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S10.E16: Suspicious Minds

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Oh, I absolutely agree with you on the kids having breakfast. My response was to why they didn't have breakfast before they gathered at the new rental, which was basically an appointment. We don't know if they requested breakfast before then (according to Ryan, they didn't). I give the mom some slack on not speaking up because they were on camera and Ryan was in a pissed off mood. We don't know what she said after the cameras stopped so I give some leeway.

Again, as I stated in my post, she has big issues but I'm not going to condemn her on this because I don't have enough information.

They seemed in a hurry to get out of the rental house quickly. Maybe they were on their way to Ihop after? I just don't get the huge outrage when we don't know the entire situation.

  • Love 2

I wonder if they were hustled to the house in order to set the stage for the fact of the kids not having eaten to come out. I am so cynical about these shows now, I feel like nothing happens "organically". It is all for drama.

Also...are the ratings actually good this reason, for this type of show? This mess of a season is attracting more viewers? Hard to believe.

  • Love 3

I can't help but wonder if Vicki and Shannon had that falling out off camera and Bravo forced them to reenact it at the lunch.  Shannon was way, way "off" from her normal self.  It felt very unnatural.

I had to rewind and listen twice when she declined her standard grey goose in tall glass with Perrier and limes please and settled with just water.  That's not the lunching Shannon I know. 


Breezy424, with all due respect, I have no problem at all criticizing Ryan's baby mama...no matter where they were staying, there should have been a plan for the kids to eat breakfast, period....kids should not have to ask 'can we eat breakfast before we leave (on a nine hour drive)?'  Most moms consider the needs of their children before their children have to ask about something as ordinary as eating breakfast....and the little I have seen of Ryan, I would not trust to him to feed a dog on time, let alone a child....I feel horrible that these kids have to deal with a mom with no decision making abilities whatsoever and her boyfriend with all of his issues....

Yep.  Remember this is a woman who hooked up with this almost 30 year old loser via Instagram and then decided to have a baby with him and thought it was a good idea for him to quit his job and move in with her and her three young kids.    I don't think anyone should have problem questioning her judgement. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 10

I also grew up with parents who considered the most important part of parenting to be the feeding part. I don't think I was ever hungry in my life, and I definitely never ever remember being denied food. So it does break my heart a bit to hear a kid asking for breakfast (and being denied!). Maybe they don't buy anything food related without food stamps (because those kids are raised on government assistance and child support) or something so Ryan was crabby about having to buy all those kids food. Tamra doesn't seem like she did the best job taking care of her kids needs (didn't Simon complain that his daughter returned in the same underwear that she left in?) 


The kids seem really sweet. They remind of me of the old fashioned movie paradigm, where the single mom has the kids dress up really nicely and be super well-behaved so her new boyfriend will accept her. 

I had to rewind and listen twice when she declined her standard grey goose in tall glass with Perrier and limes please and settled with just water.  That's not the lunching Shannon I know.



My aunt keeps vodka in her purse and takes swigs when she feel uncomfortable ordering alcohol. I'm sure Shannon has a flask somewhere in that purse. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 7

So Tamra sees that her son is "grumpy" and he told her himself he was stressed out. He made it quite clear that he wasn't looking forward to a 9 hour drive and he was already bitching about having to do something as elementary as feeding the children. So if all they were doing was going up north to pack, why didn't Tamra offer to watch the baby and Sarah's girls or at least just the baby for them so they could go not have to worry about the kids and just get things done? Maybe he was hinting at it and she didn't pick up on it or more than likely was ignoring it.

This is Ryan's mother you are talking about! :-D


Also, didn't Hailey already have prom?  Meghan hired a photographer and they had a hotel room. Was that a different formal dance?

I wondered about that as well; did they show it in the wrong order?
  • Love 2

I think it's important to remember that the folks on this show have much more information than we are able to see in short, edited segments. This actually reminds me a lot of the deal with Kim on the BH show last year. We were only really shown one instance when Kim was blitzed out of her mind, but the conversations and allegations persisted because the gals knew more about what was going on than we were seeing. They ended up being 100% correct as we saw when the season ended. There are lots of other elements of Brooks and his issues than we are seeing. I wonder if when he had cancer back in 2013 the gals knew about it? I can see them scratching their head when he announced this relapse and talked about having it two years ago. If they were filming with him and neither Vicki nor Brooks mentioned that he was undergoing chemo at the time, bells would be ringing. There are also the comments made by his ex-girlfriends. One of them has gone on record as saying that he has a history of saying he has cancer, with no proof of such a claim. The baby mama of his youngest said that he had claimed to have not only nose cancer, but also prostate cancer. In a recent interview, that I believe is linked above, Shannon said that the reunion will be a Shannon vs. Vicki reunion. She is not backing down months later, and said that even though she didn't know Brianna well before the season began, that she told her things about Brooks and his past cancer scares that made her realize that all of this didn't add up. Heather is also saying that we will soon understand why everyone has all these questions. For me, this is all very powerful.

  • Love 6

I think it's important to remember that the folks on this show have much more information than we are able to see in short, edited segments. This actually reminds me a lot of the deal with Kim on the BH show last year. We were only really shown one instance when Kim was blitzed out of her mind, but the conversations and allegations persisted because the gals knew more about what was going on than we were seeing. They ended up being 100% correct as we saw when the season ended. There are lots of other elements of Brooks and his issues than we are seeing. I wonder if when he had cancer back in 2013 the gals knew about it? I can see them scratching their head when he announced this relapse and talked about having it two years ago. If they were filming with him and neither Vicki nor Brooks mentioned that he was undergoing chemo at the time, bells would be ringing. There are also the comments made by his ex-girlfriends. One of them has gone on record as saying that he has a history of saying he has cancer, with no proof of such a claim. The baby mama of his youngest said that he had claimed to have not only nose cancer, but also prostate cancer. In a recent interview, that I believe is linked above, Shannon said that the reunion will be a Shannon vs. Vicki reunion. She is not backing down months later, and said that even though she didn't know Brianna well before the season began, that she told her things about Brooks and his past cancer scares that made her realize that all of this didn't add up. Heather is also saying that we will soon understand why everyone has all these questions. For me, this is all very powerful.

I agree with everything but didn't Shannon say the "Finale" is her against Vicki, not the reunion? They have not filmed the reunion yet, I think it happens next week.

