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Dean Winchester: aka Squirrel

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1 minute ago, Katy M said:

Rock and a Hard Place may be my least favorite episode for Dean of the whole series.  What about Crossraod Blues?  Nope for that, too?  

whoops...I like left out 5 seasons of episodes. LOL

Let me do this properly.

Favorites First to Last :
Season 4- Wishful Thinking

Season 5- Changing Channels

Season 9- Rock and a Hard Place

Season 8- Hunter Heroici

Season 10- Hibbing 911

Season 3- A Very Supernatural Christmas

Season 2- Crossroad Blues

Season 6- All Dogs go to Heaven

Season 1- Bugs

Season 7- Season 7 Time for a Wedding.

Season 11- Just My Imagination

Season 12- LOTUS

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Myrelle said:

So I just remembered that I need to finish this...

Changing Channels-love Dean in this one and love the episode, too. So many good and funny moments. I love Dean and his tv viewing choices. And we even got a bonus HurtDean when he was shot in the back. His face through that little hole in the table cracked me up, but the best was the Japanese game show. Too. Funny. And Jensen's facial expressions even had my hubs LOL(this is one of the few episodes that we've ever watched together on TNT, I think). And yes, Dean figuring out that the Trickster was an angel was another bonus. JA was so beautiful in that last scene.

All Dogs Go to Heaven-SniperDean FTW!

Time for a Wedding-Just a meh episode. The scene when Dean gave the "happy" couple a waffle iron is hilarious. He tries to tell them how to work it, but yeah, he doesn't really know for sure; makes me chuckle just typing this. :-D

Hunter Heroici-I honestly LOVED! that Dean was literally labelled Hunterus Heroicus in this episode.

Rock and a Hard Place-I really liked this one a lot. There was all kinds of Dean hate after this one aired, but I don't care. I loved him in this episode. Loved his description of sex. That was amazing. Loved him with Susie. Loved what he said to her about what constitutes "bad" for him and it was never, ever someone like her. According to Dean, she was everything that all good things were made up of. Definitely, the good stuff for him and in his life. Loved that. So much. And YES! to LeaderDean trapped in the basement. "Maybe we'll give you to it, if you don't shut your pie hole!" Yay! Dean!!

Hibbing 911-I think this one was ok, but sometimes I get the Donna episodes confused even though I like her as a character. This was the one when Jodie and Donna first met, I think, and Dean got a nice werewolf kill at the end. That worked for me.

I skipped both Just My Imagination and LOTUS after reading the comments, interviews, and reviews of them. Not regretful of that either. Not in the least.

Favorite: Crossroad Blues 

I won't pick a least favorite since I skipped a couple, but I bet it would have been Just My Imagination. ;-)

You were definitely right to skip JMI. Definitely not Dean friendly at all, IMO. Other than to have him as comic relief and apologist, if you're into that thing, which I'm not. 

Favorites (depends on the day): Crossroad Blues, Wishful Thinking and Changing Channels

Least: JMI

Most of the others were just boring.

  • Love 3
On 10/10/2017 at 4:50 PM, Katy M said:

Season 1- Home

Season 2- Croatoan

Season 3- Malleus Maleficarum

Season 4- I know What You did Last Summer

Season 5- The Real Ghostbusters

Season 6- Clap Your Hands if you Believe

Season 7- How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters

Season 8- Citizen Fang

Season 9- Holy Terror

Season 10- The Things We Left Behind

Season 11- Oh Brother Where Art Thou

Season 12- First Blood

For some reason, I feel like I've already done 9, but I looked up and the alst thing I posted was 8.  If you forget things you've already done, does that mean you can remember things you haven't done yet?

Fave epi: Home or Croatoan.  Least fave: Te Things We Left Behind.

Home-I love this ep.  Dean's great in the scene where he calls his dad.  Also at the beginning when he tells Sam that he promised himself he'd never go back there.  That broke my heart a little.  Maybe even more than a little.  And, it was pretty cool how he flipped the table up.  Not sure the poltergeist would give up that easy, but I guess its focus was divided.

Croatoan-Love this epi, too.  dean struggling with himself about whether or not to kill Dwayne.  Not sure shooting him would have helped because he was a demon, but maybe it would have because he would have just left?  That's one of those things we'll never know.  Anyway, Dean wanting to stay with Sam was stupid yet sweet.   And, no Dean, you don't need to bang Lindsay Lohan.  (see typing that, I could swear I've done it before. But, I looked again 8 is last).

