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S03.E11: Of a Demon in My View

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So it ended up being pretty simple to get the tech out of Nolan's head; only Irisa felt any pain. 


Another good Datak/Stahma scene - he was so concerned that she might love Tevgin "you find that attractive (being decent, honorable)" Heh.  I liked that he went to find Yewll but was disappointed he fell for her ploy, was hoping he would be able to help her somehow.  Does he have his weapon with him, maybe he can cut through the bars.  At least we see the vet is alive for now. Speaking of Stahma, I hope the house servant realizes it won't end well if she goes against Stahma.  She wants to marry up, I don't think Alak will feel the same, especially if she sneaks the baby to Stahma.


Well, Kindzi was right about Tevgin being stupid.  Who, except for him, didn't see THAT coming?  Maybe his brain was weakened along with everything else.


I liked Berlin & Irisa working together, though Amanda's initial reaction to her was annoying.  Smart to at least think of covering up.  There'll be VC and Omec being pissed off at Defiance now.

Wakey Wakey Dread Harvest time.


So How many times has Amanda disposed of a body, covered up a murder faked a death or just killed someone herself since the show began.   Whoever gets the job as Mayor after her is going to look at the job description "Must be good at disposal of/hiding of bodies and/or murder" and run for the hills.....or be Datak....or possibility Stahma because I don't think either of those two have any issue with the occasional murder.


Berlin's back!!!!! Which means one of my two OTP's are back together again.   See all you need to bond/mend fences in Defiance is a good body burning.  Its that easy people.  


PapaOmec  "Hate: She learned it from watching me."  Nolan: "Right back atcha fella." 


Stahma's little hand maiden has really come a long way.   She really has gotten good at this.....I'm kinda impressed too.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Well, Kindzi was right about Tevgin being stupid.  Who, except for him, didn't see THAT coming?  Maybe his brain was weakened along with everything else.


I liked Berlin & Irisa working together, though Amanda's initial reaction to her was annoying.  Smart to at least think of covering up.  There'll be VC and Omec being pissed off at Defiance now.


Oh, Papa Purple People Eater, you had just one job. Normally I would have been screaming at the TV "kill her, kill her, KILL HER!" However, I knew that Papa wouldn't kill her, so I just sighed instead. He was just too stupid to live


Petulant Purple People Eater still doesn't scare me. Well, I was concerned when she forced herself on Nolan, because he was in no condition to fight back. Other than that, I just think Petulant is a lame villain. She's definitely cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, though. Yewll bitching her out was wonderful. I could have listened to an entire episode of that.


I did like how after the ark tech was removed, Nolan seemed like himself again. There was an alertness there I think the actor really brought across. He definitely didn't fall for Petulant's story.


I predict Defiance and the Votanis Collective will unite to kill the Omec. Petulant being in charge surely means the end of the Omec race if they are stupid enough to follow her. I suppose it's too much to hope that somebody asks "What happened to Papa?" and decapitates Petulant for killing dad.

I never really cared one way or another about Berlin, so I didn't care that she left or that she came back. I was tired of, "She killed Tommy!" constantly, but not nearly as tired of it as I am and have been of Kindzi. It's like watching a 2-year-old throwing a tantrum constantly. She is annoying, is always up to no good, and the character has no range. I watch her scenes waiting for her to die, and this episode had entirely too much of her. Now I know next week will too. blech


She's not even all that scary, even though I know she is supposed to be, just tiring and boring. I watch her scenes like Katie Holmes' scenes in Ray Donovan, rolling my eyes, wondering why she is there and why I am supposed to care, and thankful when she's off screen. Except Nicole Galicia is a much better actress, her character is just not engaging.

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I did like how after the ark tech was removed, Nolan seemed like himself again. There was an alertness there I think the actor really brought across. He definitely didn't fall for Petulant's story.

Yeah, it was nice to see more of the old Nolan.  Kindzi doesn't realize nothing will stop Nolan checking on Irisa.  Though I thought I saw of bit of man-boob (not judging you, GB!!)

