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Green Arrow In Comics


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I think it's a marketing mistake to drop Diggle and Felicity and thus the readers that they could get from viewers of the TV show but what do I know?  (Other than a former job at an ad agency, that is.)


Well no one can say they didn't give it a try, they tried it and comic sales flopped. AK being the writer did not help either. 


No offense to Diggle and Felicity but comic books are places for superheroes (or villains) and history matters. These two are too new and too civilian to make a difference in the comic world.


The writing is good but EBR makes TV Felicity what she is, how she moves and delivers her lines, thats not something you can replicate in a script. The actress does a lot of the heavy lifting.  DR does a good job as Diggle as well.

Edited by Conell

Sales figures for Green Arrow issue #38 suffered yet another drop:


Green Arrow #35  23,346

Green Arrow #36  21,842

Green Arrow #37  20,904

Green Arrow #38  20,207


I'm also going to post the sales figures for the comic tie-ins:


Arrow Season 2.5:


October  17,364

November  11,121

December  9,862

January  9,302


Flash Season Zero:


October  23,501

November  14,287

December  12,247

January  10,806

Edited by strikera0

Just as a minor point about the numbers provided above, they do not include digital sales figures and DC does not release those numbers. So I'm not sure how much stock I can put into drawing conclusions from only half of the data.


I would assume that digital downloads would probably skew towards female and new comic readers, people more likely to buy for a TV tie in, that wouldn't feel comfortable going into a comic shop and buying hard copies.


Lemire's run had several "regular people" involved in his supporting cast including Diggle and his book was concerned one of the more successful (well written) runs of Green Arrow so IMO it didn't have as much to do with Felicity and Diggle not fitting or being enough of a draw as it is that AK isn't a great writer and the new author wanting to go in a different direction. If I read the new guys bio correctly he isn't a comic book author; he's a detective fiction author and that's the direction he is taking Green Arrow in.

  • Love 5

MG's X-Men run ended after 6 issues and AJK's GA run is actually going to last 8 issues. It's entirely possible that AJK/Ben S had a limited run contract.

Also, according to MG the sales for Arrow 2.5 are good and he's already planning on what to do after the 24 issues are up. Given that the print sales aren't good it's possible that the Digital sales (which we don't see) are good and it's also possible the same applies to GA. I know people want to blame Felicity but, DC is doing a major change, not just changing writers on the GA title, 15 titles got new creative teams. Several titles were canceled and several titles were created. If it was just GA getting a new creative team I'd be more apt to buy into that line.

However, it doesn't matter, we'll never know the truth only DC and the writers know what really happened.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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RT @OG3_TeamArrow: Olicity Rescue Arrow 2.5 Do you need more #Olicity in your life? Arrow 2.5 - Issue #13 comes out this Sunday Oliver Rescues Felicity! #Arrow

Olicity Rescue Arrow 2.5 Do you need more #Olicity in your life? Arrow 2.5 - Issue #13 comes out this Sunday Oliver Rescues Felicity! #Arrow

— Trish (@OG3_TeamArrow) February 13, 2015


via Twitter http://ift.tt/K3kp3q


February 13, 2015 at 03:14PM


Edited by tv echo
Also, according to MG the sales for Arrow 2.5 are good and he's already planning on what to do after the 24 issues are up. Given that the print sales aren't good it's possible that the Digital sales (which we don't see) are good and it's also possible the same applies to GA.



Arrow 2.5 is a Digital First comic and supplemental income to the TV show, it can afford lower hard copies sales as well as just lower sales in general. With the GA comic, hard copies sales matter the most (which are now very low), and is likely the main or only income of creative team (colourists,editors and pencillors included).

Edited by Conell

Sharing a couple pages from the latest Arrow Season 2.5 #13 since I think some of you might be interested in certain panels...


