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I'm actually glad we'll see Felicity maybe struggling with her new position. This is what I wanted to see. She'll thrive in some areas, maybe she'll surprise herself too. But maybe some things won't come as easy for her. This is all character building. I love it. I'm cautiously optimistic about where this is going. 

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Apparently neither do the writers. Remember how Isabel dropped the stocks and then raised them again and that made her glorified as a CEO?

I can't remember what exactly happened, on the show or what was implied. However, if I remember my business, economics and accounting classes properly: in a traded company, if the majority of the shareholders chose to sale their stocks they can potentially cause the stock to go down in worth, making the company loses money as they have to pay the worth of the shares to the sellers; then, if someones comes in and buys all those stocks it will cause the stock worth to go up and the company earns money (sort of) because they get the money from the sold shares.


Though I could be remembering it all wrong and butchering it. accounting and economics were not my strongest classes.

Edited by foreverevolving
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It seems to me that she's not running the company yet but she does have to be showing the shareholders ideas and such to show she"s ready.

But maybe (since it seems she has money) she has been asked to stay away "publicly" until they can prove she's worthy. Image is huge when it comes to how Wallstreet and the public sees a company. Especially companies on tv.

Edited by tarotx
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I can't remember what exactly happened, on the show or what was implied. However, if I remember my business, economics and accounting classes properly: in a traded company, if the majority of the shareholders chose to sale their stocks they can potentially cause the stock to go down in worth, making the company loses money as they have to pay the worth of the shares to the sellers; then, if someones comes in and buys all those stocks it will cause the stock worth to go up and the company earns money (sort of) because they get the money from the sold shares.

I remember it was much discussed here although I can't find it at the moment.  From what I remember, Isabel diluted the stock so that the value went down. Then she stepped in and because she was the new CEO, the value of the stock went up because of their confidence in her.  It didn't make sense even then that the value of the stock would go up when she became CEO since she was the one who diluted it in the first place, although it was on Oliver's watch.

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Diluting stocks just means things like stock splits.  A corporation cannot take shares away from someone, and they can't change percentages.  So it will never, never never make sense that Isabel took money away from the Queens by "diluting" the shares.  If they owned say 35% of the stock, they'd still own 35% post-dilution.  IT WILL NEVER EVER MAKE SENSE (neither will the Queens losing all their money...NEVER MAKE SENSE).


Ray never could have appointed her as CEO, either.  CEOs don't appoint CEOs, boards do.  At most he could have appointed her interim CEO if the bylaws allowed it, but only until the board voted, so it would be pretty meaningless.  I thought that either he'd taken it private and given her at least 50.1%, or public and given her a controlling interest (which in a public corporation is usually much less than 50.1% because there are so many different shareholders).  Either of those options would include HUGE tax implications, but he'd have a lot more leeway if PT were private.  


Or, you know, it's the same BS these writers always pull with business and legal matters.  I'll totally let it go if the rest of storylines of the season don't suck donkey manure like S3.

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They said Ray "gave her the company" which doesn't make sense since he didn't buy QC, the board just appointed him CEO.


Don't companies dilute stock to raise equity for new endeavor?  There was nothing to suggest QC had any projects on the go that needed more cash, which makes it more ridiculous that they loved Isabel so much the shares went up.

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I don't see FS as a "background player". She has stood up to MQ, MM, Ras, Nyssa & countless others. WS sought her out because she was a promising talent & he felt she was trustworthy. She also seemed pretty comfortable during RP's press conference and any time she was in front of the board. I think she is comfortable not in the background. I feel like people like to think that she is a "background" player because that is what it in the fandom & fic lore. But to me, FS is not a background person - esp not since she joined Team Arrow.


That being said, I do think it will not be the easiest transition for her to CEO. Her degrees are not in business. And she never really sought out the executive track, so most of her experience will be on the job. She appears to have the talent & the skill set, but she will need some executive training & mentoring. It sorta feels like her life should be similar to the plot of The Intern that is hitting the theaters from the previews I have seen. I;m excited for Echo, but part of me wishes WS could come back & hang out with her once a week for a bit. Like EBR said, there are some parts of the top job that are unpleasant that I do not think FS will personally enjoy - but I think she'll be able to do the job.


