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I've always noted her arms and really her physique. It's hard to miss in those Miss Smoak clothes.

I always noticed that she was thin and I noticed her legs being really defined in one of those pictures from the Summer tour, i guess I just never noticed her arms being so toned before.  


Hopefully we'll get to see some Felicity training scenes in S3.  I don't want her out there kicking ass, I think she's a total BAMF right now (loved how she tortured/interrogated Blood's guy last season).  But the girl needs some basic self defense skills.

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Colton said Sarah is coming back in an interview.  We would just see different aspects of her (or something like that). Katrina Law said something about returning to Vancouver to film shortly which would make sense that Caity is too.  I just think Sarah's not going to be BC.

Edited by Sunshine
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I think before we see Thea, we will be seeing Malcom. and Barrowman isn't in Vancouver. So no Thea scenes until Barrowman lands in Vancouver. Most probably Willa has some living arrangement in Vancouver( due to the amount of filming) and she's presently in Vancouver so the cast dinner attendance. The guy next to kassidy is Colton.


On an unrelated note: Robbie Amell tweeted this "Some very cool news coming today. Excited to share with you guys!!!!" which was retweeted by Andrew Kriesberg. SO maybe something related to Arrow or Flash??!!!


We might see Sara, Nyssa and hopefully a glimse of Ra's al Ghul in 3x02. The director for 3x02 is Wendey Stanzler who has directed "The League of Assasins" and "Heir to the Demon"

Edited by abhi
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They could need Thea for some Flashback regarding Thea and Oliver.

I think Amell had said at Denver Comic Con that there were discussions that Thea and possibly Malcom will not be there in the first couple of episodes. But maybe flashbacks, who Knows?

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Robbie Amell joins #TheFlash in a major recurring role as Ronnie Raymond/Firestorm — starts in episode 3.



Boo!!!!  Taking response over to Flash forum.


PS: Please stop recycling your actors, CW.  And if the CW insists on recycling their actors, why couldn't Luke Mitchell have shown up as Daniel.  Double boo!


Also: Please keep Firestorm far far away from Felicity.  I don't want real-life cousin swapping, thank you very much.

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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Flash casting news isn't related to Arrow, lets try to stay on topic please.

Well actually, since Felicity Smoak in the comics is connected to Firestorm (she was married to his father) it is kind of related. So where should we talk about how having Firestorm on Flash could affect storylines on Arrow?

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As of this moment the only news that exists is that Amell the younger was cast to be on The Flash as Ronnie Raymond... anything beyond that is speculation about possible crossovers, if you want to speculate about crossovers here is fine I suppose but ultimately you're talking about a Flash character not an Arrow one so I'd prefer the majority of that speculation to happen over on the Flash forum. 

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TVLine is confirming that he is going to be Firestorm, not just Ronnie Raymond.


And yes, as dancingnancy points out, he has comics connections with not one but two major S3 Arrow characters now. I'm thinking that's not accidental. I'm suddenly thinking the two series might be a lot more interconnected than I'd originally thought.

I've always thought it might be interesting if they were to connect Firestorm to Felicity somehow, just not exactly like it was in the comics. For example, instead of Ronnie being Felicity's step-son, he could be her step-brother. That might also help explain how she knew Caitlyn, since apparently in this version Caitlyn is Ronnie's fiancée.

Edited by Starfish35
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I was going to say that maybe Caity was the one taking the photos but having counted plates, there doesn't appear to be anyone missing. Unless she's being *really* sneaky and cleared away the evidence first.

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I honestly don't see any connection.

Felicity Smoak doesn't exist in the Current 52 comics and when she gets re-introduced she's going to be based on Arrow's Felicity Smoak mid-20s, tech/IT genius, blonde (ish). She's not going to be a 40+ Tech Business Owner who married Ed Raymond.

Additionally this Ronnie Raymond is not the Comics version either, he's older (a janitor vs HS student) and he's engaged to Caitlin which isn't in the comics, obviously. In fact Killer Frost was one of Firestorm's villains, not his lover/girlfriend/etc.

It seems clear that the Flash is putting their own twist on Firestorm/Ronnie Raymond, just like Arrow put it's own twist on Shado (Yao Fei's daughter, Chinese, on the island, etc).

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Hold the phone.

Caitlin's fiance, the one that died? So he isn't dead? Isn't that a massive spoiler...like what I just wrote.

In fact because this is a Flash spoiler, should I even write it here?


Arrow, and now I see The Flash is bent on making everyone related it seems. No one is separate from anything.

Edited by ArrowLimbo
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Re: the photo - there are what looks like a couple of place settings to the sides that aren't being 'sat at' - it's possible Caity or JB was actually taking the picture (although I would have thought a restaurant staff member would do it) or had to leave early.

Either way I don't think we should be reading casting news into a social function - it may be that they just couldn't make it for some reason :)

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Wait, what???? Why on earth would they put that in story synopsis? Promo monkeys are so stupid.  Dammit why did I click that :(. I didn't want to know that. I'm not complaining about the spoiler being here, I'm complaining that the nimrods at the CW put that out there.  BOO!

Edited by catrox14
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Wait, what???? Why on earth would they put that in story synopsis? Promo monkeys are so stupid.  Dammit why did I click that :(. I didn't want to know that. I'm not complaining about the spoiler being here, I'm complaining that the nimrods at the CW put that out there.  BOO!


Yes, please, EVERYONE, before clicking read this. Because it very likely means nothing!!! Filming JUST started, so there are a lot of unknowns. Please, do not blow this topic up. Please.

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So wine is the order of the evening after that. TY Carrie Ann. I may develop a drinking problem before S3 starts. Oliver continues his journey as a dumb ass. But *Squeeling* a date! If the villain shows up before that date actually happens I will not held responsible for my actions! Give it to me!

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My shippery heart wants to believe...I mean, SA did say we'd find out relatively soon whether Oliver meant the "i love you."


Not such a fan of how the date apparently turns out though, haha. The synopsis seems so bait-y. I need a MIB-style neuralizer, stat.

Edited by apinknightmare
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We're not saying that it's not 'legit' - the CW is the original source. We're saying, please, take with a grain of salt. They just started filming, and lots can happen. The season premiere is still months away. Just relax, everyone!

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We're not saying that it's not 'legit' - the CW is the original source. We're saying, please, take with a grain of salt. They just started filming, and lots can happen. The season premiere is still months away. Just relax,everyone!


Sorry, I misunderstood.

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No worries, @apinknightmare!


(and I LOVE your avatar!)


Thank you!


Taking it with a grain of salt, I guess it's okay speculate? Because I just remembered that the big bad for this ep is supposed to be the new Count, whose description is: A well-educated criminal with grand ambitions and a knack for chemistry, this potentially recurring character gains power over his enemies by exposing them to a drug that drains their willpower.


So yeah, that probably plays into it.

Edited by apinknightmare
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