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Rob: The (Mostly) Invisible Man

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Khloe doesn't bake anything on a daily basis. When she posted pics of her "baking" it was Thanksgiving and it came out that she bought the pies from a bakery.

Kris claimd that the diabetis is being taken care of and that the family sees Rob everyday


Khloe doesn't bake anything on a daily basis. When she posted pics of her "baking" it was Thanksgiving and it came out that she bought the pies from a bakery.

Kris claimd that the diabetis is being taken care of and that the family sees Rob everyday


Talk about spin. I don't believe one word of what she said. Not after all her tears and handwringing and angst, along with the endless sleepless nights she talked about while on each of the several vacations she's taken since he decided he needed a break. Or all the times they went to Khloes and Rob mysteriously disappeared. Another series of lies, I can't believe her nose didn't grow a foot each time she spoke. Even Maria didn't believe it.

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According to TMZ, Rob is just blowing off his diabetes diagnosis. I'm not really buying the "depressed" thing, I think he's just jealous that mom can't buy him the same kind of career his sisters have, & he's too lazy & privileged to do anything on his own. 

I was leaning towards lazy and privileged too, but it's gone on too long. It may have had something to do with it, but he's been in hiding too long for it just be in a snit and pissed off at Mom and Kim. I mean he hasn't been seen but once at a burger joint in well over a year. If he has that kind of will power to hide out in a house, for that long, losing weight should be a cinch!! I don't doubt his family issues are playing a big part, but I do think there is something else at work, just not sure what...

According to TMZ, Rob is just blowing off his diabetes diagnosis. I'm not really buying the "depressed" thing, I think he's just jealous that mom can't buy him the same kind of career his sisters have, & he's too lazy & privileged to do anything on his own. 

I was leaning towards lazy and privileged too, but it's gone on too long. It may have had something to do with it, but he's been in hiding too long for it just be in a snit and pissed off at Mom and Kim. I mean he hasn't been seen but once at a burger joint in well over a year. If he has that kind of will power to hide out in a house, for that long, losing weight should be a cinch!! I don't doubt his family issues are playing a big part, but I do think there is something else at work, just not sure what...

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I was leaning towards lazy and privileged too, but it's gone on too long. It may have had something to do with it, but he's been in hiding too long for it just be in a snit and pissed off at Mom and Kim. I mean he hasn't been seen but once at a burger joint in well over a year. If he has that kind of will power to hide out in a house, for that long, losing weight should be a cinch!! I don't doubt his family issues are playing a big part, but I do think there is something else at work, just not sure what...

He doesn't have to leave Khloe's house for anything, the rest of the family does everything for him. They send people out to buy him new underwear, Khloe's housekeeper makes him enchiladas every day, & I'm sure his video game setup is top of the line. He's living like a king, with other people taking care of his wants & needs. I'm sure his friends just come over & hang out with him. He has no reason to start doing things on his own.

He doesn't have to leave Khloe's house for anything, the rest of the family does everything for him. They send people out to buy him new underwear, Khloe's housekeeper makes him enchiladas every day, & I'm sure his video game setup is top of the line. He's living like a king, with other people taking care of his wants & needs. I'm sure his friends just come over & hang out with him. He has no reason to start doing things on his own.

But to never leave the house? That' has to be more than just lazy and spoiled. Maybe agoraphobia? Does he have friends? Would easy going Khloe really go along with that?

Remember how anxious about him she got when the family went to Thailand? Would she be that frantic about getting in touch with him if she knew he was just lounging around the house, having his buddies over for beer and porn? If he's otherwise healthy and merely fat, then they need to give him a deadline to be out of Khloes and on his own.

But to never leave the house? 

How do we know he never leaves the house? Just because there aren't any paparazzi pictures of him? Maybe, unlike his sisters, he doesn't call them to tell them where he's going to be, for all we know, he could be out doing things all the time, just not where the pappz hang out. We don't even know if this whole "Rob is depressed" thing is even true, it seems like people just started talking about it like it was fact, but I don't remember it being confirmed anywhere. It could be just another Kardashian spin on things, a brother with medical problems is a better story than a brother who is too lazy to do for himself. I'm not going to jump on the "poor Rob" bandwagon just because I don't see pictures of him.

