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Where Are They Now? Special Episode Recap of Season 2 Couples

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So, as I'm watching -- Dani says "yeah, we're intimate, we hug and we kiss, we just do it behind closed door" -- flash to a scene of Mo coldy asking "how are you doing" as Dani sits next to him on the bed and the door closes.  


Then there is a TH of Dani and Mo, and it tells the entire story.  As usual, her hand is stroking his thigh, and he has his arms crossed tight across his chest with a look of absolute disgust on his face.  Just....wow.

  • Love 6

Old saying: "As bad as it seems, it's worse than you think".

Good news/Bad news: all the information about Mohamed's cheating on Danielle, his money payments from other women (one in particular gave him over $40,000, the concerns of family and friends...all was submitted to Immigration. The couple had a Stokes (fraud) interview (separated and then interrogated). The bad news? Mohamed got his Green Card anyway. He is currently in Tunisia on another vacation after attending his brother's wedding. Due back on the 17th.

Here's a recap of the hilarity that ensued between December 2014 (the reunion show) and the present.

Right after the show, Mohamed (minus Danielle) met up with one of his FB fans in New York. Before this, Mohamed had received cash donations from various women including $100 sent to him from a disabled pensioner in Canada (not to be confused with the Miss Smith from Canada who sent him more cash). But meeting the woman from New York was the mother lode. The woman was wealthy, overweight, a single mother and instantly smitten with Mohamed.

Mohamed returned to Sandusky for Xmas (they had moved to Sandusky after being evicted from their home in Norwalk). Right after Xmas, he left for New York and celebrated New Years with the future mistress, her husband and child in New York and then Atlantic City. Despite the strong Islamic beliefs that dictated his refusal to kiss his bride on their wedding day, Mohamed enjoyed lots of drinking and gambling. Danielle was frantic, not knowing where he was or whom he was with.

More trips to New York ensued. Mo explained these away by telling Danielle he was going for "job inteviews" . Over the rest of the year, he was to have more "job interviews" in New York and Las Vegas that resulted in no actual jobs.

At the end of March, Mohamed made a teensy mistake. He told Danielle he was going to Florida to "meet someone". He told NY mistress he was going to stay with friends in Ohio. In reality, he flew to North Carolina where he was picked up by Mistress #2. Arrogant to the end, Mohamed then posted photos of himself in North and South Carolina. Drama ensued.

NY mistress posted her betrayal and broken heart first on Mohamed's page then all over the 90 Day Fan page. South Carolina mistress counter-posted on 90 Day. The battle raged. Mistress #1 upped the stakes by claiming to be first pregnant, then suicidal, then suing both Mo and Dani for the over 40K she had loaned to them both. In the meantime, both Mo and Dani were taking turns calling the cops and Immigration on each other on a weekly basis. In April/May Danielle phoned INS to make an appointment to cancel her sponsorship of Mo and withdraw her petition for him. At the last minute, Mohamed talked her out of it and she failed to show on her appointment date.

Mo worked a total of two or three weeks (the exact length is unclear) before he decided to study for a trucking licence. He got his CDL but then declined work since he wanted to go to Tunisia for his brother's "weeding". He lamented how NY mistress had not given him the 10K he needed to take Mistress 2 with him to Tunisia. Now he's due back on the 17th so what he does with his GC is anyone's guess. Yes, on paper he has to live with his wife for another two years. But there is a loophole. He can claim "abuse" and get a "get out of jail free" card.

  • Love 8

Old saying: "As bad as it seems, it's worse than you think".

Good news/Bad news: all the information about Mohamed's cheating on Danielle, his money payments from other women (one in particular gave him over $40,000, the concerns of family and friends...all was submitted to Immigration. The couple had a Stokes (fraud) interview (separated and then interrogated). The bad news? Mohamed got his Green Card anyway. He is currently in Tunisia on another vacation after attending his brother's wedding. Due back on the 17th.

