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I kinda think the master plan is still in motion re: Oliver/Felicity.


416 probably starts frosty between them, and then the fake wedding happens, and ~feelings are dealt with. I won't be surprised if whatever frostiness/rift between them lasts just this one episode, and by the end of it they're more friendly/cordial to each other.


At most, it'll last two episodes, and the bad awkward vibe is solved in 417. Which is the SAVE FELICITY! episode, and we know Oliver is injured, and maybe Felicity is injured. Or maybe it's Donna, but it would still work as a catalyst for O/F having some sort of reconnecting moment.


418 is the death episode, and there's some evidence Felicity is not in much of it. 419 is the funeral episode, and I really don't expect them to be romance-y in this ep.


416-419 are also all non-Sweeps episodes, which makes all of them unlikely for a main pairing reconciliation.


Then there are still 4 episodes to go. There's actual chance that all four of them will be sweeps episodes, but if 420 isn't, there's precedence on the show for utilizing that episode for pivotal emotional moments.


So, either O/F gets back together in 420-421, before the final battle; or they get back together in 423 in the middle of/right after the final battle.  I guess the timing there depends on whether they want the season to end on a happy note [423 reconciliation], or on a cliffhanger/shocker/depressing ending [getting back together early in 420, and then dun dun dun ending].


100th episode wedding in 508 for ~event shenanigans of TRIPLE SHOW CROSSOVER. Poor set managers.

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I think another consideration is that they might want to do another tie-in comics series this summer (since there was none last summer).  So you have to have Oliver fighting as GA over the summer.  If S4 ends on a cliffhanger, then what's going to happen over the summer?  If they go with real time like they usually do, they can't have anything real significant happen while the show is off the air for 5 months.


That's why I think that S4 will end on some kind of hopeful note, with an opportunity for minor storytelling over the summer hiatus.  But I could be completely wrong.  Maybe S4 will end with Felicity disappearing and then Oliver will spend the next 5 months searching for her with no success.


Then there's SA saying that S4 ends with a more finalized, balanced Oliver (according to fan tweets from HVFF-Chicago).  So hopefully, Oliver will realize he was wrong about how he handled the whole BMD and will also have defeated Darhk without succumbing to the darkness.  Maybe he and Felicity agree to try again in 423, but their relationship will slowly rebuild over the summer hiatus while he earns her trust on a personal level again.


In contrast, flashback Oliver will have succumbed to the darkness - maybe due to Poppy's death.  Then hopefully next season we'll get the Bratva storyline and Oliver doing more fight training (which we haven't seen much of in flashbacks).

Edited by tv echo
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I think the hiatus tie-in comics were an experiment in structure, not the rule for how they run. The S1 comics ran stories concurrent to the season, and now the Malcolm comics are telling his origin villain story or whatever. So I don't think wanting to do hiatus comics is a factor that influences show story decisions.


Not saying there won't be hiatus tie-in comics, but as far as what influences story, it works the other way around, really. Especially since those comics sell what? Double digits thousand issues? It's a really really really small percentage of potential audience, to base TV story in.

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Well I have legitimately been told with all sincerity that the show clearly with mentioning that Oliver cheated on Laurel with BM was intending to remind the audience that Oliver is still a cheater that sleeps around so therefore they are preparing the audience for Oliver to go back to his old ways.  Oh and clearly if the show runners had wanted to show that Oliver had changed, they wouldn't have written him as not being interested in anyone else and being 100% faithful, no the only way they could have shown that Oliver wasn't still the exact same cheater he's always been is if he gets interested in someone while he was with Felicity and only at the last minute decided not to have sex with that person. 


Or maybe that theory is BatShitCrazy.  I don't know. Could go either way. 

He's "still" a cheater, bc he cheated TEN YEARS AGO, on LAUREL? 


I realize that's not you, but that's idiotic. That's desperation to kill off O/F destroying logic. And getting interested in someone else but deciding at the last minute not to have sex is soooooo not the definition of not being a cheater. I mean hey, if Oliver truly believed he and Felicity were over, I think he would eventually date again. I also think he'd totally hate it, and it'd be kind of funny. But ain't no way he's cheating on her, and since this is a tv show with no present-day love interests even introduced, I'm sure no one's dating, either.

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David said he was sad when he found out who was in the grave, but w/ show like Arrow Legends and Supergirl, anything can happen.




