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2 hours ago, Cricket said:

I don't think I have seen her. Thanks for the like, btw. I forgot I found this forum LOL .. busy with the other two. Been watching TWC nonstop between the eclipse coverage and now Harvey.

I have seen Jen C and Maria LaRosa. Like both of them very much actually. Oh, I see Stephanie is is in Houston now.

Here is a picture of here several years ago when her hair was much fuller looking and styled. I don't care for her more thinned out, choppy, straggled look. Maybe she is going for something "edgy"?

images (6).jpg

Hey, that's a nice picture! Steph seems to be a tall/maybe big-boned gal and the fuller hair is flattering and I think maybe balances her out. I am too judgy about other people's hair! But how people choose to wear their hair and style themselves interests me.

6 minutes ago, ariel said:

No, she's hitting up the happy hours in the hotel bars.



Nice to see my home shopping friends here! 

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41 minutes ago, holly4755 said:

man I miss this channel the other networks keep interspersing politics and I would rather hear about the storm. FIOS dropped this a few years ago and put in accuweather, it sucks on big stories. 

Yes I like to keep TWC on for just weather coverage. News is usually always bad, or slanted per whatever station you are on and I believe in you put out what you take in.. taking in so much negativity with the news is not a good thing. Not to say you should bury your head in the sand, but I limit myself. the weather on the other hand, I could watch it all day long (and I have LOL). Back in the days when the Weather Channel DID broadcast just the weather all.day.long! I like Reed Timmer and follow him on FB and I believe he reports to accuweather now.

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10 hours ago, Cricket said:

Yes I like to keep TWC on for just weather coverage. News is usually always bad, or slanted per whatever station you are on and I believe in you put out what you take in.. taking in so much negativity with the news is not a good thing. Not to say you should bury your head in the sand, but I limit myself. the weather on the other hand, I could watch it all day long (and I have LOL). Back in the days when the Weather Channel DID broadcast just the weather all.day.long! I like Reed Timmer and follow him on FB and I believe he reports to accuweather now.

Lol, Cricket, that name "Reed Timmer" reminded me of when Phil met TV Weatherman "Rainer Shine". Hysterical. 

Edited by seasons
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My husband was traveling over the weekend, staying in a hotel that had TWC, and I was complaining about us no longer having TWC, so I was watching CNN for Harvey news. His response was that he thought CNN was doing a better job covering Harvey than TWC.

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7 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

My husband was traveling over the weekend, staying in a hotel that had TWC, and I was complaining about us no longer having TWC, so I was watching CNN for Harvey news. His response was that he thought CNN was doing a better job covering Harvey than TWC.

I wouldn't be surprised, but I try to say away from stations that carry too much politcal stuff now. Just overload, you know? So horrific what is going on there still. The amounts of rain falling is unreal.

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Looks like the crew will be busy all this month too... while still covering Harvey, now Irma is closing in. My boss has a home in Antigua in the Leeward Islands and so he is antsy. And I have a friend in Boca Raton, Florida who is a nervous wreck. 

The remnants of Harvey hit us in the northeast yesterday, poured all day. Miserable. Can't imagine what it was like for those in Texas.

Weather Underground just said Irma is strengthening to a cat 4 now.

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Can someone  please explain the following to me?

Hurricane Irma (Cat 4) is heading for a possible US landfall, and may be wreaking havoc on various islands along the way.

Why then, on Monday evening, 9/4, are they showing their canned programming? They're telling us to stay prepared/informed, but shirking their responsibility to be there for us. They need to be going 24/7 until this storm is no longer a threat.  As much as I appreciated their round-the-clock Harvey coverage, I am sorely disappointed.

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1 minute ago, Barometer123 said:

Can someone  please explain the following to me?

Hurricane Irma (Cat 4) is heading for a possible US landfall, and may be wreaking havoc on various islands along the way.