Mo worked a total of two or three weeks (the exact length is unclear) before he decided to study for a trucking licence. He got his CDL but then declined work since he wanted to go to Tunisia for his brother's "weeding". He lamented how NY mistress had not given him the 10K he needed to take Mistress 2 with him to Tunisia. Now he's due back on the 17th so what he does with his GC is anyone's guess. Yes, on paper he has to live with his wife for another two years. But there is a loophole. He can claim "abuse" and get a "get out of jail free" card.

I'm gobsmacked. Please explain to me a) how he got his green card anyone and that they passed the interrogation and b) he can claim abuse. 

How did Danielle abuse him?

  • Love 1

I'm gobsmacked. Please explain to me a) how he got his green card anyone and that they passed the interrogation and b) he can claim abuse. 

How did Danielle abuse him?

She seems about 5 minutes away from molesting him at any given time.  I could see him going for a "she won't take no for an answer, and even if we're married I'm allowed to say no" abuse route.


She looks like a human prison, and he always looks like he is trying to escape.


I don't know what you have to prove for the immigration interview.  I don't think you have to prove you're in love, maybe just that you're in a relationship and are serious about staying in the relationship.  However many "female friends" he has, he does always seem to go back to Dani and she seems more than happy to take him back.


**I thought NY mistress was a single mother, how did Mo celebrate with her and her husband?**

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 3

I was following the Facebook blow-up a few nights ago, where Cassia and whatshisname were insulting everyone and then deleting their comments before FB finally banned them, and there were several commenters who agreed that Mistress #1 from NY is certifiably crazy, stalks and harasses several people, and is unlikely to have ever had any money to lend.


Mo may have bit off more than he can chew with her. They were probably able to show who the person making the claims about them was to INS, and she was completely discounted.

How Mo got his GC is anybody's guess. One former US consulate employee said that the test is: "if the American thinks the marriage is real, then it's real". NY mistress is from France and was here under her hubby's employment visa. Their marriage dissolved three years ago but they stay in the same apartment together until both of them get their own green cards. They also have a young son. As bizarre as it seems, Mo went to stay with them all in NY over New Years 2015. Then they all went to Atlantic City together. Rumor has it that French hubby spotted Mo as a scammer and user right away. But Mistress #1 was undeterred. 


Danielle had a habit of going through Mo's messages to find out what he was up to. She discovered the identity of Mistress #1 this way and confronted her via messaging. Mistress #1 insisted that everything was completely innocent and Danielle bought it.....at first. Money for Mo began pouring in (also clothes, like that nice new winter coat he showed off in his "driving in the snow"  video circa February 2015. In March, Mohamed told Danielle that he was going to Las Vegas with a male friend to celebrate his birthday on March 6. However, he was spotted in a Vegas drug store with an "Asian woman" buying something (maybe medication for that Herpes sore on his mouth we saw in the update show?). The penny finally dropped for Danielle and her suspicions about NY Mistress grew. 


The $hit finally hit the fan when Mo traipsed over to South Carolina (via Biltmore House in North Carolina) to visit Mistress #2. Mistress #1 then outed herself (on FB, it all happens on Facebook!) as did Mistress #2. However, in the months after the update show, Danielle reassured herself that Mo was indeed innocent of all charges. When they were interviewed, I guess Immigration concluded that a bad marriage was still a valid marriage for GC purposes. 


As far as "abuse", I don't think there's any serious argument that Danielle abused Mohamed (unless pawing counts as abuse). But it's a loophole under the VAWA law for GC spouses trapped in abusive marriages. No need to hang in there if abuse can be proved. Corey's conviction for domestic assault, Danielle posting Alerts/Where is he? bulletins on Facebook? He'll have a shot. But then again, he's still sitting pretty in Ohio with free room and board and no job in sight. The only small measure of justice is that Mo seems to be Dorian Grey in reverse, aging faster than the speed of sound at least according to his photos!

  • Love 2

That is crazy amounts of drama... how do you know all of those details??

