ottoDbusdriver September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 Episode Description (2-hour Season finale): Quote Double Vision -- Molly reveals disturbing new details about Shepherd's death to the GSC, and Lucy makes a powerful move against the humans and hybrids that could have devastating global repercussions. Quote The Greater Good -- Molly and JD frantically race to the hybrids to stop a Humanich plot that will destroy the human race. Also, Lucy has a shocking realization about the GSC that forces her to question her allegiance and put Ethan at risk. Link to comment
HalcyonDays September 9, 2015 Share September 9, 2015 Thanks for the thread start, ottoDbusdriver!! Totally forgot today is Wednesday! Ugh. Season finale tonight, everyone and as ottoDbusdriver just showed us, the episode is two hours long. 1 Link to comment
txwatcher September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I know she is bad, but I ❤ Lucy. 1 Link to comment
HalcyonDays September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 The opening scene with poor Charlie, I couldn't help but have a quote from the movie Heathers run through my head. Christian Slater's Character JD to Winona Ryder's Veronica: 'I knew that loose was too noose...Noose too loose..." Link to comment
Big Mother September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 We're 15 minutes from the end and my hands havnet stopped shaking all through. I hope we aren't left with a cliffhanger. Funny side question: Where is teh rest of civilian America while all of this is going down? The entire USA doesnt consist of the GSC, hybrids, and humanichs. Is life going on like nothing's happening? In the future technology age, is there no one in Washington or somewhere else, with access to hi tech computers and surveillance footage to see that something insane is happening? Is this epic battle really coming down to Molly vs Molly vs JD, and Lucy vs Charlie? 2 Link to comment
HalcyonDays September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Honestly...that was some of the strangest, the writers surely ingested some 'schrooms and LSD, weird ass shit I've seen in a long time. And I watched and side-eyed the last half an hour of Interstellar. Just...weird. And TAALR-Buying-Coffee looked a lot like Goran Visnjic from the back. A lot. 10 Link to comment
Big Mother September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 WHOA. Lucy with her last dying breathe, betrays TAALR.... amazing satisfying end... If this was the series finale I'd be satisfied... TAALR being in human form gives a good opening for Season 3... it was such a great final episode! 2 Link to comment
Free September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Quote And TAALR-Buying-Coffee looked a lot like Goran Visnjic from the back. A lot. It's possible if they decided to bring him back for a possible 3rd season. As for the ending, it could've worked for a series finale if the cliffhanger at the very end didn't happen but still it could've just been an ambiguous ending as well. 4 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver September 10, 2015 Author Share September 10, 2015 (edited) Seriously, there are so many Humanichs that they are patrolling the local farmer's markets in droves -- I would think that the hipsters would have something to say about that. Charlie tries to kill himself in a drunken stupor over being responsible for killing his one twu wuv Julie -- really ? He's talking about picket fences and happily ever after -- I never got that from Julie. The Humanichs are using the earlier strain of the virus that kills both humans and hybrids to pull a 12 Monkeys and distribute the virus around the world. Meanwhile, JD, Molly and this newly arrived buddy of JD's are going to pull an Oceans 11 style break-in to try and kill TAALR. Are there any other movies they are going to rip off ? There seems to be an awful lot of filler in this first hour of the finale. Of course the heist goes south, but everyone manages to escape thanks to Molly and Terra. Lucy and the Humanichs kill EVERYONE at the GSC -- that can't be good, what with Lucy pretending to be SecHomelandSecurity to the President (Madame President I might add -- I wonder who it might be ?) Oh come on -- the Humanichs whip up a Humanich version of Molly (Humolly ?) to infiltrate Julie's apartment. And Humolly shoots JD in the exact place that Molly saw in her dream (strange that we didn't get a flashback about that). Give me a break !! And where are Molly and Terra ? Ethan figures out where Julie's legs are based on the tracking software from the recharging station for Julie's artificial legs -- Charlie should have known about that. Humolly's real name is Molly X -- I'm pretty sure the writers were dropping some molly and some X when they were writing this show. And for good measure, Molly X has displaced Lucy in the TAALR's pecking order since she is an upgrade -- and Lucy doesn't seem to be happy about that. Really