Recap: Long story short, Felicity's been kidnapped by the new Brother Blood. Oliver and Roy went to the place they think she's held at, but she's not there and the place blows up. Cue --










Brother Blood 2.0 reveals himself to Felicity -- it's the guy Felicity and Diggle interrogated in the "Bitch with WiFi" scene. Cue --






In the next panel Roy says "... it's gonna take us both." Oliver goes to surrender himself but Felicity's not there, still he goes with the goons. As he boards the helicopter, he tells Roy "Sorry, Roy. When Felicity makes it back... tell her I'm sorry." End issue.


(Whyyy couldn't we have gotten this in the show...)

Edited by Soulfire
  • Love 15

I was at my comic book store this weekend. Got the new solicits and talked to some of the guys. DC is putting out these convergence comics for 2 months. They're doing what appears to be a soft reboot of the universe. I've heard from others that both DC and Marvel are making similar changes by collapsing their multiverse's (Marvel's change is supposedly linked to Secret Wars).

Convergence looks kind of lame, pulling stories from the different timelines and and eras. There's art work from 60s, 70s and 80s. Convergence starts in April which means both MG's and AJK's run on X-Men and Green Arrow (respectively) lasted 6 issues each. Seems likely that both had short term contracts.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Arrow 2.5 is a Digital First comic and supplemental income to the TV show, it can afford lower hard copies sales as well as just lower sales in general. With the GA comic, hard copies sales matter the most (which are now very low), and is likely the main or only income of creative team (colourists,editors and pencillors included).


Curious do you have a link to something that says that hard copies sales are more important than digital sales? I would assume it would go the other way, digital sales are pure profit for DC, they don't have to give comic shops a cut or pay for printers, paper, ink, shipping, etc. I would be really interested in reading that information. 


Thank you Soulfire for posting.


 That looks like a really good story which is why I'm refusing to buy any further issues of the 2.5 comics. It is clear from those that MG does know how to write a decent story with elements that appeal to the audience. It also shows he knows what people are invested in since the comics have been full of D/O/F and Olicity (Roy's been in a coma for the most part and LL has been in 2 issues I believe.) It just makes me more bitter seeing what this season on the show has become.

  • Love 7

I love Olicity and want them to be together 4eva but I'm perfectly okay with that tropey DiD 2.5 comic storyline not making it to the actual show.

I disliked that scenario in the recent Green Arrow comics too, when Zehra was kidnapped. Just really over the girl getting taken to be rescued by the guy all together.

Also, I like how Oliver apparently takes a break from his Felicity rescue attempts to take off his shirt and get in a workout. And that panel with Felicity and the red pen is cracking me up. It looks like she is cleaning her teeth with it.

  • Love 1

I love Olicity and want them to be together 4eva but I'm perfectly okay with that tropey DiD 2.5 comic storyline not making it to the actual show.

I disliked that scenario in the recent Green Arrow comics too, when Zehra was kidnapped. Just really over the girl getting taken to be rescued by the guy all together.

Also, I like how Oliver apparently takes a break from his Felicity rescue attempts to take off his shirt and get in a workout. And that panel with Felicity and the red pen is cracking me up. It looks like she is cleaning her teeth with it.


It's not the storyline I'm bitter over missing out on (although I do think it looks interesting) it's that we are getting to see Oliver react to a situation with Felicity. So far in S3 Felicity got almost killed in an explosion and Oliver put her down on a table and immediately started trying to find the bad guy while NO one looked after her because head injury and we saw Felicity be kidnapped by Cooper and the most we got was Oliver sighing and saying, "something's wrong". I can fan wank a lot in those scenes and try to read more into it but the writers aren't including dialogue and time for those moments; but they did in these comics. This is now the 3rd issue where Oliver has been shown reacting to her disappearance.


The reaction to the action is where the writers can include character develop and it is what I am dying to have in the show and what I am not getting. Not just for Olicity but for anyone.  So I'm keeping my $2 a month. 


The panel where Roy has pin dots for pupils is a pretty funny one too. I really want the Flash's artist.