What I don't get is why Danielle is clinging to this so desperately. I know that sometimes it's hard to accept a failed relationship, but what in the world did she ever get out of this one to begin with? Mo is not really attractive imo, nor does he seem to have a good personality, sense of humor, or anything endearing about him. He looks at her and talks to her with utter disgust in his voice. Being around him can't be very fun.. so what is the deal? She can't possibly be holding so hard and fast to this because she sees him as nice eye candy, can she? He doesn't appear to do anything to prop up her self esteem.. he's not even civil towards her. I feel like something is majorly amiss. Was he a completely different person before he moved here, showering her with words of love and affection, and she's still hanging onto that? They have nothing in common and they don't even seem to spend much, if any, time together. When you get to the heart of it... WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS RELATIONSHIP?

  • Love 5

That is crazy amounts of drama... how do you know all of those details??

What I don't get is why Danielle is clinging to this so desperately. I know that sometimes it's hard to accept a failed relationship, but what in the world did she ever get out of this one to begin with? Mo is not really attractive imo, nor does he seem to have a good personality, sense of humor, or anything endearing about him. He looks at her and talks to her with utter disgust in his voice. Being around him can't be very fun.. so what is the deal? She can't possibly be holding so hard and fast to this because she sees him as nice eye candy, can she? He doesn't appear to do anything to prop up her self esteem.. he's not even civil towards her. I feel like something is majorly amiss. Was he a completely different person before he moved here, showering her with words of love and affection, and she's still hanging onto that? They have nothing in common and they don't even seem to spend much, if any, time together. When you get to the heart of it... WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS RELATIONSHIP?

I think its a confluence of things.  He is much younger and attractive a man than she could normally catch.  Especially given her finances.  She doesn't have much to recommend her to most men.  She isn't attractive, she isn't fit, she isn't particularly funny or smart.  Even for a young man from another country, I imagine many pass her up for someone with more money or someone that looks better or even someone with a brighter personality.  She doesn't want the guy that she could get in the US.  She wants someone like Mo.


I think she likes being a victim and a martyr.  It makes Dani the center of the universe, with everyone giving her so much attention.  People are offering to "be there" for her if she dumps him.  Everyone is saying "poor Dani" and worrying over her.  Her son is fighting over her.  And so what if he ends up with a record and has a hard time getting a job......it doesn't matter because Dani is the center of attention and everyone is looking at her!  She gets to be the "good guy" and Mo is the "bad guy."  And since he just does whatever he wants, she can continue to be the "victim" to his "bad guy"


She likes the control she has over him.  Right now, he really can't go anywhere, she holds all the cards.  If she gets angry enough she threatens to call INS to get him in line.


She likes the drama and the attention.  She can spend all day on social media pretending like she is in the middle of some novel where she has to fight all these women for her man.  Its exciting!  Far more exciting than I'm sure her life has ever been before.


.....and he cooks for her

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 9

I think you're right that she enjoys the drama and the attention, but most of it is extremely negative and hurtful.  I get that some people thrive on any attention, but I would think this kind would ultimately create anxiety, depression, and pain.  I don't agree that she has all the control over him.  He goes wherever he wants as has been demonstrated.  I don't control my own husband, but he certainly doesn't galavant all over the country and not tell me where he is with people I don't know.  She COULD have all the control, but she seems to paralyzed in fear that he will leave her or be deported.. so I don't see her as following through with having him tossed.


But again.. WHY?  Why is she so enamored with this scumbag?  He HAD to have given her some boost to her self esteem in the beginning beyond "this good looking guy is talking to me".  They are both scammers and deserve each other, but I truly believe he held himself out and his feelings toward her as totally different in the beginning and when she came to visit him.  They used to spend hours on skype apparently so he was obviously feigning a ton of interest in her at some point.  I think she can't let go of that version of Mo because she was so taken that this young "good looking" guy paid that much attention to her.  So while I do think they were both dishonest in the beginning, I think only one of them was dishonest about having feelings.  He came here and turned that person off like a light switch and she has spent all of this time trying to get that Mo and the way he made her feel back.  He made some comment on facebook when someone asked why he was with her like "because she doesn't think she's better like all the others".  She responded by about throwing herself through the computer screen at him dripping gratitude for throwing her the bone of a kind thought.  This, of course, from her second facebook account.. as he has her primary account blocked.  Because, you know, these are all the signs of a normal and healthy relationship. 