Ethan ? You didn't think that elevation would be an important detail in a multi-story building while tracking Julie. Now that Classic Molly has given some of her blood to JD, will JD become a hybrid ? And is the bullet still inside him ? It's nice that they gave us all these helpful on-screen details about the Humanichs flying all over the world, but the time on the screen was not particularly helpful if they don't state what time it is on the show to compare it to (a timezone might have helped too). Because I seriously doubt that all those Humanichs will arrive at their destination at the exact same time. I'm still trying to figure out how the hybrids killed the power at 1 Euclid. Are they telekinetic in addition to being able to control the minds of humans ? No matter, all those hybrids are dead now. I'm surprised by how few Humanichs were guarding that building. Ethan is pretty much an independent Humanich, so how is he all of a sudden tied in through TAALR ? Couldn't they just turn off his wifi and isolate him permanently ? And who was locking Julie out of Ethan's neural net -- the cyberghost of John Woods ? And it was. JD seems to be suffering somewhat -- is that full on conversion to being a hybrid messing with him ? Or his rejecting the conversion ? Or the infection from the bullet ? The maze was pretty stupid -- but "the code" to solve it with 2-dimensional binary encoded letters of the Greek alphabet embedded in the floor tiles was even stupider. Lucy was willingly to take one for Team TAALR, but only after figuring out that it was a fake did she have serious second thoughts, along with Charlie's convincing. Not surprised that Molly X shot Charlie, but it was just plot convenience to let Lucy finish him off. And Molly gets the nanobots into TAALR's servers and effectively kills all the Humanichs but two, Ethan and another unit that has TAALR downloaded into it. Why would a Humanich need to order a coffee ? And everything is now just swell -- Molly tells everyone about aliens on Earth and everyone seems OK with it. Aren't there still containers of an incredibly lethal virus dropped on the floor of planes all over the world ? That seemed to wrap up really fast and early -- looked at the clock and the episode was over at 10:55pm. WTF ? Makes me think that this show is probably going to be canceled. Edited September 10, 2015 by ottoDbusdriver 8 Link to comment
kirinan September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) Quote And TAALR-Buying-Coffee looked a lot like Goran Visnjic from the back. A lot. Agreed. That was the first thing I thought--and I didn't watch the first season or the first episode or two of this season, so it's not like I had much of a chance to recognize him. I thought the episode was pretty suspenseful, but there were a LOT of coincidences (and some occasional eye-rolling on my part). With my brain turned off, though, I enjoyed it. Glad the main five characters made it out, and Lucy and Fiona redeemed themselves. Umm, let's see, what else? Oh, I'm still bummed Toby was really dead. And Jeffrey Dean Morgan in Avenging Angel mode, blasting away at Humanichs, is HOT. I think that's all I got. Edited September 10, 2015 by kirinan 6 Link to comment
thuganomics85 September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) Quote And TAALR-Buying-Coffee looked a lot like Goran Visnjic from the back. A lot. I thought so too. If this show does get renewed, I totally think they will try and get Goran back, and reveal that TAALAR created a John Woods humanich for some reason, and "John" will be TAALAR. Besides that reveal, this did seem like a set-up for a series finale, if the show does go. The humanichs are destroyed for good, TAALAR is taken out of commission (reduced to one body), and then Molly lets the entire world about the hybrids, and they seem willing to be at peace with humans now. Again, if the show is renewed, there is still plenty of stories they can go with this (I'm sure there will be some humans who would no doubt balk over sharing the planet with aliens), but if not, I can see this being the end. I enjoyed the second episode more then the first, but overall, it felt kind of rushed and strangely developed at times. Aris' about face to being willing to make peace with humans seem to mainly happen off screen, and I would have like to have seen more of what went down, for Molly to convince him. Meanwhile, Lucy briefly "redeeming herself", was just the typical "She realizes her boss is bad after he/it is willing to sacrifice her" stint, that doesn't really feel earned. The actors sold it enough, but it was so weird seeing Charlie hold her as she dies, considering she was this close to having Julie (the "love of his life") be suffocated to death. No surprise, Molly's vision was kind of true, but not. It was new and "improved" Humanich Molly X that showed up and shot JD, but he survived after real Molly gave him blood. And, of course, they had the whole "Which one is the real Molly?" moment. I