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It doesn't seem like KC is headed over to LOT. Hasn't she been consistently filming Arrow? 


But I'm real glad Laurel standing by Sara's side, since it's her boneheaded decision making that put Sara in her current state to being with. Oy.

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Her standing by Sara's side is the least she could do tbh. but yeah, I can already see this SL being conveniently forgotten and once SL is better because of Constantine and Thea/LL/Sara have their badass moment,  [edited by mod: please don't speculate how "people" may or may not react or whether their past feelings were justified] 

Edited by MuuMuuChainsmoker
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We already know from what SA said at Dragon Con that Oliver and Laurel are going to have some kind of reconciliation scene ("opposite of the hallway scene in 2x13") in 4x05, I think? So. Laurel's consequences last all of 2 episodes, tops.

Maybe OQ will throw a glass instead? I'm really trying to figure out another way to spin that scene because I just don't want a reconciliation between LL & OQ yet after LLs actions last week.

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I didn't take it as confirmation she was leaving. It wasn't a direct quote and I highly doubt they would just casually reference something as big as Laurel heading to LOT on a pretty frequent basis.


It just went in line with what was being discussed here. Laurel bringing Sara back from the dead, Sara struggling with the side effects on LOT while Laurel finds closure and gets to move in a 'positive' direction.

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I'm not following LoT news/spoilers at all, so can I ask a couple of questions?


1. Do we know which city they are based in?

2. Is it gonna be a time-travel of the week thing?


I need to know those two things before even attempting to understand how crossovers will work.

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Maybe OQ will throw a glass instead? I'm really trying to figure out another way to spin that scene because I just don't want a reconciliation between LL & OQ yet after LLs actions last week.

I think it's that he inverts his "I'm done running after you" and now threatens "I will keep coming for you until I've made you pay for your crimes against humanity. Laurel Lance, you have failed this world!" That's the only conclusion I can draw from this crap fest that seems to be heading our way soon.

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As recently as DragonCon - after Legends had already started filming - Katie Cassidy was still saying that any LoT crossovers were still under discussion, and Laurel's not in the recent unofficially released paparazzi shots taken of the Legends cast - and yes, there's a shot with nearly every cast member. Also, the Legends cast is already pretty bloated, with a couple of already popular characters, plus an actor from Doctor Who, plus the need to get Oliver and Barry and presumably Cisco in their for cameo appearances (and quite possibly the rest of the Flash cast, since that's the more popular show.) Laurel appearing on LoT  is sort of like the upcoming crossovers, where I honestly don't expect any character from Arrow or Flash other than Barry and Oliver to have a lot of screentime, because there's just not enough time. 


I don't think anyone has officially confirmed who the floater is, but John Barrowman said something about appearing on Arrow, Flash and LoT.

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Her standing by Sara's side is the least she could do tbh. but yeah, I can already see this SL being conveniently forgotten and once SL is better because of Constantine and Thea/LL/Sara have their badass moment,  [edited by mod.]

Laurel had a rough season in S2, Felicity had one in S3, but both have improved. [edited by mod]


But I am glad that they will continue Laurel standing by Sara's side and hopefully continuing to help her.

I thought they basically outed DD as the floater, since he's going to be on The Flash and LoT? 

Wasn't MM "confirmed" to be the floater? Thus far it seems like a lot of various cast members will be doing all shows at random times.

Edited by MuuMuuChainsmoker
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Nyssa not wanting to do it should be a colossal red flag for Laurel, because Nyssa knows about the Pit and loved Sara, and Laurel knows both those facts.

LL is allergic to logic & reason. It's best if we try to remember that moving forward. Plus clearly Nyssa just doesn't love SL as much and is not as knowledgeable as LL with her one week of information on the pit. :)

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I thought they basically outed DD as the floater, since he's going to be on The Flash and LoT?

They've basically said multiple characters from shows will be crossing over to all shows. I've heard Felicity, Diggle, DD abd MM will be crossing over. Is one of them the "floater"? I have no idea, I'm not even sure they're still doing a floater since they haven't talked about in so long
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A villain as the floater seems a weird way to connect the shows. He is a big enough bad guy to appear on all the shows but only Arrow's responsibility in the end? Or is Arrow's finale going to be a comic book orgy and feature appearances by everyone?

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I'm not following LoT news/spoilers at all, so can I ask a couple of questions?


1. Do we know which city they are based in?

2. Is it gonna be a time-travel of the week thing?


I need to know those two things before even attempting to understand how crossovers will work.