Edited by raven

I never really cared one way or another about Berlin, so I didn't care that she left or that she came back. I was tired of, "She killed Tommy!" constantly, but not nearly as tired of it as I am and have been of Kindzi. It's like watching a 2-year-old throwing a tantrum constantly. She is annoying, is always up to no good, and the character has no range. I watch her scenes waiting for her to die, and this episode had entirely too much of her. Now I know next week will too. blech


She's not even all that scary, even though I know she is supposed to be, just tiring and boring. I watch her scenes like Katie Holmes' scenes in Ray Donovan, rolling my eyes, wondering why she is there and why I am supposed to care, and thankful when she's off screen. Except Nicole Galicia is a much better actress, her character is just not engaging.

I'm a real housewives watcher and she reminds me of half the housewives. She's got the delusions, ego, attitude, and patience of a real housewife. Quite a few housewives have been frequently described as toddlers. So to the show runners I say Bravo! You intended to write an interesting compelling character and instead you wrote a character who can be compared to spoiled self-centered botoxed "socialites."

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Yeah, T'evign's demise was the most obvious thing to ever happen on this show.  I really can't believe he would keep trusting her like that.  Even if he didn't want to kill her, I'm sure there was another way to lock her in her pod for good, and then remove Yewll's implant, so she would no longer be forced to help.  But I guess his speech to Nolan was showing that he blames himself for being a "bad father", and that is why he kept trying to give her chances.  Eh, whatever.  We got to the obvious endgame now: Kindzi is waking up her siblings to unleash terror, and Defiance will probably be front and center.


Not surprised that Berlin returned, since I figured they wouldn't bother making Anna Hopkins a regular, if she was going to cut out now.  Her teaming up with Irisa is a bit of the typical "People who hate each other, are forced to work together" thing, but I'll take that over Irisa-blaming Berlin from the past.  I did crack up over how easily Amanda seemed to forgive her for bailing.  All it takes is dragging bodies to burn to make you get back into Amanda's good graces.  Then again, had Berlin stayed, she might have been incinerated like the rest, so she probably ended up making the right call. 


Oh, Datak.  I knew going after Yewll was going to bite him.  So, now he's been captured and the Omecs are using him and others for their blood?  Not sure how he's going to get out of this one, but I'm sure they'll find some way.  Meanwhile, Stahma is under protection, and is surprised, but impressed, over how her hand maiden is stepping up.  New friend?  New enemy?  New daughter in-law?!


At least Nolan got the Ark tech safely out of him, so there shouldn't be any more hallucinations and random shootings, I hope.

Glad to see Berlin back just so there's another human. 


Nice father to father moment between Nolan & T’evgin, but yeah, it was obvious that Kindzi was going to kill T’evgin. The CGI when she sliced open his stomach was pretty bad. I hope she gets killed off soon because I am so, so tired of her & her quest for lunchables.


They're setting up a battle for Alak between Irisa & the maid (can’t remember her name) for next season I think.


Datak is probably going to use his mechanical arm to escape.


Meanwhile, Stahma is under protection, and is surprised, but impressed, over how her hand maiden is stepping up.  New friend?  New enemy?  New daughter in-law?!


I thought the weaving scene was filled with tension. Ever since the Tarrs got back to Defiance and found Andina luxuriating in the family bath, I've been expecting her to make a move against Stahma. Andina has seemed to be playing for Datak, not Alak.


After Datak left to look for Yewll, I half expected Andina to find a way to kill Stahma. First Datak gives her a gun. Uh-oh! Then I imagined that Andina had discovered Stahma's little pharmaceutical stash and had poisoned the tea. Then Stahma handed her all those little pointy things to weave the Casti spider web. Look out! I got the feeling that when Stahma threw Andina the Alak bone, it saved Stahma's life.


I hope Kindzi pays dearly for killing T'Evgin. And may I say that the spectacle of Kindzi cutting out and eating her father's dripping heart was disgusting. I really don't want to hear any more from that twisted cannibal about "lesser races" and Omec superiority. In the end, though, it's clear that the Omec, including T'Evgin, have to go. Moving to Australia isn't far enough. The next galaxy isn't far enough. Thinking that the newly awakened Omec could ever adapt to a new reality quickly enough to avoid a Dread Harvest was folly on T'Evgin's part. Kindzi's own rejection of that idea should have been enough of a warning. It was like believing you could settle a pack of starved wolves on a farm and expect that a bowl of dog chow will taste better than the chickens and sheep.