Malleus Maleficarum-I like this epi, too. The last scene with Dean and Ruby is one of my favorite from this season.  

I Know What You Did Last Sumemr-I love this one but more of a SAm episode, obviously.

The REal Ghostbusters-I like this episode.  Dean and not-Dean were funny.  Not-Dean pulling back his jacket to reveal his plastic gun and Dean doing the same with his real gun. Although, I do think it was out of character for him to do that to people who were just annoying him, I'll give it a pass.  "Give her the puppy dog thing."  "You'll be fine."  Shrugs when she's out of sight.  Then, I really like how Not-Dean told him he didn't get the story.  That has to be annoying to hear about your own life.  Hee hee.

Clap Your Hands-This one was one of the more palatable SS episodes.  Sam was more funny than anything else. Dean and Tinkerbell was funny.  Nipples?  And, Sam telling Dean to run because he didn't want to get probed or something and Dean telling him to have empathy as he's running from the "aliens."  And the scene in the trailer was funny.  And, Dean saying I'm just kidding after tackling the lawyer.

HOw to Win Friends-I don't really like this epi.  It's probably mostly because it's the one where they kill Bobby.  But, for whatever reason, I just can't get behind it.  Bobby's speech to Dean about finding a reason to continue was great and then Dean just shrugging it off and saying they needed to buy him a condo was typical dean deflection, which was actually good because it showed he was trying to be his old self.  And Turducken stoned dean was pretty fun.

Citizen Fang-This was my fave Benny episode.  But, I dont' really feel like Dean was doing that much because it was mostly about Benny/Martin and Sam/Amelia.  And, I'm sorry, but I will always find it ridiculous that Dean says that Benny is the only person who has never let him down. Well, sure, Dean, you've only known him  alittle over a year, and he needed you big time that year.  I'm sure you can search back in your mind and find one year that SAm didn't do anything to let you down either. ditto Bobby. Possibly even John.

Holy Terror-I liked this episode.  Probably a lot of that has to do with the fact that this is where everything came to a head. I was getting sick of GadZeke just popping up whenever he felt like it.

The things We Left Behind-I really don't like this episode.  

O Brother Where Art Thou-I like this epi, but it kind of makes no sense as to why Dean would choose to go investigate a case when he wants to be there when SAm talks to Lucifer.  It also makes no sense that SAm doesn't ask why when Rowena tells him they have to do it right now.  Really?  Why?  Not a fan of the whole Amara character or storyline, so not much to say about Dean this epi.  Other than great look of shock when his blade shatters when he tries to stab her.

First Blood-Again, lots of stuff that doesn't make sense, but still an awesome epi.  I love the chase through the woods.  Dean telling him that they're not trapped out there with the gov, it's the other way around.

Favorite: Croatoan followed by Citizen Fang. Both really good episodes

Least: Tie between MM (witch ep) and IKWYDLS because "helpful" Ruby (duh!) and O, Brother because massive stupidity in ep.

Only thing that saved TWLB was the BA Dean scenes at the beginning and end.  I'm one of the few who didn't have a problem with him defending himself in that ep. And it was defending himself have he warned them repeatedly.

Would like to type more but don't have time today.

  • Love 2

Well, to be fair :) they kind of wrote themselves into a corner with the characters.  They can't just say,  "oh, poor baby," or "you know, you're right.  You might as well kill yourself," or "Yeah, why don't you take a break?  Go relax somewhere for a few months--there are plenty of other hunters around to take care of things till you feel better."  That wouldn't be much of a show.  And Billie at least was kind(er) about it.  But I'd like some kind of acknowledgment of his pain, the way Dean gave to Kevin IIRC, "yeah, I know it sucks.  And it's not going to get better, though you'll probably get used to it.  But at least you're doing something important."  And then actually *tell* him some of his wins.  Or better yet, show them, in a kind of "this is your life," clip show.  A little sympathy instead of that "tough love" for Dean, not just Sam or Kevin.  He's not the same guy he was 12 or 13 years ago when he needed John's kind of badgering.  He's so low right now that he needs propping up, not snapped orders, and I wish the Show would show that.  And it might be even better if someone tried to give Dean sympathy, and that snapped him out of his funk.  Just...something different, because the old tropes aren't working any more.  