  • Love 3

According to Brooks-but Shannon clearly said something else.  I think Brooks is what I call a straddle-feet planted on both sides of the issue.  Here is what makes no sense-Vicki called Shannon back in October and told her of Brooks' cancer.  At that time Shannon claims to have spent the day finding the referrals.  Brooks went to CUT Fitness on or about March 20th and made the pronouncement he was quitting chemo.  His last chemo session was January 23rd-according to Brooks.  Shannon talked about the referrals at CUT Fitness so I am curious what took the guy so long?  Aren't his numbers "checked" shortly after chemo or shortly before a new round?  He made a big deal of saying "as of today" well the date would be about 10 past when his chemo would have been scheduled.  So he had time and energy to find Dr. Cellulite/resveratrol but had two flat tires getting to Shannon's referral.


I am so wanting to side with Brooks because I don't want him to be strong armed in showing his medical records but the dude has got to start telling consistent stories.  He is going to the press announcing the state of his health.  This is no longer just reality TV fodder extemporaneous discussions.  He is wanting the attention. 

I hate to say it but it seems like everyone is muddling up what is being said and I wouldn't even try to put together a timeline based on what is shown, what articles are out there, interviews, TH's and snippest of conversations, mixed discussions between the women, examples on this board etc. etc. etc. There's no way in hell to put together a timeline of anything that would be close to clearing up anything. I don't get how we could come to ANY conclusions based on the completely messy arrangement of information that's out there. I mean Brooks has A LOT of stuff going on, I would assume, Appts, referrals, tests, labs, advice from many, opinions from many, accusations, suspicions, and most of all Vicki. To me I don't expect everything he comments or speaks on or interviews about is in direct relation to any particular other thing he's said previously. I also don't expect everything to be repeated ver batim in order to prove he's not contradicting himself. With all the different reasonings and conversations that are out there happening about his treatment, diagnosis, refferals and the such there's not way to get an actual CONTEXT of whatever he does share or is quoted on saying in an interview.


Also, I usually have to interrupt someone multiple times in a conversation to verify that I'm receiving the information correctly and that the focus hasn't shifted to another point in the midst of the conversation i.e. "wait, we're still talking about the mother in law and not his wife? No, oh so that's what his wife said not his mother in law, okay continue".  Conversations aren't just black and white and they never are in Brooks case because even when he is answering a direct question his answer will always contradict someone's version of something because there are different understandings of things from so many people that Brooks will never sound like he's giving out the same story. His story varies because he seems to be trying to explain different things to different people BECAUSE people are coming up with their own misunderstandings to question him about and then it all just gets muddled from there. People's misunderstandings of things don't make other people's versions untrue or inconsistent.  This whole "Brooks told me, but Vicki said but then why would he need....?" See that's not Brooks changing stories. That's the women taking a bit of information, being confused about it and discussing it amongst themselves, coming to their own conclusions as if that's what was told to them instead of some theory they came to on their own based on SOME information received from Brooks and Vicki.


Shit, ever have someone throw back at you a theory of sorts and claim that's what they came up with based on some information YOU gave THEM and then you go off to express what you really meant all the while sounding like YOU'RE the one backtracking and contradicting yourself? You may even start tripping up yourself because you don't remember exactly the words you've used so you start trying to clarify based on the theory that's brought to you and not actually what was actually said by you cause again you're not sure what you said exactly so you figure well I'll just explain myself again. But then that sounds like you're changing your story when in fact what was interpreted and theorized wasn't the message you were trying to share and convey in the first place. I think that's what's really happening here.


Now mind you I have no idea whether he's faking or not but I'm just saying IMO it's really silly to think that any of what's shown, quoted, interviewed or rumored on the show and in outside interviews is enough to put together a timeline of "contradictions" that can come close to producing a smoking gun.

  • Love 5

Somewhere in OC, or nearby, before starting the 9 hour drive (9 hours!!!), there must be a McDonald's with a drive thru window. You could easily drive thru and order food in about 10 minutes. The kids could eat in the car. Of course, then Ryan would probably be complaining that he had to listen to chewing, while in was driving for 9 hours. White trash, that Ryan. And, Sara, and Tammy Sue.

  • Love 9

I wonder if they were hustled to the house in order to set the stage for the fact of the kids not having eaten to come out. I am so cynical about these shows now, I feel like nothing happens "organically". It is all for drama.

Also...are the ratings actually good this reason, for this type of show? This mess of a season is attracting more viewers? Hard to believe.

This is an article that came out this morning-apparently certain RHs, who work for Evolution Media are contesting Brooks comments the drama is manufactured.  Evolution produces, RHOC. Vanderpump Rules, RHOBH and Botched.  It also speaks to the increased ratings. http://www.allabouttrh.com/real-housewives-stars-respond-to-brooks-ayers-claim-that-they-manufacture-drama-2/  It is fairly easy for Brooks and to a larger degree Vicki to say things in such a fashion as to create doubt-that manufactured drama is on them.


At the Reunion where Briana went after Brooks one of her complaints was Brooks loved the attention and went to the media to increase his notoriety.  It seems lightening has struck again.  Brooks is unhappy with what is being shown and he offers up an interview.


As to Ryan, Sarah and their spawn-I see a commitment to a shooting schedule and my guess is Evolution was picking up the expenses for this trip down south for Ryan and the gang.  So why go through a drive thru when Evolution will pick up the tab for a sit down?   I am only speculating on this because Briana talked of staying in a hotel during her stay in OC (her stay coincides with filming) and I can see the sense of entitlement settling in and wanting room service instead of drive thru.  I can see if filming took longer than expects and Ryan was looking at hitting some rush hour traffic and getting home late.  At first I thought it crappy grandma and great grandma wouldn't just keep the older three girls, while Ryan, Sara and Eva packed up and then remembered -the girls probably were scheduled to see their fathers.


I just don't see Ryan surviving without his mom's assistance.

  • Love 8

Breezy424, with all due respect, I have no problem at all criticizing Ryan's baby mama...no matter where they were staying, there should have been a plan for the kids to eat breakfast, period....kids should not have to ask 'can we eat breakfast before we leave (on a nine hour drive)?'  Most moms consider the needs of their children before their children have to ask about something as ordinary as eating breakfast....and the little I have seen of Ryan, I would not trust to him to feed a dog on time, let alone a child....I feel horrible that these kids have to deal with a mom with no decision making abilities whatsoever and her boyfriend with all of his issues....

I have to agree. You plan, you prepare and in the case of the litter she drags around with her she should have an "in case of emergency" stash that's stocked with juice boxes, dry cereal (froot loops, apple jacks), breakfast nutria grain bars, bag of mini muffins... Girl I'm the most on the go parent and I have certain shit available for when a straight breakfast isn't in the cards and we gotta be on the move and double that sentiment if Imma be in a car for 9 hours with 4 kids. There's no excuse.

