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Green Arrow In Comics

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On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 3:09 PM, tv echo said:

The Ultimate Guide to All of This Summer's Awesome New Comics
James Whitbrook  Today 1:00pm



On ‎4‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 3:09 PM, tv echo said:

Green Arrow #1—Black Canary returns to Oliver Queen’s life, as does Ollie’s goatee. (Written by Benjamin Percy, art by Otto Schmidt)

They can keep both. 

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On 4/27/2016 at 4:09 PM, tv echo said:

*  *  *
Green Arrow #1—Black Canary returns to Oliver Queen’s life, as does Ollie’s goatee. (Written by Benjamin Percy, art by Otto Schmidt)

I love this description because the goatee is like the least important thing about Oliver Queen and the rest of the synopsis has nothing to do with Oliver as a character, only his relationship with BC.

I can already tell that this is going to be such a flop in terms of storytelling because of what the writer seems to prioritize...

Also this guy seems like one to complain about how pandering ruined the show and how Felicity sucks lol

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14 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I love this description because the goatee is like the least important thing about Oliver Queen and the rest of the synopsis has nothing to do with Oliver as a character, only his relationship with BC.

I can already tell that this is going to be such a flop in terms of storytelling because of what the writer seems to prioritize...

Also this guy seems like one to complain about how pandering ruined the show and how Felicity sucks lol

This is the same writer who made Oliver a werewolf, so my expectations were not high.  But hey, as long as he has a goatee and dates Black Canary, its canon!

On the flip side, Marguerite Bennett, who is writing Bombshells, which includes Felicity Smoak in several issues, went on a wonderful rant in response to people giving her crap for including the line “I will be a story for mothers to tell their little girls” in the comics.  It starts here:

Edited by thegirlsleuth
getting used to new embedding!
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Ohhh that rant was PHENOMENAL. Here's the whole thing:



One thing I done learned writing BOMBSHELLS-- You can write your blustering virile fantasy series and talk endlessly of “I shall be a legend for fathers to tell their sons!!” "Kings and princes shall sing forever of my name! We shall conquer villagers, enslave the women!! The All-Father’s warriors shall blah blah"... but if you drop so much as one line that reads “I will be a story for mothers to tell their little girls”--gentlemen with and without children will stand in line to inform you that you, miss, oh ho, YOU are SEXIST. And the bros up in my mentions with "this doesn't happen" and "examples please" yeah, I fucking see you. Bros in my own industry @'ing me yeah, I fucking see you. 

Reading The Dark Tower and everything, endlessly, about the face of your father, the reign of your father, his kingdom and his gun. Lord of the Rings and the endless lines of kings and princes that convey power and destiny and the right to the throne, and 3 women speak. A Song of Ice and Fire and every culture in it crushing the women underfoot, filled with abuse, constriction, and rape, and-- then OUTRAGE that Dany would say "All men must die, but we are not men". 

Old school Star Wars where we have one heroine in a fucking galaxy, where *filmed female fighter pilots* are cut as "unrealistic,"but bros will PISS themselves over "Mary Sues" ruining the new movies. And don't you move that fucking goal post and give me reasons why those things are the way they are and allowed to be the way they are-- THAT wasn't your question. 

you treat me like I'm making this shit up, then I'm blocking your dismissive lilywhite ass



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Thank you for block quoting that--I was worried I missed sections and it's nice to see it altogether.  I haven't read comics since some Nightwing/Birds of Prey about a decade ago, but I'm kind of tempted to pick up Bombshells.  I appreciate this writer and what she's trying to do, and the art looks gorgeous. Plus, reading through her twitter, it looks like the writer's doing research than will make the books a fun read.  I know Felicity's a kid in the comic, but maybe I'll pick up a few where she's included to check out the run, plus it will send a teeny tiny message to DC that Felicity sells comic books.

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2 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

 I know Felicity's a kid in the comic, but maybe I'll pick up a few where she's included to check out the run, plus it will send a teeny tiny message to DC that Felicity sells comic books.

What are you talking about? 

This is all that's required for a GA run to be successful haha


Black Canary returns to Oliver Queen’s life, as does Ollie’s goatee

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You know, if that's what people want, I'm fine with it. I don't really care about the comics, and I'm fine with them being separate from the show, each doing their own thing. Now imagine if these don't sell well, though. I'll die laughing. :)

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1 minute ago, wonderwall said:

What are you talking about? 