cracked up when JD said the reason he knew she was the real Molly, because of the emotion in her eyes and whatnot, and here I was thinking "Why don't you just ask the Mollys to show off their yellow, alien eyes? That would solve this guessing game real quick!" Weird to bring Richard T. Jones back, and then just have him bail after the failed heist. Did he have something better to do? I did love his understated reaction to the truth. He sounded less like he was stunned that there are freaking aliens running around, and just more annoyed that JD got mixed up with them. Priorities! Ethan gets to be a hero again, of course, but at least he doesn't die in this one. Glad Charlie didn't die. Got worried their for a second. Edited September 10, 2015 by thuganomics85 7 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver September 10, 2015 Author Share September 10, 2015 On 9/10/2015 at 3:12 AM, thuganomics85 said: I cracked up when JD said the reason he knew she was the real Molly, because of the emotion in her eyes and whatnot, and here I was thinking "Why don't you just ask the Mollys to show off their yellow, alien eyes? That would solve this guessing game real quick!" That's all it would have taken -- easy peasy. It was just stupid that the Mollys were also dressed nearly exactly the same. And standing in nearly the same pose while JD decided. 9 Link to comment
Rhetorica September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I'm satisfied with the finale. Good summertime soft sci-fi. I hope there's another season, but if not, I'm good with this ending. I don't like stories that wrap everything up. Interesting the finale last year had a boy become the world wide web and this year's finale reverses it from web to one. I'd like to see hat man return as Mr. Yasumoto. 2 Link to comment
HalcyonDays September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Quote I thought so too. If this show does get renewed, I totally think they will try and get Goran back, and reveal that TAALAR created a John Woods humanich for some reason, and "John" will be TAALAR. I really honestly think this. If the show gets renewed, then yeah, they get to fight John TAALR Woods. And Lucy WILL be back. They rebuilt Ethan, they'll rebuild Lucy. Quote I'm pretty sure the writers were dropping some molly and some X when they were writing this show. molly, X, 'schrooms and LSD. There is no other explanation. Quote here I was thinking "Why don't you just ask the Mollys to show off their yellow, alien eyes? That would solve this guessing game real quick!" That's exactly what I thought. Molly, show you're yellow eyes. I thought the special effects people forgot to colour in her glowing eyes. Seriously. Quote Ethan figures out where Julie's legs are based on the tracking software from the recharging station for Julie's artificial legs -- Charlie should have known about that. I totally forgot about Julie having prosthetics until you mentioned it! I thought it was some sort of workout ankle band for her treadmill that she was wearing. Apparently the writers did too. Also was amused at her bloody fingertips was trying to scratch out of the coffin, then two minutes later, she's typing away on the keyboard. Oh, and show? Nice Dell Rackmount Server Front Metal Covers. 2 Link to comment
Free September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Quote I thought so too. If this show does get renewed, I totally think they will try and get Goran back, and reveal that TAALAR created a John Woods humanich for some reason, and "John" will be TAALAR. It's funny because it felt like John did a lot more off screen than what we actually saw of him when he was alive. Quote That's all it would have taken -- easy peasy. It was just stupid that the Mollys were also dressed nearly exactly the same. And standing in nearly the same pose while JD decided. Must've been easier for Halle that way while playing 2 different characters and fighting herself. 1 Link to comment
ottoDbusdriver September 10, 2015 Author Share September 10, 2015 When I saw the name 'TAALR' on the sleeve of that coffee cup, I just figured it was an unintentional misspelling by the barista. </sarcasm> 1 Link to comment
Big Mother September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 I was sure that JD and Molly would come up with a codeword once they knew that roboMolly was out there and they needed a way to communicate, should there be an ID mixup. I was also surprised that TAALR didn't plead his case for Lucy when Charlie was laying there insisting that TAALR didn't care about Lucy. Why didn't Molly X just finish off JD when they were facing off, instead of waiting for him to make the first move? was she hoping JD would kill real MOlly first? What was the method that Molly X was using to try to kill real Molly? Super tight bear hug? It's amazing how Molly figured out where Molly x's 'kill switch' was. Link to comment