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Really enjoyed this one. Still amazed at how well the Omec stuff is working for me. I loved the little celebration thing they did when they detected the radio station. Sure, maybe it looks a little silly, but the way to do something like that is just go for it, no holding back, and they did.


Berlin coming back was random, but then so was her leaving, and besides, they've kind of run out of humans we know anything about.


I thought the weaving scene was filled with tension. Ever since the Tarrs got back to Defiance and found Andina luxuriating in the family bath, I've been expecting her to make a move against Stahma. Andina has seemed to be playing for Datak, not Alak.

I don't know...I don't think Andina gains anything by killing Stahma at this particular point. Before now, it's possible she was angling to be Datak's piece on the side, but marrying Alak can give her an uptick in status that being Datak's mistress could never do. And she clearly gets that Alak would be easier to control than Datak. 


That said, you are right about the tension, but I think that was because there was a negotiation going on. Just great stuff. If Defiance decided to go full blown Casti soap opera all the time, I would be right there with it.


If they follow through on Alak/Irisa, then Andina might have a murder target in Irisa. Which would be a shame, because I don't think Andina comes out of that in one piece. and I really enjoy her character.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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Well, I usually take this show for what it is, and genuinely enjoyed season two and the front half of this season. However, my significant other was in the room when I watched this week's episode, and I think that's the end of him taking me seriously as a consumer of quality television. Or possible taking me seriously at all.

(What the hell was that dance they were doing in the flashback at the end? It was so ... Riff Raff and Magenta.)

Also: dialogue, tortured. I think we turned a corner at some point in the production and everyone started phoning it in, including the writers.

The scene with Andina and Stahma was very pretty, at least, with two beautiful actresses. It didn't occur to me that Andina's end game might be Datak but that would be an interesting twist.


Since the Castithans are supposed to be ethereal and beautiful, I always wonder what happened to Datak. Even his hair is scroungy and bedraggled looking.


I'd forgotten that he killed his men before. He should have had a couple of those paid bodyguards accompany him to Yewll's place. Guy can't seem to keep himself out of prison.

Well, Kindzi was right about Tevgin being stupid.  Who, except for him, didn't see THAT coming?  Maybe his brain was weakened along with everything else.




By now everyone should know -- big tree across the road == ambush.  Back the convoy up at least a half mile, then send heavily armed and armored scouts to check.  Duh.


I'd forgotten that he killed his men before. He should have had a couple of those paid bodyguards accompany him to Yewll's place. Guy can't seem to keep himself out of prison.

I am just this side of being over this show and I think this is the main problem I'm having with it.  The story lines keep taking our characters to places that should be irreparable.  Murder, mass murder, betrayal, the rape-like cutting of skin, insanity and just general garden variety eee-heeevil and skeevy.  Then they hit reboot and everybody just goes along like before.  I wish they had pulled back a little (a lot) along the way and been a bit more subtle with the villainy so it would be believable that these people would still be working together. I don't know how much longer I can hold on.  I was liking papa purple people eater since his jonesin' for pancakes and  saving Momma-Yewell ...which should have been my first clue he was not long for this world.  I'm feeling like Dorothy...people come and go so fast around here. 

Whoever gets the job as Mayor after her is going to look at the job description "Must be good at disposal of/hiding of bodies and/or murder"

Am I the only one who thinks that there won't be any more elections in Defiance (at least not for a long while)?  I get the impression that Amanda has declared herself Queen of Defiance and her word is law.


I don't know...I don't think Andina gains anything by killing Stahma at this particular point. Before now, it's possible she was angling to be Datak's piece on the side, but marrying Alak can give her an uptick in status that being Datak's mistress could never do. And she clearly gets that Alak would be easier to control than Datak. 

Speaking of being a side piece, is that a required duty of a hand maiden?  I know Datak was having sex with the last one but it wasn't clear if it was voluntary on the girl's part.  If not, then yikes!  Bad enough being locked into indentured servitude for life but you're also a sex slave as well.


The scene with Andina and Stahma was very pretty, at least, with two beautiful actresses. It didn't occur to me that Andina's end game might be Datak but that would be an interesting twist.


Since the Castithans are supposed to be ethereal and beautiful, I always wonder what happened to Datak. Even his hair is scroungy and bedraggled looking.