  • Love 8

I'm actually okay with this 'DiD' storyline in the comics because Felicity doesn't seem to be too scared and crying like the trope usually allows. She's sassing Blood and babbling and just generally being the awesome Felicity I love. And I love how she doesn't want Oliver to save her because she knows it's a trap. It's like when the Count kidnapped her and she didn't want Oliver to kill him for her sake. She doesn't have a clue how cared for she is. 



How did you get the 13th issue early?


My friend got hers and she lives in Australia so they're basically a day ahead.

Sharing a couple pages from the latest Arrow Season 2.5 #13 since I think some of you might be interested in certain panels...


Recap: Long story short, Felicity's been kidnapped by the new Brother Blood. Oliver and Roy went to the place they think she's held at, but she's not there and the place blows up. Cue --










Brother Blood 2.0 reveals himself to Felicity -- it's the guy Felicity and Diggle interrogated in the "Bitch with WiFi" scene. Cue --






In the next panel Roy says "... it's gonna take us both." Oliver goes to surrender himself but Felicity's not there, still he goes with the goons. As he boards the helicopter, he tells Roy "Sorry, Roy. When Felicity makes it back... tell her I'm sorry." End issue.


(Whyyy couldn't we have gotten this in the show...)

Why the Fuck can't we get this on the show? I'm so mad we don't get this we get depressing Olicity angst and it's all about Laurel and Ray I shouldn't have to read Goddamn comics books to get this

  • Love 4

I am so done!

Why wasn't this on the show? Oh my word Oliver!

"I just got her back..." Are you kidding me? Ah I can't anymore.


They were some damn good Olicity feels right there. Haven't felt like that most of the season. Oliver punching the wall, Oliver saying he can't stop thinking about her. GUH.


This is what I don't understand because clearly MG can write this stuff so I don't know what the problem is with not having this on the show. Actually, that's a lie. I know exactly what the problem is and she's barely featured in the comics so...


Yeah. It says a lot when the comics are focused on Team Arrow, Olicity, and Diggle with some Suicide Squad and ARGUS stuff, and would be infinitely more watchable than what we're getting in s3 right now. 

Edited by Guest

They were some damn good Olicity feels right there. Haven't felt like that most of the season. Oliver punching the wall, Oliver saying he can't stop thinking about her. GUH.


This is what I don't understand because clearly MG can write this stuff so I don't know what the problem is with not having this on the show. Actually, that's a lie. I know exactly what the problem is and she's barely featured in the comics so...


Yeah. It says a lot when the comics are focused on Team Arrow, Olicity, and Diggle with some Suicide Squad and ARGUS stuff, and would be infinitely more watchable than what we're getting in s3 right now.

Yeah it pisses me off not everyone wants to read comics MG you piece of crap!!! Show this stuff on the show you fucking asshole!!

God it pisses me off that we get Laurel and Ray on the Goddamn show and can't get OG Team Arrow and Olicity that's not strained God I can't stand him

These comics are generally for the hardcore fans who will spend money on the show. Interesting that they choose to focus on Team Arrow and Olicity. I like it, but its interesting.

Also of note that as Team Arrow and Olicity is stained on the show, the comics heat up. I think they are trying to maintain a safety net.

So they know that the hardcore fans will spend real money for Olicity and Team Arrow ... that rather puts paid to the argument that it's the comics fans who want all the costumed superheroes and that's why they had to move beyond the O/D/F Team Arrow, to keep them watching.


As for non-comics fans, I'm pretty sure they'd be happier with Team Arrow and Olicity back rather than Laurel and Ray and Ra's, who the show is doing a terrible job of.

  • Love 2

So they know that the hardcore fans will spend real money for Olicity and Team Arrow ... that rather puts paid to the argument that it's the comics fans who want all the costumed superheroes and that's why they had to move beyond the O/D/F Team Arrow, to keep them watching.


As for non-comics fans, I'm pretty sure they'd be happier with Team Arrow and Olicity back rather than Laurel and Ray and Ra's, who the show is doing a terrible job of.

