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S31: Joe Anglim

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Meet Joe Anglim from Survivor: Worlds Apart (Season 30), who returns to play on Survivor Cambodia: Second Chance.


Joe, the attractive manbun-wearing castaway from Survivor: Worlds Apart, came in fired up and didn’t know how to control him emotions, despite successfully navigating his way through various challenges.


If you watched the show last year, then your last memory of not-so-average Joe may've been the moment when he tried to make a fake hidden Immunity Idol to give to Mike Holloway. Needless to say, his plan backfired and Joe's torch was snuffed on Day 24.



Here is your Joe Anglim topic.

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I'm totally Team Manbun, but I don't have my hopes very high that Joe will do well.  The same things he has going for him, he also has against him.  I'm glad that he at least has other physical threats this season (and bigger strategic threats) that may take the heat off of him, since he was kind of it last season.  But since there are other physical threats, they may figure they don't need him for challenges.  Strategy always works different in these AS seasons.  Being on such a recent season, I don't know if he had time to really forge any bonds or strong pre-game alliances with some of the others coming on.  And he'll be fresh in everyone's minds.


His fake idol was impressive, but if he gets a chance to make one this season, hopefully he knows how to play that angle better.  I won't be surprised if he is a pre-merge boot, however, or early merge again.  I'd love to see him make the family visit, though, since that was his goal last time.

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I didn't realize until I saw him standing side by side in shorts with some of his cast mates just how tall he was, either.  He's got those long, skinny legs.  Considering he played basketball and volleyball, I should have figured he had some height on him.


I can believe the made of steel part ;)


A few little tidbits on Joe:



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Wow, he grew up in Queen Creek?  So did Hayden Moss.  They grow some fine men there.  It's down the highway from me.  Looks like agriculture.  

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Joega :)


A lot of footage of the Bayon men tonight, especially Joe.  Hope that isn't a bad sign.  It was amusing to watch the differing reactions between Joe and Vytas's yoga sessions at their respective beaches.  So much for keeping the challenge beast in check for the first challenge, but considering they were behind, I guess he can't be blamed.  Joe can try and take a backseat in challenges all he wants, but I don't think anyone is going to forget last season that quickly.  Still, I'll enjoy the manbun for as long as he is there.  Hoping he can at least make the jury again.

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I don't know if Joe being so heroic last night is good or bad. For sure he has guaranteed himself another shot at survivor. He is the one player I see them grooming as a guy they could hang a series around. I'm hoping his alliance goes far, but I don't know how long Jeremy and Tasha will keep him around.

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I loved that clip.  I just realized, in seeing Joe with his hair down, that is has gotten longer since last season.  I also wonder if Joe felt the need to sleep with one eye open with Kass around out there.  Two clips so far the fan girl in her has come out.


While I don't expect Joe to win, or get close to the end (unless he gets extremely lucky), I hope he and his manbun make the jury.  At least I'll have that glimpse each week, plus Ponderosa.

Edited by LadyChatts
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At the bottom of this article about Joe, there are two Youtube videos of his sisters who have a singing trio (they released cover songs and made their own videos; the Evanescence cover features Joe in the video).


I posted this in the main thread then realized maybe it should have gone here.  I thought Keith was riot and impressed by Kass's crush.



I find Kass's playful crush on Joe to be a riot.  I like how she said she had him cornered out there.  The editors did a good job with everyone oohing at the fish Joe caught, but showed him walking out of the water in his briefs at the same time.

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So, my season of Joe, Malcolm & Ozzy is a go, right? Can someone please get this twist up and running? Season 31 is currently airing and Season 32 is next (although, it was filmed first....bummer for that cast) which would make Season 33 of the 3 long hair guys. Title name TBD later. LOL!!!!

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Well there's an idea. Survivor: Island of the Manbuns. Ozzy would be the water challenge beast but lose for a less strategic game and maybe being too cocky. Joe is the land challenge beast but may not have the strategic chops to back it up. He and Ozzy can duke it out for cam provider. Malcolm is Malcolm but I think would lose to Joe is it came down to who wore the Manbun best.

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I don't think Malcolm or Ozzy ever did the manbun but I could be wrong. It's an interesting premise and I'm sure Survivor casting reads this site. LOL!!!