Why then, on Monday evening, 9/4, are they showing their canned programming? They're telling us to stay prepared/informed, but shirking their responsibility to be there for us. They need to be going 24/7 until this storm is no longer a threat.  As much as I appreciated their round-the-clock Harvey coverage, I am sorely disappointed.

i wondered this too but then I thought they are probably reeling financially of all the coverage they have put out on the eclipse then Harvey. At the moment, it is not an immediate threat to the US so I think they are taking this time to chill. I hate the canned programming.. I am old school when they reported on the weather 24/7 including giving weather around the world for short segments. Many of us have/had family stationed abroad so it was nice to know what was going on where they were.

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15 minutes ago, Barometer123 said:

Hurricane Irma (Cat 4) is heading for a possible US landfall, and may be wreaking havoc on various islands along the way.

Because the latest projections estimate it will approach Florida on Saturday night - that's nearly a week from now, and a lot can happen before then.

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@Cricket  - Yes, I am old school as well. That's why The Weather Channel was created. As far as their coverage of eclipse/Harvey being costly, how expensive can it really be to keep the studio open 24/7?  I would also imagine their ratings dropped Monday evening when they stopped the continuous weather coverage. You would think they'd want to continue it b/c it's during times like these that must earn their highest ratings....thanks for responding. 

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Rumor has it that they don't pay their meteorologist very well & the mid day ones work part time every other week so they don't have to provide them with health benefits.

Edited by ariel
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21 hours ago, ariel said:

Rumor has it that they don't pay their meteorologist very well & the mid day ones work part time every other week so they don't have to provide them with health benefits.

Hmm I wonder if that's why Keith Carson went back to Maine? I wonder how much their Storm Specialists get in that case?

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5 minutes ago, roseha said:

Hmm I wonder if that's why Keith Carson went back to Maine? I wonder how much their Storm Specialists get in that case?

I always liked Keith Carson. LOL - I follow him on FB now too.

I have been wondering why Dr. Forbes has not been getting much air time, instead the dark haired dr. (sorry, forgot her name) is on all the time. I know Dr. Forbes was on vacation till the 28th of August.

I am not fond of the changes they made to Weather Underground. Really changed in the last couple of years. Gone is the group in the recliners discussing things, playing their cute games. I miss Ryan - not sure if they even have a "social meteorologist" there anymore. I hardly hear them interviewing weather underground watchers across the country anymore either.  It has morphed into just another weather segment, to me. It used to be more fun and light with still educating, and now... not so much.

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50 minutes ago, roseha said:

Hmm I wonder if that's why Keith Carson went back to Maine? I wonder how much their Storm Specialists get in that case?

I think that's the reason Eric Fisher went back to Boston. He has a well paying job & gets to live in Boston.

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For the life of me I don't understand why TWC doesn't have their meteorologists wear a helmet or something to protect their heads from flying debris during these hurricanes. They should also wear a chest protector or something under those blue jackets. And heavy-duty goggles. Mike Bettes looks like he is just wearing flimsy eyeglasses.  SMH.


ETA- he just got hurt. Something hit his eye I think and they cut back to the studio. But then he was back in seconds.  

Edited by seasons
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I've seen a lot of them with bicycle helmets - watching Bettes now (trying to stand upright in the wind) and it looks like he has one on under the hood of his rain jacket.  I don't know why he's standing out in the wind and the rain, the shot would be just as  good if he was standing next to (or in) the truck out of the direct wind.

Edited by Moose135
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Oh, I'm glad the helmet thing is happening. I wish they would mention that from time to time about what protective gear they are wearing. Feels like they need the drama to keep the meteorologists out there in full danger?

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3 hours ago, seasons said:

For the life of me I don't understand why TWC doesn't have their meteorologists wear a helmet or something to protect their heads from flying debris during these hurricanes. They should also wear a chest protector or something under those blue jackets. And heavy-duty goggles. Mike Bettes looks like he is just wearing flimsy eyeglasses.  SMH.