Re: @ahrtee's post in this week's thread. I'm truly tired of every character that either thinks that they know Dean ( based on loose knowledge of the Winchesters ) or knows him enough to know better, or makes an assumption of his character and immediately decides that the " tough love " ( or insulting ) method is the only way to reach him. While Sam gets speeches like " you're a hero" or " you saved the world" ( looking at you Sully! ) Dean gets never ending speeches about how it's the job/bigger picture/work to do/suck it up, etc, etc. I'm honestly baffled as to why this is an ongoing theme in order to get through to Dean. What happened to kindness and understanding for the weight that's been put on his shoulders since he was a child? Or an acknowledgment of all that he's done at the expense of any personal happiness? I can't say that I've ever seen an instance where Sam gets this treatment. Also, this is the umpteenth time that Dean has shown little regard for his life or his self worth; at this point I'm leaning towards @gonzosgirrl's prediction that Dean will be dead by the end of the series.

  • Love 6
34 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

RIP, Boopsahoy. We'll give you a hunter's funeral:)

You know what's crazy about that picture of Jensen, is that it looks like Dean to me, not Jensen. It's Dean being a male modelin' son of a bitch and loving every minute.

It does look like Dean vs. Jensen.  Maybe it's Dean being Walker, Texas Ranger?

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, DeeDee79 said:

Re: @ahrtee's post in this week's thread. I'm truly tired of every character that either thinks that they know Dean ( based on loose knowledge of the Winchesters ) or knows him enough to know better, or makes an assumption of his character and immediately decides that the " tough love " ( or insulting ) method is the only way to reach him. While Sam gets speeches like " you're a hero" or " you saved the world" ( looking at you Sully! ) Dean gets never ending speeches about how it's the job/bigger picture/work to do/suck it up, etc, etc. I'm honestly baffled as to why this is an ongoing theme in order to get through to Dean. What happened to kindness and understanding for the weight that's been put on his shoulders since he was a child? Or an acknowledgment of all that he's done at the expense of any personal happiness? I can't say that I've ever seen an instance where Sam gets this treatment. Also, this is the umpteenth time that Dean has shown little regard for his life or his self worth; at this point I'm leaning towards @gonzosgirrl's prediction that Dean will be dead by the end of the series.

I couldn't agree with this any more. Like +1000000!

I honestly believe at this point the only way Dean will ever get ANY peace is in death. Not in Heaven or Hell, just an endless sleep, because they've already shown Dean's Heaven will not give him any peace either. (Not in this universe anyway).

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Res said:

I honestly believe at this point the only way Dean will ever get ANY peace is in death. Not in Heaven or Hell, just an endless sleep, because they've already shown Dean's Heaven will not give him any peace either. (Not in this universe anyway).

Very true. I hope that he gets some semblance of a happy ending but unless we get some new writers I highly doubt it :(

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

Very true. I hope that he gets some semblance of a happy ending but unless we get some new writers I highly doubt it :(

For me, if Dean dies doing something that is HIS choice, HIS preference, under no pressure, not from being compelled by someone or something else, nor because he's given up but because he truly is ready to go, I'll be devastated but I'll be okay with too, (I say now LOLOL)

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Res said:

I couldn't agree with this any more. Like +1000000!

I honestly believe at this point the only way Dean will ever get ANY peace is in death. Not in Heaven or Hell, just an endless sleep, because they've already shown Dean's Heaven will not give him any peace either. (Not in this universe anyway).

Make him Deanmon again and killed by the first blade! Then he'll go to the empty and receive that eternal sleep/rest. Provided an archangel nephilims doesn't decide to consider Dean his surrogate dad ;)

  • Love 2

I know they've both talked about going out Butch and Sundance style, but I don't want that.  Personally, Chuck owes them some happiness after basically using them to clean up his mess.  I know there's probably no real way for this to end happily, but I don't think I'll be able to watch them die for real.  I think it will affect my ability to watch the show in the future, if I do.  At the very least, we need an ambiguous ending.  That way hopeless saps like me can convince themselves that they did manage to survive somehow.

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Make him Deanmon again and killed by the first blade! Then he'll go to the empty and receive that eternal sleep/rest. Provided an archangel nephilims doesn't decide to consider Dean his surrogate dad ;)

He'd have to take on the Mark again for that and sadly, Guck said he was no longer worth it. So if he became a demon again, he'd just be regular demon and killable without the First Blade.

That said, I would be 100% okay with him taking the MoC if that is the only way to slaughter Lucifer. Let him kill Lucifer, and then Billie sends him to the Empty.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

He'd have to take on the Mark again for that and sadly, Guck said he was no longer worth it. So if he became a demon again, he'd just be regular demon and killable without the First Blade.

That said, I would be 100% okay with him taking the MoC if that is the only way to slaughter Lucifer. Let him kill Lucifer, and then Billie sends him to the Empty.