Now, back to the show at hand. It's interesting that everyone is talking about Joe except for Joe himself. He is almost getting an invisible, too. He's not a loud character but mainly an island person. It's great if you need to stay alive on an island but I think it makes for boring tv. I agree with Kelley. He's great to have around but you ain't gonna bring him to the end. Like last time, he would need to win every Team Challenge and every Individial Challenge. Pretty impossible........I think. He just can help himself to be perfect.

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I don't think Malcolm or Ozzy ever did the manbun but I could be wrong. It's an interesting premise and I'm sure Survivor casting reads this site. LOL!!!

Now, back to the show at hand. It's interesting that everyone is talking about Joe except for Joe himself. He is almost getting an invisible, too. He's not a loud character but mainly an island person. It's great if you need to stay alive on an island but I think it makes for boring tv. I agree with Kelley. He's great to have around but you ain't gonna bring him to the end. Like last time, he would need to win every Team Challenge and every Individial Challenge. Pretty impossible........I think. He just can help himself to be perfect.


The key to Joe's success post merge is he needs to hang on for the first few boots, and then go on a challenge run.  IC runs are not impossible, I just don't think Joe can win every single one from the start of the merge until the end.  And, strength and camp provider aside, his tribe may not want to run the risk of letting him get to the individual stage. 


Ozzy had the pigtail braids during SP, correct?  And Malcolm the ponytail.  So how about Survivor: Battle of the Hairstyles.  Battle of the Folliclely Gifted?

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So, Joe sat out the Hero Challenge. Was this by accident or design?


I would like to know that as well.  I can see Jeremy running for his tribe, but Terry and even Andrew was kind of surprising.  I had thought that maybe whoever did the RC would have had to sit out the IC but that was obviously not the case.  


I also question how Joe easily got those pieces back to this tribe's mat during the IC, especially when Jeff made the point of saying Joe was moving them without even waiting to listen.  Wonder if Probst let a little something slip there?  

Edited by LadyChatts
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I can see Terry and Andrew wanting to run because of who they are. THey are competitors who take pride in their providing for folks and winning. Joe and Woo are excellent athletes and would have done fine but they don't have the same Alpha male "must provide for everyone." "Must be top dog" mindset so I can see them sitting back and letting the other strong man run.


Also, Joe has flat out said he knows that he has to let others do these things to reduce his target.


So I think it was intentional on Joe and Woo's part

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I also question how Joe easily got those pieces back to this tribe's mat during the IC, especially when Jeff made the point of saying Joe was moving them without even waiting to listen.

About that... I was wondering if they got to get a look before getting blindfolded. Because someone with a good visual memory and good orientation could do it then. (Not bragging, but that was maybe my only forte in primary school games...)

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Or kass gave him specific instructions, number of steps and when to turn and the like. Keith was useless, Terry seemed to be out of it. If Kass focused on Joe and gave him the directions he needed then that could explain it. There is a secret scene where Joe says he should have been the caller and Kass was very hard to hear so I doubt that was it.


They did have a shot of Abi and Andrew pulling off their buffs and you could see yellow blindfolds under the buff.

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About Joe quickly bringing back pieces on his own during the IC:


When they arrived at the IC, they walked through the course, to reach Jeff.  They got to see up close where everything was located.


They also had at least several minutes to study the location of all the pieces, while Jeff was describing the challenge to them.  Maybe even more -- does anyone know how long that process takes? 


The piece Joe ran back with by himself was sitting pretty close to the calling stations.  Also, his team and he had already collected most other pieces.  I believe the other tribes had as well.  So the field was fairly clear by then.  He might not have had to avoid any other pieces at all.   


Kass was yelling instructions.  Once Joe had the piece in hand, she easily could have told him he had a clear run straight back to her voice. 


So I think Joe could have taken back those pieces, without seeing.  Several times during the IC I saw him stumbling about, waving his arms in front of him like he couldn't see, to try and detect any pieces before he ran into them. 


I found it painful to watch such a dangerous challenge.  Hope they change it for future seasons, before someone gets seriously hurt. 

