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The "Ex's and Oh's" video featuring Dean made me rear back a bit at the Wincest-y start, but damn that video was hilarious. I can't believe how many of the male characters fit in with the lyrics (Benny as the guy from New Orleans, Crowley as the lover in the UK...)



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The "Ex's and Oh's" video featuring Dean made me rear back a bit at the Wincest-y start, but damn that video was hilarious. I can't believe how many of the male characters fit in with the lyrics (Benny as the guy from New Orleans, Crowley as the lover in the UK...)





So this video won for Best Fanvid at Vegascon 2016.  This is hilarious. It's just such a fun, perfectly edited video. 

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We were having a FutureDean discussion over in the Supernatural Survivor thread, and it made me think of a fanfic I'd read by rockstarpeach...


Up to You


This is NC-17. Here is the author's summary:

"Missing scene from The End. Dean doesn’t think he’s handling things so well in the future. Also, he's missed the Colt and decides to use it to make a point. It ends up maybe not being the point he'd intended. Gun!sex! Based on the prompt of ‘dean/dean gunplay’ that was given to me by beatlemaniac9."


My addition: Also mentions of FutureDean/FutureCas.


Just so there's no mistake as to what this is going to be. ; )


Edited to add: If anyone objects to this link, please PM me and I'll remove it.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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Honestly, I kind of creeped myself out LOL and I'm not sure I'll ever finish it. I was reading it over and thought WTF have I become.

But I actually think it's kind of good but horrible too LOL

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A year ago today, I opened an account on tumblr and posted my first piece of Supernatural fanfiction. It was a prologue to what was my first multi-chapter fiction, which ended up being 78k. The "prologue" never made it into the versions posted on AO3 and Fanfiction.Net; I rewrote it and incorporated it into the flow of the story.

One year later, I've written another almost-80k story, multiple shorter stories, and started branching out into writing for other fandoms, for a total of more than 300k words. I've become active on /r/fanfiction and Writers Anonymous, participated in challenges, and rediscovered my love of writing.

And, folks, it's all because of you. You guys encouraged me when I was timidly showing you my stuff; 7kstar's alphabet challenge pushed me to edit ruthlessly and pare down my stuff; SueB and MickLady and Awesome cheered me on and commented; and you all put up with my incessant "Here's another one!" posts.

So: Thank you so much for being you.

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On 3/2/2016 at 10:36 PM, catrox14 said:

Video of someone drawing a pic of Jensen.  WTF? My brain does not understand this. Like I'm a decent photographer but drawing? Nah,son.





I'm fairly decent at drawing faces, but have not tackled Jensen's yet. Here's one I did of Clay Aiken a number years ago, for what it's worth (and if the link works). https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152999693252778&set=pb.621502777.-2207520000.1462042615.&type=3&size=438%2C600 I've really been wanting to do Jensen (in more ways than one, but sticking to drawing is at least feasible) for a while, but haven't had the chance to get around to  it. Right now it's been so long since I've worked on a portrait that I'm sort of nervous about it!  Sorry I had to do a Facebook link, but I don't seem to be able to find the photo file anywhere. I hope it shows up (I'm sure I have another thumb drive somewhere with backup) because all my photos over the past 12 years or so should have been on the one I have...and everything IS, except for a specific file that has my art work and things like concert photos & random downloads related to various crushes& obsessions.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
Added another sentence.
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Well, shit. I just read a little ficlet on Tumblr about Dean and Death and that fucking thing made me cry.

I would link the tumblr account but it's been deactivated. So here is the text.


chainedtoacomet Deactivated

When Dean Winchester finally dies (for good, this time), Death takes a holiday. 

He spends a week going to every fair and carnival in the continental US.

He eats every deep fried concoction possible.

When his holiday comes to an end, he goes to Heaven and knocks on the pearly gates with the head of his cane. He asks to speak with Dean Winchester.

Dean is surprised to find Death there when the angels bring him forward. Death swore that their last meeting, when Death personally escorted Dean’s soul to Heaven, would be the final time they ever saw one another.

“I found it,” Death tells him. “The perfect pie. It was in Muncie, Indiana. Apple, with a flaky, golden crust. The ratio of cinnamon to sugar and its balance with the tart Granny Smith…. it was just perfect. Divine, even.”

Dean stares at Death, unsure of why he is telling him this, but then he looks down. In Death’s hand is a wrinkled, white paper bag. Inside the bag is a slice of the perfect pie.

Dean takes the bag, mystified.

“Thanks for the pickle chips that time,” Death says, then disappears into the void.

It's even more sad now that Dean killed Death :( ( I REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT'S TRUE)

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I don't know if there are many writers on this site, but a few plot bunnies that I thought I would share.  If interested go write it and share.  :)

1.  Take a novel of your choice and use the title of each chapter to write your story.

2.  Rewrite an ep to improve the story line. 

3.  Or even use an AU where one of the boys is sent back in time to fix a time line that's gone wrong.  Example   Season 1 - Faith


7 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

So, I'm going with it being God doing the choosing here. I still don't believe God knew exactly how it would all play out, but I do think he was pulling for humanity in the end and I think he knew humanity's best option was to have Dean Winchester alive. Could be a fun alternative timeline episode for them to explore this issue more, though. Dean dies at the beginning of the story...it would change just about everything, for me. 