I was really just joking anyway. Even though I'm not a big Dean fan even I don't really like the idea of him being killed as a being he's always hated the idea of being on a long term basis :) 

But yeah the Empty, minus a Jack awakening, sounds like the best bet for Sam and Dean. Otherwise they'll just spend eternity being forced to resurrect because Death!Billie and other beings are too lazy to deal with things themselves haha

Edited by Wayward Son

Since I'm missing Dean, I thought this would be a good time to start the episode by episode discussion again.  Discuss Dean in episode 10.

Season 1 Asylum

Season 2- Hunted

Season 3- Dream a little Dream of Me

Season 4- Heaven and Hell

Season 5- Abandon All Hope

Season 6- Caged Heat

Season 7- Death's Door

Season 8- Torn and Frayed

Season 9- Road Trip

Season 10- The Hunter Games

Season 11- Devil in the Details

Season 12- Lily Sunders has some Regrets

Asylum- This is basically the ep that turned Supernatural from a show I enjoyed to must see tv for me.  It may be strange but I like that they took the route of Sam pulling the trigger because it smashed those tv tropes.  It showed that these brothers had a lot of deep resentment towards the other.  It cemented what the shape shifter wearing Dean's face was expressing Dean's face when  he said Dean was jealous of Sam.   There was also a small blink and you'll miss it moment.  It's when Dean took the phone from Sam and was talking to their dad.  Dean was kind of hunched over in the bed, but the minute he heard his dads voice he snapped to attention.  It was just another layer that Dean added that made me want to know more about Dean's past.  The only thing I didn't like was that what happened was swept under the rug instead of dealt with.  (Unfortunately, the start of a pattern). 

Hunted- Another great episode.  I know Gordon was tied more to Sam but I always thought his interactions with Dean were interesting.   Another great non verbal from Jensen when he hears the explosion and isn't sure if Sam was alive or dead. 

Dream a Little Dream of Me- My favorite of the episode 10.  I loved everything about Dean in this one.  His confrontation at the end was surprising when started going off on John about how he was never there and Dean finally admitting he didn't want to go to hell.   It can't be said enough.  Where is Jensen's Emmy?  "Your going to die and this is what your going to become."*  Nice bit of foreshadowing there. 

Heaven and Hell- Not a great ep over all but so many stand out Dean moments make it on of the best ep 10's.   For his interactions with Alistair, to the final battle with the angels and demons.  Dean just looked like a scared little boy when he was sat there with his flask.  You could tell he was terrified about going back to hell.    But I loved Alistair and wish we got more of him and Dean interacting.  I feel like there was more there to be explored.     But Dean's confession at the end of this episode.  Is there really anything I can say, other than where the hell is Jensen's Emmy? Heartbreaking.  It's not often I cry at during TV shows but Jensen made me tear up.  Seriously, give this man an emmy. 

Abandon All Hope- Another great ep.  This gave me Crowley.  I miss Dean and Crowley's interactions.   It tugged at all my emotions when the death of Ellen and Jo.  I liked that Jensen remembered Dean's scared of hell hounds.  There was another small but powerful moment.  It was when Dean was on the radio with Bobby.  You could tell Dean was trying and failing to hold it together.  He was about to fall apart.  We saw Bobby recognize this and pull him back.  It was probably the last real Bobby/Dean moment I enjoyed.  But it also showed that you can be sympathetic to what Dean is experiencing and also get through to him.  Tough love isn't what Dean responds to.  It's compassion. 

Caged Heat- Not the best ep.  But I did like Dean's take no crap attitude toward Samuel.  It shows a massive difference in how the writers handled Dean working for people he distrusted.  He questioned Samuel at at every turn and never trusted him.  He didn't file report and show up for duty.  Give me this Dean anytime.

Death's Door- I was over Bobby by the time this episode aired but again, I loved Jensen's performance.  His fear and anger over losing Bobby was palpable.  You could feel it oozing out of every pour of Dean's body.  The scene where they ask about Bobby's organs, I felt fear for the social worker.  Dean's anger was just as intense.  Did I happen to mention Jensen really needs an emmy?

Torn and Frayed- Terrible episode.  I liked Dean walking out on Sam at the start but of course that wasn't allowed to stick.  Once again everything Sam did was swept under the rug and he got his way.  But that is a topic for another thread so I'll leave it at that. 