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Just want to add that I am all for the Malcolm/Ozzy/Joe Survivor season.  It could be just those three and I'd be riveted.  I am #TeamOzzy, though, because he was the first...as long as Amanda Kimmel is nowhere to be found, that is.

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I wonder if Malcolm or Ozzy would ever do the show again.  They've each done it 2-3 times, and Joe is on his second try.  Joe seems to really just love the experience of being there, the challenges, the shelter, fire making...I think he'd be fine doing that even if there was no prize attached.  I don't know if we will ever see another BvsW season that involves former Survivors and their loved ones, but that's a season I'd love to see Joe back for as well.  Especially if he can't make the family visit this time around.

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I think Ozzy would do it again, he is like Joe, he simply loves being out there. Joe and Ozzy would have been great on the Island, as rigged and stupid as it was, because they love the surviving in nature thing. In the last Live RHAP Know it Alls, Max commented that Joe is still out there fishing and making hammocks because that is what Joe does.


I think that all three of them would go out there again. I am not sure that Malcolm fits the Survival McGyver role that Joe and Ozzy do but what the hey. Ozzy is slowly figuring out the importance of a social game. Joe gets that but I don't think he is a hyper competitive person. Malcolm is more about the game and strategy then either Joe or Ozzy.


There is a bonus clip where Joe talks about teaching himself to spear fish while on the show. I actually think he is developing the outdoor fishing and food gathering while he is playing where as Ozzy came in knowing that stuff. Kind of amazing.

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I think in an Ozzy-Joe-Malcolm Survivor Malcolm wins every time.  He's got the best strategic game. 


And he seems much smarter than the other two when it comes to managing people (well, in general, actually).


There's something guileless and "noble savage" about Ozzy and Joe.

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Ozzy was an arrogant fool in Micronesia, which is fresh in my mind so I'll pass on Ozzy 4.0.  He didn't even have his lovely locks.  


I'll take Hayden Moss instead.  

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I think Joe has a good idea about strategy. Joe also understands how people see him and why that is a problem. He knows that they look at him and see him as a threat because he is in good shape and very good with puzzles. Joe was not really in a position to play a strategic game last season because he was a known physical threat. There was no way the Blue Collar tribe was going to work with him because he was an immunity threat and they were tight. All of the interviews point to the work that Jenn and Hali and Joe did to try and convince Dan to flip but Dan refused to because flippers never win. Without Dan, or someone else flipping, Sierra could not flip. By the time Mike was willing to flip, it was too late for Joe or anyone else because of how the numbers played out.


Ozzy has no clue about strategy or the social game and I don't think he will ever figure that piece out.

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In Joe's defense, he never had the opportunity to play a strategic game.  No one wanted to work with him at all last season.  Even his fellow NC thought he was screwing it up for them by sticking around.  I don't know if we will get to see what Joe can do strategically this season, either.  He admitted last season that he was terrible in that regard.  Jenn and Will both said that Joe distanced himself from them after the merge; I believe Joe said that he didn't want to make it seem like they were close so they wouldn't get picked off.  Will said that all the NC didn't have much to do with him at the merge, and he knew if they stuck together and made it, he was finishing 4th at best.  No one wanted to work with the NC because they were likable, and really had less to lose.  If anyone else flipped, they likely would have lost or caught flack over it (as Dan and a couple others bellowed numerous times about flippers never winning-even though they have).  We know he's likable, a provider, likely to stay loyal, and a challenge beast.  Socially he's got it, but strategically I don't know.  His strategy this season was to take a step back and not appear to be a threat.  Yet we see him making hammocks, spear fishing and cooking his tribe the Survivor version of a gourmet meal and running on his own with big puzzle pieces to pull his tribe from behind.  I will give Joe that, he does seem to really enjoy it.  He takes the experience for what it is.  Which is a nice change from the people constantly running around strategizing, getting paranoid and always looking over their shoulders.  I don't know if he really has a strategical side or if he needs more time in between seasons to be less of a threat and time to figure out what he needs to do to be more strategical.


I don't know how much better Malcolm would be socially or strategically.  Ozzy would be in the same boat as Joe, so they'd be competing to see who could get the most camp provider and challenge merit badges.  Ozzy came into Micronesia cocky, definitely, and felt way too safe.  Truthfully, though, even if Ozzy did make it to the end again, I don't think he would have won. 