I do understand the board's hesitation in appointing her CEO. She will be their 4th CEO in 3 yrs. One was nepotized in. The other one got it via sketchy legal pad dealings. The 3rd one was appointed, built his own personal tech that then blew him & 2 floors up. Prior to their original CEO was murdered as part of a madman's plan to destroy part of the city. And then the next CEO (or close enough) was almost given the death penality for her role in causing a man-made earthquake, caused by equipment with links to the Company. So perhaps they want to take it a little slow, rather than just following whatever magical papers RP shadily asked FS to sign. That is why, I can totally see the company folding at the end of s4 - not because FS will fail at the job - but because there is just too much bad luck, karma, juju (whatever you want to call it), in addition to bad press & some pretty bad things it was involved in.

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They said Ray "gave her the company" which doesn't make sense since he didn't buy QC, the board just appointed him CEO.

Felicity mentioned Oliver's financial backers, so there was definitely an outlay of cash involved. And the papers Felicity signed mentioned hat Raybwas giving her Palmer Tech's SC subsidiary, not the whole company (not sure how that would work). None of it makes sense, but this is a world where the Queens lost nearly every cent they had because Thea wouldn't sign a paper. And, you know, dead people can come back to life through the use of a magic hot tub. I'm not looking too closely or expecting it to make sense is all I'm saying.

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Well I still don't see her as having a problem in front of large groups either. There has been no precedence set that FS has any problems with public speaking or large groups. And not all CEOs spend their time in front of large crowds. Besides a few press conferences we never saw OQ, RP or IR in front of large groups. And most of OQ's public press conferences had nothing to do with the company. I think FS can handle a few board meetings.

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I would guess the financial backers were the carrot for the board to pick Oliver.  Hiring him back would be a little less batcrap crazy if he brought some new capital with him.  That doesn't necessarily mean Ray brought backers, too, as he had other stuff going for him and may not have needed backers, plus he's a billionaire anyway.


Giving her just PT-Starling is a little better than all PT.  It's maybe what was left of QC.  It's probably a wholly-owned sub of PT at this point.  It'd all make more sense if if were private.  There are still shareholders and boards and bylaws in private corporations, just far fewer.  For example, GM has probably hundreds of thousands of shareholders, whereas Koch Industries only has a few.  

Edited by AyChihuahua
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In the 2.5 comics, it was revealed that after Isabel died, the company tanked to the point of going into receivership and the only way to save it was if someone was willing to buy it up (basically that would include all the debts I think). Walter had helped Oliver put together a group of backers but I guess Palmer bought it instead.

Edited by BkWurm1
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The board I think chose to sell it to Palmer. Since they had that sales pitch showdown in the boardroom in 301. I'm guessing the company gets to choose who buys them out, so long as they don't reach a certain point in the process? I wonder now if Palmer only got the company over OQ because he offered more money. Unless the board was really that disappointed with Queen's ideas, you might have thought their might have been a smidgen of loyalty. Perhaps after Isabel they were "dating" with bankruptcy not just "flirting", so there wasn't as many options as there is now with FS?

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They said Ray "gave her the company" which doesn't make sense since he didn't buy QC, the board just appointed him CEO.

Don't companies dilute stock to raise equity for new endeavor? There was nothing to suggest QC had any projects on the go that needed more cash, which makes it more ridiculous that they loved Isabel so much the shares went up.

They were looking for new buyers, the board put the company into receivership. That was covered in 301 and even more so in notes from TV Echo in The Comics thread. Palmer bought QC and made it a subsidiary of Palmer Tech (his company).

Edited by Morrigan2575
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But I will never ever worry about a return to L/O. That's a pairing they couldn't get away from fast enough that by 9th ep of the 1st season, they've revised the show pretty much. Why would they go back to something they know has failed utterly?!? 