Road Trip- Another stellar performance from Jensen.  Give me a Dean/Cas and Crowley road tripping any day.   Dean's scene's with Cas were fantastic.  I loved that Cas was supportive and didn't judge Dean.   You could feel the guilt eating Dean alive.  Not really a Dean moment but I really liked Cas's little smirk when Dean told Crowley he couldnt' sit in front and then his frown when Dean told him to get in the back too, made me laugh harder than I should have.   

The Hunter Games- Another ep I loved Jensen's performance in.  His scenes with Metatron were dark and scary.

The Devils in the Details- I'm not even sure why Jensen was in this one other then his contract.  It was like Dabb wrote the script and realized he forgot to include Dean so he shoved him in and let him carry a box.  I also hated the never seen before or heard from again smiting sickness as a way to keep Dean out of his own storyline.  Terrible episode. 

Lily Sunder has some Regrets- more of a Cas ep but I did like that we finally got some extended Dean and Cas scenes.  I also liked how we got confirmation that its Dean that is Cas's humanity.  You could feel Dean's worry over something happening to Cas. 

Overall episode 10 seems to be strong from  my Dean fan POV.  Favorite- Dream a little Dream of Me and Abandon all Hope.  Least favorite- Torn and Frayed and The Devil in the Details.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 7

Dean pulling that gun on Kaia in The Bad Place hit me all kinds of wrong. Though in hindsight I can understand his mindset was all screwed after seeing Mary in what was a hell-like setting. I'm sure, there was a better ways to show his desperation though.  Just feels like more ammo for the ones that already hate Dean for being mean to poor like "marshmallow" Jack.

Also, Are you guys listing your favorite Dean episodes or moments? I missed the original post to know exactly. Thanks.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, shoetingstar said:

Dean pulling that gun on Kaia in The Bad Place hit me all kinds of wrong. Though in hindsight I can understand his mindset was all screwed after seeing Mary in what was a hell-like setting. I'm sure, there was a better ways to show his desperation though.  Just feels like more ammo for the ones that already hate Dean for being mean to poor like "marshmallow" Jack.

Also, Are you guys listing your favorite Dean episodes or moments? I missed the original post to know exactly. Thanks.

It's more of an analysis/opinion about each episode in every season by episode number.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, shoetingstar said:

Dean pulling that gun on Kaia in The Bad Place hit me all kinds of wrong. Though in hindsight I can understand his mindset was all screwed after seeing Mary in what was a hell-like setting. I'm sure, there was a better ways to show his desperation though.  Just feels like more ammo for the ones that already hate Dean for being mean to poor like "marshmallow" Jack.

Also, Are you guys listing your favorite Dean episodes or moments? I missed the original post to know exactly. Thanks.

The thing people seem to forget is that Dean wasn't  alone in this. Jack could've stopped him with a blink of an eye. Sam looked a little constipated, but stood by. That doesn't change or excuse Dean's actions, but IMO it does give their tacit approval and makes them complicit at the least. They all wanted that rift opened. Dean just did the dirty work. 

My tweets will show the dismay I felt when it happened, but time has mellowed my distaste for it. As someone else said, both Dean and Sam have figuratively and literally bled to save someone else's family. It isn't too much to demand that someone do the same for them for once. 

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

The thing people seem to forget is that Dean wasn't  alone in this. Jack could've stopped him with a blink of an eye. Sam looked a little constipated, but stood by. That doesn't change or excuse Dean's actions, but IMO it does give their tacit approval and makes the complicit at the least. They all wanted that rift opened. Dean just did the dirty work. 

My tweets will show the dismay I felt when it happened, but time has mellowed my distaste for it. As someone else said, both Dean and Sam have figuratively and literally bled to save someone else's family. It isn't too much to demand that someone do the same for them for once. 

That's true about Sam and Jack. In light of that, I believe the timing was just awful. We had just learned how awful her life was from Sam's exposition to Dean. It was very hard to see her victimized or not heard by another character. It wasn't just the act of pulling the gun on her, the context and timing was hard to accept. I just wished they had done it differently, maybe even have Dean share his desperation and intent  - I normally don't champion more exposition, but letting the scared girl know what the hell he was doing and why would have been preferable. It needed to come from Dean - because he is the leader to me and previously shown to be good with kids and teens.

I probably should take this to the "Who Did the Writers Screw?" thread! :)

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, shoetingstar said:

It needed to come from Dean - because he is the leader to me and previously shown to be good with kids and teens.

This is exactly right. I think it's fair to say that moment of the screen going wonky on Dean's close up implied that Dean had really just flipped out a bit. Maybe some PTSD, so it didn't matter who Dean did that too. It just wasn't enough IMO. Not enough to overcome the optics.  I'M

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

Since I'm missing Dean, I thought this would be a good time to start the episode by episode discussion again.  Discuss Dean in episode 10.