ETA- he just got hurt. Something hit his eye I think and they cut back to the studio. But then he was back in seconds.  

So true. They tell US we should use helmets and yet they don't.

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5 hours ago, ariel said:

 Hopefully Jose will avoid New England & the Canadian Maritimes.

i have  Spectrum and all weekend it has told me that the Weather Channel is currently unavailable. Please try again later. I guess tomorrow I have to call those idiots and find out what they did. Hate Spectrum.

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20 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

The Weather Channel has become the New York Post for its bullshit sensationalism. I lost most of my respect for the channel once they took it on themselves to name winter storms. 

But, dayum, Jim Cantore is fiiiine.

i like reynolds wolf.. think that is his name. like a man with a sense of humor

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He is almost as bad as Cantore and Stephanie. I avoid all of them. Wait till after AMHQ is over. If they pop up after that, I mute the volume. I blame Wx Chan management for letting those two build their little kingdoms, and super hype everything. There are some dedicated and decent people on the weather channel, but none of those named above. And does Reynolds Wolfe ever go home to his wife and kids? Seems like he is on every day. That girl that has done the live stand ups in Boston lately is very annoying as well. All kinds of arm waving and adjectives heaped on adjectives. Last night she was ranting and raving over a road salt delivery to a local government storage facility. Really? What are these clowns on? Who in management actually promotes this behavior? Just the facts please, we'll sort out what is a big deal.

And couldn't agree more on the naming of winter storms. It snows in the winter months in the northern part of the U.S. Hello! Anybody that lived up there shoveled snow.  Drove in snow. Etc. Quit sensationalizing. And quit defending yourself when everybody calls BS on you for over-hyping. 2 or 3 inches of snow, with bare roads behind you, and being able to see building behind you off in the distance is not catastrophic weather. Pack up and go home. Admit you were Chicken-Little-ing or Boy-That-Cried-Wolf-ing it.

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On 3/22/2018 at 9:14 AM, paragoner said:

 Pack up and go home. Admit you were Chicken-Little-ing or Boy-That-Cried-Wolf-ing it.

And the tragic part is that if there ever IS a true catastrophe, folks will have totally blown off any attempts by TWC to actually get them to get to safety due to ALL those previous attempts to hype up the odd snowflake falling or leaf falling.

 On another note, I see that Byron Allen has BOUGHT this network- so will they become more like Real People?


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21 minutes ago, Blergh said:

And the tragic part is that if there ever IS a true catastrophe, folks will have totally blown off any attempts by TWC to actually get them to get to safety due to ALL those previous attempts to hype up the odd snowflake falling or leaf falling.

 On another note, I see that Byron Allen has BOUGHT this network- so will they become more like Real People?


Maybe he can bring back Vivian Brown and Kim Cunningham and get rid of Stephanie Abrams

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The most interesting bit about the sale is that it was bought in 2008 for $3 billion and Comcast unloaded TWC for $300 million. 

I don't get TWC anymore, but I still hope Byron Allen and company run The Weather Channel better than they do their unwatchable, poorly written and acted scripted court shows.

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22 hours ago, junemeatcleaver said:

The most interesting bit about the sale is that it was bought in 2008 for $3 billion and Comcast unloaded TWC for $300 million. 

I don't get TWC anymore, but I still hope Byron Allen and company run The Weather Channel better than they do their unwatchable, poorly written and acted scripted court shows.

more weather and less filler.

was horrid a few years back and when NBC was in full control.  I remember when they brought whatshisface over from GMA and they kept saying this morning crew weather forecast was A SHOW ... I want the WEATHER, not a SHOW. I miss shows like Storm Chasers, I believe it was called. Instead we get shows like Three Scientists... then there was that show of the photographer that took landscape pictures all over the world... nice pics but what does that have to do about weather reporting? At the time they weren't even scrolling your local weather at the bottom of your screen. They were losing folks to AccuWeather and WeatherNation and at least started to scroll weather updates on the bottom of the screen while airing this stupid filler shows.