Because Laurel wasn't the new, awesome Black Canary before.


It makes sense that she can't run it from a distance but I don't want her to be bashed because she's staying with Oliver till he's ready to go back rather than returning to save the company.

No matter what Felicity does, she's not going to win with some people.  If she left Oliver to return to SC to run Palmer Tech, then there'd be complaints that she doesn't really love Oliver and/or thinks the company is more important than Oliver.  If she stays with Oliver, then there'd be complaints that she's negligent and irresponsible.


I'm actually glad we'll see Felicity maybe struggling with her new position. This is what I wanted to see. She'll thrive in some areas, maybe she'll surprise herself too. But maybe some things won't come as easy for her. This is all character building. I love it. I'm cautiously optimistic about where this is going. 

I like that EBR said Felicity's a lot better at being CEO than she thought she would be, because it implies that Felicity is aware of her limitations and starts off with a humble attitude.  Much better than coming in with an arrogant, know-it-all attitude.  I also like that she'll realistically struggle at first and have a learning curve.

Edited by tv echo
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I have found the bonus to a poor S3, my excitement level is much easier to handle this S4. I was so looking forward to S3 I was nervous. This year I'm cautiously optimistic, but not nearly as excited.


As long as Felicity gets a CEO story that allows her struggles and growth and its just hers, I'm happy to hand wave anything. 


I really can't see any point to worrying about a return to Oliver and Laurel. Her answer may have taken some confidence away from some people, but I'm still remembering all that MG said over the summer. He is far less diplomatic on his answers. Plus, the show itself. When I start seeing 'pretty bird' and Olicity suddenly not talking and SA ditching the heart eyes, then I will worry.


Sidenote, I'm not a fan of attaching character popularity. It happens a lot with Felicity and Laurel. I know it's true for some fans, but I hate the assumption. I don't like the idea that if LL/BC becomes popular, Olicity goes away. There are so many other factors. The story, the actors. If AK was still on the show, I could see him leaping at the chance to change the story back to the original plan. I can't see that WM and MG.  

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Well, never say never. This is a long running TV show. It's possible they'll give O/L another try. Whether or not they can sell it is another story. You can't fake chemistry and a toxic history between them doesn't disappear just because Laurel's wearing a costume now. *shrugs*


Anyway, I'm definitely feeling a bit more optimistic about Felicity's storyline after that brief clip, even if it doesn't make sense that she'd be on pause to be CEO after 5 months. Let's face it. A lot of things don't make sense on this show. I'm still expected to believe it anyway. 

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What happened to Andrew K. honestly I struggled to get through any interview he ever gave. Was he big on trying to stay with the comic book "love story" of Green Arrow and Black Canary" honestly what could he have been thinking. How do I put this.. there is absolutely no romantic chemistry between Oliver I mean like none, nada, zippo, not feeling it, just ain't happening kind of no romantic chemistry.


Whatever they hit chemistry gold with Oliver and Felicity. I don't understand why some shows will ignore the chemistry of some of their actors. Not Arrow they quickly recognized and course corrected for these 2 love birds thus giving us the beautiful Olicity. But a show like Sleepy Hollow with Tom and Nicole or Ichabbie (just a pet peeve of mind) any who. Hopefully, WM is just doing the comic book spin to silence some of those who just absolutely rage at the mention of Olicity and about lose their minds if Felicity gets any acknowledgement from the show but thats just my opinion.

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Well, never say never. This is a long running TV show. It's possible they'll give O/L another try. Whether or not they can sell it is another story. You can't fake chemistry and a toxic history between them doesn't disappear just because Laurel's wearing a costume now. *shrugs*


Anyway, I'm definitely feeling a bit more optimistic about Felicity's storyline after that brief clip, even if it doesn't make sense that she'd be on pause to be CEO after 5 months. Let's face it. A lot of things don't make sense on this show. I'm still expected to believe it anyway. 

Nothing is final until you're dead. And even then, I'm sure God negotiates.