David confirmed the death is final, but said person will always be apart of the #Arrow family. #HVFF




Just spoke with Willa, she said the death is a huge loss for the show. #Arrow




Willa said whenever you loose a character like this, because the cast is so close, it feels like losing an arm and a leg. #HVFF


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David and Willa didnt arrive with the other guys LOL.


And David already let it be know that he knew who was in the grave during Dallas con.


Heck even Echo knew who is in the grave during filming for 4x18.

Edited by Velocity23
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I imagine she wants to avoid any and all grave questions so it's easier for her to just pretend she does know anything.

It's ridiculous at the point but I can understand it.

Edited by Chaser
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"Katie pretty much confirmed that the flashbacks funeral was Tommy's and not Sara's. Laurel is gonna die trying to save someone like Tommy." (X


OK, those photos make so much more sense now with all the guys at the funeral, must be Tommy's buddies. 

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"Laurel is gonna die trying to save someone like Tommy."



Is that an actual quote or just a guess? Actually I'm not sure what they mean by 'someone like Tommy' tbh.

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Is that an actual quote or just a guess? Actually I'm not sure what they mean by 'someone like Tommy' tbh.

I think it's speculation. Basically Tommy went to save Laurel from CNRI and got crushed by the falling building instead.

I guess Laurel could try to save Thea/Lance from a bullet or explosion or something like that but, end up getting killed in the process.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think that's an interpretation of the other tweets. I got the impression that when KC was talking about Tommy, she wasn't talking about the details of the death but in terms of the impact on the show.

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Chaos in Theory is at the Convention. She mentioned having a chat with CL and CL said "I hope next season I'll be in a different color...i really like black"

Obviously this could be nothing, maybe she's just teasing or maybe she just really liked her Canary costume (which I love). She could also be angling to get the BC title back or she could actually know something.

I just found it amusing.

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Yesterday when Katie was saying playing Laurel has been the best experience, WH & CR Rubbed on her in a comforting why. I've been sure it's Laurel in the grave since yesterday. Especially with CR accidentally talking about an alive Quentin when discussing Donna being back for season 5. 

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Tommy's funeral would make more sense with all the guys there. I guess they just pass by Sara's headstone on the way there. It would also make sense for it to be there during Tommy's funeral since Sara was still "dead" then. 


10/15 minutes late is understandable, an hour late is pushing it but things happen. 3 hours late is just unprofessional. These things are planned to the minute to give everyone enough time to get their autographs and photo ops. Being the only one that's late also looks really bad. 


CL trying get the black back is not surprising, that washed out white they have her in looks terrible on her. All they would need to do is cover up the cleavage a little bit more and it's all good. 


As long as Caity stays on LoT I don't really have a preference on her costume even if it would be kinda silly to make her be the Canary again after they just gave her a new identity.


I don't really count putting a color in front of her name as a new identity. She's still the Canary like she always was. 

Edited by Sakura12
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The 'take one for the team' was used before in reference to Colin Donnel leaving the show; I don't remember who said it, though.

I agree that the cast members should have agreed beforehand on what answer they should give to grave questions.

BTW, those answer Katie gave would be kinda rude if she wasn't the one dying.

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I don't really count putting a color in front of her name as a new identity. She's still the Canary like she always was.

I do. Sara said being the Canary never had a positive connotation for her and Laurel told her to not be her then, to be a hero in the light, to be the White Canary. In this context it has a meaning.

The 'take one for the team' was used before in reference to Colin Donnel leaving the show; I don't remember who said it, though.

I agree that the cast members should have agreed beforehand on what answer they should give to grave questions.

BTW, those answer Katie gave would be kinda rude if she wasn't the one dying.

KC said that about Tommy.

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It's still just a color in front of her original name. I'd consider a new identity taking on a whole new name. And it doesn't seem like she's doing anything all that different with it. She's still killing people and now trying to control her bloodlust that is another addition to her many traumas. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I do have to admit that I am still somewhat astonished that it really does seem to be Laurel in the grave. I was 100% sure that they'd sooner cut of a limb than kill their BC. But it looks as though they finally ran out of reasons to keep her around.

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I do. Sara said being the Canary never had a positive connotation for her and Laurel told her to not be her then, to be a hero in the light, to be the White Canary. In this context it has a meaning.