I'm guessing Earth happened.  Being poor and living on a strange planet probably caused him to care less about his appearance.  Also, we've seen several grungy looking Castithans.  The crazy general with the dreads and Skeever come to mind.  I chalk it up to Castithan women (like human women) put more effort into their appearance.  Also, I wouldn't be surprised if their clearly sexist culture strongly encourages Castithan women to look their best at all times.

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Am I the only one who thinks that there won't be any more elections in Defiance (at least not for a long while)? I get the impression that Amanda has declared herself Queen of Defiance and her word is law.


Hey I wouldn't blame her. She lost an election to Datak and then the Earth Republic took over and nothing but horrible bad terrible things have been happening. Declaring herself High Queen may not be very democratic but she is the only one who can actually run Defiance and not turn it into a flaming wasteland.

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Finally caught up. Too much Kindzi for my taste, though I loved Yewell calling her out for her evilness. Kindzi...what an annoying brat. I'm hoping that at least some of the Omec she awakens have some of Papa Omec's nobleness, I can't take too many more psycho purple brats running amok.


So Andina is angling for Alak? Will be interesting to see how that plays out. Stahma looked suitably pleased with that prospect, probably because she sees now that handmaiden has game and is a proper conniving Casti girl. Here's hoping Irisa throws a wrench in those plans.


Nice to see Nolan back in fighting form. Also, love when Amanda's practical side comes out in force.

Finally caught up. Too much Kindzi for my taste, though I loved Yewell calling her out for her evilness. Kindzi...what an annoying brat. I'm hoping that at least some of the Omec she awakens have some of Papa Omec's nobleness, I can't take too many more psycho purple brats running amok.

 I would laugh so hard if one of the other Omec just walked up to Kindzi  smacked  her accroos the face and said "Shut up idiot child I'm in charge now" "Now where is this Australia Tev'gin mentions in his log" and then the Omec can all fly away as far as I care. Unless this story takes some kind of interesting twist in the next episode the Omec have outstayed their welcome IMO.

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Not that this is a bad thing, and frankly, I like my men on the beefy/chunky side, but it's pretty obvious Grant Bowler is carrying a little more body fat than might be expected of an action hero in a post-apocalyptic world. The fact that he was wearing a 'beater and wasn't shirtless emphasized it.

It was very obvious that Papa Omec was this episode's red-shirt and slated for death.

Stahma should be queen of Defiance. Nice callback (if it was) of her weaving her Web as she and Andina talked about Alak and baby Luke.

Is it just me or is the make-up for the Castis all over the place? Sometimes they're white-skinned and other times they definitely look pink-skinned. The only constant seems to be the white hair.

Edited by SmithW6079

Is it just me or is the make-up for the Castis all over the place? Sometimes they're white-skinned and other times they definitely look pink-skinned. The only constant seems to be the white hair.

I think it's intentional, but if it's not, I shrug it off, as even with humans there are variations of shade in every race. Also, on a more technical level, I think the lighting makes quite a difference. When they're filming in Datak and Stahma's brilliantly white house, every Casti looks pretty white (except when eating greasy foods or bathing).

Edited by clanstarling

I think it's intentional, but if it's not, I shrug it off, as even with humans there are variations of shade in every race. Also, on a more technical level, I think the lighting makes quite a difference. When they're filming in Datak and Stahma's brilliantly white house, every Casti looks pretty white (except when eating greasy foods or bathing).

I'm not talking about different characters -- I certainly agree about variations in skin tone among different people -- but about Stahma in particular. She's been everything from pink to ghost white.

I'll bet that makeup isn't very good for her and they've been scaling back for practical reasons. Like Tricia Helfer's platinum blonde hair on Battlestar Galactica. Bleaching it was wrecking her hair so in later seasons she began wearing a wig. I couldn't tell the difference with the hair but Ms Murray's facial makeup is just more obvious.

Edited by CoderLady

I'm not talking about different characters -- I certainly agree about variations in skin tone among different people -- but about Stahma in particular. She's been everything from pink to ghost white.

That's where I noticed and thought the lighting might come in. She looked the pinkest down in the Omec lair, where it was dim. And very white in this last episode in her bright white  home. But it's probably a combination of factors.

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