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S01.E03: The Dog - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat

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Into the badlands is either going to be really awesome, or awesomely stupid.

It looks like that failed show, Revolution. But with more sword-fu.


Why has Nick been playing Monopoly instead of getting cleaned up and out of old dead man clothes while he still can?

Because they want him in that stupid outfit. That is the only reason I can think of for his character to still be wearing those clothes.


This family sucks at everything they try to do. Everything.


Alicia is a total bitch.

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Finally, Nick making them face the truth.

Yes but the question is...do they believe him? For a society who doesn't have the concept of zombies it rationally wouldn't make sense. And it's coming from the addict. I can see them willfully ignoring him, for at least a little while. While still claiming that everyone is "sick".

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Oh see I like this.  WE know this group of people-who-caused-a-dog's death have to leave, but they don't.  Is it better to leave at night and take your chances or hunker down when you don't know?


You know, there's some teenagers and at least two other adults who could help lug that body around, Travis.

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I am not here for any first family/second family drama. Madison, sit yo ass down. You want to go out in the middle of the night while everything is going crazy? Shut up.


Is Alicia going to apologize for hitting Chris? I know he's annoying but I'm confounded about why she hit him like that. I knew it was coming, but was still rolling my eyes during her meltdown about poor Matt.

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Why does everyone just hate Travis? All this griping and sniping at him, If only they were all bonding together since they are all hunkering together. Instead it is just bickering, even the barber seemed to hate him at first sight. Too much talking.

Edited by Eln5
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Would you excuse us a moment so we can go into the kitchen and figure out how to ditch this extra family?


Wait, are the Reuben Blade people talking about getting to the mother in El Salvador?


Okay, I can sort of watch and type, but not watch, type and read subtitles.

Edited by candall
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I keep forgetting it's not the norm for these people to see head shots, and neighbors wandering around dead and stuff.



Daylight would be safer to travel.

Yeah, running out a night would be too much panicking.  I get wanting the lights on while the power's working, but that's like a bat signal for zombies.

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Either way they are mostly fucked. Stay or go, at least some of them are gonna be walker chow.


Yeah, I don't think that there is any right move right now. The city is a madhouse and they don't know enough about the walkers to survive. Look how long it took Rick's group to become experts at surviving and killing walkers.

Edited by SimoneS
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