Felicity Smoak is one of the Batgirls in the Bombshell comics. She's not the full-grown Felicity we're used to, but she does have the name and looks more like EBR than the way Felicity Smoak was drawn in the old comics.  Felicity's inclusion is an interesting choice since the rest of the Batgirls have traditional comic Batfamily connections.  I'm now reading a review of Bombshell Comic #7 where Felicity first appears and it sounds excellent.  The review I'm reading is here:


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19 hours ago, wonderwall said:

@thegirlsleuth sorry just combine my first paragraph with the second :) I totally knew about Felicity being in bombshells! I think the author got a bit of flack for it earlier from... Ya know... 

She did but she slaps the fanboys back right away, I really like her she doesn't take any nonsense from people.

Also I agree about the comics and show being separate. I could be interested in some of the comics, it's mostly the comics fans that  turns me off from comics a lot of the time strangely enough lol.

I have read some of the Bombshell, at the very least the ones with Felicity in them, and they are pretty good so far imo.

Edited by Thundercatmary
spelling error noticed almost a day later
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One Panel of Green Arrow And Black Canary From DC Rebirth
Posted May 4, 2016 by Rich Johnston


One panel from Green Arrow: Rebirth #1, by Benjamin Percy, Juan Ferreyra and Otto Schmidt.

Together again for the first time, the Emerald Archer meets Black Canary. Questioning everything Green Arrow believes in, Dinah Lance throws the hero’s world upside down, forcing him to question what he cares about more: his morals or his money?


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3 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

The clamshells on his shouldesr look as silly in the comics as in real life.  And what is that smiling lump in the alley between them?

That does look suspiciously alot like that thing SA wears...

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There was a GA/BC rebirth pic on twitter earlier, can't remember where I saw it, but it looked so bad. And that artwork above doesn't look much better either. I hope those reading enjoy it though. Haha.

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18 hours ago, tv echo said:

One Panel of Green Arrow And Black Canary From DC Rebirth
Posted May 4, 2016 by Rich Johnston


Thanks. That art is slaying, hope the writing is just as wicked.  I wonder who that kid is, witnessing this legendary meeting. Or is she just a figment of my imagination download.jpg?noCache=1462537271.

Edited by WildcardC
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OLLIE is a 'Social Justice Warrior' in REBIRTH GREEN ARROW (Plus Preview)
by Vaneta Rogers, Newsarama ContributorDate: 05 May 2016 Time: 12:25 PM ET


Despite having written Green Arrow for several months before Rebirth will begin, writer Benjamin Percy is making a couple big adjustments to the character for June's relaunch of the title with a new #1.

Perhaps the most noticeable — besides the fact that Ollie is sporting a goatee again — is the addition of Black Canary to the title's cast. In fact, Percy says the comic book could be called "Green Arrow and Black Canary," since she's so prominent in the series.

Another adjustment will be the clear establishment of Oliver Queen's role as what Percy calls a "Social Justice Warrior." At issue, as the series begins in June, will be whether Oliver can do more good as a rich man with virtually unlimited resources to help the poor and victimized, or whether his riches make him "the man" that he's fighting against as an SJW. As solicitations have indicated, Oliver will end up losing his riches and status as a leader of industry — and Percy implies the change will be by choice.
*  *  *
Newsarama: Ben, what is the biggest change that you can talk about once you start on the Rebirth version of Green Arrow?

Ben Percy: Think of everything that's come before as a kind of prelude. Since issue #41, I've tried to keep Oliver Queen out of costume as much as possible, to emphasize him as a man and as a troubled man.

He's struggling romantically, emotionally, professionally, trying to figure out who he is. And especially in this last arc, the Warg arc, you've seen him sort of question his mission, his sense of heroism.

And with Rebirth, he'll finally live up to the heroic mantle of Green Arrow.
*  *  *
And the thing that I've struggled with, since taking Green Arrow over, is his billionaire status. This is a Robin Hood figure. And the pull quote from the trade, without question, will be, "How can you fight the man if you are the man?"

That's a question that Black Canary poses to him.

Green Arrow has lost his fortune before, but this will be the first time that he's complicit in that loss.
*  *  *
Percy: Black Canary is central to the Rebirth arc. The series, based on the first six issues anyway, could easily be called "Green Arrow and Black Canary." It's a two-hander.

She's a character that I've been wanting to put in the series since I took over with #41. And I'm so excited that she's back in the fray.



Edited by tv echo
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Posted: 19 hours ago  Jeffrey Renaud


Benjamin Percy, who wrote the final 12 issues of "Green Arrow" in The New 52, and artist Otto Schmidt are including Black Canary -- Ollie's long time crime-fighting (and romantic) partner -- in the new series, but all is not roses when the lovebirds reunite.
*  *  *
In fact, Percy confirmed to CBR News that when the two meet for the first time, Oliver and Dinah Lance are adversaries rather than a couple. But, Percy promises, the fighting doesn't last for long as they get down to superhero business, clashing with the mysterious Ninth Circle, an organization Percy hopes will become his -- and Oliver & Dinah's -- Court of Owls.
*  *  *
CBR News: Most titles are getting new creative teams for DC's Rebirth, but you're back as the writer of "Green Arrow." Is the story in "Green Arrow: Rebirth" #1 and beyond a continuation of what you were doing in The New 52, or is this a new story and a new or rebirth-ed Green Arrow?