  • Love 9


Thanks for pointing out that article, since they directly quote both Heather Dubrow and Lisa Vanderpump. I think direct quotes lend the credibility to some of these less than reliable rags. Lisa VP always disputes quotes attributed to her that are false.

Heather uses the word disturbing. That speaks volumes to me. I think Brooks is telling whoppers.

According to Heather:

"There is no manufactured drama on the show. You don’t get to see everything, but what you are seeing is what happens. This season is raw, real and disturbing. The audience is smart. I think Brooks is going to be judged and tried by the court of public opinion. The response to this season is so good because it’s real. To say this season and situations were manufactured for drama is just not true.”

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 4


Thanks for pointing out that article, since they directly quote both Heather Dubrow and Lisa Vanderpump. I think direct quotes lend the credibility to some of these less than reliable rags. Lisa VP always disputes quotes attributed to her that are false.

Heather uses the words disturbing. That speaks volumes to me. I think Brooks is telling whoppers.

According to Heather:

"There is no manufactured drama on the show. You don’t get to see everything, but what you are seeing is what happens. This season is raw, real and disturbing. The audience is smart. I think Brooks is going to be judged and tried by the court of public opinion. The response to this season is so good because it’s real. To say this season and situations were manufactured for drama is just not true.”

Heather's comment "raw, real AND disturbing" makes me wonder what was edited out! I just don't see either Heather or Shannon questioning someone's medical diagnosis like this without good reason/cause, Tamra would question anything for the sake of drama and Meghan may just be following in Tamra's footsteps but NOT Heather/Shannon IMO.

  • Love 6

Thanks for the clarification.  I can see the confusion.  I would never have associated taking pre-event pictures on the beach (without long coats or parkas) with a Winter Formal.

I'm a native new Englander who lived in  SoCal for 15 years. seeing kids, on Christmas. riding their new bikes, while weearing short, never felt right to me. I get what you're saying

  • Love 4

This is an article that came out this morning-apparently certain RHs, who work for Evolution Media are contesting Brooks comments the drama is manufactured.  Evolution produces, RHOC. Vanderpump Rules, RHOBH and Botched.  It also speaks to the increased ratings. http://www.allabouttrh.com/real-housewives-stars-respond-to-brooks-ayers-claim-that-they-manufacture-drama-2/  It is fairly easy for Brooks and to a larger degree Vicki to say things in such a fashion as to create doubt-that manufactured drama is on them.


At the Reunion where Briana went after Brooks one of her complaints was Brooks loved the attention and went to the media to increase his notoriety.  It seems lightening has struck again.  Brooks is unhappy with what is being shown and he offers up an interview.


As to Ryan, Sarah and their spawn-I see a commitment to a shooting schedule and my guess is Evolution was picking up the expenses for this trip down south for Ryan and the gang.  So why go through a drive thru when Evolution will pick up the tab for a sit down?   I am only speculating on this because Briana talked of staying in a hotel during her stay in OC (her stay coincides with filming) and I can see the sense of entitlement settling in and wanting room service instead of drive thru.  I can see if filming took longer than expects and Ryan was looking at hitting some rush hour traffic and getting home late.  At first I thought it crappy grandma and great grandma wouldn't just keep the older three girls, while Ryan, Sara and Eva packed up and then remembered -the girls probably were scheduled to see their fathers.


I just don't see Ryan surviving without his mom's assistance.

Wow no manufactured drama? Puhleeze! So I guess Tamra stomping around saying "consider the source? Consider the source?" and making a fool of herself was all organic? Yeah, right.

And Brianna saying Brooks loves the attention? Hmm pot meet kettle. I've lost all respect for Brianna and her POS husband since their covert taping and baiting of a very drunken Brooks. I don't blame Brooks for trying to tell his side of the story without Bravo cameras. These same cameras that give us supposed "real" reactions from the HW that have nothing to do with the scene at hand. I have seen it over and over again. The same cameras that have the HW reenact a scene over and over again, but NO there is no manufactured drama, my ass.

  • Love 12

Wow no manufactured drama? Puhleeze! So I guess Tamra stomping around saying "consider the source? Consider the source?" and making a fool of herself was all organic? Yeah, right.

And Brianna saying Brooks loves the attention? Hmm pot meet kettle. I've lost all respect for Brianna and her POS husband since their covert taping and baiting of a very drunken Brooks. I don't blame Brooks for trying to tell his side of the story without Bravo cameras. These same cameras that give us supposed "real" reactions from the HW that have nothing to do with the scene at hand. I have seen it over and over again. The same cameras that have the HW reenact a scene over and over again, but NO there is no manufactured drama, my ass.

I most certainly agree with you that the conflict is not always organic. Rumors abound that there are manufactured situations, although I do wonder if the different production teams employ different filming methods. I have heard rumors that people have witnessed the ladies in NY re-doing scenes, one in particular was outside at a restaurant patio, so...maybe some production teams are more involved with pushing an idea or storyline than others?

I have to say, when "You will all see the truth!!" was uttered by Shannon, that was raw and real. She was definitely being screwed over by some of the ladies and literally by David last season. That was way too real.

I do think words that are quoted, like Heather's raw, real and disturbing say something about those specific situations. Heather is likely referring to those few times that it is actually real!

  • Love 2

I also saw a person's video showing retakes from Vanderpump Rules. Many times you see them looking at the cameras to make sure they say what they're supposed to. We know what we've witnessed over the years.


Edited by talula
  • Love 4

I hate to say it but it seems like everyone is muddling up what is being said and I wouldn't even try to put together a timeline based on what is shown, what articles are out there, interviews, TH's and snippest of conversations, mixed discussions between the women, examples on this board etc. etc. etc. There's no way in hell to put together a timeline of anything that would be close to clearing up anything. I don't get how we could come to ANY conclusions based on the completely messy arrangement of information that's out there. I mean Brooks has A LOT of stuff going on, I would assume, Appts, referrals, tests, labs, advice from many, opinions from many, accusations, suspicions, and most of all Vicki. To me I don't expect everything he comments or speaks on or interviews about is in direct relation to any particular other thing he's said previously. I also don't expect everything to be repeated ver batim in order to prove he's not contradicting himself. With all the different reasonings and conversations that are out there happening about his treatment, diagnosis, refferals and the such there's not way to get an actual CONTEXT of whatever he does share or is quoted on saying in an interview.