I'm just saying, I don't see the point in getting worked up over all the ifs.

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Nothing is final until you're dead. And even then, I'm sure God negotiates.


I'm just saying, I don't see the point in getting worked up over all the ifs.


Oh, my comment actually wasn't directed to you specifically, just kind of in general. But I agree!

Edited by Guest
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In the 2.5 comics, it was revealed that after Isabel died, the company tanked to the point of going into receivership and the only way to save it was if someone was willing to buy it up (basically that would include all the debts I think). Walter had helped Oliver put together a group of backers but I guess Palmer bought it instead.

Well, the current federal gift tax rate is 40%.  So good thing Ray won't be needing money, since he's going to have a ginormous federal tax bill (since he apparently actually gave her the company).  Although if she OWNS it, like literally owns it, she'd elect the board members, so it still makes no sense.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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1. Star City is in major trouble

Things are even worse in Starling City (renamed in memory of Ray Palmer) ever since Oliver left town for greener pastures. Though Diggle (David Ramsey), Thea (Willa Holland) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) are doing a pretty good job of keeping Star City safe-ish, they need Oliver’s expertise when “Ghosts” suddenly start to infiltrate the town. When Oliver reluctantly returns for what he thinks is a temporary visit (his first mission in months has him sporting a ski mask), it takes one person close to him to ultimately persuade him to stay for good.

2. Oliver and Felicity get serious, but someone’s keeping a secret

The trailer gave a glimpse into the couple’s new norm in Suburbia USA, a.k.a. Ivy Town, and the first episode takes their relationship to a whole new level. Talk of marriage – the engagement ring in the soufflé?! – and even talk of kids – a funny moment with a married Ivy Town couple – show just how far their romance has gone. But, and it’s a big but, one of them is keeping a secret from the other (and we’re not talking about the ring, either) that prompts the two to have one of the most realistic arguments and moments in the pseudo-lair. More importantly, will Oliver pop the question?
3. Oliver and Diggle’s friendship is a work in progress

Don’t expect Diggle to turn a blind eye to Oliver’s betrayal last season – it’ll be a while before they’ll be pals again. At one point, Oliver tries to smooth things over in the premiere, but Diggle has the harshest response – and he uses the word “dark.” Ouch. “It’s something we want to explore – seeing them at odds and really honoring what Oliver did at the end of season three, which was pretty egregious,” Arrow co-showrunner Wendy Mericle tells ETonline. “It’s going to take some time, but they will get back on the same track.”


4. Damien Darhk is the baddest villain of them all

Team Arrow has gone up against formidable foes in the past, from Ra’s al Ghul to Deathstroke, but Damien Darhk (played brilliantly by McDonough) is one villain they’ve never encountered before. As Oliver and the gang will soon see, it’s impossible to beat him in typical Arrow fashion, with his mysterious magical powers and H.I.V.E. connection. “There’s a real glimmer in his eye whenever he puts the screws to someone,” Arrow co-showrunner Marc Guggenheim says. “Damien really could give a f*** whether you think he’s noble.… He’s really enjoying having no conscience – it’s very freeing for him.”


5. Team Arrow will be a democracy

No more Oliver dictating tasks to his fellow crime-fighters, instead it’ll be a much more even playing field – which should lead to interesting strategy sessions this season. “It’s going to be more democratic for sure,” Mericle explains. “Oliver can’t walk away and then come back and expect that Dig and Laurel and Thea have not found a new dynamic and a new way of working. It’s a very different way of doing the show and it puts Oliver in a different position vis-à-vis the team, which we found interesting.” Guggenheim adds that "the biggest fracture point on the team" will be Oliver and Digle. Oliver, for his part, will try to mentor the newest member of the club, Speedy, whose aggressive fighting tactics may be too close for comfort.