Benjamin Percy: You can think of everything that has come before as a prelude. You can start fresh with "Green Arrow: Rebirth" and feel completely orientated, but if you have been following me since "Green Arrow" #41, you might have a better understanding of the emotional arc the character.

When I first took over, I intentionally kept Oliver Queen out of costume, I kept him away from his bow and quiver. The hope was to emphasize him as a man, one who was struggling professionally, romantically, emotionally. It was a coming-of-age story that you could track since "Green Arrow" #41. This is a 25-year old guy, who doesn't quite know who he is, and there is a progression where the costume is going to take over. Finally, in Rebirth, [Oliver] is going to live up to the heroic mantle of Green Arrow.

You're also going to be featuring Black Canary, a character connected to Green Arrow -- to use your words -- professionally, romantically, emotionally, since the late '60s. Why is this the right time to bring Ollie's long-time love interest into the fold?

I've always been thinking about the long game, and I hoped that I wouldn't be kicked off "Green Arrow." That's why I was showing Green Arrow failing time after time with all of these different relationships. The hope was that Black Canary would eventually become a part of the series, and that we would value the relationship all the more because we would have gone through this romantic gauntlet with Ollie already. It was a total thrill when I sat down with [DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer] Geoff Johns in the writers' room and he said I could bring Black Canary back into the fray.

When Black Canary and Green Arrow meet, do they have a history, or is this a first encounter?

They know of each other but they don't know each other. Their relationship is, at first, adversarial before they set off on an adventure together. It's a team-up I hope will continue throughout this new era of storytelling.

You can really consider this Rebirth arc as a two-hander. Black Canary is vitally important to the story.

What can you share about their first adventure?

I hope this first arc, this Rebirth arc, will be my "Court of Owls." Together, Black Canary and Green Arrow are going to face an organization… and I'll say this in the most forbidding way possible -- known as the Ninth Circle, which is a reference to Dante's Inferno. The first issue is a one-shot, but it's also a gateway into this larger story about the Ninth Circle. What's the key to this organization that makes the story so suspenseful? I'll tell you later. [Laughs] You'll have to read it to find out! I can tell you that it's a six-issue arc, and there are going to be mysteries piled on top of mysteries that lead the reader tantalizingly forward.


Edited by tv echo
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I'm snickering at the gushing tone of those articles. Milk that GA/BC audience for everything they've got, Percy. So pandering to 'shippers is A-OK when it's a comic book writer that's doing it. And a hero's journey being aided by a woman/love interest? Also allowed in the comics. Funny how that is. 

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12 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I'm snickering at the gushing tone of those articles. Milk that GA/BC audience for everything they've got, Percy. So pandering to 'shippers is A-OK when it's a comic book writer that's doing it. And a hero's journey being aided by a woman/love interest? Also allowed in the comics. Funny how that is. 

Percy talks more about the romance in the comics than the Arrow EPs do lol

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I'm really curious about this. I'm not apart of the comic community. How much demand is there in the GA and BC community to reunite these two? From my limited understanding the last time these two were together it wasn't a successful run.

I guess I'm wondering if the ship war on Arrow is influencing his enthusiasm (not to say he doesn't love the pairing because he really really seems too). He was liking quite a few tweets praising the GA and BC pairing and subtlety trashing Olicity. It made me curious if he was tapping into that market. If that's the case, I wouldn't say it was too smart. I don't think the Arrow audience intersects too much with those who buy comics. MG admitted fans weren't buying the 2.5. comics that heavily featured LL. Funko Pop didn't even bother launching the Funko Pop for the show's Official BC.  

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Just now, NumberCruncher said:

Hey, if this new series gets the comic canon crowd to focus on their comic books and finally leave the TV show alone then I say it's a win-win for everyone.

I wouldn't mind if this GA run bombs because it's relying so heavily on GA/BC... It'll amuse me :p

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I'm guessing that the promise of BC/GA will give it a bump at least in the beginning. But if it's as romance-centered as they say it is, all those superhero loving, soap opera hating people will probably steer clear, right? Right? LOL.

Edited by apinknightmare
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1 minute ago, wonderwall said:

I wouldn't mind if this GA run bombs because it's relying so heavily on GA/BC... It'll amuse me :p

But why?  Comics have clearly never translated to the TV show so if this makes the canon shippers happy then I say more power to 'em.  It means very little to the TV show, just like the TV show has meant very little to the comics.