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I've always assumed that if he was out and about the paps would get a shot of him. That one of his pals would tip them off for a money shot. Or that someone would recognize him and get a picture to sell to TMZ.

I'm not trying to Poor Rob him, it just seems like you'd have to be a bit crazy to be that lazy. LOL. But then this family us nothing if not crazy.

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ITA. If Rob was out and about I'm sure someone would get a picture of him even if it wasnt paparazzi and it would end up all over social media and/or sold to some gossip site. And if its true that hes' brushing off a serious form of diabetes that tells me he clearly has some type of problem that goes way deeper than being spoiled and lazy. I don't know who it would take to make a confirmed diagnosis because nothing anyone says in this family is taken seriously but Kim and Khloe have both said Rob has a bad case of depression. Kim suspected it was his breakup with Adrienne that triggered it but Khloe said she thought her split from Lamar really sent him over the edge. In the People cover story on Khloe from a couple of months ago she talks about Rob in some detail and she said he's wasting his life away ,she mentioned she offered to get him his own chef and trainer but that he keeps refusing.

I don't know who it would take to make a confirmed diagnosis because nothing anyone says in this family is taken seriously but Kim and Khloe have both said Rob has a bad case of depression. 

But that's exactly my point, Kim & Khloe are saying he's depressed, both of them are skilled liars, this is what they've decided his storyline is going to be. They've been priming the pump with the depression stories, now he's got diabetes, & all of a sudden Kris is giving interviews saying "He's still part of the show, he's had a year where he kinda wanted to chill,”. He's going to be on the show again, & they've got his plot all ready. Most people get kind of depressed when they gain weight, so I can believe he's been unhappy about how he looks, but I just don't believe he's suffering from the debilitating depression they've been hinting at.

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I watched this documentary on paparazzi once, forget the name but these guys are BRUTAL and I mean crazy shit. When they spot a celeb they call each other immediately and speed there burning red lights to catch someone like Reese Witherspoon (who cares). Imagine Rob? Everyone is dying to see him and get pics of him, he is a hunted man in the papparazzi world. Everyone wants a shot at Rob and he knows it, he doesn't really need to leave the house with  a house like Khloe's he has everything he needs. I doubt he wants to be seen and photographed to be on the front page of TMZ, I bet the guy avoids mirrors in his own house.

It has to be depression, the guy has given up, probably tried a few attempts at losing weight and failed and now feels like a loser. Diabetes type 2 has also been known to bring on depression.

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Two things keep standing out to me when it comes to Rob.  First, the two-part "Therapy" shows that were aired a few years ago, where Rob broke down and the only person we saw going after him was Khloe.  It bothered me to no end that Kris didn't even get up off the couch and attempt to console her son.  I'm sorry, but that spoke volumes to me.  Kris says she's worried, she's afraid for him, etc. But she sure seems content to let her daughter take care of him while she continues to concentrate on her girls and bringing in the money.  When Kim said that Kris doesn't know how to be a mom to a son, that had to be incredibly hurtful to Rob.


The other thing is that the girls have all basically admitted to coddling Rob when their father passed away.  I'm sure all the kids took it hard, but it's easy to imagine Rob took it the hardest.  Perhaps with all the "coddling," he never had a chance to properly grieve and still hasn't?  He seems way more sensitive than his older sisters and simply does not have the support system within his own family.  I think he hangs onto the fact that if his dad were alive, he'd have some direction.  Because he doesn't, he bends to the whims of his mom and sisters even though it makes him unhappy.


I still wish him the best, and that goes for Scott and Lamar, too.

  • Love 3

Even if Kim and Khloe have lied about things who's to say they are lying about Rob? I mean, its like the boy who cried wold I guess. After so much lying I can see how anything is questioned but when it comes to stuff like depression I have a hard time brushing it off. Just the stuff we have actually seen ourselves tells me Rob has major problems which go far, far beyond being lazy. I've dealt with someone I love dearly committing suicide and I lost track of how many people were actually laughing behind her back because they thought she was exaggerating how heartbroken she was over her marriage ending and how this went on way longer than anyone thought, and yeah she was called "lazy" over and over because she ended up quitting her job and became a recluse.  When she was found dead the same people were riddled with guilt saying they should have saw the signs and got her help. So yeah I have a hard time simply dismissing whatever Rob is dealing with and I feel for him.

