest in the past that will serve as a parallel or potentially a contrast to his love affair with Felicity in the present."  (EW article, page 19 of Spoilers thread; and TVAfterDark article, page 71 of Starling City Times thread)
-- MG: "Truth be told, we really wanted a flashback love interest to contrast it with the present day love interest of Felicity." That contrast has an important role in the new season, as Oliver isn’t the man he once was. “It’s tricky with Oliver, because the Oliver of the flashbacks is very different from the Oliver of present day." Though, the show itself is also very different. MG: “Because we’re going lighter in tone in present day, we’re going darker in flashbacks. This isn’t going to be a fun, rollicking romance in the past. But it does exist to contrast what’s going on in the present... The truth is, had Oliver and Felicity not gotten together in the present, I don’t know if we would have thought to give Oliver a love interest in the past.” (Zap2it article, page 19 of Spoilers thread)
-- WM: "It’s to see him in a relationship in the past and a relationship in the present, and contrast where he is. The flashbacks are going to be Oliver at his darkest place, but in the present day story, he’ll be at his happiest. It will be about, how did he get there and how did those really dark moments inform his decision to maintain his faith, despite everything that’s happening around him?" (Collider article, page 19 of Spoilers thread)

What if the EPs decided to transfer that love story to this season with Tina?  Last season, the contrast would've been between a darker flashback Oliver and the lighter present day Oliver.  But now S5 Oliver is no longer the lighter S4A Oliver, so possibly the contrast would now be between the darker S5 Oliver and an ultimately lighter Oliver at the end of S5 or in S6 maybe? I guess what I'm clumsily - and maybe too optimistically - trying to say is, what if Oliver's relationship with Tina will just show him how much better he is with Felicity? Or, if I'm being pessimistic, what if Oliver's relationship with Tina is intended to show us how much better he is with Tina?

In either scenario, I think we're looking at another S2 where the Canary dominates the back half of the season and all other supporting characters fade to the background.

Edited by tv echo
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7 hours ago, looptab said:

What's weird is that from that interview it seems they haven't made  any progress wrt Susan having that pic of him in Russia yet. Since it's back to basics, what, are they banging in 506, and then she disappears until it's he right time to flaunt that  pic around in 517 so he loses his job as mayor?

This confused me too. Unless we're going to see Susan past 5A? But I thought she was leaving in 509? Maybe she's not the one to bring up the picture but someone else gets their hands on it because she had it?

2 minutes ago, tv echo said:

In either scenario, I think we're looking at another S2 where the Canary dominates the back half of the season and all other supporting characters fade to the background.

I'm worried about this being true. I can't see the show ever doing to a new Canary (if it's Tina, if it's someone else) what they've done to Evelyn these first five episodes. We've gotten absolutely nothing from Evelyn other than a few lines supporting WD and then here and there a reminder that, hey, yeah, she's part of the new team too. That's the problem with having too many new characters/masks. 

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7 hours ago, looptab said:

What's weird is that from that interview it seems they haven't made  any progress wrt Susan having that pic of him in Russia yet. 

I got the sense that in that interview SA was speaking in absolutes as far as what we've seen on screen thus far in the season, and all the "hopefullys" and "maybes" and "I think it would be interesting ifs" are things they have already filmed and he was - for whatever reason - giving little spoilers there. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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4 hours ago, tv echo said:

In either scenario, I think we're looking at another S2 where the Canary dominates the back half of the season and all other supporting characters fade to the background.

I would hope they learned from Sara, who was very popular until she become Oliver's love interest and dominated both the present storyline and the flashbacks.  Then they got rid of her, only to have to bring her back again to launch LoT.

Honestly, I think having NuCanary dominate 5b after ending Olicity in 5a and bringing in a bazillion new masks is going to be the death knell of the show. They may get their season 6 but most of the audience will be gone.

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Not so anti-vigilante or tough to impress, are we lol


ETA: she was described as being anti-vigilante, wasn't she? 

Yeah, I'm pretty sure she was. Guess Oliver's going to win her over pretty fast. 

9 minutes ago, Lidach said:

According to twitter, Tina is already filming Belly Burger scenes with rest of the cast, minus EBR. Meaning, she knows Team Arrow behind the masks, and they're chilling. Seems very fast... 

Wonder if EBR isn't there because of whatever arc is coming up for Felicity in 5B. It's supposed to be something that doesn't have to do with Oliver, right? This might be their way of trying to have the scenes not seem so crowded with all the new characters. 

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14 minutes ago, Lidach said:

According to twitter, Tina is already filming Belly Burger scenes with rest of the cast, minus EBR. Meaning, she knows Team Arrow behind the masks, and they're chilling. Seems very fast... 

Is that confirmed or just speculation?

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Why is Felicity always away on some island when there are these casual scenes? (Supposing this info is true).

I'm torn, I want both for Felicity to have her own storyline and at the same time I don't want her to be apart from the team. I don't want her to get the laurel S2 treatment.

Edited by looptab
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Maybe arrowwriters want instant "adult" relationship  between Oliver/Tina lol with no drama... and yes, I think she is new Sara, but mixture of Huntress and  McKenna aka LI for Oliver in 5B. Back to basic.