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5 minutes ago, NumberCruncher said:

But why?  Comics have clearly never translated to the TV show so if this makes the canon shippers happy then I say more power to 'em. 

I agree. I hope it gives them what they're looking for, and I hope Ben Percy makes their relationship less gross than it seems to have been in the past. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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10 minutes ago, Chaser said:

MG admitted fans weren't buying the 2.5. comics that heavily featured LL.  

How much did she have to do seeing as she wasn't either BC nor on the team in any other capacity as far as I know? I mean, I remember people mentioning she was kidnapped by the guy who torched the Queen Mansion, but that's it.

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Just now, NumberCruncher said:

But why?  Comics have clearly never translated to the TV show so if this makes the canon shippers happy then I say more power to 'em.  It means very little to the TV show, just like the TV show has meant very little to the comics.

I'm of 2 minds here... I want it to succeed because it's good for the people who value comics more than in show narrative to go...

But if it fails it'll just amuse me because I've spent 2 years in this fandom with so many praises regarding comics and how GA/BC are iconic which'll make me feel validated. So basically to answer your question, for purely selfish and asshole-ish reasons. 

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2 minutes ago, bijoux said:

How much did she have to do seeing as she wasn't either BC nor on the team in any other capacity as far as I know? I mean, I remember people mentioning she was kidnapped by the guy who torched the Queen Mansion, but that's it.

If fans wanted more LL issues then they needed to buy the ones promoted as LL heavy, even if she wasn't on the Team or BC yet. They needed their interest to translate to dollar signs in order to encourage the writers.

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Just now, Chaser said:

If fans wanted more LL issues then they needed to buy the ones promoted as LL heavy, even if she wasn't on the Team or BC yet. They needed their interest to translate to dollar signs in order to encourage the writers.

It's kind of indicative of how BC was always more popular than LL. And I feel like that's always a recipe for disaster. It's not the mask that matters, it's the person behind said mask

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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

If fans wanted more LL issues then they needed to buy the ones promoted as LL heavy, even if she wasn't on the Team or BC yet. They needed their interest to translate to dollar signs in order to encourage the writers.

I wasn't really talking about the fans, I'm honestly sort of stumped as to how much she had to do during that summer. I'll read through the summaries at wikia later.

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2 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I wasn't really talking about the fans, I'm honestly sort of stumped as to how much she had to do during that summer. I'll read through the summaries at wikia later.

Her main plot IIRC was being kidnapped by the guy who burned down Queen Manor. And she also appeared once or twice because of Quentin, and she was in the lair for a reason I can't remember, but Diggle did hug her, I think?

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1 minute ago, apinknightmare said:

Her main plot IIRC was being kidnapped by the guy who burned down Queen Manor. And she also appeared once or twice because of Quentin, and she was in the lair for a reason I can't remember, but Diggle did hug her, I think?

OMG, their bond started early on! Remembering Dig's attitude towards Laurel in the first two seasons I find this legitimately funny.

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2 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I wasn't really talking about the fans, I'm honestly sort of stumped as to how much she had to do during that summer. I'll read through the summaries at wikia later.

Sorry, I misunderstood.

apinknightmare recapped her involvement nicely.

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50 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Percy talks more about the romance in the comics than the Arrow EPs do lol

If DC is ok with a GA/BC comic book series, where is the Olicity and "Felicity and Friends" show I was promised, damnit?

Edited by lemotomato
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Lucky for them, their saviour Ben Percy is here to do just that LOL.

BC AND the goatee?? It's like Christmas has come early for those poor tortured GA fans ;)

In all seriousness I don't begrudge the comic readers who are so excited to finally get a GA/BC team up and the goatee and I'm glad that DC finally heard their prayers. Honestly it's awful that those horrid comic writers at DC deprived them of that for so long, don't they know that GA/BC and the goatee are iconic and that the GA can't exist without them? 

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BC, Ollie's goatee, and the boxing glove arrow are the One True Comic Canon Original Team Arrow. How could Ben Percy leave out such an iconic part of the GA mythos? For shame.

Edited by lemotomato
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Doing a quick skim of comics 2.5, I was surprised how much Laurel was actually in it (I guess I blocked it out of my memory or it's just nothing memorable).  Even though she wasn't really on Team Arrow yet, it looks like she appears quite a bit in the comic throughout with most of her storylines including: Laurel staying with Lance in the hospital, she was in and out of the lair bringing the team info because she was investigating a case involving someone under the new Brother Blood, and she gets kidnapped.  I didn't notice a Digg/Laurel hug, but she did affectionately touch Digg's chest which is just as weird to me.

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