bagatelle September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) Julie sure recovered quickly from almost suffocating in the box. Where did the sores on her lips go? Edited September 10, 2015 by bagatelle 6 Link to comment
Shelby September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) Couldn't stop laughing at the band-aid on the needle puncture point, when the man was BLEEDING TO DEATH FROM A GUNSHOT. On 9/10/2015 at 3:04 AM, ottoDbusdriver said: Seriously, there are so many Humanichs that they are patrolling the local farmer's markets in droves -- I would think that the hipsters would have something to say about that. Charlie tries to kill himself in a drunken stupor over being responsible for killing his one twu wuv Julie -- really ? He's talking about picket fences and happily ever after -- I never got that from Julie. The Humanichs are using the earlier strain of the virus that kills both humans and hybrids to pull a 12 Monkeys and distribute the virus around the world. Meanwhile, JD, Molly and this newly arrived buddy of JD's are going to pull an Oceans 11 style break-in to try and kill TAALR. Are there any other movies they are going to rip off ? There seems to be an awful lot of filler in this first hour of the finale. Of course the heist goes south, but everyone manages to escape thanks to Molly and Terra. Lucy and the Humanichs kill EVERYONE at the GSC -- that can't be good, what with Lucy pretending to be SecHomelandSecurity to the President (Madame President I might add -- I wonder who it might be ?) Oh come on -- the Humanichs whip up a Humanich version of Molly (Humolly ?) to infiltrate Julie's apartment. And Humolly shoots JD in the exact place that Molly saw in her dream (strange that we didn't get a flashback about that). Give me a break !! And where are Molly and Terra ? Ethan figures out where Julie's legs are based on the tracking software from the recharging station for Julie's artificial legs -- Charlie should have known about that. Humolly's real name is Molly X -- I'm pretty sure the writers were dropping some molly and some X when they were writing this show. And for good measure, Molly X has displaced Lucy in the TAALR's pecking order since she is an upgrade -- and Lucy doesn't seem to be happy about that. Really Ethan ? You didn't think that elevation would be an important detail in a multi-story building while tracking Julie. Now that Classic Molly has given some of her blood to JD, will JD become a hybrid ? And is the bullet still inside him ? It's nice that they gave us all these helpful on-screen details about the Humanichs flying all over the world, but the time on the screen was not particularly helpful if they don't state what time it is on the show to compare it to (a timezone might have helped too). Because I seriously doubt that all those Humanichs will arrive at their destination at the exact same time. I'm still trying to figure out how the hybrids killed the power at 1 Euclid. Are they telekinetic in addition to being able to control the minds of humans ? No matter, all those hybrids are dead now. I'm surprised by how few Humanichs were guarding that building. Ethan is pretty much an independent Humanich, so how is he all of a sudden tied in through TAALR ? Couldn't they just turn off his wifi and isolate him permanently ? And who was locking Julie out of Ethan's neural net -- the cyberghost of John Woods ? And it was. JD seems to be suffering somewhat -- is that full on conversion to being a hybrid messing with him ? Or his rejecting the conversion ? Or the infection from the bullet ? The maze was pretty stupid -- but "the code" to solve it with 2-dimensional binary encoded letters of the Greek alphabet embedded in the floor tiles was even stupider. Lucy was willingly to take one for Team TAALR, but only after figuring out that it was a fake did she have serious second thoughts, along with Charlie's convincing. Not surprised that Molly X shot Charlie, but it was just plot convenience to let Lucy finish him off. And Molly gets the nanobots into TAALR's servers and effectively kills all the Humanichs but two, Ethan and another unit that has TAALR downloaded into it. Why would a Humanich need to order a coffee ? And everything is now just swell -- Molly tells everyone about aliens on Earth and everyone seems OK with it. Aren't there still containers of an incredibly lethal virus dropped on the floor of planes all over the world ? That seemed to wrap up really fast and early -- looked at the clock and the episode was over at 10:55pm. WTF ? Makes me think that this show is probably going to be canceled. Enjoyed all your recaps this season, Otto! Thank you! Edited September 10, 2015 by Shelby 5 Link to comment