  • Love 5

When you have low self-esteem, even bad attention is better no that attention.


Yes it creates depression and anxiety, but that is all she knows.   She has most likely never had a healthy relationship in her life, so she thinks this is the way relationships work.    He makes you hurt so you must love him, right?    And if he didn't love you, he wouldn't hurt you, he would just leave.   Well Mo can't leave, so she convinces herself he really loves her, instead of him hanging for the non-conditional green card.

Edited by merylinkid
  • Love 4

When you have low self-esteem, even bad attention is better no that attention.


Yes it creates depression and anxiety, but that is all she knows.   She has most likely never had a healthy relationship in her life, so she thinks this is the way relationships work.    He makes you hurt so you must love him, right?    And if he didn't love you, he wouldn't hurt you, he would just leave.   Well Mo can't leave, so she convinces herself he really loves her, instead of him hanging for the non-conditional green card.


Great points.. if dysfunction is all she has ever known it likely seems normal to her and abnormal to those of us who have been fortunate enough to understand what a healthy relationship is. 

  • Love 4

That is crazy amounts of drama... how do you know all of those details??



Those details are all true; people talk.


The point of the relationship is that Dani is a narcissist and he is an object that she owns.  Just like she doesn't care about her children's feelings, or her family's feelings, she doesn't care about the feelings of her prisoner of love either, as long as he sits pretty on her shelf, so she can dust him weekly, and take him out for show and tell in front of the cameras while she rests her hand on his inner thigh.

  • Love 5

I don't think even Dr. Phil could get Danielle to fess up about the relationship. You're right that the thought of Mohamed leaving her is her biggest fear. Mohamed plays on that all the time (you saw it on the show). If you google Narcissistic Personality Disorder, there's a lot of good information that helps makes sense out of Danielle's behavior.  I also tend to think there's an addictive quality to this relationship. Remember the scene in the original show after Mo leaves? Danielle's sister Sara comes over to talk sense to Danielle (her daughters do the same, to no avail.) Danielle's whimpering response sounded like someone in withdrawal: "I want him here. I need him here. He makes me a better person."  When Mo isn't around (and he's been absent a lot), Danielle works herself into a frenzy about where he is and what he's doing. When he's "home", even sitting around the house, she's reassured: "He always come back". 


So think of something you're addicted to (for me it's this damn story, lol) and that's a good explanation for why Danielle is the way she is. Yes, he cheats on her. He abuses her emotionally. He has told her that he won't have sex with her because (and this is a quote) she stinks, pees on him during sex and he is grossed out by her. He treats her with utter contempt. Her two oldest daughters have moved away from home. They loathe Mohamed. Yet she still clings to him. 

  • Love 3

He might not be able to get Danielle to be honest, but it would be awesome to see him put Mo on the spot and just hammer away until he gets some answers.


And WHAAAA??  He said that to her??  And she repeated it somewhere?  Wow.. so then they have had sex, and he told her flat out that he finds her disgusting and won't do it anymore.  I just.. I don't even know how to respond to that.  Blech now I feel grossed out.  

Edited by GracieK
  • Love 5

I don't think even Dr. Phil could get Danielle to fess up about the relationship. You're right that the thought of Mohamed leaving her is her biggest fear. Mohamed plays on that all the time (you saw it on the show). If you google Narcissistic Personality Disorder, there's a lot of good information that helps makes sense out of Danielle's behavior. I also tend to think there's an addictive quality to this relationship. Remember the scene in the original show after Mo leaves? Danielle's sister Sara comes over to talk sense to Danielle (her daughters do the same, to no avail.) Danielle's whimpering response sounded like someone in withdrawal: "I want him here. I need him here. He makes me a better person." When Mo isn't around (and he's been absent a lot), Danielle works herself into a frenzy about where he is and what he's doing. When he's "home", even sitting around the house, she's reassured: "He always come back".