They have a time traveling ship called Waverider. And yes I think they will be traveling through time every week or spending time in that period for an ep or two.

Edited by Sakura12
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They have a time traveling ship called Waverider. And yes I think they will be traveling through time every week or spending time in that period for an ep or two.

I'm going to be very disappointed of Rip Hunter isn't forced to dress like a Centurion on at least one episode
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I'm not following LoT news/spoilers at all, so can I ask a couple of questions?

1. Do we know which city they are based in?

2. Is it gonna be a time-travel of the week thing?

I need to know those two things before even attempting to understand how crossovers will work.

No city yet. Spoilers have been sparse. I do think they will be traveling almost weekly. So unless LL is on the ship, I don't see how she will be able to be there standing by SL to support her.

I don't think DD is the floater. He might link the stories but I don't think that matches their original description of the floater. I also feel like they might have dropped that idea. But still think MM & LL are top contenders if they do make the role still.

Edited by kismet
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I don't think DD is the floater. He might link the stories but I don't think that matches their original description of the floater. I also feel like they might have dropped that idea. But still think MM & LL are top contenders if they do make the role still.

It could be a huge possibility if it's QL who's the one that dies.... Especially w/ Sara on LoT and the show having more crossovers with Flash meaning LL will be more acquainted with the team there


This is just wishful thinking on my part tbh

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I'm not even sure they're still doing a floater since they haven't talked about in so long


I mean, if we're still considering SA's original comments, he said that it would sort of be the person's job--whatever they were doing as floater. So I kind of think that rules out DD too, and in fact, I just sort of think they're not doing this anymore. Or if they are, then it won't really happen until closer to the end of the season.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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I'm pretty sure that Laurel standing by Sara's side means she's going to support her no matter how mean or crazy Sara gets from the LP.


I don't think DD is the floater. He might link the stories but I don't think that matches their original description of the floater. I also feel like they might have dropped that idea. But still think MM & LL are top contenders if they do make the role still.

I won't  be happy if DD is the floater.  He's the Arrow's villain. Let the other shows get their own Big Bad.


I wonder if they've dropped the idea of a floater entirely since they haven't said anything about it lately.  Or maybe it's going to be Roy and they're keeping it under wraps to be a surprise. I fhink they're going to have a hard enough time making Merlyn relevant to Arrow much less to all three shows.  Lyla still makes the most sense to me so it's probably not going to be her.

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I won't  be happy if DD is the floater.  He's the Arrow's villain. Let the other shows get their own Big Bad.


I wonder if they've dropped the idea of a floater entirely since they haven't said anything about it lately.  Or maybe it's going to be Roy and they're keeping it under wraps to be a surprise. I fhink they're going to have a hard enough time making Merlyn relevant to Arrow much less to all three shows.  Lyla still makes the most sense to me so it's probably not going to be her.

I don't mind if DD shows up in all 3 shows. I think he could easily be worked into LoT because of his age & their time travel. I am not sure how he would fit on FLASH though. I still want him to be Arrow's big bad. But it would be cool if he is that bad that he makes an impact on all the shows. I definitely don't want him to be the floater. TBH, I wish they would tell us if they are dropping the floater concept during the Spring, once it becomes obvious if its going to happen or not.


Understanding the inner workings of all these crossovers is hard enough sometimes, it would be nice to know how the structure of the shows will work with or without a floater. Lyla could make sense, but I like her role on Arrow, I don't want the show to lose her to filming floater scenes. I'd prefer they just upped her role in Arrow before they did that. I also don't want Waller or ARGUS to get more influence on the show. And Lyla to me only makes sense as the Floater if she keeps her ARGUS connection.


MM may be challenging to make relevant, but at least him being the Floater would give him something to do. I think JB has the acting chops to do it and frankly he sometimes takes up to much space in the Arrow Plot. I love his character, but they need to figure out how to fit him back into the Universe. They never really did that after his big return in end of s2. Floater keeps him on the show, but doesn't create a Plot suck or void.

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Yeah, I think the idea of a floater, at least a floater with a big presence, has been dropped. There's been no hint of anything about one since the early comments. Crossovers, sure but one person that travels to a different show each week, well we've certainly not seen anything like that in Flash or Arrow.

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Thanks for the info!


If the floater is a job [even if not an official one], I don't understand it being Malcolm or DD. Before, I was sure it was gonna be Lyla, but now I'm thinking it's Cisco. And the job is not so much to actively participate in the stories in LoT, but having one tiny scene in most episodes, just to catch up the time-travelers on what's going on in present time, and/or give them some clue they need to figure out where to go next.