Blue Plastic September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 On 9/10/2015 at 3:04 AM, ottoDbusdriver said: Charlie tries to kill himself in a drunken stupor over being responsible for killing his one twu wuv Julie -- really ? He's talking about picket fences and happily ever after -- I never got that from Julie. I never got that from either one of them. Sure, Charlie has been enamored of Julie since Season 1 and Julie seems to care about him, too, but I never got the feeling that Charlie was so in love that he would kill himself if something happened to Julie. Of course he was supposed to be beside himself because he wanted to rescue her but didn't know where she was and probably feels he's partially to blame for how Lucy turned out, but I wasn't expecting him to string himself up. Quote Ethan figures out where Julie's legs are based on the tracking software from the recharging station for Julie's artificial legs -- Charlie should have known about that. Yep. It's really hard to believe he wouldn't have thought of that right away. But then I guess we wouldn't have gotten the drama of seeing Julie actually run out of oxygen moments before Charlie and Ethan rescued her. Quote I'm still trying to figure out how the hybrids killed the power at 1 Euclid. Are they telekinetic in addition to being able to control the minds of humans ? No matter, all those hybrids are dead now. I'm surprised by how few Humanichs were guarding that building. That's what I want to know. I thought the hybrids' abilities only worked on other organic/living beings. If they're able to telepathically shut down the electricity, then shouldn't they have been able to remote control the Humanichs? And their powers have been specifically shown NOT to work on robots before. It looked like Ares was helping one of the hybrids up so maybe they weren't all dead. Agreed about the building not being very well guarded. "Taylor" was all about how tight the security had to be so that no puny, crappy humans could get through to shut him down, yet he had hardly any actual guards. I guess maybe I could buy that that was supposed to show his hubris. He thought having lots of electronic security like the eye scans and mazes with holographic walls would defeat lowly, stupid humans and that he wouldn't need very many guards because his new Molly doppelganger was too strong for humans to beat. Quote Aren't there still containers of an incredibly lethal virus dropped on the floor of planes all over the world ? And robot barf. I was waiting the whole time for "Taylor" to take Ethan over and discover Molly et al's whereabouts/plans that way. I was also expecting it to tap into Ethan's toy robot in his room at Julie's and listen in. Despite this show's flaws and plot holes and the slow filler episodes, overall I have enjoyed it. I hope they come back. It's nice that they mostly wrapped up the season's overall plot threads (just like last season IMO) so that if they don't come back, the viewers aren't left with a huge cliffhanger that never gets resolved on screen. But there's enough of a question with the coffee shop scene to leave avenues for exploration if they do get renewed. Even with all the silliness, I was engrossed in this episode, especially the second hour, and liked the whole season way more than this season of Dome. 2 Link to comment
Actionmage September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 Quote Really Ethan ? You didn't think that elevation would be an important detail in a multi-story building while tracking Julie. I was ore disappointed in Charlie, the adult human who bragged to JD about his hacking skillz after not being able to find his twu wuv ( and while she was still missing, to boot!) Ethan at least remembered Julie's bionics when Charlie did not! Also? The continual yelling at Julie. Yes, it gave her a couple of seconds of hope, but as her oxygen was running out. Because our genius, Charlie, wasn't allowed to actually think like a smart person would. That was disappointing. I was glad that the good-looking, named male characters got to survive. Ares/Aris, Ethan, Charlie and JD. I was glad that the Terra/ Judge stuff happened because I really enjoy Melina Kanakaredes and the girl playing Terra. Bye, Kate Burton. You had an interesting, yet predictable arc. If I could pick anyone to play a woman who can lie like a rug to a pre-tween, it would be you. I echo others with the 'while this was happening, what did the rest of the country think, or even possibly, the world?' When it's a conspiracy that far-reaching in the government/military, Common Folk tend to get upset and distrustful. It might have been a wash, as we are left with Taalr leaving with his fancy coffee after a barista expresses disbelief about aliens. It was supposed to be happening in Future!California, but it would have been nice to hear some throwaway bits on like an NPR or talk-radio show about the extra-helping of weirdness going down in California. Martial law, curfews and terrorists are happening, but the other 49, much less Canada and Mexico, are keeping on keeping on? I might tune in to a S3 premiere out of curiosity, but I'm pretty much out. This season got more bogged down in a conspiracy spiral that got out of control, imo. Yeah, S1 dragged, but it was chugging ahead, giving us story. This gave us so many stories that there are bits I'm going to wonder why they were started or why they didn't even rate a throwaway line. I just hope to see the cast in lots of good things in the future, Pierce Gagnon/ Ethan and Ms. Clemmons/ Lucy in particular. Adu and Ares can show up on my TV anytime they wish. *g* 2 Link to comment