I and other non comics readers shouldn't have to shell out this money for something we should get on screen dammit OG Team Arrow Action and Olicity are the popular elements from the first two seasons not Laurel or Ray being shoved down our throats it's bullshit

After reading the 2.5 comic is anyone confused at Oliver's reaction in The Climb?

He sinceriosly would kill dead the person who breathes on her. But she's a distraction? As if I needed anymore reason to roll my eyes.


I honestly think Oliver telling the dude he'd kill him are just words because even FElicity wouldn't want that. In the end it's not what he did right? And I think you're kind of misunderstanding the differences in circumstances here. In 3x01 Oliver WAS distracted which led to disaster. However, in this scenario, disaster has already happened and it's not because Oliver was distracted. Felicity was kidnapped, and that pisses Oliver off greatly. Oliver isn't distracted in the comics, he's on a mission, and that's to save Felicity regardless of the cost. 


Also I've stressed it before, Oliver didn't break up with Felicity because she's being put in danger by being associated with him. Nowhere did he say this because he knows that either way, Felicity will be put in danger. So this is why he didn't put the breaks on his feelings in season 2.5. 


I hope that makes sense. 

  • Love 2

I wasn't clear in my post. They're really two different statements. I'm annoyed at Olivier's thought process about being distracted. Unless he checks his suit, something we've never seen before, the rocket would've hit Verdant. Oliver was conned, not distracted.

My ire stems from this build up of Oliver stupid. The reason I said Oliver would kill the dude (although not really) was to emphasise his anger at what happened. It makes so little sense it hurts my brain that he'd push her away personally after seemingly obvious realisations contrary to those actions. And yes I realise he pushes away those he loves, but I'm tired.

Thank you for your explanation, But maybe I'm just being super pessimistic because 3b is killing me :(

Edited by Limbo
  • Love 1

I wasn't clear in my post. They're really two different statements. I'm annoyed at Olivier's thought process about being distracted. Unless he checks his suit, something we've never seen before, the rocket would've hit Verdant. Oliver was conned, not distracted.

My ire stems from this build up of Oliver stupid. The reason I said Oliver would kill the dude (although not really) was to emphasise his anger at what happened. It makes so little sense it hurts my brain that he'd push her away personally after seemingly obvious realisations contrary to those actions. And yes I realise he pushes away those he loves, but I'm tired.

Thank you for your explanation, But maybe I'm just being super pessimistic because 3b is killing me :(


I understand your frustration with season 3b but I still don't really get what you're getting at :p


Oliver was distracted in episode 1 because if he wasn't thinking about his date and going all "date date date date date" in his head and talking to Felicity over the comms about their date, Oliver probably would've realized that the guy bugged him, if he wasn't distracted, he probably would've checked if he were bugged (idk if that's his daily routine, (but I would believe it if it were), but since he didn't have the opportunity to check or notice he was being bugged because he had that date, all hell broke loose. Oliver wasn't conned, because Oliver being conned would've meant that the Count fooled Oliver, which he didn't. The count just took advantage of Oliver's distraction. 


Also I think that Oliver would always be that angry if Felicity or Thea were to ever get kidnapped (you saw his reaction to Felicity being held hostage by the first Count. It's not the first time he'd been ragey. So there is precedence for his reaction). But I think you're sort of missing the point of the first episode. It's not that Oliver pushed Felicity away, it's more like he shut himself down in episode 1. He shut himself further down in episode 2 after learning of Sara's death but then realized by the end of the episode that he didn't want to die alone down in the Foundry. The episodes afterwards were Oliver taking steps towards him not wanting to be alone.


  • The first step was getting Thea back (episode 3)
  • Then you could see in episode 5 when Oliver told Felicity "you know how I feel about her" that it wasn't OLIVER who was shutting Felicity out, it was more Felicity shutting out Oliver when she rolled her eyes and left. 
  • Then in episode 7 where he tried to go to Felicity by the end of the episode (I like to think that it was the point Oliver wanted to open discussion about them).
  • Then we have episode 8 where Oliver was being all married with Felicity (not shutting her out)
  • Then episode 9 where he's fully open with her about how he feels about her


Oliver, I think, realized rather quickly that he didn't want to be alone. Oliver now, I think, knows what he wants. He wants to be with Felicity, he wants to be a family with Thea and not be fighting her all the time. It's just now it's Felicity who's shutting him out. 