RE: Felicity SL, I don't believe anything what arrowwriters/EP said. They're famous for quitting the SL in favor for other character/actors if something/someone else impress them during "dallies". So with no interviews from EBR, trust is non existent.

Edited by Lidach
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Oh, I agree with all the comments about Felicity's storyline. I'm half-worried they'll have 1 or 2 scenes of her actually in them and then maybe a comment here and there that she's off doing X or something and then it'll be finished.

I also realized that if this BBB scene is actually true, I'm wondering who the rest of the cast is there. Is Diggle in the scene? If he is, does that mean they took care of the pesky problem of him being a fugitive so he can be out in public eating with everyone, or are they just going to let that slide and hope no one thinks about it? 

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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

How are they filming Big Belly Burger scenes when there's no BBB set anymore? 

This twitter account is claiming to know things. I don't know if I believe everything.


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I hope they don't separate Felicity completely from the team and put her on another version of Palmer Island. I want a good storyline for Felicity, but I'm slightly worried about how it will fit into the show.  

I'm concerned that they are giving her the Laurel Lance treatment and she'll end up being lifted out of the team and replaced by nuCanary. 

The writers say they 'love' Felicity but I remember they used to say that about Laurel too and look what happened there.  

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Well, I can honestly say that at this point, I am so far removed from the show that I really don't care all that much anymore. But I guess for all the people who care about the new characters then they are in luck because that is the show they are getting. And because it needs to be said over and over again and again. WHO CARES? ANYBODY?

Only good thing is that the other regular cast members who don't get to be included in all the other things (PB, WH, EBR) they get a paycheck and free time. 

At this point, they could actually remove Felicity and Quentin because they have superhero Curtis and they have the 'Tina', with what ever job she brings to the table. I doubt they will but they could. 

Because Felicity will probably be without a BF in 5B and Oliver will be with a GF and therefore the potential for drama can be there even though it shouldn't be. Because a) does anyone wants to see that and b) it is so boring.

However, I'd laugh my ass of if the Tina actress and SA have not chemistry as well... That would make me giggle in a petty kind of way. 

Also because I am not sure: Do they think people will be happy that they have a replacement BC, because BC=mask=all anybody cares about or will the opposite happen and people will be pissed that they killed Laurel off just to replace her with a newbie?

Edited by Belinea
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7 hours ago, Proteus said:

I see seat42f removed that long SA interview as well as all over interviews posted last week.

Hm, I wonder why... maybe SA said too much, truth is, after his interview fandom went crazy. But damage is already done. So who knows. Probably is nothing of importance.

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12 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Yup. I don't really trust her at all tbh

I think they may be filming in a diner because one of the paps said smile diner and an alleyway but I'm not putting a lot of stock in the players. She has been way off.

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SA on Facebook once: The core characters are the core characters are the core characters.

Arrow writers: Core characters? Um...Don't know what that is. Never experienced that emotion. Honestly, truly.

Seriously though, I'm pretty sure that twitter has been wrong a few times but still. Meh. Keep it.

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33 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

SA on Facebook once: The core characters are the core characters are the core characters.

In what alternate reality did that happen or was it another timelime? Maybe they changed theirs and we got stuck in another one?

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In one interview  SA said something about House and how EP want to go where House went later in season: new characters, new team. I just hope Felicity doesn't end like Allison Cameron (written out from show in the middle of season 6). I stooped watching in season 4, when her role was very reduced.  I like her the most. She challenged House's decisions and was his opposite. Writing this because I  watching ep of House right now on TV :) 

Edited by Lidach
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4 minutes ago, Belinea said:

In what alternate reality did that happen or was it another timelime? Maybe they changed theirs and we got stuck in another one?

Like I said, EPs are easily distracted with new characters, they love Wild Dog now. No time for OTA. 

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2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Anyone know when and how they would know if Tina is well received? 

I'm kinda worried they are going to severely reduce Felicity’s screentime. 

I feel like by the time her first episode airs, they'll pretty much have almost all of the rest of the season plotted out, so any changes would probably have to wait until season 6? 

It does seem to be that "storyline for Felicity in 5B" = reduced screentime. Hadn't there been talk about bringing back Felicity's father in S5? I wonder if that will actually happen/if it does, if it'll be for more than 2-3 scenes. 

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5 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Anyone know when and how they would know if Tina is well received? 

I'm kinda worried they are going to severely reduce Felicity’s screentime. 

I guess, through PR, which includes probably interviews and praises of great "dallies" by EPs.  I have feeling she is here for long haul. Just feeling... 

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Oh, and just because I just came across this (and because I am not sure anymore if we talked about it) Malone is apparently the name of the character that killed Batman's parents... Is that supposed to be an easter egg of some sort?

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I wonder if anyone will start wondering why this group of people is hanging out. Remember in S2? Felicity had to be Oliver's executive assistant and Diggle was his driver because they needed secret identities? But no, no one's going to question the mayor hanging out with a fugitive, his ex-fiancee's former employee, some random guy (what does Rene do?) and a detective? 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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