I still liked the idea of having Survivor: Good Hair vs Evil Hair (just to see Vince come back and not only seethe at how much better Joe is at everything than him, but throwing Ozzy and Malcolm with their ponytails and curly locks into the mix).

Edited by LadyChatts
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About these hair dudes:


Joe (I'll start with him because it is his threat after all) has this amazing ability to do well in nature; and in challenges; and everyone loves him. Based on the interviews after his last season, I think he also has more than a few strategic bones, but it would be silly to expect him to play another person than who he is, and I think it is a further difficulty he has to play with. He's a very confident person and doesn't have anything to prove to anyone and win or lose he will have enjoyed himself.


Ozzy - Ozzy amazed me by his "poetry in motion"; he is one of the best at finding creative solutions to any physical task and make it be beautiful to look at; he's also quite good at puzzles, as I recall. And he does - oh he does indeed - love the great outdoor. One sentence from him that really moved me was, during his first FTC, when he said that in Survivor he had found something where all the things he was good at were useful, and he never thought they would ever be. I may be very biased in regard to Ozzy, but in him I see more inner insecurity than allofness or cockiness - both look the same when someone insecure tries to appear like they feel secure. I also loved how thoughtful, sensitive and attentive he was with his fellow exile islanders on his last try. My dream season would have been if Cochran went for Ozzy's offer to ally with him (which I thought was genuine), this could have been JT/Stephen 2.0, and JT/Stephen 1.0 was a thing of beauty! And Ozzy IS loyal, to the point of blindness even (first season, he would have been out if no tribe mutiny, second time Parvati, Cirie and al. could not wait to get rid of him, third time Jim, Whitney, and others were already discussing long term alliances that didn't include jim long before they were Pagonged at the merge), and all that time he seemed loyal to the people he was allied with. As a player, I would take him as my ox any time, and would even be happy if I lost to him, because at least I would have had a fun ride and plenty of food during Survivor, and the season would have been epic enough that I had good hope to be asked back.


Malcolm is different. He doesn't strike me as someone who enjoys the great outdoors for the sheer fun of it. He has the mane, but he's different from the other two in that regard. He's a geek with hair but he's not a "natural". (I could picture Malcolm on BB, but I think bothy Joe and Ozzy would beg to be out after just two days!) 


Judd (I hate that the Fabio nickname stuck!) is also interesting. He's goofy, he plays goofy, is happy to be the butt of jokes, doesn't mind looking hapless, then goes on to prove to be quite the challenge beast and gives some very savvy talking heads. I would very much like to see him again, because until I do, I'll always wonder if he was that genius who managed to play goofy for 39 days and win thanks to not being part on any alliance while having his hand on the pulse so precisely that he always voted with the majority, if he was goofy but there at the right place, at the right time, or if he was an average player who managed to take advantage of all the tensions around him. At least, he did enjoy his time there. 


Even Coach I wouldn't mind seeing again - his last time, despite his Godbothering, he played a strong game and I still think he could have won if he had embraced his persona and strategy at FTC. (That season, I'd have loved to see an F3 of Coach/Ozzy/Cochran ! - if Cochran had allied with Ozzy and then brought Coach to the mix).


Another hair dude was Tyson, who played very well his last time (and won), but was also positioned quite well in his two previous seasons until he sunk himself.


Vince? We don't anything about him as a player, editing mostly showed him as a character.


I'd quite like Hayden, but I don't think he has long enough hair to fit in this discussion :-)

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True, Hayden's hair was longer on Big Brother, and not really in the ponytail class.  I still would love to see him play again.  


I'm totally with you on Judd.  I loved his win.  


I don't think Ozzy was insecure in Micronesia but I agree he was loyal to a fault.  But who knows what editing does to the big picture.  When you cut out 99% of any picture, you can make anyone look like a jerk or a hero, practically.  