So think of something you're addicted to (for me it's this damn story, lol) and that's a good explanation for why Danielle is the way she is. Yes, he cheats on her. He abuses her emotionally. He has told her that he won't have sex with her because (and this is a quote) she stinks, pees on him during sex and he is grossed out by her. He treats her with utter contempt. Her two oldest daughters have moved away from home. They loathe Mohamed. Yet she still clings to him.

I was eating when I got to the sex part :(

So Mohamed actually had sex with her?! I'm surprised.

  • Love 2

Those details are all true; people talk.


The point of the relationship is that Dani is a narcissist and he is an object that she owns.  Just like she doesn't care about her children's feelings, or her family's feelings, she doesn't care about the feelings of her prisoner of love either, as long as he sits pretty on her shelf, so she can dust him weekly, and take him out for show and tell in front of the cameras while she rests her hand on his inner thigh.


Their body language is truly what makes me cringe.  There is a scene of him sitting on the couch and she is literally pressed up against him with her hand on his thigh.  Its just cringeworthy, there is at least 2-3 feet of couch available, but she just has to be all over him all the time.  And as soon as he could he made an excuse to get up and leave.  She can never even give him room to breathe, and I think if it was me....even if it was someone I liked I wouldn't want them always draped all over me all the time.

I want to see them on Dr. Phil.  Because regardless of his shilling ways and likely attempts to sell his stupid app by the end of the episode, he would put them on the spot and force them to directly answer a lot of the questions we all seem so damn interested in hearing explanations for!


I feel like Dr. Phil would spend the entire hour blaming Mo for everything.  Dani loves that, because then she can be a victim.  Even if Dr. Phil were to ask "why do you stay" it would be all about how Dani is some fragile hurt bird that was taken advantage of.




So think of something you're addicted to (for me it's this damn story, lol) and that's a good explanation for why Danielle is the way she is. Yes, he cheats on her. He abuses her emotionally. He has told her that he won't have sex with her because (and this is a quote) she stinks, pees on him during sex and he is grossed out by her. He treats her with utter contempt. Her two oldest daughters have moved away from home. They loathe Mohamed. Yet she still clings to him. 

She peed on him during sex?  Huh?  Was this an involuntary response?

I was eating when I got to the sex part :(

So Mohamed actually had sex with her?! I'm surprised.

Well--I'm sure he has convinced her they had sex.  He is probably telling her that in his country a hearty handshake and a rub on the shoulder count as sex.

  • Love 1

Their body language is truly what makes me cringe. There is a scene of him sitting on the couch and she is literally pressed up against him with her hand on his thigh. Its just cringeworthy, there is at least 2-3 feet of couch available, but she just has to be all over him all the time. And as soon as he could he made an excuse to get up and leave. She can never even give him room to breathe, and I think if it was me....even if it was someone I liked I wouldn't want them always draped all over me all the time.

I feel like Dr. Phil would spend the entire hour blaming Mo for everything. Dani loves that, because then she can be a victim. Even if Dr. Phil were to ask "why do you stay" it would be all about how Dani is some fragile hurt bird that was taken advantage of.

She peed on him during sex? Huh? Was this an involuntary response?

Well--I'm sure he has convinced her they had sex. He is probably telling her that in his country a hearty handshake and a rub on the shoulder count as sex.

Lol! Remember,they kiss and hug in private.

  • Love 1

The disgusted look on his face whenever Danielle is near, is sad and funny at the same time.

It's doubly funny because she is so insistent on sitting as close to him as humanly possible at any time.  He must feel like she is breathing up all the air whenever she is around.  If you watch them sitting together on the couch he is pressed up against the very edge of the couch and she is pressed up against him, leaning into him with her arm all over his thigh.  And as soon as its reasonable to do so he is like "okay, well I gotta go" and he just leaves.


I get that he isn't physically attracted to her, but maybe if she just let him have a few inches of breathing room, he would at least be able to handle being in the same room as her.

  • Love 4

Danielle keeps referring to the Mohamed she knew in Doha, Qatar as if "fame" and celebrity have somehow transformed him. During her two week visit to see him in July 2013 (she and her daughters were evicted for rental arrears the following month), he showered her with affection, sex (ewww) and promises to help her raise her "girlses". In other words, a conman making the sale. 