Enero September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) Quote ...this year's finale reverses it from web to one. I'd like to see hat man return as Mr. Yasumoto.I wouldn't mind seeing this as well. Something like TAALR seemed right up his alley considering he was looking for the key to immortality. On 9/10/2015 at 3:25 AM, HalcyonDays said: I really honestly think this. If the show gets renewed, then yeah, they get to fight John TAALR Woods. And Lucy WILL be back. They rebuilt Ethan, they'll rebuild.I agree. Somebody's hand was still twitching under the sheets in the lab after the battle was over. They could easily retcon things to make that Lucy. Quote That's exactly what I thought. Molly, show you're yellow eyes. I thought the special effects people forgot to colour in her glowing eyes.Or I thought JD's newly acquired alien DNA would kick in and he'd 'sense' which one was Molly. Really there were so many ways she could've identified herself without just saying I'm Molly. I know time was of the essence, but I wondered why Molly didn't just change clothes after seeing the robot who looked exactly like her and was dressed like her shoot JD? it would've only taken a minute, two tops. She didn't have to switch out her entire outfit, but a different color shirt would've also gone a long way in distinguishing her from her humanics dopplerhanger. I am glad that everyone made it through it all alive. I did think that it was ridiculous that the reporters clapped after Molly's announcement that their were aliens amongst them. Wouldn't there be more questions, curiosity, maybe even concern, panic, than clapping at such an announcement? Though this season left more things unresolved than last, and certainly wasn't the best thing on TV, it was entertaining TV. It was a show that worked for the summer break. If they come back for another season, I'd tune in. I'd be curious to see what ridiculousness they'd come up with next. Edited September 10, 2015 by Enero 3 Link to comment
Big Mother September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 where were all those holographic walls when Fiona or Toby accessed TAALR? or were those only to the control room? Link to comment
Big Mother September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 another question: Why was Fiona suddenly willing to listen to Ethan in private, when Lucy was her head of secuirty, when she refused to listen to Julie without Lucy present? as a side point, I LOVE all of the cool future tech we saw, such as the virtual-reality meeting via eye-visor, swiping at stuff on glass tables... it's not too 'out there' while at the same time really cool and progressive. I wonder how many centuries in the future this is based. The technology isnt THAT implausible. The only implausible technology to me is TAALR. no matter how much coding, programming, and whatever-it-is that's put into a supercomputer, it's impossible for it to take on a life of its own and go rogue. It's a nice sci-fi idea but there's no real way for a computer, no matter how smart, to dispatch things without human input and/or not have a way to be put on standby/disabled to be tweaked. I wonder if we'll see Calderon next season, maybe get exonerated. and I'd love for the Humanichs to be redone in the humane way. I'll be really sad though not to see Toby and Fiona again. Loved them. Link to comment
Enero September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 On 9/10/2015 at 12:06 PM, Big Mother said: where were all those holographic walls when Fiona or Toby accessed TAALR? or were those only to the control room? The holographic were only used to protect TAALR's server room. Access to the actual computer i.e. the desktop for lack of a better term was done via special password or coin in Toby's case. 1 Link to comment
shrewd.buddha September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 (edited) Here's a question : If the Humanics Squad and TAALR could not find Molly, how did they manage to duplicate her current clothes, hairstyle, etc, to an exact match? It was ridiculous how the two Molly's looked exactly the same, right down to the tousled hair style and color. It seems as if an easy way to tell the difference is that the Humanics Molly would not be sweating or have a body scent -- but, you know... And once MollyX had served her purpose, why did the Humanics robot need to keep Molly's face and body as Lucy's superior? Oh, yeah, Halle Barry is a producer.. I would complain about Ethan and Charlie being able to find Julie at the last. possible. second. But that's standard sci-fi trope. So that's it for the season? Maybe forever? I must admit I was enjoying the weekly visits to Crazy TomorrowLand. Edited September 10, 2015 by shrewd.buddha 1 Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat September 10, 2015 Share September 10, 2015 For inhuman killing machines, the humanichs sure do like their nonlethal gut and shoulder wounds. The thing is, there's a reason to use nonlethal force against team Molly -- they want the amulet, so some interrogatable captives might come in handy. But instead, it's "I'll just walk away and trust you, Lucy, to finish the job, instead of doing the double tap I could easily do and claim to want." Whatever. 2 Link to comment