Also, I usually have to interrupt someone multiple times in a conversation to verify that I'm receiving the information correctly and that the focus hasn't shifted to another point in the midst of the conversation i.e. "wait, we're still talking about the mother in law and not his wife? No, oh so that's what his wife said not his mother in law, okay continue".  Conversations aren't just black and white and they never are in Brooks case because even when he is answering a direct question his answer will always contradict someone's version of something because there are different understandings of things from so many people that Brooks will never sound like he's giving out the same story. His story varies because he seems to be trying to explain different things to different people BECAUSE people are coming up with their own misunderstandings to question him about and then it all just gets muddled from there. People's misunderstandings of things don't make other people's versions untrue or inconsistent.  This whole "Brooks told me, but Vicki said but then why would he need....?" See that's not Brooks changing stories. That's the women taking a bit of information, being confused about it and discussing it amongst themselves, coming to their own conclusions as if that's what was told to them instead of some theory they came to on their own based on SOME information received from Brooks and Vicki.


Shit, ever have someone throw back at you a theory of sorts and claim that's what they came up with based on some information YOU gave THEM and then you go off to express what you really meant all the while sounding like YOU'RE the one backtracking and contradicting yourself? You may even start tripping up yourself because you don't remember exactly the words you've used so you start trying to clarify based on the theory that's brought to you and not actually what was actually said by you cause again you're not sure what you said exactly so you figure well I'll just explain myself again. But then that sounds like you're changing your story when in fact what was interpreted and theorized wasn't the message you were trying to share and convey in the first place. I think that's what's really happening here.


Now mind you I have no idea whether he's faking or not but I'm just saying IMO it's really silly to think that any of what's shown, quoted, interviewed or rumored on the show and in outside interviews is enough to put together a timeline of "contradictions" that can come close to producing a smoking gun.

I agree there is no smoking gun to be produced with a timeline.  There is however significant, relevant evidence via dated interviews to show why others question Brooks and his desire to go public with certain information and then clam up when asked by another cast mate about his health.  It would seem if Brooks can talk to Reality Tea shortly before March 20th, Brooks is capable of answering Shannon or Heather's questions.


As far as appointments and the like-all one has to do is look at Brooks Twitter account.  He had quite the active travel schedule during his chemotherapy, New York, Colorado, Mississippi, Mexico between November and January.  This is information he put out there-nobody else. So Brooks or Vicki can't start complaining about invasion of privacy or an edited version of what was going on.  I disagree you can keep track of doctor's appointments, labs and the like-and if you are having trouble there is always the his book or the ever present billing records.


If you use basic court rules statements made off the witness stand are used as evidence all the time.  Shannon said it best in her rather frank sit down with Vicki there comes a time when you "not talking about it anymore ."  Brooks did continue to talk about it and Vicki did continue to ask for support-even from Meghan and Jim who in short order she reaffirmed her previous statements  calling Meghan crazy, evil and mean.  I found that bizarre. 


This is the end portion of Vicki and Shannon's lunch http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-1016/videos?clip=2909720 Vicki asking, "what do you want me to do?"  She of course goes on to say she is about to have a nervous breakdown. Over what?  Her mother's death two months earlier (plausible) I am not understanding what "taking time to grieve" means.   Her children don't seem to want to discuss it at a level meaningful to Vicki, she has Brooks at her side full time. There is only so much friends can do for the loss of a parent.  Perhaps she should convey that to Brooks-he is the one that sashayed into the group and dramatically announced his ceasing of chemotherapy. Maybe Shannon or Heather would be willing to listen to Vicki talk about how Brooks "opening up" only causes her more angst.  Instead it becomes about how no man has ever loved her the way Brooks does so the entire group needs to put up with his BS.


Most of all if life hands one of these ladies too  much-they can quit.  Granted Vicki would be returning or not receiving probably close to a million bucks (maybe that is where she paid 58% in taxes).  Vicki is choosing to stay in the game and trying desperately to remain friends with Heather, Terry, David, Shannon and Tamra and not even giving them courtesy of an explanation as to the inconsistencies.    She won't even allow them to present their "case" so to speak.  She knows what they are saying is a great way of avoiding the reality.

  • Love 7

It is on EVINE, which was Shop NBC. I think it did pretty good as they have had several airings of it now. The feedback/ratings were on average 4 stars out of 5 stars, so I think that is pretty good for any skincare line on a shopping channel, the prices are middle of the road as well. 


They are rating it 4 out of 5 because they really want to believe in the dream and not feel bad about spending a ton of money on a pot of grease that is suppose to thwart genetics and the inevitable. You can nurture it you can't stop it.


I've always loved this product name and label.




Full disclosure: Yes I use face lotion but I refuse to pay alot of money for it.

  • Love 11

Wow no manufactured drama? Puhleeze! So I guess Tamra stomping around saying "consider the source? Consider the source?" and making a fool of herself was all organic? Yeah, right.

And Brianna saying Brooks loves the attention? Hmm pot meet kettle. I've lost all respect for Brianna and her POS husband since their covert taping and baiting of a very drunken Brooks. I don't blame Brooks for trying to tell his side of the story without Bravo cameras. These same cameras that give us supposed "real" reactions from the HW that have nothing to do with the scene at hand. I have seen it over and over again. The same cameras that have the HW reenact a scene over and over again, but NO there is no manufactured drama, my ass.

I agree about Tamra's party acting scene.  I think was Lisa is saying is things like Brandi throwing wine and slapping Lisa (manufactured drama-which Brnadi admits to) are just not tolerated by the others or the audience.  To me those were manufacturing drama scenes.  If Vicki and Brooks were so upset by Tamra's behavior why let her in their home again?

  • Love 6

I most certainly agree with you that the conflict is not always organic. Rumors abound that there are manufactured situations, although I do wonder if the different production teams employ different filming methods. I have heard rumors that people have witnessed the ladies in NY re-doing scenes, one in particular was outside at a restaurant patio, so...maybe some production teams are more involved with pushing an idea or storyline than others?

I have to say, when "You will all see the truth!!" was uttered by Shannon, that was raw and real. She was definitely being screwed over by some of the ladies and literally by David last season. That was way too real.

I do think words that are quoted, like Heather's raw, real and disturbing say something about those specific situations. Heather is likely referring to those few times that it is actually real!

Oh yes I agree, there have been SOME real moments. But to say there is NO manufactured drama is just ridiculous and easily proven as false. Heather saying something was disturbing doesn't really mean shit to me. This was the same woman that kept saying Shannon was screaming at her all last season and that Shannon was in need of an ambulance at the beach dinner. So I'm not going to put any weight into her words. Not to mention the bullshit crap about she and Terry having marital problems that one season. I think 99% of everything that Heather says and does is manufactured.
  • Love 10

I agree about Tamra's party acting scene.  I think was Lisa is saying is things like Brandi throwing wine and slapping Lisa (manufactured drama-which Brnadi admits to) are just not tolerated by the others or the audience.  To me those were manufacturing drama scenes.  If Vicki and Brooks were so upset by Tamra's behavior why let her in their home again?