This time I'll post a warning: DO NOT read the following if you are eating or operating heavy machinery! Danielle has one rabid online follower (the only one she has left after people left her Supporters Group in droves). Rabid online supporter was given access to Danielle's FB account and sometimes posts for her. She saw Danielle's PM to Mohamed begging him for sex. He refused, giving her the "pee on me" line as his reason. The supporter leaked this and next thing, bam, it's on the 90 Day Fiance page. 


NY mistress is crazy but whether she was crazy before she met Mohamed may be open to question. She too loves Mohamed with blind devotion even though he is emotionally abusive to her as well. And yes, she sent truck loads of cash to both Mo and Dani. As to what these women see in Mohamed who is, after all, an unemployed semi literate high school dropout? One wise woman speculated that the lack of any discernible personality or even a heartbeat is a draw for some women. He is a blank slate onto which women can project their image of whatever they want.  Despite the lack of any evidence, those of his fans who have made contact with the Precious have described him as "very intelligent", "full of potential" and handsome enough to be a male model. Sigh. The collective psychosis is such that even a Mohamed post on one of his four FB pages that "this is my only Facebook page" is greeted, not as a blatant lie, but rather as a sign that his other pages are run by other people. The rapturous response to his carrot salad and to his convoluted "no sugar" diet....I don't know what drugs these women are on but maybe I should get some.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 5

I am officially done feeling guilty and ashamed of my interest in Danielle and Mohammed.  This whole thing is just fascinating.  Fascinating! 


Isn't TLC supposedly struggling to find programming to replace the hours and hours of Duggars they used to show every week? They need to turn the Dani and Mo show into a series.  I'd tune in every week.  

  • Love 5

I am officially done feeling guilty and ashamed of my interest in Danielle and Mohammed.  This whole thing is just fascinating.  Fascinating! 


Isn't TLC supposedly struggling to find programming to replace the hours and hours of Duggars they used to show every week? They need to turn the Dani and Mo show into a series.  I'd tune in every week.  

My sister and I were talking about that last night.  I said they should get a few of the more trainwreck couples on 90 day fiance and have a show based around them.


Dani/Mo would obviously be the main players.  But Jason/Cassia, and that girl from season 1 that would wear all sorts of lingerie to the breakfast table and the mother looked like she was absolutely ready to lose it.  Actually, Dani and Mo could carry their own show.

  • Love 4

Bleh. I think that Mohamed is ugly. These women are so sadly desperate.

Especially with that "cold sore" on his mouth. They made their bed so whatever.  I can snark at them till the cows come home. Dani is an idiot for for falling for the conman, keeping the conman, alienating her family and kids and allowing some stranger to access her private messages on facebook. Sheesh! That's stupid right there.  So when Mo gets his GC, divorces her and everyone leaves her high and dry. Yeah she will cry her crocodile tears and no one will give a crap.

Conman Mo. You could have held out for someone else while you were bride searching online. You deserve to be peed on. 

  • Love 5

Considering that the show ended last December, it's incredible how much activity has been packed into the months that followed. Charles Dickens used to write his novels as instalments with readers eagerly awaiting new chapters. With this saga, there was a new chapter every day!


Also, not unlike Dickens, sometimes the peripheral characters were more interesting than the main actors. 

  • Love 4

Especially with that "cold sore" on his mouth. They made their bed so whatever.  I can snark at them till the cows come home. Dani is an idiot for for falling for the conman, keeping the conman, alienating her family and kids and allowing some stranger to access her private messages on facebook. Sheesh! That's stupid right there.  So when Mo gets his GC, divorces her and everyone leaves her high and dry. Yeah she will cry her crocodile tears and no one will give a crap.

Conman Mo. You could have held out for someone else while you were bride searching online. You deserve to be peed on. 

I feel like everyone did the best they could do -- all things considered.


There can't be that many quality women willing to pay for a guy to come to the US based almost solely on internet conversations.  I imagine there are lots of young men in Tunisia and other countries trying to work the same hustle online.  Mo may have been able to hold out for more money, but Dani did somewhat misrepresent her financial situation so I'm sure he thought he was really making out.  And I wonder how much nicer he would have been if the actual financial situation mirrored what he was told it would be.  