SlackerInc September 11, 2015 Share September 11, 2015 On 9/10/2015 at 3:05 AM, kirinan said: With my brain turned off, though, I enjoyed it. That's about how I felt, except it's hard for me to keep my brain that turned off. The episode had many good elements and was tense and exciting. But a lot of the plot details were sloppy and fall apart if you do apply any logic to them at all. Some examples I jotted down while watching: The rooftop scene with Molly and JD was pretty cheesy and melodramatic. (This one's not about logic, exactly, but it was so cringeworthy it deserves a mention.) Why would the GSC not have that building guarded with Humanics to begin with? Later Lucy swapped in Humanics, but it's silly that it took their almost being breached to do so. Charlie's apartment seems like a poor choice for the rebel HQ given that Lucy is totally onto Charlie. And this is proven by the fact that the fake Molly is able to find JD there. Why didn't they go back to JD's special hideout? And then why weren't any Humanics stationed at the apartment to wait for the real Molly to return? [Echoing what several others pointed out upthread:] As badass as Humanics are, they sure didn't get the programming instructions for finishing off the enemy. First at the hybrid hideout, and then now with JD [and later with Charlie], they sure give humans and hybrids lots of extra chances. And indeed, the Humanics do come back to Charlie's apartment, but too late. Closing the barn door after the cow got out. TAALR didn't station any Humanics to constantly guard his server? Or just, you know, install a heavy, reinforced and locked door to the room? Here we go, the ol' "which one do I shoot?" dilemma. It's been done many times, but it's a good plot device so I don't blame them. [Like Enero] I do have to question though why the real Molly didn't change her clothes before going in. One point I will defend them on, though: this was not the first time we've seen hybrids be able to disrupt power grids. One could wonder why it didn't work when they were attacked at their compound, but I think the Humanics are too well shielded (as compared to regular electric infrastructure). On 9/10/2015 at 3:12 AM, thuganomics85 said: The actors sold it enough, but it was so weird seeing Charlie hold her as she dies, considering she was this close to having Julie (the "love of his life") be suffocated to death. Oh, good point! There's an example of how forums can make a show fall apart even more thanks to the crowdsourcing of plot holes. I had actually forgotten this fine point when watching her redemption/death scene. Oh well, at least she saved billions of lives? On 9/10/2015 at 3:35 AM, Big Mother said: I was sure that JD and Molly would come up with a codeword once they knew that roboMolly was out there and they needed a way to communicate, should there be an ID mixup. I was also surprised that TAALR didn't plead his case for Lucy when Charlie was laying there insisting that TAALR didn't care about Lucy. Why didn't Molly X just finish off JD when they were facing off, instead of waiting for him to make the first move? was she hoping JD would kill real MOlly first? What was the method that Molly X was using to try to kill real Molly? Super tight bear hug? It's amazing how Molly figured out where Molly x's 'kill switch' was. All really good points, although I will give her a pass on the last one since she was married to the creator of Humanics. On 9/10/2015 at 12:14 PM, Big Mother said: as a side point, I LOVE all of the cool future tech we saw, such as the virtual-reality meeting via eye-visor, swiping at stuff on glass tables... it's not too 'out there' while at the same time really cool and progressive. I wonder how many centuries in the future this is based. The technology isnt THAT implausible. The only implausible technology to me is TAALR. no matter how much coding, programming, and whatever-it-is that's put into a supercomputer, it's impossible for it to take on a life of its own and go rogue. It's a nice sci-fi idea but there's no real way for a computer, no matter how smart, to dispatch things without human input and/or not have a way to be put on standby/disabled to be tweaked. I really liked the futuristic tech as well--probably my favorite part of the show. In fact, the version of this show I would probably like best is if they deviated away from "save the world"/conspiracy stuff and just