Well yes Lisa is right, the viewing audience can smell the fake a mile away, and yet that is what Bravo has decided to use. Over and over again. Is some worse than others? Absolutely. Still the fake shit seems to rule the day. Or the other Bravo favorite......put all the women together on an island, add lots of liquor and then start poking the fuck out of them. Rinse, lather and repeat.

  • Love 6

They are rating it 4 out of 5 because they really want to believe in the dream and not feel bad about spending a ton of money on a pot of grease that is suppose to thwart genetics and the inevitable. You can nurture it you can't stop it.


I've always loved this product name and label.




Full disclosure: Yes I use face lotion but I refuse to pay alot of money for it.

I love Philosophy's "Purity Made Simple" face cleanser and I wait until it is a TSV before I buy it. LOL Anti ageing products are big business today and I agree, there is no turning the clock back. 


I agree about Tamra's party acting scene.  I think was Lisa is saying is things like Brandi throwing wine and slapping Lisa (manufactured drama-which Brnadi admits to) are just not tolerated by the others or the audience.  To me those were manufacturing drama scenes.  If Vicki and Brooks were so upset by Tamra's behavior why let her in their home again?

IMO, the wine throwing/slap was "manufactured" by Brandi and only Brandi. Much like JillZ, Brandi thought she could do/say anything and get away with it, hence why she was also fired. LOL Stirring the pot is all well and good with the producers as long as it is based on something "real", not something made up out of thin air IMO.

  • Love 4

Geez Bravo. Here's a thought. Pick the right women and go back to the original formula. I know some people think the earlier seasons were boring, but not me. I loved the original and first few seasons on all the shows. I truly believe drama can come from real situations (talking about crazy real, Kyle vs. Kim in the limo with Martin & Adrienne as the refs)

Bring in 1-2 new wives each season, try to pick people who are neighbors, already friends, acquaintances, or 1st wife/2nd wife...there you go, natural drama. Spend more time meeting other friends/family of each lady and sprinkle in the new cars, new houses, jewelry shopping, vacations, etc.

The only show that I think may need nudging is Vanderpump Rules, because it's a different type of show. When it comes to the housewives, you don't need fake scenes if you cast correctly.

I loved OC so much better in the early seasons. Now that Kara has matured, let's see Jeana get more time and glimpse Kara and her NFL husband. Yes, she was bratty in her earlier years, but remember Lynn, Tammy and Lauris kids?!! Why are we stuck with Ryan Veith and sad Brianna? If they keep Meghan (puke) bring in another 30 something.

We should meet Heather & Shannon's friends. Sometimes we get a glimpse, but not enough.

I'm convinced you can do that but Bravo went down the sensational road to expand the audience. Is that necessary to keep the ratings up?

  • Love 8

They are rating it 4 out of 5 because they really want to believe in the dream and not feel bad about spending a ton of money on a pot of grease that is suppose to thwart genetics and the inevitable. You can nurture it you can't stop it.


I've always loved this product name and label.




Full disclosure: Yes I use face lotion but I refuse to pay alot of money for it.

Yup. Coconut oil works, save that $$$ and buy another blouse! You can go organic and use inexpensive tried and true methods. I also love my Neutrogena, since way back when their only product was that transparent face soap. They make great moisturizers/combo sunscreen. Spend you $$$ on a quality foundation/sunscreen and mascara.

  • Love 6

Heather's comment "raw, real AND disturbing" makes me wonder what was edited out! I just don't see either Heather or Shannon questioning someone's medical diagnosis like this without good reason/cause, Tamra would question anything for the sake of drama and Meghan may just be following in Tamra's footsteps but NOT Heather/Shannon IMO.

I think that the people who are questioning Brooks is a key element. It's one thing for Tamra or Briana to question him; they are on record of believing he is a con man. Shannon and Heather are something else entirely. They have both supported Brooks individually, and Brooks and Vicki as a couple. Neither of them have been swayed by what others have said about him, but took him at face value for the way they saw him treating Vicki and others. Heather in particular has listened to the criticism from Tamra, but always said that if he was good to Vicki and she loved him, that she would support him. Not only that, but David and Terry have always supported Brooks. I think that is what is probably making this harder with regard to how Vicki is handling their criticism, especially from Shannon. She would have expected it from a newbie or from Tamra, but she never expected it from Shannon. It is, IMO, also what makes it more powerful and what makes me question Brooks all the more. Shannon and Heather are smarter than the other gals, and they have no axe to grind here. The fact that they are on record - months later - in sticking to their beliefs tells me there is much more to this story.

We know that Shannon and Vicki are not on speaking terms. Has anyone heard how Vicki and Heather's relationship is at this point? My biggest wish every season is that Heather will finally see Vicki for what and who she is, but I think that she cares too deeply for Vicki to ever really let the friendship die.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 5

I think this that the people who are questioning Brooks is a key element. It's one thing for Tamra or Briana to question him; they are on record of believing he is a con man. Shannon and Heather are something else entirely. They have both supported Brooks individually, and Brooks and Vicki as a couple. Neither of them have been swayed by what others have said about him, but took him at face value for the way they saw him treating Vicki and others. Heather in particular has listened to the criticism from Tamra, but always said that if he was good to Vicki and she loved him, that she would support him. Not only that, but David and Terry have always supported Brooks. I think that is what is probably making this harder with regard to how Vicki is handling their criticism, especially from Shannon. She would have expected it from a newbie or from Tamra, but she never expected it from Shannon. It is, IMO, also what makes it more powerful and what makes me question Brooks all the more. Shannon and Heather are smarter than the other gals, and they have no axe to grind here. The fact that they are on record - months later - in sticking to their beliefs tells me there is much more to this story.

We know that Shannon and Vicki are not on speaking terms. Has anyone heard how Vicki and Heather's relationship is at this point? My biggest wish every season is that Heather will finally see Vicki for what and who she is, but I think that she cares too deeply for Vicki to ever really let the friendship die.

I haven't read anything that might suggest that Heather and Vicki are on the outs but that may change when they film the reunion. If Vicki doesn't get the feedback she wants/demands from Heather, that friendship could change dramatically as well. I am curious as to what we will see/hear at the Finale, between Vicki and Shannon, that prompts Shannon to say they will never be friends again. It had to have been big to turn Shannon away from Vicki like that IMO.

  • Love 4

Geez Bravo. Here's a thought. Pick the right women and go back to the original formula. I know some people think the earlier seasons were boring, but not me. I loved the original and first few seasons on all the shows. I truly believe drama can come from real situations (talking about crazy real, Kyle vs. Kim in the limo with Martin & Adrienne as the refs)

Bring in 1-2 new wives each season, try to pick people who are neighbors, already friends, acquaintances, or 1st wife/2nd wife...there you go, natural drama. Spend more time meeting other friends/family of each lady and sprinkle in the new cars, new houses, jewelry shopping, vacations, etc.