God I feel like these posts make less and less sense :p

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 4

I understand your frustration with season 3b but I still don't really get what you're getting at :p


Oliver was distracted in episode 1 because if he wasn't thinking about his date and going all "date date date date date" in his head and talking to Felicity over the comms about their date, Oliver probably would've realized that the guy bugged him, if he wasn't distracted, he probably would've checked if he were bugged (idk if that's his daily routine, (but I would believe it if it were), but since he didn't have the opportunity to check or notice he was being bugged because he had that date, all hell broke loose. Oliver wasn't conned, because Oliver being conned would've meant that the Count fooled Oliver, which he didn't. The count just took advantage of Oliver's distraction. 


Also I think that Oliver would always be that angry if Felicity or Thea were to ever get kidnapped (you saw his reaction to Felicity being held hostage by the first Count. It's not the first time he'd been ragey. So there is precedence for his reaction). But I think you're sort of missing the point of the first episode. It's not that Oliver pushed Felicity away, it's more like he shut himself down in episode 1. He shut himself further down in episode 2 after learning of Sara's death but then realized by the end of the episode that he didn't want to die alone down in the Foundry. The episodes afterwards were Oliver taking steps towards him not wanting to be alone.


  • The first step was getting Thea back (episode 3)
  • Then you could see in episode 5 when Oliver told Felicity "you know how I feel about her" that it wasn't OLIVER who was shutting Felicity out, it was more Felicity shutting out Oliver when she rolled her eyes and left. 
  • Then in episode 7 where he tried to go to Felicity by the end of the episode (I like to think that it was the point Oliver wanted to open discussion about them).
  • Then we have episode 8 where Oliver was being all married with Felicity (not shutting her out)
  • Then episode 9 where he's fully open with her about how he feels about her

Oliver, I think, realized rather quickly that he didn't want to be alone. Oliver now, I think, knows what he wants. He wants to be with Felicity, he wants to be a family with Thea and not be fighting her all the time. It's just now it's Felicity who's shutting him out. 


God I feel like these posts make less and less sense :p

That's the thing it doesn't look like Oliver doesn't want to be alone he's teaming with a murdering Pyscho who had his sister kill Sara and Felicity is not down with him working with a guy who sent him to his death she loves him but like she said it that's how he treats women he says he loves she don't want a part of it. If Script would allow these two to fucking Talk it out Oliver could tell her everything about he wants a life with her and to be close to his sister. But because we have to have Endless angst these two probably won't talk until like 318 or a later episode

Plus Oliver has shut her down multiple times he has to prove to her he really wants a life with her. Teaming with Malcolm looks like he still has a death wish

  • Love 1

That's the thing it doesn't look like Oliver doesn't want to be alone he's teaming with a murdering Pyscho who had his sister kill Sara and Felicity is not down with him working with a guy who sent him to his death she loves him but like she said it that's how he treats women he says he loves she don't want a part of it. If Script would allow these two to fucking Talk it out Oliver could tell her everything about he wants a life with her and to be close to his sister. But because we have to have Endless angst these two probably won't talk until like 318 or a later episode

Plus Oliver has shut her down multiple times he has to prove to her he really wants a life with her. Teaming with Malcolm looks like he still has a death wish


No. Teaming up with Malcolm proves that he will do whatever it'll take to save Thea. Not all of Oliver's decision revolves around Felicity. I don't even think Oliver was expecting Felicity to react that way (and I think even MG has stated as much). If he didn't expect Felicity to react that way, do you really think that it means that Oliver is still intent on pushing her away? I mean, he even followed Felicity in episode 12 to make things right with her but she didn't really give him a chance to talk (and I get why, she was really overwhelmed). Oliver, I think, still doesn't want to be alone. But now the question is, is he willing to fight for that life? Is he willing to fight for Felicity and show her that he's in it for the long haul and that he'll do his best to respect Felicity? I hope we get the answer to this in the upcoming episodes. 