6. Oliver’s humor is back

Remember season one Oliver Queen, with his offhand quips and deadpan delivery? He’s back in a big way this year, thanks in part to his new Green Arrow identity and his new lease on life. “It is deliberate,” Mericle says of the lightened tone. “He’s happier now. He’s in love with Felicity. He’s no longer the post-traumatic stress disorder-suffering soldier he was in the first three seasons. That’s really where it’s coming from.” In fact, a few LOL-worthy jokes are sprinkled throughout the premiere, including this one, which Oliver adoringly tells Felicity, “You have failed this omelet,” or when he points out the exact spot Ra’s stabbed Thea and jokes, “We could get a rug.”


7. Laurel’s family drama ramps up

This will be a big year for the Black Canary, who, at the start of the season, embraces her vigilante identity and proves a capable member of the team, as well as mentor to Thea. But with her sister Sara’s impending resurrection via the Lazarus Pit -- the core focus of episode three, titled “Restoration” -- Laurel has a lot on her plate. To make matters worse, she may have to deal with another unforeseen betrayal from a family member. “The overarching theme of the season is about chosen family versus blood family,” Mericle teases, “and she’s really going to be dealing with Sara coming back but also with the family on the team.”


8. New blood will shake things up

A slew of new faces are coming to Star City, and they’ll be sure to make things interesting. In the second episode, titled “The Candidate,” Jeri Ryan makes her debut as mayoral candidate Jessica Danforth, who is an old pal of Moira’s (R.I.P.). In the same hour, we’ll meet Curtis Holt, a.k.a. Mr. Terrific (Echo Kellum), a Palmer Tech employee whom Felicity befriends, a character the producers had nothing but praise for. “He’s somebody for Felicity to talk to and have scenes with,” Mericle says. “It’s very magical. They’re great together.” Plus, with Roy Harper “put to bed,” as Mericle puts it, Thea will be gaining a new love interest in political consultant Alex (Suburgatory’s Parker Young).


9. Ray Palmer’s presumed death will be addressed

While Star City and Team Arrow believe Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) died in the Palmer Technologies explosion, we know that’s not the case. On Arrow, his assumed passing will be dealt with – except it won’t be a focal point. “It’s acknowledged,” Guggenheim assures, “But it’s acknowledged in the way it would be. If Ray died yesterday, it would be acknowledged in a very different way than if he died five months ago.”


10. Malcolm is back to his evil ways as Ra’s

Though Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) is not in the premiere episode, Mericle assures “you’ll see him early.” His arc this season, she says, “is revolving around Thea and him trying to be a good father, while also being very evil” – which will have its complications. “He’s going to be different with Thea we hope and we would like him to find a way to be a father – he doesn’t know what that means as a character,” Mericle says. “That [said], we do want to restore him to more of the season one Malcolm, who is going around messing up Oliver’s plans.” With Malcolm taking the helm in Nanda Parbat as Ra’s al Ghul, expect Nyssa (Katrina Law) to return early in the season – and she’s still not happy about her new superior. “She’s definitely not going to be on board with Malcolm as Ra’s and we’re hoping to take that in a [fighting] direction,” Mericle hints.


11. Felicity's new life as CEO

Felicity will be operating as CEO (in absentia) of Palmer Technologies, a powerful new role she's still not fully used to. Early in the premiere, she even jokes to Oliver while the couple is in bed, that she gift him his company back as an early Christmas present. Though The Flash hinted that Oliver would one day get his company back in a future headline announcing a Queen Consolidated/Wayne Enterprises merger, he won't be CEO for a while. "Not this season," Guggenheim reveals.


12. Constantine crossover will be everything fans want it to be

John Constantine’s (Matt Ryan) upcoming visit in episode five, titled “Haunted,” is one to circle on the calendar. (Don’t worry Constantine fans, producers assure that the former show's original props and costumes were used.) “For us, when we finished watching the first cut of it, we were like, ‘You know what, this feels like a legitimate crossover,’” Guggenheim says. “It feels like we’ve crossed over with the other show and not just the other show crossing over with us.”

Spoilers from ET Online


Edited by Velocity23
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Interesting... so if present day Oliver and Felicty settled in Ivy Town, that means all those Coast City hints (including the one about running into an "old friend"-- Amanda Waller?) are talking about past Oliver.