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4 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

I hate AccuWeather. I find it useless.  We get TWC with our marina cable package, so at least we get local on the 8s there. We also use their app - very helpful for local weather and radar.

I follow Reed Timmer on FB who reports for AccuWeather. That is all I know of it, We got DirectTV a few months ago and they have WeatherNation and that isn't bad. At least I get the weather when I want it, like on Sundays when the WC wants to hit me with a marathon of Highway to Hell.

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I like Kelly Cass but I think she needs a bit of an updated look. Lose the pageant hair, ditch the 90's leftover wardrobe, and possibly invest in some better bras. 


Maria LaRosa has grown on me. Her hair swinging used to irritate me, but I can look past it now. She is doing a good job.


I was surprised to hear Paul Goodloe mention a few weeks back that he has been at TWC for 19 years and doesn't even have a desk!  He also does a very good job.

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i love Kelli Cass... soft spot as she was our weather girl here at WRGB in Albany. Had a dark blonde/light brown bob at the time and was called Kelli Bolland.  I see what you are saying about her look but all in all it is professional and she is comfortable in it - unlike some others I can think of. She doesn't wear her dresses super tight and 13 inches above her knees like Stephanie does or Anaridis Rodriguez did. I did not like the latter AT ALL.

I like LaRosa alot now... did not when they had her on the morning team with the blond guy that came over from GMA. (sam champion)

I have always liked Paul. Handsome, intelligent, pleasant and professional. 

Jen Carfagno, Dr. Postel and Carl Parker are also favs.

Glad they ditched Wake up with Al as that , to me, was one of the worst shows on there evah... Al and Stephanie gah!

Jacqui Jeras and Liana Brackett don't impress me one way or another. They are just there just like Alexander Steele when she fills in.

So sad when Dave Schwartz died. I was a fan since day one.

Like and respect Dr Forbes and I understand his need to cut back due to his age and wanting to semi retire but I can not warm up to Dr. Navarro

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On 3/25/2018 at 7:13 AM, seasons said:


Maria LaRosa has grown on me. Her hair swinging used to irritate me, but I can look past it now. She is doing a good job.


I was surprised to hear Paul Goodloe mention a few weeks back that he has been at TWC for 19 years and doesn't even have a desk!  He also does a very good job.

I like Maria LaRosa and Paul Goodloe  as well, and they work well together.

Paul Goodloe did a great job following up after the Hurricane Maria disaster in Puerto Rico in particular.

ETA:  Actually, I forgot to mention, I have switched to Youtube TV from cable, so I only get the Weather Channel now when they go live on Local Now (which is a free app on Roku) which they did every time New York had a "Noreaster" in the last few weeks.  So I still watch it from time to time without having to pay for it :)

Edited by roseha
Added ETA comment
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Stephanie Abrams reminds me of a manic Big Bird. Please take a Xanax and put on some appropriate clothes.

And what happened to Local on the 8s? It's only on some 8s now. Don't kid yourselves into thinking that anyone wants to see anything else.

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Yesterday morning, I flipped on TWC to catch some of the coverage of Hurricane Michael.  Stephanie Abrams was reporting live near Panama City.  She was at a railroad track, where a line of box cars had been blown over by the storm.  She said it looked like the damage from a tornado (which it didn't really) and she started repeatedly calling it a "tornadocane!"  No, Stephanie, there is no such thing as a "tornadocane!", but she was really trying to push it.  Finally, Cantore got on the line, and asked her if the tracks went east/west.  She pointed towards the sun (it was early morning) and said "There's the sunrise, so that's the east" and that the tracks did go east/west.  Cantore then said it was likely straight line winds from the back side of the storm that blew them over, not a "tornadocane!"