But for now, Oliver just got Thea back. And I don't mean physically, but emotionally. So I get why he'll be spending quality time with her in the next episode. Again, Oliver's life doesn't revolve around Felicity. And trying to make it that way would be disrespectful to the character, I feel. 

  • Love 7

No. Teaming up with Malcolm proves that he will do whatever it'll take to save Thea. Not all of Oliver's decision revolves around Felicity. I don't even think Oliver was expecting Felicity to react that way (and I think even MG has stated as much). If he didn't expect Felicity to react that way, do you really think that it means that Oliver is still intent on pushing her away? I mean, he even followed Felicity in episode 12 to make things right with her but she didn't really give him a chance to talk (and I get why, she was really overwhelmed). Oliver, I think, still doesn't want to be alone. But now the question is, is he willing to fight for that life? Is he willing to fight for Felicity and show her that he's in it for the long haul and that he'll do his best to respect Felicity? I hope we get the answer to this in the upcoming episodes. 


But for now, Oliver just got Thea back. And I don't mean physically, but emotionally. So I get why he'll be spending quality time with her in the next episode. Again, Oliver's life doesn't revolve around Felicity. And trying to make it that way would be disrespectful to the character, I feel.

Oh shoot I'm sorry, I know not all his decisions should've revolve around Felicity and they shouldn't. But how could Oliver not get that Felicity would react like that to him teaming up with a Pyscho like that with what he did to Thea? Oliver even insuitated about Felicitys feelings why would he think she would like him teaming with Malcolm? I don't think he wants to be alone but it sure seems he was pushing her away cause of what Tatsu said. I agree with hoping we see him fighting for being with her for the long haul. And I definitely get spending quality Time with His sis cause of just getting her back so to speak

Yep. It's official. Season 2.5 comics are definitely better than the show right now. I finally read the comic in full and we even get to see how Roy and Oliver are growing closer in their partnership too. Plus it's nice to see Roy being a bit more quippy and talkative. I feel like he barely says anything most of the time on the show. 


Sigh. What could have been, I guess. 

I would. They were a bit slow to start and each chapter is too short, IMO, but the story is building nicely now and there's a good balance of everything. It's Team Arrow, a little bit of Olicity but not overbearingly so, Diggle/Lyla, Waller, Suicide Squad goodness, Roy/Oliver partnership. There was even a bit of Laurel and Quentin, and the start of Thea/Malcolm training, although that's been minor so far.


Seriously, the problem with s3 is even more glaringly obvious when you read the comics. *CoughLaurelandRaycoughcough*

Curious do you have a link to something that says that hard copies sales are more important than digital sales? I would assume it would go the other way, digital sales are pure profit for DC, they don't have to give comic shops a cut or pay for printers, paper, ink, shipping, etc. I would be really interested in reading that information. 


According to this site I found, digital comic sales break down as follows:


30% of sales goes to the mobile platform (Apple, Google, etc.)

35% of sales goes to comiXologie

The remaining 35% of sales are split between the publisher, creative team and advertising


Print comic sales break down as follows:


47% of sales goes to the retailer

26% of sales goes to printing

16% to the distributor (Diamond)

And the remaining 11% are split between the publisher, creative team and advertising.



I think hard copy and digital sales both matter, but what makes hard copy sales more important is that they provide extra income via advertisements (digital copies tend to be ad-free). And a book that sells 50k a month is obviously going to attract higher ad rates than a book that sells only 20k.


I know digital comic sales figures are not released to the public, but word on the street is that digital sales make up between 10-12% of overall comic book sales, so unless the Green Arrow comics were huge outliers, their monthly digital sales numbers should lay somewhere between 2-3k.

Edited by strikera0
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