Edited by lemotomato
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Well, the current federal gift tax rate is 40%.  So good thing Ray won't be needing money, since he's going to have a ginormous federal tax bill (since he apparently actually gave her the company).  Although if she OWNS it, like literally owns it, she'd elect the board members, so it still makes no sense.

I suppose Ray could have also tricked her into giving him a dollar so that he technically sold it to her rather than gifted it. A legal loophole maybe that would gloss over why he wouldn't have wanted to do that but close enough to giving away that they would still call it that. Fan wank number 1 for season 4. Lol. And the season hasn't even started.

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I suppose Ray could have also tricked her into giving him a dollar so that he technically sold it to her rather than gifted it. A legal loophole maybe that would gloss over why he wouldn't have wanted to do that but close enough to giving away that they would still call it that. Fan wank number 1 for season 4. Lol. And the season hasn't even started.

The federal government is not that dumb.  (Although really, if that's the dumbest thing to come out of the season, I will be THRILLED BEYOND MEASURE after the buffet of stupidity of S3.)

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Wow, I'm hating a lot of these spoilers.  Secrets and fighting between Oliver and Felicity already?!  Blech.  DD is the baddest villain of all?  Yeah, sure.  Just like Ra's was the worst villain of all.  Mmm hmm.  I don't want a Team Arrow democracy.  Things seemed to work pretty well with Oliver calling the shots...until the writers decided that this show was no longer about the Arrow.  More Laurel family drama.  Yay!!!  FFS, could they actually try something DIFFERENT for once?  More Malcolm?  Yuck.  I am looking forward to Constantine, however.  


I got a postcard in the mail from Nielsens telling me I was chosen to participate in one of their viewing surveys or whatever.  Guess what Arrow, you're not getting my ratings!

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I'm fairly sure the secret is Felicity wanting to return to the vigilante life and working on a suit for Oliver. And what couple doesn't argue? Doesn't seem like a big deal to me.

I knew it was coming, but I'm not looking forward to yet another season of Lance family drama. The only fight between them I'd want to see is an argument over who's gonna fly the rocket that blasts them off into the sun.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Yeah, the O/F argument doesn't bother me. Make up sex anyone? All couples argue. The point is O/F always talk things through and apologize. Well, they did before s3. LOL.


Some things on that list just make me roll my eyes. Laurel's family drama ramps up again. When has it ever stopped?! UGH. Enough already please. Is that all they can think of as a storyline for them?


I liked the brief glimpse we got of Felicity and Curtis in the trailers but Felicity already had people to talk to and have scenes with. I don't like that they keep forgetting that Diggle is her friend too. 

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Oliver and Felicity got into their first fight in episode 15 of the first season, so I look at this as just a continuation of that dynamic and Arrow's ongoing tendency to have everyone yell at Oliver Queen. 

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The only thing I don't really like is the idea of O/F keeping secrets because that doesn't really feel like them, but it all depends on what kind of secret it is tbh. So I'll wait and see there. As for everything else, cautiously optimistic/excited so far. 

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I think Sara will be Laurel's issue 4a and what ever is up with Quinton Lance is for 4b. I have a feeling that Lance is going to not take to well to Sara being Back. It's going to send her off on a sad note.

The only thing I don't really like is the idea of O/F keeping secrets because that doesn't really feel like them, but it all depends on what kind of secret it is tbh. So I'll wait and see there. As for everything else, cautiously optimistic/excited so far.

I think it's just going to be the suit and the fact that she is still working for team Arrow. Just like with PT, she's doing team Arrow via video conference. Edited by tarotx
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I think it's just going to be the suit and the fact that she is still working for team Arrow. Just like with PT, she's doing team Arrow via video conference.


I'm leaning to that too, which doesn't really feel like that big of a deal to me so that's the kind of secret I'm fine with. Haha. 