And technically, Cisco originated on Arrow, so it fits with what Stephen said.

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I think Cisco would make a good floater actually. He's pretty universally well liked, as far as I'm aware, he knows people on every show and he has a narrative purpose and reason for being there. Makes sense to me.


Saying that, I wouldn't be surprised if there's no single floater, tbh. I think all of them will crossover at some point.

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The floater is supposed to be on all three shows each week? That sounds insane.

The floater is very vague. SA basically said at a panel in like March/April that there's going to be a character that originated on Arrow and their job would be to float between all 3 shows.

I can't recall if it's the characters job that causes them to float (which is why many of us thought Lyla, Felicity or Cisco). Or if it's the actor's job to float between shows than it could be anyone on Arrow plus Cisco and Caitlin since both originated on Arrow.

I don't know if there was any indication that the floater would appear on all 3 shows each week (obviously not happening so far). Supposedly they were going to announce the floater at the SDCC panel but that didn't happen and I know a few people have asked MG recently on tumblr but he’s never responded. In the past he ruled out Laurel and Felicity as the floater but nothing on it in months

Edited by Morrigan2575
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What if it's Felicity's new friend at Palmer Tech? Considering he's a tech genius and a character from the comics, he could be the kind of guy who periodically goes between super groups.

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Cisco has been the one giving weapons and updating the costumes. I can see him continuing that with Team Legends.

Could see it working if we stretch SAs definition of originally from arrow. Because they technically he did originate on Arrow even if it was only a few mins of scree And a bonus, he has been hinted to be in line for a possible mask. I don't see the shows wanting to give the role to a civilian like Lyla. Masks are the priority it seems.

What if it's Felicity's new friend at Palmer Tech? Considering he's a tech genius and a character from the comics, he could be the kind of guy who periodically goes between super groups.

If it requires being on the actual shows it might be hard since I think he booked another tv project. That being said if its compromised with name drops & a few guest appearances here & there it might work out for the actor to be recurring on all 3 shows..

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Sexual smirk. Ha!

Well, Double Down is really getting down to business. From this preview and the promo with him, Felicity and Curtis, I already spy with my little eye... four dead bodies. Unless Oliver dropped the two here so they're not really dead.

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The sexual smirk that was thought to be Oliver's response to Laurel sliding down the cable?  That was supposed to be the beginning of the BC/GA roaring sexual chemistry that would make things right in the world again?  The "sexual smirk" that was instead Oliver's response to Thea kicking ass? 


Never stop laughing.


I still think Double Down peeling off his skin is disgusting, and I wish they'd found a different way to represent the villain, like more Gambit-y.  (Gambit the X-Man, not Gambit the boat.)  But looking forward to it, because I really like the actor and have missed good villains of the week. 

Edited by AyChihuahua
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The sexual smirk was thought to be Oliver responding to Laurel sliding down the cable. It was supposed to be the beginning of the BC/GA roaring sexual chemistry that would make things right in the world again.

Instead, it was in response to Thea kicking ass. Never stop laughing.

Yes! That's why I'm sad we don't have a repeat. I want to laugh like that again.

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Could see it working if we stretch SAs definition of originally from arrow. Because they technically he did originate on Arrow even if it was only a few mins of scree And a bonus, he has been hinted to be in line for a possible mask. I don't see the shows wanting to give the role to a civilian like Lyla. Masks are the priority it seems.

If it requires being on the actual shows it might be hard since I think he booked another tv project. That being said if its compromised with name drops & a few guest appearances here & there it might work out for the actor to be recurring on all 3 shows..

Wellll technically Lyla is a comic book hero, her heroine name is Harbinger. She first appeared and was a major character in the Crisis storyline:



When Crisis on Infinite Earths began, Lyla assumed the identity of "Harbringer" after entering a womb-like chamber which energized her and allowed her to create a series of dopplegangers in her new costume. These dopplegangers recruited a wide variety of heroes and villains to fight the Anti-Monitor's shadow demons and protect a series of vibration towers, designed to protect Earth 1 and Earth 2 from the wave of Anti-Matter destroying the DC Multiverse.



So yea, If they wanna keep close to comic book destiny there's a big fat chance it be Lyla reusing her ARGUS codename Harbinger.