As for Dani, she managed to find a guy that much younger than her and fairly good looking, and I think he is fairly intelligent.  He certainly runs mental circles around her and her family.  He manages to make her the constant victim so she can be given attention by her friends and family.  And he is that arm candy that she can hang off her arm and attempt to molest every night.  And he could be worse, he may be taking advantage, but he hasn't stolen from her or god forbid done anything to her daughters.  And thank goodness, because you know if he did anything to those kids she would stay with him, find a way to blame her daughter and somehow make herself a victim.


His cold sore is absolutely disgusting though.  And his "new look" with the longish hair is not working either.  He looked much better when he actually showed up last year.

  • Love 3

When he showed up last year, Mo did have a rather dazed and confused "innocent abroad" quality about him. His English wasn't good so it was easy to think: "Maybe he thought he'd signed up for foreign exchange program but discovers he has to marry his Host Mom?" 


But alas, there's a whole website devoted to guys like this called Tunisianloverats.com filled with sadder but wiser women who've experienced this con themselves. Mo's post arrival behavior seems to be quite typical. These guys often expect the green card to arrive on the same day as the wedding. They persist in thinking that all Americans, even poor ones. live lives of luxury. Despite protests about how much they want to find work, they often don't bother. Where Mohamed has really upped his game though is the sheer number of women he has found who are willing to send him money. Danielle complained that he was always on the internet or texting on his cell phone. Well of course he was, that's how he made his money!

  • Love 3

I like Chelsea and Yamir, and think they're pretty adorable.  I don't feel sorry for Yamir - it was his choice to come here.  I think he's a dreamer, and luckily Chelsea supports his dreams and is willing to work full-time to support them.  His English is improving, and in my opinion, she's the smartest woman on this show.  She knows it's not the right time to have a baby, and is apparently taking precautions to make sure she doesn't.


Amy is sweet, but I'm not convinced she's too good for Danny.  They seem harmless enough, and for some reason, I continue to confuse their religion for LDS.   I don't think it's ever wise to have a baby immediately after marriage, and especially when they had little time together as a whole.  Sure they didn't plan it, but they have to be smart enough to realize no birth control is the same as trying for a baby.  They reinforce my opinion that religious folks talk about and fixate on sex more than non-religious.  Danny's family embarrassed them last season with sex talk, but in the update the couple was more than happy to fill us in.  I did hate seeing the way Amy wore her seatbelt - the baby would have taken the full force of an accident.  I think we really don't know if Amy is more or less isolated after the baby.  Most people I know complain of feeling very isolated the first year after baby - especially when they're SAHMs.  If they only have one car, I don't see Amy attending many mommy and me classes, or visiting with other young mothers.


Cassia and Jason - not much to say.  I fast forwarded most of their scenes last season.  I can only react to what I saw - bad edit or not.  So per that edit, Cassia needs to get out of bed before noon.  If she's bored, she can get a job and/or volunteer, and/or help clean the house, etc.  Too bad she hates senior citizens, they can be pretty cool if you don't dismiss them out of hand. 


Mohamed and Danielle - I FFd their scenes.  I don't feel she's a victim.  If Mohamed is deported, my request is Danielle goes with him.  The children are already fending for themselves, and would be better off with that drama gone.  I'm sure their aunt (who is eons more wise than their mother) will take them in.

  • Love 4

Dani/Mo would obviously be the main players.  But Jason/Cassia, and that girl from season 1 that would wear all sorts of lingerie to the breakfast table and the mother looked like she was absolutely ready to lose it.  Actually, Dani and Mo could carry their own show.

Russ and Paola.  I liked her until their follow-up.  She gave him crap for being gone for 2-3 months at a time on his well rig job so he quit, and got a job where he wasn't gone, but she wanted to go home for 3-4 months at a time to work on some business she had with her brother (that I don't recall from their story arc the first season).  The whole thing was shady to me, but it ended up that he let her go. 