Season 1 Asylum

Season 2- Hunted

Season 3- Dream a little Dream of Me

Season 4- Heaven and Hell

Season 5- Abandon All Hope

Season 6- Caged Heat

Season 7- Death's Door

Season 8- Torn and Frayed

Season 9- Road Trip

Season 10- The Hunter Games

Season 11- Devil in the Details

Season 12- Lily Sunders has some Regrets

Asylum- This is basically the ep that turned Supernatural from a show I enjoyed to must see tv for me.  It may be strange but I like that they took the route of Sam pulling the trigger because it smashed those tv tropes.  It showed that these brothers had a lot of deep resentment towards the other.  It cemented what the shape shifter wearing Dean's face was expressing Dean's face when  he said Dean was jealous of Sam.   There was also a small blink and you'll miss it moment.  It's when Dean took the phone from Sam and was talking to their dad.  Dean was kind of hunched over in the bed, but the minute he heard his dads voice he snapped to attention.  It was just another layer that Dean added that made me want to know more about Dean's past.  The only thing I didn't like was that what happened was swept under the rug instead of dealt with.  (Unfortunately, the start of a pattern). 

Hunted- Another great episode.  I know Gordon was tied more to Sam but I always thought his interactions with Dean were interesting.   Another great non verbal from Jensen when he hears the explosion and isn't sure if Sam was alive or dead. 

Dream a Little Dream of Me- My favorite of the episode 10.  I loved everything about Dean in this one.  His confrontation at the end was surprising when started going off on John about how he was never there and Dean finally admitting he didn't want to go to hell.   It can't be said enough.  Where is Jensen's Emmy?  "Your going to die and this is what your going to become."*  Nice bit of foreshadowing there. 

Heaven and Hell- Not a great ep over all but so many stand out Dean moments make it on of the best ep 10's.   For his interactions with Alistair, to the final battle with the angels and demons.  Dean just looked like a scared little boy when he was sat there with his flask.  You could tell he was terrified about going back to hell.    But I loved Alistair and wish we got more of him and Dean interacting.  I feel like there was more there to be explored.     But Dean's confession at the end of this episode.  Is there really anything I can say, other than where the hell is Jensen's Emmy? Heartbreaking.  It's not often I cry at during TV shows but Jensen made me tear up.  Seriously, give this man an emmy. 

Abandon All Hope- Another great ep.  This gave me Crowley.  I miss Dean and Crowley's interactions.   It tugged at all my emotions when the death of Ellen and Jo.  I liked that Jensen remembered Dean's scared of hell hounds.  There was another small but powerful moment.  It was when Dean was on the radio with Bobby.  You could tell Dean was trying and failing to hold it together.  He was about to fall apart.  We saw Bobby recognize this and pull him back.  It was probably the last real Bobby/Dean moment I enjoyed.  But it also showed that you can be sympathetic to what Dean is experiencing and also get through to him.  Tough love isn't what Dean responds to.  It's compassion. 

Caged Heat- Not the best ep.  But I did like Dean's take no crap attitude toward Samuel.  It shows a massive difference in how the writers handled Dean working for people he distrusted.  He questioned Samuel at at every turn and never trusted him.  He didn't file report and show up for duty.  Give me this Dean anytime.

Death's Door- I was over Bobby by the time this episode aired but again, I loved Jensen's performance.  His fear and anger over losing Bobby was palpable.  You could feel it oozing out of every pour of Dean's body.  The scene where they ask about Bobby's organs, I felt fear for the social worker.  Dean's anger was just as intense.  Did I happen to mention Jensen really needs an emmy?

Torn and Frayed- Terrible episode.  I liked Dean walking out on Sam at the start but of course that wasn't allowed to stick.  Once again everything Sam did was swept under the rug and he got his way.  But that is a topic for another thread so I'll leave it at that. 

Road Trip- Another stellar performance from Jensen.  Give me a Dean/Cas and Crowley road tripping any day.   Dean's scene's with Cas were fantastic.  I loved that Cas was supportive and didn't judge Dean.   You could feel the guilt eating Dean alive.  Not really a Dean moment but I really liked Cas's little smirk when Dean told Crowley he couldnt' sit in front and then his frown when Dean told him to get in the back too, made me laugh harder than I should have.   

The Hunter Games- Another ep I loved Jensen's performance in.  His scenes with Metatron were dark and scary.