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We had severe storms in Ohio last night.  Scary stuff.  I had the local tv stations on, who were covering multiple (15 to 17) tornado warnings in our viewing area.  They were on air with weather reporting from 10:20 p.m. until at least 2:45 a.m.   I had multiple alerts come on my phone, specific to my little burg - saying take shelter NOW.  Fortunately, the twisters in my immediate area stayed aloft.

I switched over to TWC to see what they had on air.  Yeah, some old film of weather disasters.  I had it on earlier to see what was going on in IN - where I have family.  Even then, around 7 to 8 p.m., it was merely a cut in to say oh yeah tornado warning, here and here in IN.  

I also get Accuweather tv, and it is more low budget, but they did go over the radar and warnings.  

Overall, local tv was right on it.  The two stations I watched have updated their tracking systems, basically matching what I've seen on TWC.  One station - a met there said wait this is showing rotation.  (National Weather Service office that would make the call on warnings for that county would be Pittsburgh; the Columbus OH radar had a better shot of the storm - which makes zero sense for Pittsburgh to make the calls on warnings).  Anyhow, that area is now having investigators go out today - damage all over - determining if it was a tornado.  Had the local tv not called it out I shudder to think what could have happened.  The cells kept dying down and then recycling.  Guess we're not a big ratings pull or flashy enough for TWC.

Next time they talk about ooooh we're all about safety (looking at you - Cantori - the Bald Ego), they can go stuff themselves.  Phonies.  

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Yeah, I was a little surprised that the Weather Channel wasn't reporting on the storms in Ohio last night, too. The Jefferson City tornado from about a week ago hit rather late at night and I know they were on the air then, so it's weird that wasn't the case here. It sounds like these storms kind of took a lot of people by surprise, both in how fast they popped up and how quickly they turned severe, so maybe the people at the network didn't know it was going to be that bad? I dunno. But I've been hearing about how on top of things the local meteorologists were, and kudos to them for that.

On that note, somebody on another site posted a clip from a local meteorologist chewing out, on the air, the people on social media who were whining about their shows being interrupted because of the reports regarding the storms, and I say good for that guy calling them out. I don't get why people don't understand the importance of this kind of extensive reporting. Even if your particular town isn't being directly impacted by the bad weather, some other people in that town might have family and friends living in the areas that are being affected, and they might want to know what's going on as a result. Or maybe somebody who lives in a town that isn't being hit is preparing for a trip to an area that is. They'll want to know that information, too. Or other things of that sort. 

Plus, with as fast as the storms were spinning up last night, somebody may think their area's safe only for that to change very abruptly. Sorry if somebody's show or game or whatever got interrupted, but when a town's under a freaking tornado emergency and there are multiple warnings littering the area, yeah, TV shows can and are going to have to wait. Deal with it, people. 

/end rant. Anywho, yeah, utterly horrifying stories from Ohio. It's been a really rough time of it in a lot of places lately with this kind of weather, unfortunately. I am very happy that it sounds like most people made it out okay, though. Here's hoping there's a much needed, and very, very long, break coming soon for everyone. 

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8 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

The article is a few weeks old but The Weather Channel is now available via Verizon FIOS after being gone a few years: 


I missed it when I switched from Comcast to Verizon last year - Accuweather is no match IMO.  

Thank you so much! We had no idea and have family in NOLA. She sent pictures of their street in Uptown being flooded, saying they had lost power for over 7 hours yesterday.

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Are Mike Bettes' forearms permanently attached to the sides of his body?  And his hands seem to be locked together.   Strange guy.

Reynolds Wolf has huge hands and never seems to know what to do with them.  He also reminds me in looks of the actor who played Herman Munster.

Don't even get me started on TWC's Scorching Car Scale.

This channel has become a joke.

Edited by Bronx Babe
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I'm so glad to have this channel back. Verizon Fios, to great fanfare, dropped them 4 years ago, implying that TWC was trying to bankrupt them with their cost demands. They replaced it with Accuweather, which is absolutely worthless. To no announcement whatsoever, it recently was brought back. I missed the 8 minute local forecasts, and watching the tropical storms.

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