I'm really good at thinking of a beginning of a story, but lousy with the ending or sometimes run out of juice in mid stream.

Edited by 7kstar
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1 hour ago, Omegamom said:

A tumblr ficlet about Mary, after the end of S11:

Ugh.  That was pretty awesome.  And sad.  I hadn't really thought of her return in that way but I can totally see it.

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7 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Link me in the fanfic thread, please :)

Here you go, catrox. I'm pretty sure that I've linked this before, so I apologize (especially if you've read it already), but the site is being difficult for me today, so posting it again is easier than trying to find the first link.

The Mountains in Reply

I like the way the author uses Sam's point of view to describe the Dean / Cas relationship.

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This is an incredible fanvid. Remarkable. And now I will be really disappointed if this song is never used in the show. I mean I can actually see it being used in the series finale, whenever that may be.


Edited by catrox14
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Holy shit. THIS is how you do a fucking teaser. CW needs to hire her ASAP. Her work also reminds me of just how frakking great a full 5 or 6 or 10 episode arc of Purgatory would have been. I WANT THIS SO MUCH NOW

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3 hours ago, Mick Lady said:

Awesom, I quoted so you'd catch this. Are you writing? I lost your bookmark, so could you let me know? Thanks!

@Mick Lady, here you go: Here's a link to my writer page.

I have a chapter very close to being done. It's been so for months, I just have to get my muse back. There had been a few deaths and health related bad news cases in my and my husband's families this past year, and so my muse has been fickle as some of my coping mechanisms are related to not tapping into some of the emotional depths that I need/use to write.

I'm coming to the very end of my teaching for this semester (two classes takes more time than I expected!), so I'll finally have more moments to breath and/or not be distracted by such things. My brain is strange and even if I'm not working on my work like I should be when I have work pending - procrastination is (one of my) middle names* - it still somehow prevents me from procrastinating with something like writing. In other words, my brain can somehow rationalize "just one word game, and then back to work!" but not "okay, I'll take an hour or two and get that chapter done." Go figure. But work with deadlines over = freer brain, so yay... it should be coming soon. I'm not so sure this chapter is up to what it should be though, so I'll appreciate some constructive criticism when I do get it posted in the next few days. The Edit button is my friend, and I can always either overhaul the chapter or just let it stumble, but get the story back on course next chapter.

And if I haven't said it enough, it's so good to have you back posting on a regular basis, Mick Lady. I really missed you and your posts this past year.

* Weirdly procrastination is also sometimes an ally of sorts - though a double edged sword one - because for some reason, I sometimes seem to need the motivation of an approaching deadline to really get me focused on the task at hand and get it all done, rather than do just a little bit here and a little bit there, because I have "plenty of time" to get it done still.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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On 8/18/2015 at 1:43 AM, catrox14 said:

OH. My. Gods.  I am dead. Again.  I laughed until my stomach hurt. I can't even..


You have to watch with the sound on. 




On 8/19/2015 at 1:49 AM, catrox14 said:

Oh gods you guys. I seriously can't stop watching that vine with Dean and Cas. I cry laugh every time. Take it away from me. 

These are from a while ago but ... someone DID take it away I think :( Any idea if it's hiding somewhere else on the interwebs? Or suggestions on what to search for? 

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Anyone who hasn't read Awesom0400's fan fic, should give it a try! Start from the beginning, it's worth it!

Not sucking up Awesom, but I love your take! Not enough are reading it. Everyone of my friends I've sent it to, love it! My sister just e-mailed me and said "Who is this woman? Has she written anything else?" Didn't have the heart to tell her about the spiders. She shares my terror!

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Thank you, @Mick Lady!

I appreciate the support. Whenever I wonder if it's worth it to keep on writing, I remind myself how much you enjoy it, and that helps.

15 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Didn't have the heart to tell her about the spiders. She shares my terror!

You know I put that spider line in the last chapter, because of you, right? I know, I know... I'm a bitch. ; )

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7 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Thank you, @Mick Lady!

I appreciate the support. Whenever I wonder if it's worth it to keep on writing, I remind myself how much you enjoy it, and that helps.

You know I put that spider line in the last chapter, because of you, right? I know, I know... I'm a bitch. ; )

Oh God!

I had a spider crawl down my arm once though, and it was the softest, most feather light thing I ever felt. Fortunately, I was outside at the time, and just gently put him back in the grass. I'll never forget that feeling!

On my face, not so much! I'd freak!!!!

Pat's a big fan now, and I'll make sure she comments.

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Can anyone recommend any decent length (preferably 50,000 + words) AU fanfics they've read? I tend to prefer fics with things like time travel, or where they start with a canon scene and have the character make a different choice and see what happens from there. Basically something with a slightly different premise rather than simple rehash of the show. 

I am pretty open minded in terms of ships, but if it has a ship I'd prefer it to be more in the background rather than the focus of the fic :). 

Edited by Wayward Son
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On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 8:27 PM, AwesomO4000 said:

Thank you, @Mick Lady!

I appreciate the support. Whenever I wonder if it's worth it to keep on writing, I remind myself how much you enjoy it, and that helps.

You know I put that spider line in the last chapter, because of you, right? I know, I know... I'm a bitch. ; )

Hey Awesom, are you working on anything now? I hate to be a nag...

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