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I saw Joe was asked by a fan on twitter, if he could pick another CBS reality show to do, which one.  He said he'd love to do TAR, for the travel and adventure aspect (I think that would be more up his alley anyway) but also said he think BB would be fun because of the strategy involved, and that it would be extremely different from what he is used to.  I still say CBS would be onto something by doing an all crossover cast.  Survivor isn't hurting in the ratings, but it would probably help BB and TAR (or at least would likely get more feed users for BB).


Whenever I think of hair on this show, I automatically think of Joe, Malcolm, Ozzy, Vince, and Coach.  I kind of forget about people like Jud.  And then there was also Matt from RI before he cut his, and Brandon from Guatemala (who I also think cut his prior to the reunion that show).  Max has his own podcast, and though I've yet to listen to it, he had Joaquin on as a guest this week.  He has really let his hair get long and his beard grow.  So he'd be another person to toss into the ring for Survivor: Battle of the Hair.

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I do agree that Malcolm isn't in the same class as Joe & Ozzy. I guess I was bunching him because he had long but I don't think he was as natured bound as Joe & Ozzy were. I think Joe is the all around package whereas Ozzy didn't come off as nice or friendly as Joe. That said, when Ozzy first played he truly was a man of the jungle. I think he was first to embrace it all from climbing tress, fishing & swimming like an actual fish.

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I saw Joe was asked by a fan on twitter, if he could pick another CBS reality show to do, which one.  He said he'd love to do TAR, for the travel and adventure aspect (I think that would be more up his alley anyway) but also said he think BB would be fun because of the strategy involved, and that it would be extremely different from what he is used to.  I still say CBS would be onto something by doing an all crossover cast.  Survivor isn't hurting in the ratings, but it would probably help BB and TAR (or at least would likely get more feed users for BB).


Whenever I think of hair on this show, I automatically think of Joe, Malcolm, Ozzy, Vince, and Coach.  I kind of forget about people like Jud.  And then there was also Matt from RI before he cut his, and Brandon from Guatemala (who I also think cut his prior to the reunion that show).  Max has his own podcast, and though I've yet to listen to it, he had Joaquin on as a guest this week.  He has really let his hair get long and his beard grow.  So he'd be another person to toss into the ring for Survivor: Battle of the Hair.

I wouldn't be too keen on Matt from RI - he killed Andrea's game! and was not as good a player as he thought he was. Also not a "natural" in the wilderness and full odf sermons, wasn't he? (memory a bit fuzzy)


I'd take Brandon from Guatemala in a heartbeat - how could I have forgotten him!!?? Granted, his hair wasn't that long, but he was another of the cast of Guatemala that I would love to see again. Because he was voted off pre-jury, we only saw his creativity in challenges, nice personality overall, but also some goofy behaviour, if memory serves. (Did Judd from that season have long(ish) hair? I'd also take him as a villain next time around. Jamie? Ditto? Didn't Bobby Jon have long(ish) hair? He can come back too, I loved how he went from obnoxious at the begining of Palau to martyr by the end of the season, then came back as mostly a gentleman in Guatemala. I want people who improve their behaviour to be rewarded, rather than the opposite!)


Max? No, no and no. I suspect he would remain a bad player because with all his knowledge of the trivia of the game he seems badly equiped to adapting to people around him that don't fit into what he expects. Plus he's not eye candy, whereas all the others mentioned above are. That said, if he came back and if he changed his game (big ifs), I would be mightily impressed. Not holding my breath though.  

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I wouldn't be too keen on Matt from RI - he killed Andrea's game! and was not as good a player as he thought he was. Also not a "natural" in the wilderness and full odf sermons, wasn't he? (memory a bit fuzzy)


I'd take Brandon from Guatemala in a heartbeat - how could I have forgotten him!!?? Granted, his hair wasn't that long, but he was another of the cast of Guatemala that I would love to see again. Because he was voted off pre-jury, we only saw his creativity in challenges, nice personality overall, but also some goofy behaviour, if memory serves. (Did Judd from that season have long(ish) hair? I'd also take him as a villain next time around. Jamie? Ditto? Didn't Bobby Jon have long(ish) hair? He can come back too, I loved how he went from obnoxious at the begining of Palau to martyr by the end of the season, then came back as mostly a gentleman in Guatemala. I want people who improve their behaviour to be rewarded, rather than the opposite!)