The only show that I think may need nudging is Vanderpump Rules, because it's a different type of show. When it comes to the housewives, you don't need fake scenes if you cast correctly.

I loved OC so much better in the early seasons. Now that Kara has matured, let's see Jeana get more time and glimpse Kara and her NFL husband. Yes, she was bratty in her earlier years, but remember Lynn, Tammy and Lauris kids?!! Why are we stuck with Ryan Veith and sad Brianna? If they keep Meghan (puke) bring in another 30 something.

We should meet Heather & Shannon's friends. Sometimes we get a glimpse, but not enough.

I'm convinced you can do that but Bravo went down the sensational road to expand the audience. Is that necessary to keep the ratings up?

I'd love to see what you are describing, but Bravo isn't going to change its stripes. The crap they show is what brings the best ratings, I guess. I don't blame real friends of the HW for not wanting to be seen on these shows. Same reason they can only get famewhores to participate and sign up. There's nothing real anymore about the HW.

I'm down to 2 HW franchises....OC & NY and I think I am finally done. I never thought I would give up on OC since I grew up there. I can be loyal to a fault. It's just no longer fun. Even the snarking has become so serious. The round and round over every.single.word and its meaning, has lost its appeal for me. I will always think fondly of the good ole days. Sigh....

  • Love 7

I agree there is no smoking gun to be produced with a timeline.  There is however significant, relevant evidence via dated interviews to show why others question Brooks and his desire to go public with certain information and then clam up when asked by another cast mate about his health.  It would seem if Brooks can talk to Reality Tea shortly before March 20th, Brooks is capable of answering Shannon or Heather's questions.


As far as appointments and the like-all one has to do is look at Brooks Twitter account.  He had quite the active travel schedule during his chemotherapy, New York, Colorado, Mississippi, Mexico between November and January.  This is information he put out there-nobody else. So Brooks or Vicki can't start complaining about invasion of privacy or an edited version of what was going on.  I disagree you can keep track of doctor's appointments, labs and the like-and if you are having trouble there is always the his book or the ever present billing records.


If you use basic court rules statements made off the witness stand are used as evidence all the time.  Shannon said it best in her rather frank sit down with Vicki there comes a time when you "not talking about it anymore ."  Brooks did continue to talk about it and Vicki did continue to ask for support-even from Meghan and Jim who in short order she reaffirmed her previous statements  calling Meghan crazy, evil and mean.  I found that bizarre. 


This is the end portion of Vicki and Shannon's lunch http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-1016/videos?clip=2909720 Vicki asking, "what do you want me to do?"  She of course goes on to say she is about to have a nervous breakdown. Over what?  Her mother's death two months earlier (plausible) I am not understanding what "taking time to grieve" means.   Her children don't seem to want to discuss it at a level meaningful to Vicki, she has Brooks at her side full time. There is only so much friends can do for the loss of a parent.  Perhaps she should convey that to Brooks-he is the one that sashayed into the group and dramatically announced his ceasing of chemotherapy. Maybe Shannon or Heather would be willing to listen to Vicki talk about how Brooks "opening up" only causes her more angst.  Instead it becomes about how no man has ever loved her the way Brooks does so the entire group needs to put up with his BS.


Most of all if life hands one of these ladies too  much-they can quit.  Granted Vicki would be returning or not receiving probably close to a million bucks (maybe that is where she paid 58% in taxes).  Vicki is choosing to stay in the game and trying desperately to remain friends with Heather, Terry, David, Shannon and Tamra and not even giving them courtesy of an explanation as to the inconsistencies.    She won't even allow them to present their "case" so to speak.  She knows what they are saying is a great way of avoiding the reality.

I just feel like there's too much put into certain details, dates, conversations, twitter posts, interview quotes and the such. I mean even if I paid close attention and jotted all these details, noted the episode snippets of conversations, direct comments from Brooks and created a chart/ log/ journal putting all these details in some sort of order there would still be discrepancies I wouldn't have enough information to declare that something isn't right with JUST Brooks and Vicki in particular. I would assume that there are some understandable wires that have been crossed. Misspeak by a lot of people and hell even a certain amount of acceptable, deliberate misdirection through abbreviation by Brooks himself just to keep from sharing shit he didn't feel like sharing during certain conversations he felt were intrusive. I don't know. Maybe he did lie about one thing or another just cause he didn't feel like getting into it at any specific time but wanted to be more forethcoming in an interview. I mean there are plenty of relevant reasons why some of these details don't fall into a nice pretty pattern and I think there's enough reasons besides him not having cancer for there to be a lot of questions. I just feel like, at this point things are soooo muddled that I WOULD expect any truth or legitimacy in what Brooks offers up to be tainted with all the confusion created by the constant speculation and digging.


To  me, the confusion has been heightened by the intrusive inquiries that maybe Brooks wasn't so interested in denying or confirming at first and not so much them trying to hide anything. I mean again, I have no clue if he's lying or not I'm just saying that it is so crazy messy at this point that no amount of sleuthing, checking, tracking, comparing etc. etc. would put me on any particular position in this whole matter. I'm at the Tomato, tomato, potato, potato let's just call the whole thing off cause there's  nothing left except to just be dizzy about it all. Not the talking and wondering about it but the whole puzzle pieces part of it. I just can't see it ever painting a complete picture. It's like trying to put together one of those thousand piece puzzles with a quarter of the pieces missing and then trying to come to a definite idea of what the picture actually is. I find it futile.


With all that said, I've been mostly in agreement with you're position on all this.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 2

I haven't read anything that might suggest that Heather and Vicki are on the outs but that may change when they film the reunion. If Vicki doesn't get the feedback she wants/demands from Heather, that friendship could change dramatically as well. I am curious as to what we will see/hear at the Finale, between Vicki and Shannon, that prompts Shannon to say they will never be friends again. It had to have been big to turn Shannon away from Vicki like that IMO.