Perhaps with all the "coddling," he never had a chance to properly grieve and still hasn't?


Yeah I've thought this for a while now. Rob basically lost all the male figures in his life he was the closest too and it all started with his fathers death.  I dont even think he could bond with Caitlyn anymore the way he use to.

  • Love 7

I saw my brother's penis once and was scarred for life. Of course he was an infant and I was five years old. How could Rob not be an emotional and physical basket case? How could any child who idolized his father be unaffected by divorce of his parents, a step-dad who dresses up in women's clothes, sisters that he's seen either naked or half-naked that only talk about their selfies, photo-shoots, vaginas, anal waxing, penises, breasts and botox, and a mother who has been seen on National television spreading her legs while naked with an American flag covering her crotch? Holy crap, I'm traumatized from even thinking about them doing that in public for cameras.


Take a look sometime at one of the older episodes when things get raunchy and Rob's eyes are popping out of his head. This poor man needs a shrink if he doesn't have one yet which he probably does. That's enough eye-carnage that can never be unseen but maybe he can work his head around it with years of intense therapy. His health will improve once his mind is at peace and he can move forward.

Edited by HumblePi
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Can you imagine Chyna coming over to see Rob at Khloe's? LOL Too bad Rob doesn't allow cameras around him anymore, that is drama I want to see. 


E! is confirming they're together. 



Source says they think she's "preying on Rob" for payback?  Like Rob isn't a big boy who knows the drama around Chyna, Tyga and his sisters? I don't think so, Rob knows exactly who/what he's doing. 

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Aren't there other women in the world that Rob can date other than a Kardassian lookalike?  She and Kylie could be sisters they look so alike.

And being Tyga's baby moma and besties with Amber Rose makes it all so very much more creepy.  I know why he's attracted....'dat ass'.  This boy has some serious psychological issues.



Edited by HumblePi
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Source says they think she's "preying on Rob" for payback?  Like Rob isn't a big boy who knows the drama around Chyna, Tyga and his sisters? I don't think so, Rob knows exactly who/what he's doing.


Yeah he knows what he's doing and it would be good for him if they ALL weren't so nasty. But he entertains whores anyway, so what's one more who is supposed to be semi-famous.


Sorry, when I think of these people and their behavior all I think of is sexually transmitted diseases.


But doesn't this really only concern Kylie? 


This Chyna girl, isn't she Tyga's baby mama?


Are Kylie and Tyga even still together?


So Rob isn't still living with Khloe right? Cause I can't see her putting up with him entertaining Chyna in her house.


 Random whores fine, but a famous one that they don't like? I can't see that being acceptable, LOL.


They are ALL just so nasty, icky. 

Edited by represent
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Ooh, pass some popcorn and please fill me in, I have no clue who this person is or why the K sisters hate her!  Dramz!


EDIT: I did a small amount of research.  Wait - whut???  She and Tyga have a kid together?  Oh, noes.  I fear this cannot end well.

AND Kim & Blac Chyna used to be BFFs


Kim will be livid, like literally livid. I mean that's sooo disrespectful!! How dare he!!! How dare she!!! They are like literally so disrespectful!!!


  • Love 4

Oh you betcha he knows what he's doing! I LOVE it haa. Imagine Rob bringing her over for a family dinner? Talk about shit hitting the fan. Kim use to be be all BFF with Blac Chyna, she dated Tyga for a while and they had a kid together, and he apparently cheated on her with an underage Kylie and eventually he dumped her for Kylie. Chyna started mocking Kylie on social media like with this hysterical gem. It got to the point Khloe stepped and defend Kylie. Then a few months back Chyna posted screencaps of texts Tyga sent her where he told her he misses her and wants to be a family together. This shit has been going on and on. Most recently when Kylie was seen driving a car that was allegedly a b'd day gift from Tyga, Chyna immediately claimed it was actually her old car.


eta: No one knows for sure if Kylie and Tyga are still together or not but the fact remains this woman pretty much tormented Rob's sister and is hated by his whole family.