IF (and that's a big if) Sara goes back to wearing black, I'm certain she's going to be doing it as the Black Canary this time, not just "The Canary".

Edited by Starfish35
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If Sara goes back to Black she'll probably just drop the White and be Canary again. Sara's White Canary because Laurel took the black look and forced the white one on her.

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It's still just a color in front of her original name. I'd consider a new identity taking on a whole new name. And it doesn't seem like she's doing anything all that different with it. She's still killing people and now trying to control her bloodlust that is another addition to her many traumas.

As the Green Arrow is just putting a color in front of his original name but it's still supposed to mean something as the White it's supposed to for Sara or that whole speech about being a hero in the light means nothing. I give it a meaning and given what they said about how she felt as the Canary I would consider using her old name and costume as a step back.

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IF (and that's a big if) Sara goes back to wearing black, I'm certain she's going to be doing it as the Black Canary this time, not just "The Canary".

It would be cool but I doubt they'll do that on top of killing Laurel. Her fans would be so P-Oed.

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I would consider using her old name and costume as a step back.

I don't think Sara's going to go back to just being "The Canary". If she takes up the black again, it will be as the Black Canary, probably in honor of Laurel, and it would likely be a new costume altogether.

Edited by Starfish35
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It would be cool but I doubt they'll do that on top of killing Laurel. Her fans would be so P-Oed.

No offense but that's exactly what they did to us Sara fans. So, I really don't care if Laurel fans are upset, shit happens. I had to watch Sara go out like a punk, get dropped on a dumperster, have her mask fall off (not quite at Laurel's feet).

Then to add insult to injury they shoved Sara's body in a freezer, had LL dress up in her outfit, take her name, pretend to be Sara (using CL's voice) and have Felicity tell Laurel just how much better she was than Sara.

Karma's a bitch but unlike Sara, Laurel will probably get a heroes exit.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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It would be cool but I doubt they'll do that on top of killing Laurel. Her fans would be so P-Oed.


Would they even care If she's the only reason they watch Arrow? I'd think they are going to jump ship if they kill her off.

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Considering Sara's going back to League in the next episode, she hasn't done much different with her new color. For me a color is just a color. Oliver is still the Arrow who wears green. He's changing how he handles his situations that make him more of a hero, the name is just a name. Same with Sara's. She chose the Canary because of what it meant to her. She chose it as a connection to her childhood pet. It's more than just her league name. 

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Laura (@lschin12) tweeted at 2:45 PM on Sun, Mar 13, 2016:

"Oliver wants to be w/ Felicity, Felicity doesn't want to be w/ him right now. He will maintain his position like an adult"-Stephen. #HVFF


Lani (@nomadichead) tweeted at 2:46 PM on Sun, Mar 13, 2016:

Stephen said Oliver's stance on wanting to be with Felicity doesn't change "handles it like an adult...who maybe stomps his foot." #HVFF


Edited by Morrigan2575
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If Oliver had handled the situation like an adult he wouldn't be in the position he's in now. I know they are saying what the writers are telling them but it rarely ever comes across on screen that way. Repeating it over and over again doesn't change anything. 

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If the fb funeral is really Tommy's, I wonder  whose POV will the flashbacks be from. Oliver's? Laurel's, while she is dying?

If the funeral is Tommy's, then I think the flashbacks are Oliver's. I assumed they would be Quentin's, remembering one daughter's funeral while going through the other's, but if it's Tommy, then I would imagine the flashbacks are Oliver's, and the parallel is the loss of his two childhood friends.

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If Sara goes back to Black she'll probably just drop the White and be Canary again. Sara's White Canary because Laurel took the black look and forced the white one on her.

Forced it on her? I am pretty sure that they both wore black for an episode together which wasn't a problem. Sara was done dressing up by the end of thee episode, had nothing to do with Laurel wearing black.

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If Oliver had handled the situation like an adult he wouldn't be in the position he's in now. I know they are saying what the writers are telling them but it rarely ever comes across on screen that way. Repeating it over and over again doesn't change anything. 


Pretty sure he's not being serious.

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Emily Davis


When asked if it was true that he didn't know who was in the grave when he shot the flash forwards, Stephen said "not true". #Arrow #HVFF

Guess SA lied from the start about not knowing who was in the grave.

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