did the family drama we got some of in Season 1, with Molly and John raising Ethan in a suspicious and confusing (to him) world. But I have a hard time understanding your perspective about TAALR. That is impossible with today's technology, sure. But to think it won't ever be possible is, to me, like saying 500 million years ago that sea creatures could never evolve to live on land and then develop the intelligence to create computers and go into space. To my way of thinking, if we are not very careful the development of "Skynet" (or my favorite version which well preceded it way back in 1967, Harlan Ellison's AM) is almost inevitable. And some very smart people agree, including Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, and Elon Musk. Musk called AI "our greatest existential threat". Bill Gates stated "I agree with Elon Musk and some others on this and don’t understand why some people are not concerned." Hawking fleshed out the nature of the threat: Quote Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history...Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks. In the near term, world militaries are considering autonomous-weapon systems that can choose and eliminate targets. [in the long term,] humans, limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete and would be superseded by AI. 1 Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat September 11, 2015 Share September 11, 2015 On 9/11/2015 at 10:36 AM, SlackerInc said: . And some very smart people agree, including Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, Steve Wozniak, and Elon Musk. Musk called AI "our greatest existential threat". Bill Gates stated "I agree with Elon Musk and some others on this and don’t understand why some people are not concerned." Hawking fleshed out the nature of the threat: The problem with these sorts of warnings is that they are not actionable. We're not anywhere near something like a Skynet or a TAALR, and every attempt to move in that direction has hit tremendous roadblocks. That's been the story of AI research from the beginning. There could be some breakthrough some day that suddenly moves strong AI into reach, but it's hard to see what that could be, and until we know, it's basically impossible to take any precautions or develop any protocols against it. This is a problem with a lot of futurism, not just AI. It's the nature of the genre to be premature. I can't tell you how tired I am about articles like "how will self-driving cars affect drive thru menus?". We're much farther away from self-driving cars than the marketing out of google suggests, and there will be plenty of time to work these sorts of things out, when the details are in. Other folks enjoy that sort of thing, I get that, and I don't want to take away anyone's fun. Just don't take it too seriously, and put any significant energy into concerns about existing issues and challenges we already face.. Link to comment
SlackerInc September 12, 2015 Share September 12, 2015 I clearly believe we are closer than you do. 1 Link to comment
NeenerNeener September 12, 2015 Share September 12, 2015 So I've been wondering all summer why Lucy has bugged the crap out of me since the minute she was introduced. I finally remembered where I've seen that actress before, on Eye Candy as Sophia the air-headed club owner who put her best friend in mortal danger in every episode. I don't know why I didn't recognize her sooner, unless I've been trying to block that show out of my mind. I think I'm going to try to forget this show too. Link to comment
Sparger Springs September 12, 2015 Share September 12, 2015 On 9/10/2015 at 3:30 AM, ottoDbusdriver said: When I saw the name 'TAALR' on the sleeve of that coffee cup, I just figured it was an unintentional misspelling by the barista. </sarcasm> It would have made more sense if the girl wrote Taylor on cup. Of course its the future and I guess they scan your eye and come up with the correct spelling of your name. 1 Link to comment
WearyTraveler September 12, 2015 Share September 12, 2015 Or Taalar could have spelled it for her. I spell my name for baristas all the time, because it's a foreign name ;-) 1 Link to comment
shapeshifter September 13, 2015 Share September 13, 2015 On 9/10/2015 at 2:57 AM, HalcyonDays said: And TAALR-Buying-Coffee looked a lot like Goran Visnjic from the back. A lot.That would make sense, but I was thinking Giancarlo Esposito. I almost didn't watch (a double helping of this show feels more like taking medicine than eating ice cream), but even though the script was poorly edited (e.g., Molly not revealing herself with her eye glow) having Lucy martyr herself was a rewarding twist. I wouldn't mind having a Lucy II next season. Link to comment
Big Mother September 13, 2015 Share September 13, 2015 I read that the voice of TAALR is Dermot Mulroney. It would be really cool if he was cast next season as the body of TAALR.... 2 Link to comment
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