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They did say that one of the Lance family isn't going to like Sara being back. Since Laurel's the one bringing her back, that leaves Quentin not being happy about it. Probably because she's not the same Sara. Although she wasn't the same Sara during her first I'm alive again visit and both Laurel and Quentin chose to ignore that. I don't see why they wouldn't do that again. Even if she goes around killing people while she's insane. She was an Assassin that is what she did before! 


I'll guess I'll just have to be content with the fact that Laurel's whole purpose for 2.5 seasons is to revolve around Sara's journey. So thank you, Laurel for bringing back the real Canary. It's too bad you can't decided to move to another city far, far away to start over. 

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Laurel Brown on whether Felicity's secret could affect their relationship and if fans will be disappointed in Felicity: "Probably not enough to matter. They're pretty cool with each other." "More like "yay good job," definitely. She was just being secretly awesome."


The argument will most likely lead to the suit reveal.

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I have watched that clip an insane amount of times and I'm not even ashamed, ahah.


I'm not that worried about WM's comments, and by the way, what they say at the beginning of the season rarely reflects what happens on the show. I remember last year Guggenheim saying Laurel and Oliver were in the best place they had ever been, and, well, look what happened.

So excited for Felicity being CEO. And Curtis being her friend. But I hope we'll actually see this dynamic of the "Arrow Family" they keep talking about. Like weekly dinners or whatever, I'm a sucker for these things.


Laurel mentoring Thea?...ok, if you say so.

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Laurel can surely mentor Thea about life as a women around 30 to a younger women in her early 20's.


As for Fighting? Not so much-Perhaps the other way around....

Edited by tarotx
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Well, never say never. This is a long running TV show. It's possible they'll give O/L another try. Whether or not they can sell it is another story. You can't fake chemistry and a toxic history between them doesn't disappear just because Laurel's wearing a costume now. *shrugs*


Anyway, I'm definitely feeling a bit more optimistic about Felicity's storyline after that brief clip, even if it doesn't make sense that she'd be on pause to be CEO after 5 months. Let's face it. A lot of things don't make sense on this show. I'm still expected to believe it anyway. 

While I am not big on L/O getting back together, if they ever did my main interest would be to see how they act around each other while being happy and open with one another. Season 1 had them at total opposite ends of one another with constant lies and hatred. Amell/Cassidy seem to do fine outside of work with chemistry so giving them material where their characters are actually interested in loving one another might change up their dynamic. Olicity had the luck to allow the characters to flirt with one another and have very little drama between them for S1/2 which worked in their favor, so it would be interesting to me.

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While I am not big on L/O getting back together, if they ever did my main interest would be to see how they act around each other while being happy and open with one another. Season 1 had them at total opposite ends of one another with constant lies and hatred. Amell/Cassidy seem to do fine outside of work with chemistry so giving them material where their characters are actually interested in loving one another might change up their dynamic. Olicity had the luck to allow the characters to flirt with one another and have very little drama between them for S1/2 which worked in their favor, so it would be interesting to me.


Personally, I can't see it to be honest and I also have no interest in seeing it either. Like I said before, you can't delete their history which was gross, and you can't pull chemistry out of nowhere. And Laurel going back to Oliver after everything he did to her would make me think even less of her. But each to their own.

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Personally, I can't see it to be honest and I also have no interest in seeing it either. Like I said before, you can't delete their history which was gross, and you can't pull chemistry out of nowhere. And Laurel going back to Oliver after everything he did to her would make me think even less of her. But each to their own.

I'm with you, I have absolutely no interest in seeing them going back to the dry well which is Laurel and Oliver. They are not good together in my opinion. I'm not even talking about any sexual chemistry I'm just saying chemistry in general it's just not there for me. Oliver seems to have chemistry with every other female character that has been or currently is on the show with the exception of Laurel. I don't know how or why that it is but it just is for me and it seems like its just that for Stephen as well. I think this sort of sums it up for Stephen 0:29 mark: 

 also at these marks 0.37, 1:14, 1:47 and 2:35.


BTW I love that video. Kudos to whoever put it together!

Edited by Ann Mack
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