  • Love 1

Russ and Paola.  I liked her until their follow-up.  She gave him crap for being gone for 2-3 months at a time on his well rig job so he quit, and got a job where he wasn't gone, but she wanted to go home for 3-4 months at a time to work on some business she had with her brother (that I don't recall from their story arc the first season).  The whole thing was shady to me, but it ended up that he let her go. 

probably for the best, I didn't agree with the mother being such a pill, but at the same time Paola seemed like she needed constant male attention and validation.  And that probably wears on a marriage at some point.

probably for the best, I didn't agree with the mother being such a pill, but at the same time Paola seemed like she needed constant male attention and validation.  And that probably wears on a marriage at some point.

All I can figure is Russ is a pushover, or doesn't care that she's gone for months at a time (while she complained about him doing it).  From what I understand, they're still together.

  • Love 1

TLC needs to let her have a blog.  I suspect they will need to have it heavily edited, but still, or maybe just her own TLC facebook page

That would be a good idea IF Danielle could type out a coherent sentence on her own. I read the things she wrote over the summer. Let me just say, It was not pretty.

  • Love 1
I don't know what you have to prove for the immigration interview.  I don't think you have to prove you're in love, maybe just that you're in a relationship and are serious about staying in the relationship.


You have to be able to prove that you are actually living in the same house as man and wife.  The couple is interviewed separately. They have to be able to provide the same answers to all the questions.  Some examples:  the color of the sheet/spread on their bed; the color of the nightie/pajamas that the wife wore to bed the night before; what they had for dinner the past three nights and the last time they were intimate.  They tend not to ask the same questions, so it's difficult to cheat.  I imagine that Mohamed passed with flying colors.

  • Love 1

You have to be able to prove that you are actually living in the same house as man and wife.  The couple is interviewed separately. They have to be able to provide the same answers to all the questions.  Some examples:  the color of the sheet/spread on their bed; the color of the nightie/pajamas that the wife wore to bed the night before; what they had for dinner the past three nights and the last time they were intimate.  They tend not to ask the same questions, so it's difficult to cheat.  I imagine that Mohamed passed with flying colors.

I know that used to be the procedure, I'm not sure its the same anymore.  Given the variety of living arrangements people have as man and wife that process could have changed.  A lot of people travel for work now, because technology has made it possible to do so -- so even people married in the US as man and wife may not know the color of the sheets on the bed, or the color of the pj's, what one had for dinner vs the other.  Married people today sometimes occupy separate bedrooms.  Its entirely possible that the process has stayed the same, but given that the nature of marital relations have changed for a good portion of the population may also have prompted some changes as well.


And I actually think Mo may have passed.  I mean if the visit is scheduled you would probably only need to cram.  I can't imagine they ask you the color of the bedsheets from six months ago or about something that could be easily missed.

I wonder if he blocked Dani and the rest of the family from that one? I remember seeing it, and yes, he answers all of the women who post there.

Dani's not quick enough to set up a second fake account with a photo of some young hot girl and come onto him... is she?

That cold sore on Mo, s lip bothered me

I know that used to be the procedure, I'm not sure its the same anymore.  Given the variety of living arrangements people have as man and wife that process could have changed.


Regardless of living arrangements, you still have to prove that you are indeed "man and wife" and not just on paper.  That Mohamed received his green card in 15 months means that he passed with flying colors, because INS tends to look very closely on applicants from Asia and the Middle East.  

Regardless of living arrangements, you still have to prove that you are indeed "man and wife" and not just on paper.  That Mohamed received his green card in 15 months means that he passed with flying colors, because INS tends to look very closely on applicants from Asia and the Middle East.  

But given the variety of living arrangements, are the questions going to be the same?  That would be my question.  If you can live as man and wife, but in a non-traditional setting, such as living in separate bedrooms, are living apart for work reasons for a period of time are the questions still always going to be about the color of the bedspread and what color the PJ's were last night.  Because if you can accept that two people can live as man and wife in a non-traditional settings than not knowing the answers to those questions wouldn't per se prove that a couple wasn't living as man and wife.


That Mo passed with flying colors given the level of scrutiny is very interesting though.

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