The Devils in the Details- I'm not even sure why Jensen was in this one other then his contract.  It was like Dabb wrote the script and realized he forgot to include Dean so he shoved him in and let him carry a box.  I also hated the never seen before or heard from again smiting sickness as a way to keep Dean out of his own storyline.  Terrible episode. 

Lily Sunder has some Regrets- more of a Cas ep but I did like that we finally got some extended Dean and Cas scenes.  I also liked how we got confirmation that its Dean that is Cas's humanity.  You could feel Dean's worry over something happening to Cas. 

Overall episode 10 seems to be strong from  my Dean fan POV.  Favorite- Dream a little Dream of Me and Abandon all Hope.  Least favorite- Torn and Frayed and The Devil in the Details.

I agree with most all of this except the one of the favorites. I'd switch out Abandon All Hope with Asylum. Asylum is my fav of 10th episodes because it began unraveling the complexity that was Dean as well as the brothers' relationship, which unfortunately still hasn't evolved much past this in the last 12 years. It also showed IMO how much Dean never expected any better from their relationship in the way he just dismissed everything. Then Dream A Little Dream of Me showed us the inside of what Dean thought of his own inner voice that spouted the same rhetoric as Sam shouted at him in Asylum. While I didn't all of Dean's dream (Lisa wasn't his dream IMO it was the family life that he dreamed of which once again showed that Sam doesn't really know Dean IMO), his mono y mono scene is one of the best scenes in the series.

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I have to say as a huge Dean Winchester fan, my three favorite Dean moments are

1.  Stabbing Zachariah in the face.  He actually said he would do it and he keeps his word.  Badass Dean at his best.  And his smile and wink to Sam.  Priceless

2.   Bobby realizing it’s Dean and hugging him in Lazarus Rising.  I could watch it over and over again.  "It's good to see you, boy."

3.  Surprisingly for me it’s in Goodbye, Stranger when he’s beaten up by Cass to the point of death and he tells him “we need you, I need you, we’re family”.   Gets me every time.  

Honorable mention:  not sure of the episode but it’s the one where he finally tells Sam what happened in hell.  “ I got off the rack Sammy so help me and I started ripping them apart.  

Edited by bozodegama
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9 hours ago, bozodegama said:

I have to say as a huge Dean Winchester fan, my three favorite Dean moments are

1.  Stabbing Zachariah in the face.  He actually said he would do it and he keeps his word.  Badass Dean at his best.  And his smile and wink to Sam.  Priceless

2.   Bobby realizing it’s Dean and hugging him in Lazarus Rising.  I could watch it over and over again.  "It's good to see you, boy."

3.  Surprisingly for me it’s in Goodbye, Stranger when he’s beaten up by Cass to the point of death and he tells him “we need you, I need you, we’re family”.   Gets me every time.  

Honorable mention:  not sure of the episode but it’s the one where he finally tells Sam what happened in hell.  “ I got off the rack Sammy so help me and I started ripping them apart.  

This scene is testament to how good Jim Beaver is. His hesitancy to touch Dean's shoulder, then the relief/dismay in his whole demeanour, including his voice when he says Dean's name (after Dean cuts himself with the silver knife) before he grabs him up in that hug. It's a great scene from both actors. Link to Youtube.

PS... your honorable mention is at the end of Heaven and Hell (4x10).

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I really started to appreciate how good Jim Beaver is during the scene where Sam lays dying.  The world is in trouble (or something) and Bobby pleads with Dean to leave with him.  Dean shoves him away and yells GO!  The look on Bobby's face - so much pain for Dean.  Both actors at the top of their game.

Edited by Pondlass1
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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

This scene is testament to how good Jim Beaver is. His hesitancy to touch Dean's shoulder, then the relief/dismay in his whole demeanour, including his voice when he says Dean's name (after Dean cuts himself with the silver knife) before he grabs him up in that hug. It's a great scene from both actors. Link to Youtube.

PS... your honorable mention is at the end of Heaven and Hell (4x10).

I'm sure i knew that about Heaven and Hell.  I have only watched all the episodes about 20 times each (except for a few episodes each season, like the Hitler episode).  Am I the only male on this website?  I feel like i'm totally not their target audience, a 55 year old guy with 2 millennial daughters who loves Dean Winchester.(and not in a Destiel way)  I've heard a young guy say when he has a problem, he asks himself what would Dean Winchester do?   I feel the same.  I wish my daughters would watch the show but they have no interest.  You would think they would like it with the guys being so handsome but no dice.