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Wellll technically Lyla is a comic book hero, her heroine name is Harbinger. She first appeared and was a major character in the Crisis storyline:




So yea, If they wanna keep close to comic book destiny there's a big fat chance it be Lyla reusing her ARGUS codename Harbinger.

For that matter so is FS's name. But the writers have not inferred or written anything since that random name drop of Harbinger in one episode. Lyla is still technically considered a non-mask. But there is the possibility for the writers to go there if they wanted to. Not denying its a possibility, but as it stands now IMO Arrow's Lyla Michaels is not DC comics version of Lyla Michaels/Harbinger.


Whereas, almost every episode since reverse flash did whatever he did to CIsco, the show has implied that he is headed for a mask. SO in script its more obvious that Cisco is becoming more than just a non-mask.

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In one of the trailers, there was a clip of Oliver saying to Nyssa something along the lines of "Can you handle this?". So, unless Nyssa comes to Star City or Oliver goes to Nanda Parbat in 3x03, Nyssa might survive (at least this episode). 

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I really do think there's a good chance Nyssa's going to die Wednesday night.  That really would not help Laurel's popularity.

Well that would be 3 major character favorites that died to make LL as BC happen. I can't imagine it would increase anyone's popularity. If speculation is correct and QL sacrifices himself for her - perhaps I will understand where the Black comes from - that's a lot of death for one person to carry.

Edited by kismet
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I feel like Nyssa might be safe for now. It's possible they want to keep that option open for Sara over on LoT. Although, saying that, wouldn't Nyssa want to follow her everywhere now that she has Sara back? And I haven't heard anything about Nyssa on LoT. WELP! I might have just convinced myself otherwise. Haha. 

Edited by Guest
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For that matter so is FS's name. But the writers have not inferred or written anything since that random name drop of Harbinger in one episode. Lyla is still technically considered a non-mask. But there is the possibility for the writers to go there if they wanted to. Not denying its a possibility, but as it stands now IMO Arrow's Lyla Michaels is not DC comics version of Lyla Michaels/Harbinger.


Whereas, almost every episode since reverse flash did whatever he did to CIsco, the show has implied that he is headed for a mask. SO in script its more obvious that Cisco is becoming more than just a non-mask.

No Arrow character is an exact copy of their comics counterpart.  However, IIRC Lyla has used the Harbinger code name on Arrow a couple of times.

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Does anyone know which trailer? I want to reassure myself. I need Nyssa alive. 

In one of the trailers, there was a clip of Oliver saying to Nyssa something along the lines of "Can you handle this?". So, unless Nyssa comes to Star City or Oliver goes to Nanda Parbat in 3x03, Nyssa might survive (at least this episode). 

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I feel like Nyssa might be safe for now. It's possible they want to keep that option open for Sara over on LoT. Although, saying that, wouldn't Nyssa want to follow her everywhere now that she has Sara back? And I haven't heard anything about Nyssa on LoT. WELP! I might have just convinced myself otherwise. Haha. 

Logically yes, and MM would presumably be thrilled to get rid of her, so he'd release her from the League.  But you know, logic and Arrow often tend not to be close compatriots.


In the pics for 3.03 MM and Nyssa are squaring off, each with a sword, and then MM has his own sword and Nyssa's.  And it looked from one of the trailers like Sara did her Exorcist jump to right in front of Nyssa.  And then I personally did not see Nyssa in any of the seemingly-later episodes in the trailer, but it is entirely possible that I just missed her. 

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Does anyone know which trailer? I want to reassure myself. I need Nyssa alive. 


It's this promo at around 1:15. Although now that I've watched it again, it sort of looks like they edited to make it look like Oliver is talking to Nyssa, but they're not actually in the same scene, it's hard to tell. 


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I am pretty sure Nyssa is gone though I would welcome being pleasantly surprised if she survives. Katrina Law has not been on Arrow set after 4x03 and its a long time to be off screen. I think the Oliver and Nyssa scene might be before Thea and Laurel go to Nanda Parbat.


Regarding the look of contempt that Laurel gives "Sara", I think I might have an explanation. In one of the scenes "Sara" Kills Nyssa (when she does the whole leaping stuff). When "Sara" is in chains, its after some time since Thea is wearing different cloth. During this time Laurel comes to understand that  a different soul has inhabited the body of "Sara" and she's not her little sister and questions "Sara" about it and the look of contempt is for the "soul" that has inhabited the body which killed Nyssa, her friend.

 Any other scenario and it will be a big blot on Laurel's character and a weird acting choice from Katie Cassidy.

Edited by Traveller
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