My thoughts are that Vicki becomes predictably nasty to Shannon; something she is prone to do when cornered.  Since the friendship between the two has always seemed so unlikely to me, I think it's possible that Vicki will throw out the things I have been waiting for her to address.  I refuse to believe she will never throw in Shannon's face the fact that she is a mere "housewife". What could she possibly know, what with being rich and taken care of her whole entire life? I've been waiting for this since the very first episode. She will minimize Shannon's opinions because she as a person doesn't really matter very much. Then of course there is the marital stuff. I've thought it interesting that Bravo has included several times comments from Shannon that Vicki was the only person she confided in about the affair. Note that none of the other ladies have addressed this at this point in the show. We know they all knew about the affair, because Shannon has said in interviews that they all knew.  What is unclear is if Shannon knew at this point in filming that they knew. My guess is that Vicki will say something horrible about it all. Something like "why don't you worry about your own marriage instead of my boyfriend". Something like that. It's the only thing I am completely certain of: that Vicki will in some way throw David's infidelity in Shannon's face. This would certainly be a "thing" that would make it impossible for them to be friends again. 

  • Love 10



According to what she says here it was just a fun thing to do because life is short.

Shut up, Meghan!

Why would you put an etching on a window that probably has million dollar views? Maybe its on the side that looks into the neighbors fence. Speaking of views, why have we never seen Shannon's? Odd all that old lady furniture in a beach house. Yolanda is the only one who honors the views.

I wouldn't be surprised if Heather put that window etching on a window facing neighbors so they'd be constantly reminded of how the Dubrow's lives are.

Damn this thread and season of the OC is DEPRESSING.


Let's talk about the important things... like who shops for a prom dress at a high end consignment shop.   It just didnt' seem like the appropriate place.  Both of the dresses they picked looked totally BLAH.

Maybe the ones at the better stores were too slutty? I seem to remember hearing that was a thing with them lately.
  • Love 1

I'd love to see what you are describing, but Bravo isn't going to change its stripes. The crap they show is what brings the best ratings, I guess. I don't blame real friends of the HW for not wanting to be seen on these shows. Same reason they can only get famewhores to participate and sign up. There's nothing real anymore about the HW.

I'm down to 2 HW franchises....OC & NY and I think I am finally done. I never thought I would give up on OC since I grew up there. I can be loyal to a fault. It's just no longer fun. Even the snarking has become so serious. The round and round over every.single.word and its meaning, has lost its appeal for me. I will always think fondly of the good ole days. Sigh....



You know, I feel ya.  I used to love Bethenny, but now I'm kind of over her, and sadly, adding her back to RHONY has somehow ruined that franchise for me.  Not because she's so hard to watch, but because her Secret-Queen-Behind-the-Scenes status ruins the dynamics.  It's a foregone conclusion the rest of the cast will have to kiss her ass to keep their apples.  I can't get into it.


And yeah, RHOC has gotten twisted.  It's all too sad and Hunger Games.  Everyone's willing to do just about anything to stay semi-famous.  

  • Love 8

But we still have never seen her views. The reason Heather bought in the same area as Shannon was that she wanted harbor views because you can see the lights at night.

I think we could see the view during their ground-breaking party, but Heather said they chose the highest point so they could look down on thier neighbors.


This makes the most sense to me.  We know Vicks is a bottomless pit of need; Crooks knows it too, that's how he got her in the first place and felt comfortable enough to "leave" her the last time.  And by "leave" I mean continue seeing her while seeing other people and letting her pay his rent.

That reminds me; doesn't Brooks have his own apartment, paid for by Vicki?
  • Love 3

This is an article that came out this morning-apparently certain RHs, who work for Evolution Media are contesting Brooks comments the drama is manufactured.  Evolution produces, RHOC. Vanderpump Rules, RHOBH and Botched.  It also speaks to the increased ratings. http://www.allabouttrh.com/real-housewives-stars-respond-to-brooks-ayers-claim-that-they-manufacture-drama-2/  It is fairly easy for Brooks and to a larger degree Vicki to say things in such a fashion as to create doubt-that manufactured drama is on them.


At the Reunion where Briana went after Brooks one of her complaints was Brooks loved the attention and went to the media to increase his notoriety.  It seems lightening has struck again.  Brooks is unhappy with what is being shown and he offers up an interview.



So Heather says that the audience isn't stupid and then goes on to treat us as though we are stupid by denying that the drama is manufactured? Did she forget that her good buddy Tamra admitted that it is her job to create drama on WWHL? What about Heather's own story line revolving around her "marital problems" with Terry, or even Chairgate with Shannon? We are supposed to believe all of that was organic and raw and real? Heather and Megan both need to share a nice big glass of Shut the HELL up.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 6

So Heather says that the audience isn't stupid and then goes on to treat us as though we are stupid by denying that the drama is manufactured? Did she forget that her good buddy Tamra admitted that it is her job to create drama on WWHL? What about Heather's own story line revolving around her "marital problems" with Terry, or eve Chairgate with Shannon? We are supposed to believe all of that was organic and raw and real? Heather and Megan both need to share a nice big glass of Shut the HELL up.

IMO, just mine, I think Heather and LisaV are referring to making stuff up, like JillZ did or hitting/throwing wine for no reason like Brandi did. I don't think they consider overacting/over reacting to something that really happened as "manufactured" drama.

  • Love 6

IMO, just mine, I think Heather and LisaV are referring to making stuff up, like JillZ did or hitting/throwing wine for no reason like Brandi did. I don't think they consider overacting/over reacting to something that really happened as "manufactured" drama.

But, this entire does he or doesn't he have cancer IS manufactured drama. Mehgan stalking Brooks. Heather, a doctor's wife, suggesting that a woman share her boyfriend's medical records with a bunch of people that barely know him? Tamra bringing in a psychic and asking for information about someone who isn't there? All of those things were manufactured for the sake of drama and confrontation. It doesn't matter how they reacted or overreacted, the fact that this has been going on as long as it has disproves Heather's comments about things being "real, raw, and disturbing."  I mean sure, if she means that it is real shitty that these women would go at their supposed friend in this way. And if raw refers to just how totally beat up Vicki seems to be by all of this coming from her coworkers/friends, then yes. And if disturbing means that these women have convinced 66% of WWHL's viewing audience that they have every right to demand a total stranger share his medical records with the public, then sure she is correct; that is some totally disturbing shit right there.


ETA: I NEVER liked Heather from the beginning and her treatment of Shannon last year made me dislike her even more. So, maybe that is why I think she needs to take a seat and a huge drink of Shut the hell up from an ice cold glass of nobody cares.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 12

Eh, it did occur to mr that production is punishing Vicki with this storyline because she tried to do something they disagreed with.

I disagree, in her blog, Vicki says that she had to talk Brooks into sharing his cancer diagnosis on camera because he did NOT want to. I think Vicki thought this would bring her sympathy and IMO, she had no other storyline for the show to begin with and was afraid that she would be relegated to FOH much like LuAnn (NY) was 2 seasons ago.