Max? No, no and no. I suspect he would remain a bad player because with all his knowledge of the trivia of the game he seems badly equiped to adapting to people around him that don't fit into what he expects. Plus he's not eye candy, whereas all the others mentioned above are. That said, if he came back and if he changed his game (big ifs), I would be mightily impressed. Not holding my breath though.  


I don't know if you misunderstood what I said about Max, but Joaquin is the one who has his own manbun and beard now (full beard, though not a long one like Max).  I don't know that Joaquin is someone I would want to see back (he seems more suited for Big Brother), but I wouldn't entirely object.  Max doesn't have a manbun, but definitely the stupid red beard.  I agree with your feelings on him.  He is someone I hope never gets a second chance.  My feeling is he will come into this game a second time just like Shirin; overplaying, over strategizing, putting too much emphasis on pre-game alliances and not letting himself think outside that tunnel vision.  And when he gets blindsided and voted off, it isn't because he is the idiot.  It's because the people around him were idiots that didn't just let him dictate how the season would go so he would look like the genius he thinks he is.  I don't care what Max said about his game play or actions like season, he is definitely about camera time and creating a character.


Topic?  Well, Joe didn't want to appear a threat this season, just like he wanted everyone to think he was there to enjoy the beaches last season and underestimate him as a long haired hippie.  He's too giddy at this for his own good.  Hammock building, challenge beast, spear fishing, making the ladies swoon...wonder what he will do this episode to make himself look like even more of a threat, if that's possible.  Fight off a shark with his bare hands?  Craft actual beds from tree branches?  Tell his entire tribe to sit out the IC, give the other tribe a head start, and still manage to pull off a win?

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LadyChatts, you're right, serves me well for multitasking.


If Max is off the table, I have no beef with Joaquin returning 


No worries, when I read back what I wrote, I realized it sounded kind of confusing (frankly if Max ever does grow a manbun that's just another sign of desperation, imo).  I think the only way Max will ever be brought back is if it is a producer picked AS season or an all pre-merge season.  I still think he will spectacularly fail at it.  But that's also wishful thinking.  Joaquin I'm neutral on.  I actually don't think we got to see what he had in terms of game play this past season (since the only times he went to tribal was the first vote, where he was blindsided, and the second when he was voted out-and also blindsided).  He might be better than I'm willing to give him credit for.  Still, he likes booze, women, and was recruited for Survivor via Tinder.  I still think he'd be better in the imaginary BB cross over season.


And speaking of imaginary seasons...what do we have to do to make the beautiful manbun/hair season of Survivor a reality?    

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Joe, please don't trust them when they say they have no interest in voting you out.  You are gone the first chance they get.  If you didn't already remind them of what a threat you are before with the hammocks, spear fishing,fire making and challenge beast mode, you reminded them during that little speech about why people targeted you before.


On another note, even though Ta'Keo is eating as good as people at an all you can eat buffet, Joe must be losing some weight.  Because it looked like his undies were falling down tonight.  

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Joe might be great at everything but he's so boring. I'm not exactly sure what he could be doing otherwise but he's sort of meh but in a perfect way. LOL!!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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Joe might be great at everything but he's so boring. I'm not exactly sure what he could be doing otherwise but he's sort of meh but in a perfect way. LOL!!!!


I think his problem is he's too damn nice.  If he were a female, he'd be getting completely ignored (I'd say that even if he was a female challenge monster and provider).  

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I don't think Joe is out as soon as he loses a challenge. He was screwed last year because his original tribe lost a ton and he went into the swap and merge without numbers. He was the target because of his ability to win immunity, because he was not in the majority alliance, and because he was liked. This season there are plenty of other challenge beasts to target and he is a good alliance. He has other folks looking out for him. I think he is in a good position.

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That's assuming the alliance is legit and they aren't just full of hot air to keep Joe happy.  I'm skeptical.  Kass said in some of her bonus clips she wouldn't vote Joe out, but Kelley said she would as soon as she didn't need him.  I think there are floaters who will go with whatever and may be kept out of the loop in regards to a Joe blindside.  I am glad he has other challenge beasts/strategic threats/likable folks this time around to sort of hide behind.  But I hope he keeps all options open.

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