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14 minutes ago, bozodegama said:

I'm sure i knew that about Heaven and Hell.  I have only watched all the episodes about 20 times each (except for a few episodes each season, like the Hitler episode).  Am I the only male on this website?  I feel like i'm totally not their target audience, a 55 year old guy with 2 millennial daughters who loves Dean Winchester.(and not in a Destiel way)  I've heard a young guy say when he has a problem, he asks himself what would Dean Winchester do?   I feel the same.  I wish my daughters would watch the show but they have no interest.  You would think they would like it with the guys being so handsome but no dice.

I think there are at least a couple other guys here - but I don't want to put my foot in my mouth if I'm mistaken, so I'll let them identify themselves, lol. I love that guys love Dean!

I am a latecomer to the show, though of course I'd heard of it over the years (and saw J2 on more than one 'beautiful' list, lol). But just going by the name Supernatural, the network (WB then CW) and the genre in general, it never even occurred to me it would be a show I'd be interested in watching. Close-minded of me, for sure. It wasn't until a fan-friend from another fandom insisted I read a fanfic she'd written that I even knew the characters' names. I was intrigued enough to find and watch the pilot, and was instantly enamored of Dean and their brotherhood dynamic - which is something I'd never seen on tv before. Not gonna lie, then next few episodes had me wondering if it was something I could get into. But then came Skin, which encouraged me to keep going, and then came possibly the best run of four episodes of the series (Home, Asylum, Scarecrow and Faith) and with Faith, I was hooked. The rest is history.

Have you ever convinced them to watch that far in?

1 hour ago, bozodegama said:

I'm sure i knew that about Heaven and Hell.  I have only watched all the episodes about 20 times each (except for a few episodes each season, like the Hitler episode).  Am I the only male on this website?  I feel like i'm totally not their target audience, a 55 year old guy with 2 millennial daughters who loves Dean Winchester.(and not in a Destiel way)  I've heard a young guy say when he has a problem, he asks himself what would Dean Winchester do?   I feel the same.  I wish my daughters would watch the show but they have no interest.  You would think they would like it with the guys being so handsome but no dice.

Nope. There are few guys here AFAIK. So you are not alone. LOL  The audience is really pretty 50/50 male/female and I am also not in the target demo of 18-49.  I know of 3 guys IRL who watch SPN. And there are a couple of podcasts that have guys talking about the show.  

2 hours ago, bozodegama said:

 Am I the only male on this website?  I feel like i'm totally not their target audience, a 55 year old guy with 2 millennial daughters who loves Dean Winchester.(and not in a Destiel way)  I've heard a young guy say when he has a problem, he asks himself what would Dean Winchester do?   I feel the same.  I wish my daughters would watch the show but they have no interest.  You would think they would like it with the guys being so handsome but no dice.

I do know of a few males here on the site, though there may be more lurking and not posting.  I can say with certainty, though, that there's a fair contingent of "non-target audience," including many over 50 (including me!) though I think most are female.  IRL I've run into more male SPN fans than female, though we seem to enjoy/look for different things in the show.  I love to hear other perspectives, so I hope you post your thoughts often!  

Like @gonzosgirrl, it was "Faith" that hooked me (I'd watched a few random eps in season 4 at a friend's insistence, but then rented the DVDs and started from scratch).  I got my doctor hooked by giving her a DVD with "What Is and What Will Never Be" and both parts of "All Hell Breaks Loose" (trying not to influence her choice of brothers); but, while I managed to get my sister to watch a few eps, her response was "good-looking guys.  Kind of interesting, but not my thing," so... (shrugs)  

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, ahrtee said:

I do know of a few males here on the site, though there may be more lurking and not posting.  I can say with certainty, though, that there's a fair contingent of "non-target audience," including many over 50 (including me!) though I think most are female.  IRL I've run into more male SPN fans than female, though we seem to enjoy/look for different things in the show.  I love to hear other perspectives, so I hope you post your thoughts often!  

Like @gonzosgirrl, it was "Faith" that hooked me (I'd watched a few random eps in season 4 at a friend's insistence, but then rented the DVDs and started from scratch).  I got my doctor hooked by giving her a DVD with "What Is and What Will Never Be" and both parts of "All Hell Breaks Loose" (trying not to influence her choice of brothers); but, while I managed to get my sister to watch a few eps, her response was "good-looking guys.  Kind of interesting, but not my thing," so... (shrugs)  

Faith hooked me too. I am almost 50 (next year) I am sure I am not their target audience.  My Son in his 20's got me hooked. 

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