But, this entire does he or doesn't he have cancer IS manufactured drama. Mehgan stalking Brooks. Heather, a doctor's wife, suggesting that a woman share her boyfriend's medical records with a bunch of people that barely know him? Tamra bringing in a psychic and asking for information about someone who isn't there? All of those things were manufactured for the sake of drama and confrontation. It doesn't matter how they reacted or overreacted, the fact that this has been going on as long as it has disproves Heather's comments about things being "real, raw, and disturbing."  I mean sure, if she means that it is real shitty that these women would go at their supposed friend in this way. And if raw refers to just how totally beat up Vicki seems to be by all of this coming from her coworkers/friends, then yes. And if disturbing means that these women have convinced 66% of WWHL's viewing audience that they have every right to demand a total stranger share his medical records with the public, then sure she is correct; that is some totally disturbing shit right there.


ETA: I NEVER liked Heather from the beginning and her treatment of Shannon last year made me dislike her even more. So, maybe that is why I think she needs to take a seat and a huge drink of Shut the hell up from an ice cold glass of nobody cares.

It is hard to agree with a HW that you don't like. LOL The fact remains that even Shannon is questioning Vicki about Brooks because things don't add up with his story. I also don't think Heather is saying he should release his medical information to the "public", just to their group. He could let Terry look at a blood work report and then have him tell the rest that Brooks is not lying and for all of them to STHU and end it there. I also don't think anyone is going at Vicki or beating her up, asking questions because you have heard differing stories from whoever is not unusual IMO. She would be leading the charge had it been Gretchen/Slade instead of her/Brooks IMO.  


I agree that the "psychic" was producer driven/setup but I don't know they had/made Tamra ask about Brooks, I think she did that all on her own. We know they had doubts about him/cancer before the psychic because Eddie already started the BS campaign about Brooks not having cancer in the very first episode, so that foundation was already laid.


ETA.....And for the record (LOL), I hate this storyline. I think it is gross and Bravo has hit an all time new low! Vicki should have respected Brooks request, to keep this OFF camera and private and Production should have steered the shows storyline in another direction. It's not as if the women don't give them enough garbage to use. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

But, this entire does he or doesn't he have cancer IS manufactured drama. Mehgan stalking Brooks. Heather, a doctor's wife, suggesting that a woman share her boyfriend's medical records with a bunch of people that barely know him? Tamra bringing in a psychic and asking for information about someone who isn't there? All of those things were manufactured for the sake of drama and confrontation. It doesn't matter how they reacted or overreacted, the fact that this has been going on as long as it has disproves Heather's comments about things being "real, raw, and disturbing."  I mean sure, if she means that it is real shitty that these women would go at their supposed friend in this way. And if raw refers to just how totally beat up Vicki seems to be by all of this coming from her coworkers/friends, then yes. And if disturbing means that these women have convinced 66% of WWHL's viewing audience that they have every right to demand a total stranger share his medical records with the public, then sure she is correct; that is some totally disturbing shit right there.


ETA: I NEVER liked Heather from the beginning and her treatment of Shannon last year made me dislike her even more. So, maybe that is why I think she needs to take a seat and a huge drink of Shut the hell up from an ice cold glass of nobody cares.

I usually take Heather Dubrow with a grain of salt as I find her extremely phony about ten times more so than Alexis will ever be.  That being said I also respected Heather for her stand on Teresa Giudice-and her not being celebrated when she got out of prison.  I agree I think Bravo lowered the bar to such a point it was unfair to the other RH with their sucking up and funding Teresa.


I think you can add Vicki squarely to the list of manufactured drama given some of her "confrontations" with Meghan.  The whole sex party thing-she brought the Brooks situation up again and again. This business, and it is on both sides of "lower your eyes", "judgy eyes", evil eyes makes me crazy-who ever says anything like that to anybody-ever? When she could not Meghan to agree with her and apologize after many insults she lobbed at Meghan, she then went in on Jim and tried to make him see her side.  Even after somewhat winning him over she went after Jim's marriage.  So the fact Brooks sits much of this out on the sidelines calling foul is pretty meaningless.  Since I just saw the sex party scene-reruns this afternoon, I want to point out why these women and super sleuth Meghan in particular think there are glaring inconsistencies.  Vicki with her voice raised, said to Jim-"he has been going through chemotherapy for seven months."  According to Brooks and what he has CHOSEN to make public, Brooks had chemo in late October, second chemo treatment in early December and the third January 23rd.  Brooks was not undergoing treatment for seven months he had three treatments over a 12 week period.  To me, that is closer to three months.  Vicki by her own admission was not there for the January treatment.  So Vicki essentially during filming at best had gone to maybe two chemo treatments with Brooks.  Given her propensity for overstatement I question even two.


I think Vicki pretty much threw away her friendships this season.  Heather was left with the B Team in Tahiti, irritated by Vicki's yawning at Meghan's party, the conversation over spending Terry's money and the screaming at her luncheon, Brooks stood Eddie and Tamra up and I wonder was that intentional so Vicki could have a really good go at Meghan?  I think Vicki after Shannon had repeatedly stood up for her just was condescending to Shannon and makes her feel invisible and simple.  I don't think Vicki is a good friend, I just think she is worse to have as an enemy.  She lost her mother early on in the season and while she certainly is entitled to grieve it is not her "friends" fault her daughter loathes her mother's boyfriend. Maybe the friend Vicki should have been kinder to was Jeana, Jeana who has always been kind to Vicki, her children, her mother and her men-in spite of some pretty nasty treatment by Vicki.


Had Vicki and Brooks (and Briana with her Brooks dying if he travels-two and half months after his last chemo treatment-talk about manufactured drama) not been so careless with their misrepresentations and contradictions about Brooks condition and treatment perhaps the other women would not have been made to feel as if they needed a third party source. I would never ask a friend, acquaintance or dreaded enemy to cough up records and I think at this point Brooks has tried everyone's patience and now the rest of the women are wondering if a relationship with Brooks and Vicki is something they want to continue to pursue. It also kind of makes me nutty that Vicki and Brooks are paid endorsers of a detox product by none other than the woman who had them pushing their bums into the ground and feeling the earth.

  • Love 8



  Vicki by her own admission was not there for the January treatment.  So Vicki essentially during filming at best had gone to maybe two chemo treatments with Brooks.  Given her propensity for overstatement I question even two.


I also question if Vicki ever went to any chemo treatments as well. When she was leaving for her "work" award and Disney trip, didn't she say something about not being able to handle Brooks getting sick/vomiting and that she could not do that even for him in her TH? She said something along those lines that made me think/believe that she had never been to any of his chemo's/treatments or his Dr.'s appointments. I may be remembering it incorrectly but that was the impression I got from her TH right after that scene.

  • Love 4

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