Edited by howmanywords
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Oh you betcha he knows what he's doing! I LOVE it haa. Imagine Rob bringing her over for a family dinner? Talk about shit hitting the fan. Kim use to be be all BFF with Blac Chyna, she dated Tyga for a while and they had a kid together, and he apparently cheated on her with an underage Kylie and eventually he dumped her for Kylie. Chyna started mocking Kylie on social media like with this hysterical gem. It got to the point Khloe stepped and defend Kylie. Then a few months back Chyna posted screencaps of texts Tyga sent her where he told her he misses her and wants to be a family together. This shit has been going on and on. Most recently when Kylie was seen driving a car that was allegedly a b'd day gift from Tyga, Chyna immediately claimed it was actually her old car.


eta: No one knows for sure if Kylie and Tyga are still together or not but the fact remains this woman pretty much tormented Rob's sister and is hated by his whole family.

WOW, okay - y'all are making this stuff up, right?  I mean, no family on Earth could be this dysfunctional.  RIGHT?!


That said, I don't know whether to be extremely proud of Rob or horrified by him.  THIS is a plotline I would totally stay awake for on Sunday nights.

  • Love 3

Kim will be livid, like literally livid. I mean that's sooo disrespectful!! How dare he!!! How dare she!!! They are like literally so disrespectful!!!

Kim's reaction is exactly why I'd more think Rob's using Chyna and not the other way around. Rob would love to get her livid and see her flip out. LOL


Khloe's responding. Sounds like she has no idea what's going on with someone living in her own house. 



Khloe Kardashian has taken to her Twitter account to respond to rumors that her brother Rob is dating model Blac Chyna.


“You can do anything. But never go against the family, the 31-year-old reality star wrote, quoting the movie The Godfather.


After fans immediately assumed Khloe was referring to Rob, she revealed who she was actually talking about.


“You guys do know I have about 100 family members correct? I was referring to a family member who just bailed out of doing my talk show today,” she said.


Khloe then admitted that what she said could apply to the Rob situation.


But hey, maybe my quote can go towards a few people today,” she added. “Well now I know what all my family members are doing lol. Thanks Twitter.





Edited by Artsda

Black Chyna, Tyga, their baby, Kylie, Rob all at the family table... damn, these Kardashian's are NEVER going to go away.  I mean who's going to turn away from that must see tv?


I'm ashamed that I watch, but no way would I miss this scenario. This is a hot mess, but you can't look away no matter the shame that comes with it, LOL.

  • Love 4

On a more positive note, I think Rob might be coming out of his depression, because damn if it ain't sticking it to "family."


Because like most have said, he damn well knows exactly what he's doing.


You can't be all that depressed anymore to hatch and/or go along with this scheme.


He's planning, and planning means one has hope, even if it's just hope for revenge to make his family miserable. Which means he hasn't entirely given up just yet. 

  • Love 5



This is too much already! LOL

Kylie Jenner Posts & Deletes A Message Hinting Rob Kardashian Is No Longer Her Brother! 


Can't they all communicate with each other without doing it on social media? I would assume they have each others phone numbers. I guess it is the Kardashian/Jenner clan so they probably want the attention. I remember Kris, Kim, and Khloe being so mad at Caitlyn for the very mild comments she made in Vanity Fair, saying they do not talk bad about family to the public. They do except no one is going to call them on it. 


Well played Rob. Well played. 

  • Love 8

Now I'm hoping that Amber Rose and Caitlyn will start dating. I don't care if Amber Rose doesn't date women, I just want to see this pairing. 


I wonder if Rob and Chyna are really even dating. They might just hang out as co-conspirators, high fiving each other and going, "mwah-ha-ha!" as they drive their enemies crazy.


Khloe might have treated Rob more than decently (enabling him), but the rest of the Ks haven't, Kim and Kris especially. It's rather disingenuous to tell Rob not to go against the family when there is such a large record of the family not supporting him. Sure, he's self destructing, but Kim especially is vicious in her usual self absorbed way. Rob doesn't owe his family as much as they might think he does.


Well played, Rob and Chyna.


Maybe they'll get their own spin off show!!!

  • Love 8



This is too much already! LOL

Kylie Jenner Posts & Deletes A Message Hinting Rob Kardashian Is No Longer Her Brother! 


OMG, LOL, there's gotta be a baby out of this when all is said and done.


OK, the decent person in me has to take that back because that would involve an innocent, precious child, so I take it back. 


Rob doesn't owe his family as much as they might think he does.


That's what they get for letting old bubble lips make fun of his weight on national tv, while they all just stood there chuckling right along with her. I think that did it.

Edited by represent
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